
Defines functions emomLM emomPM proposaleMOM MHTheta1emom postPhiemom postPhiemomApprox simPhiemom lbesselK myrmvnorm mgfInvGamma mgfInvChisq emomMargKuniv femomNeg fpemomNeg fppemomNeg emomIntegralApprox

Documented in emomLM emomPM

### emomLM.R

emomLM <- function(y, x, xadj, center=FALSE, scale=FALSE, niter=10^4, thinning=1, burnin=round(niter/10), priorCoef, priorDelta, priorVar, initSearch='greedy', verbose=TRUE) {

unknownPhi <- TRUE; phi <- 0
#if (missing(phi)) { unknownPhi <- TRUE } else { unknownPhi <- FALSE }
if (is.vector(y)) y <- matrix(y,ncol=1)
y <- scale(y,center=center,scale=scale)
if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
ct <- (colMeans(x^2)-colMeans(x)^2)==0; x[,!ct] <- scale(x[,!ct],center=center,scale=scale)
if (missing(xadj)) {
  xadj <- matrix(1,nrow=nrow(y),ncol=1)
} else {
  if (!is.matrix(xadj)) xadj <- as.matrix(xadj)
  ctadj <- (colMeans(xadj^2)-colMeans(xadj)^2)==0; xadj[,!ctadj] <- scale(xadj[,!ctadj],center=center,scale=scale)
  if (nrow(xadj)!=length(y)) stop('nrow(xadj) must be equal to length(y)')

#Set prior parameters
if (missing(priorCoef)) { priorCoef=new("msPriorSpec",priorType='coefficients',priorDistr='peMOM',priorPars=c(tau=0.048)) }
if (missing(priorDelta)) { priorDelta=new("msPriorSpec",priorType='modelIndicator',priorDistr='uniform',priorPars=double(0)) }
if (missing(priorVar)) { priorVar=new("msPriorSpec",priorType='nuisancePars',priorDistr='invgamma',priorPars=c(alpha=.01,lambda=.01)) }

if (priorCoef@priorDistr=='peMOM') {
  if (all(c('a.tau','b.tau') %in% names(priorCoef@priorPars))) {
    warning('peMOM prior with hyper-prior on tau not implemented. Hence a.tau and b.tau not used')
  } else {
    if ('tau' %in% names(priorCoef@priorPars)) {
      tau <- as.double(priorCoef@priorPars['tau'])
    } else {
      stop('tau must be specified for peMOM prior')
  if (is.na(priorCoef@priorPars['tau.adj'])) tau.adj <- as.double(10^6) else tau.adj <- priorCoef@priorPars['tau.adj']
} else {
  stop("When calling emomLM priorCoef@priorDistr must be equal to 'peMOM'")
alpha.phi <- as.double(priorVar@priorPars['alpha']); lambda.phi <- as.double(priorVar@priorPars['lambda']) 

if (priorDelta@priorDistr=='uniform') {
  modelPrior <- unifPrior
} else if (priorDelta@priorDistr=='binomial') {
  if (all(c('alpha.p','beta.p') %in% names(priorDelta@priorPars))) {
    modelPrior <- function(z, logscale) bbPrior(z, alpha=priorDelta@priorPars['alpha.p'], beta=priorDelta@priorPars['beta.p'], logscale=TRUE)
  } else if ('p' %in% names(priorDelta@priorPars)) {
    modelPrior <- function(z, logscale) binomPrior(z, prob=priorDelta@priorPars['p'], logscale=TRUE)

