
# moving average as described in Tallaksen and van Lanen (2004)
# where the n past values are averaged
ma <- function(x, n, sides = "past")
  dict <- c("past" = 1, "center" = 2, "future" = 3)
    sides <- pmatch(sides, names(dict))
  } else if(is.numeric(sides)) {
    sides <- match(sides, dict)
  if(is.na(sides)) stop("content of argument 'sides' is invalid.")

  sides <- dict[sides]

  if(sides == 3){
    sides <- 1
    y <- rev(filter(rev(x), filter = rep(x = 1/n, times = n), sides = sides))
  } else {
    y <- filter(x, filter = rep(x = 1/n, times = n), sides = sides)

   # filter() returns a ts-object

# not in use anymore?
.check_xts <- function(x, force.regular = FALSE) {

  # check if a regular time series is provided
  dt <- diff(time(x))
  dt <- dt[!duplicated(dt)]    # unique() drops unit

  if(length(dt) != 1) {
    if (force.regular) {
      stop("Only regular time series are supported.")
    } else {
      warning("The time series provided is not regular.", call. = FALSE)

  # check if a unit is provided
  unit <- flowunit(x)
  if(is.null(unit) || unit == "" || is.na(unit)) {
    warning("No unit found in attributes, assuming 'm\u00B3/s'.\n",
            "Use flowunit(x) <- \"l/s\" to define the flow unit. ",
            "See help(flowunit).")
    flowunit(x) <- "m^3/s"
  # if so, parse volume und time
  names(unit) <- "flow"
  xtsAttributes(x)[["unit.parsed"]] <- .split_unit(unit)

  # set colnames
  if(ncol(x) == 1) colnames(x) <- "discharge"


flowunit <- function(x) {

flowunit.lfobj <- function(x) {
  attr(x, "lfobj")$unit

flowunit.xts <- function(x) {

"flowunit<-" <- function(x, value) {

"flowunit<-.lfobj" <- function(x, value) {
  attr(x, "lfobj")$unit <- value
  y <- .split_unit(value)


"flowunit<-.xts" <- function(x, value) {
  xtsAttributes(x)$unit <- value
  xtsAttributes(x)[["unit.parsed"]] <- .split_unit(value)

.convUnit <- list(time = c("days" = 86400, "hours" = 3600, "mins" = 60,
                           "secs" = 1),
                  volume = c("m" = 1, "l" = 1e-3, "cm" = 1e-6))

.split_unit <- function(x) {

  # replace literal char with ^3
  y <- gsub("\u00B3", "^2", x)

  # remove powers and split at "/"
  y <- strsplit(gsub("\\^.", "", y), "/")[[1]]

  y[1] <- .pmatch.unit(y[1], qty = "volume")
  y[2] <- .pmatch.unit(y[2], qty = "time")

  names(y) <- c("volume", "time")

.pmatch.unit <- function(x, qty = c("time", "volume"), ...) {

  qty <- match.arg(qty, several.ok = FALSE)

  # names are used for pmatch, values for final output
  dict <- list("time" = c(secs = "secs", mins = "mins", hours = "hours",
                          days = "days"),
               "volume" = c(metre = "m", litre = "l", centimetre = "cm",
                            cm = "cm"))

  out <-  unname(dict[[qty]][pmatch(x, names(dict[[qty]]), ...)])
  if(is.na(out)) {
    stop("Unknown ", qty, " unit ", shQuote(x), ".\nMust be one in: ",
         paste(shQuote(names(dict[[qty]])), collapse = ", "),
         ", possibly abbreviated.", call. = FALSE)


.conv_factor <- function(from, to, dimension = c("time", "volume")) {
  dimension <- match.arg(dimension)
  from <- match.arg(from, names(.convUnit[[dimension]]), several.ok = FALSE)
  to <- match.arg(to, names(.convUnit[[dimension]]), several.ok = FALSE)

  x <- unname(.convUnit[[dimension]][to]/.convUnit[[dimension]][from])

as.xts.lfobj <- function(x, ...) {
  y <- xts(x[, "flow"], order.by =  time(x))

  att <- attr(x, "lfobj")
  missing <- setdiff(c("river", "station", "unit", "institution"), names(att))
  att[missing] <- ""
  xtsAttributes(y) <- att

