# Copyright 2002-12 by Roger Bivand, 2015 Martin Gubri
residuals.sarlm <- function(object, ...) {
if (is.null(object$na.action))
else napredict(object$na.action, object$residuals)
deviance.sarlm <- function(object, ...) {
coef.sarlm <- function(object, ...) {
ret <- NULL
# ret <- sqrt(object$s2)
# names(ret) <- "sigma"
if (object$type == "error") ret <- c(ret, object$lambda)
else if (object$type == "lag" || object$type == "mixed")
ret <- c(ret, object$rho)
else if (object$type == "sac" || object$type == "sacmixed")
ret <- c(ret, object$rho, object$lambda)
ret <- c(ret, object$coefficients)
vcov.sarlm <- function(object, ...) {
if (object$ase) res <- object$resvar[-1,-1]
else {
if (!is.null(object$fdHess)) {
if (object$insert) res <- object$resvar[-1,-1]
else res <- object$resvar
} else {
stop("vcov not available for this model")
fitted.sarlm <- function(object, ...) {
if (is.null(object$na.action))
else napredict(object$na.action, object$fitted.values)
predict.sarlm <- function(object, newdata=NULL, listw=NULL, pred.type="TS",,
zero.policy=NULL, legacy=TRUE, legacy.mixed=FALSE, power=NULL, order=250, tol=.Machine$double.eps^(3/5),, lagImpact=NULL,
spChk=NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(zero.policy))
zero.policy <- get("zeroPolicy", envir = .spdepOptions)
if (is.null(pred.type)) pred.type <- "TS"
# check pred.type with model
if (pred.type %in% c("TS") & object$type %in% c("sac", "sacmixed")) stop("no such predict method for sac model")
if (pred.type %in% c("TC", "BP", "BPW", "BPN", "TS1", "BP1", "BPW1", "BPN1") & object$type == "error") stop("no such predict method for error model")
if (pred.type %in% c("KP5") & object$type %in% c("lag", "lagmixed")) stop("no such predict method for lag model")
if (pred.type %in% c("TC", "BP", "BPW", "BPN", "BP1", "BPW1", "BPN1") & object$type %in% c("sac", "sacmixed")) warning("predict method developed for lag model, use carefully")
if (pred.type %in% c("KP5") & object$type %in% c("sac", "sacmixed")) warning("predict method developed for sem model, use carefully")
if (is.null(power)) power <- object$method != "eigen"
if (is.null(spChk)) spChk <- get.spChkOption()
if (!is.null(newdata) && is.null(row.names(newdata))) stop("newdata should have as row.names")
# if ( && object$type == "error") {
# <- FALSE
# warning("standard error estimates not available for error models")
# }
# if ( && is.null(lagImpact))
# stop("lagImpact object from impact method required for standard error estimate")
Xs <- object$X
B <- object$coefficients
ys <- object$y
if (class(ys) == "AsIs") ys <- c(ys)
tarXs <- object$tarX
tarys <- object$tary
trends <- Xs %*% B
# forecast case: newdata with the same names than data
# use a sub-samble of in-sample predictors
if (!is.null(newdata) && nrow(newdata) == length(ys) && row.names(newdata) == attr(ys, "names")) {
if (!pred.type %in% c("trend", "TC", "TS"))
warning("no such predictor type for prevision")
frm <- formula(object$call)
mt <- delete.response(terms(frm, data=newdata)) # returns a terms object for the same model but with no response variable
mf <- model.frame(mt, newdata)
# resolved problem of missing response column in newdata reported by
# Christine N. Meynard, 060201
if (dim(mf)[1] != nrow(newdata))
