
Defines functions textii rectii makeTableGrobs arrangeTableGrobs tableGrob grid.table drawDetails.table widthDetails.table heightDetails.table theme.grey theme.list theme.black theme.blank theme.vertical theme.white

Documented in arrangeTableGrobs drawDetails.table grid.table heightDetails.table makeTableGrobs rectii tableGrob textii theme.black theme.blank theme.grey theme.list theme.vertical theme.white widthDetails.table

## create a named cell grob
## a function of an integer index that returns a named grob

textii <- function(d, gp=gpar(), name="row-label-",
                   just="center", parse=TRUE){
  x <- switch(just, "center"=0.5, "right"=0.95, "left"=0.1)
  parseglobal <- parse
  ##   allow the correct space to fit well in a rectangle
  function(ii, parse=parseglobal){
    lab <- if(parse) parse(text=d[ii]) else d[ii]
    textGrob(x=x, label=lab, just=just, gp=gp, name=paste(name, ii, sep=""))

rectii <- function(ii, gp, name="row-fill-"){
    rectGrob(gp=gp[[ii]], name=paste(name, ii, sep=""))

makeTableGrobs <- function(content, rnames=NULL, cnames=NULL,
        nrow, ncol, parse=TRUE,
        row.just="center", col.just="center", core.just="center",
        equal.width = FALSE, equal.height=FALSE, 
        gpar.coretext = gpar(col="black", cex=1),
        gpar.coltext = gpar(col="black", cex=1, fontface="bold"),
        gpar.rowtext = gpar(col="black", cex=0.8, fontface="italic"),
        h.odd.alpha = 1, h.even.alpha = 1, 
        v.odd.alpha = 1, v.even.alpha = 1, 
        gpar.corefill = gpar(fill = "grey95", col="white"), 
        gpar.rowfill = gpar(fill = "grey90", col="white"), 
        gpar.colfill = gpar(fill = "grey90", col="white")) {

 ncontent <- length(content) # number of labels
 nrnames <- length(rnames) # number of row labels
 ncnames <- length(cnames) # number of col labels

 ## define some functions to generate named grobs
 makeOneRowname <- textii(d=rnames, gp=gpar.rowtext, name="row-label-", just=row.just, parse=parse)
 makeOneColname <- textii(d=cnames, gp=gpar.coltext, name="col-label-", just=col.just, parse=parse)
 makeOneLabel <- textii(d=content, gp=gpar.coretext, name="core-label-", just=core.just, parse=parse)

 gp.corefillee <- gp.corefilleo <- gp.corefilloe <- gp.corefilloo <- gpar.corefill
 gp.corefillee[["alpha"]] <- h.even.alpha *  v.even.alpha
 gp.corefilloe[["alpha"]] <- h.odd.alpha *  v.even.alpha
 gp.corefilloo[["alpha"]] <- h.odd.alpha *  v.odd.alpha
 gp.corefilleo[["alpha"]] <- h.even.alpha *  v.odd.alpha
 gpar.corefill <- rep(c(rep(c(list(gp.corefillee), list(gp.corefilloe)), length.out=nrow),
                        rep(c(list(gp.corefilleo), list(gp.corefilloo)), length.out=nrow)),
 gp.rowfille <- gp.rowfillo <- gpar.rowfill
 gp.rowfille[["alpha"]] <-  h.even.alpha
 gp.rowfillo[["alpha"]] <-  h.odd.alpha

 gpar.rowfill <- rep(c(list(gp.rowfille), list(gp.rowfillo)), nrow)
 gp.colfille <- gp.colfillo <- gpar.colfill
 gp.colfille[["alpha"]] <-  v.even.alpha
 gp.colfillo[["alpha"]] <-  v.odd.alpha
 gpar.colfill <- rep(c(list(gp.colfille), list(gp.colfillo)), ncol)
 makeOneCell <- rectii(gp=gpar.corefill, name="core-fill-")
 makeOneRowfill <- rectii(gp=gpar.rowfill, name="row-fill-")
 makeOneColfill <- rectii(gp=gpar.colfill, name="col-fill-")

 ## in case of missing row(col) names,  make a list of virtualGrobs
 ## else,  a list of rectGrobs with incremental names
   lrt <- lrf <- replicate(nrow, virtualGrob, simplify=FALSE)} else {
  lrt <- lapply(seq_along(rnames), makeOneRowname) # list of text grobs
  lrf <- lapply(seq_along(rnames), makeOneRowfill) # list of rect grobs
  lct <- lcf <- replicate(ncol, virtualGrob, simplify=FALSE)} else {
  lct <- lapply(seq_along(cnames), makeOneColname) # list of text grobs
  lcf <- lapply(seq_along(cnames), makeOneColfill) # list of rect grobs
 ## the content consists of textGrobs and rectGrobs
  lit <- lapply(seq_along(content), makeOneLabel) # list of text grobs
  lif <- lapply(seq_along(content), makeOneCell) # list of rect grobs

