
Defines functions deltamethod MatrixExp is.qmatrix dtnorm ptnorm qtnorm dmenorm pmenorm qmenorm rmenorm dmeunif pmeunif qmeunif rmeunif ppexp rpexp qgeneric glogit dglogit gexpit dgexpit

Documented in deltamethod dmenorm dmeunif dtnorm MatrixExp pmenorm pmeunif ppexp ptnorm qgeneric qmenorm qmeunif qtnorm rmenorm rmeunif rpexp

### msm PACKAGE

### Delta method for approximating the covariance matrix of f(X) given cov(X)

deltamethod <- function(g,       # a formula or list of formulae (functions) giving the transformation g(x) in terms of x1, x2,  etc
                        mean,    # mean, or maximum likelihood estimate, of x
                        cov,     # covariance matrix of x
                        ses=TRUE # return standard errors, else return covariance matrix
      ## Var (G(x))  =  G'(mu) Var(X) G'(mu)^T
      cov <- as.matrix(cov)
      n <- length(mean)
      if (!is.list(g))
        g <- list(g)
      if ( (dim(cov)[1] != n) || (dim(cov)[2] != n) )
        stop(paste("Covariances should be a ", n, " by ", n, " matrix"))
      syms <- paste("x",1:n,sep="")
      for (i in 1:n)
        assign(syms[i], mean[i])
      gdashmu <- t(sapply(g,
                          function( form ) {
                                                   ## Differentiate each formula in the list
                                                   deriv(form, syms)
                                                   ## evaluate the results at the mean
                                                   ), "gradient"))
                              ## and build the results row by row into a Jacobian matrix
      new.covar <- gdashmu %*% cov %*% t(gdashmu)
      if (ses){
          new.se <- sqrt(diag(new.covar))

### Matrix exponential
### If a vector of multipliers t is supplied then a list of matrices is returned.

MatrixExp <- function(mat, t = 1, method=NULL,...){
    if (!is.matrix(mat) || (nrow(mat)!= ncol(mat)))
        stop("\"mat\" must be a square matrix")
    qmodel <- if (is.qmatrix(mat) && !is.null(method) && method=="analytic") msm.form.qmodel(mat) else list(iso=0, perm=0, qperm=0)
    if (!is.null(method) && method=="analytic") {
        if (!is.qmatrix(mat))
            warning("Analytic method not available since matrix is not a Markov model intensity matrix. Using \"pade\".")
        else if (qmodel$iso==0) warning("Analytic method not available for this Markov model structure. Using \"pade\".")

    if (length(t) > 1) res <- array(dim=c(dim(mat), length(t)))
    for (i in seq(along=t)) {
        if (is.null(method) || !(method %in% c("pade","series","analytic"))) {
            if (is.null(method)) method <- eval(formals(expm::expm)$method)
            resi <- expm::expm(t[i]*mat, method=method, ...)
        } else {
            ccall <- .C("MatrixExpR", as.double(mat), as.integer(nrow(mat)), res=double(length(mat)), as.double(t[i]),
                        as.integer(match(method, c("pade","series"))), # must match macro constants in pijt.c
                        as.integer(qmodel$iso), as.integer(qmodel$perm), as.integer(qmodel$qperm),
                        as.integer(0), NAOK=TRUE)
            resi <- matrix(ccall$res, nrow=nrow(mat))
        if (length(t)==1) res <- resi
        else res[,,i] <- resi

## Tests for a valid continuous-time Markov model transition intensity matrix

is.qmatrix <- function(Q) {
    Q2 <- Q; diag(Q2) <- 0
    isTRUE(all.equal(-diag(Q), rowSums(Q2))) && isTRUE(all(diag(Q)<=0)) && isTRUE(all(Q2>=0))

