
Defines functions doPhase1or3Iterations PotentialNR CalculateDerivative3 phase3.2 phase3

# * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
# *
# * Web: http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena
# *
# * File: phase3.r
# *
# * Description: This module contains the function phase3 which runs final
# * iterations
# * with constant theta for estimating rate parameter, derivative matrix and
# * covariance matrix
# *****************************************************************************/
##args: x model object, z control object
##@phase3 siena07 Does phase 3
phase3 <- function(z, x, ...)
    ## initialize phase 3
    f <- FRANstore()
    z$Phase <-  3
    int <- z$int
    z$returnDeps <- z$returnDepsStored

    if (x$checktime) z$ctime <- proc.time()[3]

    ## fix up iteration numbers if using multiple processors
    if (x$n3 %% int > 0)
        endNit <- x$n3 + int - x$n3 %%int
        endNit <- x$n3
	z$n3 <- endNit
    z$Phase3nits <- endNit

    ## revert to original requested method for phase 3 unless symmetric
    if (z$FinDiff.method && !x$FinDiff.method &&
        (!is.null(z$FinDiffBecauseSymmetric)) && z$FinDiffBecauseSymmetric)
        z$Deriv <- FALSE
        z$FinDiff.method <- TRUE
        z$Deriv <- !x$FinDiff.method
        z$FinDiff.method <- x$FinDiff.method
    if (z$FinDiff.method)
        Report('Estimation of derivatives by the finite difference method.\n\n',
        Report('Estimation of derivatives by the LR method (type 1).\n\n', outf)

	z <- createSiena07stores(z, z$n3, f)
    xsmall<- NULL
    zsmall <- makeZsmall(z)
    if (!x$maxlike && !is.null(z$writefreq))
        if (z$FinDiff.method)
            z$writefreq <- z$writefreq %/% z$pp
            z$writefreq <- z$writefreq %/% 2
        z$writefreq <- roundfreq(z$writefreq)
    z <- AnnouncePhase(z, x)
    Report('Simulated values, phase 3.\n', cf)
    nits <- seq(1, endNit, int)
    nits11 <- min(c(endNit, nits[nits >= 11]))
    writefreq <- z$writefreq
    if (is.null(z$writefreq))
        z$writefreq <- 20
	z <- doPhase1or3Iterations(3, z, x, zsmall, xsmall, nits, 0, nits11,
    z <- phase3.2(z,x)

##@phase3.2 siena07 Processing at end of phase 3
phase3.2 <- function(z, x, ...)
    z$timePhase3 <- (proc.time()['elapsed'] - z$ctime) / z$Phase3nits
    if (x$checktime)
        Report(c('Time per iteration in phase 3   = ',
                 format(z$timePhase3, nsmall=4, digits=4), '\n'), lf)
	z <- CalculateDerivative3(z, x)
	if (!x$simOnly)
		z <- PotentialNR(z, x, FALSE)
    if (any(z$newfixed))
        Report('There was a problem in obtaining convergence.\n', outf)
        Report(c('Therefore, the program decided tentatively to fix',
               c(1:z$pp)[z$newfixed], '.\n'), outf)
        Report(c('It may be better to start all over again,',
                 'with better initial values or a reduced model.\n',
                 '(Check that you entered the data properly!)\n'), outf)
	if ((x$nsub == 0)&(x$simOnly))
	# nothing
        Heading(2, outf, c('End of stochastic approximation algorithm, phase ',
                           z$Phase, '.'))
        Report(c('Total of', z$n,'iterations.\n'), outf)
        Report(c('Parameter estimates based on', z$n - z$Phase3nits,
                 'iterations,\n'), outf)
        if (!x$maxlike && z$cconditional)
            Report(c('basic rate parameter',
                     c('', 's')[as.integer(z$f$observations > 2) + 1],
                     ' as well as \n'), sep='', outf)
 		Report(c('convergence diagnostics, covariance and derivative matrices ',
 				 'based on ', z$Phase3nits, ' iterations.\n\n'), sep='', outf)
        Report('Information for convergence diagnosis.\n', outf)
        Report(c('Averages, standard deviations, ',
               'and t-ratios for deviations from targets:\n'), sep='', outf)
   #  #  Report(c(date(),'\n'),bof)
        if (x$maxlike)
            Report('\nMaximum Likelihood estimation.', bof)
 			if (z$cconditional)
 				Report('\nconditional moment estimation.', bof)

