
# Class definition

  Class = "CategoricalVariable",
  contains = c("Variable"),
  representation = c("VIRTUAL"),
  validity = function(object) {
    if(Dataset.globalenv$print.io) cat (" =>       CategoricalVariable: object validity check \n")
  	flag = TRUE
    uniqueCodes <- unique(object@codes)
    missings <- object@missings
    values <- object@values
    description <- object@description
    Variable.version <- object@Variable.version

    if(!all(is.element(uniqueCodes, union(values, missings)))){
      print("For a categorical variable, all codes have to exist in values")
      flag <- FALSE

categoricalVariable <- function(x, values, missings, description) {
  if(Dataset.globalenv$print.io) cat(" => (in)  CategoricalVariable: virtual builder \n")
  matched <- FALSE
  if(inherits(x, 'character')) {
     x <- as.factor(x)
     matched <- TRUE
  if(inherits(x, 'factor')) {
    matched <- TRUE
    codes <- rep.int(NA, length(x))
    allvalues <- numeric()
    if (length(values) > 0) { # the user specified values
      if(is.null(names(values))) names(values) <- values
    } else {
      values <- 1:nlevels(x)
      names(values) <- levels(x)
    allvalues <- c(allvalues, values)
    if (length(missings) > 0) # the user specified missings
      if(is.null(names(missings))) names(missings) <- missings
    allvalues <- c(allvalues, missings)
    names <- names(allvalues)
    if(!all(levels(x) %in% names)) {
      stop("Some values in 'x' don't appears in 'values'")
    } else {
      for (i in 1:length(names)){
       codes[which(x == names[i])] <- values[i] # warning ?
  if(inherits(x, 'numeric') || inherits(x, 'integer')) {
    matched <- TRUE
    codes <- x
  if(!matched) {
    stop("x argument is not suppored")
  # PUT IN warning ??
#   names(values) <- make.names(names(values), unique=T)
#   names(missings) <- make.names(names(missings), unique=T)
  # we apply special treatment for variable
  variable <- variable(
    x = codes,
    missings = missings,
    values = values,
    description = description
  # then we apply special treatment for a qualitative variable
  # (nothing)

  out <- list(
    x = variable$x,
    missings = variable$missings,
    values = variable$values,
    description = variable$description,
    Variable.version = variable$Variable.version
  if(Dataset.globalenv$print.io) cat(" => (out) CategoricalVariable: virtual builder \n")

cvar <- function(
) {
  if(missing(missings)) missings <- numeric(0)
  if(missing(values)) values <- numeric(0)
  if(missing(description)) description <- Dataset.globalenv$Variable.description.default
  if(missing(x)) x <- numeric(0)
  # we apply special treatment for qualitative variable
  variable <- categoricalVariable(
    x = x,
    missings = missings,
    values = values,
    description = description
  if (length(variable$values) != 2) {
   nvariable <- nominalVariable(
      x = variable$x,
      missings = variable$missings,
      values = variable$values,
      description = variable$description
     out <- new(
      Class = "NominalVariable",
      codes = nvariable$x,
      missings = nvariable$missings,
      values = nvariable$values,
      description = nvariable$description,
      Variable.version = variable$Variable.version
    if(Dataset.globalenv$print.comments <= Dataset.globalenv$important){
       'number of missings:',
  } else {
    bvariable <- binaryVariable(
      x = variable$x,
      missings = variable$missings,
      values = variable$values,
      description = variable$description
     out <- new(
      Class = "BinaryVariable",
      codes = bvariable$x,
      missings = bvariable$missings,
      values = bvariable$values,
      description = bvariable$description,
      Variable.version = variable$Variable.version
    if(Dataset.globalenv$print.comments <= Dataset.globalenv$important){
        'number of missings:',

is.qualitative <- function(x){
  if(inherits(x, "CategoricalVariable")){
  } else {

