
### 				          basic operations on repgrid objects      	        		###	 

## S4 methods
# overloading primitive generic "[" getter
# "[" is supposed to function like always, i.e. positive integers for selection
# or reordering negative integers for deletion. These cannot be mixed
# TODO: ?keep single entry as row selection. Normally its column selection e.g. 
# in data frames.

#' Extract parts of the repgrid object.
#' Methods for \code{"["}, i.e., subsetting of repgrid objects. 
#' @aliases [,repgrid-method
#' @docType methods
#' @author Mark heckmann
#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @include repgrid.r
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    x <- randomGrid()
#'    x[1:4, ] 
#'    x[ , 1:3] 
#'    x[1:4,1:3] 
#'    x[1,1]
#' }
setMethod("[", signature(x = "repgrid", i = "ANY", j="ANY"),
  function (x, i, j, ..., drop){
    dots <- list(...)
			layer <- seq_along(dim(x@ratings)[3])   # 1:3
		} else if(!is.numeric(dots[[1]])){			
		  stop("... must be numeric as it is third index for 3D-array.")
		} else if(!any(dots[[1]] %in% 1:3)){
			stop("... must be an integer between from 1 to 3.")
		} else {
			layer <- dots[[1]]
			i <- seq_len(length(x@constructs))				
			j <- seq_len(length(x@elements))
		if(!is.numeric(c(i, j)))                                         # check if i,j are numeric
			stop("All index values must be numeric")
		if(any(is.na(c(i, j))))
			stop("NA values are not allowed as indexes.")               
		if(!((all(i >=0 ) | all(i <= 0)) & (all(j >= 0) | all(j <= 0))))			# check if i and j are each only positive or only negative
			stop("Negative and positive indexes for constructs/elements must not be mixed. ",
			     "A positive index will select an element/construct a negative one will delete it.")
		if(any(i > length(x@constructs)) | any(i == 0))						# check if all indexes do not exceed numer of elements or constructs
			stop("index for constructs is out of range. ",
			     "Index must not exceed the number of constructs or equal zero.")
		if(any(j > length(x@elements)) | any(j == 0))							# check if all indexes do not exceed numer of elements or constructs
			stop("index for elements is out of range. ",
			     "Index must not exceed the number of elements or equal zero.")		
		x@constructs <- x@constructs[i]
		x@elements <- x@elements[j]
		x@ratings <- x@ratings[i, j, layer, drop=FALSE]

# overloading primitive generic "[<-" setter. 
#' Method for "<-" assignment of the repgrid ratings. 
#' It should be possible to use it for ratings on all layers.
#' @aliases [<-,repgrid-method
#' @author  Mark Heckmann
#' @rdname subassign
#' @include repgrid.r
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    x <- randomGrid()
#'    x[1,1] <- 2
#'    x[1, ] <- 4
#'    x[,2] <- 3
#' }
setMethod("[<-", signature(x = "repgrid", i = "ANY", j="ANY", value="ANY"),
  function (x, i, j, ..., value){
    dots <- list(...)
      layer <- 1
    } else if(!is.numeric(dots[[1]])){
      stop("... must be numeric as it is third index for 3D-array")
    } else if(!any(dots[[1]] %in% 1:3)){
      stop("... must be an integer between from 1 to 3")
    } else {
      layer <- dots[[1]]
    if (missing(i)) 
      i <- seq_len(length(x@constructs))        
    if (missing(j)) 
      j <- seq_len(length(x@elements))
    if (!is.numeric(c(i,j)))                      # check if i,j are numeric
      stop("All index values must be numeric")
    if (any(is.na(c(i,j))))
      stop("NA values are not allowed as indexes")
    if (!((all(i >= 0) | all(i <= 0)) & (all( j >= 0) | all(j <= 0))))      # check if i and j are each only positive or only negative
      stop("Negative and positive indexes for constructs/elements must not be mixed.",
           " A positive index will select an element/construct a negative one will delete it")
    if (any(i > length(x@constructs)) | any(i == 0))            # check if all indexes do not exceed numer of elements or constructs
      stop("index for constructs is out of range.", "
            Index must not exceed the number of constructs or equal zero.")
    if (any(j > length(x@elements)) | any(j == 0))              # check if all indexes do not exceed numer of elements or constructs
      stop("index for elements is out of range. Index must not",
            " exceed the number of elements or equal zero.")
    x@ratings[i, j, layer] <- value                               
    # to fill by rows
      #as.vector(matrix(as.vector(value), ncol=length(x@elements), byrow=TRUE))
    # another idea to fill by rows by transposing the part of importance
      # f <- t(d[1:3, 1:2])
      # f[,] <- 1:6
      # d[1:3, 1:2] <- t(f)