#Pre-compute useful quantities
n <- nrow(y); p1 <- ncol(x); p2 <- ncol(xadj)
XtX <- t(x) %*% x
S2 <- t(xadj) %*% xadj + diag(1/tau.adj,nrow=p2)
S2inv <- solve(S2)
cholS2inv <- chol(S2inv, pivot = TRUE)
cholS2inv <- cholS2inv[,order(attr(cholS2inv, "pivot"))]
postDelta <- postTheta1 <- matrix(NA,nrow=niter,ncol=p1)
postTheta2 <- matrix(NA,nrow=niter,ncol=p2)
postPhi <- double(niter)
if (initSearch=='none') {
  sel <- rep(FALSE,p1)
  postDelta[1,] <- sel
  postTheta1[1,] <- rep(0,p1)
} else if (initSearch=='SCAD') {
  cvscad <- cv.ncvreg(X=x,y=y,family="gaussian",penalty="SCAD",nfolds=10,dfmax=1000,max.iter=10^4)
  postTheta1[1,] <- ncvreg(X=x,y=y,penalty="SCAD",dfmax=1000,lambda=rep(cvscad$lambda[cvscad$cv],2))$beta[-1, 1]
  postDelta[1,] <- postTheta1[1,]!=0
} else if (initSearch=='greedy') {
  marginalFunction <- function(y, x, logscale=TRUE) { pemomMarginalUR(y, x=x, tau=tau, logscale=logscale) }
  postDelta[1,] <- greedymodelSelectionR(y=y,x=x,niter=10,marginalFunction=marginalFunction, priorFunction=modelPrior, verbose=FALSE)
  if (any(postDelta[1,])) {
    postTheta1[1,] <- as.vector(coef(lm(y ~ -1 + x[,postDelta[1,]])))
  } else {
    postTheta1[1,] <- rep(0,p1)
} else {
  stop("Value specified for initSearch is not implemented")
postTheta2[1,] <- S2inv %*% t(xadj) %*% y
linpred1 <- x %*% t(postTheta1[1,,drop=FALSE])
linpred2 <- xadj %*% t(postTheta2[1,,drop=FALSE])
e <- y-linpred2
postPhi[1] <- ifelse(unknownPhi, var(e), phi)
if (verbose) cat('Running MCMC')
for (i in 2:niter) {
  #Sample delta1, theta1
  curDelta <- postDelta[i-1,]; curTheta1 <- postTheta1[i-1,]
  for (j in 1:p1) {
    ej <- e+curTheta1[j]*x[,j]
    newval <- MHTheta1emom(ej,j=j,delta=curDelta,theta1=curTheta1,phi=postPhi[i-1],tau=tau,xj=x[,j],padj=p2,modelPrior=modelPrior)
    curDelta[j] <- newval$delta; curTheta1[j] <- newval$theta1
    if (newval$accept) e <- ej - curTheta1[j]*x[,j]   #Update residuals
  postDelta[i,] <- curDelta; postTheta1[i,] <- curTheta1
  #Sample theta2
  e <- e+linpred2
  postTheta2[i,] <- simTheta2(e=e, xadj=xadj, S2inv=S2inv, cholS2inv=cholS2inv, phi=postPhi[i-1])
  linpred2 <- xadj %*% t(postTheta2[i,,drop=FALSE])
  e <- e - linpred2
  #Sample phi
  postPhi[i] <- ifelse(unknownPhi, simPhiemom(phiCurrent=postPhi[i-1],alpha.phi=alpha.phi,lambda.phi=lambda.phi,n=n,delta=curDelta,p2=p2,theta1=curTheta1[curDelta],theta2=postTheta2[i,],tau=tau,tau.adj=tau.adj,ssr=sum(e^2)), phi)
  if (verbose & ((i %% (niter/10))==0)) cat('.')
if (verbose) cat('\n')

ans <- list(postModel=postDelta,postCoef1=postTheta1,postCoef2=postTheta2,postPhi=matrix(postPhi,ncol=1),postOther=NULL)
if (burnin>0) {
  ans$postModel <- ans$postModel[-1:-burnin,,drop=FALSE]
  ans$postCoef1 <- ans$postCoef1[-1:-burnin,,drop=FALSE]
  ans$postCoef2 <- ans$postCoef2[-1:-burnin,,drop=FALSE]
  ans$postPhi <- ans$postPhi[-1:-burnin,,drop=FALSE]
if (thinning>1) {
  sel <- seq(1,nrow(ans$postModel),by=thinning)
  ans$postModel <- ans$postModel[sel,,drop=FALSE]
  ans$postCoef1 <- ans$postCoef1[sel,,drop=FALSE]
  ans$postCoef2 <- ans$postCoef2[sel,,drop=FALSE]
  ans$postPhi <- ans$postPhi[sel,,drop=FALSE]
ans$margpp <- colMeans(ans$postModel)

emomPM <- function(y, x, xadj, niter=10^4, thinning=1, burnin=round(niter/10), priorCoef, priorDelta, initSearch='greedy', verbose=TRUE) {
if (is.character(y)) { y <- as.numeric(factor(y))-1 } else if (is.factor(y)) { y <- as.numeric(y)-1 }
if (length(unique(y))>2) stop('y has more than 2 levels')
if (missing(xadj)) xadj <- matrix(1,nrow=nrow(y),ncol=1)