  f = "as.factor",
  signature = "CategoricalVariable", 
  definition = function (x) {
    out <- factor(codes(x), exclude = missings(x)) #factor with codes
    codelevels <- levels(out)
    valuelevels <- names(valids(x))[na.omit(match(codelevels, valids(x)))] #we match levels with values
    levels(out) <- valuelevels
    out <- as.character(out) # we get a character vector using the values
    # then we create the factor with all values as levels in the same order as given in the values slot (without missing values)
    #out <- factor(out, levels = names(validsx)), labels = names(validsx)))
    out <- factor(out, levels = names(valids(x)))

  f = "as.vector",
  signature = "CategoricalVariable", 
  definition = function (x) {
  f = "v",
  signature = "CategoricalVariable", 
  definition = function (x) {

setMethod("nmissings", "CategoricalVariable", 
  definition = function (object) {

  f = "as.data.frame",
  signature = "CategoricalVariable", 
  definition = function (x) {

#  f = "table",
#  signature = "CategoricalVariable", 
#  definition = function (object, percent) {
#    return(table(as.factor(object)))
#  }

  f = "distrib",
  signature = "CategoricalVariable", 
  definition = function (object, weights, missings.omit, percent, sorting, format, digits, chlength, sep, cut, cut.percent) {
    out <- as.factor(object)
    stopifnot(length(out) == length(weights))
      if (is.ordinal(object) && missing(sorting)) sep <- " < "
      else sep <- ", "
    lev <- levels(out)
    out1 <- numeric(0)

    for (i in 1:nlevels(out)){
      which.in.level <- which(out == lev[i])
      out1 <- c(out1, sum(weights[which.in.level]))
    out2 <- as.table(out1/sum(weights))
    names(out2) <- levels(out)
    out <- out2
#     if (missings.omit)
#       out <- table(out)/(length(out) - nmissings(object))
#     else
#       out <- table(out)/length(out)
#     names(attr(out, "dimnames")) <- ""
#     print(out)
      cut.1 <- cut.percent / 100
      which.cutted <- which(out < cut.1)
      if(length(which.cutted) > 0) {
        out <- out[-which.cutted]
    if(!missing(sorting)) {
      if(!is.element(sorting, c("increasing", "decreasing"))){
        stop("sorting argument must be either 'increasing' or 'decreasing'")
      } else {
        if (sorting == "increasing") out <- sort(out)
        if (sorting == "decreasing") out <- sort(out, decreasing = T)
    if(percent) out <- out * 100
    if(format) {
      if(length(out)==0) {
        if(length(which.cutted) > 0) {
          out <- '...'
        } else {  # the vector has only missings
          out <- ''
      } else {
        out1 <- formatC(out, digits = digits, format = "f")
        out1 <- paste("(", out1, ")", sep = "")
        nam <- names(out)
        out <- mapply(substr, nam, 0, chlength)
        toolong <- which(!nam == out)
        for (i in toolong) {
          #out[i] <- paste(substr(out[i], chlength-2, chlength-1),"-", sep = "")
          substr(out[i], nchar(out[i]), nchar(out[i])) <- "-"
        out <- paste(out, out1, sep = " ", collapse = sep)
        if(length(which.cutted) > 0) {
          out <- paste(out, ', ...', sep='')
#         if(nchar(out) > cut) {
#           csum <- cumsum(as.vector(sapply(strsplit(out, sep), nchar)))
#           pos <- findInterval(cut,csum)
#           endsubstr <- csum[pos] 
#           if (length(endsubstr) == 0) out <- "..."
#           else {
#             endsubstr <- endsubstr + length(sep) * (pos - 1)
#             out <- paste(substr(out, 0, endsubstr), "...", sep = sep)
#           }
#         }

# show
  f = "show",
  signature = "CategoricalVariable", 
  definition = function (object) {
    do.call(getMethod('show', 'Variable'), list(object))