#############################      CHANGE POSITIONS      #################################

#' Swap the position of two elements
#' Swap the position of two elements in a grid.
#' @param x     \code{repgrid} object.
#' @param pos1  Column number of first element to be swapped (default=1).
#' @param pos2  Column number of second element to be swapped (default=1).
#' @return \code{repgrid} object.
#' @export
#' @author Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    x <- randomGrid()
#'    swapElements(x, 1, 3)       # swap elements 1 and 3
#'    swapElements(x, 1:2, 3:4)   # swap element 1 with 3 and 2 with 4
#' }
swapElements <- function(x, pos1=1, pos2=1){
	if(!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 							# check if x is repgrid object
  	stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'.")
  if(any(c(pos1, pos2) < 0) | any(c(pos1, pos2)> length(x@elements)))
  	stop("pos1 and pos2 must be bigger than 1 and have number of elements as a maximum")
	if(any(c(pos1, pos2) < 0) | any(c(pos1, pos2)> ncol(x@ratings)))
		stop("pos1 and pos2 must be bigger than 1 and have number of elements as a maximum")
	x@elements[c(pos1, pos2)] <- x@elements[c(pos2, pos1)]
	x@ratings[,c(pos1, pos2),] <- x@ratings[,c(pos2, pos1),] 
  #	x <- e.swopElementPosition(x, pos1=pos1, pos2=pos2)
  #	x <- r.swopRatingsColumns(x, pos1=pos1, pos2=pos2)
# @aliases   swape 
# swape <- swapElements 		# alias
# swopElements <- swapElements
# swopE <- swapElements
# swopElements(rg, 1,3)

#' Swap the position of two constructs.
#' Swap the position of two constructs in a grid.
#' @param x       \code{repgrid} object.
#' @param pos1    Row number of first construct to be swapped (default=1).
#' @param pos2    Row number of second construct to be swapped (default=1).
#' @return        \code{repgrid} object
#' @export
#' @author Mark Heckmann
#' @rdname swapConstructs
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    x <- randomGrid()
#'    swapConstructs(x, 1, 3)       # swap constructs 1 and 3
#'    swapConstructs(x, 1:2, 3:4)   # swap construct 1 with 3 and 2 with 4
#' }
swapConstructs <- function(x, pos1=1, pos2=1){
  if(!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 							# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'.")
	if(any(c(pos1, pos2) < 0) | any(c(pos1, pos2)> nrow(x@ratings)))
		stop("pos1 and pos2 must be bigger than 1 and have number of constructs as a maximum")
	x@constructs[c(pos1, pos2)] <- x@constructs[c(pos2, pos1)] 
	x@ratings[c(pos1, pos2),,] <- x@ratings[c(pos2, pos1),,] 
  # x <- c.swopConstructPosition(x, pos1=pos1, pos2=pos2)
  # x <- r.swopRatingsRows(x, pos1=pos1, pos2=pos2)
# @aliases swapc
# swapc <- swapConstructs   #alias
# swopConstructs <- swapConstructs
# swopC <- swapConstructs
#swopConstructs(rg, 1,2)

#' Swaps the construct poles.
#' Swaps the constructs poles and re-adjusts ratings accordingly.
#' @param x     \code{repgrid} object.
#' @param pos   Row number of construct whose poles are swapped
#' @return      \code{repgrid} object.
#' @note    Please note that the scale of the rating grid has to be set in order to
#'          swap poles. If the scale is unknown no swapping occurs and a warning is 
#'          issued on the console.
#' @export
#' @author Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    x <- randomGrid()
#'    swapPoles(x, 1)     # swap construct poles of construct
#'    swapPoles(x, 1:2)   # swap construct poles of construct 1 and 2
#'    swapPoles(x)        # swap all construct poles
#' }
swapPoles <- function(x, pos){
  if (!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 							# check if x is repgrid object
  	stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'")
  if (missing(pos))  
    pos <- seq_along(x@constructs)
  if (any(pos<=0 | pos > getNoOfConstructs(x)))
	  stop("pos must contains values greater than 0 and equal or less than number of constructs.")
	if (identical(x@scale$min, NA) | identical(x@scale$min, NULL))
	  stop("A min value for the scale has to be defined in order to swap poles.",
	       "To define the scale use setScale(). For more info type ?setScale to the console.")
 	if (identical(x@scale$max, NA) | identical(x@scale$max, NULL))
 	  stop("A min value for the scale has to be defined in order to swap poles.",
 	       "To define the scale use setScale(). For more info type ?setScale to the console.")

