
Defines functions perf.mp.cv.val perf.metapred perf gen.mp.cv.val gen.metapred gen ci.mse ci.recal ci.listofperf tau.default tau.metapred tau tau2 variances.auc variances.mp.cv.meta.fit variances.mp.1st.fit variances.mp.stratified.fit variances.mp.cv variances.metapred variances.mp.perf variances.default variances se.default se family.default print.mp.stratum.fit mp.stratum.fit print.mp.stratified.fit vcov.mp.stratum.fit vcov.mp.stratified.fit coef.mp.stratified.fit mp.stratified.fit print.mp.meta.fit mp.meta.fit print.mp.cv.meta.fit coef.mp.cv.meta.fit mp.cv.meta.fit mp.cv.recal mp.recal.meta.fit mp.1st.fit family.mp.cv.dev fitted.mp.cv.dev print.mp.cv.dev mp.cv.dev print.mp.cv.val mp.cv.val print.mp.cv fitted.mp.cv mp.cv summary.mp.global print.mp.global predict.mp.global mp.global.1st mp.global.2st print.mp.step summary.mp.step mp.step mp.step.get.change mp.step.get.best mp.which.best.change summary.mp.fit print.mp.fit mp.fit subset.metapred is.metapred summary.metapred print.metapred family.metapred formula.metapred coef.metapred fitted.metapred predict.metapred metapred

Documented in fitted.metapred gen metapred perf se subset.metapred tau tau2 variances

# TODO 1: Thomas' ideas
# 2019-2-2: It would be nice to store some default performance estimates resulting from IECV in a "mm_perf" object (as as done in
#           'ccalc()' and 'oecalc'). It would then be easy to plot IECV results for these performance measures. 
#           Some suggested measures are: calibration slope, calibration-in-the-large and c-statistic. These performance
#           measures are fairly generic and should work for most glm-type models, including survival ones.
# @Valentijn: perhaps better to combine param perfFUN, genFUN and selFUN into one parameter with 3 or 4 distinct options
# @Valentijn: I suggest to omit intercept recalibration. The intercept issue can be addressed directly by specifying distinct 
# error functions that do or do not account for mis-calibration in intercept term

# TODO 2: metapred objects
# Add subset.metapred functionality for one.stage models.
# perfFUN = "cal.int" does not work for estFUN = "logistf", as logistf cannot take intercept only models
#     possible fix: use logistfirth intstead, and fix intercept-only models for that function.

# Bug when no family is specified for calibration slope:
# mp.slo <- metapred(DVTipd.reordered, strata = "cluster", perfFUN = "cal.slope", max.steps = 0)
# Error in pred.recal(p = p, y = y, estFUN = estFUN, family = family, which = "slope") : 
#   argument "family" is missing, with no default 

# add more output for metapred
# tol, aka tolerance for stopping.
# metapred.summaries docs (see glm.summaries {stats}), including subset
# add stepnumbers to print.metapred or print.fit
# Write tests for fitted.whatever
# add docs for fitted.whatever.
# check what happens for recalibrated mp.cv in fitted.mp.cv
# add rownames to data, to prevent error/mismatch in fitted.metapred/fitted.mp.cv # Maybe already fixed by as.data.frame()
# add the unchanged model to the next step's model list. Model comparison will be easier. Subsetting will be easier: this allows
#   a 'chain' of "changed" predictors to be added, thereby making the output clearer. 
# change "changed" for global models as well.
# add a new stratified.fit class, which contains mp.stratified.fit (or vice versa), such that subset(fit,
# select = "stratified") can work as intended. Right now, mp.stratified.fit  is a list that may only contain
# mp.stratum.fit objects.

# TODO 3: General
# add function: areTRUE. st.i == cl may otherwise lead to problems, if st.i has NA. Replaced with %in%. Now solved?
# variances for intercept recalibration.
# perf method
# penalties
# performance measurement, current is Brier for binomial
# add more options to penalty step
# Write test for new centerCovs function.

# TODO 4: Maybe later
# One-stage MA: predStep: is  type = response correct?
# centering: now only centers numeric variables. Should it also work for dummies of categorical variables?

# recal.int + interaction gives error. FIXED.
# add fitted.metapred(). DONE.
# categorical variables Done!
# Add summary.metapred. DONE.
# Added is.metapred()
# Added more robust tests for stepwise.
# Automatically remove observations with missing values.
# @Valentijn: I would center covariates by default, this often helps to improve generalizability and also speeds estimation
#   Valentijn: Done.
# @Valentijn: You can change default of meta.method to DL. This is a lot faster and has limited implications on estimated means.
#   Valentijn: Done.
# , cl.name in modelStep
# Remove Reduce() from perfStep, and make perfStep() compatible with multiple data sets (for cvFUN = fixed, or cvFUN = bs)
# predict.metapred: allow to generate predictions if y is not specified. 
#                   Currently, an error it thrown if setting dvt=NA in the example. This error traces back to the use 
#                   of model.matrix, which calls the function model.frame() that fails.
# Fixed by removing the outcome from the formula in the predict method.
# If max.steps and scope = formula are supplied, no stopping reason is given. SHould be fixed now (3 april 2019)

# TODO 6:

# predict.metapred: Allow so specify study for generating study-specific predictions 
# (as our IECV approach will yield a study-specific intercept term and regression coefficients)
# If no study is specified in the data frame, then predictions are based on the pooled coefficients.
# Change listwise deletion of missing data: add options to turn on/off, only remove observations with missing data within
# formula / scope.. 
# metapred currently cannot handle -1 in scope I think.

###### Outline
### Top: high-level functions
# metapred
# mp.fit
# mp.step + mp.global
# mp.cv
# mp.cv.val
# mp.cv.dev	+ mp.cv.recal
# mp.cv.meta.fit + mp.recal.meta.fit
# mp.meta.fit
# mp.stratified.fit
# mp.stratum.fit
### bottom : low level functions

