
Defines functions doIterations proc2subphase phase2.1 storeinFRANstore

## * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
## *
## * Web: http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena
## *
## * File: phase2.r
## *
## * Description: This module contains the functions phase2.1, proc2subphase
## * and doIterations which together perform a robbins-monro stochastic
## * approximation algorithm.
## * phase2.1 and proc2subphase are called from robmon in robmon.r.
## ****************************************************************************/
## args: z: internal control object
##       x: model object (readonly as not returned)

##@storeinFRANstore siena07 Used to avoid Namespace problems with multiple processes
storeinFRANstore <- function(...)
##@phase2.1 siena07 Start phase 2
phase2.1<- function(z, x, ...)
	## require(tcltk)
    #initialise phase2
    if (x$maxlike)
        z$phase2fras <- array(0, dim=c(4, z$pp, 1000))
        z$rejectprops <- array(0, dim=c(4, 4, 1000))
    z$Phase <- 2
    z$writefreq <- 1
    if (!is.batch())
    z$Deriv <- FALSE
	msf <- as.matrix(cov(z$sf)) # as.matrix() just in case z$pp = 1
#	z$sd <- sqrt(diag(msf))
# Instead of the preceding line,
# the following is used for equality with earlier versions.
    z$sd <- sqrt(apply(z$sf, 2, function(x) sum(x^2) / nrow(z$sf) - mean(x)^2))
    z$sd[z$fixed] <- 0
	z$standardization <-
						1/sqrt(diag(as.matrix(z$dinvv %*% msf %*% t(z$dinvv))))
    Report(paste("standardization = ", round(z$standardization,4)), cf)
	if (sum(z$fixed) < z$pp)
		z$sf.invcov <-
		 solve(msf[!z$fixed, !z$fixed] + 0.0001 * diag(z$pp - sum(z$fixed)))
    Report(paste('\nPhase 2 has', x$nsub, 'subphases.\n'), cf)
    z$gain <- x$firstg
    z$reduceg <- x$reduceg
    if (x$nsub <= 0)
        Report('With 0 subphases, there is no phase 2.\n', cf)
        if (z$maxrepeatsubphase >= 2)
            Report(c('Each subphase can be repeated up to', z$maxrepeatsubphase,
                   'times\n'), cf)
        z <- proc2subphase(z, x, 1, ...)
##@proc2subphase siena07 Do one subphase of phase 2
proc2subphase <- function(z, x, subphase, ...)
	## init subphase of phase 2
	z <- AnnouncePhase(z, x, subphase)
	Report(paste("\nStart phase ", z$Phase, ".", subphase, "\n", sep=""), cf)
	if (subphase <= 0)
		z$n2min <- 5
		z$n2max <- 100
		z$n2min <- z$n2minimum[subphase]
		z$n2max <- z$n2maximum[subphase]
	z$repeatsubphase <- 0
		z$repeatsubphase <- z$repeatsubphase + 1
		z$truncated <- rep(FALSE, z$n2max)
		z$positivized <- rep(0, z$pp)
		z$ctime <- proc.time()[3]
		z$time1 <- proc.time()[3]
		z$thav <- z$theta
		z$thavn <- 1
		## cat(z$thav, z$theta, '\n')
		z$prod0 <- rep(0, z$pp)
		z$prod1 <- rep(0, z$pp)
		## ###############################################
		## do the iterations for this repeat of this subphase
		## ##############################################
		z <- doIterations(z, x, subphase, ...)
		if (!z$OK || UserInterruptFlag() || UserRestartFlag() ||
		## end processing for this repeat of this subphase
		## report truncations and positivizations
		if (any(z$truncated))
			msg<- paste('Intervention 2.', subphase,
				'.1: changes truncated, iterations: ',sep='')
			Report(msg, cf)
			Report(which(z$truncated), cf, fill=80)
		if (any(z$positivized >= 1))
			msg <- paste('Intervention 2.',subphase,
				'.2: positivity restriction:\n ',sep='')
			subs <- which((z$positivized) > 0)
			msg <- paste('Positivized: ',
				paste((1:z$pp)[subs], ': ', z$positivized[subs], '; ',
					collapse=' '))
			#            msg<- sapply(subs, function(i, y)
			#                         paste('Observation:', i, 'Coordinate(s):',
			#                               paste((1:z$pp)[y[i,]], collapse = ' ')),
			#                         y = z$positivized)
			Report(msg, cf, fill=80)
		if ((subphase >= 1) && (z$maxacor >= sqrt(2.0 / (z$nit + 1))))
			Report('Note: an autocorrelation is positive at the end',cf)
			Report(' of this subphase.\n',cf)
			prtmat <- z$prod1 / z$prod0
			PrtOutMat(as.matrix(prtmat), cf)
		if ((z$nit >= z$n2max)
			|| (subphase <= 0)
			|| (z$maxacor < 1e-10)
			|| (z$repeatsubphase >= z$maxrepeatsubphase))
	##finalize the subphase
	if (!z$OK || UserInterruptFlag() || UserRestartFlag())
	if (EarlyEndPhase2Flag())
		Report('The user asked for early end of phase 2.\n', outf)
	##    cat('it',z$nit,'\n')
	##recalculate autocor using -1 instead of -2 as error
	ac <- ifelse (z$prod0 > 1e-12, z$prod1 / z$prod0, -1)
	maxacor <- max(-99, ac[!z$fixed]) ##note -1 > -99
	z$theta <- z$thav / z$thavn   # z$thavn = (z$nit + 1)

