
Defines functions multigroupModel print.semmodList sem.semmodList parse.path sem.msemmod msemObjectiveML2 msemObjectiveML msemObjectiveGLS optimizerMsem msemOptimizerNlm print.msemObjectiveML print.msemObjectiveGLS summary.msemObjectiveML summary.msemObjectiveGLS deviance.msemObjectiveML AIC.msemObjectiveML AICc.msemObjectiveML BIC.msemObjectiveML residuals.msem coef.msem anova.msemObjectiveML logLik.msemObjectiveML effects.msem robustVcovMsem

Documented in AICc.msemObjectiveML AIC.msemObjectiveML anova.msemObjectiveML BIC.msemObjectiveML coef.msem deviance.msemObjectiveML deviance.msemObjectiveML effects.msem logLik.msemObjectiveML msemObjectiveGLS msemObjectiveML msemObjectiveML2 msemOptimizerNlm multigroupModel optimizerMsem print.msemObjectiveGLS print.msemObjectiveML print.semmodList residuals.msem sem.msemmod sem.semmodList summary.msemObjectiveGLS summary.msemObjectiveML

### multigroup SEMs  
# last modified J. Fox 2012-02-14

## model definition

multigroupModel <- function(..., groups=names(models), allEqual=FALSE){
	models <- list(...)
	if (length (models) == 1){
		if (missing(groups)) stop("group names are missing, yet only 1 model is defined")
		ngroups <- length(groups)
		model <- models[[1]]
		models <- vector(ngroups, mode="list")
		for (g in 1:ngroups) models[[g]] <- model
		names(models) <- groups
		if (!allEqual){
			for (g in 1:ngroups){
				model <- models[[g]]
				models[[g]][!is.na(model[, 2]), 2] <- paste(model[!is.na(model[, 2]), 2], ".", groups[g], sep="")
	else {
		if (is.null(names(models)) && missing(groups)) groups <- paste("Group.", 1:length(models), sep="")
		names(models) <- groups
	class(models) <- "semmodList"

print.semmodList <- function(x, ...){
	cat("\nMultigroup Structural Equation Model\n")
	groups <- names(x)
	for (group in groups){
		cat("\n Group: ", group, "\n\n")

## sem() method for semmodList objects

sem.semmodList <- function(model, S, N, data, raw=FALSE, fixed.x=NULL, robust=!missing(data), formula, group="Group", debug=FALSE, ...){
	data.out <- NULL
	if (missing(S)){
		if (missing(data)) stop("S and data cannot both be missing")
		data.df <- inherits(data, "data.frame")
		if (data.df && missing(group)) stop("S and group cannot both be missing")
		if (data.df){
			if (!is.factor(data[, group])) stop("Groups variable, ", group, ", is not a factor")
			levels <- levels(data[, group])
			if (missing(formula)) formula <- as.formula(paste("~ . -", group))
		else {
			if (!all(sapply(data, function(d) inherits(d, "data.frame")))) stop("data must be a data frame or list of data frames")
			levels <- names(data)
			if (is.null(levels)) levels <- paste("Group", seq(along=data), sep=".")
			if (missing(formula)) formula <- ~ .
		G <- length(levels)
		if (is.list(formula) && length(formula) != G) stop("number of formulas, ", length(formula), ", not equal to number of groups, ", G, sep="")
		if (is.list(formula)){	
			if (!all(names(model) == names(formula))) warning("names of groups (", paste(names(model), collapse=", "), 
						") is not the same as names of formulas in formula argument (", 
						paste(names(formula), collapse=", "), ")")
		S <- vector(G, mode="list")
		names(S) <- levels
		N <- numeric(G)
		data.out <- vector(G, mode="list")
		for (g in 1:G){
			data.group <- if (data.df) subset(data, subset = data[, group] == levels[g]) else data[[g]]
			N.all <- nrow(data.group)
			form <- if (is.list(formula)) formula[[g]] else formula
			data.group <- model.matrix(form, data=data.group)
			N[g] <- nrow(data.group)
			if (N[g] < N.all) warning(N.all - N[g]," observations removed due to missingness in group ", levels[g])
			S[[g]] <- if (raw) rawMoments(data.group) else{
						data.group <- data.group[, colnames(data.group) != "(Intercept)"]
			data.out[[g]] <- data.group
	else G <- length(S)
	if (length(model) != G) stop("number of group models, ", length(model), ", not equal to number of moment/data matrices, ", G, sep="")
	pars <-  unique(na.omit(unlist(lapply(model, function(mod) mod[, 2]))))
	vars <- rams <- vector(length(model), mode="list")
	all.par.names <- character(0)
	all.pars <- numeric(0)
	for (i in 1:G){
		obs.variables <- colnames(S[[i]])
		mod <- model[[i]]
		if ((!is.matrix(mod)) | ncol(mod) != 3) stop("model argument must be a 3-column matrix")
		startvalues <- as.numeric(mod[, 3])
		par.names <- mod[, 2]
		n.paths <- length(par.names)
		heads <- from <- to <- rep(0, n.paths)
		for (p in 1:n.paths){
			path <- parse.path(mod[p, 1])
			heads[p] <- abs(path$direction)
			to[p] <- path$second
			from[p] <- path$first
			if (path$direction == -1) {
				to[p] <- path$first
				from[p] <- path$second
		ram <- matrix(0, n.paths, 5)
		all.vars <- unique(c(to, from))
		latent.vars <- setdiff(all.vars, obs.variables)
		not.used <- setdiff(obs.variables, all.vars)
		if (length(not.used) > 0){
			rownames(S[[i]]) <- colnames(S[[i]]) <- obs.variables
			obs.variables <- setdiff(obs.variables, not.used)
			S[[i]] <- S[[i]][obs.variables, obs.variables]
			warning("The following observed variables are in the input covariance or raw-moment matrix for group ", i,
					" but do not appear in the model:\n",
					paste(not.used, collapse=", "), "\n")
		vars[[i]] <- c(obs.variables, latent.vars)
		ram[,1] <- heads
		ram[,2] <- apply(outer(vars[[i]], to, "=="), 2, which)
		ram[,3] <- apply(outer(vars[[i]], from, "=="), 2, which)   
		par.nos <- apply(outer(pars, par.names, "=="), 2, which)
		if (length(par.nos) > 0)
			ram[,4] <- unlist(lapply(par.nos, function(x) if (length(x) == 0) 0 else x))
		ram[,5]<- startvalues
		colnames(ram) <- c("heads", "to", "from", "parameter", "start value")
		rams[[i]] <- ram
		all.pars <- c(all.pars, par.nos)
		all.par.names <- c(all.par.names, par.names)
	all.pars <- unique(unlist(all.pars))
	all.par.names <- unique(na.omit(all.par.names))	
	class(rams) <- "msemmod"
	result <- sem(rams, S, N, group=group, groups=names(model), raw=raw, fixed.x=fixed.x, param.names=all.par.names[all.pars], var.names=vars, debug=debug, ...)
	result$semmodList <- model
	result$data <- if(missing(data)) NULL else data.out
	if (robust && !missing(data) && inherits(result, "msemObjectiveML")){
		res <- robustVcovMsem(result)
		result$robust.vcov <- res$vcov
		result$chisq.scaled <- res$chisq.scaled
		result$adj.objects <- res$adj.objects

