
Defines functions convergeIPM meanLifeExpect varLifeExpect survivorship passageTime varPassageTime stochPassageTime predictFutureDistribution timeToSize R0Calc largeMatrixCalc stochGrowthRateSampleList stochGrowthRateManyCov sens elas sizeToAge

Documented in convergeIPM elas largeMatrixCalc meanLifeExpect passageTime predictFutureDistribution R0Calc sens sizeToAge stochGrowthRateManyCov stochGrowthRateSampleList stochPassageTime survivorship timeToSize varLifeExpect varPassageTime

##### Functions to identify sensible numbers of bins - help file on desktop  with data-frame setup

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convergeIPM<-function(growObj, survObj, fecObj, nBigMatrix, minSize, maxSize, 
		discreteTrans = 1, integrateType = "midpoint", correction = "none", 
		preCensus = TRUE, tol=1e-4,
		binIncrease=5, chosenBin=1, response="lambda"){
	if (response=="lambda") 
		rc <- .convergeLambda(growObj=growObj, survObj=survObj, fecObj=fecObj, 
				nBigMatrix=nBigMatrix, minSize=minSize, maxSize=maxSize, 
				discreteTrans =discreteTrans, integrateType = integrateType, 
				correction = correction, preCensus = preCensus,
	if (response=="R0")	
		rc <- .convergeR0(growObj=growObj, survObj=survObj, fecObj=fecObj, 
				nBigMatrix=nBigMatrix, minSize=minSize, maxSize=maxSize, 
				discreteTrans =discreteTrans, integrateType = integrateType, 
				correction = correction, preCensus = preCensus,
	if (response=="lifeExpect")	
		rc <- .convergeLifeExpectancy(growObj=growObj, survObj=survObj, 
			nBigMatrix=nBigMatrix, minSize=minSize, maxSize=maxSize, 
			discreteTrans =discreteTrans, integrateType = integrateType, 
			correction = correction, 
			tol=tol,binIncrease=binIncrease, chosenBin=chosenBin)



### i.e. life-expectancy and passage time

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#Generic for mean life expectancy
#parameters - an IPM
# returns - the life expectancy for every starting size. 
meanLifeExpect <- function(IPMmatrix){
	nBigMatrix <- length(IPMmatrix@.Data[1,]) #this nBigMatrix actually contains discrete, env, etc
	#tmp <-  ginv(diag(IPMmatrix@nEnvClass*nBigMatrix)-IPMmatrix)
	tmp <-  ginv(diag(nBigMatrix)-IPMmatrix)
	lifeExpect <- colSums(tmp)

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#Generic for variance life expectancy (p119 Caswell)
#parameters - an IPM
# returns - the variance in life expectancy for every starting size. 

varLifeExpect <- function(IPMmatrix){
	nBigMatrix <- length(IPMmatrix@.Data[1,])
	#tmp <-  ginv(diag(IPMmatrix@nEnvClass*nBigMatrix)-IPMmatrix)
	tmp <-  ginv(diag(nBigMatrix)-IPMmatrix)
	#varLifeExpect <- (2*diag(tmp)-diag(length(IPMmatrix[,1])))%*%tmp-(tmp*tmp)
	#varLifeExpect <- colSums(varLifeExpect)
	varLifeExpect <- colSums(2*(tmp%*%tmp)-tmp)-colSums(tmp)*colSums(tmp)                  

# =============================================================================
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#Generic for survivorship
#parameters - IPMmatrix - an IPM
#           - size1 - a size at age 1
#           - maxAge - a maxAge
# returns - a list including the survivorship up to the max age,
#                      this broken down by stage,
#                       and mortality over age 

survivorship <- function(IPMmatrix, loc, maxAge=300){
	nBigMatrix <- length(IPMmatrix@.Data[1,])
	#n <- IPMmatrix@nEnvClass*nBigMatrix
	n <- nBigMatrix
	A1 <- tmp <-  IPMmatrix
	stage.agesurv <- matrix(NA,n,maxAge)
	surv.curv <- rep (NA,maxAge)
	#identify the starting size you want to track - removed - specify bin directly
	#loc <- which(abs(size1-IPMmatrix@meshpoints)==min(abs(size1-IPMmatrix@meshpoints)),arr.ind=T)[1]
	popvec <- matrix(0,n,1)
	popvec[floor(loc),1] <- 1
	for (a in 1:maxAge) {
	mortality <- -log(surv.curv[2:length(surv.curv)]/surv.curv[1:(length(surv.curv)-1)])
	return(list(surv.curv=surv.curv,stage.agesurv=stage.agesurv, mortality = mortality))