stop("missing values in newdata")
Xs <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
if (object$type == "mixed" || (object$type == "error" && object$etype == "emixed")) { # mixed model: compute WXo
if (is.null(listw) || !inherits(listw, "listw"))
stop ("spatial weights list required")
if (nrow(Xs) != length(listw$neighbours))
stop("mismatch between data and spatial weights")
if (spChk && !chkIDs(Xs, listw))
stop("Check of data and weights ID integrity failed")
if (pred.type == "TS" && legacy.mixed == FALSE) { # force legacy.mixed to allow the TS out-of-sample computation in the prevision case
warning("only legacy.mixed=TRUE is supported for pred.type='TS' and mixed models. legacy.mixed is forced")
legacy.mixed <- TRUE
K <- ifelse(colnames(Xs)[1] == "(Intercept)", 2, 1)
m <- ncol(Xs)
# check if there are enough regressors
if (m > 1) {
WXs <- matrix(nrow=nrow(Xs),ncol=(m-(K-1)))
for (k in K:m) {
wx <- lag.listw(listw, Xs[,k],
if (any(
stop("NAs in lagged independent variable")
WXs[,(k-(K-1))] <- wx
if (K == 2) {
# unnormalized weight matrices
if (!(listw$style == "W")) {
intercept <- as.double(rep(1, nrow(Xs)))
wx <- lag.listw(listw, intercept,
zero.policy = zero.policy)
if (m > 1) {
WXs <- cbind(wx, WXs)
} else {
WXs <- matrix(wx, nrow = nrow(Xs), ncol = 1)
if (any(object$aliased)) {
if (K>1 && (listw$style == "W")) colnames(WXs) <- paste("lag.", colnames(Xs)[-1], sep="")
else colnames(WXs) <- paste("lag.", colnames(Xs), sep="")
Xs <- cbind(Xs, WXs)
# accommodate aliased coefficients 120314
if (any(object$aliased))
Xs <- Xs[,-which(object$aliased)]
tarXs <- tarys <- NULL
trends <- Xs %*% B
if (pred.type != "TS") # use the out-of-sample computation of TS (which only depends on Woo)
newdata <- NULL
if (is.null(newdata)) { # in-sample pred
if (pred.type == "TS") { # defaut predictor
res <- fitted.values(object)
if (object$type == "error") { # We ou WX+We
attr(res, "trend") <- as.vector(trends)
attr(res, "signal") <- as.vector( -1 * (tarys - ys) - -1 * (tarXs - Xs) %*% B)
} else { # lag model or other
attr(res, "trend") <- as.vector(trends)
attr(res, "signal") <- as.vector( -1 * (tarys - ys))
} else { # new predictors
if (pred.type != "trend") { # need listw
if (is.null(listw) || !inherits(listw, "listw"))
stop ("spatial weights list required")
if (nrow(Xs) != length(listw$neighbours))
stop("mismatch between data and spatial weights")
if (spChk && !chkIDs(Xs, listw))
stop("Check of data and weights ID integrity failed")
if (pred.type %in% c("TC", "BP")) { # need to compute TC
if (power){
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
TC <- powerWeights(W, rho = object$rho, X = Xs, order = order, tol = tol) %*% B
} else {
TC <- invIrW(listw, object$rho) %*% trends
if (pred.type == "trend") {
res <- as.vector(trends)
} else if(pred.type == "TC") {
res <- as.vector(TC)
} else if(pred.type == "BP") {
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
Qss <- 1/object$s2 * (Diagonal(dim(W)[1]) - (object$rho * t(W))) %*% (Diagonal(dim(W)[1]) - (object$rho * W)) # precision matrix for LAG model
DiagQss <- Diagonal(x = diag(Qss))
BP <- TC - solve(DiagQss) %*% (Qss - DiagQss) %*% (ys - TC)
