
Defines functions includeTimeDummy sienaTimeFix plot.sienaTimeTest print.sienaTimeTest print.summary.sienaTimeTest summary.sienaTimeTest partial.scoreTest transformed.scoreTest

Documented in includeTimeDummy plot.sienaTimeTest

## * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
## *
## * Web: http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena
## *
## * File: sienaTimeTest.r
## *
## * Description: This file contains the sienaTimeTest code for testing the
## * significance of additional time dummies interacted with effects, and
## * sienaTimeFix, which is called to set up time dummy interacted effects.
## ****************************************************************************/
##@sienaTimeTest siena07 Does test for time homogeneity of effects
sienaTimeTest <- function (sienaFit, effects=NULL, excludedEffects=NULL,
	if (!inherits(sienaFit, "sienaFit"))
		stop("not a legitimate sienaFit object")
	if (!sienaFit$OK)
		stop("Error end of estimation algorithm")
	else if (sienaFit$termination == "UserInterrupt")
		stop("User interrupted run, object possibly incomplete")
	if (!is.null(sienaFit$gmm))
		if (sienaFit$gmm)
			stop("sienaTimeTest cannot be applied to results of GMoM estimation")
	if (!is.null(sienaFit$sf2.byIteration))
		if (!sienaFit$sf2.byIteration)
			stop("sienaTimeTest needs sf2 by iterations (use lessMem=FALSE)")
	waveNumbers <- attr(sienaFit$f, "periodNos")
	nWaves <- length(waveNumbers)

	fitEffects <- sienaFit$requestedEffects

	## There must be more than 2 periods (more than 1 wave)
	## to do a time test!
	if (nWaves < 2)
		stop("You must have at least two time periods (three waves) to test ",
			"for non-heterogeneity across time.")
	## if this is a maximum likelihood fit or finite differences we need
	## the optional objects sdf2
	if (sienaFit$maxlike || sienaFit$FinDiff.method)
		if (is.null(sienaFit$sdf2[[1]][[1]]))
			stop("rerun siena07 with the byWave option TRUE")
	## get the desired effects
	if (!is.null(effects))
		## a little validation helps ensure we have at least one effect we want
		if (any(!is.numeric(effects)))
			stop("non numeric effect number requested")
		if (any(!effects %in% 1:nrow(fitEffects)))
			stop("Some effect number requested not found")
		use <- 1:nrow(fitEffects) %in% effects
		if (any(fitEffects$basicRate[use]))
			stop("siena time tests are inappropriate for basic rates")
		#        if (any(grepl("Dummy", fitEffects$effectName[use])))
		#        {
		#            stop("siena time tests are inappropriate for time dummy effects")
		#        }
		use <- !fitEffects$basicRate

	## if (sienaFit$maxlike || sienaFit$FinDiff.method)
	## {
	##     stop("Not yet implemented for finite differences or maxlike")
	## }
	## Identify the effects which will potentially be tested
	baseInFit <- use & !grepl("Dummy", fitEffects$effectName)

	nBaseEffects <- sum(baseInFit)
	if (nBaseEffects == 0)
		stop("No effects available to test")

	fixedDummies <- fitEffects$shortName=='egoX' &
		fitEffects$fix & grepl("Dummy", fitEffects$effectName)

	## establish effects for top left of derivative matrix D
	estimatedInFit <- use &  !fixedDummies
	topleftEffectNumbers <- fitEffects$effectNumber[estimatedInFit]

	nRowsToTest <- nBaseEffects * nWaves

	## construct the data frame that will be the basis for all calculations
	toTest <- data.frame(baseEffect=rep(1:nBaseEffects, each=nWaves),
		type=rep(fitEffects$type[baseInFit], each=nWaves),
		period = rep(waveNumbers, nBaseEffects),
		period1 = rep(1:nWaves, nBaseEffects),
		toTest=rep(TRUE, nRowsToTest),
		baseRowInD=rep(0, nRowsToTest),
		rowInD=rep(0, nRowsToTest))
	toTest$toTest[toTest$period == 1] <- FALSE
	toTest$rowInD <- match(toTest$effectNumber,
		topleftEffectNumbers, nomatch=0)
	toTest$baseRowInD <- toTest$rowInD
	toTest$rowInD[toTest$period > 1]  <- 0
	## Go through each effect which is an estimated time dummy, and
	## incorporate this information into the toTest data frame. i.e.
	## if a time dummy was estimated, set
	## its element in toTest equal to FALSE so that we do not time test it
	for (i in which(grepl("isDummy", fitEffects$timeDummy) & estimatedInFit))
		tmp <- toString(fitEffects$timeDummy[i])
		tmp <- strsplit(tmp, split=",", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
		if (any(tmp != ""))
			## Dont test the dummy for the corresponding effect
			thisRow <- toTest$effectNumber == tmp[3] & toTest$period == tmp[2]
			toTest[thisRow, "toTest"] <- FALSE
			## We want to be able to reference this effect given an
			## index for the base effect and a time period, so store
			## this information in rowInD -- this is used
			## extensively in plot.sienaTimeTest
			toTest[thisRow, "rowInD"] <-
	##  nEffects, nSims, nameslist, nDummies convert commonly used ingredients
	##  from sienaFit into an easily accessed form based on the screens
	##  set up above
	nEffects <- sum(!toTest$toTest)
	## add row indices in D to the rows to be tested
	toTest$rowInD[toTest$toTest] <- nEffects + 1:sum(toTest$toTest)
	toTest <- toTest[order(toTest$rowInD), ]

	nSims <- sienaFit$Phase3nits
	nameslist <- list(Iteration=paste("it", 1:nSims, sep=""),
		Wave=paste("Wave", waveNumbers, sep=""),
	nDummies <- sum(toTest$toTest)
	ttt <- toTest$toTest
	type <- ifelse(toTest$type == "eval", "",
		paste(" (", toTest$type, ")", sep=""))
	toTest$dummyNames[!ttt] <- paste(fitEffects$effectName[estimatedInFit],
		type[!ttt], sep="")
	toTest$dummyNames[ttt] <- paste("(*)Dummy", toTest$period[ttt], ":",
		toTest$effectName[ttt], type[ttt], sep="")

