
# debug/test examples
# data(mtcars)
# mtc.dataset <- dataset(mtcars, ordinal = 'am')
# mtc.dataset <- dataset(mtcars)
# mtc.dataset$am <- bvar(v(mtc.dataset[['am']]), values=c("auto" = 0, "manual" = 1))
# mtc.dataset$vs <- bvar(v(mtc.dataset[['vs']]), values=c("V" = 0, "S" = 1))
# mtc.dataset$cyl <- ovar(v(mtc.dataset[['cyl']]), values=c("4" = 4, "6" = 6, "8"=8), description = 'number of cylinders')
# mtc.dataset$gear <- ovar(v(mtc.dataset[['gear']]), values=c("3" = 3, "4" = 4, "5"=5), description = 'gear type')
# b1 <- bivan(cyl ~ am + gear, mtc.dataset)
# exportPDF(b1, pdf = 'bivan1')

bivan.tests <- function(){
 out <- data.frame(
   'chi2' = c("Chi^2", 'global', 'symmetric', 'nominal', 'nominal'),
   'cramer.v' = c("Cramer's V", 'global', 'symmetric', 'nominal', 'nominal'),
   'gk.tau' = c("GK's Tau", 'global', 'symmetric', 'nominal', 'nominal'),
   'somers.d' = c("Somers's D", 'global', 'symmetric', 'nominal', 'nominal'),
   'std.res' = c("Standardized Residuals", 'global', 'symmetric', 'nominal', 'nominal')
 row.names(out) <- c('name', 'type', 'symmetry', 'dependant', 'predictor')
# getting which test the user want to perform
#allTests <- c(
  # == dependant feature: nominal ==
  # === predictor feature: nominal ===
  # nominal crit.global
  ## symmetric
#  "Chi^2", "Phi", "Cramer's V",
  ### Rand, kappa
  ## directional, error reduction in prediction type
#  "GK's Lambda",
#  "GK's Tau", "GK's Tau sqrt",
  ### Theil u index (and sqrt)
#  "Theil's u", "Theil's u sqrt",
  ## ordinal, based on concordance/discordance, symmetric
#  "Kendall's A Tau", "Kendall's B Tau",  "Stuart's C Tau", "GK's gamma",
  ## ordinal, based on conc/disc, directional
#  "Somer's D"
  ## ordinal, based on the rank
  ### rho de Spearman
  # == dependant feature: numeric ==
  # === predictor feature: nominal ===
  ### eta coefficient
  # === predictor feature: numeric ===
  ### Pearson linear correlation

    target = 'Dataset',
    predictors = 'Dataset',
    weighting = 'Dataset',
#     observed = 'data.frame',
#     expected = 'data.frame',
    observed = 'list',
    expected = 'list',    
    std.res = 'Statdf',
    global = 'Statdf'
  validity = function(object) {
    flag = TRUE
    # only one target
    if (flag && ncol(target(object)) != 1) {
      message("bivan function currently accepts only one target")
      flag <- FALSE

setMethod('target', 'Bivan', 
          definition = function (object) { 
            return(slot(object, 'target'))
  f = 'target' ,
  signature = 'Bivan' ,
  definition = function(object, value){
    object@target <- value
setMethod('predictors', 'Bivan', 
          definition = function (object) { 
            return(slot(object, 'predictors'))
  f = 'predictors' ,
  signature = 'Bivan' ,
  definition = function(object, value){
    object@predictors <- value
setMethod('weighting', 'Bivan', 
          definition = function (object) { 
            return(slot(object, 'weighting'))

  f = 'weighting' ,
  signature = 'Bivan' ,
  definition = function(object, value){
    object@weighting <- value
setMethod('observed', 'Bivan', 
          definition = function (object) { 
            return(slot(object, 'observed'))
  f = 'observed' ,
  signature = 'Bivan' ,
  definition = function(object, value){
    object@observed <- value
setMethod('expected', 'Bivan', 
          definition = function (object) { 
            return(slot(object, 'expected'))
  f = 'expected' ,
  signature = 'Bivan' ,
  definition = function(object, value){
    object@expected <- value
setMethod('std.res', 'Bivan', 
          definition = function (object) { 
            return(slot(object, 'std.res'))
  f = 'std.res' ,
  signature = 'Bivan' ,
  definition = function(object, value){
    object@std.res <- value
setMethod('global', 'Bivan', 
          definition = function (object) { 
            return(slot(object, 'global'))
  f = 'global' ,
  signature = 'Bivan' ,
  definition = function(object, value){
    object@global <- value

  f = 'print',
  signature = c('Bivan'),
  definition = function(x, ...) {
    message(names(target(x))[1], appendLF = F)
    if (length(description(target(x)[[1]])) > 0) {
      message(paste(":", description(target(x)[[1]])), appendLF = F)
    #message(paste(yname, " is ", str.typevar(data[[yname]]), ".", sep = ""))
    #message(paste(names(predictors(x)), collapse = ', '))
    preds <- names(predictors(x))
    for (i in preds) {
      message(i, appendLF = F)
      if (length(description(predictors(x)[[i]])) > 0) {
        message(paste(":", description(predictors(x)[[i]])), appendLF = F)
    wvarname <- names(weighting(x))
    if(length(wvarname) > 0) {
      message(wvarname, appendLF = F)
      if (length(description(target(x)[[1]])) > 0) {
        message(paste(":", description(weighting(x)[[1]])), appendLF = F)
    } else {
      message("No weighting variable defined, equi-weighting is used")
    #for (i in xnames) {
    #  message(paste(i, " is ", str.typevar(data[[i]]), ".", sep = ""))
    if(ncol(std.res(x)) > 0) {
      print(summary(std.res(x), merge = 'left'))
    if(ncol(global(x)) > 0) {
      print(summary(global(x), merge = 'left'))

