
context("Testing the opm naming functions")

if (!exists("TEST.DIR"))


## opm_files

## select_colors
test_that("predefined color sets can be obtained", {
  for (arg in as.character(formals(select_colors)[[1L]])[-1L]) {
    got <- select_colors(arg)
    expect_is(got, "character")
    expect_true(length(got) >= 10L ||
        grepl("^jp0\\d(\\.\\w)?$", arg, FALSE, TRUE))
  got <- select_colors(8)
  expect_is(got, "character")
  expect_equal(length(got), 8L)


## plate_type
test_that("plate types can be explicitely queried", {
  expect_equal(plate_type(OPM.1), "PM01") <- plate_type(OPMS.INPUT)
  expect_is(, "character")
  expect_equal(length(, 1L)

## plate_type
test_that("plate names can be normalized", {
  # Normal input arguments
  x <- c("<strange>", "PM-M3 A", "PM09", "pm10b", "pmM10D", "PM1")
  exp <- c("<strange>", "PM-M03-A", "PM09", "PM10-B", "PM-M10-D", "PM01")
  got <- plate_type(x, subtype = TRUE)
  expect_equal(got, exp)
  # Microstation plates
  x <- c("<strange>", "ECO", "SFN2", "GP2", "SF-N2", "G-N2")
  exp <- c("<strange>", "ECO", "SF-N2", "SF-P2", "SF-N2", "SF-N2")
  got <- plate_type(x, subtype = TRUE)
  expect_equal(got, exp)
  # with expansion
  expect_warning(got <- plate_type(x, subtype = TRUE, full = TRUE))
  expect_true(all(substring(got, 1L, nchar(exp)) == exp))
  expect_true(all(nchar(got[-1L]) > nchar(exp[-1L])))
  # Lately added identification plates
  x <- c("<strange>", " an2", "fF", "yT ")
  exp <- c("<strange>", "AN2", "FF", "YT")
  got <- plate_type(x, subtype = TRUE)
  expect_equal(got, exp)
  # with expansion
  expect_warning(got <- plate_type(x, subtype = TRUE, full = TRUE))
  expect_true(all(substring(got, 1L, nchar(exp)) == exp))
  expect_true(all(nchar(got[-1L]) > nchar(exp[-1L])))
  # User-defined plates
  x <- c("<strange>", "CusToM: ABC.DEF", "pm10b", "custom: my plate ")
  exp <- c("<strange>", "CUSTOM:ABC-DEF", "PM10", "CUSTOM:MY-PLATE")
  got <- plate_type(x)
  expect_equal(got, exp)
  # with expansion
  expect_warning(got <- plate_type(x, subtype = FALSE, full = TRUE))
  expect_true(all(substring(got, 1L, nchar(exp)) == exp))
  expect_true(any(nchar(got[-1L]) > nchar(exp[-1L])))

## plate_type
test_that("the internally used names are already normalized", {
  standard.names <- names(PLATE_MAP)
  expect_equal(plate_type(standard.names), standard.names)
  appended <- paste(standard.names, letters)
  expect_equal(plate_type(appended), standard.names)
  expect_equal(names(PLATE_MAP), colnames(WELL_MAP))

## plate_type
test_that("plate types from MOPMX objects can be queried", {
  got <- plate_type(MOPMX.1)
  expect_is(got, "character")
  expect_equal(length(got), length(MOPMX.1))


## gen_iii
test_that("the plate type can be changed to generation 3", {
  gen.3 <- gen_iii(OPM.1)
  expect_is(gen.3, "OPM")
  expect_equal(plate_type(gen.3), SPECIAL_PLATES[["gen.iii"]])
  expect_equal(metadata(gen.3), metadata(OPM.1))
  expect_equal(length(which(csv_data(gen.3) != csv_data(OPM.1))), 1L)

## gen_iii
test_that("the plate type can be changed to ecoplate", {
  eco <- gen_iii(OPM.1, "ECO")
  expect_is(eco, "OPM")
  expect_equal(plate_type(eco), SPECIAL_PLATES[["eco"]])
  expect_equal(metadata(eco), metadata(OPM.1))
  expect_equal(length(which(csv_data(eco) != csv_data(OPM.1))), 1L)

## gen_iii
test_that("the plate type of OPMS objects can be changed", {
  x <- gen_iii(OPMS.INPUT)
  expect_equal(class(x), class(OPMS.INPUT))
  expect_equal(dim(x), dim(OPMS.INPUT))
  expect_false(plate_type(x) == plate_type(OPMS.INPUT))
  x <- gen_iii(OPMS.INPUT, "Eco")
  expect_equal(class(x), class(OPMS.INPUT))
  expect_equal(dim(x), dim(OPMS.INPUT))
  expect_false(plate_type(x) == plate_type(OPMS.INPUT))