# =============================================================================
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#Generic for first passage time 
#parameters - an IPM
#           - a size for which passage time is required            
# returns - the passage time to this size from each of the sizes in the IPM 

passageTime <- function(chosenSize,IPMmatrix){	
	loc <- which(abs(chosenSize-IPMmatrix@meshpoints) ==
					min(abs(chosenSize - IPMmatrix@meshpoints)),arr.ind=TRUE)[1]
	matrix.dim <- length(IPMmatrix[1,])
	Tprime <- IPMmatrix
	Tprime[,loc] <- 0
	Mprime <- 1-colSums(IPMmatrix)
	Mprime <- rbind(Mprime,rep(0,matrix.dim))
	Mprime[2,loc] <- 1
	Bprime <- Mprime%*% ginv(diag(matrix.dim)-Tprime)
	Bprime[2,][Bprime[2,]==0] <- 1
	diagBprime <- diag(Bprime[2,])
	Tc <- diagBprime%*%Tprime%*%ginv(diagBprime)
	eta1 <- ginv(diag(matrix.dim)-Tc)             
	time.to.absorb <- colSums(eta1)
	time.to.absorb[loc:length(time.to.absorb)] <- 0

# =============================================================================
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#Generic for first variance first passage time (not sure!!!)
#parameters - an IPM
#           - a size for which passage time is required            
# returns - the variance passage time to this size from each of the sizes in the IPM 
varPassageTime <- function(chosenSize,IPMmatrix){	
	loc <- which(abs(chosenSize-IPMmatrix@meshpoints)==min(abs(chosenSize-IPMmatrix@meshpoints)),arr.ind=TRUE)
	matrix.dim <- length(IPMmatrix[1,])
	Tprime <- IPMmatrix
	Tprime[,loc] <- 0
	Mprime <- 1-colSums(IPMmatrix)
	Mprime <- rbind(Mprime,rep(0,matrix.dim))
	Mprime[2,loc] <- 1
	Bprime <- Mprime%*% solve(diag(matrix.dim)-Tprime)
	Tc <- diag(Bprime[2,])%*%Tprime%*%ginv(diag(Bprime[2,]))
	eta1 <- ginv(diag(matrix.dim)-Tc)             
	vartimeAbsorb <- colSums(2*(eta1%*%eta1)-eta1)-colSums(eta1)*colSums(eta1)                  

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##Function to estimate Stochastic Passage Time
stochPassageTime <- function(chosenSize,IPMmatrix,envMatrix){
	#get the right index for the size you want
	loc <- which(abs(chosenSize-IPMmatrix@meshpoints)==min(abs(chosenSize-
	#expand out to find that size in every env
	#locs.all <- loc*c(1:IPMmatrix@nEnvClass)
	locs.all <- loc+((IPMmatrix@nBigMatrix)*(0:(envMatrix@nEnvClass-1)))
	matrix.dim <- length(IPMmatrix[1,])
	Tprime <- IPMmatrix
	Tprime[,locs.all] <- 0
	dhat <- 1-colSums(IPMmatrix)
	dhat <- rbind(dhat,rep(0,matrix.dim))
	dhat[2,locs.all] <- 1
	bhat <- dhat%*% solve(diag(matrix.dim)-Tprime)
	Mc <- diag(bhat[2,])%*%Tprime%*%solve(diag(bhat[2,]))
	eta1 <- solve(diag(matrix.dim)-Mc)             
	time.to.absorb <-colSums(eta1)

### Short term changes / matrix iteration functions ##############################################
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## Function to predict distribution in x time-steps given starting
## distribution and IPM (with a single covariate)
#  Parameters - startingSizes - vector of starting sizes
#             - IPM the IPM (Pmatrix if only intrested in grow surv; Pmatrix + Fmatrix otherwise)
#             - n.time.steps - number of time steps
#             - startingEnv - vector of starting env, same length as startingSizes, or length=1
# Returns - a list including starting numbers in each IPM size class (n.new.dist0) and
#                            final numbers in each IPM size class (n.new.dist)
predictFutureDistribution <- function(startingSizes,IPM, n.time.steps, startingEnv=1) {
	# turn starting sizes into the resolution of the IPM bins
	breakpoints <- c(IPM@meshpoints-(IPM@meshpoints[2]-IPM@meshpoints[1]),
	# setup slightly different for coompound or non compound dists
	if (IPM@nEnvClass>1) {
		if (length(startingEnv)==1) startingEnv <- rep(startingEnv, length(startingSizes))
		compound <- TRUE
		env.index <- IPM@env.index
		n.new.dist <- rep(0,length(IPM[1,]))
		for (ev in 1:IPM@nEnvClass) { 			
			index.new.dist <- findInterval(startingSizes[startingEnv==ev],breakpoints,all.inside=TRUE)
			loc.sizes <- table(index.new.dist); 
			n.new.dist[ev==IPM@env.index][as.numeric(names(loc.sizes))] <- loc.sizes
		n.new.dist0 <- n.new.dist
	} else {
		compound <- FALSE
		index.new.dist <- findInterval(startingSizes,breakpoints,all.inside=TRUE)
		loc.sizes <- table(index.new.dist); 
		env.index <- rep(1,length(IPM@meshpoints))
		n.new.dist <- rep(0,length(IPM@meshpoints))
		n.new.dist[as.numeric(names(loc.sizes))] <- loc.sizes
		n.new.dist0 <- n.new.dist
	for (t in 1:n.time.steps) n.new.dist <- IPM@.Data%*%n.new.dist
			ylab="n in each size class", ylim=range(c(n.new.dist0,n.new.dist)))
	if (compound) {
		for (j in 1:max(env.index)) {