	## obsStats, moment, scores are the crucial ingredients from sienaFit which
	## screen for the base effects and make the rest of the code clean
	## be careful as the original logical vectors cannot be used once rows
	## have been extracted.
	obsStats <- t(sienaFit$targets2[estimatedInFit, , drop=FALSE])
	moment <- sienaFit$sf2[, , estimatedInFit, drop=FALSE] -
		rep(obsStats, each=nSims)
	G <- array(0, dim=c(nSims, nWaves, nEffects + nDummies))
	## Set the base effects G equal to the moments from sienaFit
	G[, , 1:nEffects] <- moment
	## copy over the others
	subs1 <- cbind(rep(1:nSims, nDummies), rep(toTest$period1[ttt], each=nSims),
		rep(toTest$rowInD[ttt], each=nSims))
	subs2 <- cbind(rep(1:nSims, nDummies), rep(toTest$period1[ttt], each=nSims),
		rep(toTest$baseRowInD[ttt], each=nSims))
	G[subs1] <- moment[subs2]
	## Put names onto G for easy? reference
	## Use dimnames(G) <- list(NULL, NULL) to view the data as a matrix!
	dimnames(G) <- list(nameslist$Iteration, nameslist$Wave, toTest$dummyNames)
	## Make the covariance matrix for the new moments
	sigma <- cov(apply(G, c(1, 3), sum))
	if (length(sigma) == 1)
		sigma <- matrix(sigma,1,1)
	if (!(sienaFit$maxlike || sienaFit$FinDiff.method))
		scores <- sienaFit$ssc[ , , estimatedInFit, drop=FALSE]
		SF <- array(0, dim=c(nSims, nWaves, nEffects + nDummies))
		SF[, , 1:nEffects] <- scores
		SF[subs1] <- scores[subs2]
		## Put names onto SF for easy reference
		dimnames(SF) <- dimnames(G)
		D <- derivativeFromScoresAndDeviations(SF, G, , , , TRUE, )
		if (sienaFit$FinDiff.method)
			##sienaFit$sdf2 is a list of arrays, one for each iteration
			derivs <- t(sapply(sienaFit$sdf2, function(x)
					x[, estimatedInFit, estimatedInFit, drop=FALSE]))
			##sienaFit$sdf2 is a list of lists of Matrix objects
			derivs <-
				t(sapply(sienaFit$sdf2, function(xx)
						array(t(sapply(xx, function(x)
						dim=c(nWaves, nEffects, nEffects))))
		derivs <- array(derivs, dim=c(nSims, nWaves, nEffects, nEffects))
		DF <- array(0, dim=c(nSims, nWaves, nEffects + nDummies,
				nEffects + nDummies))
		DF[, , 1:nEffects, 1:nEffects] <- derivs
		for (wave in 2:nWaves)
			thisWave <- toTest$period == wave & toTest$toTest
			subs1 <- (1: (nEffects + nDummies))[thisWave]
			subs2 <- toTest$baseRowInD[thisWave]
			DF[, wave, subs1, subs1] <- derivs[, wave, subs2, subs2]

			DF[, wave, subs1, 1:nEffects] <- derivs[, wave, subs2, 1:nEffects]
			DF[, wave, 1:nEffects, subs1] <- derivs[, wave, 1:nEffects, subs2]

		D <- t(apply(DF, c(3, 4), mean))

	## The following parts about excluding effects were added later
	## (preceding code is mainly from JL; parts about excluding are from TS).
	## This leads to some duplication in functionality;
	## but since the preceding construction works well,
	## I (TS) wanted to keep it mostly as it was/is.

	## Check for fixed effects and exclude them from testing.
	if (is.null(excludedEffects))
		excludedEffects <- which(fitEffects$fix)
		excludedEffects <-
			unique(c(excludedEffects, which(fitEffects$fix)))

	## In case some effects are excluded from testing, this is done now:
	if (!is.null(excludedEffects))
		useRows <- rep(TRUE, dim(toTest)[1])
		for (i in seq_along(excludedEffects))
			useRows[toTest$baseRowInD==excludedEffects[i]] <- FALSE
		useRows[1:nBaseEffects] <- TRUE
		toTest <- toTest[useRows,]
		D <- D[useRows, useRows]
		sigma <- sigma[useRows, useRows, drop=FALSE]
		nDummies <- sum(toTest$toTest)
		G <- G[,,useRows]
		nRowsToTest <- dim(toTest)[1]
		exclusions <- 1:nBaseEffects %in% excludedEffects
		exclusions <- rep(FALSE, nBaseEffects)