#' Generalized Stepwise Regression for Prediction Models in Clustered Data
#' Generalized stepwise regression for obtaining a prediction model that is validated 
#' with (stepwise) internal-external cross-validation, in or to obtain adequate 
#' performance across data sets. Requires data from individuals in multiple studies.
#' @author Valentijn de Jong <Valentijn.M.T.de.Jong@gmail.com>
#' @references Debray TPA, Moons KGM, Ahmed I, Koffijberg H, Riley RD. A framework for developing, implementing, 
#' and evaluating clinical prediction models in an individual participant data meta-analysis. 
#' \emph{Stat Med}. 2013;32(18):3158-80. 
#' @param data data.frame containing the data. Note that \code{metapred} removes observations with missing data \emph{listwise}
#' for all variables in \code{formula} and \code{scope}, to ensure that the same data is used in each model in each step. The
#' outcome variable should be \code{numeric} or coercible to numeric by as.numeric().
#' @param strata Character to specify the name of the strata (e.g. studies or clusters) variable
#' @param formula \code{formula} of the first model to be evaluated. \code{metapred} will start at \code{formula} and update it
#' using terms of \code{scope}. Defaults to full main effects model, where the first column in \code{data} is assumed to be
#' the outcome and all remaining columns (except \code{strata}) predictors. See \link[stats]{formula} for formulas in general.
#' @param estFUN Function for estimating the model in the first stage. Currently "lm", "glm" and "logistfirth" are supported.
#' @param scope \code{formula}. The difference between \code{formula} and \code{scope} defines the range of models examined in the 
#' stepwise search. Defaults to NULL, which leads to the intercept-only model. If \code{scope} is not nested in \code{formula}, 
#' this implies backwards selection will be applied (default). If \code{scope} is nested in \code{formula}, this implies forward 
#' selection will be applied. If equal, no stepwise selection is applied. 
#' @param retest Logical. Should added (removed) terms be retested for removal (addition)? \code{TRUE} implies bi-directional 
#' stepwise search.
#' @param max.steps Integer. Maximum number of steps (additions or removals of terms) to take. Defaults to 1000, which is
#' essentially as many as it takes. 0 implies no stepwise selection.
#' @param center logical. Should numeric predictors be centered around the cluster mean?
#' @param recal.int Logical. Should the intercept be recalibrated in each validation?
#' @param cvFUN Cross-validation method, on the study (i.e. cluster or stratum) level. "l1o" for leave-one-out cross-validation 
#' (default). "bootstrap" for bootstrap. Or "fixed", for one or more data sets which are only used for validation. A user written 
#' function may be supplied as well.
#' @param cv.k Parameter for cvFUN. For \code{cvFUN="bootstrap"}, this is the number of bootstraps. For \code{cvFUN="fixed"}, 
#' this is a vector of the indices of the (sorted) data sets. Not used for \code{cvFUN="l1o"}.
#' @param metaFUN Function for computing the meta-analytic coefficient estimates in two-stage MA. 
#' By default, \link[metafor]{rma.uni}, from the metafor package is used. Default settings are univariate random effects, 
#' estimated with "DL". Method can be passed trough the \code{meta.method} argument.
#' @param meta.method Name of method for meta-analysis. Default is "DL". For more options see \link[metafor]{rma.uni}.
#' @param predFUN Function for predicting new values. Defaults to the predicted probability of the outcome, using the link 
#' function of \code{glm()} or \code{lm()}.
#' @param perfFUN Function for computing the performance of the prediction models. Default: mean squared error 
#' (\code{perfFUN="mse"}).Other options are \code{"var.e"} (variance of prediction error), \code{"auc"} (area under the curve),
#' \code{"cal.int"} (calibration intercept), and \code{"cal.slope"} (multiplicative calibration slope) and \code{"cal.add.slope"}
#' (additive calibration slope).
#' @param genFUN Function or \code{list} of named functions for computing generalizability of the performance. 
#' Default: (absolute) mean (\code{genFUN="abs.mean"}). Choose \code{coef.var} for the coefficient of variation. If a \code{list},
#' only the first is used for model selection.
#' @param selFUN Function for selecting the best method. Default: lowest value for \code{genFUN}. Should be set to
#' "which.max" if high values for \code{genFUN} indicate a good model.
#' @param ... To pass arguments to estFUN (e.g. family = "binomial"), or to other FUNctions.
#' @return A list of class \code{metapred}, containing the final model in \code{global.model}, and the stepwise
#' tree of estimates of the coefficients, performance measures, generalizability measures in \code{stepwise}.
#' @details Use \link{subset.metapred} to obtain an individual prediction model from a \code{metapred} object.
#'  Note that \code{formula.changes} is currently unordered; it does not represent the order of changes in the stepwise 
#'  procedure.
#'  \code{metapred} is still under development, use with care.
#' @examples 
#' data(DVTipd)
#' # Explore heterogeneity in intercept and assocation of 'ddimdich'
#' glmer(dvt ~ 0 + cluster + (ddimdich|study), family = binomial(), data = DVTipd)
#' # Scope
#' f <- dvt ~ histdvt + ddimdich + sex + notraum
#' # Internal-external cross-validation of a pre-specified model 'f'
#' fit <- metapred(DVTipd, strata = "study", formula = f, scope = f, family = binomial)
#' fit
#' # Let's try to simplify model 'f' in order to improve its external validity
#' metapred(DVTipd, strata = "study", formula = f, family = binomial)
#' # We can also try to build a generalizable model from scratch
#' # Some additional examples:
#' metapred(DVTipd, strata = "study", formula = dvt ~ 1, scope = f, family = binomial) # Forwards
#' metapred(DVTipd, strata = "study", formula = f, scope = f, family = binomial) # no selection
#' metapred(DVTipd, strata = "study", formula = f, max.steps = 0, family = binomial) # no selection
#' metapred(DVTipd, strata = "study", formula = f, recal.int = TRUE, family = binomial)
#' metapred(DVTipd, strata = "study", formula = f, meta.method = "REML", family = binomial)
#' # By default, metapred assumes the first column is the outcome.
#' newdat <- data.frame(dvt=0, histdvt=0, ddimdich=0, sex=1, notraum=0)
#' fitted <- predict(fit, newdata = newdat)
#' @references 
#' de Jong VMT, Moons KGM, Eijkemans MJC, Riley RD, Debray TPA. Developing more generalizable prediction models from pooled 
#' studies and large clustered data sets. \emph{Stat Med}. 2021;40(15):3533--59.
#' Riley RD, Tierney JF, Stewart LA. Individual participant data meta-analysis: a handbook for healthcare research. 
#' Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2021. ISBN: 978-1-119-33372-2.
#' Schmid CH, Stijnen T, White IR. Handbook of meta-analysis. First edition. Boca Raton: Taylor and Francis; 2020. ISBN: 978-1-315-11940-3.
#' @seealso  \code{\link{forest.metapred}}  for generating a forest plot of prediction model performance
#' @import stats
#' @importFrom stats formula var
#' @export
metapred <- function(data, strata, formula, estFUN = "glm", scope = NULL, retest = FALSE, max.steps = 1000, 
                     center = FALSE, recal.int = FALSE, cvFUN = NULL, cv.k = NULL,  # tol = 0,
                     metaFUN = NULL, meta.method = NULL, predFUN = NULL, perfFUN = NULL, genFUN = NULL,
                     selFUN = "which.min",
                     ...) {
  call <- match.call()
  # Formula
  if (missing(formula) || is.null(formula)) formula <- stats::formula(data[ , -which(colnames(data) == strata)])  
  if (is.null(scope)) scope <- f2iof(formula)
  updates <- getFormulaDiffAsChar(formula, scope)
  # Data
  data <- get_all_vars(formula = addg2f(formula, scope, terms = strata), data = data) # drop unnecessary vars
  data <- droplevels(remove.na.obs(as.data.frame(data)))  # drop observations with missings in remaining vars
  if (is.factor(data[, f2o(formula)]))
    data[ , f2o(formula)] <- as.numeric(data[ , f2o(formula)])
  # One- vs two-stage, stratification and centering
  if(is.null(two.stage <- list(...)$two.stage) ) two.stage <- TRUE
  strata.i <- as.vector(data[, strata])
  strata.u <- sort(unique(strata.i))
  if (center)
    data <- centerCovs(data = data, y.name = f2o(formula), cluster.name = strata)
  # Functions
  if (is.null(cvFUN))   cvFUN   <- l1o
  if (is.null(metaFUN)) metaFUN <- urma
  if (is.null(perfFUN)) perfFUN <- "mse"
  if (is.null(genFUN))  genFUN  <- abs.mean
  if (is.null(meta.method)) meta.method <- "DL"
  # Change to "-" when perfFUN <- R2 or some other measure for which greater = better.
  estFUN.name <- estFUN
  estFUN  <- get.function(estFUN)
  cvFUN   <- get.function(cvFUN)
  # perfFUN <- get(perfFUN)
  # genFUN  <- get(genFUN) # now happens in mp.cv.val
  selFUN  <- get.function(selFUN)
  metaFUN <- get.function(metaFUN)
  # genFUN.add <- dots[["genFUN.add"]] 
  # dots[["genFUN.add"]] <- NULL
  # Folds
  folds <- cvFUN(strata.u, k = cv.k)
  if (!isTRUE(length(folds[["dev"]]) > 0) || !isTRUE(length(folds[["dev"]][[1]]) > 0))
    stop("At least 1 cluster must be used for development.")
  # Fitting
  fit <- mp.fit(formula = formula, data = data, remaining.changes = updates, st.i = strata.i, st.u = strata.u, folds = folds,
                recal.int = recal.int, retest = retest, max.steps = max.steps, tol = 0,
                estFUN = estFUN, metaFUN = metaFUN, meta.method = meta.method, predFUN = predFUN, perfFUN = perfFUN,
                genFUN = genFUN, selFUN = selFUN, ...)
  # mp.args <- c(list(formula = formula, data = data, remaining.changes = updates, st.i = strata.i, st.u = strata.u, folds = folds,
  #                   recal.int = recal.int, retest = retest, max.steps = max.steps, tol = 0, 
  #                   estFUN = estFUN, metaFUN = metaFUN, meta.method = meta.method, predFUN = predFUN, perfFUN = perfFUN,
  #                   genFUN = genFUN, selFUN = selFUN), dots)
  # fit <- do.call(mp.fit, args = mp.args ) 
  predFUN <- getPredictMethod(fit$stepwise$s0$cv$unchanged, two.stage = two.stage, predFUN = predFUN)
  formula.final <- fit$global.model$formula
  out <- c(fit, list(call = call, strata = strata, data = data, folds = folds, # add nobs and strata.nobs
                     formula.start = formula, scope = scope, formula = formula.final,
                     formula.changes = getFormulaDiffAsChar(formula.final, formula), 
                     # NOTE: formula.changes is currently unordered!
                     options = list(cv.k = cv.k, meta.method = meta.method, recal.int = recal.int,
                                    center = center, max.steps = max.steps, retest = retest, two.stage = two.stage), # add: tol
                     FUN = list(cvFUN = cvFUN, predFUN = predFUN, perfFUN = get.function(perfFUN), metaFUN = metaFUN, genFUN = genFUN, 
                                selFUN = selFUN, estFUN = estFUN, estFUN.name = estFUN.name)))
  class(out) <- c("metapred")

