
#### Utility functions for testing covMcd()
#### -------------------------------------- ../tests/tmcd.R

## "workhorse" -- by default *passed* to and called from doMCDdata():
domcd1 <- function(x, xname, nrep = 1,
                   ## These are all got from doMCDdata() [yuck!]
                   method = get("method", parent.frame()), # compromise
                   time	 = get("time",	 parent.frame()), # compromise
                   short = get("short",	 parent.frame()), # compromise
                   full	 = get("full",	 parent.frame()), # compromise
                   lname = 20)
    if(short && full)
	stop("you should not set both 'full' and 'short' to TRUE")
    force(xname)# => evaluate when it is a data(<>, ..) call
    n <- dim(x)[1]
    p <- dim(x)[2]
    if(method == "MASS") {
	mcd <-
	mcd$quan <- (n + p + 1) %/% 2 #default: floor((n+p+1)/2)
    else if(method == "DetMCD") {
	mcd <- covMcd(x, nsamp="deterministic") # trace = FALSE
    else {
	mcd <- covMcd(x) # trace = FALSE
    if(full) {
	header <- get("header", parent.frame())
    xres <- sprintf("%*s %3d %3d %3d %12.6f", lname, xname,
		    n, p, mcd$quan, mcd$crit)
    if(time) {
	xtime <- system.time(repMCD(x, nrep, method))[1]/nrep
	xres <- sprintf("%s %10.1f", xres, 1000 * xtime)
    cat(xres, "\n")

    if(!short) {
	cat("Best subsample: \n")

	ibad <- which(unname(mcd$mcd.wt) == 0)
	nbad <- length(ibad)
	cat("Outliers: ",nbad, if(nbad > 0)":", "\n")
	if(nbad > 0)
	if(full) {
	    cat("------------- *MCD() result: --------------------------\n")
}## {domcd1}

##' Test the function covMcd() on the literature datasets:
##' Call covMcd() for "all" datasets in robustbase / rrcov and print:
##'   - execution time (if time is true)
##'   - objective function
##'   - best subsample found (if short is false)
##'   - outliers identified (with cutoff 0.975) (if short is false)
##'   - estimated center and covarinance matrix if full is true)
##' @param nrep : [integer] number of repetitions to use for estimating the
##'                           (average) execution time
##' @param method : [character] select a method: one of (FASTMCD, MASS)
##' @param time : [logical] whether to evaluate the execution time
##' @param short : [logical] whether to do short output (i.e. only the
##'                            objective function value). If short == FALSE,
##'                            the best subsample and the identified outliers are
##'                            printed. See also the parameter full below
##' @param full : [logical] whether to print the estimated cente and covariance matrix
##' @param digits
##' @param domcd workhorse function, to be called e.g. as
##' @examples domcd(starsCYG, data(starsCYG), nrep)
##' @author Valentin Todorov;  tweaks by Martin Maechler
##' @note  Is called from ../../demo/determinMCD.R  and ../../tests/tmcd.R
doMCDdata <- function(nrep = 1, method = c("FASTMCD", "MASS", "DetMCD"),
                      time = nrep >= 3, short = time, full = !short,
                      digits=5, domcd = domcd1)
    stopifnot(is.function(domcd), length(formals(domcd)) >= 3)
    options(digits = digits)
    method <- match.arg(method) # *is* then accessed from domcd(.)

    stopifnot(require("robustbase")) # all data() which do not specify package

    data(Animals, package = "MASS")
    brain <- Animals[c(1:24, 26:25, 27:28),]

    data(list = c("fish", "pottery", "rice", "un86", "wages"), package = "rrcov")

    tmp <-
    cat("\nCall: ", deparse(substitute(tmp)),"\n")

    header <- function(time) { ## the string length here require 'lname <- 20' {FIXME}
        ##            1         2
        ##   1 3 5 7 901 3 5 7 90 2 4
	cat("Data Set               n   p  h(alf) LOG(obj)",if(time)"  Time [ms]","\n",
    if(full) {
        ## header() is called in each domcd()
    } else ## here
    domcd(bushfire, 	data(bushfire), nrep)
    domcd(heart[, 1:2], data(heart), nrep)
    domcd(starsCYG,	data(starsCYG), nrep)
    domcd(stack.x,	data(stackloss), nrep)
    domcd(data.matrix(subset(phosphor, select= -plant)),data(phosphor), nrep)
    domcd(data.matrix(subset(coleman, select = -Y)),	data(coleman), nrep)
    domcd(data.matrix(subset(salinity, select = -Y)),	data(salinity), nrep)
    domcd(data.matrix(subset(wood, select = -y)),	data(wood), nrep)
    domcd(data.matrix(subset(hbk,  select = -Y)),	data(hbk), nrep)

    domcd(brain, "Animals", nrep)
    domcd(milk, data(milk), nrep)
    domcd(lactic, data(lactic), nrep)
    domcd(pension, data(pension), nrep)
    domcd(pilot, data(pilot), nrep)