### Truncated normal distribution

dtnorm <- function(x, mean=0, sd=1, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, log=FALSE)
      ret <- numeric(length(x))
      ret[x < lower | x > upper] <- if (log) -Inf else 0
      ret[upper < lower] <- NaN
      ind <- x >=lower & x <=upper
      if (any(ind)) {
          denom <- pnorm(upper, mean, sd) - pnorm(lower, mean, sd)
          xtmp <- dnorm(x, mean, sd, log)
          if (log) xtmp <- xtmp - log(denom) else xtmp <- xtmp/denom
          ret[x >=lower & x <=upper] <- xtmp[ind]

ptnorm <- function(q, mean=0, sd=1, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
      ret <- numeric(length(q))
      if (lower.tail) {
          ret[q < lower] <- 0
          ret[q > upper] <- 1
      else {
          ret[q < lower] <- 1
          ret[q > upper] <- 0
      ret[upper < lower] <- NaN
      ind <- q >=lower & q <=upper
      if (any(ind)) {
          denom <- pnorm(upper, mean, sd) - pnorm(lower, mean, sd)
          if (lower.tail) qtmp <- pnorm(q, mean, sd) - pnorm(lower, mean, sd)
          else qtmp <- pnorm(upper, mean, sd) - pnorm(q, mean, sd)
          if (log.p) qtmp <- log(qtmp) - log(denom) else qtmp <- qtmp/denom
          ret[q >=lower & q <=upper] <- qtmp[ind]

qtnorm <- function(p, mean=0, sd=1, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
    qgeneric(ptnorm, p=p, mean=mean, sd=sd, lower=lower, upper=upper, lbound=lower, ubound=upper, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

## Rejection sampling algorithm by Robert (Stat. Comp (1995), 5, 121-5)
## for simulating from the truncated normal distribution.

rtnorm <- function (n, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf) {
    if (length(n) > 1)
        n <- length(n)
    mean <- rep(mean, length=n)
    sd <- rep(sd, length=n)
    lower <- rep(lower, length=n)
    upper <- rep(upper, length=n)
    lower <- (lower - mean) / sd ## Algorithm works on mean 0, sd 1 scale
    upper <- (upper - mean) / sd
    ind <- seq(length=n)
    ret <- numeric(n)
    ## Different algorithms depending on where upper/lower limits lie.
    alg <- ifelse(
                  lower > upper,
                  -1,# return NaN if lower > upper
                         ((lower < 0 & upper == Inf) |
                          (lower == -Inf & upper > 0) |
                          (is.finite(lower) & is.finite(upper) & (lower < 0) & (upper > 0) & (upper-lower > sqrt(2*pi)))
                         0, # standard "simulate from normal and reject if outside limits" method. Use if bounds are wide.
                                (lower >= 0 & (upper > lower + 2*sqrt(exp(1)) /
                                 (lower + sqrt(lower^2 + 4)) * exp((lower*2 - lower*sqrt(lower^2 + 4)) / 4))),
                                1, # rejection sampling with exponential proposal. Use if lower >> mean
                                ifelse(upper <= 0 & (-lower > -upper + 2*sqrt(exp(1)) /
                                       (-upper + sqrt(upper^2 + 4)) * exp((upper*2 - -upper*sqrt(upper^2 + 4)) / 4)),
                                       2, # rejection sampling with exponential proposal. Use if upper << mean.
                                       3)))) # rejection sampling with uniform proposal. Use if bounds are narrow and central.

