
# methods for class evfit  ----
.rsquared <- function(obs, est) {
  m <- mean(obs)
  SSobs <- sum((m - obs)^2)
  SSres <- sum((obs - est)^2)
  return( 1 - SSres/SSobs)

print.evfit <- function(x, ...) {
  rp <- x[["T_Years_Event"]]
  if(!is.null(rp)) print(rp) else summary(x)

summary.evfit <- function(object, ...) {
  cat("", "Values:", sep = "")

  if (object[["freq.zeros"]] > 0) {
    cat("Zero flow extremes: ", sum(object$values == 0) , " observations (",
        round(object[["freq.zeros"]], 2), "%)\n",
        "Using the ", c("un")[!object$is.censored], "censored time series.", sep = "")

  cat("\n\n", "L-Moments:\n", sep = "")

  cat("\n", "Fitted Parameters of the Distribution:\n", sep = "")

print.dist <- function(x) {
  if (is.list(x) && length(x) > 1) {
    for(i in seq_along(x)) print.dist(x[i])

  distribution <- format(names(x)[1], width = 4)
  values <- lapply(x[[1]], function(x) signif(x, digits = 6))
  values <- paste(format(paste0(names(x[[1]]), ":"), width = 7),
                  format(values, width = 8), sep="", collapse = ",  ")

  cat("", distribution, "   ", values, "\n", sep = "")

# Gringorten Plotting Position for extreme values
gringorten <- function(x) {
  rank <- rank(x, na.last = "keep", ties.method = "first")
  len <- sum(!is.na(x))

  xx <- (rank - 0.44)/(len + 0.12)

plot.evfit <- function(x, legend = TRUE, col = 1, extreme = x$extreme,
                       xlab = NULL, ylab = expression(italic(x)), log = TRUE,
                       ylim = NULL,
                       rp.axis = NULL, rp.lab = "Return period",
                       freq.axis = TRUE,
                       freq.lab = expression(paste("Frequency " *(italic(F)),
                                                   " = Non-Exceedance Probability P ",
                                                   (italic(X) <= italic(x)))),

  dist <- names(x[["parameters"]])
  # if there's more than one distribution to fit, ignore user specified color
  if (length(dist) > 1) col <- seq_along(dist)
  ylim <- if(is.null(ylim)) c(0, max(x$values, na.rm = TRUE)) else ylim

  # plot obersvations (points)
  if (log) {
    if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- expression("Reduced variate,  " * -log(-log(italic(F))))
    evplot(x$values, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, col = col[1], rp.axis = FALSE,
           ylim = ylim)
  } else {
    if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- freq.lab
    plot(gringorten(x$values), x$values, col = col[1],
         xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = ylim,
         xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)

  # fitted distributions
  for(j in seq_along(dist)) {
    evdistq0(distribution = dist[j], x$parameters[[j]], col = col[j],
             freq.zeros = x$freq.zeros, log = log)

  # if (x$freq.zeros != 0) title("Plot is fit for values > 0 only")

    rp.axis <- if(extreme == "minimum") "top" else "bottom"

  if (rp.axis != "none") {
    axis_return_period(extreme = extreme, title = rp.lab, position = rp.axis,
                       log = log)

  if (freq.axis && log) axis_frequency(title = freq.lab)

  if (legend) {
    obs <- paste("obs. annual", sub("imum", "ima", extreme))
    pos <- c("minimum" = "bottomright", "maximum" = "topleft")
    dist.text <- if (length(dist) > 1) {
      paste0(dist, " (", x$r.squared, ")")
    } else {

    legend(x = pos[extreme], legend = c(obs, dist.text),
           col = c(1, col),
           pch = c(1, rep(-1, length(dist))),
           lty = c(-1, rep(1, length(dist))))

rpline <- function(fit, return.period = NULL, log = TRUE, ...) {
  arg <- list(...)
  if(is.null(arg[["suffix"]])) arg[["suffix"]] <- c("a", "")
  if(is.null(arg[["digits"]])) arg[["digits"]] <- c(2, 1)

  prob <- 1 / return.period
  if(fit$extreme == "maximum")  prob <- 1 - prob

  distribution <- names(fit$parameter)[1]

  quant <- evquantile(fit = fit, return.period = return.period)[["T_Years_Event"]][, 1]
  xval <- if(log) -log(-log(prob)) else prob

  arg <- c(arg, list(x = xval, y = quant, lab.x = return.period))
  do.call(trace_value, arg)

trace_value <- function(x, y, digits = 0, annotate = TRUE,
                        lab.x = x, lab.y = y, prefix = "", suffix = "",
                        cex = 0.75, col = "blue", lty = 2, ...) {
  if (length(x) != length(y)) stop("x and y must be of the same length")

  if(length(digits) == 1) digits <- rep(digits, 2)
  if(length(prefix) == 1) prefix <- rep(prefix, 2)
  if(length(suffix) == 1) suffix <- rep(suffix, 2)

  usr <- par("usr")

