
Defines functions snapshot3d .check3d set3d close3d print.rglOpen3d open3d particles3d subdivision3d transform3d rotate3d scale3d translate3d shade3d wire3d dot3d select3d terrain3d sprites3d abclines3d clipplanes3d planes3d spheres3d text3d quads3d triangles3d segments3d lines3d points3d observer3d bbox3d view3d light3d bg3d material3d .getMaterialArgs .fixMaterialArgs clear3d getr3dDefaults

Documented in abclines3d bbox3d bg3d .check3d clear3d clipplanes3d close3d dot3d getr3dDefaults light3d lines3d material3d observer3d open3d particles3d planes3d points3d quads3d rotate3d scale3d segments3d select3d set3d shade3d snapshot3d spheres3d sprites3d subdivision3d terrain3d text3d transform3d translate3d triangles3d view3d wire3d

# R3D rendering functions - rgl implementation

# Node Management

getr3dDefaults <- function(class = NULL, value = NULL) {
  result <- r3dDefaults
  if (exists("r3dDefaults", envir = globalenv())) {
    user <- get("r3dDefaults", envir=.GlobalEnv)
    for (n in names(user)) {
      if (is.list(result[[n]]))
        result[[n]][names(user[[n]])] <- user[[n]]
        result[[n]] <- user[[n]]
  if (!is.null(class))
    result <- result[[class]]
  if (!is.null(result) && !is.null(value))
    result <- result[[value]]

clear3d     <- function(type = c("shapes", "bboxdeco", "material"), 
                        subscene = 0) {
    rgl.clear( type, subscene = subscene )

    type <- rgl.enum.nodetype(type)
    if ( 4 %in% type ) { # userviewpoint
	do.call("par3d", defaults["FOV"])
    if ( 8 %in% type ) { # modelviewpoint
        do.call("par3d", defaults["userMatrix"])
    if ( 5 %in% type ) { # material
        if (length(defaults$material))
    	    do.call("material3d", defaults$material)
    if ( 6 %in% type ) { # background
    	do.call("bg3d", as.list(defaults$bg))

# Environment

.material3d <- c("color", "alpha", "lit", "ambient", "specular",
    "emission", "shininess", "smooth", "front", "back", "size", 
    "lwd", "fog", "point_antialias", "line_antialias",
    "texture", "textype", "texmipmap",
    "texminfilter", "texmagfilter", "texenvmap",
    "depth_mask", "depth_test", "isTransparent",

.material3d.readOnly <- "isTransparent"

# This function expands a list of arguments by putting
# all entries from Params (i.e. the current settings by default)
# in place for any entries that are not listed.  
# Unrecognized args are left in place.

.fixMaterialArgs <- function(..., Params = material3d()) {
   f <- function(...) list(...)
   formals(f) <- c(Params, formals(f))
   names <- as.list(names(Params))
   names(names) <- names
   names <- lapply(names, as.name)
   b <- as.list(body(f))
   body(f) <- as.call(c(b[1], names, b[-1]))
# This one just gets the material args
# If warn is TRUE, give a warning instead of ignoring extras.

.getMaterialArgs <- function(..., material = list(), warn = FALSE) {
  fullyNamed <- as.list(match.call(rgl.material, 
                                        ...), material))))[-1]
  good <- names(fullyNamed) %in% .material3d
  if (warn && !all(good))
    warning("Argument(s) ", paste(names(fullyNamed)[!good], collapse = ", "), " not matched.")

material3d  <- function(...) {
    args <- list(...)
    argnames <- setdiff(names(args), .material3d.readOnly)
    if (!length(args))
	argnames <- .material3d
    else {
	if (is.null(names(args)) && all(unlist(lapply(args, is.character)))) {
	    argnames <- unlist(args)
	    args <- NULL
	if (length(args) == 1) {
	    if (is.list(args[[1]]) | is.null(args[[1]])) {
		args <- args[[1]]
		argnames <- names(args)
    value <- rgl.getmaterial()[argnames]
    if (length(args)) {
    	args <- do.call(".fixMaterialArgs", args)
        do.call("rgl.material", args)
    } else if (length(argnames) == 1) return(value[[1]])
    else return(value)