    ind.nan <- ind[alg==-1]; ind.no <- ind[alg==0]; ind.expl <- ind[alg==1]; ind.expu <- ind[alg==2]; ind.u <- ind[alg==3]
    ret[ind.nan] <- NaN
    while (length(ind.no) > 0) {
        y <- rnorm(length(ind.no))
        done <- which(y >= lower[ind.no] & y <= upper[ind.no])
        ret[ind.no[done]] <- y[done]
        ind.no <- setdiff(ind.no, ind.no[done])
    stopifnot(length(ind.no) == 0)
    while (length(ind.expl) > 0) {
        a <- (lower[ind.expl] + sqrt(lower[ind.expl]^2 + 4)) / 2
        z <- rexp(length(ind.expl), a) + lower[ind.expl]
        u <- runif(length(ind.expl))
        done <- which((u <= exp(-(z - a)^2 / 2)) & (z <= upper[ind.expl]))
        ret[ind.expl[done]] <- z[done]
        ind.expl <- setdiff(ind.expl, ind.expl[done])
    stopifnot(length(ind.expl) == 0)
    while (length(ind.expu) > 0) {
        a <- (-upper[ind.expu] + sqrt(upper[ind.expu]^2 +4)) / 2
        z <- rexp(length(ind.expu), a) - upper[ind.expu]
        u <- runif(length(ind.expu))
        done <- which((u <= exp(-(z - a)^2 / 2)) & (z <= -lower[ind.expu]))
        ret[ind.expu[done]] <- -z[done]
        ind.expu <- setdiff(ind.expu, ind.expu[done])
    stopifnot(length(ind.expu) == 0)
    while (length(ind.u) > 0) {
        z <- runif(length(ind.u), lower[ind.u], upper[ind.u])
        rho <- ifelse(lower[ind.u] > 0,
                      exp((lower[ind.u]^2 - z^2) / 2), ifelse(upper[ind.u] < 0,
                                                            exp((upper[ind.u]^2 - z^2) / 2),
        u <- runif(length(ind.u))
        done <- which(u <= rho)
        ret[ind.u[done]] <- z[done]
        ind.u <- setdiff(ind.u, ind.u[done])
    stopifnot(length(ind.u) == 0)
    ret*sd + mean

### Normal distribution with measurement error and optional truncation

dmenorm <- function(x, mean=0, sd=1, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, sderr=0, meanerr=0, log = FALSE)
    sumsq <- sd*sd + sderr*sderr
    sigtmp <- sd*sderr / sqrt(sumsq)
    mutmp <- ((x - meanerr)*sd*sd + mean*sderr*sderr) / sumsq
    nc <- 1/(pnorm(upper, mean, sd) - pnorm(lower, mean, sd))
    nctmp <- pnorm(upper, mutmp, sigtmp) - pnorm(lower, mutmp, sigtmp)
    if (log)
      log(nc) + log(nctmp) + log(dnorm(x, meanerr + mean, sqrt(sumsq), 0))
      nc * nctmp * dnorm(x, meanerr + mean, sqrt(sumsq), 0)

pmenorm <- function(q, mean=0, sd=1, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, sderr=0, meanerr=0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    ret <- numeric(length(q))
    dmenorm2 <- function(x)dmenorm(x, mean=mean, sd=sd, lower=lower, upper=upper, sderr=sderr, meanerr=meanerr)
    for (i in 1:length(q)) {
        ret[i] <- integrate(dmenorm2, -Inf, q[i])$value
    if (!lower.tail) ret <- 1 - ret
    if (log.p) ret <- log(ret)
    ret[upper < lower] <- NaN

qmenorm <- function(p, mean=0, sd=1, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, sderr=0, meanerr=0, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
    qgeneric(pmenorm, p=p, mean=mean, sd=sd, lower=lower, upper=upper, sderr=sderr, meanerr=meanerr,
             lbound=lower, ubound=upper, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

rmenorm <- function(n, mean=0, sd=1, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, sderr=0, meanerr=0)
    rnorm(n, meanerr + rtnorm(n, mean, sd, lower, upper), sderr)

### Uniform distribution with measurement error

dmeunif <- function(x, lower=0, upper=1, sderr=0, meanerr=0, log = FALSE)
    if (log)
      log( pnorm(x, meanerr + lower, sderr) - pnorm(x, meanerr + upper, sderr) ) - log(upper - lower)
      ( pnorm(x, meanerr + lower, sderr) - pnorm(x, meanerr + upper, sderr) ) / (upper - lower)

pmeunif <- function(q, lower=0, upper=1, sderr=0, meanerr=0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
    ret <- numeric(length(q))
    dmeunif2 <- function(x)dmeunif(x, lower=lower, upper=upper, sderr=sderr, meanerr=meanerr)
    for (i in 1:length(q)) {
        ret[i] <- integrate(dmeunif2, -Inf, q[i])$value
    if (!lower.tail) ret <- 1 - ret
    if (log.p) ret <- log(ret)

qmeunif <- function(p, lower=0, upper=1, sderr=0, meanerr=0, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE)
    qgeneric(pmeunif, p=p, lower=lower, upper=upper, sderr=sderr, meanerr=meanerr,
             lbound=lower, ubound=upper, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

rmeunif <- function(n, lower=0, upper=1, sderr=0, meanerr=0)
    rnorm(n, meanerr + runif(n, lower, upper), sderr)

