
Defines functions funnel.metapred funnel.mp.cv.val funnel.perf fat.metapred fat.mp.cv.val fat.perf forest.perf forest.mp.cv.val forest.metapred ma.perf ma.mp.stratified.fit ma.mp.global ma.mp.cv.val ma.metapred ma plot.mp.cv.val plot.listofperf mean.of.large squared.diff pooled.var rema.tau rema.mean rema fema weighted.abs.mean gmd GiniMd coef.var.mean bootstrap.se coef.var.with.se coef.var mean.abs abs.mean bin.ll get_confint confint.auc confint.mp.perf nobs.mp.perf coef.mp.perf mse.with.se cal.add.slope cal.slope bin.cal.int cal.int AUROC coef.var.pred var.with.se sigma4 var.e.with.se

Documented in forest.metapred forest.mp.cv.val forest.perf ma

# add transforms to fema
# add c-stat (and others) compatibility to ma(...)

##############################                Performance / error functions                  ###############################
# ### By convention, all performance measures:
# # Arguments:
# p     numeric vector of predicted probabilities
# y     numeric/integer vector of observed outcome, of same length as p.
# ...   for future compatibility
# # Return, either:
# numeric of length 1. (old version)
# Or:
# object of class "mp.perf", where the first element, [[1]], is the estimate of performance
# Note that performance functions that do not produce normally distributed statistics,
# such as the auc, should not have "mp.perf" as its first class! The first class is used as a
# check of necessity of conversion to another scale.


# Error function: Mean Squared Error # Replaced! See below!
# mse <- brier <- function(p, y, ...) mean((p - y)^2)

# rmse <- function(p, y, ...)
# sqrt(mse(p = p, y = y, ...))

# Error function: Variance of prediction error
# var.e <- function(p, y, ...) 
#   var(p - y, ...)

# library(moments)
var.e <- var.e.with.se <- function(p, y, ...) 
  var.with.se(p - y)

# Necessary for var of var estimation.
# See https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/72975/variance-of-sample-variance
# and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variance , section Distribution of the sample variance
# and moments:kurtosis
sigma4 <- function(x, ...) 
  mean((x - mean(x, ...))^2, ...)^2

# Asymptotically unbiased estimate of variance of sample variance.
# https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/72975/variance-of-sample-variance
# x vector
# Returns variance, and se and variance of variance
var.with.se <- function(x, ...) {
  est <- var(x)
  v <-  2 * sigma4(x) / (length(x) - 1)
  out <- data.frame(estimate = est, se = sqrt(v), variances = v, n = length(x))
  class(out) <- c("mp.perf", class(out))
# Measure 1: Coefficient of variation of prediction error.
# abs logical absolute value
coef.var.pred <- function(p, y, abs = TRUE, ...)
  coef.var(x = p - y, abs = abs) 

#' @importFrom pROC auc
auc <- AUC <- AUROC <-  function(p, y, ...) {
  if (is.matrix(p))
    p <- p[, 1]
  if (is.matrix(y))
    y <- y[, 1]
  pROC::auc(response = y, predictor = p)

calibration.intercept <- cal.int <- function(p, y, estFUN, family, ...)
  pred.recal(p = p, y = y, estFUN = estFUN, family = family, which = "intercept")

bin.cal.int <- function(p, y, ...)
  pred.recal(p = p, y = y, estFUN = "glm", family = binomial, which = "intercept")

# Slope.only is a trick to make this functin work for metapred.
# Slope.only should otherwise always be false! Also: this messes up the variances,
# making meta-analysis impossible!
# multiplicative slope!
calibration.slope <- cal.slope <- function(p, y, estFUN, family, slope.only = TRUE, ...) {
  # refit <- pred.recal(p = p, y = y, estFUN = estFUN, family = family, which = "slope")
  # if (slope.only) {
  #   refit[[1]] <- refit[[1]][[2]]
  # }
  # refit
  refit <- pred.recal(p = p, y = y, estFUN = estFUN, family = family, which = "slope")
  if (slope.only) {
    refit$estimate <- refit[[1]] <- refit[[1]][2]
    refit$variances <- variances(refit)[2]
    class(refit) <- "mp.perf" # This should make it call the right confint method.

