
Defines functions grouped_matrix_arules rowMaxs .aggr grouped_matrix_int plot.grouped_matrix inspect.grouped_matrix

Documented in plot.grouped_matrix

# arulesViz - Visualizing Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
# Copyrigth (C) 2011 Michael Hahsler and Sudheer Chelluboina
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

grouped_matrix_arules <- function(rules, measure, shading, control=NULL, ...){

    ## measure controls circle size
    ## shading controls color

    control <- .get_parameters(list(
		    main =paste("Grouped matrix for", length(rules), "rules"),
		    k = 20,
		    ## fix lift so serveral plots are comparable (NA: take max)
		    interactive = FALSE,
		    col = hcl(c=0, l=seq(10,80, length.out=100)),
		    ), control)

    x <- grouped_matrix_int(rules, measure, shading,

    if(!control$interactive) return(invisible(x))

    ## interactive mode
    cat("Interactive mode.\n")
    ## fix max.shading
    control$max.shading <- x$max.shading


    ## draw buttons
    gI <- gInteraction(data.frame(
		    row.names = c("inspect","zoom in", "zoom out", "end"),
		    active = rep(FALSE, 4),
		    x = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9),
		    y = I(rep(unit(-3, "lines"), 4)),
		    w = I(rep(unit(3.5, "lines"), 4)),
		    h = I(rep(unit(1, "lines"), 4))

    ## event loop
    while(TRUE) {
	gI <- gGetEvent(gI, box=FALSE, checkPlotBoundaries=FALSE)
	b <- lastButton(gI)
	if(is.null(b)) next

	## actions
	if(b=="end") {
	    cat("Leaving interactive mode.\n")

	if(b=="zoom out") {
	    cat("Going up.\n")
	    return("zoom out")

	select <- convertLoc(selection(gI)$loc,
		"native", valueOnly=TRUE)$x
	if(is.null(select)) {
	    cat("Select a LHS first!\n")
	    gI <- resetButtons(gI)
	select <- round(select) 

	if(select>0 && select <= control$k) {
	    select <- get_order(x$order[2])[select]
	    rulesSelected <- rules[x$cl==select]
	    cat("Illegal selection! Choose a LHS.\n")

	if(b=="zoom in") {
	    if(length(unique(lhs(rulesSelected)))<2) {
		cat("Can't zoom in any further. Use inspect!\n")
		gI <- changeButton(gI, "zoom in", FALSE)
	    cat("Zooming in. This might take a while\n")

	    ret <- grouped_matrix_arules(rulesSelected, measure, 
		    shading, control, ...)

	    if(!identical(ret, "zoom out")) return(ret)

	    ## we come back up so replot
	    gI <- resetButtons(gI)

	if(b=="inspect") {
		cat("Selected rules:\n")
		## FIXME: click on bubble
		#selectRHS <- round(as.numeric(convertY(location$Y, "native")))
		inspect(sort(rulesSelected, by="lift"))
		gI <- changeButton(gI, "inspect", FALSE)

	## nothing else to do

## helper
rowMaxs <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE) apply(x, MARGIN=1, max, na.rm=na.rm)

.aggr <- function(m, cl, aggr.fun = median) {
    ma <- matrix(nrow=nrow(m), ncol=0)
    for(i in 1:max(cl)) {
	ma <- cbind(ma, apply(m[, cl==i, drop=FALSE], 
			MARGIN=1, aggr.fun , na.rm=TRUE))
    ma[!is.finite(ma)] <- NA

## create an grouped_matrix
grouped_matrix_int <- function(rules, measure, shading,
	k=15, aggr.fun=median, max.shading=NA, 
	col=hcl(c=0, l=seq(10,80, length.out=100))) {

    ## check k
    if(length(unique(lhs(rules)))< k) k <- length(unique(lhs(rules)))

    ## cluster for shading
    s <- rulesAsMatrix(rules, shading)
    if(is.na(max.shading)) max.shading <- max(s, na.rm=TRUE)
    ## fixme: this handling of na for clustering is not great!
    s_clust <- s
    if(shading=="lift") naVal <- 1
    else naVal <- 0
    s_clust[is.na(s_clust)] <- naVal

    s_clust <- t(s_clust)
    if(nrow(s_clust)>k) km <-  kmeans(s_clust, k, iter.max=50, nstart=10)$cl
    else km <- 1:nrow(s_clust)

    sAggr <- .aggr(s, km, aggr.fun)

    ## reorder for shading
    order <- ser_permutation(
	    order(apply(sAggr, MARGIN=1, FUN=aggr.fun, na.rm=TRUE), 
	    order(apply(sAggr, MARGIN=2, FUN=aggr.fun, na.rm=TRUE), 

    cl <- vector()
    enc <- attr(s, "encoding")
    for(i in 1:ncol(enc)) cl[enc[,i]] <- km[i]
    ## use measure for size
    mAggr <- .aggr(rulesAsMatrix(rules, measure[1]), km, aggr.fun)

    ret <- list(rules=rules, measure=measure, shading=shading, 
	    cl=cl, km= km, max.shading=max.shading, 
	    order=order, k=k, sAggr=sAggr, mAggr=mAggr)
    class(ret) <- "grouped_matrix"