parse.path <- function(path) {                                           
	path.1 <- gsub("-", "", gsub(" ","", path))
	direction <- if (regexpr("<>", path.1) > 0) 2 
			else if (regexpr("<", path.1) > 0) -1
			else if (regexpr(">", path.1) > 0) 1
			else stop(paste("ill-formed path:", path))
	path.1 <- strsplit(path.1, "[<>]")[[1]]
	list(first=path.1[1], second=path.1[length(path.1)], direction=direction)

## sem() method for msemmod objects

sem.msemmod <- function(model, S, N, group="Group", groups=names(model), raw=FALSE, fixed.x, param.names, var.names, debug=FALSE, analytic.gradient=TRUE, warn=FALSE,
		maxiter=5000, par.size = c("ones", "startvalues"), start.tol = 1e-06, startvalues=c("initial.fit", "startvalues"), initial.maxiter=1000,
		optimizer = optimizerMsem, objective = msemObjectiveML, ...){
	par.size <- match.arg(par.size)
	startvalues <- match.arg(startvalues)
	G <- length(groups)
	if (length(model) != G || length(N) != G) 
		stop("inconsistent number of groups in model (", length(model), "), S (", G, "), and N (", length(N), ") arguments")
	if (is.null(names(S))) names(S) <- groups
	if (is.null(names(N))) names(N) <- groups
	if (is.null(names(model))) names(model) <- groups
	if (!all(groups == names(model))) warning("names of groups (", paste(groups, collapse=", "), 
				") is not the same as names of models in model argument (", 
				paste(names(model), collapse=", "), ")")
	if (!all(groups == names(S))) warning("names of groups (", paste(groups, collapse=", "),
				") is not the same as names of moment matrices in S argument (", 
				paste(names(S), collapse=", "), ")")
	if (!all(groups == names(N))) warning("names of groups (", paste(groups, collapse=", "),
				") is not the same as names of sample sizes in N argument (", 
				paste(names(N), collapse=", "), ")")
	if (length(fixed.x) == 1) fixed.x <- lapply(1:G, function(g) fixed.x)
	n.fix <- 0 
	if (!is.null(fixed.x)){
		n.fix <- numeric(G)
		for (g in 1:G){
			fx <- fixed.x[[g]]
			n.fix[g] <- length(fx)
			if (n.fix[g] == 0) next
			fx <- which(rownames(S[[g]]) %in% fx)
			mod <- model[[g]]
			for (i in 1:n.fix[g]){
				for (j in 1:i){
					mod <- rbind(mod, c(2, fx[i], fx[j],
									0, S[[g]][fx[i], fx[j]]))
			model[[g]] <- mod
	t <- max(sapply(model, function(r) max(r[, 4])))
	if(missing(param.names)) param.names <- paste("Parameter", 1:t, sep=".")
	if (missing(var.names)) var.names <- lapply(model, function(mod) paste("Variable", 1:max(mod[, c(2,3)]), sep="."))
	n <- sapply(S, nrow)
	m <- sapply(model, function(r)  max(r[, c(2, 3)]))
	logdetS <- sapply(S, function(s) log(det(unclass(s))))
	sel.free.2 <- sel.free.1 <- arrows.2.free <- arrows.1.free <- arrows.2t <- arrows.2 <- arrows.1 <- 
			two.free <- one.free <- one.head <- sel.free <- fixed <- par.posn <- correct <- J <- vector(mode="list", length=G)  
	initial.iterations <- if (startvalues == "initial.fit") numeric(G) else NULL
	for (g in 1:G){
		mod <- model[[g]]
		tt <- sum(mod[, 4] != 0)
		mod[mod[, 4] != 0, 4] <- 1:tt
		start <- if (startvalues == "initial.fit"){
					prelim.fit <- sem(mod, S[[g]], N=N[[g]], raw=raw, param.names=as.character(1:tt), var.names=as.character(1:m[[g]]), 
					initial.iterations[g] <- prelim.fit$iterations
				else startvalues(S[[g]], mod)
		model[[g]][mod[, 4] != 0, 5] <- ifelse(is.na(mod[mod[, 4] != 0, 5]), start, mod[mod[, 4] != 0, 5])
		J[[g]] <- matrix(0, n[g], m[g])
		correct[[g]] <- matrix(2, m[g], m[g])
		diag(correct[[g]]) <- 1
		observed <- 1:n[g]
		J[[g]][cbind(observed, observed)] <- 1
		par.posn[[g]] <-  sapply(1:t, function(i) which(model[[g]][,4] == i)[1])
		colnames(model[[g]]) <- c("heads", "to", "from", "parameter", "start value")
		rownames(model[[g]]) <- rep("", nrow(model[[g]]))
		fixed[[g]] <- model[[g]][, 4] == 0
		sel.free[[g]] <- model[[g]][, 4]
		sel.free[[g]][fixed[[g]]] <- 1
		one.head[[g]] <- model[[g]][, 1] == 1
		one.free[[g]] <- which( (!fixed[[g]]) & one.head[[g]] )
		two.free[[g]] <- which( (!fixed[[g]]) & (!one.head[[g]]) )
		arrows.1[[g]] <- model[[g]][one.head[[g]], c(2, 3), drop=FALSE]
		arrows.2[[g]] <- model[[g]][!one.head[[g]], c(2, 3), drop=FALSE]
		arrows.2t[[g]] <- model[[g]][!one.head[[g]], c(3 ,2), drop=FALSE]
		arrows.1.free[[g]] <- model[[g]][one.free[[g]], c(2, 3), drop=FALSE]
		arrows.2.free[[g]] <- model[[g]][two.free[[g]], c(2, 3), drop=FALSE]
		sel.free.1[[g]] <- sel.free[[g]][one.free[[g]]]
		sel.free.2[[g]] <- sel.free[[g]][two.free[[g]]]
	unique.free.1 <- lapply(sel.free.1, unique)
	unique.free.2 <- lapply(sel.free.2, unique)
	start <- numeric(t)
	for (j in 1:t) start[j] <- mean(unlist(sapply(model, function(r) r[r[, 4] == j, 5])), na.rm=TRUE)
	model.description <- list(G=G, m=m, n=n, t=t, fixed=fixed, ram=model, sel.free=sel.free, arrows.1=arrows.1, 
			one.head=one.head, arrows.2=arrows.2, arrows.2t=arrows.2t, J=J, S=S, logdetS=logdetS, 
			N=N, raw=raw, correct=correct, unique.free.1=unique.free.1, unique.free.2=unique.free.2, 
			arrows.1.free=arrows.1.free, arrows.2.free=arrows.2.free, param.names=param.names, 
	result <- optimizer(start=start, objective=objective, gradient=analytic.gradient,
			maxiter=maxiter, debug=debug, par.size=par.size, model.description=model.description, warn=warn, ...)
	if (!is.na(result$iterations)) if(result$iterations >= maxiter) warning("maximum iterations exceeded")
	result <- c(result, list(ram=model, param.names=param.names, var.names=var.names, group=group, groups=groups,
					S=S, N=N, J=J, n=n, m=m, t=t, raw=raw, optimizer=optimizer, objective=objective, fixed.x=fixed.x, n.fix=n.fix,
	cls <- gsub("\\.", "", deparse(substitute(objective)))
	cls <- gsub("2", "", cls)
	class(result) <- c(cls, "msem")