 ## here the grobs are arranged and permuted in a list to fill a matrix column by column
 lgt <- c(list(virtualGrob), lrt, interleaven(lct, lit, nrow)) # all labels in order
 lgf <- c(list(virtualGrob), lrf, interleaven(lcf, lif, nrow)) # all labels in order
 ## retrieve the widths and heights of all textGrobs (including some virtualGrobs) 
  wg <- lapply(lgt, grobWidth) # list of grob widths
  hg <- lapply(lgt, grobHeight) # list of grob heights

 ## concatenate this units
  widths.all <- do.call(unit.c, wg) # all grob widths
  heights.all <- do.call(unit.c, hg)    #all grob heights

 ## matrix-like operations on units to define the table layout
  widths <- colMax.units(widths.all, ncol+1)  # all column widths
  heights <- rowMax.units(heights.all, nrow+1)  # all row heights

 ## equal width or equal height (all except rows and cols)
 nwidths <- length(widths)
 nheights <- length(heights)
    widths <- unit.c(widths[[1]], rep(max(widths[seq(2, nwidths)]), nwidths-1))
    heights <- unit.c(heights[[1]], rep(max(heights[seq(2, nheights)]), nheights-1))

 ## return a list containing lists of grobs, and the dimensions for a rectangular layout
 list(lgt=lgt, lgf=lgf, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, widths=widths, heights=heights)

arrangeTableGrobs <- function(lgt, lgf, nrow, ncol, widths, heights,
                              show.colnames, show.rownames,
                               padding.h = unit(4, "mm"), padding.v=unit(4, "mm"), 
                               just=c("center", "center"), separator= "white",
                              show.vlines=FALSE, show.hlines=FALSE, show.namesep=FALSE,
                               show.box=FALSE, show.csep=FALSE, show.rsep=FALSE){
  label.ind <- 1   # index running accross labels

  ## loop over columns and rows
  for (ii in seq(1, ncol+1, 1)) {
    for (jj in seq(1, nrow+1, 1)) {
      ## push a viewport for cell (ii,jj)
     pushViewport(vp=viewport( layout.pos.row=jj, layout.pos.col=ii, just=just))
     grid.draw( lgf[[label.ind]])       #draw the fill 
     grid.draw( lgt[[label.ind]])       #draw the text

     label.ind <- label.ind + 1

    ## draw horizontal lines, stopping or not before the names
    for (ii in seq(2, nrow, 1)) 
      grid.segments(0, 0, 1, 0, gp=gpar(col=separator), vp=viewport( layout.pos.row=ii,
                                                          layout.pos.col=seq(1+!show.rsep, ncol+1)))
    ## draw vertical lines, stopping or not before the names
    for (jj in seq(2, ncol, 1)) 
      grid.segments(1, 0, 1, 1, gp=gpar(col=separator), vp=viewport( layout.pos.col=jj,
                                                          layout.pos.row=seq(1+!show.csep, nrow+1)))
  ## draw box around the content (and the names if present)
    if(show.colnames & show.rownames){
       grid.border(type=16, colour=separator,
            vp=viewport( layout.pos.col=seq(2, ncol+1), layout.pos.row=seq(2, nrow+1)))
     } else 
    grid.rect(gp=gpar(col=separator, fill=NA), 
                vp=viewport( layout.pos.col=seq(1, ncol+1), layout.pos.row=seq(1, nrow+1)))
  ## draw corner, style depends on the presence of row/colnames
    type <- if(show.colnames & show.rownames) 8 else
    if(show.colnames & !show.rownames) 4 else
    if(!show.colnames & show.rownames) 5 else 1
      grid.border(type=type, colour=separator,
            vp=viewport( layout.pos.col=seq(2, ncol+1), layout.pos.row=seq(2, nrow+1)))


