plm.list <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action,
effect = c("individual", "time", "twoways"),
model = c("within", "random", "ht", "between", "pooling", "fd"),
random.method = NULL, #c("swar", "walhus", "amemiya", "nerlove", "ht"),
inst.method = c("bvk", "baltagi"),
restrict.matrix = NULL,
restrict.rhs = NULL,
index = NULL,
sysplm <- = FALSE)
if (!inherits(data, "pdata.frame")){
odataname <- substitute(data)
data <- pdata.frame(data, index)
sysplm$data <- data
names.eq <- names(formula)
# run plm for each equation of the list, store the results in a
# list
plm.models <- function(sysplm, amodel, ...){
formulas <- sysplm$formula
L <- length(formulas) - 1
models <- vector(mode = "list", length = L)
for (l in 2:(L+1)){
aformula <- formulas[[l]]
if ( aformula <- eval(aformula, parent.frame())
else aformula <- as.formula(formulas[[l]])
sysplm$formula <- aformula
sysplm[[1L]] <-"plm")
sysplm$model <- amodel
# a new pb, plm on every equation fails because of the restrict.matrix argument
sysplm$restrict.matrix <- NULL
models[[l-1]] <- eval(sysplm, parent.frame())
# Extract the model matrix and the response and transform them in
# order to get iid errors using a furnished matrix of covariance of
# the raw errors
BIG <- function(X, y, W, Omega){
S <- chol(Omega)
N <- length(y[[1L]])
if (!is.null(W)) BIGW <- c()
BIGX <- c()
BIGy <- c()
L <- nrow(S)
for (l in 1:L){
rowBIGy <- rep(0, N)
rowBIGX <- c()
if (!is.null(W)) rowBIGW <- c()
for (m in 1:L){
rowBIGX <- cbind(rowBIGX, t(solve(S))[l, m] * X[[m]])
if (!is.null(W)) rowBIGW <- cbind(rowBIGW, t(S)[l, m] * W[[m]])
rowBIGy <- rowBIGy + t(solve(S))[l, m] * y[[m]]
BIGX <- rbind(BIGX, rowBIGX)
if (!is.null(W)) BIGW <- rbind(BIGW, rowBIGW)
BIGy <- c(BIGy, rowBIGy)
if (!is.null(W)) return(structure(list(X = BIGX, y = BIGy, W = BIGW), class = "BIG"))
else return(structure(list(X = BIGX, y = BIGy), class = "BIG"))
# take a list of unconstrained models and a restriction matrix and
# return a list containing the coefficients, the vcov and the
# residuals of the constrained model ; qad version which deals with
# lists of plm models or with models fitted by mylm (which have X, y
# and W slots)
systemlm <- function(object, restrict.matrix, restrict.rhs){
if (class(object) == "list"){
Ucoef <- Reduce("c", lapply(object, coef))
Uvcov <- Reduce("bdiag", lapply(object, vcov))
X <- Reduce("bdiag", lapply(object, model.matrix))
y <- Reduce("c", lapply(object, pmodel.response))
Ucoef <- coef(object)
Uvcov <- vcov(object)
X <- object$X
y <- object$y
if (!is.null(restrict.matrix)){
R <- restrict.matrix
if (is.null(restrict.rhs)) restrict.rhs <- rep(0, nrow(restrict.matrix))
XpXm1 <- solve(crossprod(X))
Q <- XpXm1 %*% t(R) %*% solve(R %*% XpXm1 %*% t(R))
Ccoef <- as.numeric(Ucoef - Q %*% (R %*% Ucoef - restrict.rhs))
names(Ccoef) <- names(Ucoef)
Cvcov <- Uvcov - Q %*% R %*% Uvcov
Cresid <- y - X %*% Ccoef
structure(list(coefficients = Ccoef, vcov = Cvcov, residuals = Cresid), class = "basiclm")
.resid <- Reduce("c", lapply(object, resid))
structure(list(coefficents = Ucoef, vcov = Uvcov, residuals = .resid), class = "basiclm")
models <- plm.models(sysplm, amodel = model, random.method = "kinla") #TODO NB: "kinla" does not seem to be supported anymore...
L <- length(models)
sys <- systemlm(models, restrict.matrix = restrict.matrix, restrict.rhs = restrict.rhs)
Instruments <- sapply(models, function(x) length(formula(x))[2L]) > 1L
# Get the residuals and compute the consistent estimation of the
# covariance matrix of the residuals : Note that if there are
# restrictions, the "restricted" residuals are used ; for random
# effect models, two covariance matrices must be computed
if (model == "random"){
resid.pooling <- Reduce("cbind", lapply(models, function(x) resid(x, model = "pooling")))
id <- index(models[[1L]])[[1L]]
pdim <- pdim(models[[1L]])
T <- pdim$nT$T
N <- pdim$nT$n
.fixef <- apply(resid.pooling, 2, tapply, id, mean)
resid.within <- resid.pooling - .fixef[as.character(id),] <- crossprod(resid.within)/(N * (T - 1))
Omega.eta <- crossprod(.fixef) / (N - 1)
colnames( <- rownames( <- colnames(Omega.eta) <- rownames(Omega.eta) <- names.eq
Omega.1 <- + T * Omega.eta
Omega <- list(id = Omega.eta, idios =
phi <- 1 - sqrt(diag(
XW <- lapply(models, function(x) model.matrix(x, model = "within"))
intercepts <- lapply(models, has.intercept)
XB <- lapply(models, function(x) model.matrix(x, model = "Between"))
yW <- lapply(models, function(x) pmodel.response(x, model = "within"))
yB <- lapply(models, function(x) pmodel.response(x, model = "Between"))
if (Instruments[1L]){
WW <- lapply(models,
if (length(formula(x))[2L] == 3L) rhss = c(2, 3) else rhss = 2
model.matrix(model.frame(x), rhs = rhss, model = "within")
WB <- lapply(models, function(x) model.matrix(model.frame(x), rhs = 2, model = "Between"))
else WW <- WB <- NULL
coefnames <- lapply(XB, colnames)
BIGB <- BIG(XB, yB, WB, Omega.1)