 				Report('\nunconditional moment estimation.', bof)
        Report('\nInformation for convergence diagnosis.\n', bof)
        Report(c('Averages, standard deviations, ',
            'and t-ratios for deviations from targets:\n'), bof, sep='')
        ##calculate t-ratios
        dmsf <- diag(z$msf)
        sf <- colMeans(z$sf)
        toosmall <- dmsf < 1e-20 * z$scale * z$scale
        toosmall2 <- abs(sf) < 1e-10 * z$scale
        dmsf[toosmall] <- 1e-20 * z$scale[toosmall] * z$scale[toosmall]
        tstat <- rep(NA, z$pp)
        tstat[!toosmall]<- sf[!toosmall] / sqrt(dmsf[!toosmall])
        tstat[toosmall & toosmall2] <- 0
        tstat[toosmall & !toosmall2] <- NA
        z$tstat <- tstat
 		# tconv.max = Maximum value of t-ratio for convergence,
 		# for any linear combination.
 		z$tconv.max <- NA
 		if (sum(!z$fixed) > 0)
 			mean.dev <- colSums(z$sf)[!z$fixed]/dim(z$sf)[1]
 			cov.dev <- z$msf[!z$fixed,!z$fixed]
 			if (inherits(try(thisproduct <- solve(cov.dev, mean.dev), silent=TRUE),
 	Report('Overall maximum t-ratio for convergence not computable.\n', outf)
 				z$tconv.max <- sqrt(t(mean.dev) %*% thisproduct)
        mymess1 <- paste(format(1:z$pp,width=3), '. ',
                        format(round(sf, 4), width=8, nsmall=4), ' ',
                        format(round(sqrt(dmsf), 4) ,width=8, nsmall=4), ' ',
                        format(round(tstat, 4), width=8, nsmall=3), sep='')
        mymess2 <- c('', '    (fixed parameter)')[as.numeric(z$fixed) + 1]
        mymess <- paste(mymess1, mymess2)
        PrtOutMat(as.matrix(mymess), outf)
        PrtOutMat(as.matrix(mymess1), bof)
        ##  Report(mymess1, bof, fill=80)
        tmax <- max(abs(tstat)[!z$fixed])
        z$tconv <- tstat
		z$tmax <- tmax
        error <- (is.na(tmax)) ||
						(abs(tmax) > 4.0 / sqrt(z$Phase3nits)) && (abs(tmax) > 0.3)
        if ((is.na(tmax)) || (tmax >= 0.4))
            z$error <- TRUE
 		Report('Good convergence is indicated by the t-ratios ', outf)
        if (any(z$fixed))
 			Report('of non-fixed parameters ', outf)
        Report('being close to zero.\n', outf)
		Report(c('\nOverall maximum convergence ratio = ',
			round(z$tconv.max, digits=4), '.\n'), outf)
        if (z$Phase3nits < 100)
            Report(c('(Since the diagnostic checks now are based only on ',
                     ' iterations,', '\nthey are not reliable.)\n'), sep='', outf)
        if (error) ## also test subphase here but not relevant to phase 3, I think
            Report('One or more of the t-statistics are rather large.\n', outf)
			doubts <- ifelse(is.na(tmax), TRUE, tmax > 0.5)
            if (doubts)
                Report('Convergence of the algorithm is doubtful.\n', outf)
 			## removed repfortotal loop possibility here as not functioning now
            if (z$Phase3nits <= 50)
                Report(c('Note that the standard deviations are based on',
                         'few simulations.\n'), outf)
    if (x$maxlike)
        sfl <- apply(z$sf, 2,
                       function(x)acf(x, plot=FALSE, lag.max=1)[[1]][[2]])
        Report('Autocorrelations during phase 3 : \n', outf)
        Report(paste(format(1:z$pp, width=3), '. ',
                     format(sfl, width=8, digits=4),
