
TrendSTL <- structure(function(
	## Trend estimation based on STL (Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series by Loess)
	## The function computes a non-linear trend based on \code{\link{stl}}.
	### univariate time series of class \code{\link{ts}}
	### additional arguments (currently not used)
	## \code{\link{stl}}
) {
	time <- time(Yt)	
	# do initial linear interpolation and initial gap filling
	Na <- ts(is.na(Yt), start=start(Yt), end=end(Yt), frequency=frequency(Yt))
	xout <- time(Yt)
	Yt1 <- na.approx(Yt, xout=xout, rule=c(2,2))	
	Na1 <- na.approx(Na, xout=xout, method="constant", rule=c(2,2))	
	Yt1[Na1 == 1] <- Yt1[Na1 == 1] + rnorm(sum(Na1), 0, diff(range(Yt, na.rm=TRUE)) * 0.01)
	# get trend component from stl
	stl <- stl(Yt1, s.window="periodic")
	Tt <- stl$time.series[,2]
	Tt[Na1 == 1] <- NA
	# results: pvalue with MannKendall test
	mk <- MannKendallSeg(Yt)[-1,]
	# return results
	result <- list(
		series = Yt,
		trend = Tt,
		time = as.vector(time),
		bp = NoBP(),
		slope = mk$lm.slope, 
		slope_unc = NoUnc(),
		slope_se = mk$lm.slope.se,
		pval = mk$lm.slope.pvalue,  
		perc = mk$lm.slope.perc,
		perc_unc = NoUnc(),
		mk.tau = mk$mk.tau,
		mk.tau_unc = NoUnc(),
		mk.pval = mk$mk.pval,
		bptest = NULL,
		method = "STL")
	class(result) <- "Trend"
	### The function returns a list of class "Trend". 
}, ex=function(){

# calculate trend on mean annual NDVI values
trd <- TrendSTL(ndvi)


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