# print
setMethod("print", "CategoricalVariable", 
  definition = function (x, ...) {

# as.data.frame
setMethod("as.data.frame", "CategoricalVariable", 
  definition = function (x) {

# levels
#setMethod("levels", "CategoricalVariable", 
#  definition = function (x) {
#		levels(as.factor(x))
#  }
setMethod("nvalues", "CategoricalVariable", 
  definition = function (object) {

  f = "recode",
  signature = c("CategoricalVariable"),
  definition = function (object, ...) {

    args <- list(...)
    args.names <- names(args)
    if('quiet' %in% args.names) {
      quiet <- args[['quiet']]
      recoding <- args[-which(args.names == 'quiet')]
    } else {
      quiet <- F
      recoding <- args
    newcat <- names(recoding)
    if(length(newcat) != length(unique(newcat))) {
        "New values have to be unique, but you gave:\n", paste(newcat, collapse = ', ')
    oldcat <- unlist(recoding)
    attr(oldcat, 'names') <- NULL
    if(length(oldcat) != length(unique(oldcat))) {
        "Old values have to be unique, but you gave:\n", paste(recoding,collapse = '\n ')
    wh <- which(!(oldcat %in% valids(object)))
    if(length(wh) > 0)
      stop(paste("The following values aren't defined in the variable:", paste(oldcat[wh], collapse = ', ')))
    object.initial <- object
    val <- valids(object)
    names <- newcat
    # convert num code to values in newcat
    if (all.is.numeric(names)) { #user gives codes
      if(!(is.null(args$keep) || (args$keep == FALSE))) {
        names <- as.numeric(names)
        if (!all(names %in% val)) stop("All codes have to appear in values")
        else {
          names.temp <- character(0)
          for(i in 1:length(names)) {
            names.temp[i] <- value(names[i], object)
          names <- names.temp
    newvalids <- numeric(0)
    for (i in 1:length(recoding)) {
      r <- recoding[[i]]
#       print('r')
#       print(r)

      if (all.is.numeric(r)) { #user gives codes, we convert numeric codes to corresponding value labels
        r <- as.numeric(r)
        r.temp <- character(0)
        for(j in 1:length(r)) {
#           print('r[j]')
#           print(r[j])
#           print(value(r[j], object))
          r.temp[j] <- value(r[j], object)
        r <- r.temp
#       print('r')
#       print(r)
#       print('names(val)')
#       print(names(val))
      #print(r %in% names(val))
      if (!all(r %in% names(val))) stop("Some recoding names doesn't exist in the variable")
      v <- match(r, names(val))
      code <- val[v[1]]
      # we change codes
      wcodes <- which(codes(object) %in% val[v])
      codes(object)[wcodes] <- code
      # then we change values
      names(code) <- names[i]
#       val <- val[-v]  # we remove used labels
      newvalids <- c(newvalids,code) # and add the new one
#       print('names(val)')
#       print(names(val))
#       print('names(newvalids)')
#       print(names(newvalids))
#     print('END LOOP')
#     print('names(val)')
#     print(names(val))
#     print('newvalids')
#     print(newvalids)
    if(length(newvalids) < 3) {
      object <- bvar(
        x = codes(object),
        missings = missings(object),
        values = newvalids,
        description = description(object)
    } else {
#       print(newvalids)
      valids(object) <- newvalids
    if(is.null(quiet) || (quiet == FALSE)) {
    print(base::table(v(object.initial), v(object)))