  f = 'show',
  signature = c('Bivan'),
  definition = function(object) {

# exportPDF(b1)
  f = 'exportPDF',
  signature = c('Bivan'),
  definition = function (
    graphics = F,
  ) {
    if(!is.installed.pkg('xtable')) {
    } else {
      if(!missing(pdfSavingName)) {
        outName <- pdfSavingName
      } else {
        outName <- 'Bivariate analysis'
      outName.pdf <- make.names(outName) # no spaces for Unix/Texlive compilation ?
      if(missing(pdfSavingName)) {  	
        pdfSavingName <- paste("Summary-", outName.pdf, sep = "") # no spaces for Unix/Texlive compilation ?
      latexFile <- paste(pdfSavingName, ".tex", sep="")
      is.writable(pdfSavingName, path = getwd())
      outFileCon <- file(latexFile, "w", encoding="UTF-8")
      latex.head(title = paste("Summary of the", totex(outName)),
      page.orientation, latexPackages, outFileCon)
      cat("\\section*{Variables} \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
          file = outFileCon, append = T
      if (length(description(target(object)[[1]])) > 0) {
          totex(description(target(object)[[1]]))), " \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
      cat("\\newline \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
      cat("\\textbf{Predictor(s)}", " \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
      cat("\\begin{itemize*}", " \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
      preds <- names(predictors(object))
      for (i in preds) {
        cat("\\item ", totex(i), file = outFileCon, append = T)
        if(length(description(predictors(object)[[i]])) > 0) {
          cat(paste(":",  totex(description(predictors(object)[[i]]))), file = outFileCon, append = T)
        cat(" \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
      cat("\\end{itemize*}", " \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
      cat("\\textbf{Weighting} ", file = outFileCon, append = T)
      wvarname <- names(weighting(object))
      if(length(wvarname) > 0) {
        cat(totex(wvarname), file = outFileCon, append = T)
        if (length(description(target(object)[[1]])) > 0) { #FIXME sure it's target???
          cat(paste(":", totex(description(weighting(object)[[1]]))), " \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
      } else {
        cat("No weighting variable defined, equi-weighting is used", " \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
      # std.res --------------------------------------
      if(ncol(std.res(object)) > 0) {
        s <- summary(std.res(object), merge = 'left')
        object.xtable <- xtable(
          align = c("l", rep('l', ncol(sdf(s)))),
        cat("\\section*{", name(s), "} \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
        cat("\\begin{center} \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
        print(object.xtable, file=outFileCon , append=T,
              table.placement = "htb",
        cat("\\newline ", " \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
        cat(thresholds(s), " \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
        cat("\\end{center} \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
      # global --------------------------------------
      if(ncol(global(object)) > 0) {
        s <- summary(global(object), merge = 'left')
        object.xtable <- xtable(
          align = c("l", rep('l', ncol(sdf(s)))),
        cat("\\section*{", name(s), "} \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
        cat("\\begin{center} \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
        print(object.xtable, file=outFileCon , append=T,
              table.placement = "htb",
        cat("\\newline ", " \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
        cat(thresholds(s), " \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
        cat("\\end{center} \n", file = outFileCon, append = T)
      close.and.clean(outFileCon, pdfSavingName, keepTex, openPDF)

calc.pval <- function(x) { # for std. residuals

  f = 'bivan',
  signature = c(
  definition = function (
  ) {
    #FIXME: date type non-supported
    #data.Dataset <- data
    data.without.checks <- data
    weighting(data.without.checks) <- character(0)
    checkvars(data.without.checks) <- character(0)
#     data.df <- v(data.without.checks)
    data.df <- v(data)
    if (any(attr(terms(formula, data = data.df), "order") > 1)) 
      stop("interactions are not allowed")
    if (length(formula) < 3L) {
      stop("You have to specify a response variable")
    t <- terms(formula)
    variables <- as.character(setdiff(strsplit(as.character(attr(t, "variables")), split="\\("), "list"))
    yname <- variables[attr(t, "response")]
    xnames <- variables[-attr(t, "response")]
    nbxnames <- length(xnames)
    if(!all(yname %in% names(data.df))) {
      stop("The target isn't in the Dataset")
    if(!all(xnames %in% names(data.df))) {
      stop("Some predictors aren't in the Dataset")
    y <- data.df[[yname]] # the target
    ncat <- nlevels(y)
    x <- data.df[xnames] # all the descriptors
    weights <- weights(data)
    alltests <- bivan.tests()
    obs.list <- list()
    exp.list <- list()
    # -------------------------
    # std.res
    out.std.res <- statdf()
    if(std.res) {
      res <- NULL
      for (i in xnames) {
        y.nlev <- nlevels(y)
        x.nlev <- nlevels(x[,i])
        ncases <- x.nlev*y.nlev
        tbl <- matrix(rep(-1,ncases), ncol = y.nlev)
        dimnames(tbl) <- list(levels(x[,i]), levels(y))
        for(k in 1:x.nlev){#row
          for(l in 1:y.nlev){
            ids <- intersect(
            tbl[k,l] <- sum(weights[ids])
        obs.no.margin <- tbl
        chisq <- chisq.test(obs.no.margin, correct=TRUE)
        res.temp <- chisq$stdres
        row.names(res.temp) <- paste(paste(i, '/'), row.names(res.temp))
        if(is.null(res)) {
          res <- res.temp
        } else {
          res <- rbind(res, res.temp)

