
Defines functions movie3d play3d spin3d par3dinterp toRotmatrix toQuaternions

Documented in movie3d par3dinterp play3d spin3d

# These quaternion functions are adapted from the orientlib package

# Convert an array of rotation matrices to a matrix of unit quaternions
toQuaternions <- function(x) {
    nicesqrt <- function(x) sqrt(pmax(x,0))
    q4 <- nicesqrt((1 + x[1,1,] + x[2,2,] + x[3,3,])/4)  # may go negative by rounding
    zeros <- zapsmall(q4) == 0 
    q1 <- ifelse(!zeros, (x[2,3,] - x[3,2,])/4/q4, nicesqrt(-(x[2,2,]+x[3,3,])/2))
    q2 <- ifelse(!zeros, (x[3,1,] - x[1,3,])/4/q4, 
    			 ifelse(zapsmall(q1) != 0, x[1,2,]/2/q1, nicesqrt((1-x[3,3,])/2)))
    q3 <- ifelse(!zeros, (x[1,2,] - x[2,1,])/4/q4, 
    			 ifelse(zapsmall(q1) != 0, x[1,3,]/2/q1, 
    				ifelse(zapsmall(q2) != 0, x[2,3,]/2/q2, 1)))
    cbind(q1, q2, q3, q4)

# Convert a single quaternion to a rotation matrix

toRotmatrix <- function(x) {
    x <- x/sqrt(sum(x^2))
    	      2*x[2]*x[3] - 2*x[4]*x[1],
    	      2*x[1]*x[3] - 2*x[2]*x[4],
    	      2*x[2]*x[3] + 2*x[1]*x[4],
    	      1 - 2*x[1]^2 - 2*x[2]^2), 3,3)

par3dinterp <- function(times=NULL, userMatrix, scale, zoom, FOV, method=c("spline", "linear"), 
                     extrapolate = c("oscillate","cycle","constant", "natural"),
                     dev = cur3d(), subscene = par3d("listeners", dev = dev)) {
    if (is.list(times)) {
    	for (n in setdiff(names(times), "times")) assign(n, times[[n]])
    	if ("times" %in% names(times)) times <- times[["times"]]
    	else times <- NULL
    if (!missing(userMatrix) && is.list(userMatrix)) userMatrix <- do.call(cbind, userMatrix)
    if (!missing(scale) && is.list(scale)) scale <- do.call(rbind, scale)
    if (!missing(zoom) && is.list(zoom)) zoom <- unlist(zoom)
    if (!missing(FOV) && is.list(FOV)) FOV <- unlist(FOV)
    if (is.null(times)) {
    	times <- if (!missing(userMatrix)) 0:(length(userMatrix)/16 - 1)
    	    else if (!missing(scale)) 0:(dim(scale)[1] - 1)
    	    else if (!missing(zoom)) 0:(length(zoom) - 1)
    	    else if (!missing(FOV)) 0:(length(FOV) - 1)
    data <- matrix(0, length(times), 0)
    if (!missing(userMatrix)) {
	stopifnot( length(userMatrix) == 16*length(times) )
	userMatrix <- array(userMatrix, c(4,4,length(times)))
	xlat <- ncol(data) + 1:4
	data <- cbind(data, t(userMatrix[,4,, drop = TRUE]))
	persp <- ncol(data) + 1:3
	data <- cbind(data, t(userMatrix[4,1:3,, drop = TRUE]))
	rot <- ncol(data) + 1:4
	quat <- toQuaternions(userMatrix[1:3, 1:3, , drop = FALSE])
	# Since q and -q are the same rotation, we want to interpolate
	# to the nearer one.
	for (i in seq_len(nrow(quat))[-1]) {
	    if (sum((quat[i - 1, ] - quat[i, ])^2) > sum((quat[i - 1, ] + quat[i, ])^2)) 
		quat[i, ] <- -quat[i, ]
	data <- cbind(data, quat)	
    } else {
        xlat <- NULL
    if (!missing(scale)) {
    	stopifnot( dim(scale)[1] == length(times) )
    	sc <- ncol(data) + 1:3
    	data <- cbind(data, log(scale))
    } else sc <- NULL
    if (!missing(zoom)) {
    	stopifnot( length(zoom) == length(times) )
    	zm <- ncol(data) + 1
    	data <- cbind(data, log(zoom))
    } else zm <- NULL
    if (!missing(FOV)) {
        stopifnot( length(FOV) == length(times) )
        fov <- ncol(data) + 1
        data <- cbind(data, FOV)
    } else fov <- NULL
    method <- match.arg(method)
    extrapolate <- match.arg(extrapolate)
    if (extrapolate == "oscillate") {
        n <- length(times)
    	times <- c(times[-n], -rev(times) + 2*times[length(times)])
    	data <- rbind(data[-n,,drop=FALSE], data[n:1,,drop=FALSE])
    	n <- 2*n - 1
    	extrapolate <- "cycle"
    } else if (extrapolate == "natural" && method != "spline")
    	stop("'natural' extrapolation only supported for spline method")
    if (method == "spline") {
    	fns <- apply(data, 2, function(col) splinefun(times, col, 
    	                         method = ifelse(extrapolate == "cycle", "periodic", "natural")))
    } else {
    	fns <- apply(data, 2, function(col) approxfun(times, col, rule=2))
    mintime <- min(times)
    maxtime <- max(times)
    function(time) {
        if (time < mintime || time > maxtime) {
            if (extrapolate == "constant" || mintime == maxtime)
            	time <- ifelse(time < mintime, mintime, maxtime)
            else if (extrapolate == "cycle")
                time <- (time - mintime) %% (maxtime - mintime) + mintime
    	data <- sapply(fns, function(f) f(time))
    	result <- list(dev = dev, subscene = subscene)
    	if (!is.null(xlat)) {
    	    userMatrix <- matrix(0, 4,4)
    	    userMatrix[,4] <- data[xlat]
    	    userMatrix[4,1:3] <- data[persp]
    	    userMatrix[1:3,1:3] <- toRotmatrix(data[rot])
    	    result$userMatrix <- userMatrix
    	if (!is.null(sc)) 
    	    result$scale <- exp(data[sc])
    	if (!is.null(zm))
    	    result$zoom <- exp(data[zm])
    	if (!is.null(fov))
    	    result$FOV <- data[fov]