# #' The function \code{summary} can be used to obtain an extensive summary of the stepwise process and the final model. 
# #' \code{subset(x, select = "best.cv")} can be used to obtain a summary of the model with best generalizability in the
# #' cross-validation, whereas \code{subset(x, select = "global")} gives a summary of the global model (i.e. fitted on all 
# #' strata).

# For prediction of newdata. 
# Object metapred object
# newdata data.frame, defaults to NULL, which implies the fitted data
# strata character, name of strata variable in newdata. Defaults to name in fitted object.
# type character. Type of prediction. This is intended to override the default of glm and lm.
# ("response" or "link" possible; "terms" not implemented)
# recal.int logical. Recalibrate the intercept before prediction? Defaults to same as development for metapred object,
# center logical, Center covariates, before prediction? Defaults to same as development of metapred object,
# ... For compatibility only.
#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @method predict   metapred
#' @export
predict.metapred <- function(object, newdata = NULL, strata = NULL, type = "response", 
                             recal.int = NULL, center = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(newdata))
    newdata <- object[["data"]]
  if (is.null(strata))
    strata <- object$strata
  if (is.null(center))
    center <- object$options$center
  if (center)
    newdata <- centerCovs(data = newdata, y.name = f2o(formula(object)), cluster.name = strata)
  if (is.null(recal.int))
    recal.int <- object$options$recal.int
  if (isTRUE(recal.int))
    object <- recalibrate(object = object, newdata = newdata)
  object$FUN$predFUN(object = object, newdata = newdata, type = type, ...)[, 1] # [, 1] such that a vector is returned.

#' Extract Model Fitted Values
#' Extract the fitted values of a \code{metapred} object. By default returns fitted values of the model in the 
#' cross-validation procedure.
#' Function still under development, use with caution.
#' Only returns type = "response".
#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @importFrom stats fitted
#' @method fitted   metapred
#' @param object object of class metapred 
#' @param select character. Select fitted values from "cv" (default) or from "global" model.
#' @param step character or numeric. Name or number of step to select if \code{select} = "cv". Defaults to best step.
#' @param model character or numeric. Name or number of model to select if \code{select} = "cv". Defaults to
#' best model.
#' @param as.stratified logical. \code{select} = "cv" determines whether returned predictions are stratified in a list 
#' (\code{TRUE}, default) or in their original order (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param type character. Type of fitted value.
#' @param ... For compatibility only.
#' @export
fitted.metapred <- function(object, select = "cv", step = NULL, model = NULL, 
                            as.stratified = TRUE, type = "response", ...) {
  if (isTRUE(select == "cv")) {
    ftd <- fitted(subset.metapred(x = object, select = select, step = step, model = model, type = type, ...))
    if (as.stratified)
    ftd.v <- Reduce(rbind, ftd) #as vector
    return(ftd.v[match(rownames(ftd.v), rownames(object[["data"]])) ] ) # return to original ordering.
  if (isTRUE(select == "global"))
    return(predict.metapred(object = object, newdata = NULL, type = type, ...))
  stop("select must equal 'cv' or 'global'.")

# #' Only returns type = "response".
# #' @author Valentijn de Jong
# #' @importFrom stats residuals
# #' @method residuals   metapred
# #' @export
# residuals.metapred <- function(object, select = "cv", step = NULL, model = NULL, as.stratified = TRUE, ...) {
#   y <- object$data[ , f2o(formula(object))]
#   ftd <- fitted.metapred(object = object, select = select, step = step, 
#                        model = model, as.stratified = as.stratified, ...)
#   if (as.stratified) {
#     ftd <- fitted(mp, as.stratified = TRUE)
#     y <- mp$data[ , f2o(formula(mp))]
#     st.i <- mp[["data"]][[mp[["strata"]]]]
#     # now somehow sort them into a list with similar dim and dimnames as ftd, using st.i
#     stop("To be implemented")
#   } else {
#     y - ftd
#   }
# }

# #' Extract the regression coefficients
# #' 
# #' The \code{coef} function extracts the estimated coefficients of the final model of objects of class \code{"metapred"}.
# #' @param object A fitted \code{metapred} object
# #' @param \ldots Optional arguments (currently not supported).
# #' 
# #' @method coef metapred
# #' @export
#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method coef   metapred
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @export
coef.metapred <- function(object, stratified = FALSE, ...) {
  if (stratified) 

# Note returned formula is for the final model!
#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @importFrom stats formula
#' @method formula   metapred
#' @export
formula.metapred <- function(x, ...)

# Returns family or NULL
#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @importFrom stats family
#' @method family   metapred
#' @export
family.metapred <- function(object, ...) {
  if (!is.null((f <- object$stepwise$s0$cv[[1]]$family)))
  else if (!is.null(f <- object$family))

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method print   metapred
#' @export
print.metapred <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Call: ")                       
  print(x$call) # cat cannot handle a call

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method summary   metapred
#' @export
summary.metapred <- function(object, ...) {
  cat("Call: ")                       
  print(object$call) # cat cannot handle a call

# Test whether object is meta.pred
#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @method is   metapred
#' @export
is.metapred <- function(object)
  inherits(object, "metapred")

# Implementation of the subset method
# #' @author Valentijn de Jong
# #' @method subset   metapred
# #' @export
# old.subset.metapred <- function(x, select = "best.cv", ...) {
#   if (identical(select, "best.cv")) 
#     return(mp.step.get.best(x[["stepwise"]][[x[["best.step"]]]]))
#   if (identical(select, "global"))
#     return(x[["global.model"]])
#   stop("select must equal 'best.cv' or 'global'.")
# }