      out.std.res <- data.frame(matrix(rep(0, ncol(res)*2*nrow(res)), nrow = nrow(res)))
      names(out.std.res) <- addSignif(dimnames(res)[[2]])
      row.names(out.std.res) <- row.names(res)
      for (i in 1:ncol(res)){
         out.std.res[,i*2-1] <- res[,i]
         out.std.res[,i*2] <- calc.pval(res[,i])
      out.std.res <- statdf(
        pvalues = 'even',
        name = paste(alltests['name', 'std.res'], 'table')
    # -------------------------
    # global
    userTests <- character(0)
    # SPOT1
    if (chi2) userTests <- c(userTests, 'chi2')
    if (phi) userTests <- c(userTests, 'phi')
    if (tschuprow) userTests <- c(userTests, 'tschuprow')
    if (cramer.v) userTests <- c(userTests, 'cramer.v')
    if (pearson.contingency) userTests <- c(userTests, 'pearson.contingency')
    if (likelihood.ratio) userTests <- c(userTests, 'likelihood.ratio')
    if (gk.lambda) userTests <- c(userTests, 'gk.lambda')
    if (gk.tau) userTests <- c(userTests, 'gk.tau')
    if (gk.tau.sqrt) userTests <- c(userTests, 'gk.tau.sqrt')
    if (theil.u) userTests <- c(userTests, 'theil.u')
    if (theil.u.sqrt) userTests <- c(userTests, 'theil.u.sqrt')
    if (kendall.tau.a) userTests <- c(userTests, 'kendall.tau.a')
    if (kendall.tau.b) userTests <- c(userTests, 'kendall.tau.b')
    if (stuart.tau.c) userTests <- c(userTests, 'stuart.tau.c')
    if (gk.gamma) userTests <- c(userTests, 'gk.gamma')
    if (somers.d) userTests <- c(userTests, 'somers.d')
    if (wilson.e) userTests <- c(userTests, 'wilson.e')
    if (spearman.rho) userTests <- c(userTests, 'spearman.rho')
    userTestsSignif <- addSignif(userTests)
    nbTests <- length(userTests)
    # creating an blank dataframe for storing results (with p-values)
    mes <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(0, nbxnames * nbTests * 2), nrow = nbxnames))
    row.names(mes) <- xnames
    names(mes) <- userTestsSignif
    counter.var <- 0
    for (i in xnames) {
      counter.var <- counter.var + 1
      y.nlev <- nlevels(y)
      x.nlev <- nlevels(x[,i])
      ncases <- x.nlev*y.nlev
      tbl <- matrix(rep(-1,ncases), ncol = y.nlev)
      dimnames(tbl) <- list(levels(x[,i]), levels(y))
      for(k in 1:x.nlev){#row
        for(l in 1:y.nlev){
          ids <- intersect(
          tbl[k,l] <- sum(weights[ids])
      obs.no.margin <- tbl
      obs <- obs.no.margin
      obs <- cbind(obs, margin.table(obs, 1))
      obs <- rbind(obs, margin.table(obs, 2))
      obs.list[[counter.var]] <- obs
      n.total <- obs[x.nlev+1,y.nlev+1]
      tbl <- matrix(rep(-1,ncases), ncol = y.nlev)
      dimnames(tbl) <- list(levels(x[,i]), levels(y))
      for(k in 1:x.nlev){#row
        for(l in 1:y.nlev){
          tbl[k,l] <- obs[k,y.nlev+1]*obs[x.nlev+1,l]/n.total
      exp <- tbl
      exp <- cbind(exp, margin.table(exp, 1))
      exp <- rbind(exp, margin.table(exp, 2))
      exp.list[[counter.var]] <- exp
      chisq <- chisq.test(obs.no.margin, correct=TRUE)
      n <- nrow(obs.no.margin)
      p <- ncol(obs.no.margin)
      j <- 0
      if (is.element("chi2", userTests)) {
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- chisq$statistic
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- chisq$p.value
      if (is.element("phi", userTests)) {
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- sqrt(chisq$statistic / n.total);
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- chisq$p.value
      if (is.element("tschuprow", userTests)) {
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- sqrt(chisq$statistic/ (n.total * sqrt((n-1)*(p-1))))
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- chisq$p.value
      if (is.element("cramer.v", userTests)) {
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- sqrt(chisq$statistic / (n.total * min(dim(obs.no.margin) - 1 )))
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- chisq$p.value
      if (is.element("pearson.contingency", userTests)) {
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- sqrt(chisq$statistic/(n.total + chisq$statistic))
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- chisq$p.value
      if (is.element("likelihood.ratio", userTests)) {
        temp <- calc.chisq.likelihood.ratio(obs.no.margin)
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$statistic
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$pvalue
      if (is.element("gk.lambda", userTests)) {
        temp <- calc.gk.lambda(obs.no.margin)
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$statistic;
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$pvalue;
      if (is.element("gk.tau", userTests)) {
        temp <- GK.tau(obs.no.margin)
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$tau.CR;
        # j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- GK.tau(tablexy)$tau.CR
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$p.tau.CR;
        # j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- GK.tau(tablexy)$p.tau.CR
      if (is.element("gk.tau.sqrt", userTests)) {
        temp <- GK.tau(obs.no.margin)
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- sqrt(temp$tau.CR);
        # j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- GK.tau(tablexy)$tau.CR
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$p.tau.CR;
        # j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- GK.tau(tablexy)$p.tau.CR
      if (is.element("theil.u", userTests)) {
        temp <- calc.Theil.u(obs.no.margin)
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$statistic;
        # j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- GK.tau(tablexy)$tau.CR
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$pvalue;
        # j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- GK.tau(tablexy)$p.tau.CR
      if (is.element("theil.u.sqrt", userTests)) {
        temp <- calc.Theil.u(obs.no.margin)
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- sqrt(temp$statistic);
        # j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- GK.tau(tablexy)$tau.CR
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$pvalue;
        # j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- GK.tau(tablexy)$p.tau.CR
      if (is.element("kendall.tau.a", userTests)) {
        temp <- calc.kendall.tau.a(obs.no.margin)
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$statistic;
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$pvalue;
      if (is.element("kendall.tau.b", userTests)) {
        temp <- calc.kendall.tau.b(obs.no.margin)
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$statistic;
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$pvalue;
      if (is.element("stuart.tau.c", userTests)) {
        temp <- calc.stuart.tau.c(obs.no.margin)
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$statistic;
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$pvalue;
      if (is.element("gk.gamma", userTests)) {
        temp <- calc.gk.gamma(obs.no.margin)
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$statistic;
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$pvalue;
      if (is.element("somers.d", userTests)) {
        temp <- calc.somers.d(obs.no.margin)
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$statistic;
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$pvalue;
        # j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- calc.Sd(tablexy)$Sd.CR
      if (is.element("wilson.e", userTests)) {
        temp <- calc.wilson.e(obs.no.margin)
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$statistic;
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$pvalue;
        # j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- calc.Sd(tablexy)$Sd.CR
      if (is.element("spearman.rho", userTests)) {
        temp <- calc.spearman.rho(obs.no.margin)
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$statistic;
        j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- temp$pvalue;
        # j <- j+1; mes[i, j] <- calc.Sd(tablexy)$Sd.CR

    out.global <- statdf(
      pvalues = 'even',
      name = 'Global association measures'
    # -------------------------
    # out
    names(obs.list) <- xnames
    names(exp.list) <- xnames
    out <- new(
      target = data.without.checks[,yname],
      predictors = data.without.checks[,xnames],
      weighting = data.without.checks[, weighting(data)],
      observed = obs.list,
      expected = exp.list,
      std.res = out.std.res,
      global = out.global

