
Defines functions PlotTwoFun

PlotTwoFun <- 
function(tempListOne,xColumn = "msmsQuantile.50.",yColumn= "score.50.",xlab = xColumn,ylab = yColumn,legPos = "bottomright", plotpoints = T, axesplot = T, logPlot = "n",leg = T,shiftPlot = F,ShiftVal = c(0.14,0.1),Machines = Machines,UniMachine = UniMachine,lwdjpg = 1,PDF = T,... ){
  a <- as.numeric(unlist(tempListOne[xColumn]))
  b <- as.numeric( unlist(tempListOne[yColumn]))
  if(logPlot == "y"){
    b <- log10(b)
    ylab <- paste("log10",ylab)
  if(logPlot == "x"){
    a <- log10(a)
    xlab <- paste("log10",xlab)
  if(logPlot == "xy"| logPlot == "yx"){
    a <- log10(a)
    b <- log10(b)
    xlab <- paste("log10",xlab)
    ylab <- paste("log10",ylab)
  ai <- a
  bi <- b
  Exclude <- is.na(a)|is.na(b)|a == 0|b == 0
  yrange <- range(quantile(b[!Exclude],probs = c(0,0.99)),na.rm = T)
  xrange <- range(quantile(a[!Exclude],probs = c(0,0.99)),na.rm = T)
  pranx <- pretty(xrange)
  prany <- pretty(yrange)
    shifty <- abs(diff(yrange))/(1-ShiftVal[1])
    #if(yrange[1]>= 0& yrange[2]> 0){ shifty <- abs(yrange[2])/(1-ShiftVal)}
    #if(yrange[1]< 0& yrange[2]<= 0){ shifty <- abs(yrange[1])/(1-ShiftVal)}
    yline <- yrange[1]
    yrange[1] <- yrange[2]-abs(shifty)
    axesplot <- F
    shiftx <- abs(diff(xrange))/(1-ShiftVal[2])
    xline <- xrange[1]
    #if(xrange[1]>= 0& xrange[2]>  0){ shiftx <- abs(xrange[2])/(1-ShiftVal)}
    #if(xrange[1]<  0& xrange[2]<= 0){ shiftx <- abs(xrange[1])/(1-ShiftVal)}
    xrange[1] <- xrange[2]-abs(shiftx)
    axesplot <- F
  plot(a[! Exclude],b[!Exclude],pch = 20,type = "n", xlab = xlab,ylab = ylab,frame = F,mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0),axes = axesplot,ylim = yrange,xlim=xrange,xpd = NA)
    axis(1,at = pranx[pranx > xline],mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0))
    axis(2,at = prany[prany > yline],mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0))
    lines( c(xline,xrange[2]*2),rep(yline,2),col = 1)
    lines( rep(xline,2),c(yline,yrange[2]*2),col = 1)
    abline(v = pranx[pranx > xline],col = "grey",lwd = 0.5,lty = "dotted")
    abline(h = prany[prany > yline],col = "grey",lwd = 0.5,lty = "dotted")
  rainbowCol <- rainbow(length(unique(UniMachine)),alpha = 0.2,v = 0.8) 
  rainbowColFull <- rainbow(length(unique(UniMachine)),alpha = 1,v = 0.8) 
  List <- list()
  Listcurrent <- list()
  xPoints <- c()
  yPoints <- c()
  colPoints <- c()
  UniMachines <- unique(UniMachine)
  UniMachines <- UniMachines[merge.control(UniMachines,Machines)]
  UniMachines  <- UniMachines[!is.na(UniMachines)]
  if(length(UniMachines) == 0){  UniMachines <- unique(UniMachine)}
  for(Mac in 1:length(UniMachines) ){
    tempListOneMac <- tempListOne[UniMachine == UniMachines[Mac],]
    Sel <- tempListOneMac$System.Time.s == max(tempListOneMac$System.Time.s)
    a <- tempListOneMac[xColumn]
    b <- tempListOneMac[yColumn]
    a <- as.numeric(unlist(a))
    b <- as.numeric(unlist(b))
