
Defines functions multModel xi dxi crossprodCol quad dfPen dfCon dim.multModel response response.multModel predict.multModel dpredict dpredict.multModel loss loss.default loss.multModel grad grad.default grad.multModel dfEff dfEff.default dfEff.multModel risk risk.default riskHat riskHat.default riskHat.multModel fit fit.multModel

Documented in dfEff dfEff.multModel dpredict dpredict.multModel fit fit.multModel grad grad.multModel loss loss.multModel multModel predict.multModel response response.multModel risk riskHat riskHat.multModel

### R code for construction and computation with multivariate process data.
###     Copyright (C) 2014 Niels Richard Hansen.
### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
### under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
### Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
### later version.
### These functions are distributed in the hope that they will be useful,
### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
### GNU General Public License for more details.
### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
### along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
### http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

## Process constructor ----
##' Multivariate process models constructor
##' Constructs multivariate models for dynamic processes.
##' @param y a \code{numeric}. A response matrix of dimensions d by m.
##' @param x a \code{numeric}. A predictor matrix of dimensions d by m.
##' @param t a \code{numeric}. A single time step size, or a vector of time step sizes of length m. 
##' @param suff a \code{logical}. Should sufficient statistics and the MLE be computed.
##' @param weights a \code{character} or \code{numeric}. Specifies parameter weights. Default value 
##'        \code{'unit'} means that all parameters are weighted equally with a unit weight, 
##'        whereas \code{'adaptive'} means that the parameters are weighted inverse proportionally 
##'        to the MLE (will only be used if \code{suff = TRUE}). Alternatively, a numeric specifying 
##'        the individual parameter weights.
##' @return an object of class \code{multModel} containing the elements
##'  \tabular{ll}{
##'  y \tab the d by m data matrix \cr
##'  x \tab the d by m data matrix \cr
##'  t \tab the time step(s) \cr
##'  ss \tab sum of squares (computed if \code{suff = TRUE}) \cr
##'  xyt \tab d by d crossproduct of x and y (computed if \code{suff = TRUE}) \cr
##'  xxt \tab d by d crossproduct of x (computed if \code{suff = TRUE}) \cr
##'  B \tab the MLE if \code{suff = TRUE}, and the zero matrix otherwise \cr
##'  w \tab a matrix of parameter weights \cr
##'  d \tab dimension of the process \cr
##'  m \tab number of d-dimensional observations \cr
##'  n \tab equals \code{m * d} \cr
##'  p \tab quals \code{d * d} \cr
##'  sigma \tab the observation variance parameter \cr
##'  status \tab 0 means no problems or errors encountered \cr
##'  msg \tab error messages or other notable conditions 
##'  }
##' @author Niels Richard Hansen \email{Niels.R.Hansen@@math.ku.dk}
##' @export

multModel <- function(y, x, t, suff = TRUE, weights = "unit", sigma = 1) {
  if (!(is.matrix(y) & is.matrix(x) & all(dim(x) == dim(y))))
    stop("Arguments 'y' and 'x' must be matrices of the same dimensions.")
  m <- ncol(y)
  d <- nrow(y)
  n <- m * d
  p <- d * d
  if (length(t) > 1)
    stop("Multiple time steps is currently not supported.")
  if (is.numeric(weights)) {
    if (length(weights) != d * d)
      warning("The length of 'weights' does not match the number of parameters. The weights are recycled.")
    w <- matrix(weights, d, d)
  } else {
    w <- matrix(1, d, d)
  B <- matrix(0, d, d) 
  status <- 0
  msg <- ""
  if (suff) {
    ss <- sum(y^2)
    xyt <- tcrossprod(x, y)
    xxt <- tcrossprod(x)
    MLEtry <- try(solve(xxt, xyt), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(MLEtry, "try-error")) {
      status <- 2
      msg <- MLEtry
    } else {
      Btry <- try(logm(t(MLEtry)) / t, silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(Btry, "try-error")) {
        status <- 2
        msg <- Btry
      } else {
        B <- Btry
        if (weights[1] == 'adaptive')
          w <- 1 / (abs(B) + 1e-8)
  } else {  ## Don't compute sufficient stats
    ss <- xyt <- xxt <- 0 
    structure(list(y = y,
                   x = x,
                   t = t,
                   ss = ss,
                   xyt = xyt,
                   xxt = xxt,
                   B = B,
                   w = w,
                   d = d,
                   m = m,
                   n = n,
                   p = p,
                   suff = suff,
                   dfMethod = "pen",
                   sigma = sigma,
                   status = status,
                   msg = msg),
              class = "multModel")