  # if no unit present, default to m^3/s
  unit <- flowunit(x)
  if(is.null(unit) || unit == "" || is.na(unit)) {
    warning("No unit found in attributes, assuming 'm\u00B3/s'.\n",
            "Use flowunit(x) <- \"l/s\" to define the flow unit. ",
            "See help(flowunit).")
    flowunit(y) <- "m^3/s"
  # parse volume und time
  xtsAttributes(y)[["unit.parsed"]] <- .split_unit(flowunit(y))

  colnames(y) <- "discharge"


.regularize <- function(x, interval = "day", warn = TRUE) {
  x <- x[!is.na(time(x)), ]

  fullseq <- seq(from = min(time(x)), to = max(time(x)), by = interval)
  missing <- fullseq[!fullseq %in% time(x)]

  if(length(missing)) {
    warning("The provided time series was not regular. ", length(missing),
            " time indices were missing. NAs were introduced for:\n" ,
            paste(head(missing), collapse = ", "),
            if(length(missing) > 6) ", ..." else "", call. = FALSE)
    gaps <- xts(x = data.frame(discharge = rep_len(NA_real_, length(missing))), order.by = missing)
    x <- rbind(x, gaps)

  # find_droughts() expects deltat to be in the attributes
  dt <- diff(seq(Sys.time(), length.out = 2, by = interval))
  dt <- as.numeric(dt, units = "secs")
  xtsAttributes(x)[["deltat"]] <- dt


fill_na <- function(x, max.len = Inf, ...) {
  g <- group(is.na(x), as.factor = FALSE)
  rl <- rle(g)
  len <- rep(rl$lengths, rl$lengths)

  # indices, for which interpolation is required
  idx <- seq_along(x)[is.na(x) & len <= max.len]
  x[idx] <- approx(seq_along(x), x, xout = idx, ...)$y

# classify values due to their neighbours
group <- function(x, new.group.na = TRUE, as.factor = TRUE) {

  if(!new.group.na) {
    s <- seq_along(x)
    finite <- !is.na(x)
    x <- approx(s[finite], x[finite], xout = s, f = 0,
                method = "constant", rule = c(1, 2))$y

  inc <- diff(as.numeric(x))
  if (new.group.na) inc[is.na(inc)] <-  Inf

  grp <- c(0, cumsum(inc != 0))

  if(grp[1] == 0) grp <- grp + 1

  if(as.factor) {
  } else {


# works with endpoints. period2 should become period, propagate changes
.period <- function(x, varying) {
  x <- as.xts(x)

  if (is.character(varying)){
    if(varying == "constant") return(rep_len(1, nrow(x)))

    # periodically varying threshold
    f <- c("daily" = "%j", "weekly" = "%V", "monthly" = "%m")
    varying <- match.arg(arg = varying, choices = names(f), several.ok = FALSE)

    period <- as.numeric(format(time(x), format = f[varying]))
  } else {
    # is.Date(varying): seasonal threshold
    if(is.null(names(varying))) names(varying) <- rank(varying)
    varying <- sort(as.Date(varying))
    day <- as.numeric(format(time(x), "%j"))
    ep <- sort(as.numeric(format(varying, format = "%j")))
    names(ep) <- names(varying)

    period <- rep(ep[1], nrow(x))
    for(i in rev(ep)) period[day < i] <- i

    period <- factor(names(ep)[match(period, ep)], levels = names(ep))


# %j does not work properly for leap years.
# season <- as.Date(c("2015-05-01", "2015-12-01"))
# names(season) <- c("summer", "winter")
# x <- seq(as.Date("1964-01-01"), length.out = 200, by = "days")
# y <- xts(data.frame(discharge = rnorm(length(x))), order.by = x)
# apply.seasonal(y, varying = season, origin = 5)
# there should be no summer 1963

.period2 <- function(x, varying) {
  if(is.xts(x)|| is.zoo(x)) x <- time(x)
  x <- as.Date(x)

  if (is.character(varying)){
    if(varying == "constant") return(rep_len(1, length(x)))