  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    lines(x = c(rep(x[i], 2), usr[1]),
          y = c(usr[3], rep(y[i], 2)),
          col = rep(col, length.out = length(x))[i],
          lty = rep(lty, length.out = length(x)), ...)
  points(x, y, pch = 16, col = col, ...)

  if(annotate) {
    text(x = x, y = y,
         labels = paste0(prefix[1], round(lab.x, digits[1]), suffix[1]),
         adj =c(-strheight(" ", "figure") * 20, 0.5),
         srt = 90, cex = cex, col = col, ...)

    text(x = usr[1], y = y,
         labels = paste0(prefix[2], round(lab.y, digits[2]), suffix[2]),
         adj = c(-strwidth(" ", "figure"), -strheight(" ", "figure")) * 20,
         cex = cex, col = col, ...)

# adding a single quantile function to a plot
# handles mixed distributions if there are zero flow observations
evdistq0 <- function (distribution, para, freq.zeros = 0, npoints = 5001,
                      log = TRUE, ...)
  # plot a mixed distribution
  # based on code from lmom::evdistq which is licensed under the CPL
  usr <- par("usr")

  # rescale the probabilites, not the x-values (reduced variate)
  xval <- seq(from = usr[1], to = usr[2], length = npoints)
  pval <- if(log) c(0, exp(-exp(-xval))) else seq(0, 1, length.out = npoints)

  # compute quantiles for uncensored time series
  yval <- qua_ev(distribution, pval, para)

  # correct probabilites for censored time series
  p.mixed <- pval + freq.zeros * (1 - pval)
  x.mixed <- if(log) -log(-log(p.mixed)) else  p.mixed

  # plot qunatile function
  lines(x.mixed, yval, ...)

  # in case of zero flow observations the quantile function is piecewise defined
  # with a step at prob == freq.zero
  # also used for exteding the quantile function to (0, 0)
  step.x <- if(log) -log(-log(freq.zeros)) else freq.zeros
  step.y <- if(freq.zeros > 0) 0 else yval[1]
  lines(x = c(if(log) usr[1] else 0, step.x), y = rep(step.y, 2), ...)

axis_return_period <- function (extreme = c("minimum", "maximum"),
                                title = "Return period T(a)",
                                position = c("bottom", "top"),
                                log = TRUE) {
  extreme <- match.arg(extreme)

  if (is.numeric(position)) {
    if (position < 0 | position > 1)
      warning("y-position of scale bar should be between 0 and 1")
  } else {
    position <- switch (as.character(position),
                        "top" = 0.78,
                        "bottom" = 0.05)

  usr <- par("usr")

  # location of tick marks in user coordinates
  # only draw tick within extend of plot

  if (extreme == "maximum") {
    at <- c(2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 10^(3:8))
    tic <- 1 - 1/at
    if (log) tic <- -log(-log(tic))
  } else {
    at = c(2, 5, 10, 20, 100)
    tic <- 1/at
    if (log) tic <- -log(-log(tic))

  inside <- (tic >= usr[1] & tic <= usr[2])
  tic <- tic[inside]
  at <- at[inside]

  ypos <- usr[3] + (usr[4] - usr[3]) * position
  axis(side = 3, at = tic, labels = at, pos = ypos, cex=0.5,
       col = "darkgrey", col.axis = "darkgrey")

  text(x = mean(range(tic)),
       y = ypos + par("cxy")[2] * par("mgp")[1] * 0.9,
       labels = title, adj = c(0.5, 0), col = "darkgrey")

axis_frequency <- function(side = 3, title = "")
  # calculate frequencies for the range of x-values
  at <- seq(par("xaxp")[1], par("xaxp")[2])
  labels <- exp(-exp(-at))

  # only use 3 decimal digits for small numbers
  digits <- ifelse(labels < 0.01, 3, 2)
  labels <- format(round(labels, digits = digits), drop0trailing = TRUE)

