
Defines functions olat_feedback_render_one olat_feedback nops_feedback

Documented in nops_feedback olat_feedback olat_feedback_render_one

#' Generate nops test feedback files (answer/solution)
#' Similar to what \code{\link[c403]{olat_eval}} does but in a more
#' detailed way. Creates html files for each participant with feedback
#' about his/her test results (including questions and solutions).
#' @param res \code{data.frame}, content of the csv file created
#'        by \code{\link[exams]{nops_eval}}.
#' @param xexam list as returned from reading the rds file
#' @param name character, name of the test, will be used to name
#'        the zip archive file and the html files
#' @return Returns the name of the zip file created.
#' @author Reto Stauffer
#' @export
nops_feedback <- function(res, xexam, name = "nops_feedback") {

    # Convert latex to html
    # Example: exams:::pandoc("\\textbf{x}", from = "latex", to = "html")
    cat("Convert latex to html\n")
    tohtml <- function(x) {
        fn <- function(x, qslist = FALSE) {
            # qslist: question list or answer list.
            # different handling of quote-replacements.
            if (qslist) {
                x <- gsub("\"", "{\"}", gsub("(``|'')", "\"", x))
            } else {
                x <- gsub("(``|'')", "\"", x)
            exams:::pandoc(x, from = "latex", to = "html")
        x$question     <- fn(x$question)
        x$questionlist <- sapply(x$questionlist, fn, qslist = TRUE)
        x$solution     <- fn(x$solution)
        x$solutionlist <- sapply(x$solutionlist, fn, qslist = TRUE)
    xexam <- lapply(xexam, function(x) lapply(x, tohtml))

    invisible(c403::olat_feedback(res, xexam, name))


#' Generate OLAT test feedback files (answer/solution)
#' Similar to what \code{\link[c403]{olat_eval}} does but in a more
#' detailed way. Creates html files for each participant with feedback
#' about his/her test results (including questions and solutions).
#' For OLAT tests use \code{\link[c403]{olat_feedback}},
#' for nops tests (written tests) use \code{\link[c403]{nops_feedback}}.
#' @param res data.frame, result from olat_eval
#' @param xexam list as returned from reading the rds file
#' @param i integer, row index (which row in 'x' to render)
#' @param show logical, if set to \code{TRUE} the html file will
#'        be opened in a browser
#' @param name character, name of the test, will be used to name
#'        the zip archive file and the html files
#' @param htmlfile character, name of the output file
#' @return Returns the name of the zip file created.
#' @author Reto Stauffer
#' @export
olat_feedback <- function(res, xexam, name = "olat_feedback") {

    stopifnot(is.character(name) || !length(name) == 1L)
    name <- gsub(" ", "_", name)

    # Append full name used by olat_feedback_render_one
    if (!"name" %in% names(res)) {
        res$name <- paste(res$firstname, res$lastname)

    # Render all html files
    fn <- function(i, name) {
        htmlfile <- sprintf("%s.html", name)
        return(olat_feedback_render_one(res, xexam, i, htmlfile, show = FALSE))
    html <- sapply(1:nrow(res), fn, name = name)

    # Change working directory
    holdwd <- getwd(); on.exit(setwd(holdwd)); setwd(tempdir())

    # Pack (zip) and return name of the zip file
    zipfile <- file.path(holdwd, sprintf("%s.zip", name))
    zip(zipfile, res$id)


#' @import xml2
#' @export
#' @rdname olat_feedback
olat_feedback_render_one <- function(res, xexam, i, htmlfile = "Result.html", show = FALSE) {

    # Sanity checks
    stopifnot(inherits(res, "data.frame"))
    stopifnot(is.numeric(i) | !length(i) == 1L)
    stopifnot(is.logical(show) & length(show) == 1L)

    # OLAT results contain the exam id in 'id.1' ...
    if (any(grepl("^id\\.1$", names(res)))) {
        test.id <- 1L + (res$id.1[i] - 1L) %% length(xexam)
        # Generate correct exam id's. Note: may change for one participant
        # for the different questions (must not be a unique number).
        exam_id <- unlist(res[i, grep("^id\\.[0-9]+$", names(res), perl = TRUE)])
        exam_id <- 1L + (exam_id - 1L) %% length(xexam)
        stopifnot(test.id > 0L & test.id <= length(xexam))

        # Take test for this participant
        tmp <- cbind(exam_id, question = seq_along(xexam[[1]]))
        test <- apply(tmp, 1, function(x, xexam) xexam[[x]], xexam = xexam)
    # ... while NOPS results have a column 'exam'.
    } else {

        # Modify some information used by olat_feedback_render_file
        names(res)[grep("^id$", names(res))] <- "username"
        res$score <- apply(res[, grep("^points\\.[0-9]+$", names(res))], 1, sum)

        # Extract test given exam ID
        test <- xexam[[test.id <- as.character(res$exam[i])]]

    # HTML template to use to create personalized feedback
    template <- file.path(system.file(package = "c403"), "templates/olat_feedback_template.html")
    doc <- read_html(template)