#' Subsetting metapred fits
#' Return a model from the cross-validation procedure or the final 'global' model. Caution: This function is 
#' still under development.
#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @param x metapred object
#' @param select Which type of model to select: "cv" (default), "global", or (experimental) "stratified", 
#' or "stratum".
#' @param step  Which step should be selected? Defaults to the best step. 
#' numeric is converted to name of the step: 0 for an unchanged model, 1 for the first change... 
#' @param model Which model change should be selected? NULL (default, best change) or character name of variable
#' or (integer) index of model change. 
#' @param stratum Experimental. Stratum to return if select = "stratum".
#' @param add Logical. Add data, options and functions to the resulting object? Defaults to \code{TRUE}. 
#' Experimental.
#' @param ... For compatibility only.
#' @examples 
#' data(DVTipd)
#' DVTipd$cluster <- letters[1:4] # Add a fictional clustering to the data.
#' mp <- metapred(DVTipd, strata = "cluster", formula = dvt ~ histdvt + ddimdich, family = binomial)
#' subset(mp) # best cross-validated model
#' subset(mp, select = "global") # Final model fitted on all strata.
#' subset(mp, step = 1) # The best model of step 1
#' subset(mp, step = 1, model = "histdvt") # The model in which histdvt was removed, in step 1.
#' @return An object of class \code{mp.cv} for select = "cv" and an object of class \code{mp.global} for select = "global". 
#' In both cases, additional data is added to the resulting object, thereby making it suitable for further methods.
#' @export
subset.metapred <- function(x, select = "cv", step = NULL, model = NULL, stratum = NULL, add = TRUE, ...) {
  # Global model
  if (identical(select, "global"))
    out <- x[["global.model"]]
  else {
    # Same for cv, stratified and stratum:
    # Step
    if (is.null(step))
      step <- x$best.step
    if (is.numeric(step))
      step <- getStepName(step)
    # Model
    if (is.null(model))
      model <- x[["stepwise"]][[step]][["best.change"]]
    # Select fit:
    if (identical(select, "cv") || identical(select, "iecv"))                        # cv / iecv fit
      out <- x[["stepwise"]][[step]][["cv"]][[model]]
    else if (identical(select, "stratified") || identical(select, "stratified.fit")) # stratified fit
    else if (identical(select, "stratum")    || identical(select, "strata"))         # stratum fit
      out <- x[["stepwise"]][[step]][["cv"]][[model]][["stratified.fit"]][[stratum]]
      stop("select must equal 'cv', 'global', 'stratified' or 'stratum'.")
  # This is the real reason for why this function exists. To add this stuff to a mp.cv or mp.global object.
  # Normally those do not have this data, for memory/performance reasons.
  # In hindsight: This is actually a very useful function, as it makes finding a model much easier.
  if (add) {
    out$data    <- x$data
    out$strata  <- x$strata
    out$folds   <- x$folds
    out$FUN     <- x$FUN
    out$options <- x$options

# Perform fit a model using cross-validation, for metapred
# formula formula to start with
# data data.frame, containing dev and val data
# remaining.changes predictor terms to add or remove
# st.i numeric vector, cluster indicators
# st.u unique values in st.i
# folds list, folds as in utils
# recal.int logical, recalibrate intercept?

# retest logical, should removed (added) predictors be added (removed) again?
# max.steps numeric, maximum number of steps (predictor additions/removals) to be taken
# tol numeric, tolerance, minimum change in generalizability to accept a different model # To be implemented

# estFUN function, used for obtaining predict method
# predFUN function, user supplied predict method, overrides estFUN's predict()
# perfFUN function, function for computing performance, defaults to mse = mean square error
# genFUN function, function for computing generalizability, defaults to absolute mean.
# ... options for predictMethod, perfFUN, and genFUN.
# Returns object of class mp.cv.val, which is a validated mp.cv.dev
mp.fit <- function(formula, data, remaining.changes, st.i, st.u, folds, recal.int = FALSE, 
                   retest = FALSE, max.steps = 3, tol = 0,
                   estFUN = glm, metaFUN = urma, meta.method = "DL", predFUN = NULL, 
                   perfFUN = mse, genFUN = abs.mean, selFUN = which.min,
                   two.stage = TRUE, ...) {
  out <- steps <- list()
  ## Step 0
  # As remaining.changes = c("") yields unchanged formula.
  step.count <- 0
  steps[[getStepName(step.count)]] <- mp.step(formula = formula, data = data, remaining.changes = c(""), 
                                              st.i = st.i, st.u = st.u, folds = folds, recal.int = recal.int, 
                                              retest = FALSE, two.stage = two.stage,
                                              estFUN = estFUN, metaFUN = metaFUN, meta.method = meta.method, predFUN = predFUN, 
                                              perfFUN = perfFUN, genFUN = genFUN, selFUN = selFUN, ...)
  steps[[getStepName(step.count)]][["step.count"]] <- step.count
  out[["best.step"]] <- getStepName(step.count)
  out[["stop.reason"]] <- "no changes were requested."
  current.model <- mp.step.get.best(steps[[1]])
  current.model[["remaining.changes"]] <- remaining.changes
  gen.diff <- Inf # TBI
  if (!identical(length(remaining.changes), 0L))
    repeat {
      ## Loop management
      if (isTRUE(gen.diff <= tol)) { # TBI
        out[["stop.reason"]] <- "improvement <= tolerance."
      if (isTRUE(length(current.model[["remaining.changes"]]) <= 0)) {
        out[["stop.reason"]] <- "all changes were implemented."
      if (isTRUE(step.count >= max.steps)) {
        out[["stop.reason"]] <- "max.steps was reached."
      step.count <- step.count + 1
      ## Perform a step
      steps[[getStepName(step.count)]] <- mp.step(formula = current.model[["formula"]], data = data,
                                                  remaining.changes = current.model[["remaining.changes"]],
                                                  st.i = st.i, st.u = st.u, folds = folds, recal.int = recal.int,
                                                  retest = retest, two.stage = two.stage,
                                                  estFUN = estFUN, metaFUN = metaFUN, meta.method = meta.method, predFUN = predFUN,
                                                  perfFUN = perfFUN, genFUN = genFUN, selFUN = selFUN, ...)
      steps[[getStepName(step.count)]][["step.count"]] <- step.count
      ## Model selection
      # This step
      best.new.model <- mp.step.get.best(steps[[getStepName(step.count)]])
      # Overall
      if (mp.which.best.change(list(current.model, best.new.model), selFUN = selFUN) <= 1) { # TBI: 0 for gen.diff < tol
        out[["stop.reason"]] <- "no improvement was possible."
        out[["best.step"]] <- getStepName(step.count - 1)
      } else {
        current.model <- best.new.model
        out[["best.step"]] <- getStepName(step.count)
  # Return a global model and the stepwise list
  if (is.null(two.stage) || isTRUE(two.stage)) {
    out[["global.model"]] <- mp.global.2st(current.model, metaFUN = metaFUN, meta.method = meta.method)
    out[["nobs.strata"]] <- sapply(out[["global.model"]][["stratified.fit"]], nobs)
  } else {
    out[["global.model"]] <- mp.global.1st(formula = formula(current.model), data = data,
                                           estFUN = estFUN, ...) # strata = strata, to be added for random effects.
  out[["stepwise"]] <- steps
  out[["step.count"]] <- step.count
  out[["nobs"]] <- sum(out[["nobs.strata"]])
  class(out) <- "mp.fit"

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method print   mp.fit
#' @export
print.mp.fit <- function(x, ...) {
  for (i in seq_along(x[["stepwise"]])) {
    if (i == 1) {
      cat("Started with model:\n")
    } else if (i > 2) {
      cat("Continued with model:\n")
    print.mp.step(x$stepwise[[i]], show.f = FALSE)
  cat("Cross-validation stopped after", x[["step.count"]], "steps, as", x[["stop.reason"]])
  cat(" Final model:\n")

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method summary   mp.fit
#' @export
summary.mp.fit <- function(object, ...) {
  for (s in seq_along(object[["stepwise"]]))
  cat("Cross-validation stopped after", object[["step.count"]], "steps, as", object[["stop.reason"]])
  cat(" Final model:\n")

# "Method" for selecting best mp.cv from a mp.cv object
# step mp.step
# Returns mp.cv object, with best value for genFUN.
# mp.step.best.change <- function(step, ...)
#   step[["cv"]][[which(sapply(step[["cv"]], `[[`, "best.change"))]]

# Select best model
mp.which.best.change <- function(cvs, selFUN = which.min, ...)
  selFUN(sapply(cvs, `[[`, "gen"))

mp.step.get.best <- function(step, selFUN = which.min, ...) 
  step[["cv"]][[mp.which.best.change(step[["cv"]], selFUN = selFUN, ...)]]

mp.step.get.change <- function(step, ...)