  # draw axis and title
  axis(side=side, at = at, labels = labels)
  mtext(title, side = side, line = 2.5)

# lmom fitting of reversed distributions ----
cdf_ev <- function(distribution, x, para) {
  len <- nchar(distribution)
  is.rev <- ifelse(len == 4 && substr(distribution, 4L, 4L) == "R",
                   TRUE, FALSE)
  family <- substr(distribution, 1L, 3L)
  cdf <- match.fun(paste0("cdf", family))

  if(is.rev) {
    1 - cdf(x = -x, para = para)
  } else {
    cdf(x = x, para = para)

qua_ev <- function(distribution, f, para){
  len <- nchar(distribution)
  is.rev <- ifelse(len == 4 && substr(distribution, 4L, 4L) == "R",
                   TRUE, FALSE)
  family <- substr(distribution, 1L, 3L)
  qua <- match.fun(paste0("qua", family))

  if(is.rev) {
    -1 * qua(f = 1 - f, para = para)
  } else {
    qua(f = f, para = para)

pel_ev <- function(distribution, lmom, ...){
  len <- nchar(distribution)
  is.rev <- ifelse(len == 4 && substr(distribution, 4L, 4L) == "R",
                   TRUE, FALSE)
  family <- substr(distribution, 1L, 3L)
  pel <- match.fun(paste0("pel", family))

  arglist <- c(list(lmom = lmom), list(...))

  if(is.rev) {
    # if specified, also negating lower bound
      arglist[["bound"]] <- -arglist[["bound"]]

    # negating odd L-moments, lmom can be of length 2:4
    corr <- c(-1, 1, -1, 1)
    length(corr) <- length(lmom)
    arglist[["lmom"]]  <- corr * lmom

  # not every distribution allows for a lower bound
  arglist <- arglist[intersect(names(arglist), names(formals(pel)))]
  return(do.call(pel, arglist))

# as suggested by William Dunlap
# https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2014-August/421105.html
.distribution_warning  <- local({
  notWarnedYet <- TRUE
  function(x) {
    if (notWarnedYet) {
      warning("For fitting minima, a Weibull distribution with parameter 'zeta = 0' may be best.",
              call. = FALSE)
      notWarnedYet <<- FALSE

# check for correct choice of distribution ----
check_distribution <- function (extreme = c("minimum", "maximum"),
                                def = list(minimum = c(),
                                           maximum = c("gev"))) {

  if (extreme == "minimum" & (!"wei" %in% distribution)) .distribution_warning()

  if(length(distribution) > 1) {
    distribution <- sapply(distribution, check_distribution, extreme = extreme,
                           def = def)

  extreme = match.arg(extreme)

  # expand definition for the reversed distributions
  def.r <- rev(mapply(paste0, def, "R"))
  def <- mapply(c, def, def.r, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  if(!distribution %in% unlist(def)) {
    #     warning("The choosen distribution ", shQuote(distribution),
    #             " is not included in the list provided. Cannot decide if it is ",
    #             "suited to fit extreme values of ", sub("mum", "ma", extreme), ".",
    #             call. = FALSE)

  if(!distribution %in% def[[extreme]]){
    choice <- distribution
    distribution <- .reverse_name(distribution)
    warning("The choosen distribution ", shQuote(choice),
            " is not suited to fit extreme values of ",
            sub("mum", "ma", extreme),
            ". The ", if(grepl("R", distribution)) "reversed ", "distribution ",
            shQuote(distribution), " is used instead.", call. = FALSE)

.reverse_name <- function(distribution) {

  len <- nchar(distribution)
  if(len == 3) return(paste0(distribution, "R"))
  if(len == 4 && substr(distribution, 4L, 4L) == "R")
    return(substr(distribution, 1L, 3L))

.is_reversed <- function(distribution) {
  len <- nchar(distribution)
  if(len == 3) return(FALSE)
  if(len == 4 && substr(distribution, 4L, 4L) == "R")


.is_bounded <- function(distribution) {
  family <- substr(distribution, 1L, 3L)
  # family %in% c("gpa", "ln3", "wak", "wei")
  family %in% c("ln3", "wak", "wei")

.distr.lmom <- c("exp", "gam", "gev", "glo", "gno", "gpa", "gum", "kap", "ln3",
                 "nor", "pe3", "wak", "wei")