## The exponential distribution with piecewise-constant rate.  Vector
## of parameters given by rate, change times given by t (first should
## be 0)

dpexp <- function (x, rate = 1, t = 0, log = FALSE)
      if (length(t) != length(rate)) stop("length of t must be equal to length of rate")
      if (!isTRUE(all.equal(0, t[1]))) stop("first element of t should be 0")
      if (is.unsorted(t)) stop("t should be in increasing order")
      ind <- rowSums(outer(x, t, ">="))
      ret <- dexp(x - t[ind], rate[ind], log)
      if (length(t) > 1) {
          dt <- t[-1] - t[-length(t)]
          if (log) {
              cs <- c(0, cumsum(pexp(dt, rate[-length(rate)], log.p=TRUE, lower.tail=FALSE)))
              ret <- cs[ind] + ret
          else {
              cp <- c(1, cumprod(pexp(dt, rate[-length(rate)], lower.tail=FALSE)))
              ret <- cp[ind] * ret

ppexp <- function(q, rate = 1, t = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
      if (length(t) != length(rate))
        stop("length of t must be equal to length of rate")
      if (!isTRUE(all.equal(0, t[1]))) stop("first element of t should be 0")
      if (is.unsorted(t)) stop("t should be in increasing order")
      q[q<0] <- 0
      ind <- rowSums(outer(q, t, ">="))
      ret <- pexp(q - t[ind], rate[ind])
      mi <- min(length(t), max(ind))
      if (length(t) > 1) {
          dt <- t[-1] - t[-mi]
          pe <- pexp(dt, rate[-mi])
          cp <- c(1, cumprod(1 - pe))
          ret <- c(0, cumsum(cp[-length(cp)]*pe))[ind] + ret*cp[ind]
      if (!lower.tail) ret <- 1 - ret
      if (log.p) ret <- log(ret)

qpexp <- function (p, rate = 1, t = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
    qgeneric(ppexp, p=p, rate=rate, t=t, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p)

## Simulate n values from exponential distribution with parameters
## rate changing at t.  Simulate from exponentials in turn, simulated
## value is retained if it is less than the next change time.

rpexp <- function(n=1, rate=1, t=0)
      if (length(t) != length(rate)) stop("length of t must be equal to length of rate")
      if (!isTRUE(all.equal(0, t[1]))) stop("first element of t should be 0")
      if (is.unsorted(t)) stop("t should be in increasing order")
      if (length(rate) == 1) return(rexp(n, rate))
      if (n == 0) return(numeric(0))
      if (length(n) > 1) n <- length(n)
      ret <- numeric(n)                          # outcome is a vector length n
      left <- 1:n
      for (i in seq(along=rate)){
          re <- rexp(length(left), rate[i])   # simulate as many exponentials as there are values remaining
          r <- t[i] + re
          success <- if (i == length(rate)) seq(along=left) else which(r < t[i+1])
          ret[left[success]] <- r[success]
          left <- setdiff(left, left[success])  # indices of values in outcome remaining to simulate.
          if (length(left)==0) break;

qgeneric <- function(pdist, p, ...)
    args <- list(...)
    if (is.null(args$log.p)) args$log.p <- FALSE
    if (is.null(args$lower.tail)) args$lower.tail <- TRUE
    if (is.null(args$lbound)) args$lbound <- -Inf
    if (is.null(args$ubound)) args$ubound <- Inf
    if (args$log.p) p <- exp(p)
    if (!args$lower.tail) p <- 1 - p
    ret <- numeric(length(p))
    ret[p == 0] <- args$lbound
    ret[p == 1] <- args$ubound
    args[c("lower.tail","log.p","lbound","ubound")] <- NULL
    ## Other args assumed to contain params of the distribution.
    ## Replicate all to their maximum length, along with p 
    maxlen <- max(sapply(c(args, p=list(p)), length))
    for (i in seq(along=args))
        args[[i]] <- rep(args[[i]], length.out=maxlen)
    p <- rep(p, length.out=maxlen)

