
Defines functions PrintReport

# * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
# *
# * Web: http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena
# *
# * File: print07report.r
# *
# * Description: This module contains the code to produce the report on a
# * siena07 model fit.
# *****************************************************************************/
##@PrintReport siena07 Print report
PrintReport <- function(z, x)
	types <- attr(z$f, "types")
	Report('\n\n', outf)
	if ((x$nsub == 0)&(x$simOnly))
		Heading(2, outf, "Simulation Results.")
		Heading(2, outf, "Estimation Results.")
	if (!z$OK)
	Report("Error end of estimation algorithm", outf)
		if (x$simOnly)
			Report("Regular end of simulation algorithm.\n", outf)
			Report(c("Total of", z$n, "iteration steps.\n\n"), outf)
			Report(c("Total of", z$n, "iteration steps.\n\n"), bof)
			Heading(3, outf, "Parameter values")
			Report("Regular end of estimation algorithm.\n", outf)
			Report(c("Total of", z$n, "iteration steps.\n\n"), outf)
			Report(c("Total of", z$n, "iteration steps.\n\n"), bof)
			Heading(3, outf, "Estimates and standard errors")
		Heading(3, bof, "Estimates and standard errors")
		if (z$cconditional) ## deal with rate parameter
			Report('Rate parameters:\n', outf)
			Report('Rate parameters:\n', bof)
			if (length(z$rate) == 1)
				if (length(attr(z$f,'netnames')) == 1)
					Report(format(' 0. Rate parameter', width = 43), outf)
					Report(format(' 0. Rate parameter', width = 43), bof)
					Report(format(' 0. Rate parameter of conditioning variable',
									 width = 43), outf)
					Report(format(' 0. Rate parameter of conditioning variable',
									 width = 43), bof)
				Report(format(round(z$rate[1], digits = 4), width = 9), outf)
				Report(format(round(z$rate[1], digits = 4), width = 9), bof)
				Report(c('  (', format(round(z$vrate[1], digits = 4),
										width = 9), ')\n'), sep = '', outf)
				Report(c('  (', format(round(z$vrate[1], digits = 4),
										width = 9), ')\n'), sep = '', bof)
			else ## observations > 2
				nn <- length(z$rate)
				nnstr <- format(as.character(1:nn),width=2,justify='left')
				if (z$f$nDepvars == 1 || is.null(z$f$nDepvars))
					tmp <- paste(' 0.', nnstr, ' Rate parameter period ',
									1:nn, '  ',
									'  (',format(round(z$vrate,4),width=9),
									')\n', sep = '')
				} else{
					tmp <- paste(' 0.', nnstr,
									'Rate parameter cond. variable period ',
									1:nn, '  ',
									'  (',format(round(z$vrate,4),width=9),
				Report(tmp, outf, sep='')
				Report(tmp, bof, sep='')
			Report('\nOther parameters:\n', outf)
			Report('\nOther parameters:\n', bof)
		nBehavs <- sum(types == "behavior")
		nNetworks <- length(types) - nBehavs
		if (nBehavs > 0 && nNetworks > 0)
			Report("Network Dynamics\n", outf)
		if (!x$simOnly)
			ses <- ifelse(diag(z$covtheta) >= 0.0 | z$fixed,
					paste('  (', sprintf("%9.4f",sqrt(diag(z$covtheta))),
										 ')', sep=''), '  ---')
			if (!all(z$fixed))
				ses[z$fixed] <- '  (  fixed  )'
			theta <- ifelse(diag(z$covtheta) >= 0.0 | z$fixed,
					' ---')
			theta <- sprintf("%9.4f",z$theta)
		if (nBehavs > 0)
			behEffects <-
			z$requestedEffects[z$requestedEffects$netType == 'behavior',]
			behNames <- unique(behEffects$name)
			if (nBehavs > 1)
				behEffects$effectName <- paste('<',
											  '> ', behEffects$effectName,
											 'behavior'] <-
		typesp <- ifelse (z$requestedEffects$type %in% c("eval", "rate"),
						 ":  ", ": ")
		typetxt <- ifelse (z$requestedEffects$type == "creation", "creat",
						  z$requestedEffects$type )
		tmp <- paste(typetxt, typesp, z$requestedEffects$effectName, sep = '')
		if (x$simOnly)
			ses <- rep('  ', z$pp)