## ML objective function for multigroup SEMs

msemObjectiveML2 <- function(gradient=TRUE){
	result <- list(
			objective = function(par, model.description){
				with(model.description, {
							f <- numeric(G)
							AA <- PP <- CC <- vector(G, mode="list")
							grad.all <- if (gradient) rep(0, t) else NULL
							for (g in 1:G){
								A <- P <- matrix(0, m[g], m[g])
								val <- ifelse (fixed[[g]], ram[[g]][, 5], par[sel.free[[g]]])
								A[arrows.1[[g]]] <- val[one.head[[g]]]
								P[arrows.2t[[g]]] <- P[arrows.2[[g]]] <- val[!one.head[[g]]]
								I.Ainv <- solve(diag(m[g]) - A)
								C <- J[[g]] %*% I.Ainv %*% P %*% t(I.Ainv) %*% t(J[[g]])
								Cinv <- solve(C)
								f[g] <- sum(diag(S[[g]] %*% Cinv)) + log(det(C)) - n[[g]] - logdetS[g]
								CC[[g]] <- C
								AA[[g]] <- A
								PP[[g]] <- P
								if (gradient){
									grad.P <- correct[[g]] * t(I.Ainv) %*% t(J[[g]]) %*% Cinv %*% (C - S[[g]]) %*% Cinv %*% J[[g]] %*% I.Ainv
									grad.A <- grad.P %*% P %*% t(I.Ainv)        
									grad <- rep(0, t)
									grad[sort(unique.free.1[[g]])] <- tapply(grad.A[arrows.1.free[[g]]], ram[[g]][ram[[g]][,1]==1 & ram[[g]][,4]!=0, 4], sum)
									grad[sort(unique.free.2[[g]])] <- tapply(grad.P[arrows.2.free[[g]]], ram[[g]][ram[[g]][,1]==2 & ram[[g]][,4]!=0, 4], sum)
									grad.all <- grad.all + ((N[g] - (!raw))/(sum(N) - (!raw)*G))*grad
							ff <- f
							f <- sum((N - (!raw))*f)/(sum(N) - (!raw)*G)
							attributes(f) <- list(gradient=grad.all, A=AA, P=PP, C=CC, f=ff)
	if (gradient)
		result$gradient <- function(par, model.description){
			with(model.description, {
						grad.total <- rep(0, t)
						for (g in 1:G){
							A <- P <- matrix(0, m[g], m[g])
							val <- ifelse (fixed[[g]], ram[[g]][,5], par[sel.free[[g]]])
							A[arrows.1[[g]]] <- val[one.head[[g]]]
							P[arrows.2t[[g]]] <- P[arrows.2[[g]]] <- val[!one.head[[g]]]
							I.Ainv <- solve(diag(m[g]) - A)
							C <- J[[g]] %*% I.Ainv %*% P %*% t(I.Ainv) %*% t(J[[g]])
							Cinv <- solve(C)
							grad.P <- correct[[g]] * t(I.Ainv) %*% t(J[[g]]) %*% Cinv %*% (C - S[[g]]) %*% Cinv %*% J[[g]] %*% I.Ainv
							grad.A <- grad.P %*% P %*% t(I.Ainv)        
							grad <- rep(0, t)
							grad[sort(unique.free.1[[g]])] <- tapply(grad.A[arrows.1.free[[g]]], ram[[g]][ram[[g]][,1]==1 & ram[[g]][,4]!=0, 4], sum)
							grad[sort(unique.free.2[[g]])] <- tapply(grad.P[arrows.2.free[[g]]], ram[[g]][ram[[g]][,1]==2 & ram[[g]][,4]!=0, 4], sum)
							grad.total <- grad.total + ((N[g] - (!raw))/(sum(N) - (!raw)*G))*grad
	class(result) <- "msemObjective"