bg3d        <- function(...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  bgid <- ids3d("background")$id
  if (length(bgid) && nrow(flags <- rgl.attrib(bgid[1], "flags"))) {
    sphere <- flags["sphere", 1]
    fogtype <- if (flags["linear_fog", 1]) "linear"
    else if (flags["exp_fog", 1]) "exp"
    else if (flags["exp2_fog", 1]) "exp2"
    else "none"
  } else {
    sphere <- FALSE
    fogtype <- "none"
  new <- .fixMaterialArgs(sphere = sphere, fogtype = fogtype, 
                          color = c("black", "white"), 
  			  back = "lines", lit = FALSE, Params = save)
  do.call("rgl.bg", .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = new))

light3d     <- function(theta=0,phi=15,x=NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(x))
    rgl.light(theta=theta,phi=phi,x=x, ...)
    rgl.light(x=x, ...)

view3d      <- function(theta=0,phi=15,...) {

bbox3d	    <- function(xat = NULL, 
                        yat = NULL, 
                        zat = NULL, 
                        xunit = "pretty",
                        yunit = "pretty",
                        zunit = "pretty",
		        expand = 1.03, draw_front = FALSE, ...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.bbox", c(list(xat=xat, yat=yat, zat=zat, 
                             xunit=xunit, yunit=yunit, zunit=zunit, expand=expand,
                        .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

observer3d <- function(x, y=NULL, z=NULL, auto=FALSE) {
  if (missing(x))
    location <- c(NA, NA, NA)
  else {
    xyz <- xyz.coords(x,y,z)
    location <- c(xyz$x, xyz$y, xyz$z)
    if (length(location) != 3) stop("A single point must be specified for the observer location") 
  prev <- .C(rgl_getObserver, success=integer(1), ddata=numeric(3), NAOK = TRUE)$ddata
  .C(rgl_setObserver, success=as.integer(auto), ddata=as.numeric(location), NAOK = TRUE)

# Shapes

points3d    <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.points", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

lines3d     <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.linestrips", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

segments3d  <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.lines", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

triangles3d <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.triangles", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

quads3d     <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.quads", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

text3d      <- function(x, y = NULL, z = NULL,
			texts, adj = 0.5, pos = NULL, offset = 0.5,
			usePlotmath = is.language(texts), ...) {
  if (usePlotmath) 
    return(plotmath3d(x = x, y = y, z = z, text = texts, adj = adj, 
                      pos = pos, offset = offset, ...))
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  new <- .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)
  do.call("rgl.texts", c(list(x = x, y = y, z = z, text = texts, 
                              adj = adj, pos=pos,
                              offset = offset), new))
texts3d	    <- text3d

spheres3d   <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,radius=1,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.spheres", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z,radius=radius), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

planes3d   <- function(a,b=NULL,c=NULL,d=0,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.planes", c(list(a=a,b=b,c=c,d=d), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

clipplanes3d   <- function(a,b=NULL,c=NULL,d=0) {

abclines3d   <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,a,b=NULL,c=NULL,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.abclines", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z,a=a,b=b,c=c), .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

sprites3d   <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,radius=1,shapes=NULL,userMatrix,...) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  if (missing(userMatrix)) {
    userMatrix <- getr3dDefaults()$userMatrix
    if (is.null(userMatrix)) userMatrix <- diag(4)
  savepar <- par3d(skipRedraw=TRUE, ignoreExtent=TRUE)
  on.exit(par3d(savepar), add=TRUE)

  do.call("rgl.sprites", c(list(x=x,y=y,z=z,radius=radius,shapes=shapes,
          .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))

terrain3d   <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,...,normal_x=NULL,normal_y=NULL,normal_z=NULL) {
  .check3d(); save <- material3d(); on.exit(material3d(save))
  do.call("rgl.surface", c(list(x=x,y=z,z=y,coords=c(1,3,2),
                           .fixMaterialArgs(..., Params = save)))
surface3d   <- terrain3d

# Interaction

select3d    <- function(...) {

# 3D Generic Object Rendering Attributes

dot3d <- function(x,...) UseMethod("dot3d")
wire3d  <- function(x,...) UseMethod("wire3d")
shade3d <- function(x,...) UseMethod("shade3d")

# 3D Generic transformation

translate3d <- function(obj,x,y,z,...) UseMethod("translate3d")
scale3d <- function(obj,x,y,z,...) UseMethod("scale3d")
rotate3d <- function(obj,angle,x,y,z,matrix,...) UseMethod("rotate3d")
transform3d <- function(obj,matrix,...) rotate3d(obj, matrix=matrix, ...)