	for (i in pos) {
  		tmp <- x@constructs[[i]]$leftpole
  		x@constructs[[i]]$leftpole <- x@constructs[[i]]$rightpole
  		x@constructs[[i]]$rightpole <- tmp	
  # reverse ratings
	nc <- ncol(x@ratings[pos, , ,drop=FALSE])  
	if(!nc==0) {
	  x@ratings[pos, , ] <- x@scale$max - x@ratings[pos, , ,drop=FALSE] + x@scale$min   # TODO: maybe swapping not correct for layers 2 and 3???
# @aliases swapp
# swapp <- swapPoles

#' Move construct or element in grid to the left, right, up or down.
#' Move construct or element in grid to the left, right, up or down.
#' @param x     \code{repgrid} object.
#' @param pos   Row (column) number of construct (element) to be moved.
#'              The default is \code{0}. For indexes outside the range of
#'              the grid no moving is done.
#' @return      \code{repgrid} object.
#' @export
#' @author Mark Heckmann
#' @aliases left right up down
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    x <- randomGrid()
#'    left(x, 2)    # 2nd element to the left
#'    right(x, 1)   # 1st element to the right
#'    up(x, 2)      # 2nd construct upwards
#'    down(x, 1)    # 1st construct downwards
#' }
#' @rdname move
left <- function(x, pos=0){
	if(!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 							# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'.")
	if(!(pos<=1 | pos > getNoOfElements(x) | pos > ncol(x@ratings))){    # no moving if element is in first or last column
		x <- swapElements(x, pos, pos-1)

#' Move element to the right
#' Move element in grid to the right.
#' @param x    repgrid object
#' @param pos  column number of element to be moved to the right
#' @return \code{repgrid} object
#' @export
#' @rdname move
right <- function(x, pos=0){
  if(!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 							# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'.")
	if(!(pos<0 | pos >= getNoOfElements(x) | pos >= ncol(x@ratings))){    # no moving if element is in first or last column
		x <- swapElements(x, pos, pos+1)	
  # x <- e.moveElementRightwards(x, pos=pos)
  # x <- r.moveRatingsColumnRightwards(x, pos=pos)

#' Move construct upwards
#' Move construct in grid upwards.
#' @param x    repgrid object
#' @param pos  row number of construct to be moved upwards
#' @return \code{repgrid} object
#' @export
#' @rdname move
up <- function(x, pos=0){
  if (!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 							# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'")
	if (!(pos<=1 | pos > getNoOfConstructs(x) | pos > nrow(x@ratings))){
		x <- swapConstructs(x, pos, pos - 1)
	# x <- c.moveConstructUpwards(x, pos=pos)
  # x <- r.moveRatingsRowUpwards(x, pos=pos)

#' Move construct downwards.
#' Move construct in grid downwards.
#' @param x    repgrid object
#' @param pos  row number of construct to be moved downwards
#' @return \code{repgrid} object
#' @export
#' @rdname move
down <- function(x, pos=0){
  if (!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 							# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'")
	if (!(pos < 1 | pos >= getNoOfConstructs(x) | pos >= nrow(x@ratings))){
		x <- swapConstructs(x, pos, pos + 1)
  # x <- c.moveConstructDownwards(x, pos=pos)
  # x <- r.moveRatingsRowDownwards(x, pos=pos)

#' Shift construct or element to first position
#' Shifts the whole grid vertically or horizontally so that the order remains
#' the same but the prompted element or construct appears in first position.
#' @param x   \code{repgrid} object.
#' @param c   Index of construct to be shifted to first position.
#' @param e   Index of element to be shifted to first position.
#' @return    \code{repgrid} object.
#' @export
#' @author   Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    # shift element 13: 'Ideal self' to first position
#'    shift(feixas2004, 13)    
#'    x <- randomGrid(5,10)
#'    shift(x, 3, 5)
#' }
shift <- function(x, c=1, e=1){
  if (!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 							# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'")
  if (e < 1 | c < 1)
    stop("Element or construct to be shifted to first position must have",
         " a positive index")
  ne <- length(x@elements)
  nc <- length(x@constructs)
  x[ring(1:nc + c - 1, nc), ring(1:ne + e - 1, ne)] 