#Set prior parameters
if (missing(priorCoef)) { priorCoef=new("msPriorSpec",priorType='coefficients',priorDistr='peMOM',priorPars=c(tau=0.048)) }
if (missing(priorDelta)) { priorDelta=new("msPriorSpec",priorType='modelIndicator',priorDistr='uniform',priorPars=double(0)) }
priorVar <- new("msPriorSpec",priorType='nuisancePars',priorDistr='invgamma',priorPars=c(alpha=.01,lambda=.01))

if (priorCoef@priorDistr=='peMOM') {
  if (all(c('a.tau','b.tau') %in% names(priorCoef@priorPars))) {
    warning('peMOM prior with hyper-prior on tau not implemented. Hence a.tau and b.tau not used')
  } else {
    if ('tau' %in% names(priorCoef@priorPars)) {
      tau <- as.double(priorCoef@priorPars['tau'])
    } else {
      stop('tau must be specified for peMOM prior')
  if (is.na(priorCoef@priorPars['tau.adj'])) tau.adj <- as.double(10^6) else tau.adj <- priorCoef@priorPars['tau.adj']
} else {
  stop("When calling emomLM priorCoef@priorDistr must be equal to 'peMOM'")
alpha.phi <- as.double(priorVar@priorPars['alpha']); lambda.phi <- as.double(priorVar@priorPars['lambda']) 

if (priorDelta@priorDistr=='uniform') {
  modelPrior <- unifPrior
} else if (priorDelta@priorDistr=='binomial') {
  if (all(c('alpha.p','beta.p') %in% names(priorDelta@priorPars))) {
    modelPrior <- function(z, logscale) bbPrior(z, alpha=priorDelta@priorPars['alpha.p'], beta=priorDelta@priorPars['beta.p'], logscale=TRUE)
  } else if ('p' %in% names(priorDelta@priorPars)) {
    modelPrior <- function(z, logscale) binomPrior(z, prob=priorDelta@priorPars['p'], logscale=TRUE)

#Pre-compute useful quantities
n <- length(y); p1 <- ncol(x); p2 <- ncol(xadj)
XtX <- t(x) %*% x
S2 <- t(xadj) %*% xadj + diag(1/tau.adj,nrow=p2)
S2inv <- solve(S2)
cholS2inv <- chol(S2inv, pivot = TRUE)
cholS2inv <- cholS2inv[,order(attr(cholS2inv, "pivot"))]
postDelta <- postTheta1 <- matrix(NA,nrow=niter,ncol=p1)
postTheta2 <- matrix(NA,nrow=niter,ncol=p2)
if (verbose) cat('Initializing...')
if (initSearch=='greedy') {
  sel <- greedyGLM(y=y,x=x,xadj=xadj,family=binomial(link='probit'),priorCoef=priorCoef,priorDelta=priorDelta,maxit=50)
  postDelta[1,] <- sel
  postTheta1[1,] <- rep(0,p1)
  if (sum(sel)>0) {
    glm1 <- glm(y ~ x[,sel] + xadj -1, family=binomial(link='probit'))
    postTheta1[1,sel] <- coef(glm1)[1:sum(sel)]
    postTheta2[1,] <- coef(glm1)[-1:-sum(sel)]
  } else {
    postTheta2[1,] <- coef(glm(y ~ xadj -1, family=binomial(link='probit')))
} else if (initSearch=='SCAD') {
  cvscad <- cv.ncvreg(X=x,y=y,family="binomial",penalty="SCAD",nfolds=10,dfmax=1000,max.iter=10^4)
  postTheta1[1,] <- ncvreg(X=x,y=y,penalty="SCAD",dfmax=1000,lambda=rep(cvscad$lambda[cvscad$cv],2))$beta[-1, 1]
  postDelta[1,] <- postTheta1[1,]!=0
  postTheta2[1,] <- coef(glm(factor(y) ~ -1 + xadj, family=binomial(link='probit')))
} else if (initSearch=='none') {
  sel <- rep(FALSE,p1)
  postDelta[1,] <- sel
  postTheta1[1,] <- rep(0,p1)
  postTheta2[1,] <- coef(glm(factor(y) ~ -1 + xadj, family=binomial(link='probit')))
} else {
  stop('The specified initSearch is not implemented')
if (verbose) cat('\n')
linpred1 <- x %*% t(postTheta1[1,,drop=FALSE])
linpred2 <- xadj %*% t(postTheta2[1,,drop=FALSE])