    # periodically varying threshold
    f <- c("daily" = "%j", "weekly" = "%V", "monthly" = "%m")
    varying <- match.arg(arg = varying, choices = names(f), several.ok = FALSE)

    period <- as.numeric(format(x, format = f[varying]))
  } else {
    # is.Date(varying): seasonal threshold
    day <- as.numeric(format(x, "%j"))
    start <- sort(as.numeric(format(varying, format = "%j")))
    names(start) <- names(varying)

    period <- rep(max(start), length(x))
    for(i in start) period[day >= i] <- i

    period <- factor(names(start)[match(period, start)], levels = names(start))


sort_season <- function(season, origin = 1){
  if(length(season) == 1) return(season)

  origin <- as.Date(paste0("1999-", origin, "-01"))
  origin.d <- as.numeric(format(origin, "%j"))
  start <- as.numeric(format(as.Date(season), "%j"))
  names(start) <- if(is.null(names(season))) paste0("s", rank(start)) else names(season)

  if(!origin.d %in% start) {
    start <- c("s0" = origin.d, start)
    warning("Start of seasons does not include the start of the (water) year. Appending a season 's0'.")

  start <- sort(start)

agg.season  <- function(x, fun, varying) {
  season <- .period2(x, varying = varying)
  tapply(as.vector(x), season, FUN = fun)

# default fuer origin sollte aus varying erraten werden
apply.seasonal <- function(x, varying, fun = function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE),
                           aggregate = NULL, replace.inf = TRUE, origin = 1) {

  if(nrow(x) == 0) return(numeric())

  varying <- sort_season(varying, origin = origin)
  if (origin != 1) {
    y <- water_year(time(x), origin = origin)
  } else {
    y <- calendar_year(time(x))

  if(is.character(varying) && varying == "yearly") {
    res <- as.matrix(tapply(x, y, FUN = fun), ncol = 1)
  } else {
    xx <- tapply(X = x, INDEX = y, FUN = agg.season, varying = varying, fun = fun)
    xx <- lapply(xx, function(x) if(is.null(x)) NA else t(as.matrix(x)))
    res <- do.call(plyr::rbind.fill.matrix, xx)
    rownames(res) <- names(xx)

  if(replace.inf) res[!is.finite(res)] <- NA

  if(!is.null(aggregate)) {
    agg <- apply(res, 2, aggregate)


vary_threshold <- function(x, varying = "constant",
                           fun = function(x)
                             quantile(x, probs = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE),
                           ...) {

  fun.quant <- try(.quant_character(fun, ...))
  if(is.function(fun.quant)) fun <- fun.quant

  x <- as.xts(x)

  zz <- x
  g <- .period(x, varying = varying)
  split(zz, g) <- lapply(split(coredata(x), g), FUN = fun, ...)

  colnames(zz) <- "threshold"


strsplit_date <- function(x, prefix = "") {
  time <- as.Date(x)

  format <- c(day = "%d", month = "%m", year = "%Y")
  y <- lapply(format, function(f) as.numeric(format(time, format = f)))
  y <- do.call(cbind, y)

  colnames(y) <- paste0(prefix, colnames(y))


# hack, because in all.equal() the user can't enforce the interpretation of
# argument tolerance as absolute differences
expect_equal2 <- function(object, expected,
                          tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), ...) {
  testthat::expect_true(all(abs(object - expected) < tolerance), ...)

.dictUmlaut <- c("^2" = "sup2",  "^3"= "sup3",
                 "\u00df"= "szlig", # scharfes S
                 "\u00e4" = "auml", "\u00c4" = "Auml", # ae AE
                 "\u00f6" = "ouml", "\u00d6" = "Ouml", # oe OE
                 "\u00fc" = "uuml", "\u00dc" = "Uuml")  # ue UE

.char2html <- function(x, dict = .dictUmlaut) {
  tbl <- paste0("&", dict, ";")
  names(tbl) <- names(dict)

  for(i in seq_along(tbl)){
    x <- gsub(names(tbl[i]), tbl[i], x, fixed = TRUE)


.check_minima <- function(x) {
  bad <- which(!is.finite(x))
  n <- length(bad)
  if(n) {
    warning("Dropping ", n, " non-finite values in for years: ",
            paste(names(x)[bad], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
  } else {

.quant_character <- function(x, ...) {
  if(is.character(x) && tolower(substr(x, 1L, 1L)) == "q") {
    num <- as.numeric(substr(x, 2L, 999L))
    if(!is.na(num) && (num > 0 & num < 100)) {
      return(function(x, ...) quantile(x, probs = 1 - num/100, na.rm = TRUE, ...))
    } else {
      stop("unknown quantile: '", x, "'. Must be in interval (0, 100)")

.toNum <- function(x) as.numeric(sub(",", ".", x))

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lfstat documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:07 p.m.