# additive slope!
calibration.add.slope <- cal.add.slope <- function(p, y, estFUN, family, slope.only = TRUE, ...)  {
  refit <- pred.recal(p = p, y = y, estFUN = estFUN, family = family, which = "add.slope")
  if (slope.only) {
    refit$estimate <- refit[[1]] <- refit[[1]][2]
    refit$variances <- variances(refit)[2]
    class(refit) <- "mp.perf" # This should make it call the right confint method.

# se.method character name of method for se calculation
# bs.n integer number of bootstrap samples
# ... Compatiblility only
# For asymptotic, see https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/full/10.1175/2007WAF2007049.1
mse <- brier <- mse.with.se <- function(p, y, se.method = "asymptotic", bs.n = 10000, ...) {
  er <- p - y
  est <- mean(er^2)
  out <- data.frame(estimate = est, se = NA, variances = NA)
  out$n <- n <- length(p)
  if (se.method == "bootstrap") {
    ses <- rep(NA, bs.n)
    for (i in seq_len(bs.n))
      ses[i] <- mean(sample(er, length(er), replace = T)^2)
    out$se <- sd(ses)
    out$variances <- out$se^2
  } else if (se.method == "asymptotic") {
    out$variances <- var(er^2)/n
    out$se <- sqrt(out$variances)
  class(out) <- c("mp.perf", class(out))

#' @export
coef.mp.perf <- function(object, ...) 

# Object mp.perf object
# use.fallback ignored
# compatibility only
#' @export
nobs.mp.perf <- function(object, use.fallback = FALSE, ...) 

# Object mp.perf object
# parm "estimate" is the only viable obtion
# level confidence level
#' @export
confint.mp.perf <- function(object, parm = "estimate", level = .95, ...) { 
  ses <- se(object, ...)
  est <- object[[parm]]
  if(level < 0 || level > 1)
    stop("Impossible confidence level. Possible levels: 0 < level < 1")
  z <- qt(1 - (1 - level)/2, df = object$n - 1) # z = t distributed
  data.frame("ci.lb" = est - z * ses,"ci.ub" = est + z * ses)

# Object pROC::auc object
# parm "estimate" is the only viable obtion
# level ignored
# ... passed on to pROC::ci
#' @export
confint.auc <- function(object, parm = "estimate", level = .95, method = "delong", ...) {
  if(level < 0 || level > 1)
    stop("Impossible confidence level. Possible levels: 0 < level < 1")
  bounds <- pROC::ci(object, method = method)
  data.frame("ci.lb" = bounds[1],"ci.ub" = bounds[3]) # 2 is the point estimate.

# A generic function that calls the generic confint method
# Note that it does not have the parm parameter, because this never changes in metapred.
# Returns the confidence intervals with the specified names: ci.lb and ci.ub
get_confint <- function(object, level = 0.95, ...) {
  ci.bounds <- confint(object = object, level = level, ...)
  out <- data.frame(ci.lb = NA, ci.ub = NA)
  if (any(names(ci.bounds) == "ci.lb")) # as in metamisc and metafor (?)
    out$ci.lb <- ci.bounds[["ci.lb"]]
  else if (any(names(ci.bounds) == "2.5 %")) # as in glm
    out$ci.lb <- ci.bounds[["2.5 %"]]
  else if (any(names(ci.bounds) == "lower 0.95")) # as in logistf
    out$ci.lb <- ci.bounds[["lower 0.95"]]
  else if (any(names(as.data.frame(ci.bounds)) == "Lower 95%"))  # as in confint(logistf(...))
    out$ci.lb <- as.data.frame(ci.bounds)[["Lower 95%"]]
  if (any(names(ci.bounds) == "ci.ub")) # as in metamisc and metafor (?)
    out$ci.ub <- ci.bounds[["ci.ub"]]
  else if (any(names(ci.bounds) == "97.5 %")) # as in glm
    out$ci.ub <- ci.bounds[["97.5 %"]]
  else if (any(names(ci.bounds) == "upper 0.95")) # as in logistf
    out$ci.ub <- ci.bounds[["upper 0.95"]]
  else if (any(names(as.data.frame(ci.bounds)) == "Upper 95%"))  # as in confint(logistf(...))
    out$ci.ub <- as.data.frame(ci.bounds)[["Upper 95%"]]

# m <- metamisc:::auc(runif(50, 0, 1), rbinom(50, 1, .5))
# aucci <- pROC:::ci(m)
# aucci <- pROC:::ci(m, method = "bootstrap")
# metamisc:::confint.auc(m)

