
Defines functions covEllipses covEllipses.boxM covEllipses.data.frame covEllipses.default

Documented in covEllipses covEllipses.boxM covEllipses.data.frame covEllipses.default

# Revisions:
# -  Now allow to plot multiple variables in a scatterplot matrix format 3/30/2016 10:53:05 AM

# Draw covariance ellipses for one or more groups

covEllipses <-function(x, ...) {

covEllipses.boxM <-
		function(x, ...) {

	cov <- c(x$cov, pooled=list(x$pooled))
	mns <- x$means
	df <- x$df
	covEllipses.default(cov, mns, df, ...)

covEllipses.data.frame <-
		function(x, group,
		         method = c("classical", "mve", "mcd"), ...) {

 method <- match.arg(method)
 if (missing(group)) {
   group <- factor(rep(1, nrow(x)))
   pooled <- FALSE

 if (!is.factor(group)) {
   warning(deparse(substitute(group)), " coerced to factor.")
   group <- as.factor(group)
 p <- ncol(x)
 nlev <- nlevels(group)
 lev <- levels(group)
 dfs <- tapply(group, group, length) - 1
 mats <- list()
 means <- matrix(0, nrow=nlev, ncol=p) 
 for(i in 1:nlev) {
 		rcov <- MASS::cov.rob(x[group == lev[i], ], method=method)
    mats[[i]] <- rcov$cov
    means[i,] <- rcov$center

 names(mats) <- lev
 rownames(means) <- lev
 colnames(means) <- colnames(x)

 if(pooled) {
   mns <- colMeans(x)
   x <- colDevs(x, group)
	 rcov <- MASS::cov.rob(x, method=method)
	 pooled <- rcov$cov
	 mats <- c(mats, pooled=list(pooled))
	 means <- rbind(means, pooled=mns)
	 dfs <- c(dfs, sum(dfs))

   covEllipses.default(mats, means, dfs, ...)


covEllipses.matrix <- covEllipses.data.frame

covEllipses.default <-
		function ( 
		    x,                 # a list of covariance matrices
		    means,             # a matrix of means
		    df,                # vector of degrees of freedom
				variables=1:2,     # x,y variables for the plot [variable names or numbers]
				segments=60,       # line segments in each ellipse
				center = FALSE,    # center the ellipses at c(0,0)?
				col=getOption("heplot.colors", c("red", "blue", "black", "darkgreen", "darkcyan", "brown", "magenta", "darkgray")),
				# colors for ellipses
				fill=FALSE,         ## whether to draw filled ellipses (vectorized)
				fill.alpha=0.3,     ## alpha transparency for filled ellipses
				label.pos=0,    # label positions: NULL or 0:4
				xlim,           # min/max for X (override internal min/max calc) 
				axes=TRUE,      # whether to draw the axes
				offset.axes,    # if specified, the proportion by which to expand the axes on each end (e.g., .05)
				add=FALSE,      # add to existing plot?

	ell <- function(center, shape, radius) {
		angles <- (0:segments)*2*pi/segments
		circle <- radius * cbind( cos(angles), sin(angles))
		warn <- options(warn=-1)
		Q <- chol(shape, pivot=TRUE)
		order <- order(attr(Q, "pivot"))
		t( c(center) + t( circle %*% Q[,order]))

	if (!is.list(x)) stop("Argument 'x' must be a list of covariance matrices")
	cov <- x
	response.names <- colnames(cov[[1]])
	p <- ncol(cov[[1]])