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## Function to see how long it takes to get from a starting distribution to an final size
#  Parameters - startingSizes - vector of starting sizes (in any order)
#             - IPM the IPM (just a Pmatrix)
#             - endSize - the end size
#             - startingEnv - vector of starting env, same length as startingSizes, or length=1
#             - maxT - the max number of time-steps tested
#             - propReach - the proportion of the starting pop that have to be > than the endSize for it to count
#                  (plots and returned values of survivorship from preliminary runs will give a notion of how low this has to be)
# Returns - a list containing: ts.dist - the time-series of size distribution
#                              time.reach - the time for n.reach to be at sizes > endSize
#                              survivorship - survivorship over the course of the time elapsed for that pop
timeToSize <- function(startingSizes,IPM,endSize, startingEnv=1, maxT=100, propReach=0.01) {
	cutoff <- which(IPM@meshpoints>endSize,arr.ind=TRUE)[1]
	n.reach <- propReach*length(startingSizes)
	# setup slightly different for coompound or non compound dists
	if (IPM@nEnvClass>1) {
		#if startingEnv is not a vector, assume all start in startingEnv
		if (length(startingEnv)==1) startingEnv <- rep(startingEnv, length(startingSizes))
		compound <- TRUE
		env.index <- IPM@env.index
		n.new.dist <- rep(0,length(IPM[1,]))
		for (ev in 1:IPM@nEnvClass) { 
			index.new.dist <- findInterval(startingSizes[startingEnv==ev],IPM@meshpoints)+1
			index.new.dist[index.new.dist>length(IPM@meshpoints)] <- length(IPM@meshpoints)
			loc.sizes <- table(index.new.dist); 
			n.new.dist[ev==IPM@env.index][as.numeric(names(loc.sizes))] <- loc.sizes
		n.new.dist0 <- n.new.dist
	} else {
		compound <- FALSE
		index.new.dist <- findInterval(startingSizes,IPM@meshpoints)+1
		index.new.dist[index.new.dist>length(IPM@meshpoints)] <- length(IPM@meshpoints)
		loc.sizes <- table(index.new.dist); 
		env.index <- rep(1,length(IPM@meshpoints))
		n.new.dist <- rep(0,length(IPM@meshpoints))
		n.new.dist[as.numeric(names(loc.sizes))] <- loc.sizes
		n.new.dist0 <- n.new.dist
	ts.dist <- matrix(NA,length(n.new.dist),maxT)
	survivorship <- rep(NA,maxT)
	for (t in 1:maxT) { 
		n.new.dist <- IPM@.Data%*%n.new.dist
		ts.dist[,t] <- n.new.dist
		if (!compound) {
			tot <- sum(n.new.dist[cutoff:length(IPM@meshpoints)])
			survivorship[t] <- sum(n.new.dist)/length(startingSizes)
		} else {
			tot <-sumN <- 0
			for (ev in 1:IPM@nEnvClass) {
				tot <- tot+sum(n.new.dist[env.index==ev][cutoff:length(IPM@meshpoints)])
				sumN <- sumN + sum(n.new.dist[env.index==ev])
			survivorship[t] <- sumN/length(startingSizes)
		if (tot>n.reach){
			time.reach <- t
	if (t==maxT) time.reach <- maxT
	plot(IPM@meshpoints,n.new.dist0[env.index==1],type="l",xlab="size", ylab="n", ylim=range(c(n.new.dist0+10,n.new.dist)))
	legend("topleft",legend=c("starting distribution", "final distribution"),col=c(1,2),lty=1,bty="n")
	plot(survivorship[1:t], xlab="Time", ylab="survivorship", type="l")
	if (time.reach>5) { 
		image(as.numeric(IPM@meshpoints),1:time.reach,log(ts.dist),ylab="Time steps", xlab="Size classes", main="numbers in size classes over time")
	print(paste("Time to reach:",time.reach))
	return(list(ts.dist=ts.dist, time.reach=time.reach, survivorship=survivorship))     

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# Calculate R0 
# Parameters - Fmatrix, Pmatrix
# Returns R0
R0Calc<-function(Pmatrix, Fmatrix){
	Imatrix <- matrix(0, length(Pmatrix[1,]), length(Pmatrix[1,])); 
	diag(Imatrix) <- 1
	Nmatrix <- ginv(Imatrix - Pmatrix);
	Rmatrix <- Fmatrix %*% Nmatrix
	ave.R0 <- Re(eigen(Rmatrix)$values[1])