    ## This is for CovMcdBig ....
    ##    domcd(radarImage, data(radarImage), nrep)
    ##    domcd(NOxEmissions, data(NOxEmissions), nrep)

    domcd(data.matrix(subset(vaso, select = -Y)), 		data(vaso), nrep)
    domcd(data.matrix(subset(wagnerGrowth, select = -Period)),  data(wagnerGrowth), nrep)

    ## Obs 14 has missing, column 7 is categorical
    domcd(fish[-14,-7], data(fish,    package="rrcov"), nrep)
    domcd(pottery[,-7], data(pottery, package="rrcov"), nrep)
    domcd(rice,         data(rice,    package="rrcov"), nrep)
    domcd(un86,         data(un86,    package="rrcov"), nrep)

    ## there are missing values
    domcd(wages[-c(29, 31, 38),-9], data(wages, package="rrcov"), nrep)

} ## {doMCDdata}

    data(mortality, package = "riv")
    mm <-, signif, 3))
    for(j in c(1,2,6,7))
        mm[,j] <- mm[,j] * 10
    mm[,5] <- mm[,5] * 1000
    mm[,8] <- mm[,8] / 100
    mort3 <- mm
## which gives the equivalent of
mort3 <-
 data.frame(MO70 = c(140, 101, 86, 102, 115, 121, 118, 76.6,
            131, 112, 111, 112, 117, 118, 123, 122, 81.7, 108, 111, 109,
            92.5, 83.9, 93.8, 135, 124, 126, 122, 120, 127, 115, 156, 95.1,
            127, 129, 116, 82.3, 115, 106, 134, 94.9, 119, 111, 131, 85.6,
            135, 126, 141, 152, 137, 151, 93.6, 84.2, 78, 50.2, 81.3, 112,
            80.1, 125, 120, 143),

            MAGE = c(297, 277, 275, 268, 296, 327, 314, 258, 342, 278, 278,
            313, 284, 272, 296, 277, 271, 296, 286, 250, 280, 270, 246, 301,
            279, 287, 293, 271, 291, 295, 314, 267, 275, 307, 259, 251, 324,
            285, 288, 254, 278, 287, 316, 287, 326, 309, 334, 369, 321, 311,
            261, 272, 260, 244, 248, 277, 240, 295, 319, 346),

            CI68 = c(137, 137, 129, 129, 151, 157, 157, 157, 157, 202, 202, 202,
            138, 160, 190, 191, 191, 191, 159, 159, 146, 146, 203, 203, 182, 166,
            203, 203, 167, 167, 165, 153, 149, 149, 149, 157, 152, 183, 183, 183,
            183, 183, 183, 111, 171, 148, 148, 148, 192, 160, 160, 172, 172,
            172, 172, 101, 173, 173, 144, 181),

            MDOC = c(142, 80.4, 148, 167, 230, 187, 240, 149, 240, 195, 327,
            377, 203, 160, 161, 68.7, 141, 120, 176, 105, 128, 112, 98.9, 160,
            209, 200, 153, 126, 157, 157, 145, 160, 158, 102, 195, 188, 250,
            143, 157, 186, 114, 129, 129, 143, 186, 207, 144, 112, 157, 121,
            168, 155, 144, 144, 120, 194, 93.6, 231, 185, 89.7),

            DENS = c(37, 37, 27, 32, 17, 13, 23, 19, 27, 29, 15, 15, 48, 34,
            26, 47, 17, 10, 10, 18, 11, 13, 26, 19, 55, 17, 16, 7, 10, 17,
            44, 13, 18, 26, 40, 22, 29, 7, 28, 10, 15, 1, 11, 10, 8, 13, 13,
            6, 10, 26, 49, 28, 32, 18, 62, 15, 21, 18, 10, 12),

            NONW = c(4.22, 3.36, 0.67, 0.52, 2.51, 0.82, 4.07, 1.11,
            2.86, 2.92, 2.74, 1.05, 7.23, 5.16, 3.44, 2.84, 1.84,
            1.47, 0.62, 0.03, 0.96, 1.07, 1.74, 2.41, 0.45, 4.7, 4.45,
            1.2, 0.64, 2.28, 4.13, 1.06, 4.02, 2.22, 5.6, 0.43, 2.34,
            1.78, 2.81, 1.9, 3.09, 1.43, 2.58, 1.34, 0.78, 3.44, 2.07,
            0.68, 1, 3.6, 3.92, 2.58, 2.66, 0.05, 0.86, 0.32, 3.02,
            4.24, 1.26, 1.08),

            EDUC = c(454, 516, 601, 631, 565, 620, 661, 653, 661, 591,
            568, 499, 685, 534, 539, 536, 560, 542, 680, 546, 648,
            632, 601, 469, 458, 446, 521, 540, 661, 601, 480, 627,
            506, 363, 551, 662, 518, 556, 484, 607, 562, 517, 521,
            582, 629, 506, 534, 433, 459, 476, 492, 548, 517, 517,
            468, 685, 483, 471, 678, 528),