if (verbose) cat('Running MCMC')
for (i in 2:niter) {
  #Sample latent variables z
  linpred <- linpred1+linpred2; plinpred <- pnorm(-linpred)
  u <- ifelse(y,runif(n,plinpred,1),runif(n,0,plinpred))
  e <- qnorm(u)
  z <- linpred + e
  #Sample delta1, theta1
  curDelta <- postDelta[i-1,]; curTheta1 <- postTheta1[i-1,]
  for (j in 1:p1) {
    ej <- e+curTheta1[j]*x[,j]
    newval <- MHTheta1emom(ej,j=j,delta=curDelta,theta1=curTheta1,phi=1,tau=tau,xj=x[,j],padj=p2,modelPrior=modelPrior)
    curDelta[j] <- newval$delta; curTheta1[j] <- newval$theta1
    if (newval$accept) e <- ej - curTheta1[j]*x[,j]   #Update residuals
  postDelta[i,] <- curDelta; postTheta1[i,] <- curTheta1
  linpred1 <- x %*% matrix(curTheta1,ncol=1)
  #Sample theta2
  e <- e+linpred2
  postTheta2[i,] <- simTheta2(e=e, xadj=xadj, S2inv=S2inv, cholS2inv=cholS2inv, phi=1)
  linpred2 <- xadj %*% t(postTheta2[i,,drop=FALSE])
  #e <- e - linpred2
  if (verbose & ((i %% (niter/10))==0)) cat('.')
if (verbose) cat('\n')

ans <- list(postModel=postDelta,postCoef1=postTheta1,postCoef2=postTheta2,postOther=NULL)
if (burnin>0) {
  ans$postModel <- ans$postModel[-1:-burnin,,drop=FALSE]
  ans$postCoef1 <- ans$postCoef1[-1:-burnin,,drop=FALSE]
  ans$postCoef2 <- ans$postCoef2[-1:-burnin,,drop=FALSE]
if (thinning>1) {
  sel <- seq(1,nrow(ans$postModel),by=thinning)
  ans$postModel <- ans$postModel[sel,,drop=FALSE]
  ans$postCoef1 <- ans$postCoef1[sel,,drop=FALSE]
  ans$postCoef2 <- ans$postCoef2[sel,,drop=FALSE]
ans$margpp <- colMeans(ans$postModel)

## eMOM MCMC scheme routines

proposaleMOM <- function(m,S,phi,tau,e,xj,m1,nu) {
#Approximate univariate eMOM posterior with a 2 component T mixture with nu df
# Posterior: N(e; xj*theta; phi*I) * emom(theta; phi, tau) / m1
# Mixture: w1 * T_nu(theta;mu1,sigma21) + (1-w1) * T_nu(theta;mu2,sigma22)  (sigma21, sigma22 denote variances)
# - m,S: posterior parameters
# - phi: residual variance
# - tau: prior dispersion parameter
# - e: response variable
# - xj: predictor
# - m1: normalization constant
# - nu: desired degrees of freedom
# Output: named vector with parameters of approximating mixture
  mu <- polyroot(c(-2*phi^2*tau/S,0,0,-m,1))  #Posterior mode
  mu <- Re(mu[abs(Im(mu))< 1e-7])
  fmode <- exp(sum(dnorm(e, mu[2]*xj, sd=sqrt(phi), log=TRUE)) + demom(mu[2], tau=tau, phi=phi, logscale=TRUE) - m1) #Value at mode
  sigma2 <- 1/diag(fppemomNeg(mu,m=m,S=S,phi=phi,tau=tau)) #Proposal variances
  #w1 <- max(0,(fmode - 1/sqrt(2*pi*sigma2[2]))/(dnorm(mu[2],mu[1],sd=sqrt(sigma2[1])) - 1/sqrt(2*pi*sigma2[2]))) #Weight
  ct2 <- exp(lgamma(.5*nu+.5) - .5*log(nu) - lgamma(.5*nu) - .5*log(pi*sigma2[2]))
  w1 <- max(0,(fmode - ct2)/(dnorm(mu[2],mu[1],sd=sqrt(sigma2[1])) - ct2)) #Weight
  ans <- c(mu,sigma2,w1)
  names(ans) <- c('mu1','mu2','sigma21','sigma22','w1')

