
# Purpose        : tile points, lines, polygons or rasters based on a polygon map;
# Maintainer     : Tomislav Hengl (tom.hengl@wur.nl)
# Contributions  : ; 
# Dev Status     : Pre-Alpha
# Note           : it works together with FWTools and SAGA GIS if requested;

## create table with tile dimensions...
makeTiles <- function(bb, block.x, block.y, overlap.percent, limit.bbox, columns = NULL, rows = NULL){
  ## number of tiles:
  xn = ceiling(signif(diff(bb[1,]),5)/block.x)
  yn = ceiling(signif(diff(bb[2,]),5)/block.y)

  # number of tiles:
  message(paste("Generating", xn*yn, "tiles..."))  
  xminl = bb[1,1]
  yminl = bb[2,1]
  xmaxl = bb[1,1] + (xn-1) * block.x
  ymaxl = bb[2,1] + (yn-1) * block.y
  xminu = bb[1,1] + block.x
  yminu = bb[2,1] + block.y
  xmaxu = bb[1,1] + xn * block.x
  ymaxu = bb[2,1] + yn * block.y
  b.l <- expand.grid(KEEP.OUT.ATTRS=FALSE, xl=seq(xminl, xmaxl, by=block.x), yl=seq(yminl, ymaxl, by=block.y))
  b.u <- expand.grid(KEEP.OUT.ATTRS=FALSE, xu=seq(xminu, xmaxu, by=block.x), yu=seq(yminu, ymaxu, by=block.y))
  btiles <- cbind(b.l, b.u)
  # expand if necessary:
  btiles$xl <- btiles$xl - block.x * overlap.percent/100
  btiles$yl <- btiles$yl - block.y * overlap.percent/100
  btiles$xu <- btiles$xu + block.x * overlap.percent/100
  btiles$yu <- btiles$yu + block.y * overlap.percent/100
  if(limit.bbox == TRUE){
    ## fix min max coordinates:
    btiles$xl <- ifelse(btiles$xl < bb[1,1], bb[1,1], btiles$xl)
    btiles$yl <- ifelse(btiles$yl < bb[2,1], bb[2,1], btiles$yl)  
    btiles$xu <- ifelse(btiles$xu > bb[1,2], bb[1,2], btiles$xu)
    btiles$yu <- ifelse(btiles$yu > bb[2,2], bb[2,2], btiles$yu)

  # add offset for rgdal (optional):
    btiles$offset.y <- round(rows*(bb[2,2]-btiles$yu)/(bb[2,2]-bb[2,1]))
    btiles$offset.x <- columns + round(columns*(btiles$xl-bb[1,2])/(bb[1,2]-bb[1,1]))
    btiles$region.dim.y <- round(rows*(btiles$yu-btiles$yl)/(bb[2,2]-bb[2,1]))
    btiles$region.dim.x <- round(columns*(btiles$xu-btiles$xl)/(bb[1,2]-bb[1,1]))


.tiles2pol <- function(bb, btiles, proj4string){
  ## get coordinates for each tile:
  coords.lst <- lapply(as.list(as.data.frame(t(as.matrix(btiles)))), function(x){matrix(c(x[1], x[1], x[3], x[3], x[1], x[2], x[4], x[4], x[2], x[2]), ncol=2, dimnames=list(paste("p", 1:5, sep=""), attr(bb, "dimnames")[[1]]))})

  ## create an object of class "SpatialPolygons"
  srl = lapply(coords.lst, Polygon)
  Srl = list()
  for(i in 1:length(srl)){ Srl[[i]] <- Polygons(list(srl[[i]]), ID=row.names(btiles)[i]) }
  pol = SpatialPolygons(Srl, proj4string=proj4string)


## create a tiling system (Polygon map):
setMethod("getSpatialTiles", signature(obj = "Spatial"), function(obj, block.x, block.y = block.x, overlap.percent = 0, limit.bbox = TRUE, return.SpatialPolygons = TRUE){

    stop("'overlap.percent' argument must be a positive number")

  ## check the input bbox:
    stop("Bounding box with two-column matrix required; the first column should contain the minimum, the second the maximum values;\n rows represent the spatial dimensions required")
  bb <- obj@bbox
  btiles <- makeTiles(bb, block.x, block.y, overlap.percent, limit.bbox)

  if(return.SpatialPolygons == TRUE){
    pol <- .tiles2pol(bb=bb, btiles=btiles, proj4string=obj@proj4string)
  } else {
    pol = btiles

  message(paste("Returning a list of tiles for an object of class", class(obj), "with", signif(overlap.percent, 3), "percent overlap"))


## create a tiling system (Polygon map):
setMethod("getSpatialTiles", signature(obj = "ANY"), function(obj, block.x, block.y = block.x, overlap.percent = 0, limit.bbox = TRUE, return.SpatialPolygons = FALSE){

    stop("Object of class \"GDALobj\" required.")
    stop("'overlap.percent' argument must be a positive number")