	## Check if there are any collinearities in the effects and dummies;
	## note that time dummies added by sienaTimeFix were already excluded.
	rankSigma <- qr(sigma)$rank
	extraExclusions <- rep(FALSE, nBaseEffects)
	if (rankSigma < dim(sigma)[1])
		es <- ifelse((nRowsToTest - nDummies == 1), '', 's')
		message("TimeTest constructed a null hypothesis with ",
							nRowsToTest - nDummies, " estimated parameter", es)
		message("and ", nDummies," dummy variables to be tested.")
		message("However, there are ", dim(sigma)[1] - rankSigma,
							" linear dependencies between these.\n")
		message("This may be because some of the parameters are already")
		message("interactions with time dummies or other time variables.")

		subset0 <- rep(FALSE, dim(sigma)[1])
		subset0[1:nBaseEffects] <- TRUE
		for (i in 1:nBaseEffects)
			if (!(i %in% excludedEffects))
				## Check if the dummies for this effect
				## are dependent on the base effects.
				subset <- subset0 | (toTest$baseRowInD==i)
				if (qr(sigma[subset,subset])$rank
					< dim(sigma[subset,subset])[1])
					extraExclusions[i] <- TRUE
		if (any(extraExclusions))
			useRows <- rep(TRUE, dim(toTest)[1])
			for (i in 1:nBaseEffects)
				if (extraExclusions[i])
					useRows[toTest$baseRowInD==i] <- FALSE
				useRows[1:nBaseEffects] <- TRUE
			toTest <- toTest[useRows,, drop=FALSE]
			D <- D[useRows, useRows, drop=FALSE]
			sigma <- sigma[useRows, useRows, drop=FALSE]
			nDummies <- sum(toTest$toTest)
			G <- G[,,useRows, drop=FALSE]
			nRowsToTest <- dim(toTest)[1]
			excludedNumber <- sum(extraExclusions)
			es <- ifelse((excludedNumber == 1), '', 's')
			message("Automatic discovery of dependencies yielded the exclusion of effect", es)
			if (excludedNumber <= 1)
						fitEffects$effectName[baseInFit,drop=FALSE][which(extraExclusions)],"\n "))
						fitEffects$effectName[baseInFit,drop=FALSE][which(extraExclusions)],"\n "))
			rankSigma <- qr(sigma)$rank
			if (rankSigma < dim(sigma)[1])
				cat("After these exclusions, there still are linear dependencies.\n")
				cat("Advice: use sienaTimeTest with a smaller set of effects.\n\n")
				stop("Please rerun sienaTimeTest with appropriate excluded effects.")
			cat("Automatic discovery of dependencies had no effect.\n")
			cat("Advice: use sienaTimeTest with a smaller set of effects.\n\n")
			stop("Please rerun sienaTimeTest with appropriate excluded effects.")
	## We have now set up all of the ingredients properly, so we may proceed
	## with the score type test of Schweinberger (2007-2012)
	fra <- apply(G, 3, sum) / nSims
	doTests <- toTest$toTest
	redundant <- rep(FALSE, length(doTests))
	jointTest <- ScoreTest(nrow(toTest), D, sigma, fra, doTests, redundant,
	jointTestP <- 1 - pchisq(jointTest$testresOverall, nDummies)
	if (! condition)
		individualTest <- jointTest$testresulto[1:nDummies]
		individualTest <- sapply(1:nDummies, function (i)
				doTests <- rep(FALSE, nEffects + nDummies)
				doTests[nEffects + i] <- TRUE
				test <- ScoreTest(nrow(toTest), D, sigma,
					fra, doTests, redundant, maxlike=sienaFit$maxlike)
	individualTestP <- 2 * (1- pnorm(abs(individualTest)))
	if (!is.na(jointTestP))
		rownames(jointTestP) <- "Joint Significant Test"
		colnames(jointTestP) <- "p-Val"
	thetaOneStep <- c(sienaFit$theta[estimatedInFit, drop=FALSE], rep(0, nDummies)) +
	## Define the null hypothesis for the later tests (effect-wise and group-wise)
	## as the null hypothesis tested in the overall test:
	nullHyp <- 	!toTest$toTest
	effectTest <- as.vector(by(toTest, toTest$baseEffect, function (x)
					doTests <- rep(FALSE, nEffects + nDummies)
					if (any(x$toTest))
						if (!condition)
							## Control for all estimated effects.
							doTests[toTest$baseEffect == (x$baseEffect[1]) &
								toTest$toTest] <- TRUE
							testresult <- partial.scoreTest(D, sigma, fra,
								doTests, nullHyp, maxlike=sienaFit$maxlike)
							## Control for everything.
							doTests[toTest$baseEffect == (x$baseEffect[1]) &
								toTest$toTest] <- TRUE
							redundant <- rep(FALSE, length(doTests))
							test <- ScoreTest(nEffects + nDummies, D, sigma,
								fra, doTests, redundant, maxlike=sienaFit$maxlike)
	dim(effectTest) <- c(length(effectTest), 1)
	effectTestP <- matrix(NA, dim(effectTest)[1], 3)
	effectTestP[,1] <- round(effectTest[,1],2)
	effectTestP[,2] <- tapply(toTest$toTest, toTest$baseEffect, sum)
	effectTestP[,3] <- round(1 - pchisq(effectTestP[,1], effectTestP[,2]), 3)
	rownames(effectTestP) <- toTest$dummyNames[toTest$period == 1]
	colnames(effectTestP) <- c("chi-sq.", "df", "p-value")
	pvalues <-
		round(c(2 * (1 -
					pnorm(abs(sienaFit$theta[estimatedInFit] /
				individualTestP), 3)
	thetaStar <- cbind(c(sienaFit$theta[estimatedInFit], rep(0, nDummies)),
		thetaOneStep, pvalues)
	colnames(thetaStar) <- c("Initial Est.", "One Step Est.", "p-Value")
	rownames(thetaStar) <- dimnames(G)[[3]]
	## put things on toTest to make plot easier
	toTest[, c("InitialEst", "OneStepEst", "p.value")] <- thetaStar
	toTest$effectTest <- NA
	toTest$effectTest <- effectTestP[toTest$baseEffect, 1]
	type <- ifelse(toTest$type =="eval", "", paste(" (",
			as.character(toTest$type), ")", sep=""))
	toTest$effectName <-
		factor(paste(toTest$effectName, type,
				" \n(chisq=", toTest$effectTest, ")", sep=""))
	toTest$valsplus <- toTest$OneStepEst +
		ifelse(toTest$period == 1, 0, toTest$OneStepEst[toTest$baseEffect])
	toTest$dummysd <- abs(toTest$OneStepEst / qnorm(1 - toTest$p.value / 2))
	toTest$dummysd[toTest$period == 1] <-
		sqrt(diag(sienaFit$covtheta))[estimatedInFit][toTest$period == 1]