msemObjectiveML <- function(gradient=TRUE){
	result <- list(
			objective = function(par, model.description){
				with(model.description, {
							res <- msemCompiledObjective(par=par, model.description=model.description, objective="objectiveML")
							AA <- PP <- CC <- vector(G,  mode="list")
							for(g in 1:model.description$G)
								AA[[g]] <- res$A[[g]]
								PP[[g]] <- res$P[[g]]
								CC[[g]] <- res$C[[g]]
							f <- res$f
							attributes(f) <- list(gradient=res$gradient, A=AA, P=PP, C=CC, f=res$ff)
	if (gradient)
		result$gradient <- function(par, model.description){
			with(model.description, {
						res <- msemCompiledObjective(par=par, model.description=model.description, objective="objectiveML")
	class(result) <- "msemObjective"

msemObjectiveGLS <- function(gradient=FALSE){
	result <- list(
			objective = function(par, model.description){
				with(model.description, {
							res <- msemCompiledObjective(par=par, model.description=model.description, objective="objectiveGLS")
							AA <- PP <- CC <- vector(G,  mode="list")
							for(g in 1:model.description$G)
								AA[[g]] <- res$A[[g]]
								PP[[g]] <- res$P[[g]]
								CC[[g]] <- res$C[[g]]
							f <- res$f
							attributes(f) <- list(A=AA, P=PP, C=CC, f=res$ff)
	class(result) <- "msemObjective"

##  nlm()-based optimizer for multigroup SEMs

optimizerMsem <- function(start, objective=msemObjectiveML, gradient=TRUE,
		maxiter, debug, par.size, model.description, warn=FALSE, ...){
	with(model.description, {
				obj <- objective(gradient=gradient)$objective
				typsize <- if (par.size == 'startvalues') abs(start) else rep(1, t)
				if(identical(objective, msemObjectiveML)) objectiveCompiled <- "objectiveML"
				else if (identical(objective, msemObjectiveGLS)) {
					objectiveCompiled <- "objectiveGLS"
					gradient <- FALSE
				else stop("optimizerMsem requires the msemObjectiveML or msemObjectiveGLS objective function")
				if (!warn) save.warn <- options(warn=-1)
				res <- msemCompiledSolve(model.description=model.description, start=start, objective=objectiveCompiled, 
						typsize=typsize, debug=debug, maxiter=maxiter)
				if (!warn) options(save.warn)
				result <- list(covergence=NULL, iterations=NULL, coeff=NULL, vcov=NULL, criterion=NULL, C=NULL, A=NULL, P=NULL)
				result$convergence <- res$code <= 2
				result$iterations <- res$iterations
				par <- res$estimate
				names(par) <- param.names
				result$coeff <- par
				if (!result$convergence)
					warning(paste('Optimization may not have converged; nlm return code = ',
									res$code, '. Consult ?nlm.\n', sep=""))
				vcov <- matrix(NA, t, t)
				qr.hess <- try(qr(res$hessian), silent=TRUE)
				if (class(qr.hess) == "try-error"){
					warning("Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian.\nOptimization probably did not converge.\n")
				else if (qr.hess$rank < t){
					warning(' singular Hessian: model is probably underidentified.\n')
					which.aliased <- qr.hess$pivot[-(1:qr.hess$rank)]
					result$aliased <- param.names[which.aliased]
				else {
					df <- sum(N) - (!raw)*G
					vcov <-  (2/df) * solve(res$hessian)
					if (any(diag(vcov) < 0)) {
						result$aliased <- param.names[diag(vcov) < 0]
						warning("Negative parameter variances.\nModel may be underidentified.\n")
				colnames(vcov) <- rownames(vcov) <- param.names
				result$vcov <- vcov
				result$criterion <- res$minimum
				C <- res$C
				A <- res$A
				P <- res$P
				for (g in 1:G){
					rownames(C[[g]]) <- colnames(C[[g]]) <-rownames(S[[g]])
					rownames(A[[g]]) <- colnames(A[[g]]) <- var.names[[g]]
					rownames(P[[g]]) <- colnames(P[[g]]) <- var.names[[g]]
				result$C <- C
				result$A <- A
				result$P <- P
				result$group.criteria <- res$ff
				class(result) <- "msemResult"