# Binomial Log likelihood
# p Numeric vector, 0 <= p <= 1, predicted probability under the model
# y observed outcome, 0 or FALSE is no outcome, >= 1 or TRUE is outcome
# na.rm logical. should missing values be removed?
bin.ll <- function(p, y, na.rm = TRUE)
  sum(log(p[y]), na.rm = na.rm) + sum(log(1 - p[-y]), na.rm = na.rm)

############################## Heterogeneity, generalizability, pooled performance functions ###############################
# ### By convention, all generalizability measures:
# # Current required arguments:
# object  data.frame containing at least a column with 'estimate', and preferably more statistics: 
#             se, var, ci.lb     ci.ub measure  n   class
# # Required arguments: (OLD)
# x       list of class "listofperf", list of performance in different strata. 
#           Note that it has its own unlist method. Practically all (except plot) should call unlist first!
# ...     for compatibility.
# # Possible arguments, that are always passed through successfully:
# coef    data.frame containing coefficients of stratified models. Rows are strata, columns are coefs.
# coef.se data.frame containing se of coefficients of stratified models. Rows are strata, columns are coefs.
# # Return:
# numeric of length 1.

# Measure 0: mean
abs.mean <- function(object, ...)

## also possible the other way around (e.g. for cal slopes and intercepts)
mean.abs <- function(object, ...) 

# Measure 1: Coefficient of variation (=scaled sd)
# In general sense, abs needs not be TRUE, but for metapred it should,
# such that higher values are worse performance.
coef.var <- function(object, abs = TRUE, ...) {
  object <- unlist(object) 
  cv <- sd(object)/mean(object)
  if (isTRUE(abs)) abs(cv) else cv

# coef.var <- function(x, abs = TRUE, ...) {
#   x <- unlist(x) 
#   cv <- sd(x)/mean(x)
#   if (isTRUE(abs)) abs(cv) else cv
# }

# var.x.mean.with.se <- function(x, abs = TRUE, ...) {
#   x <- unlist(x) 
#   v <- var.with.se(x)
#   s2 <- v$estimate
#   vs2 <- v$variances
#   # s <- sqrt(v$estimate)
#   m <- mean(x)
#   vm <- v$variances / length(x)
#   est <- s2 * mean(x)
#   vest <- vs2 * vm + vs2 * m^2 + vm * s2^2
#   out <- data.frame(estimate = est, variances = vest, se = sqrt(vest), n = length(x))
#   if (isTRUE(abs)) abs(out) else out
# }

coef.var.with.se <- function(object, abs = TRUE, ...) 
  cbind(data.frame(estimate = coef.var(object[["estimate"]])), bootstrap.se(object, coef.var))

bootstrap.se <- function(object, fun, k = 2000, ...) {
  x <- unlist(object[["estimate"]])
  fun <- match.fun(fun)
  est <- rep(NA, k)
  for (i in seq_len(k)) {
    est[i] <- fun(sample(x, size = length(x), replace = TRUE))
  v <- var(est)
  out <- data.frame(variances = v, se = sqrt(v), n = length(x), k = k)
  class(out) <- c("mp.perf", class(out))

coef.var.mean <- function(object, abs = TRUE, ...)  {
  x <- unlist(object[["estimate"]])
  coef.var(x, abs = abs) + if (abs) abs(mean(x)) else mean(x)

# Measure 2 (?): GINI coefficient
# #' @importFrom Hmisc GiniMd
GiniMd <- function(object, ...) 
  GiniMd(object[["estimate"]], na.rm = T)

# Also from Hmisc:
gmd <- function(object, ...) {
  x <- object[["estimate"]]
  n <- length(x)
  sum(outer(x, x, function(a, b) abs(a - b))) / n / (n - 1)

weighted.abs.mean <- function(object, ...) 
  abs(mean((object[["estimate"]] * object$n))) / sum(object$n)

# Fixed-Effects Meta-Analysis, Inverse Variance Method.
# NOTE: AUC is on wrong scale!!
fema <- function(object, ...) {
  # if (object$class[[1]] == "auc") {
  #   x <- logit(object$perf)
  #   v <- some other transform (object$var)
  # }
  # return(inv.logit(sum(unlist(x) / unlist(v)) / sum(1/unlist(v)) ))
  # else
  x <- object[["estimate"]]
  v <- object$var
  sum(unlist(x) / unlist(v)) / sum(1/unlist(v))