                     '\n', collapse="", sep=""), outf)
        Report ('\n', outf)
        Report('Autocorrelations during phase 3 : \n', cf)
        Report(paste(format(1:z$pp, width=3), '. ',
                     format(sfl, width=8, digits=4),
                     '\n', collapse="", sep=""), cf)
        Report ('\n', cf)
    for (j in 1:z$pp)
        if (z$diver[j]) ### don't understand this condition, as AllFixed is true
            Report(c('Warning. Extremely large standard error of parameter',j,
                     '.\n'), outf)
            if (sf[j] < 0.5 * sqrt(dmsf[j]))
                Report('Presumably this parameter must be fixed.\n', outf)
                Report('Maybe the algorithm diverged.\n', outf)
	errorMessage.cov <- ''
	if (!x$simOnly)
		if (x$maxlike)
			Report('Estimated complete data information matrix: \n', cf)
			PrtOutMat(z$dfra, cf)
			Report(c('Estimated conditional covariance matrix score function ',
				'(unobserved information):\n'), cf)
			PrtOutMat(z$msf, cf)
			Report('\n', cf)
			dfrac <- z$dfra - z$msf
			## dfrac[z$fixed[row(dfrac)] | z$fixed[col(dfrac)]] <- 0
			## a clever way to do it
			dfrac[z$fixed, ] <- 0
			dfrac[ ,z$fixed] <- 0
			diag(dfrac)[z$fixed] <- 1
			if (inherits(try(cov.est <- solve(dfrac), silent=TRUE),"try-error"))
				Report('Noninvertible estimated covariance matrix : \n', outf)
	errorMessage.cov <- '***Warning: linear dependencies between statistics ***'
				cov.est <- NA * dfrac
			cov.est <- z$dinv %*% z$msfc %*% t(z$dinv)
		error <- FALSE
		ei <- eigen(z$msfc)
		mineivalue <- min(ei[[1]])
		if ((mineivalue < 1e-12) && (x$n3 > z$pp + 20)) # 1e-12 seems a small enough bound
			Report('*** Warning: Covariance matrix not positive definite *** \n', outf)
			Report('***            Standard errors not reliable           *** \n', outf)
			maxei <- max(abs(ei[[2]][,z$pp]))
			# last eigenvector corresponds to smallest eigenvalue
			smallei <- ei[[2]][,z$pp]/maxei
			 'The approximate linear combination that has variance 0 is\n', outf)
			thetext <- paste(round(smallei,2)[which(abs(smallei) > 0.1)],
							' * beta[',
							(1:z$pp)[which(abs(smallei) > 0.1)], ']',
							sep="", collapse=" + ")
			Report(thetext, outf)
			fromBayes <- 'fromBayes' %in% names(x)
			if (!fromBayes)
				warning('*** Warning: Covariance matrix not positive definite *** \n')
				message('*** Standard errors not reliable ***')
				message('The following is approximately a linear combination ')
				message('for which the data carries no information:\n', thetext)
				message('It is advisable to drop one or more of these effects.')
				if (any(z$fixed || any(z$newfixed)))
					Report(c('(This may be unimportant, and related to the fact\n',
							'that some parameters are fixed.)\n'), outf)
					Report('Do not use any reported standard errors.\n', outf)
					errorMessage.cov <- '*** Warning: Noninvertible estimated covariance matrix ***'
			cov.est <- NA * z$msfc
		if (!is.null(cov.est))
			zerovar <- ((diag(cov.est) < 1e-9) | (is.na(diag(cov.est))))
			z$diver <- (z$fixed | z$diver | zerovar) & (!z$AllUserFixed)
			cov.est[z$diver, ] <- NA
			cov.est[, z$diver] <- NA
		z$covtheta <- cov.est
	z$errorMessage.cov <- errorMessage.cov
	z$sf.invcov <- NULL
	## ans<-InstabilityAnalysis(z)