MHTheta1emom <- function(e,j,delta,theta1,phi,tau,xj,padj,modelPrior) {
  #MH step to simulate (delta[j], theta1[j]) from its posterior given the data, delta[-j], theta1[-j], theta2 and phi parameters
  # Input
  # - e: partial residuals, i.e. y - predicted y given all covariates except covariate j
  # - j: index of the element in delta and theta1 to update
  # - delta: current value for delta
  # - theta1: current value for theta1
  # - phi: current value for phi
  # - tau: current value for tau
  # - xj: vector containing the column of the design matrix associated with theta1[j]
  # - modelPrior: function to compute the model log-prior probability
  # Ouput: list with the following elements
  # - delta: new value for delta[j] (can be the same as input value if proposal not accepted)
  # - theta1: new value for theta1[j]
  # - accept: logical variable indicated whether proposed new value has been accepted or not
  pcur <- sum(delta)
  m1 <- emomMargKuniv(y=e, x=xj, phi=phi, tau=tau, logscale=TRUE)
  logbf <- sum(dnorm(e,0,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE)) - m1
  delta0 <- delta1 <- delta; delta0[j] <- FALSE; delta1[j] <- TRUE
  logpratio01 <- modelPrior(delta0) - modelPrior(delta1)
  if ((delta[j]==0) & ((pcur+padj) >= length(e))) {
      p <- 0
  } else {
      p <- 1/(1 + exp(logbf+logpratio01))
  deltaProp <- rbinom(n=1,size=1,prob=p)
  nu <- sqrt(ifelse(is.matrix(e),nrow(e),length(e)))
  #Acceptance prob
  if ((!delta[j]) & (deltaProp==0)) {
    thetaProp <- 0
    lambda <- 1
  } else {
    S <- sum(xj^2) + 1/tau; m <- sum(xj*e)/S
    propPars <- proposaleMOM(m=m,S=S,phi=phi,tau=tau,e=e,xj=xj,m1=m1,nu=nu)
    thetaProp <- rTmix2comp(pars=propPars, df=nu)
    #thetaProp <- ifelse(runif(1)<propPars['w1'], propPars['mu1']+rmvt(n=1,sigma=matrix(propPars['sigma21'],nrow=1),df=nu), propPars['mu2']+rmvt(n=1,sigma=matrix(propPars['sigma22'],nrow=1),df=nu))
    if (delta[j] & (deltaProp==1)) {
      lhood <- sum(dnorm(e,thetaProp*xj,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE)) - sum(dnorm(e,theta1[j]*xj,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE))
      lprior <- demom(thetaProp,tau=tau,phi=phi,logscale=TRUE) - demom(theta1[j],tau=tau,phi=phi,logscale=TRUE)
      lprop <- dTmix2comp(theta1[j],pars=propPars,df=nu,logscale=TRUE) - dTmix2comp(thetaProp,pars=propPars,df=nu,logscale=TRUE)
      lambda <- exp(lhood + lprior + lprop)
    } else if ((!delta[j]) & (deltaProp==1)) {
      num <- sum(dnorm(e,thetaProp*xj,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE)) + demom(thetaProp,tau=tau,phi=phi,logscale=TRUE)
      den <- dTmix2comp(thetaProp,pars=propPars,df=nu,logscale=TRUE) + m1
      lambda <- exp(num-den)
    } else if ((delta[j]) & (deltaProp==0)) {
      thetaProp <- 0
      num <- dTmix2comp(theta1[j],pars=propPars,df=nu,logscale=TRUE) + m1
      den <- sum(dnorm(e,theta1[j]*xj,sd=sqrt(phi),log=TRUE)) + demom(theta1[j],tau=tau,phi=phi,logscale=TRUE)
      lambda <- exp(num-den)
  if (runif(1)<lambda) {
    ans <- list(delta=(deltaProp==1), theta1=thetaProp, accept=TRUE)
  } else {
    ans <- list(delta=delta[j], theta1=theta1[j], accept=FALSE)

