
Defines functions modelsearch backwardeliminate backwardsearch forwardsearch print.modelsearch

Documented in modelsearch

##' Model searching
##' Performs Wald or score tests
##' @aliases modelsearch
##' @param x \code{lvmfit}-object
##' @param k Number of parameters to test simultaneously. For \code{equivalence}
##' the number of additional associations to be added instead of \code{rel}.
##' @param dir Direction to do model search. "forward" := add
##' associations/arrows to model/graph (score tests), "backward" := remove
##' associations/arrows from model/graph (wald test)
##' @param \dots Additional arguments to be passed to the low level functions
##' @return Matrix of test-statistics and p-values
##' @author Klaus K. Holst
##' @seealso \code{\link{compare}}, \code{\link{equivalence}}
##' @keywords htest
##' @examples
##' m <- lvm(); 
##' regression(m) <- c(y1,y2,y3) ~ eta; latent(m) <- ~eta
##' regression(m) <- eta ~ x
##' m0 <- m; regression(m0) <- y2 ~ x
##' dd <- sim(m0,100)[,manifest(m0)]
##' e <- estimate(m,dd);
##' modelsearch(e)
##' @export
modelsearch <- function(x,k=1,dir="forward",...) {
    if (dir=="forward") {
        res <- forwardsearch(x,k,...)
    if (dir=="backstep") {
        res <- backwardeliminate(x,...)
    res <- backwardsearch(x,k,...)

backwardeliminate <- function(x,
                              ...) {

    if (class(x)[1]=="lvm") { M <- x } else { M <- Model(x) }
    if(missing(data)) data <- model.frame(x)

    dots <- list(...)
    if (is.null(dots$control$start)) {
        p0 <- estimate(M,data,quick=TRUE,silent=silent,missing=FALSE,...)
        dots$control <- c(dots$control, list(start=p0,information="E"))

    if (intercepts) ii <- NULL
    ff <- function() {
        ii <- grep("m",names(coef(M)))
        vv <- variances(M,mean=TRUE)
        args <- c(list(x=M,data=data,missing=missing,quick=TRUE,silent=silent),dots)
        cc <- do.call("estimate",args)
        if (is.numeric(cc)) {
            I0 <- information(M,p=cc,data=data,type=information)[-c(ii,vv),-c(ii,vv)]
            cc0 <- cc[-c(ii,vv)]
            res <- (pnorm(abs(cc0/sqrt(diag(solve(I0)))),lower.tail=FALSE))*2
            attributes(res)$coef <- cc
        } else {
            coefs <- coef(cc)
            res <- (pnorm(abs(coefs/sqrt(diag(vcov(cc)))),lower.tail=FALSE))*2
            res <- res[-c(ii,vv)]
            attributes(res)$coef <- coefs
    done <- FALSE; i <- 0;
    while (!done & i<maxsteps) {
        p <- ff()
        ordp <- order(p,decreasing=TRUE)    
        curp <- p[ordp[1]]
        if (curp<pthres) break;
        var1 <- unlist(strsplit(names(curp),lava.options()$symbol[1]))
        dots$control$start <- attributes(p)$coef[-ordp[1]]
        if (messages) message("Removed: ",names(curp)," p-value: ",round(curp,3))
        cancel(M) <- var1

backwardsearch <- function(x,k=1,...) {
    if (class(x)!="lvmfit") stop("Expected an object of class 'lvmfit'.")
    p <- pars(x)
    cur <- Model(x)
    pp <- modelPar(cur,p)
    Y <- endogenous(x)
    X <- exogenous(x)
    V <- vars(x)

    p1 <- pp$p
    Tests <- c(); Vars <- list()

    parnotvar<- setdiff(1:length(p1), variances(Model(x))) ## We don't want to perform tests on the boundary of the parameter space
    freecomb <- combn(parnotvar, k)
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(freecomb)))
            cc0 <- coef(cur, mean=FALSE,silent=TRUE,symbol=lava.options()$symbol)
            ii <- freecomb[,i]
            p0 <- p1; p0[ii] <- 0
            R <- diag(length(p0)); R <- matrix(R[ii,],nrow=length(ii))
            I <- information(Model(x), p=p1, n=x$data$n, data=model.frame(x))
            if (!is.null(pp$meanpar)) {
                rmidx <- 1:length(pp$meanpar)
                I <- I[-rmidx,-rmidx]
            iI <- solve(I)
            W <- t(rbind(R)%*%p1)%*%solve(R%*%iI%*%t(R))%*%(cbind(R)%*%p1)
            Tests <- c(Tests, W)
            Vars <- c(Vars, list(cc0[ii]))
    ord <- order(Tests, decreasing=TRUE); 
    Tests <- cbind(Tests, 1-pchisq(Tests,k)); colnames(Tests) <- c("Test Statistic", "P-value")
    res <- list(test=Tests[ord,], var=Vars[ord])
    PM <- matrix(ncol=3,nrow=0)
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(Tests))) {
        if (!is.na(res$test[i,1])) {
            newrow <- c(formatC(res$test[i,1]), formatC(res$test[i,2]), paste(res$var[[i]],collapse=", "))
            PM <- rbind(PM, newrow)
    colnames(PM) <- c("Wald: W", "P(W>w)", "Index"); rownames(PM) <- rep("",nrow(PM))