    ret[p < 0 | p > 1] <- NaN
    ind <- (p > 0 & p < 1)
    if (any(ind)) {
        hind <- seq(along=p)[ind]
        h <- function(y) {
            args <- lapply(args, function(x)x[hind[i]])
            p <- p[hind[i]]
            args$q <- y
            (do.call(pdist, args) - p)
        ptmp <- numeric(length(p[ind]))
        for (i in 1:length(p[ind])) {
            interval <- c(-1, 1)
            while (h(interval[1])*h(interval[2]) >= 0) {
              interval <- interval + c(-1,1)*0.5*(interval[2]-interval[1])
            ptmp[i] <- uniroot(h, interval, tol=.Machine$double.eps)$root
        ret[ind] <- ptmp
    if (any(is.nan(ret))) warning("NaNs produced")

## Transform vector of parameters constrained on [a, b] to real line.
## Vectorised.  a=-Inf or b=Inf represent unbounded below or above.

glogit <- function(x, a, b) {
    if (is.null(a)) a <- -Inf
    if (is.null(b)) b <- Inf
    ret <- numeric(length(x))
    attributes(ret) <- attributes(x)
    nn <- is.infinite(a) & is.infinite(b)
    nb <- is.infinite(a) & is.finite(b)
    an <- is.finite(a) & is.infinite(b)
    ab <- is.finite(a) & is.finite(b)
    ret[nn] <- x[nn]
    ret[nb] <- log(b[nb] - x[nb])
    ret[an] <- log(x[an] - a[an])
    ret[ab] <- log((x[ab] - a[ab]) / (b[ab] - x[ab]))

dglogit <- function(x, a, b) {
    if (is.null(a)) a <- -Inf
    if (is.null(b)) b <- Inf
    ret <- numeric(length(x))
    attributes(ret) <- attributes(x)
    nn <- is.infinite(a) & is.infinite(b)
    nb <- is.infinite(a) & is.finite(b)
    an <- is.finite(a) & is.infinite(b)
    ab <- is.finite(a) & is.finite(b)
    ret[nn] <- 1
    ret[nb] <- -1 / (b[nb] - x[nb])
    ret[an] <- 1 / (x[an] - a[an])
    ret[ab] <- 1/(x[ab] - a[ab]) + 1/(b[ab] - x[ab])

# d/dx log( (x-a)/(b-x) )    = (b-x)/(x-a) * (1/(b-x) + (x-a)/(b-x)^2)
# = 1/(x-a) + 1/(b-x)
# = d/dx   log(x-a) - log(b-x)

## Inverse transform vector of parameters constrained on [a, b]: back
## from real line to constrained scale.  Vectorised.  a=-Inf or b=Inf
## represent unbounded below or above.

gexpit <- function(x, a, b) {
    if (is.null(a)) a <- -Inf
    if (is.null(b)) b <- Inf
    ret <- numeric(length(x))
    attributes(ret) <- attributes(x)
    nn <- is.infinite(a) & is.infinite(b)
    nb <- is.infinite(a) & is.finite(b)
    an <- is.finite(a) & is.infinite(b)
    ab <- is.finite(a) & is.finite(b)
    ret[nn] <- x[nn]
    ret[nb] <- b[nb] - exp(x[nb])
    ret[an] <- exp(x[an]) + a[an]
    ret[ab] <- (b[ab]*exp(x[ab]) + a[ab]) / (1 + exp(x[ab]))

## Derivative of gexpit w.r.t. x

dgexpit <- function(x, a, b) {
    if (is.null(a)) a <- -Inf
    if (is.null(b)) b <- Inf
    ret <- numeric(length(x))
    attributes(ret) <- attributes(x)
    nn <- is.infinite(a) & is.infinite(b)
    nb <- is.infinite(a) & is.finite(b)
    an <- is.finite(a) & is.infinite(b)
    ab <- is.finite(a) & is.finite(b)
    ret[nn] <- 1
    ret[nb] <- - exp(x[nb])
    ret[an] <- exp(x[an])
    ret[ab] <- (b[ab] - a[ab])*exp(x[ab]) / (1 + exp(x[ab]))^2

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