## eMOM MCMC routines
postPhiemom <- function(phi, a, l, t, logscale=TRUE) {
  #Posterior density for variance phi given all other parameters under an emom prior
  # i.e. exp(t*phi) IG(phi;a/2,l/2) / normk, where normk is the normalization constant
  normk <- mgfInvGamma(t,a/2,l/2,logscale=TRUE)
  ans <- phi*t + dinvgamma(phi,a/2,scale=l/2,log=TRUE) - normk
  if (!logscale) ans <- exp(ans)

postPhiemomApprox <- function(a,l,t) {
  #Find IG approximating post distrib of phi (residual variance) under an eMOM prior, conditional on (theta,delta)
  #Returns shape and scale parameter of approximating IG.
  if (a<=2) {
    shape <- a/2; scale <- l/2
  } else {
    k <- mgfInvGamma(t,a/2,l/2,logscale=TRUE)
    m <- exp(mgfInvGamma(t,a/2-1,l/2,logscale=TRUE) - k + log(.5*l) - log(a/2-1))
    if (a<=4) {
      shape <- a/2
    } else {
      m2 <- exp(mgfInvGamma(t,a/2-2,l/2,logscale=TRUE) - k + 2*log(.5*l) - log(a/2-1) - log(a/2-2))
      shape <- m^2/(m2-m^2)+2
    scale <- (shape-1)*m
  ans <- c(shape,scale); names(ans) <- c('shape','scale')

simPhiemom <- function(phiCurrent, alpha.phi, lambda.phi, n, delta, p2, theta1, theta2, tau, tau.adj, ssr) {
 #MH step to draw from posterior of the variance given all other parameters under a pmom prior
 # - phiCurrent: current value for phi
 # - other params which define the posterior
  a <- alpha.phi + n + sum(delta) + p2
  l <- lambda.phi + sum(theta1^2)/tau + sum(theta2^2)/tau.adj + ssr
  if (length(theta1)>0) {
    t <- -tau*sum(1/theta1^2)
    approxpar <- postPhiemomApprox(a=a,l=l,t=t)
    phiProp <- 1/rgamma(1,shape=approxpar['shape'],rate=approxpar['scale'])
    accprob <- exp(postPhiemom(phiProp,a=a,l=l,t=t,logscale=TRUE) - postPhiemom(phiCurrent,a=a,l=l,t=t,logscale=TRUE) + dinvgamma(phiCurrent,shape=approxpar['shape'],scale=approxpar['scale'],log=TRUE) - dinvgamma(phiProp,shape=approxpar['shape'],scale=approxpar['scale'],log=TRUE))
    if (runif(1)< accprob) phiCurrent <- phiProp
  } else {
    phiCurrent <- 1/rgamma(1,shape=a,rate=l)

### Other eMOM routines
lbesselK <- function(x, nu) log(besselK(x,nu=nu,expon.scaled=TRUE)) - x

myrmvnorm <- function(n, mean=rep(0,nrow(V)), V=diag(length(mean)), scale) {
#Same as regular rmvnorm except that it allows for a vector variance scaling parameter
# i.e. generates n draws: N(mean,scale[1]*V),...,N(mean,scale[n]*V)
  if (!(length(scale) %in% c(1,n))) stop("scale should be either of length 1 or n")
  p <- length(mean)
  cholV <- t(chol(V))
  z <- t(cholV %*% matrix(rnorm(n*p,0,1),nrow=p,ncol=n))
  t(as.vector(mean) + t(z * sqrt(scale)))