# lambda defines the influence of the mean of performance, vs heterogeneity thereof.
# 1 = mean of performance only
# 0 = heterogeneity only
# 1/2 = equal portions of both.
rema <- function(object, method = "REML", lambda = 1, ...) {
  if (!is.numeric(lambda) || lambda < 0 || lambda > 1)
    stop(c("lambda must be a numeric ranging from 0 to 1."),  "\n * lambda was ", paste0(lambda), ".")
  MA <- ma.perf(object, method = method, ...)
  lambda * MA$est + (1- lambda) *MA$tau

rema.beta <- rema.mean <- function(object, method = "REML", ...) 
  ma.perf(object, method = method, ...)$est

# valmeta does not produce tau!
# so rema.tau cannot be used on auc!
rema.tau <- function(object, method = "REML", ...)
  ma.perf(object, method = method, ...)$tau # Note: Intentionally selects tau2 if only that one is available.

# pooled.var <- function(x, n, ...) {
#   x <- unlist(x)
#   ## TODO: Extract sample size for each cluster and apply corresponding to the right performance measures
#   ## TODO: use rubins rules.
# }

pooled.var <- function(object, ...) {
  x <- unlist(object[["estimate"]])
  mean(x) + var(x) * (1 + 1/length(nrow(object)))

# squared.diff #a penalty equal to the mean squared differences 
squared.diff <- function(object, ...) {
  x <- unlist(object[["estimate"]])
  mse(x, mean(x))

# Mean of largest half of values
mean.of.large <- function(object, ...) {
  x <- unlist(object[["estimate"]])
  mean(x[x >= median(x)])

#  Forest plot of list of performance measures: AUC, cal intercept or slope, or mse/brier.
#' @importFrom metafor rma.uni
#' @export
plot.listofperf <- function(x, pfn, ...) { # xlab tbi from perfFUN
  xlab <- paste(pfn, "in validation strata")
  if (is.null(names(x))) # The # is to show users that the numbers are not their own. (no longer necessary)
    names(x) <- paste("#", seq_along(x), sep = "") 
  z <- ci.listofperf(object = x, ...)
  # Thomas: I changed the implementation to uvmeta to ensure our prediction intervals are bsaed on Student T distribution
  # and to ensure we are using REML everywhere.
  if (inherits(x[[1]], "auc")) { # To be replaced by child function.
    # print("by valmeta")
    ma <- valmeta(measure = "cstat", cstat = z$theta, cstat.cilb = z[,"theta.ci.lb"], 
                  cstat.ciub=z[,"theta.ci.ub"], cstat.cilv=0.95, method = "REML")
    est <- ma$est
    pi.lb <- ma$pi.lb
    pi.ub <- ma$pi.ub
  } else if (inherits(x[[1]], c("lm"))) { # 
    # print("by rma.uni")
    ma <- uvmeta(r = sapply(x, coef), r.vi = sapply(x, variances), method = "REML") 
    est <- ma$est
    pi.lb <- ma$pi.lb
    pi.ub <- ma$pi.ub
  } else if (inherits(x[[1]], "mse")) {
    #   # print("by rma.uni")
    ma <- uvmeta(r = sapply(x, `[[`, "estimate"), r.vi = sapply(x, variances), method = "REML")
    est <- ma$est
    pi.lb <- ma$pi.lb
    pi.ub <- ma$pi.ub
  # This is the same for both methods:
  ci.lb <- ma$ci.lb
  ci.ub <- ma$ci.ub
  # print("Make forest plot.")
  fp <- metamisc::forest(theta       = z$theta,
                         theta.ci.lb = z$theta.ci.lb,
                         theta.ci.ub = z$theta.ci.ub,
                         theta.slab  = names(x),
                         theta.summary       = est,
                         theta.summary.ci.lb = ci.lb,
                         theta.summary.ci.ub = ci.ub,
                         theta.summary.pi.lb = pi.lb,
                         theta.summary.pi.ub = pi.ub,
                         xlab  = xlab,

# x mp.cv.val object
# y ignored, compatibility only
#' @export
plot.mp.cv.val <- function(x, y, ...)
  plot.listofperf(x$perf.full, x$perf.name, ...)