#############################      CHANGE CONTENT      #################################

# rating <- function(x, scores=NA, rows=NA, cols=NA){
#   #x <- r.setRatings(x, scores=scores, rows=rows, cols=cols, layer=1)
# }

r.setRatings <- function(x, scores=NA, rows=NA, cols=NA, layer=1, ...){
	if(!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 									# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'.")
	if(is.list(scores) & !is.data.frame(scores))
		stop("scores must not be a list.")
	if(!(is.matrix(scores) | is.data.frame(scores) | is.vector(scores)))		# check if scores is matrix, dataframe or vector
		stop("scores must be matrix, dataframe or vector.")																
	 	scores <- as.matrix(scores)
	if(is.na(rows[1]) & length(rows)==1)
		rows <- 1:nrow(x@ratings)
	if(is.na(cols[1]) & length(cols)==1)
		cols <- 1:ncol(x@ratings)
	if(max(rows) > nrow(x@ratings))
		stop("number of constructs does not exists.")
	if(max(cols) > ncol(x@ratings)){
		stop("number of elements does not exists.")
	x@ratings[rows, cols, layer] <- scores
rating <- r.setRatings

#' clearRatings
#' set certain ratings in grid to NA (unknown)
#' @param x       repgrid object
#' @param rows    rows to be set NA
#' @param cols    columns to be set NA
#' @param layer   layer of ratings to be set NA. Usually not important for the user (default = 1).
#' @return \code{repgrid} object
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @author    Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    ####  TODO  ####
#' }
clearRatings <- function(x, rows=NA, cols=NA, layer=1){
  x[rows, cols, layer] <- NA
#clearRatings(x, 1, 1)

#' Add an element to an existing grid.
#' @param x               \code{repgrid} object.
#' @param name            Name of the new element (character string).
#' @param scores          Numerical ratings for the new element column
#'                        (length must match number of constructs in the grid).
#' @param abbreviation    Abbreviation for element name.
#' @param status          Element status (not yet in use).
#' @param position        An integer at which column the element will be added.
#'                        TODO: Does not work properly yet.
#' @param side            Not yet in use.
#' @return                \code{repgrid} object
#' @export
#' @author                Mark Heckmann
#' @seealso               \code{\link{addConstruct}}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    bell2010      
#'    addElement(bell2010, "new element", c(1,2,5,4,3,6,5,2,7))
#' }
addElement <- function(x, name=NA, scores=NA, abbreviation=NA, status=NA, position=NA, side="pre"){
	if(length(name)>1 | length(abbreviation)>1 | length(status)>1)
		stop("USERINFO: name, abbreviation and status must be of length one")
	if(is.na(position)) position <- ncol(x@ratings)+1
	x <- e.addElements(x, name=name, abbreviation=abbreviation, 
		                 status=status, position=position, side=side) 			# basic element operation
	x <- r.makeNewElementColumn(x, pos=position) 								          # add column to ratings array
	# add scores/ratings	
	if(length(scores)!= length(x@constructs) & !is.na(scores[1]) & length(scores)!=1){
		warning("The number of ratings you entered do not match the number of constructs.")
		scores <- scores[1:length(x@constructs)]					                  # missing scores are filled up with NAs
		x <- rating(x, scores, cols=position)
# x <- makeEmptyRepgrid()
# x <- addElement(x)

#' Add a new construct to an existing grid object.
#' @param x               \code{repgrid} object.
#' @param l.name          Name of the left pole (character string).
#' @param r.name          Name of the right pole (character string).
#' @param scores          Numerical ratings for the new construct row
#'                        (length must match number of elements in the grid).
#' @param l.preferred     Is the left one the preferred pole? (logical).
#' @param r.preferred     Is the right one the preferred pole? (logical).
#' @param l.emerged       Is the left one the emergent pole? (logical).
#' @param r.emerged       Is the right one the emergent pole? (logical).
#' @param position        An integer at which row the construct will be added.
#'                        TODO. Does not work properly.
#' @param side            Not yet in use.
#' @return                \code{repgrid} object.
#' @export
#' @author                Mark Heckmann
#' @seealso               \code{\link{addElement}}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    # show grid
#'    bell2010                                          
#'    addConstruct(bell2010, "left pole", "pole right", c(3,1,3,2,5,4,6,3,7,1))
#' }
addConstruct <- function(x, l.name=NA, r.name=NA, scores=NA, 
						              position=NA, side="pre"){
	if(is.na(position)) position <- length(x@constructs) +1
	x <- c.addConstruct(x, l.name=l.name, l.preferred=l.preferred, l.emerged=l.emerged, 
						   r.name=r.name, r.preferred=r.preferred, r.emerged=r.emerged, 
						   position=position, side=side)
	x <- r.makeNewConstructRow(x, pos=position)
	# add scores/ratings	
	if(length(scores)!= length(x@elements) & !is.na(scores[1]) & length(scores)!=1){
		warning("The number of ratings you entered do not match the number of elements.")
		scores <- scores[1:length(x@elements)]					# missing scores are filled up with NAs
		x <- rating(x, scores, rows=position)			
# x <- makeEmptyRepgrid()
# x <- addConstruct(x)