mgfInvGamma <- function(t, a, l, logscale=TRUE) {
  #MGF of IG(a,l) evaluated at t
  ans <- log(2) + (a/2)*log(-t*l) - lgamma(a) + lbesselK(sqrt(-4*t*l), nu=a)
  if (!logscale) ans <- exp(ans)

mgfInvChisq <- function(t, df, ncp) {
#MGF of inverse chi-square with df degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter ncp evaluated at t
  minnu <- 0; nuseq <- minnu:(minnu+100)
  sumseq <- exp(dpois(nuseq,ncp/2,log=TRUE) + log(besselK(sqrt(-2*t),nuseq+.5*df,expon.scaled=TRUE)) - sqrt(-2*t)  + .5*nuseq*(log(-t)-log(2)) - lgamma(nuseq+.5*df))
  ct <- log(-t)*df/4 + (1-df/4)*log(2)
  s <- sum(sumseq[sumseq!= Inf])
  while ((sumseq[length(sumseq)]> .0001*s) & !any(sumseq==Inf)) {
    minnu <- minnu+100
    nuseq <- (minnu+1):(minnu+100)
    sumseq <- exp(dpois(nuseq,ncp/2,log=TRUE) + log(besselK(sqrt(-2*t),nuseq+.5*df,expon.scaled=TRUE)) - sqrt(-2*t)  - .5*nuseq*(log(-t)-log(2)) - lgamma(nuseq+.5*df))
    s <- s+sum(sumseq[sumseq!=Inf])
  ans <- s*exp(ct)

emomMargKuniv <- function(y,x,phi,tau=1,logscale=TRUE) {
#Univariate marginal density under an emom prior (known variance case)
# integral N(y; x*theta, phi*I) * exp(-tau*phi/theta^2) * N(theta; 0; tau*phi) * exp(sqrt(2)) d theta
# - y: response variable (must be a vector)
# - x: design matrix (must be a vector)
# - phi: residual variance
# - tau: prior variance parameter (defaults to length(y))
# - logscale: if set to TRUE the log of the integral is returned
  n <- length(y)
  if (n != length(y)) stop("Dimensions of x and y don't match")
  if (missing(tau)) tau <- n
  s <- sum(x^2) + 1/tau
  m <- sum(x*y)/s
  I <- log(mgfInvChisq(t=-tau*s, df=1, ncp=m^2*s/phi))
  if (is.infinite(I)) {
    f <- function(th, m, s) { exp(-1/th^2) * dnorm(th,m,sd=sqrt(1/s)) }
    I <- log(integrate(f, -Inf, Inf, m=m, s=s)$value)
  ans <- I -.5*(sum(y^2) - s*m^2)/phi + sqrt(2) - .5*n*log(2*pi*phi) - .5*(log(s)+log(tau))
  if (!logscale) ans <- exp(ans)

femomNeg <- function(th, m, S, phi, tau, logscale=TRUE) .5*mahalanobis(th, center=m, cov=S, inverted=TRUE)/phi + tau*phi*sum(1/th^2)
fpemomNeg <- function(th, m, S, phi, tau) S %*% matrix(th-m, ncol=1)/phi - 2*tau*phi/th^3
fppemomNeg <- function(th, m, S, phi, tau) S/phi + 6*tau*phi*diag(1/th^4,nrow=length(th))
emomIntegralApprox <- function(m, S, phi, tau, logscale=TRUE) {
  #Laplace approx to integral N(th; m, phi*solve(S)) prod(exp(-tau*phi/th^2)) wrt th
  opt <- nlminb(m, objective=femomNeg, gradient=fpemomNeg, m=m, S=S, phi=phi, tau=tau)$par
  fopt <- -femomNeg(opt,m=m,S=S,phi=phi,tau=tau)
  hess <- fppemomNeg(opt,m=m,S=S,phi=phi,tau=tau)
  #ans <- exp(fopt) * sqrt(det(S))/(sqrt(det(hess)) * phi^(length(m)/2))
  ans <- fopt + .5*log(det(S)) - .5*log(det(hess)) - .5*length(m)*log(phi)
  if (!logscale) ans <- exp(ans)

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mombf documentation built on Dec. 6, 2019, 3:01 a.m.