##' create a list of text and fill grobs and calculates the sizes for a table display
##' @aliases tableGrob grid.table drawDetails.table widthDetails.table heightDetails.table arrangeTableGrobs makeTableGrobs
##' @title tableGrob
##' @param d data.frame
##' @param rows vector of row names
##' @param cols vector of col names
##' @param parse logical, parse labels as expressions
##' @param row.just justification of labels
##' @param col.just justification of labels
##' @param core.just justification of labels
##' @param separator colour of the border lines 
##' @param show.box logical box surrounding the table
##' @param show.vlines logical vertical lines
##' @param show.hlines logical horizontal lines
##' @param show.namesep logical draw lines to separate header(s)
##' @param show.csep logical extend vert. separator to colnames 
##' @param show.rsep logical extend vert. separator to rownames 
##' @param equal.width logical 
##' @param equal.height logical  
##' @param padding.h unit of horizontal margin, per cell
##' @param padding.v unit of vertical margin, per cell
##' @param gpar.coretext gpar() for inner text
##' @param gpar.corefill gpar() for inner fill
##' @param gpar.coltext gpar() for colnames text
##' @param h.odd.alpha numeric transparency factor for odd horizontal cells
##' @param h.even.alpha numeric transparency factor for even horizontal cells
##' @param v.odd.alpha numeric transparency factor for odd vertical cells
##' @param v.even.alpha numeric transparency factor for even vertical cells
##' @param gpar.colfill gpar() for colnames fill
##' @param gpar.rowtext gpar() for rownames text
##' @param gpar.rowfill gpar() for rownames fill
##' @param show.rownames logical
##' @param show.colnames logical
##' @param gp gpar
##' @param theme theme (list of aesthetic elements)
##' @param ... passed to grob
##' @return a grob of class table
##' @examples
##' grid.table(head(iris), h.even.alpha=1, h.odd.alpha=1,  v.even.alpha=0.5, v.odd.alpha=1)
##' grid.newpage()
##' grid.draw(tableGrob(head(iris, 10), name="test"))
##' e = expression(alpha,"testing very large width", hat(beta), integral(f(x)*dx, a, b), "abc") 
##' grid.edit("test", cols=e, show.rownames=FALSE, rows=NULL,
##'            gpar.corefill = gpar(fill="white", col=NA),
##'            grep=TRUE, global=TRUE)
##'  grid.newpage()
##'  grid.draw(tableGrob(head(iris, 10),
##'                       show.csep=TRUE, show.rsep=TRUE, show.box=TRUE, separator="grey", name="test"))
##'  grid.edit("test",gp=gpar(fontsize=8, lwd=2),  equal.width=TRUE, grep=TRUE, global=TRUE)
##' # visualize themes
##' lg <- lapply(c("theme.blank", "theme.default", "theme.white",  "theme.vertical",  "theme.list", "theme.black"),
##'              function(x) tableGrob(head(iris[, 1:3]), theme=get(x)()))
##' grid.newpage()
##' do.call(grid.arrange, lg)
##' \dontrun{
##' ## timing: a bit slow due to repeated on-the-fly calculations 
##' pdf("test2.pdf", height=50)
##' print(system.time( grid.table(iris)) ) # about 12s here
##' dev.off()
##' }

tableGrob <- function(d, rows=rownames(d), cols=colnames(d), parse=FALSE,
                      show.rownames=TRUE, show.colnames=TRUE,
                      row.just="center", col.just="center", core.just="center", 
                      separator="white", show.box=FALSE, show.vlines=FALSE, show.hlines=FALSE,
                      show.namesep=FALSE, show.csep=FALSE, show.rsep=FALSE,
                      equal.width = FALSE, equal.height=FALSE, 
                      padding.h = unit(4, "mm"), padding.v=unit(4, "mm"),
                      gpar.coretext = gpar(col="black", cex=1),
                      gpar.coltext =  gpar(col="black", cex=1, fontface="bold"),
                      gpar.rowtext =  gpar(col="black", cex=0.8, fontface="italic"),
                      h.odd.alpha = 1, h.even.alpha = 1, 
                      v.odd.alpha = 1, v.even.alpha = 1, 
                      gpar.corefill = gpar(fill = "grey95", col="white"), 
                      gpar.rowfill = gpar(fill = "grey90", col="white"), 
                       gpar.colfill = gpar(fill = "grey90", col="white"), theme=NULL, 
                      ...) {