# Perform one step in the fitting process of mp.fit
# formula formula to start with
# data data.frame, containing dev and val data
# remaining.changes predictor terms to add or remove
# st.i numeric vector, cluster indicators
# st.u unique values in st.i
# folds list, folds as in utils
# recal.int logical, recalibrate intercept?
# two.stage logical, is it a two stage model? For future use.
# estFUN function, used for obtaining predict method
# predFUN function, user supplied predict method, overrides estFUN
# perfFUN function, function for computing performance, defaults to mse = mean square error
# genFUN function, function for computing generalizability, defaults to absolute mean.
# ... options for predictMethod, perfFUN, and genFUN.
# Returns object of class mp.cv.val, which is a validated mp.cv.dev
mp.step <- function(formula, data, remaining.changes, st.i, st.u, folds, recal.int = FALSE, 
                    two.stage = TRUE, retest = FALSE,
                    estFUN = glm, metaFUN = urma, meta.method = "DL", predFUN = NULL, 
                    perfFUN = mse, genFUN = abs.mean, selFUN = which.min, ...) {
  cv <- out <- list()
  out[["start.formula"]] <- formula
  for (fc in seq_along(remaining.changes) )
    change <- remaining.changes[fc]
    # Produce formula for changes and no changes:
    if (identical(remaining.changes, "")) {
      name <- "unchanged"
      new.formula <- formula
    } else {
      name <- as.character(change)
      new.formula <- updateFormula(formula, change) 
    # Run
    # change.name is now saved here and used elsewhere. To be simplified..
    cv[[name]] <- mp.cv(formula = new.formula, data = data, st.i = st.i, st.u = st.u,
                        folds = folds, recal.int = recal.int, two.stage = two.stage,
                        estFUN = estFUN, metaFUN = metaFUN, meta.method = meta.method,
                        predFUN = predFUN, perfFUN = perfFUN, genFUN = genFUN, change = change, ...) 
    # Save changes
    cv[[name]][["remaining.changes"]] <- if (retest) remaining.changes else remaining.changes[-fc]
    # cv[[name]][["changed"]] <- change
  out[["best.change"]] <- mp.which.best.change(cv, selFUN = selFUN)
  out[["cv"]] <- cv
  class(out) <- "mp.step"

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method summary   mp.step
#' @export
summary.mp.step <- function(object, ...) {
  cv <- object[["cv"]]
  # Model comparison is handled by print.mp.step()
  if (!is.null(object[["step.count"]]))
    cat("\n", "Step ", object[["step.count"]], ". ", sep = "")
  if (identical(cv[[1]][["changed"]], "")) {
    # cat("\n")
    cat("Tested 1 model in this step. ") 
  } else {
    # cat("\n")
    cat("Tested", length(cv), "models in this step. ")
  # Model coefficients are handled here, using print.mp.cv()
  for (i in seq_along(cv)) {
    ch <- cv[[i]][["changed"]]
    if (identical(ch, "")) ch <- "nothing"
    cat("Changing", ch, "yields:\n")
    if (isTRUE(i == object[["best.change"]][[1]]))
      cat("This model has best generalizability in this step.")

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method print   mp.step
#' @export
print.mp.step <- function(x, show.f = TRUE, ...) {
  if (show.f) {
    cat("Starting with model:\n")
  print(data.frame(lapply(x[["cv"]], `[[`, "gen.all")))

# Turn a cross-validated model into a full or 'global' model
# mp.cv.dev object of class mp.cv.dev
# metaFUN function for meta-analysis
# meta.method option for metaFUN
# ... optional arguments for metaFUN
mp.global.2st <- function(cv.dev, metaFUN = urma, meta.method = "DL") {
  out <- c(cv.dev, mp.meta.fit(stratified.fit = cv.dev[["stratified.fit"]], 
                               metaFUN = metaFUN, meta.method = meta.method) )
  class(out) <- c("mp.global", class(out))

mp.global.1st <- function(formula, data, strata = NULL, estFUN = "glm", ...) {
  # TODO for glmer / lmer: add random intercepts to formula here.
  dots <- list(...)
  dots$two.stage <- NULL
  args <- c(list(formula = formula, data = data), dots)
  fit <- do.call(estFUN, args)
  out <- mp.stratum.fit(fit)
  out$formula <- formula
  out[["nobs.strata"]] <- nobs(out) # To be removed??
  class(out) <- c("mp.global", "mp.stratum.fit", class(out)) # "mp.global.1st" ?! or not?

# #' @author Valentijn de Jong
# #' @method family   mp.global
# #' @export
# family.mp.global <- function(object, ...)
#   object$family

# Fitted? Predict?

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method predict   mp.global
#' @export
predict.mp.global <- function(object, newdata = NULL, strata = NULL, type = "response", 
                              recal.int = NULL, center = NULL, ...) 
  predict.metapred(object = object, newdata = newdata, strata = strata, type = type, 
                   recal.int = recal.int, center = center, ...)

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method print   mp.global
#' @export
print.mp.global <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Meta-analytic model of prediction models estimated in", x$n.clusters, "strata. Coefficients:" , "\n")

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method summary   mp.global
#' @export
summary.mp.global <- function(object, ...) {
  print.mp.global(object, ...)
  print.mp.cv(object, ...)

# Make a new meta-model and cross-validate it, for metapred
# formula formula
# data data.frame
# st.i vector, cluster indicators. char or numeric
# st.u unique values in st.i
# recal.int logical, recalibrate intercept?
# estFUN function, for estimating, e.g. glm
# metaFUN function, for producing meta model
# meta.method character, option for metaFUN
# predFUN function, user supplied predict method, overrides estFUN
# perfFUN function, function for computing performance, defaults to mse = mean square error
# genFUN function, function for computing generalizability, defaults to absolute mean.
# ... options for predictMethod, perfFUN, and genFUN.
# Returns object of classes mp.cv, mp.cv.val, mp.cv.dev, which is a list of meta-analytic models developed on dev folds,
# and a validated on val folds 
mp.cv <- function(formula, data, st.i, st.u, folds, recal.int = FALSE, two.stage = TRUE,
                  estFUN = glm, metaFUN = urma, meta.method = "DL", predFUN = NULL, 
                  perfFUN = mse, genFUN = abs.mean, change = NULL, ...) {
  out <- mp.cv.dev(formula = formula, data = data, st.i = st.i, st.u = st.u, folds = folds, two.stage = two.stage,
                   estFUN = estFUN, metaFUN = metaFUN, meta.method = meta.method, change = change, ...)
  out <- mp.cv.val(cv.dev = out, data = data, st.i = st.i, folds = folds, recal.int = recal.int, two.stage = two.stage,
                   estFUN = estFUN, predFUN = predFUN, perfFUN = perfFUN, genFUN = genFUN, ...)
  class(out) <- c("mp.cv", class(out))

# Obtain fitted values of a (\code{subset}ted from metapred) mp.cv object
# object mp.cv
# returns list of fitted values, with length equal to number of strata. 
#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method fitted   mp.cv
#' @export
fitted.mp.cv <- function(object, ...) {
  data <- object[["data"]]
  if (is.null(data))
    stop("Use subset(metapred()) to obtain the cv.")
  strata <- object$strata
  center <- object$options$center
  if (center)
    data <- centerCovs(data = data, y.name = f2o(formula(object)), cluster.name = strata)
  fitted.mp.cv.dev(object, data = data, folds = object$folds, st.i = data[[object$strata]], ...)

# fitted.mp.cv.val <- function(object, newdata, folds, st.i, recal.int = FALSE, predFUN = NULL, ...) 
#   fitted.mp.cv.dev(object = object, newdata = newdata, folds = folds, st.i = st.i, predFUN = predFUN)

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method print   mp.cv
#' @export
print.mp.cv <- function(x, ...) {
  print.mp.cv.dev(x, ...)
  print.mp.cv.val(x, ...)