    # Append a summary div (will be filled later on)
    xml_add_child(xml_find_first(doc, "//html/body"), "div", id = "meta")
    xml_add_child(xml_find_first(doc, "//html/body"), "div", id = "summary")
    # Converts binary string (e.g., "0100") into
    # a logical vector (c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)).
    # @param x character something like 00100 or 100 or so.
    # @returns Returns a logical vector.
    binary_to_logical <- function(x) as.logical(as.integer(strsplit(x, "")[[1]]))
    # Helper function
    # @param ans logical whether or not the participant selected this this answer
    # @param sol logical whether or not this solution is correct
    # @return Returns FALSE if the answer given by the participant was not
    # correct, TRUE if it was correct, and NA else.
    check_answer_solution <- function(ans, sol) {
        if (ans & sol) {
            res <- TRUE
        } else if (!sol & ans) {
            res <- FALSE
        } else {
            res <- NA
    # ------------------------------------------
    # Looping over the individual questions in the test
    # to generate the html output.
    # ------------------------------------------
    # qnr: question number (loop index)
    for (qnr in seq_along(test)) { 
        # Add new <div class="question" /> element
        tmp <- xml_add_child(xml_find_first(doc, "//html/body"),
                             "div", id = test[[qnr]]$metainfo$id, class = "question")
        # ADding title and question (text)
        xml_set_text(xml_add_child(tmp, "h1", id = sprintf("question-%d", qnr)),
                     sprintf("Question %d", qnr))
        xml_add_child(tmp, xml_cdata(paste(test[[qnr]]$question, collapse = "\n")))
        # Answer given by the participant
        answer       <- binary_to_logical(res[i, paste("answer", qnr, sep = ".")])
        solution     <- binary_to_logical(res[i, paste("solution", qnr, sep = ".")])
        solution_rds <- test[[qnr]]$metainfo$solution
        # Just check if the test solution fits the one stored in the data.frame x.
        if (!identical(solution_rds, binary_to_logical(res[i, paste("solution", qnr, sep = ".")]))) {
            print(binary_to_logical(res[i, paste("solution", qnr, sep = ".")]))

        stopifnot(identical(solution_rds, binary_to_logical(res[i, paste("solution", qnr, sep = ".")])))
        # Append an <ul> element to add the possible answers
        ul <- xml_add_child(tmp, "ul", class = "answerlist")
        for (j in seq_along(test[[qnr]]$questionlist)) {
            # Correct or not?
            check <- check_answer_solution(answer[j], solution[j])
            li <- xml_add_child(ul, "li", class = paste("check", as.character(check), sep = "-"))
            xml_add_child(li, "span", class = paste("solution", ifelse(solution[j], "correct", "incorrect")))
            xml_add_child(li, "span", class = paste("answer",
                                                    ifelse(answer[j],   "selected", "notselected"),
                                                    ifelse(solution[j], "correct", "incorrect")))
            xml_add_child(li, xml_cdata(test[[qnr]]$questionlist[j]))
        # Append a second ul with the answers
        xml_set_text(xml_add_child(tmp, "h3"), "Solution")
        ul <- xml_add_child(tmp, "ul", class = "solutionlist")
        for (j in seq_along(test[[qnr]]$solutionlist)) {
            # Append solution
            li <- xml_add_child(ul, "li", class = paste("solution", ifelse(solution[j], "correct", "incorrect")))
            xml_add_child(li, xml_cdata(test[[qnr]]$solutionlist[j]))

    # ------------------------------------------
    # Adding meta information
    # ------------------------------------------
    div <- xml_find_first(doc, "//*/div[@id='meta']")
    xml_set_text(xml_add_child(div, "h1"), "Meta")
    ul <- xml_add_child(div, "ul", class = "meta")
    xml_set_text(xml_add_child(ul, "li"), sprintf("Name: %s", res$name[i]))
    xml_set_text(xml_add_child(ul, "li"), sprintf("User: %s", res$username[i]))
    xml_set_text(xml_add_child(ul, "li", id = "meta-score"), "Points:  ")
    li <- xml_find_first(doc, "//*/li[@id='meta-score']")
    xml_set_text(xml_add_child(li, "b"), sprintf("%d / %d", res$score[i], length(test)))
    xml_set_text(xml_add_child(li, "span"), sprintf("  (%.0f percent)", 100 * res$score[i] / length(test)))

    # ------------------------------------------
    # The summary table
    # ------------------------------------------
    div <- xml_find_first(doc, "//*/div[@id='summary']")
    xml_set_text(xml_add_child(div, "h2"), "Summary Table")
    table <- xml_add_child(div, "table", class = "summary-table")
    tr <- xml_add_child(xml_add_child(table, "thead"), "tr")
    for (col in c("Nr.", "Type", "Points", "Duration", "Name"))
        xml_set_text(xml_add_child(tr, "th"), col)

    tbody <- xml_add_child(table, "tbody")
    for (qnr in seq_along(test)) {
        # Get answer/solution logical vectors once more
        answer   <- binary_to_logical(res[i, paste("answer", qnr, sep = ".")])
        solution <- test[[qnr]]$metainfo$solution
        # In case of nops: length of "answer" can be longer
        # than "solution" (dependent on the number of answers
        # among all questions).
        answer   <- answer[seq_along(solution)]
        # Add row
        tr <- xml_add_child(tbody, "tr",
                            class = if (identical(answer, solution)) "correct" else "incorrect")
        values <- list(qnr,
                       res[i, paste("points", qnr, sep = ".")], 
                       if (any(grepl("^duration", names(res)))) {
                         paste(res[i, paste("duration", qnr, sep = ".")], " sec")
                       } else {
                       xml_cdata(sprintf("<a href=\"#question-%d\">%s</a>", qnr,
        # Loop over values, add data
        for (val in values) {
            if (class(val) == "xml_cdata") {
                xml_add_child(xml_add_child(tr, "td"), val)
            } else {
                xml_set_text(xml_add_child(tr, "td"), as.character(val))

    # ------------------------------------------
    # Write output into temporary folder
    # ------------------------------------------
    dir.create(file.path(tempdir(), res$username[i]), showWarnings = FALSE)
    file <- file.path(tempdir(), res$username[i], htmlfile)
    write_html(doc, file = file)
    if (show) browseURL(file)

    # Return file name

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c403 documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 3:01 p.m.