## Misc. functions that are not exported ----

xi <- function(model, B) {
  d <- model$d
  t <- model$t
  x <- model$x
  dim(B) <- c(d, d)
  as.numeric(expm(t * B) %*% x)

dxi <- function(model, B) {
  d <- model$d
  t <- model$t
  x <- model$x
  p <- model$p
  n <- model$n
  dim(B) <- c(d, d)
  F <- numeric(p)
  dim(F) <- dim(B)
  dxi <- matrix(0, n, p)
  for(j in 1:p) {
    F[j] <- 1
    dxi[, j] <- as.vector(expmFrechet(t * B, F, expm = FALSE)$Lexpm %*% x)
    F[j] <- 0
  t * dxi

crossprodCol <- function(model, i, B) {
  d <- model$d
  t <- model$t
  dim(B) <- c(d, d)
  if (model$suff) {
    xxt <- model$xxt
    E <- matrix(0, d, d)
    E[i] <- 1
    LB <- expmFrechet(t * B, E, expm = FALSE)$Lexpm
    as.vector(t^2 * expmFrechet(t * t(B), LB %*% xxt, expm = FALSE)$Lexpm)
  } else {
    X <- dxi(model, B) 
    drop(crossprod(X, X[, i]))

quad <- function(model, i, B) {
  d <- model$d
  t <- model$t
  dim(B) <- c(d, d)
  if (model$suff) { 
    xxt <- model$xxt
    E <- matrix(0, d, d)
    E[i] <- 1
    LB <- expmFrechet(t * B, E, expm = FALSE)$Lexpm
    t^2 * sum(LB * (LB %*% xxt))
  } else {
    p <- model$p
    x <- model$x
    F <- numeric(p)
    dim(F) <- dim(B)
    F[i] <- 1
    dxi <- as.vector(expmFrechet(t * B, F, expm = FALSE)$Lexpm %*% x)
    t^2 * sum(dxi^2)

dfPen <- function(model, B, ...) {
  d <- model$d
  t <- model$t
  y <- model$y
  x <- model$x
  n <- model$n
  dim(B) <- c(d, d)
  tmp <- matrix(0, 3 * d, 3 * d)
  tmp[1:d, 1:d] <- tmp[1:d + d, 1:d + d] <- 
    tmp[1:d + 2 * d, 1:d + 2 * d] <- t * B
  r <- y - expm(t * B) %*% x
  xr <- x %*% t(r)
  ii <- which(B != 0)
  if (length(ii) > 0) {
    pp <- length(ii)
    Dzeta <- matrix(0, n, pp)
    J <- matrix(0, pp, pp)
    E1 <- matrix(0, d, d)
    for(i in seq_along(ii)) {
      E1[ii[i]] <- 1
      Dzeta[, i] <- t * expmFrechet(t * B, E1, expm = FALSE)$Lexpm %*% x
      tmp[1:d, 1:d + d] <- E1
      tmp[1:d + d, 1:d + 2 * d] <- xr
      J[i, ] <- - t^2 * as.vector(t(expm(tmp)[1:d, 1:d + 2 * d]))[ii]
      E1[ii[i]] <- 0
    J <- J + t(J)
    G <- crossprod(Dzeta)
    J <- G + J
    JinvG <- try(solve(J, G), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(JinvG, "try-error")) {
      warning("Error in matrix inversion when computing the effective degrees of freedom. Number of non-zero parameters returned.")
      df <- length(ii)
    } else {
      df <- sum(diag(JinvG))
  } else {
    df <- 0

