
### R code from vignette source 'NMOFdist.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: NMOFdist.Rnw:77-78
options(continue = " ", digits = 3, width = 65)

### code chunk number 2: NMOFdist.Rnw:108-110 (eval = FALSE)
## install.packages("NMOF") ## CRAN
## install.packages("NMOF", repos = "")

### code chunk number 3: NMOFdist.Rnw:115-118
nC <- 2L ## the number of cores to be used

### code chunk number 4: NMOFdist.Rnw:124-127

### code chunk number 5: NMOFdist.Rnw:134-135

### code chunk number 6: NMOFdist.Rnw:142-144 (eval = FALSE)
## whereToLook <- system.file("NMOFex/NMOFdist.R", package = "NMOF")
##, title = "NMOF examples")

### code chunk number 7: NMOFdist.Rnw:157-166
testFun <- function(ignore, delay) {
delay <- 0.01     ## running time of function
n <- 8            ## how many calls per lapply
repl <- 10        ## how many restarts
sq <- seq_len(n)

### code chunk number 8: NMOFdist.Rnw:172-179
cl <- makeCluster(c(rep("localhost", nC)), type = "SOCK")
benchmark(lapply(sq, testFun, delay),                ## serial
          mclapply(sq, testFun, delay),              ## package 'parallel'
          clusterApply(cl, sq, testFun, delay),      ## package 'snow'
          columns = c("test", "elapsed", "relative"),
          order = "relative", replications = repl)

### code chunk number 9: NMOFdist.Rnw:188-192
OF <- function(b, X, y) {
    temp <- X %*% b - y

### code chunk number 10: NMOFdist.Rnw:198-202
ncol <- 10; nrow <- 200
X <- array(rnorm(nrow*ncol), dim= c(nrow,ncol))
y <- rnorm(nrow)
b <- rnorm(ncol)

### code chunk number 11: NMOFdist.Rnw:206-207
OF(b, X, y)

### code chunk number 12: NMOFdist.Rnw:212-217
n <- 50            ## how many calls per lapply
sq <- seq_len(n)
lP <- vector("list", length = n)
for (i in sq)
    lP[[i]] <- b

### code chunk number 13: NMOFdist.Rnw:222-246
snow_with_copying <- expression({
    ignore1 <- clusterApply(cl, lP, OF, X, y)  

lapply <- expression({
    ignore2 <- lapply(lP, OF, X, y)  

snow_without_copying <- expression({
    OF1 <- function(b) {
        temp <- X %*% b - y
    ignore3 <- clusterApply(cl, lP, OF1)

cl <- makeCluster(rep("localhost", nC), type = "SOCK")
clusterExport(cl, list("X", "y"))
          columns = c("test", "elapsed", "relative"),
          order = "relative", replications = 50)

### code chunk number 14: NMOFdist.Rnw:251-253
all.equal(ignore1, ignore2)
all.equal(ignore2, ignore3)

### code chunk number 15: NMOFdist.Rnw:262-288
testFun <- function(x) {
with_loop <- expression(
    sol1 <- bracketing(testFun,
                       interval = c(0.3, 0.9),
                       n = 100L)
with_multicore <- expression(
    sol2 <- bracketing(testFun,
                       interval = c(0.3, 0.9),
                       n = 100L,
                       method = "multicore", 
                       mc.control = list(mc.cores = nC))
with_snow  <- expression(
    sol3 <- bracketing(testFun,
                       interval = c(0.3, 0.9),
                       n = 100L, method = "snow", cl = nC)
          columns = c("test", "elapsed", "relative"),
          order = "relative", replications = 1)

### code chunk number 16: NMOFdist.Rnw:292-294
all.equal(sol1, sol2)
all.equal(sol1, sol3)

### code chunk number 17: NMOFdist.Rnw:304-307
ncol <- 20
nrow <- 100
P <- array(rnorm(nrow * ncol), dim = c(nrow, ncol))

### code chunk number 18: NMOFdist.Rnw:313-315
fun <- function (x, h)
    sort(x, partial = h)[h]

### code chunk number 19: NMOFdist.Rnw:319-321
h <- 5L
fun(P[ ,1L], h)

### code chunk number 20: NMOFdist.Rnw:329-336
loopfun <- function(x, f, ...) {
    ns <- ncol(x)
    fv <- numeric(ns)
    for (i in seq_len(ns))
        fv[i] <- f(x[ ,i], ...)