	Report(paste('Phase ', z$Phase,'.', subphase, ' ended after ', z$nit,
			' iterations.\n', sep = ''), cf)
	if (x$checktime)
		time1 <- proc.time()[[3]] - z$ctime
		subphaseTime <- time1 / z$nit
		Report(paste('Time per iteration in phase ', z$Phase, '.', subphase,
				' = ', format(subphaseTime, nsmall=4, digits=4),
				'\n', sep=''), lf)
	if ((maxacor >= sqrt(2 / (z$nit + 1))) && (subphase >= 1))
		Report('Note. Autocorrelation criterion not satisfied.\n', cf)
	if (EarlyEndPhase2Flag())
	if (subphase == 2 && z$restart) ## this means we restarted in phase 1
		##because of epsilon and need to restart the whole thing again now
		Report('Restart after subphase 2.2 from current parameter values\n', cf)
		Report('because the initial values used ', cf)
		Report('led to questionable epsilon values\n', cf)
		z$fixed[z$newfixed] <- FALSE
		z$restarted <- TRUE
	## For the next subphase:
	if (x$maxlike)
		z$gain <- z$gain * 0.25
		z$gain <- z$gain * z$reduceg
} ##end of this subphase

##@doIterations siena07 Do all iterations for 1 repeat of 1 subphase of phase 2
doIterations<- function(z, x, subphase,...)
	z$nit <- 0
	ac <- 0
	z$maxacor <- -1
	z$minacor <- 1
	xsmall <- NULL
	zsmall <- makeZsmall(z)
	z$returnDeps <- FALSE
	sumfra <- 0.0
		z$n <- z$n+1
		z$nit <- z$nit + 1
		if (subphase == 1 && z$nit == 2)
			z$time1 <- proc.time()[[3]]
		if (subphase == 1 && z$nit == 11)
			time1 <- proc.time()[[3]] - z$time1
			if (time1 > 1e-5)
				z$writefreq <- max(1, round(20.0 / time1))
				z$writefreq <- 20
			z$writefreq <- roundfreq(z$writefreq)
			if (is.batch())
				z$writefreq <-  z$writefreq * 10 ##compensation for it
				## running faster with no tcl/tk
		if ((z$nit <= 10) || (z$nit %% z$writefreq ==0))
			if (is.batch())
				val <- getProgressBar(z$pb)
				increment <- ifelse(z$nit <= 10, 1, z$writefreq)
				Report(paste('Phase ', z$Phase, ' Subphase ', subphase,
						' Iteration ', z$nit,' Progress: ',
						round((increment + val) / z$pb$pbmax * 100),
						'%\n', sep = ''))
				z$pb <- setProgressBar(z$pb, val + increment)
				if (z$nit>1)
					DisplayDeviations(z, fra)
				if  (z$nit %% z$writefreq == 0)
					val <- getProgressBar(z$pb)
					z$pb <-setProgressBar(z$pb, val + z$writefreq)
		zsmall$nit <- z$nit
		if (x$dolby) {zsmall$Deriv <- TRUE} ## include scores in FRAN
		if (z$int == 1) ## then no parallel runs at this level
			zz <- x$FRAN(zsmall, xsmall)
			fra <- colSums(zz$fra) - z$targets
			if (!zz$OK)
				z$OK <- zz$OK
			if (x$dolby)
				## subtract regression on scores;
				## permitted because fra is used in phase2 only for updates
				ssc <- zz$sc # scores;  periods by variables
				ssc <- colSums(ssc) # add over periods
				fra <- fra - (z$regrCoef * ssc)
			zz <- clusterCall(z$cl, simstats0c, zsmall, xsmall)
			if (x$dolby)
				## subtract regression on scores;
				fra <- sapply(zz, function(x){
					ssc <- x$sc # scores;  periods by variables
					ssc <- colSums(ssc) # add over periods
					colSums(x$fra)- z$targets - (z$regrCoef * ssc)
				fra <- sapply(zz, function(x) colSums(x$fra)- z$targets)
			dim(fra) <- c(z$pp, z$int)
			fra <- rowMeans(fra)
			zz$OK <- sapply(zz, function(x) x$OK)
			if (!all(zz$OK))
				z$OK <- FALSE