dfCon <- function(model, B, omega = rep(1, model$p), ...) {
  d <- model$d
  t <- model$t
  y <- model$y
  x <- model$x
  n <- model$n
  dim(B) <- c(d, d)
  tmp <- matrix(0, 3 * d, 3 * d)
  tmp[1:d, 1:d] <- tmp[1:d + d, 1:d + d] <- 
    tmp[1:d + 2 * d, 1:d + 2 * d] <- t * B
  r <- y - expm(t * B) %*% x
  xr <- x %*% t(r)
  ii <- which(B != 0)
  if (length(ii) > 0) {
    pp <- length(ii)
    Dzeta <- matrix(0, n, pp)
    J <- matrix(0, pp, pp)
    E1 <- matrix(0, d, d)
    for(i in seq_along(ii)) {
      E1[ii[i]] <- 1
      Dzeta[, i] <- t * expmFrechet(t * B, E1, expm = FALSE)$Lexpm %*% x
      tmp[1:d, 1:d + d] <- E1
      tmp[1:d + d, 1:d + 2 * d] <- xr
      J[i, ] <- - t^2 * as.vector(t(expm(tmp)[1:d, 1:d + 2 * d]))[ii]
      E1[ii[i]] <- 0
    J <- J + t(J)
    G <- crossprod(Dzeta)
    J <- G + J
    gamma <- as.vector(omega[ii] * sign(B[ii]))
    JinvG <- try(solve(J, G), silent = TRUE)
    JinvGam <- try(solve(J, gamma), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(JinvG, "try-error") || inherits(JinvGam, "try-error")) {
      warning("Error in matrix inversion when computing the effective degrees of freedom. Number of non-zero parameters minus 1 returned.")
      df <- length(ii) - 1
    } else {
      df <- sum(diag(JinvG)) - sum(gamma * (JinvG %*% JinvGam)) / (sum(gamma * JinvGam))
  } else {
    df <- 0

## Misc. generic functions and methods ----

##' @export
dim.multModel <- function(x)

##' Returns the response 
##' @param object an object from which the response is to be obtained.
##' @seealso \code{\link{multModel}}
##' @author Niels Richard Hansen \email{Niels.R.Hansen@@math.ku.dk}
##' @export
response <- function(model, ...)

##' @rdname response
##' @export
response.multModel <- function(model, ...)

##' Prediction for multivariate models
##' @param object an object of class \code{multModel}.
##' @param par the parameter vector.
##' @seealso \code{\link{predict}}, \code{\link{multModel}}
##' @author Niels Richard Hansen \email{Niels.R.Hansen@@math.ku.dk}
##' @importFrom stats predict
##' @export
predict.multModel <- function(object, par, ...) 
  xi(object, par)

##' Derivative of the predictor 
##' @param object an object of class \code{multModel}.
##' @param par the parameter vector.
##' @return An n by p matrix.
##' @seealso \code{\link{predict.multModel}}, \code{\link{multModel}}
##' @author Niels Richard Hansen \email{Niels.R.Hansen@@math.ku.dk}
##' @export
dpredict <- function(object, par, ...)

##' @rdname dpredict
##' @export
dpredict.multModel <- function(object, par, ...) 
  dxi(object, par)

##' Computation of the squared error loss function
##' @param object for which the loss is to be computed.
##' @param par the parameter vector.
##' @return a numeric.
##' @seealso \code{\link{grad}}
##' @author Niels Richard Hansen \email{Niels.R.Hansen@@math.ku.dk}
##' @export
loss <- function(model, par, ...)

##' @export
loss.default <- function(model, par, ...) {
  y <- response(model)
  pred <- predict(model, par)
  sum((y - pred)^2)

##' @rdname loss
##' @export
loss.multModel <- function(model, par = model$B, ...) {
  d <- model$d
  t <- model$t
  B <- par
  dim(B) <- c(d, d)
  if (model$suff) {
    ss <- model$ss
    xyt <- model$xyt
    xxt <- model$xxt
    eB <- expm(t * B)
    loss <- ss - 2 * sum(t(eB) * xyt) + sum(eB * (eB %*% xxt))
  } else {
    y <- model$y
    x <- model$x
    loss <- sum((y - expm(t * B) %*% x)^2)

##' Computation of the gradient of the loss function
##' @param model for which the gradient of the loss is to be computed.
##' @param par the parameter vector.
##' @param ...
##' @return a numeric vector.
##' @seealso \code{\link{loss}}
##' @author Niels Richard Hansen \email{Niels.R.Hansen@@math.ku.dk}
##' @export
grad <- function(model, par, ...)