#' Random effects meta-analysis
#' Meta-analysis of the performance or coefficients of a metapred object.
#' Caution: it is still under development.
#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @param object A model fit object, such as \link{metapred} object.
#' @param method Character, method for meta-analysis passed to \link[metamisc]{valmeta} and \link[metamisc]{uvmeta}.
#' Defaults to "REML".
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \link[metamisc]{metapred}, \link[metamisc]{valmeta} and \link[metamisc]{uvmeta}.
#' @details Produces different object types depending on input.
#' @export
ma <- function(object, method, ...)

#' @export
ma.metapred <- function(object, method = "REML", select = "cv", ...)
  ma(subset(object, select, ...), method = method, ...)

#' @export
ma.mp.cv.val <- function(object, method = "REML", ...)
  ma(perf(object, ...), method = method, ...)

#' @export
ma.mp.global <- function(object, method = "REML", ...)
  ma(object$stratified.fit, method = method, ...)

#' @export
ma.mp.stratified.fit <- function(object, method = "REML", ...) {
  m <- mp.meta.fit(object, meta.method = method, ...)
  with(m, data.frame(coefficients, variances, se, ci.lb, ci.ub, tau2, se.tau2, pi.lb, pi.ub))

#' @export
ma.perf <- function(object, method = "REML", test = "knha", ...) {
  if (object$class[[1]] == "mp.perf" || object$class[[1]] == "recal") {
    # uvmeta uses a Student T distribution, in contrast to metafor
    ma <- uvmeta(r = object[["estimate"]], r.vi = object$var, method = method, test = test) 
    return(data.frame(est     = ma$est,
                      se      = ma$se,
                      ci.lb   = ma$ci.lb,
                      ci.ub   = ma$ci.ub,
                      # tau   = sqrt(ma$tau2),
                      tau2    = ma$tau2,
                      se.tau2 = ma$se.tau2,
                      pi.lb   = ma$pi.lb,
                      pi.ub   = ma$pi.ub))
  } else if (object$class[[1]] == "auc") {
    # valmeta does not produce tau by default. But can be obtained from ma$fit if "ret.fit=T")
    ma <- valmeta(measure = "cstat", cstat = object[["estimate"]], cstat.se = object[["se"]],
                  cstat.cilb = object[,"ci.lb"], cstat.ciub = object[,"ci.ub"],
                  method = method, test = test)
    return(data.frame(est     = ma$est,
                      se      = ma$fit$se,
                      ci.lb   = ma$ci.lb,
                      ci.ub   = ma$ci.ub,
                      # tau     = sqrt(ma$fit$tau2),
                      tau2    = ma$fit$tau2,
                      se.tau2 = ma$fit$se.tau2,
                      pi.lb   = ma$pi.lb,
                      pi.ub   = ma$pi.ub)) 
  stop("class not recognized")

# ma.mp.cv.val <- function(object, method = "REML", ...) # old version, < 8 april 2019
#   ma.perf(object[["perf"]], method = method, ...)

#' Forest plot of a metapred fit
#' Draw a forest plot of the performance of an internally-externally cross-validated model. By default the final model is shown.
#' @author Valentijn de Jong <Valentijn.M.T.de.Jong@gmail.com>
#' @param object A \code{metapred} fit object.
#' @param step Which step should be plotted? Defaults to the best step. numeric is converted to name of the step: 0 for 
#' an unchanged model, 1 for the first change...
#' @param model Which model change should be plotted? NULL (default, best change) or character name of variable or (integer) 
#' index of model change.
#' @param perfFUN Numeric or character. Which performance statistic should be plotted? Defaults to the first.
#' @param method character string specifying whether a fixed- or a random-effects model should be used to summarize the
#' prediction model performance. A fixed-effects model is fitted when using method="FE". Random-effects models are fitted 
#' by setting method equal to one of the following: "DL", "HE", "SJ", "ML", "REML", "EB", "HS", or "GENQ". Default is "REML".
#' @param ...  Other arguments passed to plotting internals. E.g. \code{title}. See \link{forest.default} for details.
#' @examples 
#' data(DVTipd)
#' # Internal-external cross-validation of a pre-specified model 'f'
#' f <- dvt ~ histdvt + ddimdich + sex + notraum
#' fit <- metapred(DVTipd, strata = "study", formula = f, scope = f, family = binomial)
#' # Display the model's external performance (expressed as mean squared error by default) 
#' # for each study
#' forest(fit)
#' @export
forest.metapred <- function(object, perfFUN = 1, step = NULL, method = "REML", model = NULL, ...)
  forest.mp.cv.val(subset(object, step = step, model = model), perfFUN = perfFUN, method = method, ...)