# Estimating the parameters of the distribution ----
evfit <- function (x, distribution, zeta = NULL,
                   check = TRUE, extreme = c("minimum", "maximum")) {

  extreme <- match.arg(extreme)
  distribution <- match.arg(arg = distribution,
                            choices = c(.distr.lmom, paste0(.distr.lmom, "R")),
                            several.ok = TRUE)

  if(check) distribution <- check_distribution(extreme = extreme,
                                               distribution = distribution)

  freq.zeros <- 0
  is.censored <- FALSE

  # are there obervations with flow = 0?
  is.zero <- x == 0
  if (sum(is.zero, na.rm = TRUE) > 1) {
    is.censored <- TRUE

    freq.zeros <- sum(is.zero) / length(x)
    warning("There were ", sum(is.zero), " years with zero flow extremes. ",
            "Therefore a mixed distribution with p_0 = ", round(freq.zeros, 3),
            " and zeta = '0' was fitted. L-moments and parameters are only ",
            " valid for the censored time series. See ?tyears for details.")
    zeta <- 0

  xx <-  x[!is.zero]
  lmom <- samlmu(xx)

  parameters <- list()
  est <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(xx), ncol = length(distribution),
                dimnames = list(NULL, dist = distribution))
  p.value <- numeric()
  r.squared <- numeric()

  for (ii in distribution) {
    parameter <- pel_ev(distribution = ii, lmom, bound = zeta)

    # some distributions allow for a lower bound
    # for negative zetas, issue a warning() and recalculate with zeta = 0
    if (.is_bounded(ii) && is.null(zeta) && parameter["zeta"] < 0 |
        .is_bounded(ii) && is.null(zeta) && parameter["zeta"] > 0 && .is_reversed(ii)) {
        "Estimation of parameter zeta in the ", shQuote(ii),
        " distribution ",
        "resulted in a negative value (", round(parameter["zeta"], 2),
        ").  As this is not meaningful for discharges, parameter ",
        "estimation was done with a forced lower bound of '0'. ",
        "To override this behavior, consider setting the 'zeta' ",
        "argument explicitly when calling the function.")
      parameter <- pel_ev(distribution = ii, lmom, bound = 0)

    parameters[[ii]] <- parameter
    est[, ii] <- qua_ev(distribution = ii, f = gringorten(xx), para = parameter)
    cdf <- function(x) cdf_ev(distribution = ii, x = x, para = parameter)
    p.value[ii] <- suppressMessages(ks.test(est[, ii], cdf)$p.value)
    r.squared[ii] <- .rsquared(obs = xx, est = est[, ii])

  result <- list(freq.zeros = freq.zeros,
                 parameters = parameters,
                 lmom = lmom,
                 values = x,
                 is.censored = is.censored,
                 extreme = extreme,
                 zeta = zeta,
                 estimates = est,
                 p.value = p.value,
                 r.squared = round(r.squared, 3))

  class(result) <- c("evfit", "list")


# Estimating the quantiles for given probabilities ----
evquantile <- function (fit, return.period = NULL) {

  probs <- 1 / return.period
  if(fit$extreme == "maximum")  probs <- 1 - probs

  freq.zeros <- fit$freq.zeros
  distribution <- names(fit$parameters)

  # adjusted probabilies in the mixed distribution
  prob.adj <- (probs - freq.zeros) / (1 - freq.zeros)

  return.period <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(distribution), nrow = length(probs),
                          dimnames = list("return period" = return.period,
                                          "distribution" = distribution))

  for (ii in distribution) {
    # calculation of quantiles
    # if there are too much zero flow obersvations, quantile = 0
    quantile <- numeric(length(probs))

    # NA values in input should result in NA in output
    quantile[is.na(probs)] <- NA
    mask <- probs > freq.zeros & !is.na(probs)
    quantile[mask] <- qua_ev(distribution = ii, f = prob.adj[mask],
                             para = fit$parameter[[ii]])
    return.period[, ii] <- quantile

  fit[["T_Years_Event"]] <- return.period

# wrapper functions for several quantile estimations ----
# Calculates the quantile of a t-year event and plots them
tyears <- function (lfobj, event = 1 / probs , probs = 0.01,
                    dist = "wei", check = TRUE, zeta = zetawei, zetawei = NULL,
                    plot = TRUE, col = 1, log = TRUE, legend = TRUE,
                    rp.axis = "top", rp.lab = "Return period",
                    freq.axis = TRUE,
                    freq.lab = expression(paste("Frequency " *(italic(F)),
                                                " = Non-Exceedance Probability P ",
                                                (italic(X) <= italic(x)))),
                    xlab = expression("Reduced variate,  " * -log(-log(italic(F)))),
                    ylab = "Quantile",
                    hyearstart = hyear_start(lfobj),
                    n = NULL) {

  if (!missing(n)) warning("Argument 'n' is deprecated and ignored. To apply a moving average, do it prior to calling 'tyears'.")