##' @export
grad.default <- function(model, par, ...) {
  r <- as.vector(predict(model, par) - response(model))
  2 * drop(r %*% dpredict(model, par))

##' @rdname grad
##' @export
grad.multModel <- function(model, par = model$B, ...) {
  d <- model$d
  t <- model$t
  dim(par) <- c(d, d)
  if (model$suff) {
    ss <- model$ss
    xyt <- model$xyt
    xxt <- model$xxt
    F <- xyt - xxt %*% t(expm(t * par))
    grad <- as.vector(- 2 * t * t(expmFrechet(t * par, F, expm = FALSE)$Lexpm))
  } else {
    y <- model$y
    r <- as.vector(xi(model, par) - y)
    grad <- 2 * drop(r %*% dxi(model, par))

##' Effective degrees of freedom.
##' Estimation of the effective degrees of freedom.
##' @param model the model for which the degrees of freedom is to be computed.
##' @param par a \code{numeric}. The parameter vector.
##' @param method a \code{character}. The method for estimation of degrees of freedom. The default is to use 
##'        the method specified by the model. The possible values are \code{'pen'}, \code{'sub'}, 
##'        \code{'con'} and \code{'nonzero'}.
##' @param ...
##' @return a numeric.
##' @seealso \code{\link{risk}}, \code{\link{riskHat}}
##' @author Niels Richard Hansen \email{Niels.R.Hansen@@math.ku.dk}
##' @export
dfEff <- function(model, par, ...)

##' @export
dfEff.default <- function(model, par, ...)

##' @rdname dfEff
##' @export
dfEff.multModel <- function(model, par = model$B, method = model$dfMethod, ...)
         pen = dfPen(model, par),
         sub = dfPen(model, par),
         con = dfCon(model, par, model$w),
         nonzero = sum(par != 0),
         NextMethod(model = model, par = par))

##' Computation of the squared error risk.
##' @param object for which the risk is to be computed.
##' @param par0 the best / true parameter vector.
##' @param par the estimated parameter vector.
##' @param ...
##' @return a numeric.
##' @seealso \code{\link{dfEff}}, \code{\link{riskHat}}
##' @author Niels Richard Hansen \email{Niels.R.Hansen@@math.ku.dk}
##' @export
risk <- function(model, par0, par, ...)

##' @export
risk.default <- function(model, par0, par, ...) {
  pred0 <- predict(model, par0)  
  pred <- predict(model, par)
  sum((pred - pred0)^2)

##' Estimation of the risk.
##' Computation of an estimate of the quadratic risk based on the effective degrees of 
##' freedom. The estimate can be used for model selection.
##' @param model the model object for which the risk is to be computed.
##' @param par a \code{numeric}. The estimated parameter vector.
##' @param df a \code{numeric}. The effective degrees of freedom.
##' @param sigma a \code{numeric}. The variance parameter. 
##' @return a numeric.
##' @seealso \code{\link{df}}, \code{\link{risk}}
##' @author Niels Richard Hansen \email{Niels.R.Hansen@@math.ku.dk}
##' @export
riskHat <- function(model, par, df, sigma, ...)