### code chunk number 21: NMOFdist.Rnw:341-342
loopresult <- loopfun(P, fun, h)

### code chunk number 22: NMOFdist.Rnw:352-359
mat2list <- function(x) {
    listP <- vector(mode = "list", length = ncol(x))
    for (s in seq_len(ncol(P)))
        listP[[s]] <- P[ ,s]
listP <- mat2list(P)

### code chunk number 23: NMOFdist.Rnw:366-370
cl <- makeCluster(c(rep("localhost", nC)), type = "SOCK")
snowresult <- unlist(clusterApply(cl, listP, fun, h))
all.equal(loopresult, snowresult)

### code chunk number 24: NMOFdist.Rnw:375-381
cl <- makeCluster(c(rep("localhost", nC)), type = "SOCK")
benchmark(clusterApply(cl, listP, fun, h),
          loopfun(P, fun, h),
          columns = c("test", "elapsed", "relative"),
          order = "relative", replications = 100)

### code chunk number 25: NMOFdist.Rnw:387-392
ncol <- 200
nrow <- 200
P <- array(rnorm(nrow * ncol), dim = c(nrow, ncol))

system.time(for (i in seq_len(10000L)) fun(P[ ,1L], 10L))

### code chunk number 26: NMOFdist.Rnw:396-397
d <- round(ncol/nC) ## nC is the number of cores

### code chunk number 27: NMOFdist.Rnw:401-404
listP <- vector(mode = "list", length = nC)
for (s in seq_len(nC))
    listP[[s]] <- P[ ,(d*s-d+1):min(ncol, d*s)]

### code chunk number 28: NMOFdist.Rnw:408-415
cl <- makeCluster(c(rep("localhost", nC)), type = "SOCK")
benchmark(snowresult <- clusterApply(cl, listP, loopfun, fun, h),
          loopresult <- loopfun(P, fun, h),
          columns = c("test", "elapsed", "relative"),
          order = "relative", replications = 100)
all.equal(loopresult, unlist(snowresult))

### code chunk number 29: NMOFdist.Rnw:427-449
OF <- function(x, y) {
    sum(x != y)
size <- 20L            ## the length of the string
y <- runif(size) > 0.5 ## the true solution
with_loop <- list(nB = size, nP = 200L, nG = 50L, prob = 0.002,
                  printBar = FALSE, printDetail = FALSE,
                  methodOF = "loop")
with_snow <- list(nB = size, nP = 200L, nG = 50L, prob = 0.002,
                  printBar = FALSE, printDetail = FALSE,
                  methodOF = "snow", cl = nC)
with_multicore <- list(nB = size, nP = 20L, nG = 100L, prob = 0.002,
                       printBar = FALSE, printDetail = FALSE,
                       methodOF = "multicore")

benchmark(GAopt(OF, algo = with_loop, y = y),
          GAopt (OF, algo = with_snow, y = y),
          GAopt(OF, algo = with_multicore, y = y),
          columns = c("test", "elapsed", "relative"),
          order = "relative", replications = 1)

### code chunk number 30: NMOFdist.Rnw:457-459
with_multicore$mc.control <- list(mc.cores = 1L)
system.time(GAopt(OF, algo = with_multicore, y = y))

### code chunk number 31: NMOFdist.Rnw:463-479
OF <- function(x, y) {
    sum(x != y)
size <- 10L; y <- runif(size) > 0.5
algo <- list(nB = size, nP = 20L, nG = 100L, prob = 0.002,
             printBar = FALSE, methodOF = "loop")
t1 <- system.time(sol <- GAopt(OF, algo = algo, y = y))
all.equal(sol$xbest, y)
all.equal(sol$OFvalue, 0)

algo <- list(nB = size, nP = 20L, nG = 100L, prob = 0.002,
             printBar = FALSE, methodOF = "snow", cl = nC)
t2 <- system.time(sol <- GAopt(OF, algo = algo, y = y))
all.equal(sol$xbest, y)
all.equal(sol$OFvalue, 0)

### code chunk number 32: NMOFdist.Rnw:483-484

### code chunk number 33: NMOFdist.Rnw:488-506
OF <- function(x, y, k) {
    sum(x != y)+k
size <- 10L; y <- runif(size) > 0.5; k <- 10
algo <- list(nB = size, nP = 20L, nG = 100L, prob = 0.002,
             printBar = FALSE, printDetail = FALSE,
             methodOF = "loop")
t1 <- system.time(sol <- GAopt(OF, algo = algo, y = y, k = k))
all.equal(sol$xbest, y)
all.equal(sol$OFvalue, k)

algo <- list(nB = size, nP = 20L, nG = 100L, prob = 0.002,
             printBar = FALSE, printDetail = FALSE,
             methodOF = "snow", cl = nC)
t2 <- system.time(sol <- GAopt(OF, algo = algo, y = y, k = k))
all.equal(sol$OFvalue, k)

### code chunk number 34: NMOFdist.Rnw:511-541
testFun  <- function(x) {
    x[1L] + x[2L]^2
lower <- 1:2; upper <- 5; n <- 10
with_loop <- expression(
    sol1 <- gridSearch(fun = testFun,
                       lower = lower, upper = upper,
                       n = n, printDetail = FALSE)
with_multicore <- expression(
    sol2 <- gridSearch(fun = testFun,
                       lower = lower, upper = upper,
                       n = n, printDetail = FALSE,
                       method = "multicore")
with_snow <- expression(
    sol3 <- gridSearch(fun = testFun,
                       lower = lower, upper = upper,
                       n = n, printDetail = FALSE,
                       method = "snow",
                       cl = nC)

benchmark(with_loop, with_multicore, with_snow,
          columns = c("test", "elapsed", "relative"),
          order = "relative", replications = 1)
all.equal(sol1, sol2)
all.equal(sol1, sol3)
all.equal(sol3$minlevels, 1:2)