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# Calculate lambda and stable stage dist
# for constant env for really huge matrices
# using Matrix package for numerical efficiency
# Parameters - Amat - an IPM object
#            - tol - tolerance (i.e. precision required)
# Returns list containing lambda and stableStage
largeMatrixCalc <- function(Pmatrix, Fmatrix, tol = 1.e-8){
	A2 <- Matrix(Pmatrix + Fmatrix);
	nt <- Matrix(1,length(Pmatrix[1,]), 1);
	nt1 <- nt; 
	h1 <- diff(Pmatrix@meshpoints)[1]
	qmax <- 1000;
	lam <- 1; 
	while(qmax > tol) {
		nt1 <- A2 %*% nt;
		qmax <- sum(abs((nt1 - lam * nt)@x));  
		lam <- sum(nt1@x); 
		nt@x <- (nt1@x) / lam; #slight cheat  
	nt <- matrix(nt@x, length(Pmatrix[1,]), 1); 
	stableDist <- nt / (h1 * sum(nt)); #normalize so that integral=1
	lamStable <- lam; 
	# Check works   
	qmax <- sum(abs(lam * nt - (Pmatrix + Fmatrix) %*% nt))
	cat("Convergence: ", qmax, " should be less than ", tol, "\n")
	return(list(lam = lam, stableDist = stableDist, h1 = h1)) 