  ##   this needs to be done later in case a theme is used
  ##  if(!show.rownames) rows <- NULL
  ##  if(!show.colnames) cols <- NULL

  lg <- 
       makeTableGrobs(as.character(as.matrix(d)), rows, cols, parse=parse,
                        NROW(d), NCOL(d), 
                        row.just = row.just, col.just = col.just, core.just = core.just, 
                        equal.width = equal.width, equal.height = equal.height, 
                        gpar.coretext = gpar.coretext,
                        gpar.coltext = gpar.coltext,
                        gpar.rowtext = gpar.rowtext,
                        h.odd.alpha = h.odd.alpha, h.even.alpha = h.even.alpha, 
                        v.odd.alpha = v.odd.alpha, v.even.alpha = v.even.alpha, 
                        gpar.corefill = gpar.corefill, 
                        gpar.rowfill = gpar.rowfill, 
                        gpar.colfill = gpar.colfill ))
  with(theme, # params provided as a list
   gTree(lg=lg, d=d, rows= if(show.rownames) rows, cols=if(show.colnames) cols, parse=parse,
         show.rownames=show.rownames, show.colnames=show.colnames,
         row.just = row.just, col.just = col.just, core.just = core.just, 
         separator=separator, show.box=show.box,
         show.vlines=show.vlines, show.hlines=show.hlines, show.namesep=show.namesep,
         show.csep=show.csep, show.rsep=show.rsep,
         equal.width = equal.width, equal.height = equal.height, 
         padding.h = padding.h, padding.v = padding.v, 
         gpar.coretext = gpar.coretext,
         gpar.coltext = gpar.coltext,
         gpar.rowtext = gpar.rowtext,
         h.odd.alpha = h.odd.alpha, h.even.alpha = h.even.alpha, 
         v.odd.alpha = v.odd.alpha, v.even.alpha = v.even.alpha, 
         gpar.corefill = gpar.corefill, 
         gpar.rowfill = gpar.rowfill, 
         gpar.colfill = gpar.colfill, 
         cl="table", gp=gp, ...))

grid.table <- function(...)

drawDetails.table <- function(x, recording=TRUE){
  lg <- with(x, makeTableGrobs(as.character(as.matrix(d)), rows, cols,
         NROW(d), NCOL(d), parse,
         row.just = row.just, col.just = col.just, core.just = core.just, 
         equal.width = equal.width, equal.height = equal.height, 
         gpar.coretext = gpar.coretext,
         gpar.coltext = gpar.coltext,
         gpar.rowtext = gpar.rowtext,
         h.odd.alpha = h.odd.alpha, h.even.alpha = h.even.alpha, 
         v.odd.alpha = v.odd.alpha, v.even.alpha = v.even.alpha, 
         gpar.corefill = gpar.corefill, 
         gpar.rowfill = gpar.rowfill, 
         gpar.colfill = gpar.colfill )  )

  widthsv <- convertUnit(lg$widths + x$padding.h, "mm", valueOnly=TRUE)
  heightsv <- convertUnit(lg$heights + x$padding.v, "mm", valueOnly=TRUE)

  widthsv[1] <- widthsv[1] * as.numeric(x$show.rownames)
  widths <- unit(widthsv, "mm")

  heightsv[1] <- heightsv[1] * as.numeric(x$show.colnames)
  heights <- unit(heightsv, "mm")
  cells = viewport(name="table.cells", layout =
    grid.layout(lg$nrow+1, lg$ncol+1, width=widths, height=heights) )
  tg <- arrangeTableGrobs(lg$lgt, lg$lgf, lg$nrow, lg$ncol, lg$widths, lg$heights,
                          show.colnames=x$show.colnames, show.rownames=x$show.rownames,
                          padding.h = x$padding.h, padding.v = x$padding.v, 
                          separator=x$separator, show.box=x$show.box,
                          show.vlines=x$show.vlines, show.hlines=x$show.hlines,		
                          show.namesep=x$show.namesep, show.csep=x$show.csep, show.rsep=x$show.rsep)
widthDetails.table <- function(x){
  lg <- x$lg
  widthsv <- convertUnit(lg$widths + x$padding.h, "mm", valueOnly=TRUE)
  widthsv[1] <- widthsv[1] * as.numeric(x$show.rownames)
  widths <- unit(widthsv, "mm")


heightDetails.table <- function(x){
  lg <- x$lg
  heightsv <- convertUnit(lg$heights + x$padding.v, "mm", valueOnly=TRUE)

  heightsv[1] <- heightsv[1] * as.numeric(x$show.colnames)
  heights <- unit(heightsv, "mm")