# =========================================================================================================
# Statistics, Pearson and Likelihood chi2
# =========================================================================================================

nij.under.H0 <- function(x) { # x : table of contingency
  tbl.x <- margin.table(x, 1)
  tbl.y <- margin.table(x, 2)
  n <- margin.table(x)
  out <- x
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
    for (j in 1:ncol(x)){
      out[i,j] <- tbl.x[i]*tbl.y[j]/n

statistic.chisq.likelihood.ratio <- function(x){ # x : table of contingency
  e <- nij.under.H0(x)
  G <- 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
    for (j in 1:ncol(x)){
      Gij <- x[i,j] * log(x[i,j]/e[i,j])
      if(!is.nan(Gij)) {
        G <- G + Gij
  G <- 2 * G

statistic.chisq.pearson <- function(x){ # x : table of contingency
  e <- nij.under.H0(x)
  G <- 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
    for (j in 1:ncol(x)){
      if(e[i,j] > 0)
        G <- G + ((x[i,j] - e[i,j])^2)/e[i,j]
  G <- G

calc.chisq.likelihood.ratio <- function(x){
  n <- nrow(x)
  p <- ncol(x)
  stat <- statistic.chisq.likelihood.ratio(x)
  pval <- pchisq(stat, df = (n-1)*(p-1), lower.tail = F)
    'statistic' = stat,
    'pvalue' = pval
# =========================================================================================================
# Phi
# =========================================================================================================
calc.phi <- function(x)
  x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
  c <- concordant(x)
  d <- discordant(x)
  n <- sum(x)
  SumR <- rowSums(x)
  SumC <- colSums(x)

  Sd.CR <- (2 * (c - d)) / ((n ^ 2) - (sum(SumR ^ 2)))
  Sd.RC <- (2 * (c - d)) / ((n ^ 2) - (sum(SumC ^ 2)))
  Sd.S <- (2 * (c - d)) / ((n ^ 2) - (((sum(SumR ^ 2)) + (sum(SumC ^ 2))) / 2))

  Sdlist <- list(Sd.CR, Sd.RC, Sd.S)
  names(Sdlist) <- c("Sd.CR", "Sd.RC", "Sd.S")


# =========================================================================================================
# subformulas common
# =========================================================================================================
subformulas.common <- function(x){
  n <- sum(x)
  sum.piX.squared <- 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
    sum.piX.squared <- sum.piX.squared + (sum(x[i,])/n)^2
  sum.pXj.squared <- 0
  for (j in 1:ncol(x)){
    sum.pXj.squared <- sum.pXj.squared + (sum(x[,j])/n)^2
  sum.pij.squared <- 0
  for(i in 1:nrow(x)){
    for(j in 1:ncol(x)){
      sum.pij.squared <- sum.pij.squared + (x[i,j]/n)^2
    'sum.piX.squared' = sum.piX.squared,
    'sum.pXj.squared' = sum.pXj.squared,
    'sum.pij.squared' = sum.pij.squared
subformulas.common.ij <- function(x,i,j){
  n <- sum(x)
  pij <- x[i,j]/n
  piX <- sum(x[i,])/n
  pXj <- sum(x[,j])/n
  pi.ij.c <- 0
  if (i > 1 && j > 1) {
    for(k in 1:(i-1)){
      for(l in 1:(j-1)){
        #             if ((k %in% 1:nrow(x)) && (l %in% 1:ncol(x))){
        pi.ij.c <- pi.ij.c + x[k,l]/n
        #             }
  if (i < nrow(x) && j < ncol(x)) {
    for(k in (i+1):nrow(x)){
      for(l in (j+1):ncol(x)){
        #             if ((k %in% 1:nrow(x)) && (l %in% 1:ncol(x))){
        pi.ij.c <- pi.ij.c + x[k,l]/n
        #             }
  pi.ij.d <- 0
  if (i > 1 && j < ncol(x)) {
    for(k in 1:(i-1)){
      for(l in (j+1):ncol(x)){
        #             if ((k %in% 1:nrow(x)) && (l %in% 1:ncol(x))){
        pi.ij.d <- pi.ij.d + x[k,l]/n
        #             }
  if (i < nrow(x) && j > 1) {
    for(k in (i+1):nrow(x)){
      for(l in 1:(j-1)){
        #             if ((k %in% 1:nrow(x)) && (l %in% 1:ncol(x))){
        pi.ij.d <- pi.ij.d + x[k,l]/n
        #             }
    'pij' = pij,
    'piX' = piX,
    'pXj' = pXj,
    'pi.ij.c' = pi.ij.c,
    'pi.ij.d' = pi.ij.d

