
wfcmdd <- function (diss, memb, weights=NULL, method = "FCMdd", 
    m = 2, dnoise = NULL, eta = NULL, alpha = 0.001, iter.max = 100,  verbose = FALSE) 

        METHODS <- c("NCdd", "HNCdd", "FCMdd", "PCMdd")
        method <- match.arg(method, METHODS)
        if (method == "KMdd") {
            m = 1
            dnoise = NULL
            eta = NULL
        else if (method == "FCMdd") {
            dnoise = NULL
            eta = NULL
        else if (method == "NCdd") {
            if (is.null(dnoise)) 
                stop("Must provide a value for dnoise")
            eta = NULL
        else if (method == "HNCdd") {
            if (is.null(dnoise)) 
                stop("Must provide a value for dnoise")
            eta = NULL
            m = 1
        else if (method == "PCMdd") {
            if (is.null(eta)) 
                stop("Must provide a vector of values for eta")
            dnoise = NULL
        d = as.matrix(diss)
        n = nrow(d)
        if (is.data.frame(memb) || is.matrix(memb)) {
            if (nrow(memb) != ncol(d)) {
                stop("The number of rows in memb must be the same as the number rows and columns of d")
            u = as.matrix(memb)
        else if (is.vector(memb) && is.numeric(memb)) {
            u = matrix(0, n, length(memb))
            for (k in 1:length(memb)) {
                u[memb[k], k] = 1
        else {
            stop("Provide a number, a vector of seeds, or membership matrix for mobile clusters")
        kMov = ncol(u)
        med = rep(NA, ncol(u))
        if ((method == "PCMdd") && length(eta) != kMov) 
            stop("Vector of reference distances (eta) must have a length equal to the number of clusters")
        if (method == "NCdd" || method == "HNCdd") {
            u = cbind(u, vector("numeric", length = n))
        uPrev = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = ncol(u))
		dist2med = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = kMov)
        continue = TRUE
        iter = 1
        while (continue) {
			for (k in 1:kMov) {
			  candidates = 1:n
			  excluded = numeric(0)
			  excluded = which(apply(u[, -k, drop = FALSE], 
				1, max) == 1)
			  if (length(excluded) > 0) 
				candidates = candidates[-excluded]
			  med[k] = candidates[which.min((u[, k]^m*weights) %*% d[, candidates])]
			  dist2med[, k] = d[, med[k]]
			if (method == "KMdd") {
                minC <- apply(dist2med, 1, which.min)
                u[, ] = 0
                for (k in 1:length(minC)) u[k, minC[k]] = 1
            else if (method == "HNCdd") {
                d2cm <- cbind(dist2med, dnoise)
                u[, ] = 0
                minC <- apply(d2cm, 1, which.min)
                for (k in 1:length(minC)) {
                  u[k, minC[k]] = 1
            else if (method == "NCdd") {
                d2cm <- cbind(dist2med, dnoise)
                for (k in 1:ncol(d2cm)) {
                  a <- sweep(d2cm, 1, d2cm[, k], "/")
                  u[, k] = 1/rowSums(a^(-1/(m - 1)))
                u[d2cm == 0] = 1
            else if (method == "FCMdd") {
                d2cm <- dist2med
                for (k in 1:ncol(d2cm)) {
                  a <- sweep(d2cm, 1, d2cm[, k], "/")
                  u[, k] = 1/rowSums(a^(-1/(m - 1)))
                u[dist2med == 0] = 1
            else if (method == "PCMdd") {
                for (k in 1:ncol(dist2med)) u[, k] = 1/(1 + ((dist2med[, 
                  k])/eta[k])^(1/(m - 1)))
                u[dist2cent == 0] = 1
            if (iter > 2) {
                continue = (max(abs(u - uPrev)) > alpha) && (iter <= 
                  iter.max) && (max(abs(u - uPrev2)) > alpha)
            if (continue) {
                uPrev2 = uPrev
                uPrev = u
                iter = iter + 1
                if (verbose) 
		if (method == "FCMdd") 
            functional = sum(dist2med * (u^m) *weights)
        else if (method == "NCdd" || method == "HNCdd") 
            functional = sum(dist2med * (u[, -(kMov + 
                1)]^m*weights)) + sum(dnoise * u[, kMov +  1]^m *weights)
        else if (method == "PCMdd") {
            functional = 0
            for (k in 1:(kMov + 1)) functional = functional + 
                sum(dist2med[, k] * (u[, k]^m)*weights) + sum(eta[k] * 
                (1 - u[, k])^m*weights)
        if (verbose) 
            cat(paste("\nIterations:", iter, "Functional: ", 
                functional, "\n"))
        u = as.data.frame(u)
        dist2cent = as.data.frame(dist2med)
        for (k in 1:kMov) {
            names(u)[k] = paste("M", k, sep = "")
            names(dist2cent)[k] = paste("M", k, sep = "")
        if (method == "NCdd" || method == "HNCdd") 
            names(u)[kMov  + 1] = "N"
        rownames(u) = rownames(d)
        rownames(dist2cent) = rownames(d)
        size = colSums(u[, 1:(kMov)])
        withinss = colSums((dist2cent) * (u[, 1:kMov]^m*weights))
        mobileCenters = NULL
        if (method == "KMdd" || method == "FCMdd" || method == 
            "NCdd" || method == "HNCdd" || method == "PCMdd") {
            mobileCenters = med[1:kMov]
        res = list(mode = "dist", method = method, m = m, dnoise = dnoise, 
            eta = eta, memb = u, mobileCenters = mobileCenters, 
            fixedCenters = NULL, dist2clusters = dist2cent, 
            withinss = withinss, size = size, functional = functional)
        class(res) <- "vegclust"

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WeightedCluster documentation built on April 17, 2024, 3:01 p.m.