subdivision3d <- function(x,...) UseMethod("subdivision3d")

# 3D Custom shapes

particles3d <- function(x,y=NULL,z=NULL,radius=1,...) sprites3d(

# r3d default settings for new windows

r3dDefaults <- list(userMatrix = rotationMatrix(290*pi/180, 1, 0, 0),
		  mouseMode = c("trackball", "zoom", "fov", "pull"),
		  FOV = 30,
		  bg = list(color="white",fogtype = "none"),
		  family = "sans",
		  material = list(color="black", fog = TRUE))

open3d <- function(..., params = getr3dDefaults(), 
                   useNULL = rgl.useNULL(), silent = FALSE	) {
    args <- list(...)
    if (!is.null(args$antialias) 
        || !is.null(args$antialias <- r3dDefaults$antialias)) {
    	saveopt <- options(rgl.antialias = args$antialias)
    	args$antialias <- NULL
    if (!is.null(args$material)) {
    	params$material <- do.call(.fixMaterialArgs, c(args$material, Params=list(params$material)))
    	args$material <- NULL
    if (length(args) && (is.null(names(args)) 
                      || any(nchar(names(args)) == 0)))
      stop("open3d parameters must be named")
    params[names(args)] <- args
    clear3d("material", defaults = params)
    params$material <- NULL
    if (!is.null(params$bg)) {
      do.call("bg3d", params$bg)
      params$bg <- NULL
    do.call("par3d", params)  
    result <- structure(cur3d(), class = "rglOpen3d")
    if (silent)

print.rglOpen3d <- function(x, ...) {

close3d <- function(dev = cur3d(), silent = TRUE) {
  for (d in dev[dev != 0]) {
    set3d(d, silent = silent)
    if (!silent)
      message("Closed device ", d)

cur3d <- rgl.cur

set3d <- function(dev, silent = FALSE) {
  prev <- cur3d()
  rgl.set(dev, silent = silent)

.check3d <- function() {
    if (result<-cur3d()) return(result)
    else return(open3d())

snapshot3d <- function(filename, ..., scene, width = NULL, height = NULL,
                       webshot = rgl.useNULL()) {
  if (webshot && !requireNamespace("webshot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
    warning("webshot = TRUE requires the webshot2 package; using rgl.snapshot() instead")
    webshot <- FALSE
  saveopts <- options(rgl.useNULL = webshot)
    # The logic here is a little convoluted:
  # scene  resize  webshot getscene1 plot resize getscene2
  # no     no      no      
  # no     no      yes         X
  # no     yes     no                       X
  # no     yes     yes         X      X     X      X                 
  # yes    no      no                 X
  # yes    no      yes     
  # yes    yes     no                 X     X
  # yes    yes     yes                X     X      X
  resize <- !is.null(width) || !is.null(height)
  havescene <- !missing(scene)
  if (havescene) {
    if (inherits(scene, "rglWebGL")) {
      snapshot <- scene$x$snapshot
      if (!is.null(snapshot) && is.null(width) && is.null(height))
        return(saveURI(snapshot, filename))
        scene <- attr(scene, "origScene")
  if (!havescene && webshot)
    scene <- scene3d()
  if ((!havescene && resize && webshot)
      || (havescene && (resize || !webshot))) {
    on.exit(close3d(), add = TRUE)
  if (resize) {
    saverect <- rect <- par3d("windowRect")
    on.exit(par3d(windowRect = saverect), add = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(width))
      rect[3] <- rect[1] + width
    if (!is.null(height))
      rect[4] <- rect[2] + height
    par3d(windowRect = rect)
  if (webshot) {
    if (resize)
      scene <- scene3d()
    rect <- par3d("windowRect")
    f1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".html")
    on.exit(unlink(f1), add = TRUE)
    width <- rect[3] - rect[1]
    height <- rect[4] - rect[2]
                         elementId = "webshot",
                         width = width,
                         height = height), 
    webshot2::webshot(f1, file = filename, selector = "#webshot",
                      vwidth = width + 100, vheight = height, ...)
  } else
    rgl.snapshot(filename, ...)

Try the rgl package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rgl documentation built on Feb. 1, 2021, 3:01 a.m.