# TODO: Can BP also be applied to the SEM model? Cf LeSage and Pace (2004). Note: \hat{\mu_i} need to be adapted
res <- as.vector(BP)
} else {
stop("no such in-sample predictor type")
if (pred.type != "trend") attr(res, "trend") <- as.vector(trends)
attr(res, "") <- as.vector(attr(ys, "names"))
} else { # out-of-sample
if (any(row.names(newdata) %in% attr(ys, "names")) && !(pred.type == "TS" && nrow(newdata) == length(ys) && row.names(newdata) == attr(ys, "names"))) # no warning in the computation of TS in forecast
warning("some are both in data and newdata")
if (!(pred.type == "TS" && object$type == "error" && object$etype == "error") && !(pred.type == "trend" && (object$type != "mixed" && !(object$type == "error" && object$etype == "emixed")))) { # need of listw (ie. neither in the case of defaut predictor and SEM model, nor trend type without mixed models)
if (is.null(listw) || !inherits(listw, "listw"))
stop ("spatial weights list required")
if (any(! row.names(newdata) %in% attr(listw, "")))
stop("mismatch between newdata and spatial weights. newdata should have as row.names")
listw.old <- NULL
# wanted order of the listw
if (pred.type == "TS") { # only need Woo <- row.names(newdata)
if (!legacy.mixed) listw.old <- listw # keep the old listw to allow the computation of lagged variable from the full WX
# listw <- mat2listw(matrix(0), row.names = row.names(newdata)) # avoid crash of subset.listw
} else { <- c(attr(ys, "names"), row.names(newdata))
if (legacy.mixed) listw.old <- listw # keep the old listw to allow the computation of lagged variable from Woo (as mat2listw() cannot compute Woo from the new listw, because it has general weights lists)
if (length( != length(attr(listw, "")) || !all( == attr(listw, ""))) { # if listw is not directly ok
if (all(subset(attr(listw, ""), attr(listw, "") %in% == && listw$style != "M") { # only need a subset.listw, ie. spatial units are in the right order and if weights style is not unknown
listw <- subset.listw(listw, (attr(listw, "") %in%, zero.policy = zero.policy)
} else { # we use a sparse matrix transformation to reorder a listw
if (listw$style == "M") warning("unknown weight style: a subset of listw is used without re-normalization")
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
W <- W[,]
style <- listw$style
listw <- mat2listw(W, row.names =, style = style) # re-normalize to keep the style
rm(W) # avoid the use of a wrong W
#optional check
temp <- rep(NA, length(
names(temp) <-
if (spChk && !chkIDs(temp, listw))
stop("Check of data and weights ID integrity failed")
frm <- formula(object$call)
mt <- delete.response(terms(frm, data=newdata)) # returns a terms object for the same model but with no response variable
mf <- model.frame(mt, newdata)
# resolved problem of missing response column in newdata reported by
# Christine N. Meynard, 060201
if (dim(mf)[1] != nrow(newdata))
stop("missing values in newdata")
Xo <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
# accommodate aliased coefficients 120314
if (any(object$aliased))
Xo <- Xo[,-which(object$aliased)]
if (object$type == "mixed" || (object$type == "error" && object$etype == "emixed")) { # mixed model: compute WXo