y <- BIGW$y + BIGB$y
# Attention, pb lorsque noms de colonnes duppliques !!
# X[, colnames(BIGW$X)] <- X[, colnames(BIGW$X)] + BIGW$X
# version provisoire : emplacement des constantes
intercepts <- c(1, cumsum(sapply(XB, ncol))[-length(XB)]+1)
X[, - intercepts] <- X[, - intercepts] + BIGW$X
m <- mylm(y, X, cbind(BIGW$W, BIGB$W))
.resid <- matrix(sys$residuals, ncol = length(models))
Omega <- crossprod(.resid) / nrow(.resid)
colnames(Omega) <- rownames(Omega) <- names.eq
X <- lapply(models, model.matrix)
y <- lapply(models, pmodel.response)
if (Instruments[1L])
W <- lapply(models,
if (length(formula(x))[2L] == 3L) rhss = c(2, 3) else rhss = 2
model.matrix(model.frame(x), rhs = rhss)
else W <- NULL
coefnames <- lapply(X, colnames)
BIGT <- BIG(X, y, W, Omega)
m <- with(BIGT, mylm(y, X, W))
if (!is.null(restrict.matrix)){
m <- systemlm(m, restrict.matrix = restrict.matrix, restrict.rhs = restrict.rhs)
m$model <- data
m$coefnames <- coefnames
m$df.residual <- length(resid(m)) - length(coef(m))
m$vcovsys <- Omega
m$formula <- formula
sysplm$data <- odataname
m$call <- sysplm
args <- list(model = model, effect = effect, random.method = random.method)
m$args <- args
class(m) <- c("plm.list", "plm", "panelmodel", "lm")
#' @rdname summary.plm
#' @export
summary.plm.list <- function(object, ...){
class(object) <- setdiff(class(object), "plm.list")
formulas <- eval(object$call$formula)
eqnames <- names(formulas)
L <- length(object$coefnames)
Ks <- c(0, cumsum(sapply(object$coefnames, length)))
models <- vector(mode = "list", length = L)
if (is.null(object$vcov)){
coefTable <- coef(summary(object))
std.err <- sqrt(diag(object$vcov))
b <- coefficients(object)
z <- b / std.err
p <- 2 * pt(abs(z), df = object$df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE)
coefTable <- cbind("Estimate" = b,
"Std. Error" = std.err,
"t-value" = z,
"Pr(>|t|)" = p)
for (l in 1:L){
models[[l]] <- coefTable[(Ks[l] + 1):Ks[l + 1] , ]
names(models) <- eqnames
object$models <- models
object$coefficients <- coefTable
class(object) <- c("summary.plm.list", class(object))
#' @rdname summary.plm
#' @export
coef.summary.plm.list <- function(object, eq = NULL, ...){
if (is.null(eq)) object$coefficients
else object$models[[eq]]
#' @rdname summary.plm
#' @export
print.summary.plm.list <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
width = getOption("width"), ...){
effect <- describe(x, "effect")
model <- describe(x, "model")
cat(paste(effect.plm.list[effect]," ",sep=""))
cat(paste(model.plm.list[model]," Model",sep=""))
if (model=="random"){
ercomp <- describe(x, "random.method")
cat(paste(" \n (",
"'s transformation)\n",
cat(" Estimated standard deviations of the error\n")
if (model == "random"){
sd <- rbind(id = sqrt(diag(x$vcovsys$id)),
idios = sqrt(diag(x$vcovsys$idios)))
print(sd, digits = digits)
cat(" Estimated correlation matrix of the individual effects\n")
corid <- x$vcovsys$id / tcrossprod(sd[1L, ])
corid[upper.tri(corid)] <- NA
print(corid, digits = digits, na.print = ".")
cat(" Estimated correlation matrix of the idiosyncratic effects\n")
coridios <- x$vcovsys$idios / tcrossprod(sd[2L, ])
coridios[upper.tri(coridios)] <- NA
print(coridios, digits = digits, na.print = ".")
sd <- sqrt(diag(x$vcovsys))
print(sd, digits = digits)
cat("\nEstimated correlation matrix of the errors\n")
corer <- x$vcovsys / tcrossprod(sd)
corer[upper.tri(corer)] <- NA
print(corer, digits = digits, na.print = ".")
for (l in 1:length(x$models)){
cat(paste("\n - ", names(x$models)[l], "\n", sep = ""))
printCoefmat(x$models[[l]], digits = digits)
#' @rdname plm
#' @export
print.plm.list <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2), width = getOption("width"),...){
cat("\nModel Formulas:\n")
for (l in 1:length(formula(x))){
cat(paste(names(formula(x))[l], " : ", deparse(formula(x)[[l]]), "\n", sep = ""))
print(coef(x),digits = digits)
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