##@CalculateDerivative3 siena07 Calculates derivative at end of phase 3
CalculateDerivative3<- function(z,x)
	z$mnfra <- colMeans(z$sf)
	estMeans <- z$mnfra + z$targets
	z$regrCoef <- rep(0, z$pp)
	z$regrCor <- rep(0, z$pp)
	if (z$FinDiff.method || x$maxlike)
		dfra <- t(as.matrix(Reduce("+", z$sdf) / length(z$sdf)))
		dfra <- derivativeFromScoresAndDeviations(z$ssc, z$sf2,
			z$dfras, z$sscs, z$sf2s, z$sf2.byIteration, z$Phase3nits)
		if (any(diag(dfra) < 0))
			sub <- which(diag(dfra) < 0)
			dfra[sub,] <- 0
			dfra[,sub] <- 0
			dfra[sub, sub] <- 1
			Report(c("Warning: diagonal element(s)", sub,
					" of derivative matrix < 0\n"), cf)
			if (z$sf2.byIteration)
				scores <- apply(z$ssc, c(1,3), sum)  # z$nit by z$pp matrix
				scores <- z$scores
			for (i in 1:z$pp)
				oldwarn <- getOption("warn")
				options(warn = -1)
				if ((var(scores[,i]) > 0)&&(var(z$sf[,i]) > 0))
					z$regrCoef[i] <- cov(z$sf[,i], scores[,i])/var(scores[,i])
					z$regrCor[i] <- cor(z$sf[,i], scores[,i])
				if (is.na(z$regrCor[i])){z$regrCor[i] <- 0}
				if (is.na(z$regrCoef[i])){z$regrCoef[i] <- 0}
				options(warn = oldwarn)
		if (x$dolby)
			estMeans <- estMeans - (z$regrCoef * colMeans(scores))
		Report('Correlations between scores and statistics:\n', cf)
		PrtOutMat(format(as.matrix(t(z$regrCor)), digits = 2, nsmall = 2), cf)
	z$estMeans <- estMeans
	z$diver <- rep(FALSE, z$pp)
	if (z$AllUserFixed & any(abs(diag(dfra)) < 1e-6))
		z$diver[abs(diag(dfra)) < 1e-6] <- TRUE
	z$msf <- cov(z$sf)
	z$dfra1 <- z$dfra
	z$dfra <- dfra
	if (x$simOnly)
		dmsf <- diag(z$msf)
		sem <- sqrt(dmsf/dim(z$sf)[1])
		if ((x$dolby) & (!z$thetaFromFile))
			sem <- sem*sqrt(1 - (z$regrCor)^2)
		z$estMeans.sem <- sem