		tmp <- paste(sprintf("%2d", 1:length(z$requestedEffects$effectName)),
					'. ', format(substr(tmp, 1, 60), width=60),
					theta, ses, '\n', sep='', collapse = '')
		if (nBehavs > 0 && nNetworks > 0)
			nNetworkEff <- nrow(z$requestedEffects) - nrow(behEffects)
			tmpstr <- paste(nNetworkEff + 1, '. ', sep='')
			tmpsub <- regexpr(tmpstr, tmp, fixed=TRUE)
			tmp1 <- substring(tmp, 1, tmpsub - 2)
			tmp2 <- substring(tmp, tmpsub - 1, nchar(tmp))
			Report(tmp1, outf)
			Report(tmp1, bof)
			Report('\nBehavior Dynamics\n', outf)
			Report(tmp2, outf)
			Report(tmp2, bof)
			Report(tmp, outf)
			Report(tmp, bof)
		Report('\n', outf)
		Report('\n', bof)
		if (z$cconditional && length(attr(z$f, 'netnames')) > 1)
			Report(c('For conditional estimation, ',
						'the standard errors of rate parameters\n',
						'not used for conditioning are unreliable.'), outf)
		if (x$simOnly)
			Heading(3, outf, "Simulated statistics")
			if (z$thetaFromFile)
				Report('Note: Parameters in Phase 3 were varying. \n', bof)
				Report('Note: Parameters in Phase 3 were varying. \n', outf)
			Report('Estimated means and standard deviations, standard errors of the mean \n', bof)
			Report('Estimated means and standard deviations, standard errors of the mean \n', outf)
			dmsf <- diag(z$msf)
# sf and cov.dev may be dropped - just for now (07-10-13) I keep them in
#			sf <- colMeans(z$sf)
			mean.stats <- colMeans(z$sf) + z$targets
#			cov.dev <- z$msf
			sem <- sqrt(dmsf/dim(z$sf)[1])
			if ((x$dolby) & (!z$thetaFromFile))
				scores <- apply(z$ssc, c(1,3), sum)  # z$nit by z$pp matrix
				mean.scores <- colMeans(scores)
				mean.stats <- mean.stats - (z$regrCoef * mean.scores)
				sem <- sem*sqrt(1 - (z$regrCor)^2)
			mymess1 <- paste(format(1:z$pp,width=3), '. ',
				format(z$requestedEffects$functionName, width = 56),
				format(round(mean.stats, 3), width=8, nsmall=3), ' ',
				format(round(sqrt(dmsf), 3) ,width=8, nsmall=3), ' ',
				format(round(sem, 4) ,width=8, nsmall=4), sep='')
			PrtOutMat(as.matrix(mymess1), outf)
			PrtOutMat(as.matrix(mymess1), bof)
			if ((x$dolby) & (!z$thetaFromFile))
				Report('Standard errors of the mean are less than s.d./sqrt(n) \n', outf)
				Report('because of regression on scores (Dolby option). \n', outf)
			Heading(3, outf, "Covariance matrices")
			if (all(is.na(z$covtheta)))
				Report(c('There is a linear dependency between the parameter estimates\n',
						'therefore the covariance matrix should not be used.\n\n'),
				if (any(z$fixed))
					Report(c('(Values of the covariance matrix of estimates\n',
							' are meaningless for the fixed parameters.)\n\n'),
				Report(c("Covariance matrix of estimates",
						"(correlations below diagonal):\n"), outf)
				covcor <- z$covtheta
				correl <- z$covtheta/sqrt(diag(z$covtheta))[row(z$covtheta)]/
				covcor[lower.tri(covcor)] <- correl[lower.tri(correl)]
				PrtOutMat(format(round(covcor, digits = 3), width = 10), outf)
				Report(c('Derivative matrix of expected statistics X by',
						'parameters and\n'), outf)
				Report(c("covariance/correlation matrix of X can be found using\n",
						"summary(ans) within R,",
						" or by using the 'verbose' option in Siena07.\n "),
					sep = "", outf)
				Report(c("Derivative matrix of expected statistics X by",
						"parameters:\n\n"), lf)
				PrtOutMat(z$dfrac, lf)
				Report('Covariance matrix of X (correlations below the diagonal):\n',
				covcor <- z$msf
				correl <- z$msf/sqrt(diag(z$msf))[row(z$msf)]/
				covcor[lower.tri(covcor)] <- correl[lower.tri(correl)]
				PrtOutMat(format(round(covcor, digits = 3), width = 10), lf)
				Report('\n', outf)
				Report('\n', lf)


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