  dist <- match.arg(arg = dist,
                    choices = c(.distr.lmom, paste0(.distr.lmom, "R")),
                    several.ok = TRUE)

  x <- lfobj
  if(!inherits(x, "xts")) x <- as.xts(x)
  hyear <- water_year(time(x), origin = hyearstart)

  minima <- tapply(coredata(x$discharge), hyear, min, na.rm = TRUE)
  minima <- .check_minima(minima)

  fit <- evfit(x = minima, distribution = dist, zeta = zeta,
               check = check, extreme = "minimum")
  result <- evquantile(fit = fit, return.period = event)

  if(plot) plot(result, col = col, legend = legend, rp.axis = rp.axis,
                freq.axis = freq.axis, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
                rp.lab = rp.lab, freq.lab = freq.lab, log = log)

# todo: generalize for other variables, not just for the discharge
ev_return_period <- function(x, fit) {
  dist <- names(fit$parameters)[1]
  cdf <- match.fun(paste0("cdf", dist))
  prob <- cdf(x = x, para = fit$parameters[[1]])
  prob <- prob + fit$freq.zeros * (1 - prob)

  if(fit$extreme == "maximum")  {
    prob <- ifelse(x == 0, 0, prob)
    prob <- 1 - prob
  } else {
    prob <- ifelse(x == 0, fit$freq.zeros, prob)

  rp <- 1 / prob


# Calculates the quantile of a t-year event and plots them
tyearsS <- function (lfobj, event = 1 / probs, probs = 0.01, pooling = NULL,
                     dist = "wei", check = TRUE, zeta = NULL,
                     plot = TRUE, col = 1, log = TRUE, legend = TRUE,
                     rp.axis = "bottom", rp.lab = "Return period",
                     freq.axis = TRUE,
                     freq.lab = expression(paste("Frequency " *(italic(F)),
                                                 " = Non-Exceedance Probability P ",
                                                 (italic(X) <= italic(x)))),
                     xlab = expression("Reduced variate,  " * -log(-log(italic(F)))),
                     ylab = "Quantile",
                     variable = c("volume", "duration"), aggr = "max",
                     hyearstart = hyear_start(lfobj), ...) {

  # not a good choice to use match.arg here
  # if several distributions are handed over and one is misspelled, it will be
  # silently ignored
  dist <- match.arg(arg = dist,
                    choices = c(.distr.lmom, paste0(.distr.lmom, "R")),
                    several.ok = TRUE)
  variable <- match.arg(variable)

  x <- lfobj
  if(!inherits(x, "xts")) x <- as.xts(x)

  x <- find_droughts(x, ...)
  if (!is.null(pooling) && is.function(pooling)) x <- pooling(x)

  tab <- summary(x, drop_minor = 0)
  tab$hyear <- water_year(tab$time, origin = hyearstart)

  ag <- tapply(tab[, variable], tab$hyear, match.fun(aggr))
  ag[is.na(ag)] <- 0

  fit <- evfit(x = ag, distribution = dist, zeta = zeta,
               check = check, extreme = "maximum")
  result <- evquantile(fit = fit, return.period = event)

  if(plot) plot(result, col = col, legend = legend, rp.axis = rp.axis,
                freq.axis = freq.axis, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
                rp.lab = rp.lab, freq.lab = freq.lab, log = log)

# Regional frequency analysis ----
rfa <- function(lflist, n = 7, event = 100,
                dist =  c("wei", "gev", "ln3", "gum", "pe3")){
  lapply(lflist, lfcheck)
  distr <- match.arg(dist, several.ok = FALSE)

  # compute annual minima and sample L-moments for every site
  minima <- lapply(lflist, function(x) MAannual(x, n)$MAn)
  lmom <- lmomRFA::regsamlmu(minima)

  # fit a regional frequency distribution
  rfit <- lmomRFA::regfit(lmom, distr)


rfaplot <- function(lflist, n = 7, ...){
  lapply(lflist, lfcheck)

  # compute annual minima and sample L-moments for every site
  minima <- lapply(lflist, function(x) MAannual(x, n)$MAn)
  lmom <- lmomRFA::regsamlmu(minima)

  # L-moment ratio diagram
  return(lmrd(lmom, ...))

# Tyears und rfa liefern fuer einen Standort  die selben Ergebnisse wenn:
# GEV: ersten beiden parameter mit "Index" gestreckt werden
# Das T-Years-Event mit "Index" gestreckt wird.
# Gregor klaeren, ob:
# Return values so ok,
# Anleitung/verweis auf Hoskings zum Checken, weiterrechnen...

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