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## Sensitivity of parameters - works for an IPM built out of
## growth, survival, discreteTrans, fecundity and clonality objects.
sensParams <- function (growObj, survObj, fecObj=NULL, clonalObj=NULL,
		nBigMatrix, minSize, maxSize,
		chosenCov = data.frame(covariate = 1), discreteTrans = 1,
		integrateType = "midpoint", correction = "none", 
		preCensusFec = TRUE, postCensusSurvObjFec = NULL, postCensusGrowObjFec = NULL,  
		preCensusClonal = TRUE, postCensusSurvObjClonal = NULL, postCensusGrowObjClonal = NULL,  
		delta = 1e-04, response="lambda", chosenBin=1) {
	if (response!="lambda" & response!="R0" & response !="lifeExpect")
		stop("response must be one of lambda or R0 or lifeExpect")
	nmes <- elam <- slam <- c()
	# get the base
	Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
			chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj,
			survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans, integrateType = integrateType,
			correction = correction)
	if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
		Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
				chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj,
				integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
				preCensus = preCensusFec, survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
	} else {Fmatrix <- Pmatrix*0 }
	if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
		Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
				chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
				integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
				preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
				growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
	} else {Cmatrix <- Pmatrix*0 }
	IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
	if (response=="lambda") rc1 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
	if (response=="R0") rc1 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
	if (response=="lifeExpect") rc1 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
	# 1. survival
	for (j in 1:length(survObj@fit$coeff)) {
		survObj@fit$coefficients[j] <- survObj@fit$coefficients[j] * (1 + delta)
		Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
				minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj,
				survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
				chosenCov = chosenCov, integrateType = integrateType,
				correction = correction)
		if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
			Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
					minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj,
					integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
					chosenCov = chosenCov, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
					survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
		if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
			Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
					chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
					integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
					preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
					growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
		IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
		if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
		if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
		if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
		survObj@fit$coefficients[j] <- survObj@fit$coefficients[j]/(1 + delta)
		slam <- c(slam, (rc2 - rc1)/((as.numeric(survObj@fit$coefficients[j]))* delta))
		elam <- c(elam, (rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 *delta))
		nmes <- c(nmes, as.character(paste("survival:",names(survObj@fit$coeff)[j])))
	# 2 growth
	for (j in 1:length(growObj@fit$coeff)) {
		growObj@fit$coefficients[j] <- growObj@fit$coefficients[j] * (1 + delta)
		Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
				minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj,
				chosenCov = chosenCov, survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
				integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
		if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
			Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
					minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj,
					chosenCov = chosenCov, integrateType = integrateType,
					correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
					survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
		if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
			Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
					chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
					integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
					preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
					growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
		IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
		if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
		if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
		if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
		growObj@fit$coefficients[j] <- growObj@fit$coefficients[j]/(1 + delta)
		slam <- c(slam, (rc2 - rc1)/(as.numeric(growObj@fit$coefficients[j]) * delta))
		elam <- c(elam, (rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
		nmes <- c(nmes, as.character(paste("growth:",names(growObj@fit$coeff)[j])))
	growObj@sd <- growObj@sd * (1 + delta)
	Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
			maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj, survObj = survObj,
			chosenCov = chosenCov, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
			integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
	if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
		Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
				maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj, integrateType = integrateType,
				chosenCov = chosenCov, correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
				survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
	if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
		Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
				chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
				integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
				preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
				growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
	IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
	if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
	if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
	if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
	growObj@sd <- growObj@sd / (1 + delta)
	slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(growObj@sd * delta))
	elam <- c(elam, (rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
	nmes <- c(nmes, "growth: sd")
	# 3. DiscreteTrans
	if (class(discreteTrans)=="discreteTrans") {
		for (j in 1:(ncol(discreteTrans@discreteTrans)-1)) {
			for (i in 1:(nrow(discreteTrans@discreteTrans)-1)) {
				discreteTrans@discreteTrans[i,j]<-discreteTrans@discreteTrans[i,j] * (1 + delta)
				Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
						maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj, survObj = survObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
				if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
					Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
							maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj, integrateType = integrateType,
							chosenCov = chosenCov, correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
							survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
				if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
					Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
							chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
							integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
							preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
							growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
				IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
				if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
				if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
				if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
				discreteTrans@discreteTrans[i,j]<-discreteTrans@discreteTrans[i,j] / (1 + delta)
				slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(discreteTrans@discreteTrans[i,j] * delta))
				elam <- c(elam, (rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
				nmes <- c(nmes, as.character(paste("discrete:",dimnames(discreteTrans@discreteTrans)[[2]][j],"to",dimnames(discreteTrans@discreteTrans)[[1]][i])))
		#if there is more than 2 discrete stages (beyond "continuous" "dead" and one discrete stage)
        #then moveToDiscrete tells you how many of surviving continuous individuals are going into 
		#discrete classes, but how they distributed also; which is the last column in discreteTrans 
		if (nrow(discreteTrans@discreteTrans)>3) {
			for (i in 1:(nrow(discreteTrans@discreteTrans)-2)) {
				discreteTrans@discreteTrans[i,"continuous"]<-discreteTrans@discreteTrans[i,"continuous"] * (1 + delta)
				Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
						maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj, survObj = survObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
				if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
					Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
							maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj, integrateType = integrateType,
							chosenCov = chosenCov, correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
							survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
				if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
					Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
							chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
							integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
							preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
							growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
				IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
				if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
				if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
				if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
				discreteTrans@discreteTrans[i,"continuous"]<-discreteTrans@discreteTrans[i,"continuous"] / (1 + delta)
				slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(discreteTrans@discreteTrans[i,"continuous"] * delta))
				elam <- c(elam, (rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
				nmes <- c(nmes, as.character(paste("discrete: Continuous to",dimnames(discreteTrans@discreteTrans)[[1]][i])))
		for (j in 1:length(discreteTrans@meanToCont)) {
			discreteTrans@meanToCont[1,j]<-discreteTrans@meanToCont[1,j] * (1 + delta)
			Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
					maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj, survObj = survObj,
					chosenCov = chosenCov, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
					integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
			if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
				Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
						maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj, integrateType = integrateType,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
						survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
			if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
				Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
						preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
						growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
			IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
			if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
			if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
			if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
			discreteTrans@meanToCont[1,j]<-discreteTrans@meanToCont[1,j] / (1 + delta)
			slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(discreteTrans@meanToCont[1,j] * delta))
			elam <- c(elam, (rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
			nmes <- c(nmes, as.character(paste("discrete: meanToCont",dimnames(discreteTrans@meanToCont)[[2]][j])))
		for (j in 1:length(discreteTrans@sdToCont)) {
			discreteTrans@sdToCont[1,j]<-discreteTrans@sdToCont[1,j] * (1 + delta)
			Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
					maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj, survObj = survObj,
					chosenCov = chosenCov, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
					integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
			if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
				Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
						maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj, integrateType = integrateType,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
						survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
			if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
				Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
						preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
						growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
			IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
			if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
			if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
			if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
			discreteTrans@sdToCont[1,j]<-discreteTrans@sdToCont[1,j] / (1 + delta)
			slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(discreteTrans@sdToCont[1,j] * delta))
			elam <- c(elam, (rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
			nmes <- c(nmes, as.character(paste("discrete: sdToCont",dimnames(discreteTrans@sdToCont)[[2]][j])))
		for (j in 1:length(discreteTrans@moveToDiscrete$coef)) {
			discreteTrans@moveToDiscrete$coefficients[j]<-discreteTrans@moveToDiscrete$coefficients[j] * (1 + delta)
			Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
					maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj, survObj = survObj,
					chosenCov = chosenCov, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
					integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
			if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
				Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
						maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj, integrateType = integrateType,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
						survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
			if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
				Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
						preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
						growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
			IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
			if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
			if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
			if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
			discreteTrans@moveToDiscrete$coefficients[j]<-discreteTrans@moveToDiscrete$coefficients[j] / (1 + delta)
			slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(as.numeric(discreteTrans@moveToDiscrete$coefficients[j]) * delta))
			elam <- c(elam, (rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
			nmes <- c(nmes, as.character(paste("discrete: moveToDiscrete",names(discreteTrans@moveToDiscrete$coefficients)[j])))
	# 4. Fecundity
	if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
		for (i in 1:length(fecObj@fitFec)) {
			for (j in 1:length(fecObj@fitFec[[i]]$coefficients)) {
				fecObj@fitFec[[i]]$coefficients[j] <- fecObj@fitFec[[i]]$coefficients[j] *
						(1 + delta)
				Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
				Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, integrateType = integrateType,
						correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
						survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
				if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
					Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
							chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
							integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
							preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
							growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
				IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
				if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
				if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
				if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
				fecObj@fitFec[[i]]$coefficients[j] <- fecObj@fitFec[[i]]$coefficients[j]/(1 + delta)
				slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/((as.numeric(fecObj@fitFec[[i]]$coefficients[j]) * delta)))
				elam <- c(elam,(rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
				nmes <- c(nmes,paste("fecundity: func", i, names(fecObj@fitFec[[i]]$coefficients)[j]))
		chs <- which(!is.na(as.numeric(fecObj@fecConstants)), arr.ind = TRUE)
		if (length(chs) > 0) {
			for (j in 1:length(chs)) {
				fecObj@fecConstants[1,chs[j]] <- fecObj@fecConstants[1,chs[j]] * (1 + delta)
				Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
				Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, integrateType = integrateType,
						correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
						survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
				if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
					Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
							chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
							integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
							preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
							growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
				IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
				if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
				if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
				if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
				fecObj@fecConstants[1, chs[j]] <- fecObj@fecConstants[1,chs[j]]/(1 + delta)
				slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(as.numeric(fecObj@fecConstants[1,chs[j]] * delta)))
				elam <- c(elam,(rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
				nmes <- c(nmes,paste("fecundity: constant",names(fecObj@fecConstants)[chs[j]]))
		if (max(fecObj@offspringSplitter)<1) {
			for (j in which(fecObj@offspringSplitter>0)) {
				fecObj@offspringSplitter[j] <- fecObj@offspringSplitter[j] * (1 + delta)
				Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
				Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, integrateType = integrateType,
						correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
						survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
				if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
					Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
							chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
							integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
							preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
							growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
				IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
				if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
				if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
				if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
				fecObj@offspringSplitter[j] <- fecObj@offspringSplitter[j] / (1 + delta)
				slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(as.numeric(fecObj@offspringSplitter[j] * delta)))
				elam <- c(elam,(rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
				nmes <- c(nmes,paste("fecundity: offspringSplitter",names(fecObj@offspringSplitter[j])))
		chs <- which(!is.na(as.numeric(fecObj@fecByDiscrete)), arr.ind = TRUE)
		if (length(chs) > 0) {
			for (j in 1:length(chs)) {
				fecObj@fecByDiscrete[1,chs[j]] <- fecObj@fecByDiscrete[1,chs[j]] * (1 + delta)
				Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
				Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, integrateType = integrateType,
						correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
						survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
				if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
					Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
							chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
							integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
							preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
							growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
				IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
				if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
				if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
				if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
				fecObj@fecByDiscrete[1,chs[j]] <- fecObj@fecByDiscrete[1,chs[j]] / (1 + delta)
				slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(as.numeric(fecObj@fecByDiscrete[1,chs[j]] * delta)))
				elam <- c(elam,(rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
				nmes <- c(nmes,paste("fecundity: fecByDiscrete",names(fecObj@fecByDiscrete)[chs[j]]))
		if (class(fecObj@offspringRel)=="lm") {
			for (j in 1:length(fecObj@offspringRel$coeff)) {
				fecObj@offspringRel$coefficients[j] <- fecObj@offspringRel$coefficients[j] * (1 + delta)
				Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
				Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
						survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
				if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
					Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
							chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
							integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
							preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
							growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
				IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
				if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
				if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
				if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
				fecObj@offspringRel$coefficients[j] <- fecObj@offspringRel$coefficients[j]/(1 + delta)
				slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(as.numeric(fecObj@offspringRel$coefficients[j]) *delta))
				elam <- c(elam,(rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 *delta))
				nmes <- c(nmes, as.character(paste("fecundity: offspring rel ",names(fecObj@offspringRel$coeff)[j])))
			fecObj@sdOffspringSize <- fecObj@sdOffspringSize * (1 + delta)
			Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
					maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj, chosenCov = chosenCov,
					survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans, integrateType = integrateType,
					correction = correction)
			Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
					maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj, chosenCov = chosenCov,
					integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
					preCensus = preCensusFec, 
					survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
			if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
				Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
						preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
						growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
			IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
			if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
			if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
			if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
			fecObj@sdOffspringSize <- fecObj@sdOffspringSize/(1 + delta)
			slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(fecObj@sdOffspringSize * delta))
			elam <- c(elam,(rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
			nmes <- c(nmes, "fecundity: sd offspring size")
# 5. Clonality
	if (!is.null(clonalObj)) {
		for (i in 1:length(clonalObj@fitFec)) {
			for (j in 1:length(clonalObj@fitFec[[i]]$coefficients)) {
				clonalObj@fitFec[[i]]$coefficients[j] <- clonalObj@fitFec[[i]]$coefficients[j] *
						(1 + delta)
				Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
				if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
					Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
							minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj,
							chosenCov = chosenCov, integrateType = integrateType,
							correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
							survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
				Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
						preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
						growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
				IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
				if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
				if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
				if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
				clonalObj@fitFec[[i]]$coefficients[j] <- clonalObj@fitFec[[i]]$coefficients[j]/(1 + delta)
				slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/((as.numeric(clonalObj@fitFec[[i]]$coefficients[j]) * delta)))
				elam <- c(elam,(rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
				nmes <- c(nmes,paste("clonality: func", i, names(clonalObj@fitFec[[i]]$coefficients)[j]))
		chs <- which(!is.na(as.numeric(clonalObj@fecConstants)), arr.ind = TRUE)
		if (length(chs) > 0) {
			for (j in 1:length(chs)) {
				clonalObj@fecConstants[1,chs[j]] <- clonalObj@fecConstants[1,chs[j]] * (1 + delta)
				Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
				if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
					Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
							minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj,
							chosenCov = chosenCov, integrateType = integrateType,
							correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
							survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
				Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
						preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
						growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
				IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
				if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
				if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
				if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
				clonalObj@fecConstants[1, chs[j]] <- clonalObj@fecConstants[1,chs[j]]/(1 + delta)
				slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(as.numeric(clonalObj@fecConstants[1,chs[j]] * delta)))
				elam <- c(elam,(rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
				nmes <- c(nmes,paste("clonality: constant",names(clonalObj@fecConstants)[chs[j]]))
		if (max(clonalObj@offspringSplitter)<1) {
			for (j in which(clonalObj@offspringSplitter>0)) {
				clonalObj@offspringSplitter[j] <- clonalObj@offspringSplitter[j] * (1 + delta)
				Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
				if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
					Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
							minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj,
							chosenCov = chosenCov, integrateType = integrateType,
							correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
							survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
				Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
						preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
						growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
				IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
				if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
				if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
				if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
				clonalObj@offspringSplitter[j] <- clonalObj@offspringSplitter[j] / (1 + delta)
				slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(as.numeric(clonalObj@offspringSplitter[j] * delta)))
				elam <- c(elam,(rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
				nmes <- c(nmes,paste("clonality: offspringSplitter",names(clonalObj@offspringSplitter[j])))
		chs <- which(!is.na(as.numeric(clonalObj@fecByDiscrete)), arr.ind = TRUE)
		if (length(chs) > 0) {
			for (j in 1:length(chs)) {
				clonalObj@fecByDiscrete[1,chs[j]] <- clonalObj@fecByDiscrete[1,chs[j]] * (1 + delta)
				Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
				if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
					Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
							minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj,
							chosenCov = chosenCov, integrateType = integrateType,
							correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
							survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
				Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
						preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
						growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
				IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
				if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
				if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
				if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
				clonalObj@fecByDiscrete[1,chs[j]] <- clonalObj@fecByDiscrete[1,chs[j]] / (1 + delta)
				slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(as.numeric(clonalObj@fecByDiscrete[1,chs[j]] * delta)))
				elam <- c(elam,(rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
				nmes <- c(nmes,paste("clonality: fecByDiscrete",names(clonalObj@fecByDiscrete)[chs[j]]))
		if (class(clonalObj@offspringRel)=="lm") {
			for (j in 1:length(clonalObj@offspringRel$coeff)) {
				clonalObj@offspringRel$coefficients[j] <- clonalObj@offspringRel$coefficients[j] * (1 + delta)
				Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction)
				if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
					Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
							minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj,
							chosenCov = chosenCov, integrateType = integrateType,
							correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
							survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
				Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
						integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
						preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
						growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
				IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
				if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
				if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
				if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
				clonalObj@offspringRel$coefficients[j] <- clonalObj@offspringRel$coefficients[j]/(1 + delta)
				slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(as.numeric(clonalObj@offspringRel$coefficients[j]) *delta))
				elam <- c(elam,(rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 *delta))
				nmes <- c(nmes, as.character(paste("clonality: offspring rel ",names(clonalObj@offspringRel$coeff)[j])))
			clonalObj@sdOffspringSize <- clonalObj@sdOffspringSize * (1 + delta)
			Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
					maxSize = maxSize, growObj = growObj, chosenCov = chosenCov,
					survObj = survObj, discreteTrans = discreteTrans, integrateType = integrateType,
					correction = correction)
			if (!is.null(fecObj)) {
				Fmatrix <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix,
						minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize, fecObj = fecObj,
						chosenCov = chosenCov, integrateType = integrateType,
						correction = correction, preCensus = preCensusFec, 
						survObj = postCensusSurvObjFec, growObj = postCensusGrowObjFec)
			Cmatrix <- makeIPMCmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
					chosenCov = chosenCov, maxSize = maxSize, clonalObj = clonalObj,
					integrateType = integrateType, correction = correction,
					preCensus = preCensusClonal, survObj = postCensusSurvObjClonal, 
					growObj = postCensusGrowObjClonal)
			IPM <- Pmatrix + Fmatrix + Cmatrix
			if (response=="lambda") rc2 <- Re(eigen(IPM)$value[1])
			if (response=="R0") rc2 <- R0Calc(Pmatrix, Fmatrix+Cmatrix)
			if (response=="lifeExpect") rc2 <- meanLifeExpect(Pmatrix)[chosenBin]
			clonalObj@sdOffspringSize <- clonalObj@sdOffspringSize/(1 + delta)
			slam <- c(slam,(rc2 - rc1)/(clonalObj@sdOffspringSize * delta))
			elam <- c(elam,(rc2 - rc1)/(rc1 * delta))
			nmes <- c(nmes, "clonality: sd offspring size")
	names(slam) <- nmes
	names(elam) <- nmes
	return(list(sens = slam, elas = elam))