    res <- list(res=PM)
    class(res) <- "modelsearch"

forwardsearch <- function(x,k=1,silent=FALSE,...) {
    if (!inherits(x,"lvmfit")) stop("Expected an object of class 'lvmfit'.")
    p <- coef(x)
    cur <- Model(x)
    pp <- modelPar(cur,p)
    Y <- endogenous(x)
    X <- exogenous(x)
    V <- vars(x)
    q <- length(Y); qx <- length(X)
    npar.sat <- q+q*(q-1)/2 + q*qx
    npar.cur <- index(cur)$npar
    npar.mean <- index(cur)$npar.mean
    nfree <- npar.sat-npar.cur
    if (nfree<k) {
        message("Cannot free",k,"variables from model.\n");
    Tests <- c(); Vars <- list()
    AP <- with(index(cur),A+t(A)+P)
    restricted <- c()
    for (i in 1:(ncol(AP)-1))
        for (j in (i+1):nrow(AP))
            if ( AP[j,i]==0 ) {
                restricted <- rbind(restricted,  c(i,j))

    if (is.null(restricted)) return(NULL)
    restrictedcomb <- combn(seq_len(nrow(restricted)), k) # Combinations of k-additions to the model

    if (class(model.frame(x))%ni%c("data.frame","matrix")) {
        n <- model.frame(x)$n
        S <- model.frame(x)$S
        mu <- model.frame(x)$mu
    } else {
        n <- nrow(model.frame(x))
        S <- (n-1)/n*var(model.frame(x),na.rm=TRUE)
        mu <- colMeans(model.frame(x),na.rm=TRUE)
    if (!silent) {
        message("Calculating score test for ",ncol(restrictedcomb), " models:")
        count <- 0
        pb <- txtProgressBar(style=3,width=40)        
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(restrictedcomb)))
            count <- count+1
            if (!silent) {
                setTxtProgressBar(pb, count/ncol(restrictedcomb))
            varlist <- c()
            altmodel <- cur ## HA: altmodel, H0: cur
            for (j in seq_len(k)) {
                myvar <- restricted[restrictedcomb[j,i],]
                if (any(wx <- V[myvar]%in%X)) {
                    altmodel <- regression(altmodel,V[myvar][which(!wx)],V[myvar][which(wx)])
                } else {
                    covariance(altmodel,pairwise=TRUE) <- V[myvar]
                varlist <- rbind(varlist, V[myvar])
            altmodel$parpos <- NULL
            altmodel <- updatelvm(altmodel,deriv=TRUE,zeroones=TRUE,mean=TRUE)
            cc <- coef(altmodel, mean=TRUE,silent=TRUE,symbol=lava.options()$symbol)
            cc0 <- coef(cur, mean=TRUE,silent=TRUE,symbol=lava.options()$symbol)
            p1 <- numeric(length(p)+k)
            ## Need to be sure we place 0 at the correct position
            for (ic in 1:length(cc)) {
                idx <- match(cc[ic],cc0)
                if (!is.na(idx))
                    p1[ic] <- p[idx]
            if (x$estimator=="gaussian") {
                Sc2 <- score(altmodel,p=p1,data=NULL,
            } else {
                Sc2 <- score(altmodel,p=p1,data=model.frame(x),
            I <- information(altmodel,p=p1,n=x$data$n,data=model.frame(x),weight=Weight(x),estimator=x$estimator) ##[-rmidx,-rmidx]    
            iI <- try(Inverse(I), silent=TRUE)
            Q <- ifelse (inherits(iI, "try-error"), NA, ## Score test
            Tests <- c(Tests, Q)
            Vars <- c(Vars, list(varlist))

    Tests0 <- Tests
    Vars0 <- Vars

    if (!silent)
    ord <- order(Tests);
    Tests <- cbind(Tests, 1-pchisq(Tests,k)); colnames(Tests) <- c("Test Statistic", "P-value")
    Tests <- Tests[ord,,drop=FALSE]
    Vars <- Vars[ord]
    PM <- c()
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(Tests))) {
        if (!is.na(Tests[i,1])) {
            vv <- apply(Vars[[i]],1,function(x) paste(x,collapse=lava.options()$symbol[2]))
            newrow <- c(formatC(Tests[i,1]), formatC(Tests[i,2]), paste(vv,collapse=", "))
            PM <- rbind(PM, newrow)
    if (is.null(PM)) {
        message("Saturated model")
    colnames(PM) <- c("Score: S", "P(S>s)", "Index"); rownames(PM) <- rep("",nrow(PM))
    res <- list(res=PM, test=Tests, var=Vars)
    class(res) <- "modelsearch"

##' @export
print.modelsearch <- function(x,tail=nrow(x$res),adj=c("holm","BH"),...) {
    N <- nrow(x$res)
    if (!is.null(adj)) {
        ##    adjp <- rev(holm(as.numeric(x$test[,2])))
        adjp <- sapply(adj,function(i) p.adjust(x$test[,2],method=i))
        x$res <- cbind(x$res,formatC(adjp))
    print(x$res[(N-tail+1):N,], quote=FALSE, ...)

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