  ## create bbox:
  bb <- matrix(c(obj[["ll.x"]], obj[["ll.y"]], obj[["ll.x"]]+obj[["columns"]]*obj[["res.x"]], obj[["ll.y"]]+obj[["rows"]]*obj[["res.y"]]), nrow=2)
  attr(bb, "dimnames") <- list(c("x","y"), c("min","max"))
  ## tile using rows and columns:
  btiles <- makeTiles(bb, block.x, block.y, overlap.percent, limit.bbox, rows = obj[["rows"]], columns = obj[["columns"]])

  if(return.SpatialPolygons == TRUE){
    pol <- .tiles2pol(bb=bb, btiles=btiles, proj4string=CRS(attr(obj, "projection")))
  } else {
    pol = btiles

  message(paste("Returning a list of tiles for an object of class", class(obj), "with", signif(overlap.percent, 3), "percent overlap"))


## tile points:
.subsetTiles <- function(x, y, block.x, ...){
      y <- getSpatialTiles(x, block.x = block.x, ...) 
    ## subset by tiles:
    ov <- over(x, y)
    t.lst <- sapply(slot(y, "polygons"), slot, "ID")
    bbox.lst <- lapply(slot(y, "polygons"), bbox)
    message(paste('Subseting object of class \"', class(x), '\"...', sep=""))
    x.lst <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(y)){
      sel <- ov == t.lst[i]
          x.lst[[i]] <- subset(x, subset=sel)
          x.lst[[i]]@bbox <- bbox.lst[[i]]

setMethod("tile", signature(x = "SpatialPointsDataFrame"), .subsetTiles)
setMethod("tile", signature(x = "SpatialPixelsDataFrame"), .subsetTiles)

## tile using the OGR2OGR function:
.clipTiles <- function(x, y, block.x, tmp.file = TRUE, program, show.output.on.console = FALSE, ...){
      program <- .programPath(utility="ogr2ogr")
      y <- getSpatialTiles(x, block.x = block.x, return.SpatialPolygons = FALSE, ...) 
    ## write to shape file:
      tf <- tempfile()
    } else {
      tf <- normalizeFilename(deparse(substitute(x, env = parent.frame())))
    suppressMessages( writeOGR(x, set.file.extension(tf, ".shp"), layer=".", driver="ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer=TRUE) )

    ## clip by tiles:
    x.lst <- list()
    message("Clipling lines using 'ogr2ogr'...")
    for(j in 1:nrow(y)){
        outname <- tempfile()
      } else {
        outname <- paste(normalizeFilename(deparse(substitute(x, env = parent.frame()))), j, sep="_")
      layername <- basename(sub("[.][^.]*$", "", outname, perl=TRUE))
        try(system(paste(program, '-where \"OGR_GEOMETRY=\'Polygon\'\" -f \"ESRI Shapefile\"', set.file.extension(outname, ".shp"), set.file.extension(tf, ".shp"), '-clipsrc',  y[j,1], y[j,2], y[j,3], y[j,4], '-skipfailures'), show.output.on.console = show.output.on.console))
        try(x.lst[[j]] <- readOGR(normalizePath(set.file.extension(outname, ".shp")), layername, verbose = FALSE))
        try(system(paste(program, '-where \"OGR_GEOMETRY=\'Linestring\'\" -f \"ESRI Shapefile\"', set.file.extension(outname, ".shp"), set.file.extension(tf, ".shp"), '-clipsrc',  y[j,1], y[j,2], y[j,3], y[j,4], '-skipfailures'), show.output.on.console = show.output.on.console))
        try(x.lst[[j]] <- readOGR(normalizePath(set.file.extension(outname, ".shp")), layername, verbose = FALSE))

setMethod("tile", signature(x = "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"), .clipTiles)
setMethod("tile", signature(x = "SpatialLinesDataFrame"), .clipTiles)

## tile external raster:
setMethod("tile", signature(x = "RasterLayer"), function(x, y, block.x, tmp.file = TRUE, program, show.output.on.console = FALSE, ...){

    stop("Function applicable only to 'RasterLayer' objects linking to external raster files")

      program <- .programPath(utility="gdalwarp")
      b <- bbox(x)
      pol <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(matrix(c(b[1,1], b[1,1], b[1,2], b[1,2], b[1,1], b[2,1], b[2,2], b[2,2], b[2,1], b[2,1]), ncol=2))), ID="1")), proj4string=CRS(proj4string(x)))
      y <- getSpatialTiles(pol, block.x = block.x, return.SpatialPolygons = FALSE, ...) 
  ## gdalwarp by tiles:
  x.lst <- list()
  message("Clipling raster object using 'gdalwarp'...")
  for(j in 1:nrow(y)){
        outname <- tempfile()
      } else {
        outname <- paste(normalizeFilename(deparse(substitute(x, env = parent.frame()))), j, sep="_")
      try(system(paste(program, shortPathName(normalizePath(filename(x))), set.file.extension(outname, ".tif"), '-te',  y[j,1], y[j,2], y[j,3], y[j,4]), show.output.on.console = show.output.on.console))
      try(x.lst[[j]] <- raster(set.file.extension(outname, ".tif")))

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GSIF documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:44 p.m.