    if(logPlot == "y"){
      b <- log10(b)
    if(logPlot == "x"){
      a <- log10(a)
    if(logPlot == "xy"| logPlot == "yx"){
      a <- log10(a)
      b <- log10(b)
    Exclude <- is.na(a)|is.na(b)|a == 0|b == 0
      #points(a[! Exclude],b[!Exclude],pch = 21,bg = rainbowCol[Mac],col = "transparent")
    # a <<- a
    # b <<- b
    # Exclude <<- Exclude
    error <- try(temp <- lowess(a[! Exclude],b[! Exclude]),silent = T)
    if(class(error) == "try-error"){temp <- list(x = 0,y = 0)}else{
      # testing slope detection
      testfun <- temp
      testfun$x <- testfun$x/max(testfun$x)
      testfun$y <- testfun$y/max(testfun$y)
      mFU <- sapply(1:length(temp$x),function(x){
      mFUsat  <- temp$x[mFU > -0.1 & mFU< 0.1]
      mFUsat <- quantile(mFUsat,na.rm = T,probs = c(0.1,0.9))
      yl <- temp$y[abs(temp$x-mFUsat[1]) == min(abs(temp$x-mFUsat[1]),na.rm = T)]
      # text(mFUsat[1],yl[1], ">",cex = 2,col = 1,xpd = NA)
    TempSel <- tempListOneMac$SourceTime[!Exclude]
    TempSel  <- TempSel == max(TempSel,na.rm = T)
    TempSel[is.na(TempSel)] <- F
    Listcurrent[[Mac]] <- list(x = a[! Exclude][TempSel], y = b[! Exclude][TempSel])
    try(List[[Mac]] <- temp)
    xPoints <- c(xPoints,a[!Exclude])
    yPoints <- c(yPoints,b[! Exclude])
    colPoints <- c(colPoints,rep(rainbowCol[Mac],length(b[! Exclude])))
    #points(,type = "l",col = rainbowColFull[Mac],lwd = 3,lty = Mac)
    #points(Estimate <- lowess(b[! Exclude]~a[! Exclude]),type = "l",col = rainbowColFull[Mac],lwd = 3,lty = Mac)
  SampleVec <- sample(1:length(xPoints))
  points(xPoints[SampleVec], yPoints[SampleVec],pch = 21,bg = colPoints[SampleVec],col = "transparent")
  # List <<- List
  ittemp <<- 1
    temp <- rainbowColFull[ittemp]
    temp <<- temp
    temp <- paste(substr(temp ,1,7),"60",sep = "")
    points(x$x,x$y,type = "l",col = "#FFFFFF80",lwd = 4* lwdjpg)
    points(x$x,x$y,type = "l",col =temp ,lwd = 3.3* lwdjpg,lty = 1)	
    points(x$x,x$y,type = "l",col = rainbowColFull[ittemp],lwd = 3* lwdjpg,lty = ittemp)
    ittemp <<- ittemp+1 
  ittemp <<- 1
    Sel[is.na(Sel)] <- F
    points(x$x,x$y,bg = "white",col = "white",pch = 23,cex = 1.85,lwd = 0.5)
    points(x$x,x$y,col = rainbowColFull[ittemp],pch = ittemp,cex = 1,lwd = 1.5)
    #points(x$x[Sel],x$y[Sel],bg = rainbowColFull[ittemp],col = rainbowCol[Mac],pch = 21)
    ittemp <<- ittemp+1 
    legend(legPos,legend = UniMachines, col = rainbowColFull,lty = 1:Mac,lwd = 1.5*lwdjpg,border = "transparent",box.col = "transparent",bg = "#FFFFFF80",pch =1 : Mac ,pt.cex = 1)
  UM <- UniMachine[!Exclude]
    # density plot x
    shifti <- ShiftVal[1]#abs(yrange[1])/sum(abs(yrange))
    par(new = T)
    inputShift <<- ai[!Exclude]
    tempListOne <<- tempListOne
    #try(DensVec <<- density(hua <-inputShift,na.rm = T))
    #DensVec$y <- DensVec$y/max(DensVec$y)*shifti
    xir <<- xrange
    try(plot(1,col = "#44444460",xlab = "",ylab = "",main = "",axes = F,xlim =  xrange,ylim = c(0,1),type = "n"),silent = T)