# =========================================================================================================
# GK's lambda
# =========================================================================================================
calc.gk.lambda <- function(x)
  x <- t(matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x)))
  m <- nrow(x)
  p <- ncol(x)
  mtable.x <- as.vector(margin.table(x, 1))
  mtable.y <- as.vector(margin.table(x, 2))
  n <- sum(x)
  nm <- max(mtable.x)
  numerator <- 0
  denominator <- n - nm
  for (j in 1:p) {
    numerator <- numerator + max(x[,j])

  numerator <- numerator - nm

  statistic <- numerator/denominator
  #pvalue by comparing lambda/asymptotic standard error to Norm(0,1)
  sum1 <- 0
  sum2 <- 0
  Mrow <- numeric(0)
  for (j in 1:p) {
    sum1 <- sum1 + max(x[,j])/n
    Mrow <- c(Mrow, which.max(x[,j])) # for determining Jplus
  M <- which.max(mtable.x) # get the row where the max is
  Jplus <- which(Mrow == M)

  for (j in Jplus) {
    sum2 <- sum2 + max(x[,j])/n
  asymptotic.variance <- 
    (1 - sum1) * (nm/n + sum1 - 2*sum2) / (n * (1 - nm/n)^3)
  pvalue <- pnorm(statistic/sqrt(asymptotic.variance), mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = F)
    statistic = statistic,
    asympt.var = asymptotic.variance,
    pvalue = pvalue
# =========================================================================================================
# Theil's u
# =========================================================================================================
calc.Theil.u <- function(x)
  x <- t(matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x)))
  m <- nrow(x)
  p <- ncol(x)
  mtable.x <- as.vector(margin.table(x, 1))
  mtable.y <- as.vector(margin.table(x, 2))
  n <- margin.table(x)
  if (n == 0) {
    statistic <- 0
  } else {
    numerator <- 0
    denominator <- 0
    for (i in 1:m) {
      for (j in 1:p) {
        numerator.ij <- x[i,j]*log2(mtable.x[i] * mtable.y[j] / x[i,j])
        if(!is.nan(numerator.ij)) {
          numerator <- numerator + numerator.ij
      denominator.i <- mtable.x[i] * log2(mtable.x[i])
      if(!is.nan(denominator.i)) {
        denominator <- denominator + denominator.i
    norm <- n*log2(n)
    numerator <- numerator - norm
    denominator <- denominator - norm
    statistic <- numerator/denominator
  #pvalue using the chi2 likelihood ratio statistic
  G <- statistic.chisq.likelihood.ratio(x)
  pvalue <- pchisq(G, df = (m-1)*(p-1), lower.tail = F)
    statistic = statistic,
    pvalue = pvalue

# =========================================================================================================
# Goodman & Kruskal Tau
# Antti Arppe
# https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2007-August/138098.html
# =========================================================================================================
GK.tau <- function(dat) {
	N <- sum(dat);
	dat.rows <- nrow(dat);
	dat.cols <- ncol(dat);
	max.col <- sum.col <- L.col <- matrix(,dat.cols);
	max.row <- sum.row <- L.row <- matrix(,dat.rows);
	for(i in 1:dat.cols)
		{ sum.col[i] <- sum(dat[,i]); max.col[i] <- max(dat[,i]); }
	for(i in 1:dat.rows)
		{ sum.row[i] <- sum(dat[i,]); max.row[i] <- max(dat[i,]); }
	max.row.margin <- max(apply(dat,1,sum));
	max.col.margin <- max(apply(dat,2,sum));

	# Goodman-Kruskal tau
	# Tau Column|Row
	n.err.unconditional <- N^2;
	for(i in 1:dat.rows)
		n.err.unconditional <- n.err.unconditional-N*sum(dat[i,]^2/sum.row[i]);
	n.err.conditional <- N^2-sum(sum.col^2);
	tau.CR <- 1-(n.err.unconditional/n.err.conditional);
	v <- n.err.unconditional/(N^2);
	d <- n.err.conditional/(N^2);
	f <- d*(v+1)-2*v;
	var.tau.CR <- 0;
	for(i in 1:dat.rows)
		for(j in 1:dat.cols)
			var.tau.CR <- var.tau.CR + dat[i,j]*(-2*v*(sum.col[j]/N)+d*((2*dat[i,j]/sum.row[i])-sum((dat[i,]/sum.row[i])^2))-f)^2/(N^2*d^4);
	ASE.tau.CR <- sqrt(var.tau.CR);
	z.tau.CR <- tau.CR/ASE.tau.CR;
	U.tau.CR <- (N-1)*(dat.cols-1)*tau.CR; # Chi-squared approximation for H0 according to Margolin & Light 1974, see also Liebetrau 1983
	p.tau.CR <- pchisq(U.tau.CR,df=(dat.rows-1)*(dat.cols-1),lower=FALSE);
	# Tau Row|Column
	n.err.unconditional <- N^2;
	for(j in 1:dat.cols)
	 n.err.unconditional <- n.err.unconditional-N*sum(dat[,j]^2/sum.col[j]);
	n.err.conditional <- N^2-sum(sum.row^2);
	tau.RC <- 1-(n.err.unconditional/n.err.conditional);
	v <- n.err.unconditional/(N^2);
	d <- n.err.conditional/(N^2);
	f <- d*(v+1)-2*v;
	var.tau.RC <- 0;
	for(i in 1:dat.rows)
		for(j in 1:dat.cols)
			var.tau.RC <- var.tau.RC + dat[i,j]*(-2*v*(sum.row[i]/N)+d*((2*dat[i,j]/sum.col[j])-sum((dat[,j]/sum.col[j])^2))-f)^2/(N^2*d^4);
	ASE.tau.RC <- sqrt(var.tau.RC);
	z.tau.RC <- tau.CR/ASE.tau.RC;
	U.tau.RC <- (N-1)*(dat.rows-1)*tau.RC; # Chi-squared approximation for H0 according to Margolin & Light 1974, see also Liebetrau 1983
	p.tau.RC <- pchisq(U.tau.RC,df=(dat.rows-1)*(dat.cols-1),lower=FALSE);
	results <- data.frame(tau.RC, tau.CR, p.tau.RC, p.tau.CR, var.tau.RC, ASE.tau.RC, ASE.tau.CR);

# source("GK.tau.R")
# x
     # [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,]   30   10    1
# [2,]    2   20    5
# [3,]    1   10   15
# GK.tau(x)
     # tau.RC    tau.CR     p.tau.RC     p.tau.CR  var.tau.RC ASE.tau.RC
# 1 0.3522439 0.3219675 2.002024e-13 3.065436e-12 0.004584542 0.06770924
  # ASE.tau.CR
# 1 0.07004566