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Generic approach to get stoch rate
# by sampling list IPM
# Parameters - listIPMmatrix - list of IPMs corresponding to different year types
#            - nRunIn - the burnin before establishing lambda_s
#            - tMax - the total time-horizon for getting lambda_s
# Returns lambda_s (no density dependence)

stochGrowthRateSampleList <- function(nRunIn,tMax,listIPMmatrix=NULL,
					listPmatrix=NULL, listFmatrix=NULL, seedList = NULL,
	if (densDep & (is.null(listPmatrix) | is.null(listFmatrix))){
		stop("Require listPmatrix & listFmatrix for densDep=TRUE")
	if (!densDep & is.null(listIPMmatrix)) {
		stop("Require listIPMmatrix for densDep=TRUE")		
	if (densDep) {
		nmatrices <- length(listPmatrix)
		nBigMatrix <- length(listPmatrix[[1]][,1]) 
	} else { 
		nmatrices <- length(listIPMmatrix)
		nBigMatrix <- length(listIPMmatrix[[1]][,1])
	pEst <- 1
	for (t in 1:tMax) {
		year.type <- sample(1:nmatrices,size=1,replace=FALSE)
		if (densDep) { 
			nseeds <- sum(listFmatrix[[year.type]]%*%nt)
			pEst <- min(seedList[min(year.type+1,nmatrices)]/nseeds,1)
			nt1 <- (listPmatrix[[year.type]]+pEst*listFmatrix[[year.type]])%*% nt
			sum.nt1 <- sum(nt1)
			Rt[t] <- log(sum.nt1)-log(sum(nt))
			nt <- nt1
		} else {
			nt1<-listIPMmatrix[[year.type]] %*% nt	
		res <- mean(Rt[nRunIn:tMax],na.rm=TRUE)