spin3d <- function(axis = c(0, 0, 1), rpm = 5, dev = cur3d(), subscene = par3d("listeners", dev = dev)) {
    M <- par3d("userMatrix", dev = dev, subscene = subscene)
    function(time, base = M) 
    	list(userMatrix = rotate3d(base, time*rpm*pi/30, axis[1], axis[2], axis[3]), dev = dev, subscene = subscene)
play3d <- function(f, duration = Inf, dev = cur3d(), ..., startTime = 0) {
    # Don't want to start timing until args are known: they may be obtained
    # interactively
    start <- proc.time()[3] - startTime
    repeat {
       if(!missing(dev) && cur3d() != dev) set3d(dev)
       time <- proc.time()[3] - start
       if (time > duration || rgl.selectstate()$state == msABORT) return(invisible(NULL))
       stopifnot(cur3d() != 0)
       args <- f(time, ...)
       subs <- args$subscene
       if (is.null(subs))
       	  subs <- currentSubscene3d(dev)
       	  args$subscene <- NULL
       for (s in subs)
          par3d(args, subscene = s)

movie3d <- function(f, duration, dev = cur3d(), ..., fps=10, 
                    movie = "movie", frames = movie, dir = tempdir(), 
                    convert = NULL, clean = TRUE, verbose=TRUE,
                    top = TRUE, type = "gif", startTime = 0) {
    olddir <- setwd(dir)

    for (i in round(startTime*fps):(duration*fps)) {
	time <- i/fps        
	if(cur3d() != dev) set3d(dev)
	stopifnot(cur3d() != 0)
	args <- f(time, ...)
	subs <- args$subscene
	if (is.null(subs))
	    subs <- currentSubscene3d(dev)
	    args$subscene <- NULL
	for (s in subs)
	    par3d(args, subscene = s)
	filename <- sprintf("%s%03d.png",frames,i)
	if (verbose) {
	    cat(gettextf("Writing '%s'\r", filename))
        rgl.snapshot(filename=filename, fmt="png", top=top)
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") system <- shell  # nolint
    if (is.null(convert) && requireNamespace("magick")) {
    	m <- NULL
    	for (i in round(startTime*fps):(duration*fps)) {
          filename <- sprintf("%s%03d.png",frames,i)
    	  frame <- magick::image_read(filename)
    	  if (is.null(m)) m <- frame
    	  else m <- c(m, frame)
    	  if (clean)
        m <- magick::image_animate(m, fps = fps, loop = 1, dispose = "previous")
        magick::image_write(m, paste0(movie, ".", type))
    } else if (is.null(convert)) {
    	warning("R package 'magick' is not installed; trying external package.")
    	convert <- TRUE
    if (is.logical(convert) && convert) {
        # Check for ImageMagick
    	progname <- "magick"
    	version <- try(system2(progname, "--version", stdout = TRUE,
    			   stderr = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
    	if (inherits(version, "try-error") || !length(grep("ImageMagick", version))) {
    	  progname <- "convert"
          version <- try(system2(progname, "--version", stdout = TRUE, 
          		         stderr = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
        if (inherits(version, "try-error") || !length(grep("ImageMagick", version)))
            stop("'ImageMagick' not found")    
        filename <- paste0(movie, ".", type)
        if (verbose) cat(gettextf("Will create: %s\n", file.path(dir, filename)))
        convert <- paste(progname, "-delay 1x%d %s*.png %s.%s")
    if (is.character(convert)) {
    	convert <- sprintf(convert, fps, frames, movie, type, duration, dir)
	if (verbose) {
	    cat(gettextf("Executing: '%s'\n", convert))
	if (clean) {
	    if (verbose)
	    	cat(gettext("Deleting frames\n"))
	    for (i in 0:(duration*fps)) {
	    	filename <- sprintf("%s%03d.png",frames,i)

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rgl documentation built on Feb. 1, 2021, 3:01 a.m.