# =========================================================================================================
# Somer's D
# =========================================================================================================
# Note: concordant function from Marc Schwartz, and here adapted to suit needs
concordant <- function(x)
  x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
  n <- sum(x)
  # get sum(matrix values > r AND > c)
  # for each matrix[r, c]
  mat.lr <- function(r, c)
    lr <- x[(r.x > r) & (c.x > c)]
  # get row and column index for each
  # matrix element
  r.x <- row(x)
  c.x <- col(x)
  # return the sum of each matrix[r, c] * sums
  # using mapply to sequence thru each matrix[r, c]
  m <- sum(x * mapply(mat.lr, r = r.x, c = c.x))
    'm' = m,
    'pi' = m/(n*(n-1)/2)

# Note: discordant function from Marc Schwartz, and here adapted to suit needs
# Calculate DIScordant Pairs in a table
# cycle through x[r, c] and multiply by
# sum(x elements below and to the left of x[r, c])
# x = table
discordant <- function(x)
  x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
  n <- sum(x)
  # get sum(matrix values > r AND < c)
  # for each matrix[r, c]
  mat.ll <- function(r, c)
    ll <- x[(r.x > r) & (c.x < c)]
  # get row and column index for each
  # matrix element
  r.x <- row(x)
  c.x <- col(x)
  # return the sum of each matrix[r, c] * sums
  # using mapply to sequence thru each matrix[r, c]
  m <- sum(x * mapply(mat.ll, r = r.x, c = c.x))
    'm' = m,
    'pi' = m/(n*(n-1)/2)

egal.pred <- function(x)
  n <- sum(x)
  m <- 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
    for (j in 1:(ncol(x)-1)) {
      m <- m + x[i,j] * sum(x[i, (j+1):ncol(x)])
    'm' = m,
    'pi' = m/(n*(n-1)/2)

egal.target <- function(x)
  n <- sum(x)
  m <- 0
  for (j in 1:ncol(x)){
    for (i in 1:(nrow(x)-1)) {
      m <- m + x[i,j] * sum(x[(i+1):nrow(x), j])
    'm' = m,
    'pi' = m/(n*(n-1)/2)

calc.somers.d <- function(x)
#   x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
  c <- concordant(x)$pi
  d <- discordant(x)$pi
  t <- egal.target(x)$pi
  p <- egal.pred(x)$pi
  stat <- (c-d)/(c+d+t) # ok !
  x <- t(x) # dans quel sens on va ?
  n <- sum(x)
  sc <- subformulas.common(x)
  asympt.var.numerator <- 0
  for(i in 1:nrow(x)){
    for(j in 1:ncol(x)){
      s <- subformulas.common.ij(x, i, j)
      asympt.var.numerator <- asympt.var.numerator +
        s$pij * ( (c-d)*(1-s$pXj) - (1-sc$sum.pXj.squared)*(s$pi.ij.c - s$pi.ij.d) )^2
  asympt.var.numerator <- 4 * asympt.var.numerator
  asympt.var <- asympt.var.numerator/(n*(1-sc$sum.pXj.squared)^4)
  std.error <- sqrt(asympt.var)
  if(stat < 0) {
    pvalue <- pnorm(stat/std.error, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = T)*2
  } else {
    pvalue <- pnorm(stat/std.error, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = F)*2
#   pvalue <- pnorm(abs(stat)/std.error, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = F)*2 # il faut mettre la stat en valeur absolue ?
  # le calcul pnorm(abs(-0.10667)/0.062592, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = F)*2
  # tombe juste avec para
#   message('somers.d')
#   message(paste('stat',stat))
#   message(paste('asympt.var',asympt.var))
#   message(paste('sqrt(asympt.var)',sqrt(asympt.var)))
#   message(paste('std.error',std.error))
#   message(paste('test statistic',stat/std.error))
#   message(paste('pvalue', pvalue))
    statistic = stat,
    asympt.var = asympt.var,
    pvalue = pvalue
# =========================================================================================================
# Kendall's A tau
# =========================================================================================================
calc.kendall.tau.a <- function(x)
  x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
  c <- concordant(x)$pi
  d <- discordant(x)$pi
  n <- sum(x)
  stat <- c - d # ok!
  x <- t(x) # dans quel sens on va ?
  asympt.var <- 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
    for(j in 1:ncol(x)){
      s <- subformulas.common.ij(x,i,j)
      asympt.var <- asympt.var + s$pij * (s$pi.ij.c - s$pi.ij.d)^2
  asympt.var <- 4/n*( asympt.var - stat^2)
  std.error <- sqrt(asympt.var)