msemOptimizerNlm <- function(start, objective=msemObjectiveML, gradient=TRUE,
		maxiter, debug, par.size, model.description, warn=FALSE, ...){
	with(model.description, {
				obj <- objective(gradient=gradient)$objective
				typsize <- if (par.size == 'startvalues') abs(start) else rep(1, t)
				if (!warn) save.warn <- options(warn=-1)
				res <- nlm(obj, start, iterlim=maxiter, print.level=if(debug) 2 else 0,
						typsize=typsize, hessian=TRUE, model.description=model.description, ...)
				if (!warn) options(save.warn)
				result <- list(covergence=NULL, iterations=NULL, coeff=NULL, vcov=NULL, criterion=NULL, C=NULL, A=NULL, P=NULL)
				result$convergence <- res$code <= 2
				result$iterations <- res$iterations
				par <- res$estimate
				names(par) <- param.names
				result$coeff <- par
				if (!result$convergence)
					warning(paste('Optimization may not have converged; nlm return code = ',
									res$code, '. Consult ?nlm.\n', sep=""))
				vcov <- matrix(NA, t, t)
				qr.hess <- try(qr(res$hessian), silent=TRUE)
				if (class(qr.hess) == "try-error"){
					warning("Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian.\nOptimization probably did not converge.\n")
				else if (qr.hess$rank < t){
					warning(' singular Hessian: model is probably underidentified.\n')
					which.aliased <- qr.hess$pivot[-(1:qr.hess$rank)]
					result$aliased <- param.names[which.aliased]
				else {
					df <- sum(N) - (!raw)*G
					vcov <-  (2/df) * solve(res$hessian)
					if (any(diag(vcov) < 0)) {
						result$aliased <- param.names[diag(vcov) < 0]
						warning("Negative parameter variances.\nModel may be underidentified.\n")
				colnames(vcov) <- rownames(vcov) <- param.names
				result$vcov <- vcov
				result$criterion <- res$minimum
				obj <- obj(par, model.description)
				C <- attr(obj, "C")
				A <- attr(obj, "A")
				P <- attr(obj, "P")
				for (g in 1:G){
					rownames(C[[g]]) <- colnames(C[[g]]) <-rownames(S[[g]])
					rownames(A[[g]]) <- colnames(A[[g]]) <- var.names[[g]]
					rownames(P[[g]]) <- colnames(P[[g]]) <- var.names[[g]]
				result$C <- C
				result$A <- A
				result$P <- P
				result$group.criteria <- attr(obj, "f")
				class(result) <- "msemResult"

# methods for msem and msemObjectiveML objects

print.msemObjectiveML <- function(x, ...){
	n <- x$n
	n.fix <- x$n.fix
	df <- sum(n*(n + 1)/2) - x$t - sum(n.fix*(n.fix + 1)/2)
	chisq <- sum(x$N - !x$raw)*x$criterion
	cat("\n Model Chisquare =", chisq, " Df =", df, "\n\n")

print.msemObjectiveGLS <- function(x, ...) print.msemObjectiveML(x, ...)