		## setup check for end of phase. either store or calculate
		if (z$nit %% 2 == 1)
			prev.fra <- fra
			z$prod0 <- z$prod0 + fra * fra
			z$prod1 <- z$prod1 + fra * prev.fra
			ac <- ifelse (z$prod0 > 1e-12, z$prod1 / z$prod0, -2)
			z$maxacor <- max(-99, ac[!z$fixed]) ##note -2 > -99
			z$minacor <- min(1, ac[(!z$fixed) & ac > -1.0])
			z$ac <- ac
			if  (z$nit %% z$writefreq == 0)
		## limit change.  Reporting is delayed to end of phase.
		# The truncation has been different from version 1.1-227 to 1.1-243,
		# due to a misunderstanding.
		# In version 1.1-244 it was changed back to the old Siena 3 way.
		# Except now the threshold is 5 instead of 10.
		# In version 1.1-285 the threshold is made a parameter from sienaModelCreate,
		# still with default 5;
		# and for the case !x$diagg, a multivariate truncation is used.

		if (x$diagg)
			maxRatio <- max(ifelse(z$fixed, 1.0, abs(fra)/ z$sd), na.rm=TRUE)
			# note: this is a number, not a vector
			if (z$pp > sum(z$fixed))
				maxRatio <-
					max(sqrt((t(fra[!z$fixed]) %*% z$sf.invcov %*% fra[!z$fixed]) /
				# the max() is just to turn the (1,1) matrix into a number.
				maxRatio <- 1.0
		if ((is.na(maxRatio)) || (is.nan(maxRatio)))
			maxRatio <- 1.0
		if (maxRatio > x$truncation)
			fra <- x$truncation*fra/maxRatio
			z$truncated[z$nit] <- TRUE
		if (subphase > x$doubleAveraging)
			sumfra <- sumfra + fra
			fra <- sumfra
		if (x$standardizeVar)
			if (x$diagg)
				changestep <- fra / z$sd
				if (x$standardizeWithTruncation)
					changestep <- (as.vector(z$dinvv %*% fra))*pmin(z$standardization, 1)
					changestep <- (as.vector(z$dinvv %*% fra))*z$standardization
			if (x$diagg)
				changestep <- fra / diag(z$dfra)
				changestep <- as.vector(z$dinvv %*% fra)
		changestep[z$fixed] <- 0.0
		fchange <- as.vector(z$gain * changestep)

		## check positivity restriction
		fchange[is.na(fchange)] <- 0
		z$positivized[fchange > z$theta] <- z$positivized[fchange > z$theta] +1
		z$positivized[!z$posj] <- 0
		fchange <- ifelse(z$posj & (fchange > z$theta), z$theta * 0.5, fchange)
		# make step
		if (subphase > x$doubleAveraging)
			zsmall$theta <- (z$thav/z$thavn) - fchange
			zsmall$theta <- zsmall$theta - fchange
		z$theta <- zsmall$theta
		if (!is.null(z$thetaStore))
			if (z$nit <= dim(z$thetaStore)[1])
				z$thetaStore[z$nit,] <- z$theta
		z$thav <- z$thav + zsmall$theta
		z$thavn <- z$thavn + 1
		if (x$maxlike && !is.null(x$moreUpdates) && x$moreUpdates > 0)
			z <- doMoreUpdates(z, x, x$moreUpdates * subphase)
			zsmall$theta <- z$theta
		##check for user interrupt
		if (UserInterruptFlag() || UserRestartFlag() || EarlyEndPhase2Flag())
		## do we stop?
		if (!(is.na(z$minacor) || is.na(z$maxacor)))
			if ((z$nit >= z$n2min && z$maxacor < 1e-10)||
				(z$nit >= z$n2max)
			|| ((z$nit >= 50) && (z$minacor < -0.8) &&
				(z$repeatsubphase < z$maxrepeatsubphase)))

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RSiena documentation built on Sept. 24, 2020, 3 p.m.