# Validate a mp.cv.dev
# cv.dev, mp.cv.dev
# data data.frame, containing old and new data
# st.i numeric vector, cluster indicators
# folds list, folds as in utils
# recal.int logical, recalibrate intercept?
# two.stage logical, is it a two stage model?
# estFUN function, used for obtaining predict method
# predFUN function, user supplied predict method, overrides estFUN
# perfFUN function, function for calculating performance, defaults to mse = mean square error
# genFUN function, function for calculating generalizability, defaults to absolute mean.
# add.perfFUN list of functions, additional performance functions. Evaluated but not used for selection.
# add.genFUn list of functions, additional generalizability functions. Evaluated but not used for selection.
# ... options for predictMethod, perfFUN, and genFUN.
# Returns object of class mp.cv.val, which is a validated mp.cv.dev
mp.cv.val <- function(cv.dev, data, st.i, folds, recal.int = FALSE, two.stage = TRUE, 
                      estFUN = glm, predFUN = NULL, perfFUN = mse, 
                      genFUN = abs.mean, plot = F, ...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  pfn <- if (is.character(perfFUN)) perfFUN else "Performance"
  cv.dev[["perf.name"]] <- pfn # To be removed!??!!?
  # perfFUN <- match.fun(perfFUN)
  # Recalibrate?
  if (isTRUE(recal.int))
    cv.dev <- mp.cv.recal(cv.dev = cv.dev, newdata = data, estFUN = estFUN, folds = folds)
  # Predict outcome
  p <- fitted.mp.cv.dev(object = cv.dev, data = data, folds = folds, st.i = st.i, predFUN = predFUN, two.stage = two.stage)
  cv.dev[["nobs.val"]] <- sapply(p, length)
  # Necessary for performance computation
  outcome <- f2o(formula(cv.dev))
  # Performance
  if (!is.list(perfFUN)) 
    perfFUN <- list(perfFUN)
  # Names of Performance measures
  if (identical(length(names(perfFUN)), length(perfFUN))) {
    perf.names <- names(perfFUN)
  } else if (all(sapply(perfFUN, is.character))) {
    perf.names <- unlist(perfFUN)
  } else
    perf.names <- as.character(seq_along(perfFUN))
  cv.dev[["perf.names"]] <- perf.names
  # Multiple performance measures may be calculated.
  perfcalc <- function(perfFUN, cv.dev, folds, outcome, st.i, data, estFUN, p) {
    perfFUN <- match.fun(perfFUN)
    perf.full <- perf.str <- list()
    for (i in seq_len(cv.dev[["n.cv"]])) {
      perf.str[[length(perf.str) + 1]]   <- getclName(folds[["val"]][[i]])
      perf.full[[length(perf.full) + 1]] <- perfFUN(p[[i]], data[folds[["val"]][[i]] == st.i, outcome], data = data,
                                                    fit = cv.dev[["cv"]][[i]], estFUN = estFUN, ...)
    names(perf.full) <- apply(as.matrix(folds[["val"]]), 1, getclName)
    out <- data.frame(val.strata = unlist(perf.str), 
                      estimate = unlist(sapply(perf.full, `[[`, 1)), 
                      se = NA, var = NA, ci.lb = NA, ci.ub = NA, 
                      measure = pfn,
                      n = unlist(cv.dev[["nobs.val"]]),
                      class = unlist(lapply(lapply(perf.full, class), '[[', 1)))
      out[["var"]] <- unlist(lapply(perf.full, variances)),  
      error = function(e) print(paste("Skipping variance estimation for", class(perf.full[[1]])[[1]], sep = " ")))
      out[["se"]] <- sqrt(out[["var"]]),
      error = function(e) print(paste("Skipping se estimation for", class(perf.full[[1]])[[1]], sep = " ")))
      out[, c("ci.lb", "ci.ub")] <- unlist(t(sapply(perf.full, get_confint))),  
      error = function(e) print(paste("Skipping ci estimation for", class(perf.full[[1]])[[1]], sep = " ")))
    row.names(out) <- names(cv.dev[["cv"]])
    out[, "estimate"]  <- as.numeric(out[, "estimate"]) 
    class(out) <- c("perf", class(out))
    out # cv.dev[["perf"]] = out
  perf.all <- list()
  for (fun.id in seq_along(perfFUN)) # Single brackets intended!
    perf.all[[fun.id]] <- perfcalc(perfFUN[[fun.id]], cv.dev = cv.dev, folds = folds, outcome = outcome, 
                                   st.i = st.i, data = data, estFUN = estFUN, p = p)
  names(perf.all) <- perf.names
  cv.dev[["perf.all"]] <- perf.all   # Future compatibility  
  cv.dev[["perf"]] <- perf.all[[1]]  # Backwards compatibility
  # Generalizibility
  if (!is.list(genFUN)) 
    genFUN <- list(genFUN)
  # Names of generalizability measures
  if (identical(length(names(genFUN)), length(genFUN))) {
    gen.names <- names(genFUN)
  } else if (all(sapply(genFUN, is.character))) {
    gen.names <- unlist(genFUN)
  } else
    gen.names <- as.character(seq_along(genFUN))
  # Computation of generalizability
  gen.all <- rep(NA, length(genFUN))
  for (fun.id in seq_along(genFUN)) { # Single brackets intended!
    genfun <- match.fun(genFUN[[fun.id]])
    args <- c(list(object = cv.dev[["perf"]],
                   coef = coef(cv.dev[["stratified.fit"]]),
                   title = paste("Model change: ~", cv.dev[["changed"]]),
                   xlab = as.character(pfn)
    ), dots)
    if (!is.null(fam <- cv.dev$family))
      args$family <- fam
    if (two.stage)
      args$coef.se <- se(cv.dev[["stratified.fit"]]) # is compatible with two.stage = T, but not with = F
    gv <- do.call(genfun, args = args )
    # gv <- genfun(cv.dev[["perf"]], coef = coef(cv.dev[["stratified.fit"]]), coef.se = se(cv.dev[["stratified.fit"]]),
    # title = paste("Model change: ~", cv.dev[["changed"]]), xlab = as.character(pfn), ...)
    # As 'foo[[bar]] <- NULL' is not allowed # Also, the rest of the code does not expect a plot yet.
    gen.all[[fun.id]] <- if (is.null(gv) || !is.numeric(gv) || !identical(length(gv), 1L)) NaN else gv 
  names(gen.all) <- gen.names
  cv.dev[["gen.all"]] <- gen.all
  cv.dev[["gen"]] <- gen.all[[1]]
  class(cv.dev) <- c("mp.cv.val", class(cv.dev))
  if (plot)
    plot.mp.cv.val(cv.dev, NA, ...)

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method print   mp.cv.val
#' @export
print.mp.cv.val <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!is.null(x[["perf"]])) {
    cat("Cross-validation at stratum level yields the following performance: \n")
    print(x[["perf"]][ , 1:7])
  if (!is.null(x[["gen.all"]]))

# Make a new meta-model to be cross-validated for metapred
# formula formula
# data data.frame
# estFUN function for estimation, e.g glm
# st.i vector, cluster indicators. char or numeric
# st.u unique values in st.i
# folds list, folds as in utils
# two.stage logical, is it a two stage method?
# estFUN function, for estimating, e.g. glm
# metaFUN function, for producing meta model
# meta.method character, option for metaFUN
# Returns mp.cv.dev, which is a list of meta-analytic models developed on dev folds
mp.cv.dev <- function(formula, data, st.i, st.u, folds, 
                      estFUN = glm, metaFUN = urma, meta.method = "DL", change = NULL, two.stage = TRUE, ...) {
  out <- list(...) # possibly contains family
  if (!is.null(out$family)) {
    if (is.character(out$family)) # Ensure that family is the output of family(). Taken directly from glm.
      out$family <- get(out$family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
    if (is.function(out$family)) 
      out$family <- out$family()
    if (is.null(out$family$family)) {
      stop("'family' not recognized")
  out[["formula"]] <- formula
  out[["changed"]] <- change
  if (two.stage) {
    ## Cluster part 
    out[["stratified.fit"]] <- mp.stratified.fit(formula = formula, data = data, st.i = st.i, st.u = st.u, 
                                                 estFUN = estFUN, ...)  
    out[["n.clusters"]] <- length(out[["stratified.fit"]])
    ## cv meta-part
    out[["cv"]] <- mp.cv.meta.fit(stratified.fit = out[["stratified.fit"]], folds = folds, 
                                  metaFUN = metaFUN, meta.method = meta.method)
  } else {
    out[["cv"]] <- mp.1st.fit(formula = formula, data = data, st.i = st.i, st.u = st.u, folds = folds,
                              estFUN = estFUN, ...)
  out[["n.cv"]] <- length(out[["cv"]])
  class(out) <- c("mp.cv.dev") 