#### RENAMING ####

#' Set the attributes of an element
#' Set the attributes of an element i.e. name, abbreviation, status etc.
#' @param x         \code{repgrid} object.
#' @param pos       Column number of element in the grid whose attributes 
#'                  are changed.
#' @param name      New element name (optional).
#' @param abb       Abbreviation of element name (optional).
#' @param status    Status of element (e.g. ideal etc.) (optional).
#' @return          \code{repgrid} object
#' @note            Currently the main purpose is to change element names. 
#'                  Future implementations will allow to set further attributes.
#' @export
#' @author          Mark Heckmann
#' @seealso         \code{\link{setConstructAttr}}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    x <- setElementAttr(boeker, 1, "new name")   # change name of first element
#'    x
#' }
setElementAttr <- function(x, pos, name, abb, status){
  e <- x@elements[[pos]]
  if (! missing(name))
    e$name <- name
  if (! missing(abb))
      e$abbreviation <- abb
  if (! missing(status))
      e$status <- status
  x@elements[pos] <- list(e)
# setElementAttr(x, 1)          # no action
# setElementAttr(x, 1, "test")  # new name
# setElementAttr(x, 1, abb="test")  # new abbreviation
# setElementAttr(x, 1, status="ideal")  # new status
# setElementAttr(x, 1, "new name", 
#                 "new abbreviation", "new status")  # all new

#' Set the attributes of a construct
#' Set the attributes of a construct i.e. name, abbreviation, status etc.
#' @param x               \code{repgrid} object.
#' @param pos             Row number of construct in the grid to be changed
#' @param l.name          Name of the left pole (string) (optional).
#' @param r.name          Name of the right pole (string) (optional).
#' @param l.preferred     Logical. Is the left one the preferred pole? (optional).
#' @param r.preferred     Logical. Is the right one the preferred pole? (optional).
#' @param l.emerged       Logical. Is the left one the emergent pole?  (optional). 
#' @param r.emerged       Logical. Is the right one the emergent pole? (optional).
#' @return                \code{repgrid} object
#' @export
#' @author Mark Heckmann
#' @seealso         \code{\link{setElementAttr}}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    x <- setConstructAttr(bell2010, 1, 
#'                  "new left pole", "new right pole")
#'    x
#' }
setConstructAttr <- function(x, pos, l.name, r.name, l.preferred, r.preferred, 
                              l.emerged, r.emerged){
	con <- x@constructs[[1]]
	if (! missing(l.name))
    con$leftpole$name <- l.name
  if (! missing(l.preferred))
    con$leftpole$preffered <- l.preferred
  if (! missing(l.emerged))
    con$leftpole$emerged <- l.emerged
  if (! missing(r.name))
    con$rightpole$name <- r.name
  if (! missing(r.preferred))
    con$rightpole$preffered <- r.preferred
  if (! missing(r.emerged))
    con$rightpole$emerged <- r.emerged   
  x@constructs[pos] <- list(con)

# setConstructAttr(x, 1, l.n="halle")

# MAYBE OBSOLETE as setConstructAttr does the same. 
# modifyConstructs() allows to change the properties of a construct (left and 
# right pole as well as preferred and emergent property). By default the new 
# values get added to the old ones, i.e. specifying l.name only overwrites 
# l.name. If you want to reset all properties use replace=TRUE. Default 
# is NA for all properties.

#' modifyConstruct
#' change the attributes of a construct
#' @param x               repgrid object
#' @param pos             row number of construct in the grid to be changed
#' @param l.name          (optional) name of the left pole (string)
#' @param r.name          (optional) name of the right pole (string)
#' @param l.preferred     (optional) is the left one the preferred pole? (logical)
#' @param r.preferred     (optional) is the right one the preferred pole? (logical)
#' @param l.emerged       (optional) is the left one the emergent pole? (logical)
#' @param r.emerged       (optional) is the right one the emergent pole? (logical)
#' @param replace         should the sttributes be replaced if NA is provided?
#' @return \code{repgrid} object
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    ####  TODO  ####
#' }
modifyConstruct <- function(x, pos, l.name=NA, l.preferred=NA, l.emerged=NA, 
									             r.name=NA, r.preferred=NA, r.emerged=NA,
	if(!inherits(x, "repgrid"))                   # check if x is repgrid object
		stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'")
	cs <- c.makeNewConstruct(x=NULL , 
		x@constructs[pos] <- list(modifyList(x@constructs[[pos]], cs))
	} else x@constructs[pos] <- list(modifyListNA(x@constructs[[pos]], cs))
# TODO: error in show method
#x <- makeEmptyRepgrid()
#x <- c.addConstructs(x, c("Construct 1", "Construct 2"))
#x <- c.modifyConstruct(x, pos=2, r.name="construct 2 right pole")