    for(m in UniMachines){
      hm <- try(dm <- density(hua <-inputShift[UM == m],na.rm = T),silent = T)
      if(class(hm) != "try-error"){
      dm$y <- dm$y/max(dm$y)*shifti*0.8
      Col <- rainbowColFull[UniMachines == m]
      Col <- gsub("FF$","FF",Col)
      dm$y[dm$x < xline] <- NA
      try(points(dm,col = Col,type = "l",lty = (1:Mac)[UniMachines == m],lwd = 2))
      axis(4,at = c(0,shifti*0.8),labels = c("",""),col = "grey")
      mtext("     density",4,adj = 0,line = 0.1,cex = 0.4,las = 0,col = "grey")
      #mtext("   density",4,adj = 0,line = 0,cex = 2.5,las = 0,col = "grey")
    #axis(2,mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0))
    hu <- axTicks(1)
    time <- as.POSIXct(hu,origin = "1970-01-01",tz = "GMT")
    time <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(time)," "),function(x){x[1]})
    #axis(1,hu,labels =time,mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0))
    # density plot y
    shifti <- ShiftVal[2]#abs(xrange[1])/sum(abs(xrange))
    par(new = T)
    inputShift <- bi[!Exclude]
    #try(DensVec <- density(hua <-inputShift,na.rm = T))
    #DensVec$y <- DensVec$y/max(DensVec$y)*shifti
    try(plot(1,col = "#44444460",xlab = "",ylab = "",main = "",axes = F,ylim =  yrange,xlim = c(0,1),type = "n"),silent = T)
    for(m in UniMachines){
      hm <- try(dm <- density(hua <-inputShift[UM == m],na.rm = T),silent = T)
      if(class(hm) != "try-error"){
      dm$y <- dm$y/max(dm$y)*shifti*0.8
      Col <- rainbowColFull[UniMachines == m]
      Col <- gsub("FF$","FF",Col)
      dm$y[dm$x < yline] <- NA
      try(points(dm$y,dm$x,col = Col,type = "l",lty = (1:Mac)[UniMachines == m],lwd = 2),silent = T)
    axis(3,at = c(0,shifti*0.8),labels = c("",""),col = "grey")
      mtext("       density",3,adj = 0,line = 0.1,cex = 0.4,las = 0,col = "grey")
      #mtext("   density",4,adj = 0,line = 0,cex = 2.5,las = 0,col = "grey")
    #axis(2,mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0))
    hu <- axTicks(1)
    time <- as.POSIXct(hu,origin = "1970-01-01",tz = "GMT")
    time <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(time)," "),function(x){x[1]})
    #axis(1,hu,labels =time,mgp = c(1.5,0.5,0))
  return(list(Mac = UniMachines,col = rainbowColFull,lty = 1:Mac,lwd = 1.5*lwdjpg,pch =1 : Mac))
# UniMachine  <- grepRE(as.character(tempListOne$Name),RESettings$REmac)

# try(PlotTwoFun(tempListOne = tempListOne,"MSID.min","Coverage","Isotopic Patterns [1/min]","Coverage [%]", logPlot = "",leg = F,shiftPlot = T,UniMachine = UniMachine, Machines = Machines,lwdjpg = 1,PDF =T),silent = F)

# try(ECquan <- CompareComplexStdFromTable(tempListOne = collectList[BSA,],RESettings = RESettings,finalMQQC = finalMQQC, PDFname = "ComplexStandardComparison.pdf", TargetVec = StandardIDs[2],PDF = T, Machines = Machines,StandardIDs = StandardIDs,pdfShow = T),silent = F)

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