summary.msemObjectiveML <- function(object, digits=5, conf.level=.90, robust=FALSE, 
		analytic.se=object$t <= 500, ...){
	old.digits <- options(digits = digits)
	if(inherits(object, "msemObjectiveGLS")) analytic.se <- FALSE
	groups <- object$groups
	G <- length(groups)
	par <- object$coeff
	vcov <- vcov(object, robust=robust, analytic.se=analytic.se)
	n <- object$n
	m <- object$m
	S <- object$S
	C <- object$C
	A <- object$A
	P <- object$P
	N <- object$N
	J <- object$J
	n.fix <- object$n.fix
	if (length(n.fix) == 1) n.fix <- rep(n.fix, G)
	group.criteria <- object$group.criteria
	var.names <- object$var.names
	param.names <- object$param.names
	semmod <- object$semmodList
	ram <- object$ram
	group.summaries <- list(G, model="list")
	for (g in 1:G){
		par.names <- param.names[ram[[g]][, 4]]
		par.gr <- par[par.names]
		group <- list(coeff=par.gr, vcov=vcov[par.names, par.names], n.fix=n.fix[g], n=n[[g]], m=m[[g]], S=S[[g]], C=C[[g]], N=N[[g]],
				t=length(par.gr), raw=object$raw, var.names=var.names[[g]], ram=ram[[g]],
				J=J[[g]], A=A[[g]], P=P[[g]], criterion=group.criteria[g], par.posn=ram[[g]][, 4] != 0, 
				iterations=object$iterations, semmod=semmod[[g]], adj.obj=object$adj.objects[[g]], 
				robust.vcov=object$robust.vcov[par.names, par.names])
		class(group) <- if(inherits(object, "msemObjectiveGLS")) c("objectiveGLS", "sem") else c("objectiveML", "sem")
		group.summaries[[g]] <- if(inherits(object, "msemObjectiveGLS"))
					summary(group, digits=digits, conf.level=conf.level, robust=FALSE, ...)
			else summary(group, digits=digits, conf.level=conf.level, robust=robust, analytic.se=FALSE, ...)
		group.summaries[[g]]$iterations <- NA
	df <- sum(n*(n + 1)/2) - object$t - sum(n.fix*(n.fix + 1)/2)
	chisq <- sum(N - !object$raw)*object$criterion
	wt <- (N - object$raw)/(sum(N - object$raw))
	SRMR <-if (!object$raw) sum(wt*sapply(group.summaries, function(s) s$SRMR)) else NA
	GFI <- if (!object$raw) sum(wt*sapply(group.summaries, function(s) s$GFI)) else NA
	chisqNull <- if(!object$raw) sum(sapply(group.summaries, function(s) s$chisqNull)) else NA
	dfNull <- sum(n*(n - 1)/2)
	if (!object$raw && df > 0){
		AGFI <- 1 - (sum(n*(n * 1))/(2*df))*(1 - GFI)
		NFI <- (chisqNull - chisq)/chisqNull
		NNFI <- (chisqNull/dfNull - chisq/df)/(chisqNull/dfNull -1)
		L1 <- max(chisq - df, 0)
		L0 <- max(L1, chisqNull - dfNull)
		CFI <- 1 - L1/L0
		RMSEA <- sqrt(G*max(object$criterion/df - 1/(sum(N - 1)), 0))
		tail <- (1 - conf.level)/2
		max <- sum(N)
		while (max > 1) {
			res <- optimize(function(lam) (tail - pchisq(chisq, 
											df, ncp = lam))^2, interval = c(0, max))
			if (is.na(res$objective) || res$objective < 0) {
				max <- 0
				warning("cannot find upper bound of RMSEA")
			if (sqrt(res$objective) < tail/100) 
			max <- max/2
		lam.U <- if (max <= 1) 
				else res$minimum
		max <- max(max, 1)
		while (max > 1) {
			res <- optimize(function(lam) (1 - tail - pchisq(chisq, 
											df, ncp = lam))^2, interval = c(0, max))
			if (sqrt(res$objective) < tail/100) 
			max <- max/2
			if (is.na(res$objective) || res$objective < 0) {
				max <- 0
				warning("cannot find lower bound of RMSEA")
		lam.L <- if (max <= 1) 
				else res$minimum
		RMSEA.U <- sqrt(G*lam.U/(sum(N - 1) * df))
		RMSEA.L <- sqrt(G*lam.L/(sum(N - 1) * df))
	else RMSEA.U <- RMSEA.L <- RMSEA <- NFI <- NNFI <- CFI <- AGFI <- NA
	if (robust){
		chisq.adjusted <- sum(sapply(group.summaries, function(x) x$chisq.adjusted))
		if (!object$raw && df > 0){
			chisqNull.adjusted <- sum(sapply(group.summaries, function(x) x$chisqNull.adjusted))
			NFI.adjusted <- (chisqNull.adjusted - chisq.adjusted)/chisqNull.adjusted
			NNFI.adjusted <- (chisqNull.adjusted/dfNull - chisq.adjusted/df)/(chisqNull.adjusted/dfNull - 1)
			L1 <- max(chisq.adjusted - df, 0)
			L0 <- max(L1, chisqNull.adjusted - dfNull)
			CFI.adjusted <- 1 - L1/L0
	if (object$raw) cat("\nModel fit to raw moment matrix.\n")	
	if (robust && !is.null(object$robust.vcov)){
		cat("\nSatorra-Bentler Corrected Fit Statistics:\n")
		cat("\n Corrected Model Chisquare = ", chisq.adjusted, "  Df = ", df, 
				"Pr(>Chisq) =", if (df > 0) pchisq(chisq.adjusted, df, lower.tail=FALSE)
						else NA)
		if (!object$raw) {		
			cat("\n Corrected Chisquare (null model) = ", chisqNull.adjusted,  "  Df = ", dfNull)
		if (df > 0 && !object$raw){
			cat("\n Corrected Bentler-Bonnett NFI = ", NFI.adjusted)
			cat("\n Corrected Tucker-Lewis NNFI = ", NNFI.adjusted)
			cat("\n Corrected Bentler CFI = ", CFI.adjusted)
		cat("\n\nUncorrected Fit Statistics:\n")
	if (inherits(object, "msemObjectiveGLS")) {
		AIC <- AICc <- BIC <- NA
	else {
		AIC <- AIC(object)
		AICc <- AICc(object)
		BIC <- BIC(object)
	cat("\n Model Chisquare =", chisq, " Df =", df, " Pr(>Chisq) =", pchisq(chisq, df, lower.tail=FALSE))
	if (!is.na(chisqNull)) cat("\n Chisquare (null model) =", chisqNull, " Df =", dfNull)
	if (!is.na(GFI)) cat("\n Goodness-of-fit index =", GFI)
	if (!is.na(AGFI)) cat("\n Adjusted goodness-of-fit index =", AGFI)
	if (!is.na(RMSEA)) cat("\n RMSEA index = ", RMSEA, " ", 100*conf.level, "% CI: (", RMSEA.L, ", ", RMSEA.U, ")", sep="")
	if (!is.na(NFI)) cat("\n Bentler-Bonnett NFI =", NFI)
	if (!is.na(NNFI)) cat("\n Tucker-Lewis NNFI =", NNFI)
	if (!is.na(CFI)) cat("\n Bentler CFI =", CFI)
	if (!is.na(SRMR)) cat("\n SRMR =", SRMR)
	if (!is.na(AIC)) cat("\n AIC =", AIC)
	if (!is.na(AICc)) cat("\n AICc =", AICc)
	if (!is.na(BIC)) cat("\n BIC =", BIC)
	if (is.null(object$initial.iterations)) cat("Iterations:", object$iterations, "\n\n")
	else cat("Iterations: initial fits,", object$initial.iterations, "  final fit,", object$iterations, "\n\n")
	for (g in 1:G){
		cat("\n  ", object$group, ": ", groups[g], "\n", sep="")

summary.msemObjectiveGLS <- function(object, digits=5, conf.level=.90, robust=FALSE, ...){
	summary.msemObjectiveML(object, digits=digits, conf.level=conf.level, 
			robust=robust, ...)

deviance.msemObjectiveML <- function(object, ...) 
	object$criterion * sum(object$N - (!object$raw))

AIC.msemObjectiveML <- function(object, ..., k) {
	deviance(object) + 2*object$t

AICc.msemObjectiveML <- function(object, ...) {
	deviance(object) + 2*object$t*(object$t + 1)/(sum(object$N) - object$t - 1)