#' modifyElement
#' change the attributes of an element i.e. name, abbreviation, status etc.
#' @param x             repgrid object
#' @param pos           column number of element in the grid whose attributes are changed
#' @param name          (optional) new name
#' @param abbreviation  (optional) abbreviation of element name
#' @param status        (optional) status of element (e.g. ideal etc.)
#' @param replace       logical. wether to overwrite cuttent settings if NA provided
#' @return \code{repgrid} object
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    ####  TODO  ####
#' }
modifyElement <- function(x, pos, name=NA, abbreviation=NA, status=NA, 
	if(!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 							# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'")
	e <- e.makeNewElement(x=NULL , name=name, 
	                      abbreviation=abbreviation, status=status)
		x@elements[pos] <- list(modifyList(x@elements[[pos]], e))
	} else x@elements[pos] <- list(modifyListNA(x@elements[[pos]], e))
#x <- makeEmptyRepgrid()
#x <- addElements(x, c("Element 1", "Element 2"))
#x <- modifyElement(x, pos=2, name="test")

#' Set the scale range of a grid. The scale must be known for certain 
#' operations, e.g. to swap the construct poles. If the user construes
#' a grid he should make sure that the scale range is set correctly.
#' @param x       \code{repgrid} object.
#' @param min     Minimal possible scale value for ratings.
#' @param max     Maximal possible scale value for ratings.
#' @param step    Steps the scales uses (not yet in use).
#' @param ...     Not evaluated.
#' @return \code{repgrid} object
#' @export
#' @author Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    x <- bell2010
#'    x <- setScale(x, 0, 8)   # not set correctly
#'    x
#'    x <- setScale(x, 1, 7)   # set correctly
#'    x
#' }
setScale <- function(x, min, max, step, ...){         # ... needes for makeRepgrid call
  if(!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 							# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'")
  if (!missing(min)){
    if (any(x@ratings < min, na.rm=TRUE))  # any rating value smaller than min?
      stop("Some ratings are smaller than the min value you entered. ",
            "The setting of the min value in the grid was not performed. ", 
            "Please check the ratings or choose another min value.")
    x@scale$min <- min
  if (!missing(max)){
    if (any(x@ratings > max, na.rm=TRUE))  # any rating value smaller than min?
      stop("Some ratings are bigger than the max value you entered. ",
            "The setting of the max value in the grid was not performed. ", 
            "Please check the ratings or choose another max value.")
    x@scale$max <- max
  if (!missing(step))
    x@scale$step <- step
# setScale(x, min=1, max=5, step=1)

#' Get minimum and maximum scale value used in grid. The values are 
#' returned either as a vector or a list.
#' @param x         \code{repgrid} object.
#' @param output    Type of output object. 1= named vector, 2 = list.
#' @return          Vector or list (depends on \code{output} containing 
#'                  minimum and maximum scale value.
#' @keywords        internal
#' @export
#' @author          Mark Heckmann
getScale <- function(x, output=1){
  if (!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 							# check if x is repgrid object
	  stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'")
	smin <- x@scale$min
	smax <- x@scale$max
	if (output == 1)
	  res <- c(min=smin, max=smax) else 
	if (output == 2)
  	res <- list(min=smin, max=smax)

#' Print scale range information to the console.
#' @param x     \code{repgrid} object.
#' @return      \code{NULL}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @author   Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    showScale(raeithel)
#'    showScale(bell2010)
#' }
showScale <- function(x){
  cat("\nSCALE INFO:\n")
  if(!is.null(x@scale$min) & !is.null(x@scale$max)) {
    cat("The grid is rated on a scale from", x@scale$min, 
  		  "(left pole) to", x@scale$max, "(right pole)\n")#,
  		#  "using steps of", x@scale$step, "\n")
  } else {
    cat("warning: the scale for this grid is not defined.",
        "Certain functions rely on the scale definition.", 
        "To define the scale use setScale().",
        "For more info type ?setScale to the console.\n")

# the slot coupled can be influenced
# If a grid is changed from couled to uncoupled, the data is double but 
# with reflected scales. A sclae range has to be defined for that operations
setCoupled <- function(x, coupled=TRUE){
  if (!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 							# check if x is repgrid object
	  stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'")
	if (isTRUE(x@coupled) & !coupled) {
	  x <- doubleEntry(x)