	# Added by Tom: groupwise tests.
	cef <- attr(sienaFit$f,"condEffects")
	if (inherits(cef,"sienaGroupEffects"))
		# This is a multi-group result
		groupsKind <- "Group"
		groupSizes <- attr(sienaFit$f,"groupPeriods") - 1
		nGroups <- sienaFit$f$nGroup
		if (nGroups != length(groupSizes)) {stop("No good group sizes 1.")}
		groups <- rep(1:nGroups, groupSizes)
		if (nWaves != length(groups)) {stop("No good group sizes 2.")}
		toTest$whichGroup <- groups[toTest$period1]
		groupsKind <- "Period"
		nGroups <- sienaFit$observations-1
		toTest$whichGroup <- toTest$period
	groupTest <-
		as.vector(by(toTest, toTest$whichGroup, function (x)
					doTests <- rep(FALSE, nEffects + nDummies)
					if (any(x$toTest))
						doTests[toTest$whichGroup == (x$whichGroup[1]) &
							toTest$toTest] <- TRUE
						testresult <- partial.scoreTest(D, sigma, fra, doTests,
							nullHyp, maxlike=sienaFit$maxlike)
	# The preceding does not yield the test for the first group/period,
	# because it was used as the reference category.
	# This is a test for the sum of the dummies for the other groups.
	# Therefore matrix A is created as the design matrix for this test.
	remainingEffects <- unique(toTest$baseEffect[toTest$toTest])
	nRemainingEffects <- length(remainingEffects)
	if (nRemainingEffects >= 1)
		A <- matrix(0, nRemainingEffects, nRowsToTest)
		for (i in seq_along(remainingEffects))
			A[i, which(toTest$baseEffect==remainingEffects[i])[2:nWaves]] <- 1
		groupTest[1] <- transformed.scoreTest(D, sigma, fra, A,
							nullHyp, maxlike=sienaFit$maxlike)
		dim(groupTest) <- c(nGroups, 1)
		groupTestP <- matrix(NA, nGroups, 3)
		groupTestP[,1] <- round(groupTest[,1], 2)
		groupTestP[,2] <- tapply(toTest$toTest, toTest$whichGroup, sum)
		groupTestP[1,2] <- nRemainingEffects
		groupTestP[,3] <- round(1 - pchisq(groupTestP[,1], groupTestP[,2]), 3)
		rownames(groupTestP) <- paste(groupsKind, 1:nGroups)
		colnames(groupTestP) <- c("chi-sq.", "df", "p-value")
		groupTest[1] <- NA
		groupTestP <- NA
		cat('Nothing remains...\n')
	returnObj <- list(
	class(returnObj) <- "sienaTimeTest"
##@transformed.scoreTest siena07 score test for part of the additional effects
transformed.scoreTest <- function(dfra, msf, fra, A, nullHyp, maxlike)
	# score test of A %*% fra;
	# Boolean vector nullHyp defines vector of estimated effects
	# non-zero columns of A should not overlap with nullHyp
	test <- colSums(abs(A)) > 0
	if (any(test & nullHyp))
		stop("Null hyp and test in transformed score test should not overlap")
	if (dim(A)[1] + sum(nullHyp) < 2)
		stop("Meaningless transformed score test")
	A1 <- matrix(0, sum(nullHyp), dim(dfra)[1])
	A1[cbind(1:sum(nullHyp), which(nullHyp))] <- 1
	AA <- rbind(A1,A)
	D <- AA %*% dfra %*% t(AA)
	sig <- AA %*% msf %*% t(AA)
	g <- AA %*% fra
	tested <- rep(FALSE, dim(AA)[1])
	tested[(sum(nullHyp)+1):dim(AA)[1]] <- TRUE
	redundant <- rep(FALSE, dim(AA)[1])
	EvaluateTestStatistic(maxlike, tested, redundant, D, sig, g)$cvalue
##@partial.scoreTest siena07 score test for part of the additional effects
partial.scoreTest <- function(dfra, msf, fra, test, nullHyp, maxlike)
	# test gives vector of tested effects,
	# nullHyp gives vector of estimated effects
	if (any(test & nullHyp))
		stop("Null hypothesis and test in partial score test should not overlap")
	if (!any(test)){stop("Nothing to be tested in partial score test")}
	A <- matrix(0, sum(test), dim(dfra)[1])
	A[cbind(1:sum(test),which(test))] <- 1
	transformed.scoreTest(dfra, msf, fra, A, nullHyp, maxlike)
##@summary.sienaTimeTest siena07 summary method for sienaTimeTest objects
summary.sienaTimeTest <- function(object, ...)
	if (!inherits(object, "sienaTimeTest"))
		stop("not a legitimate Siena time test object")
	class(object) <- c("summary.sienaTimeTest", class(object))
##@print.summary.sienaTimeTest siena07 print method for summary.sienaTimeTest
print.summary.sienaTimeTest <- function(x, ...)
	if (!inherits(x, "summary.sienaTimeTest"))
		stop("not a legitimate Siena time test summary object")
	## Additional output to the print will go in here:
	## The first condition is merely for compatibility with older versions.
	if ((!is.null(x$RequestedExclusions))||(!is.null(x$ExtraExclusions)))
		if (any(x$RequestedExclusions) || any(x$ExtraExclusions))
			cat("\nSome effects were excluded from being tested.\n")