BIC.msemObjectiveML <- function(object, ...) {
	deviance(object) + object$t*log(sum(object$N))

residuals.msem <- function(object, ...){
	result <- mapply(function(S, C) S - C, S=object$S, C=object$C, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
	result <- lapply(result, function(res) {attr(res, "N") <- NULL; res})

coef.msem <- function(object, ...) object$coeff

df.residual.msem <- function (object, ...){
	n <- object$n
	n.fix <- object$n.fix
	sum(n*(n + 1)/2) - object$t - sum(n.fix*(n.fix + 1)/2)

anova.msemObjectiveML <- function(object, model.2, ...) {
	dev.1 <- deviance(object)
	df.1 <- df.residual(object)
	dev.2 <- deviance(model.2)
	df.2 <- df.residual(model.2)
	name.1 <- deparse(substitute(object))
	name.2 <- deparse(substitute(model.2))
	df <- abs(df.1 - df.2)
	if (df == 0) 
		stop("the models have the same Df")
	if (all(object$N != model.2$N))
		stop("the models are fit to different numbers of observations")
	if (any(sapply(object$S, nrow) != sapply(model.2$S, nrow)) || !all.equal(object$S, model.2$S))
		stop("the models are fit to different moment matrices")
	chisq <- abs(dev.1 - dev.2)
	table <- data.frame(c(df.1, df.2), c(dev.1, dev.2), 
			c(NA, df), c(NA, chisq), c(NA, pchisq(chisq, df, lower.tail = FALSE)))
	names(table) <- c("Model Df", "Model Chisq", "Df", "LR Chisq", "Pr(>Chisq)")
	rownames(table) <- c(name.1, name.2)
	structure(table, heading = c("LR Test for Difference Between Models", ""), class = c("anova", "data.frame"))

logLik.msemObjectiveML <- function(object, ...) -0.5*deviance(object)

effects.msem <- function(object, ...){
	eff <- function(A, m, semmod){
		I <- diag(m)
		endog <- classifyVariables(semmod)$endogenous
		AA <- -A
		diag(AA) <- 1
		Total <- solve(AA) - I
		Indirect <- Total - A
		result <- list(Total = Total[endog, ], Direct = A[endog, ], Indirect = Indirect[endog, ])
		class(result) <- "semeffects"
	G <- length(object$groups)
	A <- object$A
	m <- object$m
	semmod <- object$semmodList
	result <- vector(G, mode="list")
	for (g in 1:G){
		result[[g]] <- eff(A[[g]], m[g], semmod[[g]])
	names(result) <- object$groups
	class(result) <- "semeffectsList"

print.semeffectsList <- function (x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...) {
	groups <- names(x)
	for (group in groups){
		cat("\n\n Group: ", group, "\n")
		print(x[[group]], digits=digits)

standardizedCoefficients.msem <- function (object, ...){
	groups <- object$groups
	G <- length(groups)
	param.names <- object$param.names
	ram <- object$ram
	A <- object$A
	P <- object$P
	par <- coef(object)
	for (g in 1:G){
		par.names <- param.names[ram[[g]][, 4]]
		par.gr <- par[par.names]
		t <- length(par.gr)
		par.posn <- ram[[g]][, 4] != 0
		ram[[g]][par.posn, 4] <- 1:t
		group <- list(coeff=par.gr, t=t, ram=ram[[g]], A=A[[g]], P=P[[g]], par.posn=par.posn, param.names=par.names)
		class(group) <- "sem"
		cat("\n\n Group: ", groups[g], "\n")
		print(standardizedCoefficients(group, ...))

standardizedResiduals.msem <- function (object, ...) {
	res <- residuals(object)
	S <- object$S
	for (g in 1:length(S)){
		s <- diag(S[[g]])
		res[[g]] <- res[[g]]/sqrt(outer(s, s))

normalizedResiduals.msemObjectiveML <- function (object, ...) {
	res <- residuals(object)
	N <- object$N - (!object$raw)
	C <- object$C
	for (g in 1:length(res)){
		c <- diag(C[[g]])
		res[[g]] <- res[[g]]/sqrt((outer(c, c) + C[[g]]^2)/N[g])

fscores.msem <- function (model, data = model$data, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, ...) {
	m <- model$m
	P <- model$P
	A <- model$A
	var.names <- model$var.names
	C <- model$C
	group <- model$group
	groups <- model$groups
	G <- length(groups)
	scores <- B <- vector(G, mode = "list")
	names(scores) <- names(B) <- groups
	for (g in 1:G) {
		observed <- var.names[[g]] %in% rownames(C[[g]])
		if (all(observed)) {
			warning("there are no latent variables in group ", 
		IAinv <- solve(diag(m[g]) - A[[g]])
		Sigma <- IAinv %*% P[[g]] %*% t(IAinv)
		B[[g]] <- solve(Sigma[observed, observed]) %*% Sigma[observed, 
		rownames(B[[g]]) <- var.names[[g]][observed]
		colnames(B[[g]]) <- var.names[[g]][!observed]
		if (!is.null(data)) {
			X <- data[[g]][, var.names[[g]][observed]]
			if (center || scale) 
				X <- scale(X, center = center, scale = scale)
			scores[[g]] <- X %*% B[[g]]
	if (is.null(data)) 
	else return(scores)