	if (!is.numeric(variables)) {
		vars <- variables
		variables <- match(vars, response.names)
		check <- is.na(variables)
		if (any(check)) stop(paste(vars[check], collapse=", "), 
					" not among response variables.") 
	else {
		if (any (variables > p)) stop("There are only ", 	p, " response variables among", variables)
		vars <- response.names[variables]
	n.ell <- length(cov)
	if (n.ell == 0) stop("Nothing to plot.")
	if (n.ell != nrow(means)) 
	    stop( paste0("number of covariance matrices (", n.ell, ") does not conform to rows of means (", nrow(means), ")") )
	if (n.ell != length(df)) 
	  stop( paste0("number of covariance matrices (", n.ell, ") does not conform to df (", length(df), ")") )
	# assign colors and line styles
	rep_fun <- rep_len
	col <- rep_fun(col, n.ell) 
	lty <- rep_fun(lty, n.ell)
	lwd <- rep_fun(lwd, n.ell)
	# handle filled ellipses
	fill <- rep_fun(fill, n.ell)
	fill.alpha <- rep_fun(fill.alpha, n.ell)
	fill.col <- trans.colors(col, fill.alpha)
	label.pos <- rep_fun(label.pos, n.ell)
	fill.col <- ifelse(fill, fill.col, NA)
	panel_covEllipses <- function(vars, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, offset.axes) {
		if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- vars[1]
		if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- vars[2] 
		radius <- c(sqrt(2 * qf(level, 2, df)))
		ellipses <- as.list(rep(0, n.ell))
		for(i in 1:n.ell) {
			S <- as.matrix(cov[[i]])
			S <- S[vars, vars]
			ctr <- if (center)  c(0,0)
			       else as.numeric(means[i, vars])
			ellipses[[i]] <- ell(ctr, S, radius[i])
		if (!add){
			max <- apply(sapply(ellipses, function(X) apply(X, 2, max)), 1, max)
			min <- apply(sapply(ellipses, function(X) apply(X, 2, min)), 1, min)
			if (!missing(offset.axes)){
				range <- max - min
				min <- min - offset.axes*range
				max <- max + offset.axes*range
			xlim <- if(missing(xlim)) c(min[1], max[1]) else xlim
			ylim <- if(missing(ylim)) c(min[2], max[2]) else ylim
			plot(xlim, ylim,  type = "n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, axes=axes, ...)
		labels <- if (!is.null(labels)) labels
				else names(cov)
		names(ellipses) <- labels
		for (i in 1:n.ell){
				polygon(ellipses[[i]], col=fill.col[i], border=col[i],  lty=lty[i], lwd=lwd[i])
				label.ellipse(ellipses[[i]], labels[i], col=col[i], label.pos=label.pos[i], ...) 
				if (!center) 
					points(means[i,vars[1]], means[i,vars[2]], pch=center.pch, cex=center.cex, col=col[i], xpd=TRUE)
		if (center) points( 0, 0, pch=center.pch, cex=center.cex, col=gray(.25))
	vlabels <- if (!missing(vlabels)) vlabels else vars
	if (length(vars)==2) {
		panel_covEllipses(vars, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, offset.axes=offset.axes)
	else {
		nv <- length(vars)
		op <- par(mfcol=c(nv, nv), mar=c(2,2,0,0)+.1, xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ann=FALSE)
		on.exit( par(op) )
		for (i in 1:nv) {
			for (j in 1:nv) {
				if (i==j) {
					plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), type="n", axes=FALSE)
					text(0.5, 0.5, vlabels[i], cex=var.cex)
				else {
					panel_covEllipses( vars[c(i,j)], xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, offset.axes=offset.axes )
#	result <- if (!add) list(ellipses, center=means, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, radius=radius)
#			else list(H=ellipses,  center=gmean, radius=radius)
#	result <- ellipses
#	class(result) <- "covEllipses"
#	invisible(result)

#if (FALSE) {
#op <- par(mfrow=c(4,4), mar=c(1,2,0,0)+.1, xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ann=FALSE)
#for (i in 1:4) {
#	for (j in 1:4) {
#		if (i==j) {
#			plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), type="n", axes=FALSE)
#			text(0.5, 0.5, vlab[i], cex=2.2)
#			box()
#		}
#		else {
#			covEllipses(Skulls[,-1], Skulls$epoch, variables=c(i,j),
#			            fill=c(rep(FALSE, 5), TRUE), label.pos=1:4,
#			            xlab=vlab[1], ylab=vlab[2], center=TRUE)
#			points(0, 0, pch='+', cex=2, col=gray(.25))
#		}
#	}

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