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Approach to get stoch rate
# with time-varying covariates
# Parameters - covariate - the covariates (temperature, etc)
#            - nRunIn - the burnin before establishing lambda_s
#            - tMax - the total time-horizon for getting lambda_s
# Returns lambda_s 

stochGrowthRateManyCov <- function(covariate,nRunIn,tMax,
		nBigMatrix,minSize,maxSize, nMicrosites,
		trackStruct=FALSE, plot=FALSE,...){	
	fecObj@fecConstants[is.na(fecObj@fecConstants)] <- 1 
	tmp.fecObj <- fecObj
	#print("fec.const start")
	#density dep in seedling establishment 
	if (sum(nMicrosites)>0) { dd <- TRUE; seeds <- 10000 } else { dd <- FALSE; p.est <- 1}
	if (trackStruct) rc <- matrix(NA,nBigMatrix,tMax)
	for (t in 1:tMax) {
		if (dd) p.est <- min(nMicrosites[min(t,length(nMicrosites))]/seeds,1) 	
		#if you don't do this, rownames return errors...
		covariatet <- covariate[t,]
		row.names(covariatet) <- NULL
		#but if you have only one column, then it can forget its a data-frame
		if (ncol(covariate)==1) { 
			covariatet <- data.frame(covariatet)
			colnames(covariatet) <- colnames(covariate)	
		tpS <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
				maxSize = maxSize, chosenCov = covariatet,
				growObj = growthObj, survObj = survObj,
				integrateType=integrateType, correction=correction)
		tpF <- makeIPMFmatrix(nBigMatrix = nBigMatrix, minSize = minSize,
				maxSize = maxSize, chosenCov = covariatet,
				fecObj = tmp.fecObj,
				integrateType=integrateType, correction=correction)
		#total seeds for next year 
		if (dd) seeds <- sum(tpF%*%nt)
		IPM.here <- p.est*tpF@.Data+tpS@.Data
		nt1<-IPM.here %*% nt	
		if (!trackStruct){
			if (!dd) { 
			} else {
			}} else {
			rc[,t] <- nt1
	if (trackStruct & plot){
		.plotResultsStochStruct(tVals=1:tMax, meshpoints=tpS@meshpoints,
				st=rc,covTest=covariate, nRunIn = nRunIn,  ...) 	
	if (!trackStruct) {res <- mean(Rt[nRunIn:tMax],na.rm=TRUE); return(list(Rt=res))}
	if (trackStruct) return(list(rc=rc,IPM.here=tpS))

## FUNCTIONS FOR SENSITIVITY AND ELASTICITY ###################################

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
#parameters - an IPM (with full survival and fecundity complement)
# returns - the sensitivity of every transition for pop growth
sens<-function(A) {

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
#parameters - an IPM (with full survival and fecundity complement)
# returns - the elasticity of every transition for pop growth
elas<-function(A) {

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
## Function to get passage time FROM a particular size TO a range of sizes
## (i.e. size to age) when provided with a Pmatrix, a starting size, and a list
## of target sizes
# Parameters - Pmatrix
#            - startingSize
#            - targetSizes
# Returns - list containing vector of targets, vector of corresponding times, and the startingSize
sizeToAge <- function(Pmatrix,startingSize,targetSize) {
  #locate where the first size is in the meshpoints of Pmatrix
  diffv <- abs(startingSize-Pmatrix@meshpoints)
  start.index <- median(which(diffv==min(diffv),arr.ind=TRUE))
  timeInYears <- rep(NA,length(targetSize))
  #loop over to see where its going
  for (k in 1:length(targetSize)) {
    pTime <- passageTime(targetSize[k],Pmatrix)
    timeInYears[k] <- pTime[start.index]

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