## gen_iii
test_that("the plate type of MOPMX objects can be changed", {
  got <- gen_iii(MOPMX.1, to <- c("ff", "sf.n2"))
  expect_equal(plate_type(got), plate_type(to))
  got <- gen_iii(MOPMX.1)
  expect_equal(plate_type(got), rep(plate_type("gen.iii"), length(MOPMX.1)))


## register_plate
test_that("plate types can be registered", {
  old <- plate_type()
  register_plate(SIMPLE = 'simple plate')
  expect_equal(old, plate_type())
  norm <- custom_plate_prepend(custom_plate_normalize_proper('SIMPLE'))
  exp <- paste(norm, "(simple plate)")
  expect_equal(exp, plate_type("Custom:Simple", TRUE))
  map <- c(A01 = "Glucose", B07 = "Fructose")
  register_plate(SIMPLE = map)
  expect_equal(c(old, norm), plate_type())
  expect_equal(map, map_well_names(names(map), norm))
  register_plate(SIMPLE = NULL)
  expect_equal(old, plate_type())
  register_plate(SIMPLE = 'simple plate', SIMPLE = NULL)
  expect_equal(old, plate_type())

## wells
test_that("information on the contained wells can be received", { <- wells(OPMS.INPUT)
  expect_is(, "character")
  expect_equal(length(, dim(OPMS.INPUT)[3L]) <- wells(OPMS.INPUT)
  expect_is(, "character")
  expect_equal(length(, dim(OPMS.INPUT)[3L])

## wells
test_that("substrate names can be translated", {

  plate.1 <- "PM01"
  plates.2 <- c(plate.1, "PM02")
  exp.1 <- c(A01 = "Negative Control", A02 = "L-Arabinose")
  exp.2 <- c(A01 = "Negative Control", A02 = "Chondroitin Sulfate C")
  exp.2 <- cbind(exp.1, exp.2)
  colnames(exp.2) <- plates.2
  class(exp.2) <- "well_coords_map"

  got <- wells(c("A01", "A02"), plate = plate.1, full = TRUE, rm.num = TRUE)

  got <- wells(c("A01", "A02"), plate = plates.2, full = TRUE, rm.num = TRUE)
  expect_equal(got, exp.2)

  got <- wells(c("A01", "A02"), plate = plates.2, full = TRUE, rm.num = TRUE,
    paren.sep = "@")
  wanted <- paste(rownames(got), rep(colnames(got), each = 2), sep = "@")
  expect_true(all(wanted == got))

## wells
test_that("information on the wells in a MOPMX object can be received", { <- wells(MOPMX.1)
  expect_is(, "list")
  expect_equal(length(, length(MOPMX.1))
  expect_true(all(vapply(, is.character, NA)))

## listing
test_that("listings can be obtained from MOPMX objects", {

  expect_error(got <- listing(MOPMX.2, ~ organism))

  x <- do_disc(MOPMX.2)

  got <- listing(x, NULL)
  expect_is(got, "OPMS_Listing")
  expect_equal(sum(sapply(x, length)), nrow(got))
  expect_equal(ncol(got), 3)
  expect_false(attr(got, "html"))

  got <- listing(x, NULL, html = TRUE)
  expect_is(got, "OPMS_Listing")
  expect_equal(sum(sapply(x, length)), nrow(got))
  expect_equal(ncol(got), 3)
  expect_true(attr(got, "html"))

  got <- listing(x, ~ organism)
  expect_is(got, "OPMS_Listing")
  expect_equal(length(unique(unlist(metadata(x, list("organism"))))), nrow(got))
  expect_equal(ncol(got), 3)
  expect_false(attr(got, "html"))

  got <- listing(x, ~ organism, html = TRUE)
  expect_is(got, "OPMS_Listing")
  expect_equal(length(unique(unlist(metadata(x, list("organism"))))), nrow(got))
  expect_equal(ncol(got), 3)
  expect_true(attr(got, "html"))


## find_substrate
test_that("substrate names can be searched", {

  found <- find_substrate(c(wanted = "Fructose"), search = "exact")
  expect_is(found, "substrate_match")
  expect_equal(1L, length(found))
  expect_equal("Fructose", names(found))
  expect_equal(c("D-Fructose", "D-Fructose-6-Phosphate"), found[[1L]])

  found <- find_substrate(c(wanted = "Fructose"), search = "approx")
  expect_is(found, "substrate_match")
  expect_equal(1L, length(found))
  expect_equal("Fructose", names(found))
  expect_equal(c("D-Fructose", "D-Fructose-6-Phosphate", "D-Fucose",
    "L-Fucose"), found[[1L]])