K <- ifelse(colnames(Xo)[1] == "(Intercept)", 2, 1)
# prepare listw for computation of lagged variables
if (legacy.mixed) { # compute WooXo
X <- Xo <- rownames(Xo)
} else { # compute [WX]o
is.not.lagged <- 1:((K-1)+(ncol(Xs)-(K-1))/2) #TODO: change the way lag variables are detected
Xs.not.lagged <- Xs[, is.not.lagged]
if (any(colnames(Xs.not.lagged) != colnames(Xo)))
stop("unknown mismatch. please report this bug")
X <- rbind(Xs.not.lagged, Xo) <- rownames(X)
if (is.null(listw.old)) listw.mixed <- listw
else {
listw.mixed <- listw.old
if (length( != length(attr(listw.mixed, "")) || !all( == attr(listw.mixed, ""))) { # if listw is not directly ok
if (all(subset(attr(listw.mixed, ""), attr(listw.mixed, "") %in% == && listw.mixed$style != "M") { # only need a subset.listw, ie. spatial units are in the right order and weights style is not unknown
listw.mixed <- subset.listw(listw.mixed, attr(listw.mixed, "") %in%, zero.policy = zero.policy)
} else { # we use a sparse matrix transformation to reorder a listw
if (listw$style == "M") warning("unknown weight style: a subset of listw is used without re-normalization")
W <- as(listw.mixed, "CsparseMatrix")
W <- W[,]
style <- listw.mixed$style
listw.mixed <- mat2listw(W, row.names =, style = style) # re-normalize to keep the style
rm(W) # avoid the use of a wrong W
#optional check
temp <- rep(NA, length(
names(temp) <-
if (spChk && !chkIDs(temp, listw.mixed))
stop("Check of data and weights ID integrity failed")
K <- ifelse(colnames(X)[1] == "(Intercept)", 2, 1)
m <- ncol(X)
# check if there are enough regressors
if (m > 1) {
WX <- matrix(nrow=nrow(X),ncol=(m-(K-1)))
for (k in K:m) {
wx <- lag.listw(listw.mixed, X[,k],
if (any(
stop("NAs in lagged independent variable")
WX[,(k-(K-1))] <- wx
if (K == 2) {
# unnormalized weight matrices
if (!(listw.mixed$style == "W")) {
intercept <- as.double(rep(1, nrow(X)))
wx <- lag.listw(listw.mixed, intercept,
zero.policy = zero.policy)
if (m > 1) {
WX <- cbind(wx, WX)
} else {
WX <- matrix(wx, nrow = nrow(X), ncol = 1)
if (any(object$aliased)) {
if (K>1 && (listw.mixed$style == "W")) colnames(WX) <- paste("lag.", colnames(X)[-1], sep="")
else colnames(WX) <- paste("lag.", colnames(X), sep="")
WX <- WX[,!colnames(WX) %in% names(object$aliased[object$aliased])]
if (legacy.mixed) Xo <- cbind(Xo, WX)
else {
WXo <- WX[(length(ys)+1):nrow(WX),]
Xo <- cbind(Xo, WXo)
WXs <- WX[1:length(ys),]
Xs <- cbind(Xs.not.lagged, WXs)
rm(list = c("listw.mixed", "", "X"))
trendo <- Xo %*% B
if (pred.type == "TS") { # defaut predictor
if (object$type == "error") {
if (object$etype == "error") { # We
signal <- rep(0, length(trendo))
res <- trendo + signal
attr(res, "trend") <- trendo
attr(res, "signal") <- signal
} else if (object$etype == "emixed") { # WX + We
signal <- rep(0, length(trendo))
res <- trendo + signal
attr(res, "trend") <- trendo
attr(res, "signal") <- signal
} else stop("unkown error model etype")
} else if (object$type == "mixed") { # Wy+WX
if (power) {
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
res <- c(as(powerWeights(W, rho=object$rho,
X=trendo, order=order, tol=tol), "matrix"))
} else {
res <- c(invIrW(listw, object$rho) %*% trendo)
if (legacy) {