    ## call plotting work horse
    plot(ret, col=col)


## display grouped_matrix
plot.grouped_matrix <- function(x, col = hcl(c=0, l=seq(10,80, length.out=100))) {
    ## circle size
    sn <- x$mAggr
    ## shading
    ln <- x$sAggr
    ## get most important item in the lhs
    f <- lapply(split(x$rules, x$cl), FUN = function(r) itemFrequency(lhs(r)))
    most_imp_item <- lapply(f, FUN = 
	    function(f) paste(names(which.max(f)), " +",sum(f>0)-1, 

	    x = map(sn, c(0.2,1)), 
	    y = map(ln, range = c(1,.2), 
		    from.range = c(min(x$sAggr, na.rm=TRUE), x$max.shading)),
	    order = x$order,
	    options = list(
		    panel = panel.circles, 
		    spacing = -1, 
		    ylab=paste(#1:max(x$cl), "-",
			    paste('(',most_imp_item, ')', sep='')),
		    main = paste("Grouped matrix for", length(x$rules), "rules"),
		    legend = paste("size:",x$measure, "\ncolor:",x$shading),
		    col = col

## inspect rules inside an grouped_matrix
inspect.grouped_matrix <- function(x, cluster, measure="lift") {
    inspect(sort(x$rules[x$cl==cluster], by=measure))

## workhorse for plotting
## based on bertinplot in package seriation
grouped_matrix_plot_int <- function (x, y, order = NULL, options = NULL) {
    if (!is.matrix(x)) 
    	stop("Argument 'x' must be a matrix.")

    options <- .get_parameters(list(
		    panel.function = panel.circles, 
		    reverse = FALSE, 
		    xlab = NULL, 
		    ylab = NULL, 
		    frame = FALSE, 
		    spacing = 0.2, 
		    gp_labels = gpar(cex=.8), 
		    gp_panels = gpar(), 
		    newpage = TRUE,
		    main = "Grouped matrix",
		    col = hcl(c=0, l=seq(10,80, length.out=100)),
		    legend = ""
		    ), options)
    if (!is.null(options$xlab)) rownames(x) <- options$xlab
    if (!is.null(options$ylab)) colnames(x) <- options$ylab

    if (!is.null(order)) {
	x <- permute(x, order)
	y <- permute(y, order)

    if (options$reverse) {
	x <- t(x)
	y <- t(y)
	tmp <- options$xlab
	options$xlab <- options$ylab
	options$ylab <- tmp
	order <- rev(order)

    if (options$newpage) grid.newpage()

    ## main
    gTitle(options$main, name="main")
    ## legend
	    x=unit(1, "npc")-unit(1,"lines"),
	    y=unit(-2, "lines"),
	    just=c("right", "top"), gp=options$gp_labels)
    ### FIXME: a color and size key would be great!
    #gColorkey(c(0,1), options$col, label = "FIXME",
    # 	            name = "colorkey", gp = gpar())

    ## determine margins
    topSpace <- max(stringWidth(rownames(x)))
    rightSpace <- max(stringWidth(colnames(x)))
    pushViewport(viewport(x=unit(2,"lines"), y=unit(4,"lines"),
		    just <-c("left","bottom"),
		    width = unit(1, "npc")-rightSpace-unit(3,"lines"), 
		    height = unit(1, "npc")-topSpace-unit(4+3,"lines"),
		    #xscale = c(1, nrow(x)), yscale = c(1, ncol(x)), 
		    xscale = c(.5, nrow(x)+.5), yscale = c(.5, ncol(x)+.5), 
		    default.units = "native", gp=options$gp_labels,

    ## grid
    yLabPos <- unit(ncol(x), "native")
    xLabPos <- unit(nrow(x), "native") 
    gp_lines <- gpar(col="gray", lty=3)
    for(i in 1:nrow(x))  grid.lines(x = c(i,i),  
	    y=c(1, yLabPos),
	    default.units = "native", gp=gp_lines)
    for(i in 1:ncol(x))  grid.lines(y = c(i,i),  
	    x=c(1, xLabPos),
	    default.units = "native", gp=gp_lines)

    ## symbols
    for (variable in 1:ncol(x)) {
	size <- x[, variable]
	shading <- y[, variable]
	shading <- options$col[map_int(shading, c(1, length(options$col)), from.range=c(0,1))]

	options$panel.function(ncol(x)-variable+1L, size, 
		shading, options$spacing)

    ## labels
    yLabPos <- yLabPos + unit(1, "lines")
    xLabPos <- xLabPos + unit(1, "lines")
    grid.text(rownames(x), x = 1:nrow(x), y = yLabPos,
	    rot = 90, just = "left", 
	    default.units = "native")
    # gpar is already set in viewport
    # gp = options$gp_labels)

    grid.text(rev(colnames(x)), x = xLabPos, y = (1:ncol(x)), 
	    just = "left", 
	    default.units = "native")
    # gpar is already set in viewport
    # gp = options$gp_labels)

    ## add lhs, rhs
    gp <- gpar(fontface = "bold", cex = 1.2)
	    x = unit(1, "native")-unit(1,"lines"), y = yLabPos, 
	    rot = 90, just = "left", 
	    default.units = "native", 
	    gp = gp)
    grid.text("RHS", x = xLabPos,  
	    y = unit(ncol(x), "native")+unit(1,"lines"), 
	    just = "left", 
	    default.units = "native", gp = gp)


panel.circles <- function (row, size, shading, spacing) 
    size[size == 0] <- NA
    #NAs are white
    shading[is.na(shading)] <- 1

    grid.circle(x = c(1:length(size)), y=row, r = size/2 * (1 - spacing), 
	    default.units = "native", 
	    gp = gpar(fill = shading, alpha=.9))

panel.squares <- function (row, size, shading, spacing) 
    size[size == 0] <- NA
    shading[is.na(shading)] <- 1
    grid.rect(x = c(1:length(size)), y=row, width = size * (1 - spacing), 
	    height = size * (1 - spacing), 
	    default.units = "native", 
	    gp = gpar(fill = shading, alpha=.9))

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arulesVizOld documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:56 p.m.