### code chunk number 35: NMOFdist.Rnw:546-565
testFun  <- function(x, k) {
    x[1L] + x[2L]^2 + k
lower <- 1:2; upper <- 5; n <- 5; k <- 1
sol1 <- gridSearch(fun = testFun, k = k,
                   lower = lower, upper = upper,
                   n = n, printDetail = FALSE)
sol2 <- gridSearch(fun = testFun,k = k,
                   lower = lower, upper = upper,
                   n = n, printDetail = FALSE,
                   method = "multicore")
sol3 <- gridSearch(fun = testFun,k = k,
                   lower = lower, upper = upper,
                   n = n, printDetail = FALSE,
                   method = "snow", cl = nC)
all.equal(sol1, sol2)
all.equal(sol1, sol3)
all.equal(sol3$minlevels, 1:2)

### code chunk number 36: NMOFdist.Rnw:571-590
testFun  <- function(x) {
    x[1L] + x[2L] + runif(1)
lower <- 1:2; upper <- 5; n <- 3
sol2 <- gridSearch(fun = testFun,
                   lower = lower, upper = upper,
                   n = n, printDetail = FALSE,
                   method = "multicore",
                   mc.control = list(mc.set.seed = FALSE))
temp <- sol2$values
sol2 <- gridSearch(fun = testFun,
                   lower = lower, upper = upper,
                   n = n, printDetail = FALSE,
                   method = "multicore",
                   mc.control = list(mc.set.seed = FALSE))
all.equal(sol2$values, temp)

### code chunk number 37: NMOFdist.Rnw:597-615 (eval = FALSE)
## cl <- makeCluster(c(rep("localhost", nC)), type = "SOCK")
## clusterSetupSPRNG(cl, seed =, nC))
## sol3 <- gridSearch(fun = testFun,
##                    lower = lower, upper = upper,
##                    n = n, printDetail = FALSE,
##                    method = "snow", cl = cl)
## stopCluster(cl)
## temp <- sol3$values
## ## ... and again
## cl <- makeCluster(c(rep("localhost", nC)), type = "SOCK")
## clusterSetupSPRNG(cl, seed =, nC))
## sol3 <- gridSearch(fun = testFun,
##                    lower = lower, upper = upper,
##                    n = n, printDetail = FALSE,
##                    method = "snow", cl = cl)
## stopCluster(cl)
## all.equal(sol3$values, temp)

### code chunk number 38: NMOFdist.Rnw:619-635
cl <- makeCluster(c(rep("localhost", nC)), type = "SOCK")
clusterSetupRNGstream(cl, seed =, 6))
sol3 <- gridSearch(fun = testFun, lower = lower, upper = upper,
                   n = n, printDetail = FALSE,
                   method = "snow", cl = cl)
temp <- sol3$values

## ... and again
cl <- makeCluster(c(rep("localhost", nC)), type = "SOCK")
clusterSetupRNGstream (cl, seed =, 6))
sol3 <- gridSearch(fun = testFun, lower = lower, upper = upper,
                   n = n, printDetail = FALSE,
                   method = "snow", cl = cl)
all.equal(sol3$values, temp)

### code chunk number 39: NMOFdist.Rnw:643-655
xTRUE <- runif(5L)
data <- list(xTRUE = xTRUE,  ## the TRUE solution
             step = 0.02     ## step size for neighbourhood
OF <- function(x, data)
    max(abs(x - data$xTRUE))
neighbour <- function(x, data)
    x + runif(length(data$xTRUE))*data$step - data$step/2
x0 <- runif(5L)              ## a random starting solution
algo <- list(q = 0.05, nS = 200L, nT = 10L,
             neighbour = neighbour, x0 = x0,
             printBar = FALSE, printDetail = FALSE)

### code chunk number 40: NMOFdist.Rnw:658-678
with_loop <- expression(
    sols1 <- restartOpt(fun = TAopt, n = 100L,
                        OF = OF, algo = algo, data = data)
with_multicore <- expression(
    sols2 <- restartOpt(fun = TAopt, n = 100L,
                        OF = OF, algo = algo, data = data,
                        method = "multicore")
with_snow <- expression(
    sols3 <- restartOpt(fun = TAopt, n = 100L,
                        OF = OF, algo = algo, data = data,
                        method = "snow", cl = nC)
benchmark(with_loop, with_multicore, with_snow,
          columns = c("test", "elapsed", "relative"),
          order = "relative", replications = 1)
all.equal(length(sols1), 100L)
all.equal(length(sols2), 100L)
all.equal(length(sols3), 100L)

### code chunk number 41: NMOFdist.Rnw:705-706

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NMOF documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:39 p.m.