  if(stat < 0) {
    pvalue <- pnorm(stat/std.error, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = T)*2
  } else {
    pvalue <- pnorm(stat/std.error, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = F)*2
#   message('tau.a')
#   message(paste('stat',stat))
#   message(paste('asympt.var',asympt.var))
#   message(paste('sqrt(asympt.var)',sqrt(asympt.var)))
#   message(paste('std.error',std.error))
#   message(paste('test statistic',stat/std.error))
#   message(paste('pvalue', pvalue))
    statistic = stat,
    asympt.var = asympt.var,
    pvalue = pvalue
# ================================================================
# Kendall's B tau
# ================================================================
calc.kendall.tau.b <- function(x)
#   x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
  n <- sum(x)
  c <- concordant(x)$m
  d <- discordant(x)$m
  t <- egal.target(x)$m
  p <- egal.pred(x)$m
  stat <- (c-d)/sqrt((c+d+p)*(c+d+t)) # ok!
  x <- t(x) # dans quel sens on va ?
  sc <- subformulas.common(x)  
  delta <- sqrt((1 - sc$sum.piX.squared) * (1 - sc$sum.pXj.squared))
#   print(delta)
  phi.bar <- 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
    for(j in 1:ncol(x)){
      s <- subformulas.common.ij(x,i,j)
      phi.ij <- 2*(s$pi.ij.c - s$pi.ij.d)*delta + 
        stat * ( s$piX * (1-sc$sum.pXj.squared) + s$pXj * (1-sc$sum.piX.squared))
  asympt.var <- 0  
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
    for(j in 1:ncol(x)){
      s <- subformulas.common.ij(x,i,j)
      phi.ij <- 2*(s$pi.ij.c - s$pi.ij.d)*delta + 
        stat * ( s$piX * (1-sc$sum.pXj.squared) + s$pXj * (1-sc$sum.piX.squared))
      asympt.var <- asympt.var + s$pij * (phi.ij - phi.bar)^2  
  asympt.var <- 1/(n*delta^4) * asympt.var
#   std.error <- sqrt(asympt.var)/sqrt(n)
  std.error <- sqrt(asympt.var)
  if(stat < 0) {
    pvalue <- pnorm(stat/std.error, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = T)*2
  } else {
    pvalue <- pnorm(stat/std.error, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = F)*2
#   message('tau.b')
#   message(paste('stat',stat))
#   message(paste('asympt.var',asympt.var))
#   message(paste('sqrt(asympt.var)',sqrt(asympt.var)))
#   message(paste('std.error',std.error))
#   message(paste('test statistic',stat/std.error))
#   message(paste('pvalue', pvalue))
    statistic = stat,
    asympt.var = asympt.var,
    pvalue = pvalue
# =========================================================================================================
# Stuart's C tau
# =========================================================================================================
calc.stuart.tau.c <- function(x)
  x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
  c <- concordant(x)$m
  d <- discordant(x)$m
  n <- sum(x)
  mindim <- min(dim(x))
  stat <- (c - d)/(n^2/2) * 1/(1 - 1/mindim)
#   stat <- (c - d) * 1/(1 - 1/mindim)
  asympt.var <- (mindim/(1-mindim))^2 * calc.kendall.tau.a(x)$asympt.var
  std.error <- sqrt(asympt.var)
  if(stat < 0) {
    pvalue <- pnorm(stat/std.error, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = T)*2
  } else {
    pvalue <- pnorm(stat/std.error, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = F)*2
#   message('tau.c')
#   message(paste('stat',stat))
#   message(paste('asympt.var',asympt.var))
#   message(paste('sqrt(asympt.var)',sqrt(asympt.var)))
#   message(paste('std.error',std.error))
#   message(paste('test statistic',stat/std.error))
#   message(paste('pvalue', pvalue))
    statistic = stat,
    asympt.var = asympt.var,
    pvalue = pvalue

# =========================================================================================================
# GK's gamma
# =========================================================================================================
calc.gk.gamma <- function(x)
  x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
  c <- concordant(x)$pi
  d <- discordant(x)$pi
  n <- sum(x)
  stat <- (c - d)/(c + d)
  x <- t(x) # dans quel sens on va ?
  asympt.var <- 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
    for(j in 1:ncol(x)){
      s <- subformulas.common.ij(x,i,j)
      asympt.var <- asympt.var + s$pij * (c * s$pi.ij.d - d * s$pi.ij.c)^2
  asympt.var <- 16/(n*(c+d)^4) * asympt.var
  std.error <- sqrt(asympt.var)
  if(stat < 0) {
    pvalue <- pnorm(stat/std.error, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = T)*2
  } else {
    pvalue <- pnorm(stat/std.error, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = F)*2
#   message('\n gamma')
#   message(paste('stat',stat))
#   message(paste('asympt.var',asympt.var))
#   message(paste('sqrt(asympt.var)',sqrt(asympt.var)))
#   message(paste('std.error',std.error))
#   message(paste('test statistic',stat/std.error))
#   message(paste('pvalue', pvalue))
    statistic = stat,
    asympt.var = asympt.var,
    pvalue = pvalue

# =========================================================================================================
# Wilson's e
# =========================================================================================================
calc.wilson.e <- function(x)
  c <- concordant(x)$pi
  d <- discordant(x)$pi
  n <- sum(x)
  stat <- (c-d)/(c+d+egal.pred(x)$pi+egal.target(x)$pi)
  x <- t(x) # dans quel sens on va ?
  sc <- subformulas.common(x)
  asympt.var <- 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
    for(j in 1:ncol(x)){
      s <- subformulas.common.ij(x,i,j)
      asympt.var <- asympt.var + s$pij * (
        (c-d) * (1 - s$pij)  -
        (1 - sc$sum.pij.squared) * (s$pi.ij.c - s$pi.ij.d)
  asympt.var <- 4 * asympt.var/(n*(1-sc$sum.pij.squared)^4)
  std.error <- sqrt(asympt.var)
  if(stat < 0) {
    pvalue <- pnorm(stat/std.error, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = T)*2
  } else {
    pvalue <- pnorm(stat/std.error, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower.tail = F)*2
#   message('\n wilson.e')
#   message(paste('stat',stat))
#   message(paste('asympt.var',asympt.var))
#   message(paste('sqrt(asympt.var)',sqrt(asympt.var)))
#   message(paste('std.error',std.error))
#   message(paste('test statistic',stat/std.error))
#   message(paste('pvalue', pvalue))
    statistic = stat,
    asympt.var = asympt.var,
    pvalue = pvalue

# =========================================================================================================
# Wilconson
# =========================================================================================================
calc.wilconson <- function(x)
  statistic <- NA
  # transform contingency table to row table
  # prob2.results[1,3] <- wilcox.test(apprises, exigees, paired=TRUE)$p.value
    statistic = statistic,
    pvalue = NA
# =========================================================================================================
# Spearman rho
# =========================================================================================================
calc.spearman.rho <- function(x)
  statistic <- NA
    statistic = statistic,
    pvalue = NA

# =========================================================================================================
# =========================================================================================================

# =========================================================================================================
# Somer's D
# =========================================================================================================