signal <- object$rho * lag.listw(listw,
res, zero.policy=zero.policy)
res <- c(trendo + signal)
} else {
signal <- res - trendo
# if ( {
# samples <- attr(lagImpact, "samples")$samples
# irho <- attr(lagImpact, "samples")$irho
# drop2beta <- attr(lagImpact, "samples")$drop2beta
# nSim <- nrow(samples)
# outmat <- matrix(NA, ncol=nSim, nrow=nrow(X))
# for (i in 1:nSim) {
# B <- samples[i, -drop2beta]
# trend <- X %*% B
# rho <- samples[i, irho]
# if (power) {
# res <- c(as(powerWeights(W, rho=rho,
# X=trend, order=order, tol=tol), "matrix"))
# } else {
# res <- c(invIrW(listw, rho) %*% trend)
# }
# outmat[,i] <- res
# }
# <- apply(outmat, 1, sd)
# attr(res, "") <-
# }
attr(res, "trend") <- c(trendo)
attr(res, "signal") <- c(signal)
} else { # Wy
if (power) {
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
res <- c(as(powerWeights(W, rho=object$rho,
X=trendo, order=order, tol=tol), "matrix"))
} else {
res <- c(invIrW(listw, object$rho) %*% trendo)
if (legacy) {
signal <- object$rho * lag.listw(listw,
res, zero.policy=zero.policy)
res <- c(trendo + signal)
} else {
signal <- res - trendo
# if ( {
# samples <- attr(lagImpact, "samples")$samples
# irho <- attr(lagImpact, "samples")$irho
# drop2beta <- attr(lagImpact, "samples")$drop2beta
# nSim <- nrow(samples)
# outmat <- matrix(NA, ncol=nSim, nrow=nrow(X))
# for (i in 1:nSim) {
# B <- samples[i, -drop2beta]
# trend <- X %*% B
# rho <- samples[i, irho]
# if (power) {
# res <- c(as(powerWeights(W, rho=rho,
# X=trend, order=order, tol=tol), "matrix"))
# } else {
# res <- c(invIrW(listw, rho) %*% trend)
# }
# outmat[,i] <- res
# }
# <- apply(outmat, 1, sd)
# attr(res, "") <-
# }
attr(res, "trend") <- c(trendo)
attr(res, "signal") <- c(signal)
} else { # new predictors
if (pred.type %in% c("TS1", "KP4", "KP2", "KP3")) { # need to compute TS1/KP4
Wos <- .listw.decompose(listw, = attr(ys, "names"), = row.names(newdata), type = "Wos")$Wos
if (is.null(object$rho)) TS1 <- Xo %*% B
else TS1 <- Xo %*% B + object$rho * Wos %*% ys
if (pred.type %in% c("TC", "BP", "BPN")) { # need to compute TC
#notations of C.Thomas and al (2015)
if ( | pred.type %in% c("BP", "BPN")) {
# compute s and o units together
X <- rbind(Xs, Xo)
trend <- X %*% B
if (power){
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
TC <- powerWeights(W, rho = object$rho, X = X, order = order, tol = tol) %*% B
} else {
TC <- invIrW(listw, object$rho) %*% trend
} else { # TCo = TC for out-of-sample spatial units
listw.d <- .listw.decompose(listw, = attr(ys, "names"), = row.names(newdata), type = c("Wss", "Wos", "Wso", "Woo"))
Wss <- listw.d$Wss
Wso <- listw.d$Wso
Wos <- listw.d$Wos
Woo <- listw.d$Woo
mB <- - object$rho * Wso
mC <- - object$rho * Wos
mD <- Diagonal(dim(Woo)[1]) - object$rho * Woo
if (power){
mAInvXsB <- powerWeights(Wss, rho = object$rho, X = Xs, order = order, tol = tol) %*% B
mAInvmB <- powerWeights(Wss, rho = object$rho, X = mB, order = order, tol = tol)
E <- solve(mD - mC %*% mAInvmB)
TCo <- - E %*% mC %*% mAInvXsB + E %*% Xo %*% B
} else {
#mA <- Diagonal(dim(Wss)[1]) - object$rho * Wss
#mAInv <- solve(mA)
mAInv <- invIrW(Wss, object$rho)
E <- solve(mD - mC %*% mAInv %*% mB)
TCo <- - E %*% mC %*% mAInv %*% Xs %*% B + E %*% Xo %*% B