# For some reason I have to manually force it to find the right S3 methods.
#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method print   mp.cv.dev
#' @export
print.mp.cv.dev <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!is.null(x[["stratified.fit"]]))

# Obtain fitted values of a mp.cv.dev object
# object mp.cv.dev object.
# Returns list of predicted values, with length equal to number of strata.
#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method fitted   mp.cv.dev
#' @export
fitted.mp.cv.dev <- function(object, data, folds, st.i, predFUN = NULL, two.stage = TRUE, ...) {
  predictMethod <- getPredictMethod(fit = object, two.stage = two.stage, predFUN = predFUN, ...)
  p <- list()
  for (i in seq_len(object[["n.cv"]]))
    p[[i]] <- predictMethod(object = object, 
                            newdata = data[folds[["val"]][[i]] == st.i, ], 
                            type = "response",
                            b = coef(object[["cv"]][[i]]),
                            f = formula(object), 
                            two.stage = two.stage, 
  # If some other fold method than l1o is applied, this may otherwise cause an error.
  # better method TBI.
  if (all(unlist(lapply(folds$val, length)) == 1))
    names(p) <- unlist(folds$val)

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method family   mp.cv.dev
#' @export
family.mp.cv.dev <- function(object, ...)

# Estimate a one-stage or non-stratified model on the develoment (!) strata.
mp.1st.fit <- function(formula, data, st.i, st.u, folds, estFUN, ...) {
  out <- list()
  for (fo in seq_along(folds[["dev.i"]])) {
    fit <- estFUN(formula = formula, 
                  data = data[st.i %in% folds[["dev"]][[fo]], ],
    out[[getclName(folds[["dev"]][[fo]])]] <- mp.stratum.fit(fit) 
  class(out) <- c("mp.1st.fit", class(out))

# Recalibrate a mp.meta.fit
# mp.meta.fit mp.meta.fit
# newdata # ne data.frame, containing only the validation sample (unlike this example!)
# formula, original formula
# estFUN estimation function, e.g. glm
# Returns same object with updated coefficients.
mp.recal.meta.fit <- function(meta.fit, formula, newdata, estFUN, ...) {
  meta.fit[["formula"]] <- formula
  meta.fit[["orig coef"]] <- coef(meta.fit)
  meta.fit[["coefficients"]] <- recalibrate(meta.fit, newdata = newdata, estFUN = estFUN, ...)[["coefficients"]]
  meta.fit[["formula"]] <- NULL ### necessary ??

# Recalibrate a mp.cv.dev
# mp.cv.dev mp.cv.dev
# newdata data.frame
# formula, original formula
# estFUN estimation function, e.g. glm
# folds folds list, as in utils.
# Returns same object with updated coefficients.
mp.cv.recal <- function(cv.dev, newdata, folds, estFUN) {
  for (i in seq_along(cv.dev[["cv"]]))
    cv.dev[["cv"]][[i]] <- mp.recal.meta.fit(meta.fit = cv.dev[["cv"]][[i]], 
                                             formula = cv.dev[["formula"]],
                                             newdata = newdata[folds[["val.i"]][[i]] == i, ], 
                                             estFUN = estFUN, 
                                             family = if (!is.null(cv.dev$family)) cv.dev$family else NULL)

# Make new cv.models for mp.meta.fit for metapred
# This function selects the right fold for development, and calls the fitting function.
# stratified.fit list of mp.stratum.fit objects
# folds list of fold divisions, as given by l1o, or bootstrap in the utils.
# metaFUN function for estimating meta-analytic models, e.g. urma (in utils)
# meta.method options for metaFUN
# Returns an object of class mp.cv.meta.fit, which is a list of meta-analytic prediction models
mp.cv.meta.fit <- function(stratified.fit, folds, metaFUN = urma, meta.method = "DL") {
  out <- list()
  for (fo in seq_along(folds[["dev.i"]]))
    out[[getclName(folds[["dev"]][[fo]])]] <- mp.meta.fit(stratified.fit = stratified.fit[folds[["dev.i"]][[fo]]],
                                                          metaFUN = metaFUN, meta.method = meta.method)
  class(out) <- c("mp.cv.meta.fit", stratified.fit[[1]]$stratum.class)

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method coef   mp.cv.meta.fit
#' @export
coef.mp.cv.meta.fit <- function(object, ...) 
  t(as.data.frame(lapply(object, `[[`, "coefficients"), check.names = FALSE))

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method print   mp.cv.meta.fit
#' @export
print.mp.cv.meta.fit <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Meta-analytic models, estimated in", length(x), "fold combinations. Coefficients: \n")
  if (!is.null(x[[1]][["orig coef"]])) {
    cat("Original coefficients before recalibration: \n")
    print(t(as.data.frame(lapply(x, `[[`, "orig coef"), check.names = FALSE) ))

# Make new meta model (i.e. model fitted on multiple clusters) for ?? for metapred
# stratified.fit mp.stratified.fit
# metaFUN function for estimating meta-analytic models, e.g. urma (this file)
# meta.method options for metaFUN
# Returns object of class mp.cv.model, which is a meta-analytic prediction model
mp.meta.fit <- function(stratified.fit, metaFUN = urma, meta.method = "DL") {
  out <- list()
  b <- coef.mp.stratified.fit(stratified.fit) # again i have to point it to the right method.
  variances <- variances.mp.stratified.fit(stratified.fit)
  vcov <- vcov.mp.stratified.fit(stratified.fit)
  meta <- metaFUN(coefficients = b, variances = variances, vcov = vcov, method = meta.method) 
  out[["coefficients"]] <- meta$coefficients
  out[["variances"]]    <- meta$variances
  out[["se"]]           <- meta$se
  out[["ci.lb"]]        <- meta$ci.lb
  out[["ci.ub"]]        <- meta$ci.ub
  out[["tau"]]          <- meta$tau
  out[["tau2"]]         <- meta$tau2
  out[["se.tau2"]]      <- meta$se.tau2
  out[["pi"]]           <- c(meta$pi.lb, meta$pi.ub)
  out[["pi.lb"]]        <- meta$pi.lb
  out[["pi.ub"]]        <- meta$pi.ub
  out[["nobs.strata"]]  <- sapply(stratified.fit, nobs)
  out[["nobs"]]         <- sum(out[["nobs.strata"]])
  class(out) <- "mp.meta.fit"

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method print   mp.meta.fit
#' @export
print.mp.meta.fit <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Coefficients: ", "\n")

# Make new stratified models for mp.meta.fit for metapred
# formula formula
# data data.frame
# st.i vector, strata indicators. char or numeric
# st.u unique values in st.i
# estFUN function for estimation, e.g glm
# ... other, e.g. family for glm.
# Returns mp.stratified.fit
mp.stratified.fit <- function(formula, data, st.i, st.u, estFUN, ...) {
  out <- list()
  # for (st.this in st.u)
  #   out[[getclName(st.this)]] <- mp.stratum.fit(estFUN(formula = formula, data = data[st.i == st.this, ], ...) )
  # Replace with: (?)
  # for (st.this in sort(unique(unlist(folds[["dev"]]) )) )
  for (st.this in st.u)
    out[[getclName(st.this)]] <- mp.stratum.fit(estFUN(formula = formula, data = data[st.i %in% st.this, ], ...) )
  class(out) <- "mp.stratified.fit"

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method coef   mp.stratified.fit
#' @export
coef.mp.stratified.fit <- function(object, ...)
  as.data.frame(t(as.data.frame(lapply(object, `[[`, "coefficients", drop = FALSE))))

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method vcov   mp.stratified.fit
#' @export
vcov.mp.stratified.fit <- function(object, ...) {
  l <- lapply(object, vcov)
  array(unlist(l), dim = c(nrow(l[[1L]]), ncol(l[[1L]]), length(l)), 
        dimnames = list(rownames(l[[1L]]), colnames(l[[1L]]), names(l)))

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method vcov   mp.stratum.fit
#' @export
vcov.mp.stratum.fit <- function(object, ...)