##' themes for table grob
##' @aliases theme.default theme.grey theme.list theme.blank theme.vertical theme.black theme.white
##' @title theme
##' @param ... optional params to overwrite the theme defaults
##' @return theme
theme.default <- theme.grey <- function(...)
  modifyList(list(show.rownames=TRUE, show.colnames=TRUE,
     row.just="center", col.just="center", core.just="center", 
     separator="white", show.box=FALSE, show.vlines=FALSE, show.hlines=FALSE, show.namesep=FALSE,
                  show.csep=FALSE, show.rsep=FALSE,
     equal.width = FALSE, equal.height=FALSE, 
     padding.h = unit(4, "mm"), padding.v=unit(4, "mm"),
     gpar.coretext = gpar(col="black", cex=1),
     gpar.coltext =  gpar(col="black", cex=1, fontface="bold"),
     gpar.rowtext =  gpar(col="black", cex=0.8, fontface="italic"),
     h.odd.alpha = 1, h.even.alpha = 1, 
     v.odd.alpha = 1, v.even.alpha = 1, 
     gpar.corefill = gpar(fill = "grey95", col="white"), 
     gpar.rowfill = gpar(fill = "grey90", col="white"), 
     gpar.colfill = gpar(fill = "grey90", col="white")), list(...))

theme.list <- function(...)
             theme.default(show.rownames=FALSE, show.colnames=FALSE,separator=NA,
                           core.just="left", gpar.corefill=gpar(col=NA),
                           show.csep=FALSE, show.rsep=FALSE,
                           gpar.corefill = gpar(fill = NA, col=NA), 
                           gpar.rowfill = gpar(fill = NA, col=NA), 
                           gpar.colfill = gpar(fill = NA, col=NA)), list(...))

theme.black <- function(...)
             theme.default(show.rownames=TRUE, show.colnames=TRUE,
                           h.odd.alpha = 0.8, h.even.alpha = 0.5, 
                           show.csep=TRUE, show.rsep=TRUE,
                           gpar.coretext = gpar(col="white", cex=1),
                           gpar.coltext =  gpar(col="white", cex=1, fontface="bold"),
                           gpar.rowtext =  gpar(col="white", cex=0.8, fontface="italic"),
                           gpar.corefill = gpar(fill = "black", col=NA), 
                           gpar.rowfill = gpar(fill = "black", col=NA), 
                           gpar.colfill = gpar(fill = "black", col=NA)), list(...))

theme.blank <- function(...)
             theme.default(show.rownames=TRUE, show.colnames=TRUE,
                           show.csep=FALSE, show.rsep=FALSE,
                           gpar.corefill = gpar(fill = NA, col=NA), 
                           gpar.rowfill = gpar(fill = NA, col=NA), 
                           gpar.colfill = gpar(fill = NA, col=NA)), list(...))

theme.vertical <- function(...)
             theme.default(show.rownames=FALSE, show.colnames=TRUE,
                           row.just="center", col.just="center", core.just="center", 
                           separator="white", show.box=FALSE, show.csep=FALSE, show.rsep=FALSE,
                           equal.width = FALSE, equal.height=FALSE, 
                           padding.h = unit(4, "mm"), padding.v=unit(4, "mm"), 
                           gpar.coretext = gpar(col="black", cex=1),
                           gpar.coltext =  gpar(col="black", cex=1, fontface="bold"),
                           gpar.rowtext =  gpar(col="black", cex=0.8, fontface="italic"),
                           h.odd.alpha = 1, h.even.alpha = 1, 
                           v.odd.alpha = 0.5, v.even.alpha = 0, 
                           gpar.corefill = gpar(fill = "grey90", col=NA), 
                           gpar.rowfill = gpar(fill =  "grey90", col=NA), 
                           gpar.colfill = gpar(fill = "grey90", col=NA)), list(...))

theme.white <- function(...)
             theme.default(show.rownames=FALSE, show.colnames=TRUE,
                           row.just="center", col.just="center", core.just="center", 
                           separator="white", show.box=FALSE, show.csep=FALSE, show.rsep=FALSE,
                           equal.width = FALSE, equal.height=FALSE, 
                           padding.h = unit(4, "mm"), padding.v=unit(4, "mm"), 
                           gpar.coretext = gpar(col="black", cex=1),
                           gpar.coltext =  gpar(col="black", cex=1, fontface="bold"),
                           gpar.rowtext =  gpar(col="black", cex=0.8, fontface="italic"),
                           h.odd.alpha = 0.5, h.even.alpha = 0, 
                           v.odd.alpha = 1, v.even.alpha = 1, 
                           gpar.corefill = gpar(fill = "grey90", col=NA), 
                           gpar.rowfill = gpar(fill =  "grey90", col=NA), 
                           gpar.colfill = gpar(fill = "grey90", col=NA)), list(...))

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gridExtra documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:59 p.m.