##@PotentialNR siena07 Calculates change if NR step done now
PotentialNR <-function(z,x,MakeStep=FALSE)
	z$dfrac <- z$dfra
	z$msfc <- z$msf
	if (!z$AllUserFixed)
		z$dfrac[z$fixed, ] <- 0
		z$dfrac[, z$fixed] <- 0
		diag(z$dfrac)[z$fixed]<- 1
		z$msfc[z$fixed, ] <- 0
		z$msfc[, z$fixed] <- 0
		diag(z$msfc)[z$fixed] <- 1
	if (inherits(try(dinv <- solve(z$dfrac), silent=TRUE), "try-error"))
		Report('Error message from inversion of dfra: \n', cf)
		diag(z$dfrac) <- diag(z$dfrac)+0.1*z$scale
		Report('Intervention 3.4: ridge added after phase 3.\n', cf)
		if (inherits(try(dinv <- solve(z$dfrac), silent=TRUE), "try-error"))
			Report(c('Warning. After phase 3, derivative matrix non-invertible',
					'even with a ridge.\n'), cf)
			z$errorMessage.cov <- '*** Warning: Noninvertible derivative matrix ***'
			fchange <- 0
			z$dinv <- z$dfrac
			z$dinv[,] <- NA # 999
			fchange <- dinv %*% colMeans(z$sf)
			z$dinv <- dinv
		fchange <- dinv%*%colMeans(z$sf)
		z$dinv <- dinv
	z$fchange <- fchange
	Report('dfrac :\n', cf)
	PrtOutMat(z$dfrac, cf)
	Report('inverse of dfra :\n', cf)
	PrtOutMat(z$dinv, cf)
	try(if (x$errorMessage.cov > '') {Report(z$errorMessage.cov, cf)}, silent=TRUE)
	# "Try" for downward compatilibity
	Report(c('A full Quasi-Newton-Raphson step after phase 3\n',
			'would add the following numbers to the parameters, yielding ',
			'the following results:\n'), sep='', cf)
	Report('         change     new value \n', cf)
	Report(c(paste('  ', format(1:z$pp, width=2), '. ',
				format(round(-fchange, digits=6), width=12, nsmall=6),
				format(round(z$theta - fchange, 6), width=12, nsmall=6),
				sep='', collapse='\n'), '\n'), cf)
	if (MakeStep) ##currently not used
		Report(c('\nAt the end of phase ', z$phase,
				', parameter values are \n'), outf)
		Report(paste(1:z$pp,'. ',format(z$theta,width=18,digits=6)),outf)
		try(Report(z$errorMessage.cov, outf), silent=TRUE)
		Report(c('A full Quasi-Newton-Raphson step after phase 3\n',
				'would add the ',
				'following numbers to the parameters:\n'), outf)
		Report(paste(1:z$pp, '. ', format(-round(fchange, 6), width=12)), outf)
		Report('\n\n', outf)
		if (z$SomeFixed)
			fchange[z$fixed] <- 0
		##check positivity
		if (z$anyposj)
			neg <- z$posj & fchange >= z$theta
			fchange[neg] <- 0.5 * z$theta[neg]
			Report(c('Intervention 3.4.3: positivity restriction after phase 3',
					'coordinate(s)', neg, '.\n'), cf)

