
Defines functions as.seconds as.seconds.POSIXct as.seconds.Date as.seconds.default as.seconds.difftime as.POSIXct.seconds na.fill na.zero na.interpolate stretches rollingSum shift.vector contiguous.stretch get.step get.step.default get.step.zoo sum.first double.threshold double.threshold.default double.threshold.data.frame double.threshold.matrix multi.double.threshold multi.double.threshold.default multi.double.threshold.data.frame multi.double.threshold.matrix extremes edit.zoo findLocalMax findLocalMin read.sheet diff.zoo

Documented in as.seconds as.seconds.Date as.seconds.default as.seconds.difftime as.seconds.POSIXct contiguous.stretch contiguous.stretch double.threshold double.threshold.data.frame double.threshold.default double.threshold.matrix findLocalMax findLocalMin get.step get.step.default get.step.zoo multi.double.threshold multi.double.threshold.data.frame multi.double.threshold.default multi.double.threshold.matrix na.fill na.interpolate na.zero read.sheet rollingSum shift.vector stretches

## $Id: utils.R 157 2012-03-19 12:21:36Z mariotomo $
## this file is part of the R library delftfews.  delftfews is free
## software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
## of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
## any later version.
## delftfews is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with the nens libraray.  If not, see
## <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## Purpose    : base functions
## initial programmer :  Mario Frasca
## initial date       :  20091120

as.seconds <- function(value)
  ## generic function, computes the amount of seconds since EPOCH

as.seconds.POSIXct <- function(value) {
  as.numeric(difftime(value, EPOCH, tz="UTC"), units="secs")

as.seconds.Date <- function(value) {
  as.numeric(difftime(value, EPOCH, tz="UTC"), units="secs")

as.seconds.default <- function(value) {

as.seconds.difftime <- function(value) {
  as.numeric(value, units="secs")

as.POSIXct.seconds <- function(z, ...) {
  as.POSIXct(as.numeric(z), ...)

na.fill <- function(object) {
  ## NA in object are replaced with observed values

  ## accepts a vector possibly holding NA values and returns a vector
  ## where all observed values are carried forward and the first is
  ## carried backward.  cfr na.locf from zoo library.

  ## function looks a bit clumsy because in case the input object has
  ## labels for entries, we want to replace only the values, keeping
  ## all labels in place.
  values <- as.numeric(object)
  result <- object
  L <- !is.na(values)
  result[1:length(values)] <- c(values[L][1], values[L])[1 + cumsum(L)]

na.zero <- function(object) {
  ## NA in object are replaced with zeroes
  result <- object
  result[is.na(result)] <- 0

na.interpolate <- function(object)
  ## TODO

stretches <- function(input, gap=1, what="start", zero.surrounded=FALSE) {
  ## returns the position of the first non-zero stretch of elements.
  ## gaps shorter than `gap` do not interrupt a stretch.
    input <- c(rep(0, gap), input, rep(0, gap))
  input <- (input != 0)
  input[is.na(input)] <- 0
  if(gap > 1)
    input <- c(rep(0, gap - 1), apply(embed(input, gap), 1, sum))
  if(what == "start")
    lookfor <- 1
    lookfor <- -1
  result <- which(diff(input != 0) == lookfor) + 1
  if(length(result) == 0)
  if(result[1] == gap)
    result <- result[-1]
  if(what == "end")
    result <- result - gap
    result <- result - gap

rollingSum <- function(data, width, na.action=na.zero) {
  ## commodity function
  ## na.zero specifies that NA will be summed as zero.
  rollapply(na.action(data), width, FUN=sum, fill=NA, align='right')

shift.vector <- function(v, by) {
  ## shifts vector by desired positions.

  ## produces a vector of same size as v, holding the same values but
  ## shifted by some integer number.  values are dropped at one end
  ## while on the other end NA are introduced.

  if (by == 0)
  else if (by >= 0)
    c(NA + 1:by, v[1:(length(v) - by)])
    c(v[(-by + 1):(length(v) - by)])

contiguous.stretch <- function(data, position, value=NULL, equality=TRUE) {
  ## zie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2643719
    value <- data[position]
  if (position < 1 || position > length(data))
    return(rep(FALSE, length(data)))
    data <- (data == value)
    data <- (data != value)
  id <- cumsum(c(1, as.numeric(diff(data) != 0)))
    return(rep(FALSE, length(data)))
  return(id == id[position])

get.step <- function(L, require.constant=FALSE)

get.step.default <- function(L, require.constant=FALSE) {
  ## returns the value of the most common difference between
  ## subsequent elements.

  ## takes into account only forward steps, all negative steps are
  ## discarded.  works with list, data.frame, matrix.  if the given
  ## list contains timestamps, they are converted to seconds (since
  ## EPOCH).
  input <- unlist(sapply(as.list(L), as.numeric))
  L <- diff(as.seconds(input))
  result <- as.numeric(quantile(L[L>0], 0.5))
  if(require.constant && any(result != L))

get.step.zoo <- function(L, require.constant=FALSE) {
  if ('frequency' %in% names(attributes(L)))
    return (1.0 / frequency(L))
  return(get.step(index(L, require.constant)))

sum.first <- function(input, count=12) {
  ## not exported, not tested.