            IN69 = c(86.9, 99.3, 113, 99.2, 104, 118, 113, 117, 125,
            100, 104, 115, 122, 107, 135, 101, 123, 114, 114, 113,
            108, 109, 100, 99.8, 102, 100, 110, 112, 111, 113, 92.7,
            116, 86.3, 103, 86.4, 109, 116, 112, 104, 108, 103, 116,
            99.3, 116, 114, 104, 105, 97, 102, 83.4, 101, 125, 117,
            118, 90.3, 108, 92.4, 106, 126, 109))
###'------*Generate* data for benchmarking ----------------------------------------

##' Generates a location contaminated multivariate
##' normal sample of n observations in p dimensions
##'    (1-eps) * N_p(0, I_p)  + eps * N_(m,I_p)
##' where
##'    m = (b,b,...,b)
##' Defaults: eps=0 and b=10
##' @title Generate n x p location contaminated MV data
##' @param n number of observations
##' @param p number of variables
##' @param eps amount of contamination
##' @param b mean of "outliers"
gendata <- function(n,p, eps=0, b=10) {
    if(missing(n) || missing(p))
        stop("Please specify (n,p)")
    if(!is.numeric(eps) || length(eps) != 1 || eps < 0 || eps >= 0.5)
        stop("eps must be in [0,0.5)")
    X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)
    nbad <- as.integer(eps * n)
    if(nbad > 0) {
        b <- rep(b, length = p) # recycle to p-vector
        ## = E[.] of bad obs.
        xind <- sample(n,nbad)
        X[xind,] <- X[xind, , drop=FALSE] + rep(b, each=nbad)
    list(X=X, xind=if(nbad > 0) xind)

##' Repeated calls to different MCD algorithms for timing purposes *only*
repMCD <- function(x, nrep = 1, method = "FASTMCD") {
    stopifnot(length(nrep) == 1, nrep >= 1)
	   "FASTMCD"  = replicate(nrep, covMcd(x)),
	   "bestMCD"  = replicate(nrep, covMcd(x, nsamp= "best")),
	   "exactMCD" = replicate(nrep, covMcd(x, nsamp= "exact")),
	   "DetMCD"   = replicate(nrep, covMcd(x, nsamp="deterministic")),
	   "" = replicate(nrep,,# uses nsamp = "best" ==> up to 5000
	   ## rrcov.control()$nsamp == 500 :
	   "MASS.500"  = replicate(nrep,, nsamp = 500)),
	   ## otherwise:
	   stop(gettextf("Method '%s' not yet implemented", method)))

repMCD.meths <- function() {
    switch.expr <- body(repMCD)[[3]]
    m <- names(switch.expr)
    m[m != ""]

## [1] "FASTMCD"   "bestMCD"   "DetMCD"    "" "MASS.500"

##' calls  gendata(), repMCD()
dogen <- function(nrep=1, eps=0.49, method = repMCD.meths(), ## "FASTMCD" is first
                  p.set = c(2, 5, 10, 20, 30),
                  n.set = c(100, 500, 1000, 10000, 50000),
                  n.p.ratio = 5,
                  seed = 1234)
    domcd <- function(x, nrep=1){
        ## system.time() *does* gc()
        xtime <- system.time(repMCD(x, nrep, method))[1]/nrep
        cat(sprintf("%6d %3d %12.2f\n", dim(x)[1], dim(x)[2], xtime))

    method <- match.arg(method)

    mkL <- function(ch,m) paste(ch,m,sep="=")
    ans <- matrix(NA, length(n.set), length(p.set),
                  dimnames = list(mkL("n",n.set), mkL("p",p.set)))
    cat(sprintf("Method: %-12s; nrep = %d\n", method, nrep),
        "     n   p         Time\n",
        "=======================\n", sep="")
    for(n in n.set) {
        n. <- mkL("n",n)
        for(p in p.set) {
            if(n.p.ratio * p <= n) {
                xx <- gendata(n, p, eps)
                ans[n., mkL("p",p)] <- domcd(xx$X, nrep)

    cat(sprintf("Total time: %11.2f\n", nrep * sum(ans, na.rm=TRUE)))
    structure(ans, nrep = nrep, method=method)
}## {dogen}

###' ------------------ These can only be used with rrcov :: CovMcd() --------------

docheck <- function(n, p, eps, ...) {
    xx <- gendata(n,p,eps)
    mcd <- CovMcd(xx$X, ...)
    check(mcd, xx$xind)

##' check if mcd is robust w.r.t xind, i.e. check how many of xind
##' did not get zero weight
check <- function(mcd, xind){
    mymatch <- xind %in% which(mcd@wt == 0)
    length(xind) - sum(mymatch)

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