		if (any(x$RequestedExclusions))
			if (sum(x$RequestedExclusions) <= 1)
				cat("The effect with number", which(x$RequestedExclusions))
				cat(" in", x$sienaFitName, "was excluded.\n")
				cat("\nRequested exclusions were the effects numbered\n")
					paste(", ",
					" in ", x$sienaFitName, ".\n", sep="")

		if (any(x$ExtraExclusions))
			if (sum(x$ExtraExclusions) <= 1)
				cat("The effect with number", which(x$ExtraExclusions),
					" in", x$sienaFitName,
					" was excluded automatically because of collinearity.\n")
				cat("\nThe effects ")
				cat(which(x$ExtraExclusions)[1], paste(", ",
					" in ", x$sienaFitName, ".\n", sep="")
				cat("were excluded automatically because of collinearity.\n")
	cat("\nIndividual significance tests and one-step estimators:\n")
	print(format(round(x$IndividualTest, digits=4)), quote=F)
	cat("\nEffect-wise joint significance tests\n")
	cat("(i.e. each effect across all dummies):\n")
	if (x$Waves <=2 && ! x$IndividualTestsOrthogonalized)
		#		cat("\n\nNote that these effect-wise tests have a different form")
		#		cat("\nthan the individual tests, thus testing with 3 observations")
		#		cat("\nmay yield different individual and effect-wise values.\n\n")
		if (x$IndividualTestsOrthogonalized)
			cat("\nNote that the 1-df and effect-wise test statistics were",
				"\northogonalized with respect to each other (condition=TRUE).")
	if (!is.null(x$GroupTest))
		cat(paste("\n",x$GroupsKind,"-wise joint significance tests\n", sep=""))
		cat(paste("(i.e. each", tolower(x$GroupsKind),
				"across all parameters):\n"))