  ## accepts a data.frame and returns the vector of the sum of the
  ## first 12 rows of each column

double.threshold <- function(data, threshold.false, threshold.true, initial.status=FALSE, on.equality=FALSE)

double.threshold.default <- function(data, threshold.false, threshold.true, initial.status=FALSE, on.equality=FALSE) {
  ## double threshold test.

  ## returns a logical status vector.  at each position the status is
  ## TRUE if data exceeds the `threshold.true`, FALSE if falls below
  ## the `threshold.false`.  if the data lays between the thresholds,
  ## the last status is taken forward.  `threshold.true` must be
  ## higher than `threshold.false`.

  s <- rep(NA, length(data))
  s[1] <- initial.status
  s[data > threshold.true] <- TRUE
  s[data < threshold.false] <- FALSE
  if(on.equality==TRUE) {
    s[data == threshold.true] <- TRUE
    s[data == threshold.false] <- FALSE
  L <- !is.na(s)

double.threshold.data.frame <- function(data, ...) {
  ## applies double.threshold.default to each column of the input
  ## data.frame

  data.frame(apply(data, 2, double.threshold, ...))

double.threshold.matrix <- function(data, ...) {
  ## applies double.threshold.default to each column of the input
  ## matrix

  apply(data, 2, double.threshold, ...)

multi.double.threshold <- function(data, thresholds, initial.status)

multi.double.threshold.default <- function(data, thresholds, initial.status=0) {
  ## multiple double threshold test.  similar to above
  ## double.threshold, but this one counts the amount of thresholds
  ## being exceeded.

  ## `thresholds` is a matrix or data.frame with two columns, the
  ## first for threshold.false and the second for threshold.true.

  ## `initial.status` is the amount of thresholds initially
  ## overflowed. it is here transformed into a logical vector.

  overflowed <- c(rep(TRUE, initial.status),
                  rep(FALSE, nrow(thresholds) - initial.status))

  apply.threshold.row <- function(row, data) {
    threshold.false <- row[1]
    threshold.true <- row[2]
    initial.status <- row[3]

    double.threshold(data, threshold.false, threshold.true, initial.status)

  apply(apply(cbind(thresholds, overflowed), 1, apply.threshold.row, data=data), 1, sum)

multi.double.threshold.data.frame <- function(data, ...) {
  ## applies multi.double.threshold.default to each column of the input
  ## data.frame

  data.frame(apply(data, 2, multi.double.threshold, ...))

multi.double.threshold.matrix <- function(data, ...) {
  ## applies multi.double.threshold.default to each column of the input
  ## matrix

  apply(data, 2, multi.double.threshold, ...)

extremes <- function(x, count) {
  ## returns the averages of the `count` highest and lowest values of
  ## vector `x`.

  sorted <- sort(x)
  N <- length(x)

  c(mean(sorted[1:3]), mean(sorted[(N-2):N]))

## not really necessary, but possibly useful
edit.zoo <- function(x) {
  cd <- coredata(x)
  rownames(cd) <- index(x)
  zoo(edit(cd), order.by=index(x))

findLocalMax <- function(x) c(FALSE, diff(diff(x) > 0) < 0, FALSE)

findLocalMin <- function(x) c(FALSE, diff(diff(x) > 0) > 0, FALSE)

read.sheet <- function(file, sheet=NULL, header=TRUE, sep="\t",
                       fileEncoding="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, strip.white=TRUE, ...) {

    ## sheets may have different structures.  this function returns
    ## just one of them and you must decide which one.
    stop("you must specify the desired sheet.")

  if (is.character(file)) {
    file <- if (nzchar(fileEncoding)) 
      file(file, "rt", encoding = fileEncoding)
    else file(file, "rt")
    on.exit(close(file), add=TRUE)
  if (!inherits(file, "connection")) 
    stop("'file' must be a character string or connection")
  if (!isOpen(file, "rt")) {
    open(file, "rt")
    on.exit(close(file), add=TRUE)

  LinesRaw <- readLines(file)
  StartOfRequestedSheet <- grep(paste("--", sheet), LinesRaw, fixed=TRUE)
  if(length(StartOfRequestedSheet) != 1)
    stop("you cannot have more than one sheet with the same name.")
  SheetStartLines <- grepl("^-- ", LinesRaw)
  SheetContent <- contiguous.stretch(SheetStartLines, StartOfRequestedSheet + 1, FALSE)

  connection <- textConnection(LinesRaw[SheetContent])
  on.exit(close(connection), add=TRUE)

  read.table(connection, header=header, sep=sep,
             strip.white=strip.white, stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors, ...)

diff.zoo <- function(x, ...) {

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