doPhase1or3Iterations <- function(phase, z, x, zsmall, xsmall, nits, nits6=0,
	nits11=0, writefreq)
	int <- z$int
	nWaves <- z$observations - 1
	for (nit in nits)
		z$nit <- nit
		## initial steps differ between phases
		if (phase == 1)
			if (length(nits) > 1 && nit == nits[2])
				time1 <- proc.time()['elapsed']
				if (x$checktime)
					z$ctime <- time1
			if (nit == nits6)
				time1 <- proc.time()['elapsed']-time1
				if (time1 > 1e-5)
					z$writefreq <- round(20.0/time1)
					z$writefreq <- 5
				if (is.batch())
					z$writefreq <- 10 * z$writefreq
				z$writefreq <- roundfreq(z$writefreq)
			if (nit > nits6 && is.null(z$ctime))
				time1 <- proc.time()['elapsed']
				if (x$checktime)
					z$ctime <- time1
		else ## phase 3
			if (is.null(writefreq))
				if (nit == nits[2])
					z$time1 <- proc.time()[[3]]
				else if (nit == nits11)
					time1 <- proc.time()[[3]] - z$time1
					if (time1 > 1e-5)
						z$writefreq <- max(1, round(20.0 / time1))
						z$writefreq <- 20
					if (is.batch())
						z$writefreq <-  z$writefreq * 5 ##compensation for it
						## running faster with no tcl/tk
					z$writefreq <- roundfreq(z$writefreq)
					writefreq <- z$writefreq
			if (nit <= 5 || nit == 10 || (int==1 && nit %% z$writefreq == 0 ) ||
				(int > 1 && (z$writefreq + 1) < z$n3%/%int &&
					nit %in% nits[seq(z$writefreq + 1, x$n3 %/% int,
				if (!is.batch())
					##  DisplayTheta(z)
					DisplayDeviations(z, z$sf[nit-1,])
				## else
				## {
				##     Report(c('Phase ', z$Phase,' Iteration ',nit,'\n'))
				## }
				if (nit %% z$writefreq == 0 || (int > 1 &&
						nit %% z$writefreq == 1))
					increment <- ifelse(nit <= 5, int,
						ifelse(nit <= 10, 5, z$writefreq * int))
					val<- getProgressBar(z$pb)
					if (z$FinDiff.method)
						val <- val + increment * (z$pp + 1)
						val <- val + increment
					## sort out progress bar
					z$pb <- setProgressBar(z$pb, val)
					if (is.batch())
						Report(c("Phase ", z$Phase, " Iteration ", nit,
								" Progress ",
								round(val / z$pb$pbmax * 100), "%\n"), sep='')
		## iteration proper