	tmp <- paste(" (", 1:length(x$BaseRowInD), ") ",
		rownames(x$IndividualTest)[x$BaseRowInD], "\n", sep="")
	cat("\nUse the following indices for plotting:\n",
	cat("\nIf you would like to fit time dummies to your model,")
	cat("\nuse the includeTimeDummy function.")
	cat("\nType \"?sienaTimeTest\" for more information on this output.\n")
##@print.sienaTimeTest siena07 print method for sienaTimeTest objects
print.sienaTimeTest <- function(x, ...)
	if (!inherits(x, "sienaTimeTest"))
		stop("not a legitimate Siena time test object")
	effectNames <- rownames(x$IndividualTest)
	dummies <- x$ToTest$toTest
	dummyIndex <- paste(" (", format(1:sum(dummies)), ") ",
		effectNames[dummies], "\n", sep="")
	pvalue <- ifelse((x$JointTest < 0.0001)," < 0.0001",
		paste("=",sprintf("%6.4f", x$JointTest)))
	cat("Joint significance test of time heterogeneity:\n",
		"chi-squared = ",
		sprintf("%6.2f", x$JointTestStatistics$testresOverall),
		", d.f. = ", sprintf("%1d", length(x$IndividualTestStatistics)),
		", p ", pvalue,
		", \nwhere H0: The following parameters are zero:\n",
		dummyIndex, sep="")
##@plot.sienaTimeTest siena07 plot method for sienaTimeTest objects
plot.sienaTimeTest <- function(x, pairwise=FALSE, effects,
	scale=0.2, plevels=c(0.1, 0.05, 0.025), ...)
	## require(lattice)
	tmp <- paste(" (", 1:length(x$BaseRowInD), ") ",
		rownames(x$IndividualTest)[x$BaseRowInD], "\n", sep="")
	if (missing(effects))
		effects<- (1:length(tmp))[!is.na(x$EffectTestStatistics)]
	if (any(!effects %in% 1:length(tmp)))
		cat("Detected an error with the effects included. For a
			parameter-plot, use the following indices:")
			stop("\nUse the following indices for plotting the pairwise
				moment correlations:\n", tmp)
	if (pairwise)
		## On a "pairwise" call, print a pairwise plot of moments
		if (length(effects) == 0)
			x <- x$Moments
			x <- x$Moments[, , effects, drop=FALSE]
		panel.cor <- function(x, y, digits=2, prefix="", cex.cor, ...)
			usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
			par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
			r <- abs(cor(x, y))
			txt <- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits=digits)[1]
			txt <- paste(prefix, txt, sep="")
			if(missing(cex.cor)) cex.cor <- 0.8 / strwidth(txt)
			text(0.5, 0.5, txt, cex = cex.cor * r)
		pairs(apply(x, c(1, 3), sum),
			pch=5, ...) ##pch=5 is a diamond
		# require(grid)
		## Otherwise, make the parameter plots:
		## create a vector to split the IndividualTests by
		toTest <- x$ToTest
		waveNumbers <- x$WaveNumbers
		nWaves <- x$Waves
		nLevels <- length(plevels)
		cis <- lapply(1:nLevels, function(i)
				cbind(toTest$valsplus - abs(qnorm(plevels[i]  /  2,
					toTest$valsplus  + abs(qnorm(plevels[i] / 2,
		toTest[, paste(rep(c("lower", "upper"), nLevels),
			rep(1:nLevels, each=2), sep="")] <-
				do.call(cbind, cis)
			## subset the data frame
			toTest <- toTest[toTest$baseEffect %in% effects, ]
			toTest$effectName <- factor(toTest$effectName,
			if (nlevels(toTest$effectName) != length(unique(toTest$baseEffect)))
				stop("non unique effect names: contact RSiena help")
			xyplot(valsplus ~ period1 | effectName, data=toTest,
				type = "p", as.table=TRUE, bty="n",
				xlab="Wave", ylab="Parameter Value", auto.key=TRUE,
				scales=list(relation='free', x=list(at=c(0:(nWaves+1)),
						labels=c(" ", waveNumbers, " "))), subscripts=TRUE,
				par.strip.text=list(lines=2.2), #layout=layout,
				xlim=c(0, nWaves + 1), prepanel=function(x, y, ...)
					ymin <- min(y - scale * abs(y))
					ymax <- max(y + scale * abs(y))
					list(ylim=c(ymin, ymax))
				panel=function(x, y, subscripts, ...)
					sapply(1:length(x), function(i, subscripts)
						{ ## pch 45 is a hyphen, pch 20 a filled circle
							tmp <- if(toTest$toTest[subscripts][i]) "red" else "gray"
							panel.xyplot(c(x[i], x[i]),
								col=tmp, alpha=.50,
								type="l", lend=1, lwd=10)
							panel.xyplot(c(x[i], x[i]),
								col=tmp, alpha=.75,
								type="p", pch=45, cex=3)
							panel.xyplot(c(x[i], x[i]),
								col=tmp, alpha=.50,
								type="l", lend=1, lwd=10)
							panel.xyplot(c(x[i], x[i]),
								col=tmp, alpha=.75,
								type="p", pch=45, cex=3)
							panel.xyplot(c(x[i], x[i]),
								col=tmp, alpha=.25,
								type="l", lend=1, lwd=10)
						}, subscripts=subscripts)
					panel.xyplot(x, y, type="s",
						col="black", alpha=.75, pch=2)
					panel.xyplot(x, y, type="p",  pch=20,
					panel.abline(a=toTest[subscripts[1], "initial"],
						col="black", lwd=2, alpha=.75)
					# grid.text(paste("p = ", toTest$effectTest[subscripts[1]]),
					#           0.02, 0.1, just="left")
				}, ...)

##@sienaTimeFix siena07 Adds time dummy terms to the effects object
sienaTimeFix <- function(effects, data=NULL, getDocumentation=FALSE)
	##@addEffect internal sienaTimeFix add one or more effects
	addEffect <- function(newEffects, i, newname, effectGroup, shortName,
		timeDummy, fix=FALSE, include=TRUE, yName=NULL)
		tmprows <- createEffects(effectGroup, xName=newname, yName=yName,
		tmprows <- tmprows[tmprows$shortName==shortName &
			tmprows$type %in% effects$type[i], ]
		tmprows$fix <- fix
		tmprows$include <- include
		tmprows$effectNumber <- max(newEffects$effectNumber) +
		tmprows$timeDummy <- timeDummy
		rownames(tmprows) <- paste(newname, effects$type[i], sep=".")
		newEffects <- rbind(newEffects, tmprows)

	##@addVarCovar internal sienaTimeFix add a varying covariate
	addVarCovar <- function(data, base, nodeSet, newname, dataSub)
		base <- varCovar(base, nodeSet=nodeSet)
		base <- addAttributes.varCovar(base, name=dname)
		data[[dataSub]]$vCovars <- c(data[[dataSub]]$vCovars, list(base))
		n <- length(data[[dataSub]]$vCovars)
		names(data[[dataSub]]$vCovars)[n] <- dname
	if (getDocumentation)
	nGroups <- max(unique(effects$group))
	# note that period is a character and must be changed to numeric
	groupPeriods <- as.numeric(tapply(as.numeric(effects$period), effects$group,
			max, na.rm=TRUE)) + 1
	intervals <- rep(1:length(groupPeriods), groupPeriods)
	localPeriodNos <- unlist(sapply(groupPeriods, function(x)1:x))
	nGroups <- length(groupPeriods)
	v1 <- do.call(c, lapply(groupPeriods, function(x)1:x))
	v2 <- rep(cumsum(c(0, groupPeriods))[1:nGroups], groupPeriods)
	v3 <- v1 + v2
	periodNos <- v3[!v3 %in% cumsum(groupPeriods)]