# x <- bell2010
# x <- setCoupled(x)

### TODO
#' setMeta
#' set meta data of a grid (e.g. id, name of interview partner)
#' @param x     repgrid object
#' @param type  typemof grid in use (rating, ranked, implication)
#' @param id    id of the interview
#' @param name  name of the interview partner
#' @return \code{repgrid} object
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @author   Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    ####  TODO  ####
#' }
setMeta <- function(x, type, id, name){
  if (!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 							# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'")
	if (!missing(type))                 # rating, rank or implication
    x@meta$type <- type
	if (!missing(name))
    x@meta$id <- id
	if (!missing(name))
    x@meta$name <- name
#x <- setMeta(x, id=1, name="John Doe")

#' showMeta
#' prints meta information about the grid to the console (id, name of interviewee etc.)
#' @param x     repgrid object
#' @return \code{NULL} 
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @author   Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    ####  TODO  ####
#' }
showMeta <- function(x){
  cat("\nMETA DATA:\n")
    cat("Grid type: ", x@meta$type, "\n")		  # print Meta data
    cat("Interview id: ", x@meta$id, "\n")		# print Meta data
    cat("Name of interview partner: ", x@meta$name, "\n")
  cat("Number of constructs: ", length(x@constructs), "\n")
  cat("Number of elements: ", length(x@elements), "\n")


#' Make a new repgrid object. The function creates a \code{repgrid}
#' object from scratch. A number of paramters have to be defined in order to
#' make a new grid (see parameters).
#' @param args    Arguments needed for the construction of the grid (list).
#'                These include \code{name} followed by a vector containing 
#'                the element names. \code{l.name} followed by a vector with 
#'                the left construct poles. \code{r.name} followed by a 
#'                vector with the right construct poles. \code{scores} followed
#'                by a vector containing the rating scores row wise.
#' @return        \code{NULL} 
#' @export
#' @author Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    # make list object containing the arguments
#'    args <- list( name=c("element_1", "element_2", "element_3", "element_4"),
#'		              l.name=c("left_1", "left_2", "left_3"),
#'		  	          r.name=c("right_1", "right_2", "right_3"),
#'		  	          scores=c(	1,0,1,0,
#'						                1,1,1,0,
#'						                1,0,1,0	) )
#'    # make grid object
#'    x <- makeRepgrid(args)
#'    x
#' }
makeRepgrid <- function(args){
  x <- makeEmptyRepgrid()	
  l <- c(list(x=x), args)								# make a new repgrid object
  x <- do.call(e.setElements, l)
  l <- c(list(x=x), args)								# make a new repgrid object
  x <- do.call(c.setConstructs, l)
  x <- initRatingArray(x)								# initialize rating array
  l <- c(list(x=x), args)								# make a new repgrid object	
  x[ , ] <- matrix(args$scores, ncol=getNoOfElements(x), by=T)  # to fill matrix rowwise
  #x <- do.call(r.setRatings, l)        # old version
  l <- c(list(x=x), args)								# make a new repgrid object	
  x <- do.call(rg.setCoupled, l)        # if no coupled argument then coupled=TRUE
  l <- c(list(x=x), args)								# make a new repgrid object	
  x <- do.call(setScale, l)             # set scale if min and max arg is provided
# args <- list( name=c("element_1", "element_2", "element_3", "element_4"),
#               l.name=c("left_1", "left_2", "left_3"),
#               r.name=c("right_1", "right_2", "right_3"),
#               scores=c( 1,0,1,0,
#                         1,1,1,0,
#                         1,0,1,0 ),
#               min=0, max=1, coupled=T)
# x <- makeRepgrid(args)
# x <- setScale(x, 0,1)

#' Concatenate the constructs of two grids. I.e. the
#' constructs are combined to form one long grid.
#' This function can be used in order to analyse multiple grids
#' as one 'big grid' (eg. Slater, 1977, chap. 11).
#' @param x       \code{repgrid} object
#' @param y       \code{repgrid} object
#' @param match   Constructs  will only be combined if they refer to the same
#'                set of elements. If the elements are not the same or do not have the
#'                same order no binding is done (if \code{test=TRUE}, default). 
#' @return \code{repgrid} object
#' @references  Slater, P. (1977). \emph{The measurement of intrapersonal space 
#'              by grid technique}. London: Wiley.
#' @note  Currently the grids are joined regardless if the column names are 
#'        identical or not. Handle this function with care and make sure the 
#'        elements of the grids are in the same order. In a future version
#'        automatic testing of construct identity will take place.
#'        TODO: Does not work well yet.
#' @export
#' @author  Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'    a <- randomGrid()
#'    b <- randomGrid()
#'    b@@elements <- rev(a@@elements)   # reverse elements
#'    bindConstructs(a, b)
#'    bindConstructs(a, b, m=F)       # no binding
#' }
bindConstructs <- function(x, y, match=TRUE){
  if (!inherits(x, "repgrid") & !inherits(y, "repgrid")) 	# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("Object x and y must be of class 'repgrid'")
	if (length(x@elements) != length(y@elements))           # check if grid has same number of columns
	  stop("grids x and y do not have the same number of elements")
  names.x <- getElementNames(x)
  names.y <- getElementNames(y)
  if (!all(names.x %in% names.y))
    stop("elements in grid x and y do not have the same set of elements")
  if (match & !identical(names.x, names.y)){  
    y <- y[ ,orderByString(names.x, names.y)]
  } else if (!match & !identical(names.x, names.y)){
    stop("elements are the same but dop not have the same order.",
         "choose reorder=TRUE if you want to allow matching of element positions")
  res <- x
  res@ratings <- abind(x@ratings[ , , , drop=FALSE],  
                       y@ratings[ , , , drop=FALSE], along=1)
  res@constructs <- c(x@constructs, y@constructs)