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method print   mp.stratified.fit
#' @export
print.mp.stratified.fit <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Prediction models estimated in", length(x), "strata. Coefficients:\n")

# Make a new mp.stratum.fit for mp.stratified.fit for metapred.
# fit model fit object, e.g. glm object
# Returns mp.stratum.fit
mp.stratum.fit <- function(fit) {
  out <- list()
  out[["coefficients"]] <- getCoefs(fit)
  out[["variances"]]    <- getVars(fit)
  # out[["covar"]]        <- getCoVars(fit)
  out[["vcov"]]         <- getCoVars(fit)
  out[["nobs"]]         <- nobs(fit, use.fallback = TRUE)
  out[["stratum.class"]]<- class(fit)
  class(out) <- "mp.stratum.fit"

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method print   mp.stratum.fit
#' @export
print.mp.stratum.fit <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Coefficients: ", "\n")

# Too many args that might not be available for this method. I have abandoned it.
# predict.mp.stratum.fit <- function(object, newdata = NULL, family = NULL, 
# formula = NULL, method = NULL, type = "response") {
#   if (!is.null(family))
#     object$family <- family
#   if (is.null(formula))
#     stop("predict.mp.stratum.fit needs a formula")
#   else
#     object$formula <- formula
#   if (is.null(method))
#     stop("predict.mp.stratum.fit needs a prediction method")
#   method(object = object, newdata = newdata, type = type)
# }

# As I would have had to implement it a million times:
family.default <- function(object, ...) 

#' Standard errors and variances
#' Obtain standard errors or variances of a model fit
#' @aliases variances se tau tau2
#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @usage se(object, ...)
#' variances(object, ...)
#' tau(object, ...)
#' tau2(object, ...)
#' @param object A model fit object
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @return For \code{se} the standard errors of \code{object}, and for 
#' \code{variances} the variances. For \code{tau} the heterogeneity of the coefficients.
#' @export
se <- function(object, ...)
  UseMethod("se", object)

#' @export
se.default <- function(object, ...)
  sqrt(variances(object, ...))

#' @export
variances <- function(object, ...)
  UseMethod("variances", object)

#' @export
variances.default <- function(object, ...) {
  if (!is.null(v <- object$var)) # Non-exact match intented :)
  return(diag(vcov(object, ...))) # nrow and ncol are optional arguments! Ignore warning.

#' @export
variances.mp.perf <- function(object, ...)

#' @export
# variances.metapred <- function(object, ...)
#   variances(object[["global.model"]])

variances.metapred <- function(object, select = "global", ...)
  variances(subset(object, select = select, ...))

#' @export
variances.mp.cv <- function(object, select = "cv", ...) 
  variances(object[[select, exact = FALSE]])

#' @export
variances.mp.stratified.fit <- function(object, ...)
  t(as.data.frame(lapply(object, variances), check.names = FALSE))

#' @export
variances.mp.1st.fit <- function(object, ...) # Experimental
  t(as.data.frame(lapply(object, variances), check.names = FALSE))

#' @export
variances.mp.cv.meta.fit <- function(object, ...)
  variances.mp.stratified.fit(object, ...)

#' @export
variances.auc <- function(object, ...) 

#' @export
tau2 <- function(object, ...)
  tau(object, ...)^2

#' @export
tau <- function(object, ...)

#' @export
tau.metapred <- function(object, ...)
  tau(subset(object, ...), ...)

#' @export
tau.default <- function(object, ...)

#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @method ci   listofperf
#' @importFrom pROC ci
#' @export
ci.listofperf <- function(object, ...) {
  # object <- list(...)$object  
  if (inherits(object[[1]], "recal")) {
    z <- lapply(object, ci.recal)
      theta       = sapply(z, `[[`, 2),
      theta.ci.lb = sapply(z, `[[`, 1),
      theta.ci.ub = sapply(z, `[[`, 3)
  if (inherits(object[[1]], "lm")) {
    z <- lapply(object, confint)
    return(data.frame(theta       = sapply(object, `[[`, 1),
                      theta.ci.lb = sapply(z, `[[`, 1),
                      theta.ci.ub = sapply(z, `[[`, 2)
  if (inherits(object[[1]], "auc")) {
    z <- lapply(object, pROC::ci)
      theta       = sapply(z, `[[`, 2),
      theta.ci.lb = sapply(z, `[[`, 1),
      theta.ci.ub = sapply(z, `[[`, 3)
  if (inherits(object[[1]], "mse")) {
    z <- lapply(object, ci.mse)
      theta       = sapply(z, `[[`, 2),
      theta.ci.lb = sapply(z, `[[`, 1),
      theta.ci.ub = sapply(z, `[[`, 3)
  stop(paste("ci.listofperf does not recognize objects of class", class(object)))
# confint.listofperf <- function(object, ...) {
#   if (inherits(object[[1]], "lm")) {
#     z <- lapply(object, confint, parm = parm, level = level)
#     return(data.frame(theta       = sapply(object, `[[`, 1),
#                       theta.ci.lb = sapply(z, `[[`, 1),
#                       theta.ci.ub = sapply(z, `[[`, 2)
#                       ))
#   }
#   if (inherits(object[[1]], "auc")) {
#     z <- lapply(object, pROC::ci)
#     return(data.frame(
#       theta       = sapply(z, `[[`, 2),
#       theta.ci.lb = sapply(z, `[[`, 1),
#       theta.ci.ub = sapply(z, `[[`, 3)
#     ))
#   }
#   stop("confint.listofperf does not recognize the object.")
# }

# #' @importFrom pROC ci
# #' @export
# confint.auc <- function(object, parm, level, ...) {
# }

#' @export
ci.recal <- function(object, conf = .95, ...) { # To be implemented in some other class. Temporarily for lm.
  ses <- se(object, ...)
  coefs <- coef(object, ...)
  z <- qt(1 - (1 - conf)/2, df = object$df.residual) # z = t distributed
  data.frame("ci.lb" = coefs - z * ses, "estimate" = coefs, "ci.ub" = coefs + z * ses)

#' @export
ci.mse <- function(object, conf = .95, ...) {
  ses <- se(object, ...)
  est <- object[["estimate"]]
  z <- qt(1 - (1 - conf)/2, df = object$n - 1) # z = t distributed
  data.frame("ci.lb" = est - z * ses, "estimate" = est, "ci.ub" = est + z * ses)

#' Generalizability estimates
#' Obtain generalizability estimates from a model fit.
#' @aliases gen generalizability
#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @usage gen(object, ...)
#' generalizability(object, ...)
#' @param object A model fit object, either a \link{metapred} or \code{subset(metapred)} object.
#' @param ... By default, the final model is selected. This parameter allows other arguments to be passed 
#' to \link{subset.metapred} such that the generalizability estimates of other steps/models may be
#' returned.. 
#' @export
gen <- function(object, ...) 

#' @export
generalizability <- gen

#' @export
gen.metapred <- function(object, genFUN = 1, ...) 
  gen(subset(object, ...), genFUN = genFUN, ...)

#' @export
gen.mp.cv.val <- function(object, genFUN = 1, ...)

#' Performance estimates
#' Obtain performance estimates from a model fit.
#' @aliases perf performance 
#' @author Valentijn de Jong
#' @usage perf(object, ...)
#' performance(object, ...)
#' @param object A model fit object, either a \link{metapred} or \code{subset(metapred)} object.
#' @param ... By default, the final model is selected. This parameter allows other arguments to be
#' passed to \link{subset.metapred} such that the performance estimates of other steps/models may be
#' returned.. 
#' @export
perf <- function(object, ...) 

#' @export
performance <- perf

#' @export
perf.metapred <- function(object, perfFUN = 1, ...) 
  perf(subset(object, ...), perfFUN = perfFUN, ...)

#' @export
perf.mp.cv.val <- function(object, perfFUN = 1, ...)

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