## find_substrate
test_that("substrate names can be searched with patterns", {

  glob.pat <- c(A = "ampic*", B = "penic*", C = "random*")
  found <- find_substrate(glob.pat, search = "glob")
  expect_is(found, "substrate_match")
  expect_equal(3L, length(found))
  expect_equivalent(glob.pat, names(found))
  expect_equal(sprintf("Ampicillin #%i", 1:4), found[[1L]])
  expect_equal(sprintf("Penicillin G #%i", 1:4), found[[2L]])
  expect_equal(character(), found[[3L]])

  reg.pat <- c(A = "^ampic.*", B = "^penic.*", C = "^random.*")
  found.2 <- find_substrate(reg.pat, search = "regex")
  expect_equivalent(reg.pat, names(found.2))
  names(found.2) <- glob.pat
  expect_equal(found, found.2)



## find_positions
test_that("positions within PM plates can be found", {

  query <- c("D-Fructose", "Penicillin G #1", "This is not present")
  got <- find_positions(query)
  expect_is(got, "list")
  expect_equal(query, names(got))
  expect_true(all(vapply(got, is.matrix, NA)))
  expect_true(all(dim(got[[1L]]) > 0L))
  expect_true(all(dim(got[[2L]]) > 0L))
  expect_false(all(dim(got[[3L]]) > 0L))

  query <- find_substrate("Fructose", search = "exact")
  got <- find_positions(query)
  expect_is(got, "list")
  expect_equal(1L, length(got))
  expect_equal("Fructose", names(got))
  got <- got[[1L]]
  expect_is(got, "list")
  expect_equal(query[[1L]], names(got))
  expect_true(all(vapply(got, is.matrix, NA)))


## find_positions
test_that("positions within plates in MOPMX objects can be found", {
  got <- find_positions(MOPMX.1)
  expect_is(got, "list")
  expect_equal(length(got), length(MOPMX.1))

## substrate_info
test_that("Greek letters can be expanded and HTML returned", {
  x <- c("A01 (a-D-Fructose)", "Penicillin G", "b-L-Glucose #1",
  wanted <- c("A01 (alpha-D-Fructose)", "Penicillin G", "beta-L-Glucose #1",
  got <- substrate_info(x, "greek")
  expect_equivalent(got, wanted)
  wanted <- c("A01 (&alpha;-<small>D</small>-Fructose)", "Penicillin G",
    "&beta;-<small>L</small>-Glucose #1", "<i>N</i>-Acetyl-Glucosamine")
  got <- substrate_info(x, "html")
  expect_equivalent(got, wanted)
  # an R expression equivalent to the first HTML entry would be:
  # expression(
  #  paste("A01", " (", alpha, "-", scriptstyle("D"), "-", "Fructose, ")")
  # )

## substrate_info
test_that("concentrations can be extracted", {
  x <- c("D09 (D-Serine #1)", "A03", "C12 [D-Serine #2]",
    "Negative Control #3", "L-Arginine", "E10 (Lincomycin)", "[Strange #1]")
  got <- substrate_info(x, "concentration")
  wanted <- c(1L, NA, 2L, 3L, NA, NA, NA)
  names(wanted) <- x
  expect_equal(got, wanted)

## substrate_info
test_that("URLs can be returned", {
  x <- c("D-Fructose", "D-Serine #2", "L-Arginine")
  for (target in c("kegg", "drug", "metacyc", "mesh", "chebi", "cas")) {
    urls <- substrate_info(x, target, browse = -1L)
    expect_equal(length(urls), length(x))
    expect_is(urls, "character")
    # the next test checks that everything has already been escaped
    got <- vapply(urls, URLencode, "")
    got[got == "NA"] <- NA_character_
    expect_equal(urls, got)

## substrate_info
test_that("substrate_info() works with MOPMX objects", {
  got <- substrate_info(MOPMX.1)
  expect_is(got, "list")
  expect_equal(length(got), length(MOPMX.1))
  expect_equal(got[[1]], substrate_info(MOPMX.1[[1]]))

## substrate_info
test_that("substrate_info() can extract amino acids from peptides", {
  x <- c("Ser-D-Val", "D-Fructose", "D-Serine #2", "Cyanide", "L-Arginine",
    "Glycine", "D-Leu-D-Leu", "g-D-Glu-Gly")
  got <- substrate_info(x, "peptide")
  expect_is(got, "list")
  expect_equal(names(got), x)
  n <- lengths(got, FALSE)
  expect_equivalent(n, c(2L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L))
  x <- "D,L-Diamino-Pimelic Acid"
  got <- substrate_info(x, "peptide")
  expect_is(got, "list")
  expect_equal(names(got), x)
  expect_equal(got[[1L]], "D,L-Dpm")

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opm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:08 p.m.