#' Forest plot of a validation object.
#' Draw a forest plot of the performance of an internally-externally cross-validated model.
#' @author Valentijn de Jong <Valentijn.M.T.de.Jong@gmail.com>
#' @param object An \code{mp.cv.val} or \code{perf} object.
#' @param perfFUN Numeric or character. Which performance statistic should be plotted? Defaults to the first.
#' @param method character string specifying whether a fixed- or a random-effects model should be used to summarize the
#' prediction model performance. A fixed-effects model is fitted when using method="FE". Random-effects models are fitted 
#' by setting method equal to one of the following: "DL", "HE", "SJ", "ML", "REML", "EB", "HS", or "GENQ". Default is "REML".
#' @param xlab Label on x-axis. Defaults to the name of the performance function.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to plotting internals. E.g. \code{title}. See \link{forest.default} for details.
#' @aliases forest.mp.cv.val forest.perf
#' @method forest mp.cv.val
#' @export
# forest.mp.cv.val <- function(object, statistic = 1, ...)
#   forest.perf(object[["perf.all"]][[statistic]],
#               xlab = if (is.character(statistic)) statistic else
#                 object[["perf.names"]][[statistic]], ...)

forest.mp.cv.val <- function(object, perfFUN = 1, method = "REML", xlab = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(xlab))
    xlab <- if (is.character(perfFUN)) perfFUN else  object$perf.names[[perfFUN]]
  forest.perf(perf(object, perfFUN = perfFUN, ...), method = method, xlab = xlab, ...)

forest.perf <- function(object, method = "REML", ...) {
  if (is.null(theta.slab <- list(...)$theta.slab))
    theta.slab <- as.character(object$val.strata)
  ma <- ma.perf(object, method = method)
  fp <- forest(theta       = object[["estimate"]],
               theta.ci.lb = object$ci.lb,
               theta.ci.ub = object$ci.ub,
               theta.slab  = theta.slab,
               theta.summary       = ma$est,
               theta.summary.ci.lb = ma$ci.lb,
               theta.summary.ci.ub = ma$ci.ub,
               theta.summary.pi.lb = ma$pi.lb,
               theta.summary.pi.ub = ma$pi.ub,
# sampleBinary <- function(n = 50, J = 1, b = rep(log(2), J), alpha = NULL, col.names = NULL ) {
#   J <- length(b)
#   if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- -log(sqrt(prod(exp(b))))
#   if (is.null(col.names)) col.names <- c("Y", paste("X", 1:J, sep = ""))
#   coefficientss <- c(alpha, b)
#   x  <- cbind(1, matrix(rbinom(n * J, size = 1, prob = .5), nrow = n, ncol = J))
#   lp <- coefficientss %*% t(x)
#   p  <- metamisc:::inv.logit(lp)
#   y  <- stats::rbinom(length(lp), size = 1, prob = p)
#   out <- data.frame(cbind(y,x[ , -1]))
#   colnames(out) <- col.names
#   out
# }
# da <- sampleBinary(n = 2000, J = 3)
# da$X3[sample(seq_len(nrow(da)), size = nrow(da)/2, replace = F)] <- 3
# mp <- metapred(da, strata = "X3", family = binomial,
#                perfFUN = list(mse = "mse", auc = "auc", cal.slope = "cal.slope"))
# cv <- subset(mp)
# # perf0 <- cv$perf.all[[2]]
# forest(cv, statistic = 3)
# forest(mp, statistic = "mse", title = "Hallo")
# # metamisc:::forest.perf(perf0)

fat.perf <- function(object, ...)
  fat(b = object[["estimate"]], b.se = object[["se"]], n.total = sum(object[["n"]]), ...)

fat.mp.cv.val <- function(object, ...) 
  fat(object[["perf"]], ...)

fat.metapred <- function(object, ...)
  fat.mp.cv.val(subset(object, ...))

funnel.perf <- function(object, ...)
  plot(fat.perf(object, ...), ...)

funnel.mp.cv.val <- function(object, ...)

funnel.metapred <- function(object, ...)
  plot(fat.metapred(object, ...))

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metamisc documentation built on Oct. 13, 2021, 3 p.m.