# ### Thanks to Marc Schwartz for supplying the code for the Somer's d measure
# # Calculate Concordant Pairs in a table
# # cycle through x[r, c] and multiply by
# # sum(x elements below and to the right of x[r, c])
# # x = table
# concordant <- function(x)
# {
#   x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
#   # get sum(matrix values > r AND > c)
#   # for each matrix[r, c]
#   mat.lr <- function(r, c)
#   { 
#     lr <- x[(r.x > r) & (c.x > c)]
#     sum(lr)
#   }
#   # get row and column index for each
#   # matrix element
#   r.x <- row(x)
#   c.x <- col(x)
#   # return the sum of each matrix[r, c] * sums
#   # using mapply to sequence thru each matrix[r, c]
#   sum(x * mapply(mat.lr, r = r.x, c = c.x))
# }
# # Calculate DIScordant Pairs in a table
# # cycle through x[r, c] and multiply by
# # sum(x elements below and to the left of x[r, c])
# # x = table
# discordant <- function(x)
# {
#   x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
#   # get sum(matrix values > r AND < c)
#   # for each matrix[r, c]
#   mat.ll <- function(r, c)
#   { 
#     ll <- x[(r.x > r) & (c.x < c)]
#     sum(ll)
#   }
#   # get row and column index for each
#   # matrix element
#   r.x <- row(x)
#   c.x <- col(x)
#   # return the sum of each matrix[r, c] * sums
#   # using mapply to sequence thru each matrix[r, c]
#   sum(x * mapply(mat.ll, r = r.x, c = c.x))
# }
# # Calculate Somers' d
# # Return 3 values:
# # 1. Sd C~R
# # 2. Sd R~C
# # 3. Sd Symmetric (Mean of above)
# # x = table
# calc.Sd <- function(x)
# {
#   x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
#   c <- concordant(x)
#   d <- discordant(x)
#   n <- sum(x)
#   SumR <- rowSums(x)
#   SumC <- colSums(x)
#   Sd.CR <- (2 * (c - d)) / ((n ^ 2) - (sum(SumR ^ 2)))
#   Sd.RC <- (2 * (c - d)) / ((n ^ 2) - (sum(SumC ^ 2)))
#   Sd.S <- (2 * (c - d)) / ((n ^ 2) - (((sum(SumR ^ 2)) + (sum(SumC ^ 2))) / 2))
#   Sdlist <- list(Sd.CR, Sd.RC, Sd.S, NA)
#   names(Sdlist) <- c("Sd.CR", "Sd.RC", "Sd.S", "pvalue")
#   Sdlist
# }
# ## example from Kaehler book, p.123 table, p.129 results
# # m <- matrix(c(4,6,0,11,146,22,2,20,39), 3)
# # calc.Sd(m)    # correct


# # mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
# # x <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
# #' Calculate Somers' d for the constructs. d is an 
# #' assymetric association measure as it depends on which 
# #' variable is set as dependent and independent.
# #' The direction of dependency needs to be specified.
# #'
# #' @param x           \code{repgrid} object
# #' @param dependent   A string denoting the direction of dependency in the output 
# #'                    table (as d is assymetrical). Possible values are \code{"c"}
# #'                    (the default) for setting the columns as dependent, \code{"r"} 
# #'                    for setting the rows as the dependent variable and \code{"s"} for the 
# #'                    symmetrical Somers' d measure (the mean of the two directional 
# #'                    values for code{"c"} and \code{"r"}).
# #' @param trim        The number of characters a construct is trimmed to (default is
# #'                    \code{30}). If \code{NA} no trimming occurs. Trimming
# #'                    simply saves space when displaying correlation of constructs
# #'                    with long names.
# #' @param index       Whether to print the number of the construct 
# #'                    (default is \code{TRUE}). 
# #' @param col.index   Logical. Wether to add an extra index column so the 
# #'                    column names are indexes instead of construct names. This option 
# #'                    renders a neater output as long construct names will stretch 
# #'                    the output (default is \code{FALSE}).
# #' @param digits      Numeric. Number of digits to round to (default is 
# #'                    \code{2}).
# #' @param output      The type of output printed to the console. \code{output=0}
# #'                    will supress printing of the output. \code{output=1} (default) will print
# #'                    results to the screen. 
# #' @return            \code{matrix} of construct correlations.
# #' @note              Thanks to Marc Schwartz for supplying the code to calculate
# #'                    Somers' d.
# #' @references        Somers, R. H. (1962). A New Asymmetric Measure of Association
# #'                    for Ordinal Variables. \emph{American Sociological Review, 27}(6),
# #'                    799-811.
# #'
# #' @author        Mark Heckmann
# #' @export
# #'
# #' @examples \dontrun{
# #'
# #'    constructD(fbb2003)       # columns as dependent (default)
# #'    constructD(fbb2003, "c")  # row as dependent
# #'    constructD(fbb2003, "s")  # symmetrical index
# #'  
# #'    # surpress printing
# #'    d <- constructD(fbb2003, out=0, trim=5)
# #'    d
# #'    
# #'    # more digits
# #'    constructD(fbb2003, dig=3)
# #'
# #'    # add index column, no trimming
# #'    constructD(fbb2003, col.index=TRUE, index=F, trim=NA)  
# #'
# #' }
# #'
# constructD <- function(x, dependent = "c", 
#                        trim=30, index=T, col.index=F, digits=1, output=1){
#   if (!inherits(x, "repgrid"))   						    # check if x is repgrid object
#     stop("Object x must be of class 'repgrid'")
#   scores <- getRatingLayer(x)
#   l <- lapply(as.data.frame(t(scores)),  I)     # put each row into a list
#   somersd <- function(x, y, dependent, smin, smax){
#     na.index <- is.na(x) | is.na(y)
#     x <- x[!na.index]
#     y <- y[!na.index]
#     x <- factor(unlist(x), levels=seq(smin, smax))
#     y <- factor(unlist(y), levels=seq(smin, smax))
#     m <-  as.matrix(table(x,y))
#     if (dependent == "r")
#       i <- 1 else 
#         if (dependent == "c")
#           i <- 2 else i <- 3
#     calc.Sd(m)[[i]]
#   }  
#   nc <- length(l)
#   smin <- x@scale$min
#   smax <- x@scale$max
#   sds <- mapply(somersd, rep(l,each=nc), rep(l, nc), 
#                 MoreArgs=list(dependent=dependent, 
#                               smin=smin, smax=smax))
#   res <- matrix(sds, nc)
#   res <- addNamesToMatrix2(x, res, index=index, trim=trim, along=1)
#   res <- round(res, digits)
#   out <- res
#   invisible(out)
# }

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