if (pred.type == "trend") {
res <- as.vector(trendo)
} else if (pred.type %in% c("TS1", "KP4")) {
res <- as.vector(TS1)
} else if (pred.type == "TC") {
if( {
res <- as.vector(TC)
} else {
res <- as.vector(TCo)
} else if (pred.type == "BP") { <- 1:length(ys)
is.newdata <- (length(ys)+1):length(TC)
TCo <- TC[is.newdata]
TCs <- TC[]
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
Q <- 1/object$s2 * ( Diagonal(dim(W)[1]) - object$rho * (t(W) + W) + object$rho^2 * (t(W) %*% W) )
Qoo <- Q[is.newdata, is.newdata]
Qos <- Q[is.newdata,]
BPo <- TCo - solve(Qoo) %*% Qos %*% (ys - TCs)
res <- as.vector(BPo)
} else if (pred.type == "BPW") {
if (power){
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
invW <- powerWeights(W, rho = object$rho, X = Diagonal(dim(W)[1]), order = order, tol = tol)
} else {
invW <- invIrW(listw, object$rho)
X <- rbind(Xs, Xo)
TC <- invW %*% X %*% B <- 1:length(ys)
is.newdata <- (length(ys)+1):length(TC)
TCo <- TC[is.newdata]
TCs <- TC[]
#Sigma <- object$s2 * solve((Diagonal(dim(W)[1]) - object$rho * t(W)) %*% (Diagonal(dim(W)[1]) - object$rho * W))
Sigma <- object$s2 * invW %*% t(invW)
Sos <- Sigma[is.newdata,, drop=F]
Sss <- Sigma[,, drop=F]
Wos <- .listw.decompose(listw, = attr(ys, "names"), = row.names(newdata), type = "Wos")$Wos
BPW <- as.numeric(TCo + Sos %*% t(Wos) %*% solve(Wos %*% Sss %*% t(Wos)) %*% (Wos %*% ys - Wos %*% TCs))
res <- as.vector(BPW)
} else if (pred.type == "BPN") { <- 1:length(ys)
is.newdata <- (length(ys)+1):length(TC)
TCs <- TC[]
TCo <- TC[is.newdata]
# compute J = set of all sites in S which are neighbors of at least one site in O
O <- which(attr(listw,"") %in% row.names(newdata))
S <- which(attr(listw,"") %in% attr(ys, "names"))
#bug fix: J = set of S s.t. at least 1 elmt of O is neigbourg with S. And not: set of S s.t. these elmts of S are neigbourgs with at least 1 elmt of S.
#different iff W is not symetric
#J.logical <- rep(FALSE, length(listw$neighbours))
#for (i in S) {
# J.logical[i] <- any(O %in% listw$neighbours[[i]])
#J <- attr(listw,"")[J.logical]
J.ref <- NULL
for (i in O) {
J.ref <- c(J.ref, listw$neighbours[[i]][listw$neighbours[[i]] %in% S])
J <- attr(listw,"")[unique(J.ref)]
J <- attr(listw,"")[attr(listw,"") %in% J] # keep the order of listw
if (length(J)<1) {
warning("out-of-sample units have no neighbours")
BPN <- TCo
} else {
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix") <- c(J, row.names(newdata))
W_jo <- W[,]
Q_jo <- 1/object$s2 * (Diagonal(length( - object$rho * (W_jo + t(W_jo)) + object$rho^2 * (t(W_jo) %*% W_jo))
is.j <- 1:length(J)
is.o <- (length(J)+1):length(
Qoo <- Q_jo[is.o, is.o]
Qoj <- Q_jo[is.o, is.j]
yj <- ys[J]
TCj <- TCs[attr(ys, "names") %in% J]
BPN <- as.vector(TCo - solve(Qoo) %*% Qoj %*% (yj - TCj))
res <- as.vector(BPN)
} else if (pred.type %in% c("TC1", "KP1")) {
if (nrow(newdata) > 1)
warning("newdata have more than 1 row and the predictor type is leave-one-out") <- attr(ys, "names") <- row.names(newdata)
res <- rep(NA, nrow(newdata))
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
style <- listw$style
if (listw$style == "M")
warning("unknown weight style: a subset of listw is used without re-normalization")