	if (!is.null(data))
		atts <- attributes(data)
	if ((length(periodNos) < 2) && any(effects$timeDummy != ","))
		warning("Time dummies not relevant with only 2 periods")
		effects$timeDummy <- ","

	structuralRate <- effects$type == "rate" & effects$rateType %in%
	if (any(effects$timeDummy[structuralRate] != ","))
		warning("Time dummy effects are not implemented",
			" for structural rate effects.")
		effects$timeDummy[structuralRate] <- ","
	# JAL: Implementing these 20-FEB-2011 in RSienaTest
	# TODO: Behavioral interactions need to be implemented for these to work.
	# Once they are, we can comment lines 575-577 and 717-720 out.
	##	behaviorNonRateX <- effects$netType =="behavior" & effects$type != "rate"
	##   if (any(effects$timeDummy[behaviorNonRateX] != ","))
	##  {
	## 		warning("Time dummy effects are not implemented",
	##                " for behavior effects of type eval or endow.")
	##        effects$timeDummy[behaviorNonRateX] <- ","
	##    }

	if (all(effects$timeDummy == ",") )
		##		No time dummy interactions to add, so kick the inputs back.
		return(list(effects=effects, data=data))
		effects$timeDummy[effects$timeDummy=="all"]  <-
			paste(periodNos[-1], collapse = ",")

		alreadyDummied <- grepl("isDummy", effects$timeDummy)
		if (length(alreadyDummied)  >  0)
			## Just remove those effects that have already been dummied so as to
			## not messy things up. The assumption is that the user will retain
			## all of the previous dummied effects within the column.
			effects <- effects[!alreadyDummied, ]

		timesd <- strsplit(effects$timeDummy, ",| ")

		opar <- options(warn=-1)
		vals <- sapply(timesd, function(x) any(x=="" | !is.na(as.numeric(x))))
		if (any(!vals))
			stop("Invalid input in timeDummy column", ": ",
				paste(effects$timeDummy[!vals], collapse=" and "))

		timesd <- lapply(timesd, function(x)as.numeric(x[x %in% periodNos]))
		dummiedEffects <- sapply(timesd, function(x)length(x) > 0)

		baseType <- list(number=which(dummiedEffects),

		rateXDummies <- effects$shortName == "RateX" & dummiedEffects

		newEffects <- effects

		##@getCovar internal sienaTimeFix find the covariate
		getCovar <- function(cdvind, vdvind, bdvind, p)
			if (!is.na(cdvind))
				tmp <- data[[dataSub]]$cCovars[[cdvind]]
				val <- tmp
			else if (!is.na(vdvind))
				tmp <- data[[dataSub]]$vCovars[[vdvind]]
				val <- tmp[, p]
				tmp <- data[[dataSub]]$depvars[[bdvind]]
				val <- tmp[, , p]
			list(covar=tmp, val=val)
		for (i in which(rateXDummies))
			effect <- newEffects[i, ]
			## Figure out the base values:
			if (!is.null(data))
				cdvind <- match(effect$interaction1, atts$cCovars)
				vdvind <- match(effect$interaction1, atts$vCovars)
				bdvind <- match(effect$interaction1, atts$netnames)
				if (any((is.na(cdvind) & is.na(vdvind) &
					(is.na(bdvind))))) #|| atts$types[bdvind] != "behavior"))
					stop("Having trouble finding the covariate for your rate ",
						"effect. Please contact the developers.")
			for (p in timesd[[i]])
				dname <-  paste(effect$interaction1, "Dummy", p, ":",
					effect$name, sep="")
				dataSub <- intervals[p]
				pp <- localPeriodNos[p]
				if (!is.null(data))
					nPer <- attr(data[[dataSub]]$depvars[[effect$name]],
					covar <- getCovar(cdvind, vdvind, bdvind, pp)
					## add a new varCovar:
					nodeSet <- attr(covar$covar, "nodeSet")
					base <- matrix(0, nrow=length(covar$val), ncol=nPer - 1)
					base[, pp] <- covar$val
					data <- addVarCovar(data, base, nodeSet, dname, dataSub)

					## also add to other data objects as all must have same set

					for (ii in 1:length(data))
						if (ii != dataSub)
							nActors <-
							nPer <-
							base <- matrix(0, nrow=nActors, ncol=nPer - 1)
							data <- addVarCovar(data, base, nodeSet, dname, ii)
				## add the rate effect row:
				newEffects <-
					addEffect(newEffects, i, dname, "covarNonSymmetricRate",
						'RateX', paste('isDummy', p, i, sep=','))
		## now the non rateX effects

		## first add dummies for all requested periods for each
		## dependent variable

		## then construct the interaction effects with the other effects
		## the dummies are fixed unless we need dummies for the density effect