#' Join the constructs of a grid with the same reversed constructs.
#' @param x \code{repgrid} object
#' @return \code{repgrid} object
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'      data(bell2010)
#'      doubleEntry(bell2010)
#' }
doubleEntry <- function(x){
  bindConstructs(x, swapPoles(x))

#' get number of constructs
#' @param x \code{repgrid} object
#' @return \code{numeric}
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'      getNoOfConstructs(bell2010)
#' }
getNoOfConstructs <- function(x){
  if (!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 	# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("object x and y must be of class 'repgrid'")

#' get number of elements
#' @param x \code{repgrid} object
#' @return \code{numeric} 
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'      getNoOfElements(bell2010)
#' }
getNoOfElements <- function(x){
  if (!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 	# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("object x and y must be of class 'repgrid'")

#' Return size of a grid. \code{dim} returns a numeric vector of length
#' two containing the number of constructs and elements.
#' @param x     \code{repgrid} object.
#' @return      Numeric vector of length two with the number of 
#'              constructs and elements.
#' @export
#' @keywords    internal
#' @author      Mark Heckmann
#' @seealso     \code{\link{getNoOfConstructs}};   \code{\link{getNoOfElements}}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'      dim(bell2010)
#' }
dim.repgrid <- function(x){
  if (!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 	# check if x is repgrid object
 		stop("object x and y must be of class 'repgrid'")
  c(constructs=getNoOfConstructs(x), elements=getNoOfElements(x))

#' Get midpoint of the grid rating scale
#' @param x     \code{repgrid} object.
#' @return      Midpoint of scale.
#' @export
#' @keywords    internal
#' @author      Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'      getScaleMidpoint(bell2010)
#' }
getScaleMidpoint <- function(x){
  if (!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 	# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("object x and y must be of class 'repgrid'")
	(x@scale$max - x@scale$min)/2 + x@scale$min

#' get rating layer
#' @param   x       \code{repgrid} object.
#' @param   layer   layer to be returned.
#' @param   names   extract row and columns names (constructs and elements).
#' @param trim      the number of characters a row or column name is trimmed to 
#'                  (default is \code{10}). If \code{NA} no trimming is done. Trimming
#'                  simply saves space when displaying the output.
#' @return          a \code{matrix} 
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Mark Heckmann
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'      getRatingLayer(bell2010)
#' }
getRatingLayer <- function(x, layer=1, names=TRUE, trim=10){
  scores <- x@ratings[ , , layer, drop=FALSE]       # select layer
  rm <- apply(scores, 2 , I)                        # convert array to matrix 
  if (names) {
    cnames.l <- getConstructNames(x)[ ,1]
    cnames.r <- getConstructNames(x)[ ,2]
    enames <- getElementNames(x)
    if (!is.na(trim)){                              # trim names if prompted
       cnames.l <- substr(cnames.l, 1, trim)
       cnames.r <- substr(cnames.r, 1, trim)
       enames <- substr(enames, 1, trim)
    rownames(rm) <- paste(cnames.l, cnames.r, sep=" - ") 
    colnames(rm) <- enames   

# set status coupled equals TRIE or FALSE. Depending on the setting,
# certain functions will work differently
rg.setCoupled <- function(x, coupled=TRUE, ...){
  if(!inherits(x, "repgrid")) 											# check if x is repgrid object
		stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'.")
  x@coupled <- coupled

#' decouple a grid
#' @param x     repgrid object
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Mark Heckmann
decouple <- function(x){
  if (x@coupled) {
      x <- doubleEntry(x)
      x@coupled <- FALSE

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OpenRepGrid documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:54 p.m.