  f = "frequencies",
  signature = "CategoricalVariable", 
  definition = function (x, data, sort, sort.ordinal, ...) {
    # note: I test whether n.missings == 0, or n.total == 0, so it's useless to test if n.valids == 0 ?
    # => no!
    format <- 'f'
    digits <- 2
    l <- list(...)
    if(! 'weights' %in% names(l)) {
      message('Warning: no weights defined! Equi-weighting will be used.')
      message('Prefer use the method for Dataset objects to take weights into account.')
      weights <- rep(1, length(x))
    } else {
      weights <- l$weights
      stopifnot(length(weights) == length(x))
    vali <- valids(x)
    mis <- missings(x)
    valu <- c(vali, mis)
    n <- length(valu)
    n.valids <- length(vali)
    n.missings <- length(mis)
    names <- c('Coding', 'Missing', 'Label', 'N', 'N total', 'Percent', 'Percent (all)', 'Percent total')
    p <- length(names)
    out <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(-1, (n)*p), ncol=p))
    names(out) <- names
    out[,'Coding'] <- c(valu)
    out[,'Label'] <- c(names(valu))
    miscol <- rep('', n)
    miscol[which(valu %in% mis)] <- 'x'
    out[,'Missing'] <- c(miscol)
    N <- numeric(0)
    for (i in valu) { # weighted number of instances for each value
      N <- c(N, sum(weights[which(codes(x) == i)]))
    N.valids <- N[1:length(vali)]
    N.missings <- 0
    if (n.missings > 0) {
      N.missings <- N[(length(vali)+1):length(N)]
    N.total <- sum(N)
    N.valids.total <- sum(N.valids)
    N.missings.total <- sum(N.missings)
    if(!sort %in% c('decreasing', 'increasing', 'none'))
      stop("bad value for sort argument. Should be either 'decreasing', 'increasing', or 'none'.")
    N.valids.order <- 1:n.valids
    N.missings.order <- 1:n.missings
    if(sort == 'decreasing') {
      if(sort.ordinal) {N.valids.order <- order(N.valids, decreasing=T)}
      N.missings.order <- order(N.missings, decreasing=T)
    if(sort == 'increasing') {
      if(sort.ordinal) {N.valids.order <- order(N.valids, decreasing=F)}
      N.missings.order <- order(N.missings, decreasing=F)
    N.missings.order.out <- numeric(0)
    if (n.missings > 0) {
      N.missings.order.out <- ((length(vali)+1):length(N))[N.missings.order]
    values.new.order <- c(N.valids.order,N.missings.order.out)
    out <- out[values.new.order,]
    N <- N[values.new.order]
    out[,'N'] <- formatC(N, format='d')
    N.total.col <- rep('', n)
    N.total.col[length(vali)] <- formatC(N.valids.total, format='d')
    if (n.missings > 0) {
      N.total.col[n] <- formatC(N.missings.total, format='d')
    out[,'N total'] <- N.total.col
    percent.total.col <- rep('', n)
    percent.total.col[length(vali)] <- 0
    if(N.total > 0){
      percent.total.col[length(vali)] <- formatC(N.valids.total/N.total*100, format=format, digits=digits)
    if (n.missings > 0) {
      percent.total.col[n] <- formatC(N.missings.total/N.total*100, format=format, digits=digits)
    out[,'Percent total'] <- percent.total.col
    percent <- rep(0, length(N))
    if (N.total > 0) {
      percent <- N/N.total*100
    percent <- formatC(percent, format=format, digits=digits)
    out[,'Percent (all)'] <- percent
    percent.sep.missings <- numeric(0)
    if (n.missings > 0) {
      percent.sep.missings <- N[(length(vali)+1):length(N)]
      if (N.missings.total > 0) {
        percent.sep.missings <- percent.sep.missings/N.missings.total
#     print('hello')
    percent.sep <- c(N[1:length(vali)]/N.valids.total,percent.sep.missings)*100
    percent.sep <- formatC(percent.sep, format=format, digits=digits)
#     print(out)
#     print(percent.sep)
    out[,'Percent'] <- percent.sep
    last.line <- data.frame(
      'Coding' = '',
      'Missing' = '',
      'Label' = '',
      'N' = '',
      'N total' = formatC(N.total, format='d'),
      'Percent' = '',
      'Percent (all)' = '',
      'Percent total' = N.valids.total/N.total*100 + N.missings.total/N.total*100,
      check.names = F

    out <- rbind(out, last.line)

#  f = "table",
#  signature = c("CategoricalVariable"),
#  definition = function (..., exclude, useNA, dnn, deparse.level) {
#    args <- list(...)
#    # Function: table (package base)
#    # ...="ANY"
#    # exclude="CategoricalVariable"
#    # exclude="missing"
#    # (inherited from: ...="ANY")
#  }

setMethod("Compare", signature(e1="CategoricalVariable", e2="character"),
          function(e1, e2) {
            return(callGeneric(as.vector(e1), e2))
setMethod("Compare", signature(e1="character", e2="CategoricalVariable"),
          function(e1, e2) {
            return(callGeneric(e1, as.vector(e2)))

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