
Defines functions print.qaw is.SeqFrag as.SeqFrag print.SeqAcnucWeb is.SeqAcnucWeb as.SeqAcnucWeb summary.SeqFastaAA is.SeqFastaAA as.SeqFastaAA summary.SeqFastadna is.SeqFastadna as.SeqFastadna

Documented in as.SeqAcnucWeb as.SeqFastaAA as.SeqFastadna as.SeqFrag is.SeqAcnucWeb is.SeqFastaAA is.SeqFastadna is.SeqFrag print.qaw print.SeqAcnucWeb summary.SeqFastaAA summary.SeqFastadna

# SeqFastadna:

as.SeqFastadna <- function(object, name = NULL, Annot = NULL){
  attributes(object) <- list(name = name, Annot = Annot)
  class(object) <- "SeqFastadna"

is.SeqFastadna <- function(object) inherits(object, "SeqFastadna")

summary.SeqFastadna <- function(object, alphabet = s2c("acgt"), ...){
  length <- getLength(object)
  if(nchar(object[1]) > 1) {
  compo <- count(s2c(object), 1, alphabet = alphabet)
  return(list(length = length , composition = compo, GC = GC(s2c(object))))
  else {
  compo <- count(object, 1, alphabet = alphabet)
  return(list(length = length , composition = compo, GC = GC(object)))

# SeqFastaAA:

as.SeqFastaAA <- function(object, name = NULL, Annot = NULL){
  attributes(object) <- list(name = name, Annot= Annot)
  class(object) <- "SeqFastaAA"

is.SeqFastaAA <- function(object) inherits(object, "SeqFastaAA")

summary.SeqFastaAA <- function(object,...){
  length <- getLength(object)
  if(nchar(object[1]) > 1) {
  compo <- table(factor(s2c(object), levels = levels(SEQINR.UTIL$CODON.AA$L)))
  return(list(length = length, composition=compo/length, AA.Property=AAstat(s2c(object),plot=FALSE)[[2]]))
  else {
    compo <- table(factor(object, levels = levels(SEQINR.UTIL$CODON.AA$L)))
    return(list(length = length, composition=compo/length, AA.Property=AAstat(object,plot=FALSE)[[2]]))


# SeqAcnucWeb:

as.SeqAcnucWeb <- function(object, length, frame, ncbigc){
  attributes(object) <- list(length = as.numeric(length),
    frame = as.numeric(frame), ncbigc = as.numeric(ncbigc))
  class(object) <- "SeqAcnucWeb"

is.SeqAcnucWeb <- function(object) inherits(object, "SeqAcnucWeb")

print.SeqAcnucWeb <- function(x, ...)
  res <- c(x, attr(x, "length"), attr(x, "frame"), attr(x, "ncbigc"))
  names(res) <- c("name", "length", "frame", "ncbigc")
  print(res, ...)

# SeqFrag:

as.SeqFrag <- function(object, begin, end, name){
  attr(object, "seqMother") <- name
  attr(object, "begin") <- begin
  attr(object,"end") <- end
  class(object) <- "SeqFrag"

is.SeqFrag <- function(object) inherits(object, "SeqFrag")

# Query Acnuw Web (qaw class)

print.qaw <- function(x, ...)
  cat(x$nelem, x$type, "for", list1$call$query)

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seqinr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 3:05 p.m.