		## find which periods we need
		use <- sapply(timesd, length) > 0 & !rateXDummies
		timeslist <- split(timesd[use], effects$name[use])
		timeslist <- lapply(timeslist, function(x)sort(unique(unlist(x))))
		timesTypelist <- split(timesd[use],
			list(effects$name[use], effects$type[use]))
		timesTypelist <- lapply(timesTypelist,

		types <- unique(effects$type[use ])
		for (depvar in names(timeslist))
			##if (!is.null(data) && atts$types[[depvar]] == "behavior")
			##    stop ("Function is not specified for behavior effects")
			for (p in timeslist[[depvar]])
				## create the dummy covariate
				pp <- localPeriodNos[p]
				dname <- paste("Dummy", p, ":", depvar, sep="")
				dataSub <- intervals[p]
				if (!is.null(data))
					dims <- attr(data[[dataSub]]$depvars[[depvar]],
					nodeSet <- attr(data[[dataSub]]$depvars[[depvar]],
					nActors <- dims[1]
					nPer <- dims[3]
					tmp <- matrix(0, nActors, nPer - 1)
					tmp[, pp] <- 1
					data <- addVarCovar(data, tmp, nodeSet, dname, dataSub)

					## also add to other data objects as all must be the same

					for (i in 1:length(data))
						if ( i != dataSub)
							dims <- attr(data[[i]]$depvars[[depvar]],
							nodeSet <-
							nActors <- dims[1]
							nPer <- dims[3]
							base <- matrix(0, nActors, nPer - 1)
							data <- addVarCovar(data, base, nodeSet, dname, i)
				## This is where the behaviors are treated differently
				if (baseType$type[baseType$name==depvar][1] == "behavior")
					##find the linear effect rows for this depvar
					i <- which(effects$name == depvar &
						effects$shortName=="linear" &
						effects$type %in% types)

					if (length(i) == 0)
						stop("Cannot find 'effect from' effect(s) for ", depvar,
							" ", types)

					## establish whether we want the effFroms
					## included, fixed or not
					fix <- sapply(timesd[i], function(x)!p %in% x)
					typesNames <- paste(depvar, effects$type[i], sep=".")
					includeTypes <- !sapply(timesTypelist[typesNames], is.null)

					## add one or more effects (depending on types requested)
					newEffects <- addEffect(newEffects, i, dname,
						"covarBehaviorObjective", "effFrom",
						paste('isDummy', p,
						fix=fix, include=includeTypes,
					##find the density rows for this depvar
					i <- which(effects$name == depvar &
						effects$shortName=="density" &
						effects$type %in% types)

					if (length(i) == 0)
						stop("Cannot find density effect(s) for ", depvar,
							" ", types)

					## establish whether we want the egoXs included,
					## fixed or not
					fix <- sapply(timesd[i], function(x)!p %in% x)
					typesNames <- paste(depvar, effects$type[i], sep=".")
					includeTypes <- !sapply(timesTypelist[typesNames], is.null)

					## add one or more effects (depending on types requested)
					newEffects <-
						addEffect(newEffects, i, dname,
							"covarNonSymmetricObjective", "egoX",
							paste('isDummy', p,
								effects$effectNumber[i], sep=','),
							fix=fix, include=includeTypes)

			## now the interactions for any dummied effects for this
			## dependent variable
			for (j in
				which(dummiedEffects & !rateXDummies &
					effects$name==depvar &
					effects$shortName != "density" &
					effects$shortName != "linear"))
				for (p in timesd[[j]])
					dname <- paste("Dummy", p, ":", depvar, sep="")
					effect <- effects[j, ]
					if (baseType$type[baseType$name==depvar][1] == "behavior") {
						newEffects <-
								effect$shortName, "effFrom",
								interaction1= c(effect$interaction1,
								name=depvar, verbose=FALSE)
					} else {
						newEffects <-
								effect$shortName, "egoX",
								interaction1= c(effect$interaction1,
								name=depvar, verbose=FALSE)
					## find the row altered
					newrow <- newEffects$effect1 == j &
						newEffects$effect2 ==
						newEffects[paste(dname, effect$type, sep="."),
						newEffects$timeDummy[newrow] <-
							paste('isDummy', p, j, sep=',')
		## reorder the effects so Dummies come before interactions and
		## rates where they are expected
		e0 <- split(newEffects, newEffects$name)

		e0 <- lapply(e0, function(x)
				e1 <- !grepl("unspecified interaction effect",
				e2 <- grepl("unspecified interaction effect",
				e3 <- x$type == "rate"
				rbind(x[e3, ], x[e1 & ! e3, ], x[e2 & ! e3, ])
		## sort into order of names in original effect
		effNames <- unique(effects$name)
		order1 <- match(effNames, names(e0))
		e0 <- e0[order1]
		newEffects <- do.call(rbind, e0)
		## now reconstruct the group object to make sure all attributes are
		## correct after adding covariates
		if (!is.null(data))
			data <- sienaGroupCreate(data, singleOK=TRUE)
		list(effects=newEffects, data=data)
##@includeTimeDummy DataCreate
includeTimeDummy <- function(myeff, ..., timeDummy="all", name=myeff$name[1],
	type="eval", interaction1="", interaction2="", include=TRUE,
	if (character)
		dots <- sapply(list(...), function(x)x)
		dots <- substitute(list(...))[-1] ##first entry is the word 'list'
	if (length(dots) == 0)
		stop("need some effect short names")
	if (!character)
		effectNames <- sapply(dots, function(x)deparse(x))
		effectNames <- dots
	use <- myeff$shortName %in% effectNames &
		myeff$type==type &
		myeff$name==name &
		myeff$interaction1 == interaction1 &
		myeff$interaction2 == interaction2
	if (any(use))
		myeff[use, "timeDummy"] <- timeDummy
		myeff[use, "include"] <- include
		warning("No effects could be found with this specification.")

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