		if (z$thetaFromFile)
			if (nit <= dim(z$thetaValues)[1])
				zsmall$theta <- z$thetaValues[nit,]
		if (z$int == 1)
			zz <- x$FRAN(zsmall, xsmall)
			if (!zz$OK)
				z$OK <- zz$OK
				z$zz <- zz
			z$n <- z$n + 1
			if (phase == 1)
				z$phase1Its <- z$phase1Its + 1
		else ### only do parallels at this level for forward simulation
			zz <- clusterCall(z$cl, simstats0c, zsmall, xsmall)
			z$n <- z$n + z$int
			if (phase == 1)
				z$phase1Its <- z$phase1Its + z$int
		## now update the stores
		if (z$int == 1)
			fra <- colSums(zz$fra)
			fra <- fra - z$targets
			if (z$FinDiff.method)
				fra2 <- zz$fra
			z$sf[z$nit, ] <- fra
			if (z$sf2.byIteration)
				z$sf2[z$nit, , ] <- zz$fra
				z$sf2s <- z$sf2s + zz$fra
			z$sims[[z$nit]] <- zz$sims
			z$chain[[z$nit]] <- zz$chain
			fra <- fra + z$targets
			if (z$thetaFromFile)
				z$thetaUsed[z$nit, ] <- zsmall$theta
			for (i in 1:int)
				fra <- colSums(zz[[i]]$fra)
				fra <- fra - z$targets
				z$sf[z$nit + (i - 1), ] <- fra
				if (z$sf2.byIteration)
					z$sf2[z$nit + (i - 1), , ] <- zz[[i]]$fra
					z$sf2s <- z$sf2s + zz[[i]]$fra
				z$sims[[z$nit + (i - 1)]] <- zz[[i]]$sims
				if (z$thetaFromFile)
					z$thetaUsed[z$nit + (i - 1), ] <- zsmall$theta
			if (z$FinDiff.method)
				fra2 <- t(sapply(zz, function(x)x$fra))
				dim(fra2) <- c(int, nrow(zz[[1]]$fra), z$pp)
			fra <- t(sapply(zz, function(x) colSums(x$fra)))
		if (x$maxlike)
			z$sdf[[z$nit]] <- zz$dff
			z$sdf2[[z$nit]] <- zz$dff2
			z$accepts[z$nit, , ] <- zz$accepts
			z$rejects[z$nit, , ] <- zz$rejects
			z$aborts[z$nit, , ] <- zz$aborts
		else if (z$FinDiff.method)
			z <- FiniteDifferences(z, x, fra, fra2)
			for (i in 0:(z$int - 1))
				z$sdf[[z$nit + i]] <- z$sdf0[i + 1, , ]
				if (z$byWave)
					z$sdf2[[z$nit + i]] <- z$sdf02[i + 1, , , ]
			if (int==1)
				if (!is.null(zz[['sc']]))
					if (z$sf2.byIteration)
						z$ssc[z$nit , ,] <- zz$sc
						z$sscs <- z$sscs + zz$sc
						z$scores[z$nit,] <- colSums(zz$sc)
						# z$dfras + rowSums(sapply(1:nWaves, function(j){outer(zz$sc[j,], zz$fra[j, ])}))
						for (j in 1:nWaves)
							z$dfras <- z$dfras + outer(zz$sc[j,], zz$fra[j, ])
				for (i in 1:int)
					if (!is.null(zz[[i]][['sc']]))
						if (z$sf2.byIteration)
							z$ssc[z$nit + (i - 1), , ] <- zz[[i]]$sc
							z$sscs <- z$sscs + zz[[i]]$sc
							z$scores[z$nit + (i - 1), ] <- colSums(zz[[i]]$sc)
							for (j in 1:nWaves)
								z$dfras <- z$dfras + outer(zz[[i]]$sc[j,], zz[[i]]$fra[j, ])
		if ((!x$maxlike) && z$cconditional && z$Phase == 3)
			if (int == 1)
				z$ntim[z$nit, ] <- zz$ntim0
				for (i in 1:int)
					z$ntim[z$nit + (i-1), ] <- zz[[i]]$ntim0
		## post processing also differs
		if (phase == 1)
			if (UserInterruptFlag() || UserRestartFlag())
			val <- getProgressBar(z$pb)
			if (z$FinDiff.method)
				val <- val + z$pp + 1
				val <- val + 1
			z$Phase1nits <- nit
			z$pb <- setProgressBar(z$pb, val)
			progress <- val / z$pb$pbmax * 100
			if (z$nit <= 5 || z$nit %% z$writefreq == 0 || z$nit %%5 == 0 ||
				x$maxlike || z$FinDiff.method ||
				(z$int > 1 && z$nit %% z$writefreq < z$int))
				##  Report(c('Phase', z$Phase, 'Iteration ', z$nit, '\n'))
				if (is.batch())
					Report(c('Phase ', z$Phase, ' Iteration ', z$nit,
							' Progress: ', round(progress), '%\n'), sep='')
					DisplayDeviations(z, z$sf[z$nit, ])
			if (!z$OK || UserRestartFlag() || UserInterruptFlag())
		else ## phase 3
			if (!is.batch())
				if (nit < 10)
					Report(c("  ", nit, " ",
							format(z$sf[nit,], width=1, digits=4, nsmall=4),
							"\n"), cf)
				if (nit >= 10)
					##    if (nit==10) set up stopkey hint
					##   Early termination of estimation
					if( UserInterruptFlag())
						Report(c("The user asked for an early stop of the ",
								"algorithm during phase 3.\n"), outf)
						z$Phase3Interrupt <- TRUE
						if (nit < 500)
							if (EarlyEndPhase2Flag())
								Report('This implies that ', outf)
								Report(c("This implies that the estimates",
										"are as usual,\nbut the "), outf)
							Report(c("diagnostic checks, covariance",
									"matrices and t-values \nare less ",
									"reliable, because they ",
									'are now based on only', nit,
									'phase-3 iterations.\n\n'), outf)
						z$sf <- z$sf[1:nit, , drop=FALSE]

						if (z$sf2.byIteration)
							z$sf2 <- z$sf2[1:nit, , , drop=FALSE]
						if (!z$maxlike && !z$FinDiff.method)
							if (z$sf2.byIteration)
								z$ssc <- z$ssc[1:nit, , , drop=FALSE]
								z$scores <- z$scores[1:nit, , drop=FALSE]
							z$sdf <- z$sdf[1:nit]
							z$sdf2 <- z$sdf2[1:nit]
						z$sims <-z$sims[1:nit]
						z$Phase3nits <- nit
						z$n3 <- nit
					if (UserRestartFlag())
		if (!z$OK || UserRestartFlag())

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RSiena documentation built on Sept. 24, 2020, 3 p.m.