##' @export
riskHat.default <- function(model, par, df = length(par), sigma = 1, ...) 
  loss(model, par) + sigma^2 * (2 * df - model$n)

##' @rdname riskHat
##' @export
riskHat.multModel <- function(model, par = model$B, df = dfEff(model, par), sigma = model$sigma, ...) {
  NextMethod(par = par, df = df, sigma = sigma)
  #  t <- object$t
  #  x <- object$x
  #  y <- object$y
  #  d <- nrow(x)
  #  dim(B) <- c(d, d)
  #  sum((y - expm(t * B) %*% x)^2) + sigma^2 * (2 * df - n)

##' Fitting a multivariate process model
##' Estimation of parameters in a multivariate process model. The function fits the models by minimizing 
##' an l1-penalized squared error loss by a coordinate wise descent algorithm. Alternatively, the function 
##' can do unpenalized least squares forward or backward model search.
##' The stepwise model search algorithms as well as the algorithm for l1-panalized estimation return
##' a sequence of models parametrized by a vector of tuning parameters. For the model search, the tuning 
##' parameter is the dimension of the model (the number of nonzero entries in the parameter vector). For 
##' the l1-panalized models, the tuning parameter is a sequence of penalty parameters. 
##' The scope argument specifies the smallest and largest model fitted. They must be nested. The zero weights
##' of the \code{multModel} object are used to specify the smallest model, if the scope argument does not 
##' contain a smallest model. 
##' @param model 
##' @seealso \code{\link{multModel}}, \code{\link{coordinateDescent}}, \code{\link{coordinateDescentMF}},
##'         \code{\link{stepOptim}}.
##' @return a \code{multModel} object with the additional elements
##'  \tabular{ll}{
##'  lambda \tab the sequence of tuning parameters \cr
##'  Blambda \tab the corresponding matrix of estimated parameters. The i'th column corresponds to the i'th tuning parameter. \cr
##'  status \tab either 0 (meaning no errors), 1 (convergence), 2 (MLE not computed) or 3 (other errors) 
##'               indicating different problems or errors \cr
##'  msg \tab errors encountered or other notable conditions
##'  }         
##' @export
fit <- function(model, ...)

##' @rdname fit
##' @param method a \code{character}. The default, \code{"cd"}, means a standard coordinate descent algorithm. 
##'         while \code{'mf'} means the same coordinate descent algorithm, but using a matrix free 
##'         implementation. A choice of \code{'forward'} or \code{'backward'} means least squares model search.   
##' @param scope a \code{numeric} or a \code{list}. See \code{\link{stepOptim}}.
##' @param ... additional arguments passed on to the optimization algorithm.  
##' @export        
fit.multModel <- function(model, method = 'cd', scope = seq(1, model$p), ...) {
  if (method %in% c('cd', 'mf', 'forward', 'backward')) {
    if (method == 'cd') 
      result <- try(coordinateDescent(y = as.vector(model$y), 
                                      xi = function(B) xi(model, B),
                                      dxi = function(B) dxi(model, B),
                                      p = model$p,
                                      penalty.factor = as.vector(model$w),
                                      ...), silent = TRUE)
    if (method == 'mf')
      result <- try(coordinateDescentMF(f = function(B) loss(model, B), 
                                        gr = function(B) grad(model, B),
                                        cp = function(i, B) crossprodCol(model, i, B),
                                        p = model$p,
                                        penalty.factor = as.vector(model$w),
                                        ...), silent = TRUE)
    if (method %in% c('forward', 'backward')) {
      B <- numeric(model$p)
      f <- function(par, pattern, ...) {
        B[pattern] <- par
        loss(model, par = B)
      gr <- function(par, pattern, ...) {
        B[pattern] <- par
        grad(model, B)[pattern]  
      if (!is.list(scope)) {
        upper <- scope
        lower <- which(model$w == 0)
        scope <- list(lower = lower, upper = upper)
      result <- try(stepOptim(f = f, 
                              gr = gr, 
                              par = model$B, 
                              direction = method,
                              scope = scope,
                              ...), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
      model$status <- 3
      model$msg <- paste(model$msg, result)
    } else {
      model$lambda <- result$lambda
      model$Blambda <- result$beta
      model$status <- max(result$status, model$status)
      if (result$status == 1)
        model$msg <- paste(model$msg, "Coordinate descent algorithm reached max interations for some lambda.")
      if (result$status == 2)
        model$msg <- paste(model$msg, result$msg)
  } else {     
    warning("Method not available. Model returned without fitting.")

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