vcov.msem <- function (object, robust=FALSE, analytic = inherits(object, "msemObjectiveML") && object$t <= 500, ...) { 
		if (is.null(object$robust.vcov)) stop("robust coefficient covariance matrix not available")
	if (!analytic) 
	if (!inherits(object, "msemObjectiveML")) 
		stop("analytic coefficient covariance matrix unavailable")
	hessian <- function(model) {
		A <- model$A
		P <- model$P
		S <- model$S
		C <- model$C
		J <- model$J
		m <- model$m
		N <- model$N
		rams <- model$ram
		groups <- model$groups
		G <- length(groups)
		nms <- names(coef(model))
		raw <- model$raw
		Hessian <- matrix(0, nrow=length(nms), ncol=length(nms))
		rownames(Hessian) <- colnames(Hessian) <- nms
		wts <- (N - !raw)/(sum(N) - G*!raw)
		for (g in 1:G){
			I.Ainv <- solve(diag(m[g]) - A[[g]])
			Cinv <- solve(C[[g]])
			AA <- t(I.Ainv) %*% t(J[[g]])
			BB <- J[[g]] %*% I.Ainv %*% P[[g]] %*% t(I.Ainv)
			CC <- t(I.Ainv) %*% t(J[[g]])
			DD <- J[[g]] %*% I.Ainv
			dF.dBdB <- accumulate(AA %*% Cinv %*% t(AA), t(BB) %*% 
							Cinv %*% BB, AA %*% Cinv %*% BB, t(BB) %*% Cinv %*% 
							t(AA), m[g])
			dF.dPdP <- accumulate(CC %*% Cinv %*% t(CC), t(DD) %*% 
							Cinv %*% DD, CC %*% Cinv %*% DD, t(DD) %*% Cinv %*% 
							t(CC), m[g])
			dF.dBdP <- accumulate(AA %*% Cinv %*% t(CC), t(BB) %*% 
							Cinv %*% DD, AA %*% Cinv %*% DD, t(BB) %*% Cinv %*% 
							t(CC), m[g])
			ram <- rams[[g]]
			fixed <- ram[, 4] == 0
			sel.free <- ram[, 4]
			sel.free[fixed] <- 0
			one.head <- ram[, 1] == 1
			one.free <- which((!fixed) & one.head)
			two.free <- which((!fixed) & (!one.head))
			two.free.cov <- which((!fixed) & (!one.head) & (ram[, 2] != ram[, 3]))
			arrows.1 <- ram[one.head, c(2, 3), drop = FALSE]
			arrows.2 <- ram[!one.head, c(2, 3), drop = FALSE]
			arrows.2t <- ram[!one.head, c(3, 2), drop = FALSE]
			arrows.1.free <- ram[one.free, c(2, 3), drop = FALSE]
			arrows.2.free <- ram[two.free, c(2, 3), drop = FALSE]
			sel.free.1 <- sel.free[one.free]
			sel.free.2 <- sel.free[two.free]
			unique.free.1 <- unique(sel.free.1)
			unique.free.2 <- unique(sel.free.2)
			posn.matrix <- matrix(1:(m[g]^2), m[g], m[g])
			posn.free <- c(posn.matrix[arrows.1.free], (m[g]^2) + posn.matrix[arrows.2.free])
			DBB <- dF.dBdB[posn.matrix[arrows.1.free], posn.matrix[arrows.1.free], 
					drop = FALSE]
			DPP <- dF.dPdP[posn.matrix[arrows.2.free], posn.matrix[arrows.2.free], 
					drop = FALSE]
			DBP <- dF.dBdP[posn.matrix[arrows.1.free], posn.matrix[arrows.2.free], 
					drop = FALSE]
			hessian <- rbind(cbind(DBB, DBP), cbind(t(DBP), DPP))
			n1 <- length(one.free)
			n2 <- length(two.free)
			nn <- rep(c(sqrt(2), sqrt(2)/2), c(n1, n2))
			nn[c(one.free, two.free) %in% two.free.cov] <- sqrt(2)
			hessian <- hessian * outer(nn, nn)
			pars <- ram[, 4][!fixed]
			all.pars <- ram[, 4]
			t <- length(pars)
			Z <- outer(sort(unique(pars)), pars, function(x, y) as.numeric(x == y))
			hessian <- Z %*% hessian %*% t(Z)
			par.names <- c(nms[all.pars[one.free]], nms[all.pars[two.free]])
			rownames(hessian) <- colnames(hessian) <- par.names
			Hessian[par.names, par.names] <- Hessian[par.names, par.names] + wts[g]*hessian
	h <- hessian(object)
	t <- object$t
	N <- sum(object$N)
	raw <- object$raw
	G <- length(object$groups)
	param.names <- rownames(h)
	vcov <- matrix(NA, t, t)
	qr.hess <- try(qr(h), silent = TRUE)
	if (class(qr.hess) == "try-error") {
		warning("Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian.\nOptimization probably did not converge.\n")
	else if (qr.hess$rank < t) {
		warning(" singular Hessian: model is probably underidentified.\n")
		which.aliased <- qr.hess$pivot[-(1:qr.hess$rank)]
		attr(vcov, "aliased") <- param.names[which.aliased]
	else {
		vcov <- (2/(N - G*(!raw))) * solve(h)
		if (any(diag(vcov) < 0)) {
			attr(vcov, "aliased") <- param.names[diag(vcov) <  0]
			warning("Negative parameter variances.\nModel may be underidentified.\n")

robustVcovMsem <- function(model){
	G <- length(model$groups)
	t <- model$t  
	N <- model$N
	raw <- model$raw
	wts <- (N - !raw)/(sum(N) - !raw*G)
	hessian <- matrix(0, t, t)
	rownames(hessian) <- colnames(hessian) <- model$param.names
	chisq <- 0
	adj.objects <- vector(G, mode="list")
	for (g in 1:G){
		ram <- model$ram[[g]]
		parameters <- ram[, 4]
		unique.pars <- unique(parameters[parameters != 0])
		par.posn <- sapply(unique.pars, function(x) which(x == parameters)[1])
		unique.posn <- which(parameters %in% unique.pars)
		rownames(ram)[unique.posn] <- unique(model$param.names[ram[, 4]])
		ram[unique.posn, 4] <- unlist(apply(outer(unique.pars, parameters, "=="), 2, which))
		mod.g <- list(var.names=model$var.names[[g]], ram=ram,J=model$J[[g]], n.fix=model$n.fix, n=model$n[[g]], 
				N=model$N[g], m=model$m[[g]], t=length(unique.pars),
				coeff=model$coeff[parameters],  criterion=model$group.criteria[g],  S=model$S[[g]], raw=model$raw,
				C=model$C[[g]], A=model$A[[g]], P=model$P[[g]])
		adj.objects[[g]] <- sbchisq(sem.obj=mod.g, sem.data=model$data[[g]])
		hess <- solve((N[g] - 1)*robustVcov(mod.g, adj.obj=adj.objects[[g]]))
		pars <- rownames(hess)
		hessian[pars, pars] <- hessian[pars, pars] + wts[g]*hess
		chisq <- chisq + adj.objects$chisq.scaled
	return(list(vcov=solve(hessian)/(sum(N) - !raw*G), chisq.scaled=chisq, adj.objects=adj.objects))

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