for (i in 1:nrow(newdata)) { <- c(,[i])
Wi <- W[,]
listwi <- mat2listw(Wi, row.names =, style = style) # re-normalize
if (power)
Wi <- as(listwi, "CsparseMatrix")
Xi <- rbind(Xs, Xo[i,])
if (power) {
res[i] <- c(as(powerWeights(Wi, rho=object$rho, X=Xi, order=order, tol=tol), "matrix") %*% B)[length(]
} else {
trendi <- c(trends, trendo[i])
res[i] <- (invIrW(listwi, object$rho) %*% trendi)[length(]
} else if (pred.type == "BP1") {
if (nrow(newdata) > 1)
warning("newdata have more than 1 row and the predictor type is leave-one-out") <- attr(ys, "names") <- row.names(newdata)
BP1o <- rep(NA, nrow(newdata))
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
style <- listw$style
if (listw$style == "M")
warning("unknown weight style: a subset of listw is used without re-normalization")
for (i in 1:nrow(newdata)) { <- c(,[i])
Wi <- W[,]
listwi <- mat2listw(Wi, row.names =, style = style) # re-normalize
Wi <- as(listwi, "CsparseMatrix")
Xi <- rbind(Xs, Xo[i,])
# compute TC1 for S and o units
TC1i <- rep(NA, length( <- 1:length(ys)
is.newdata <- length(
if (power) {
TC1i <- c(as(powerWeights(Wi, rho=object$rho, X=Xi, order=order, tol=tol), "matrix") %*% B)
} else {
trendi <- c(trends, trendo[i])
TC1i <- (invIrW(Wi, object$rho) %*% trendi)
TC1si <- TC1i[]
TC1oi <- TC1i[is.newdata]
Qi <- 1/object$s2 * ( Diagonal(dim(Wi)[1]) - object$rho * (t(Wi) + Wi) + object$rho^2 * (t(Wi) %*% Wi) )
Qooi <- Qi[is.newdata, is.newdata]
Qosi <- Qi[is.newdata,]
BP1o[i] <- TC1oi - solve(Qooi) %*% Qosi %*% (ys - TC1si)
res <- as.vector(BP1o)
} else if (pred.type == "BPW1") {
if (nrow(newdata) > 1)
warning("newdata have more than 1 row and the predictor type is leave-one-out") <- attr(ys, "names") <- row.names(newdata)
BPW1o <- rep(NA, nrow(newdata))
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
style <- listw$style
if (listw$style == "M")
warning("unknown weight style: a subset of listw is used without re-normalization")
for (i in 1:nrow(newdata)) { <- c(,[i])
Wi <- W[,]
listwi <- mat2listw(Wi, row.names =, style = style) # re-normalize
Wi <- as(listwi, "CsparseMatrix")
Xi <- rbind(Xs, Xo[i,]) <- 1:length(ys)
is.newdata <- length(
if (power){
invWi <- powerWeights(Wi, rho = object$rho, X = Diagonal(dim(Wi)[1]), order = order, tol = tol)
} else {
invWi <- invIrW(Wi, object$rho)
TC1i <- invWi %*% Xi %*% B
TC1oi <- TC1i[is.newdata]
TC1si <- TC1i[]
#Sigma <- object$s2 * solve((Diagonal(dim(W)[1]) - object$rho * t(W)) %*% (Diagonal(dim(W)[1]) - object$rho * W))
Sigmai <- object$s2 * invWi %*% t(invWi)
Sosi <- Sigmai[is.newdata,, drop=F]
Sssi <- Sigmai[,]
Wosi <- Wi[[i],, drop=F]
BPW1o[i] <- as.numeric(TC1oi + Sosi %*% t(Wosi) %*% solve(Wosi %*% Sssi %*% t(Wosi)) %*% (Wosi %*% ys - Wosi %*% TC1si))
res <- as.vector(BPW1o)
} else if (pred.type == "BPN1") {
if (nrow(newdata) > 1)
warning("newdata have more than 1 row and the predictor type is leave-one-out") <- attr(ys, "names") <- row.names(newdata)
BPN1o <- rep(NA, nrow(newdata))
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
style <- listw$style
if (listw$style == "M")
warning("unknown weight style: a subset of listw is used without re-normalization")
for (i in 1:nrow(newdata)) { <- c(,[i])
Wi <- W[,]
listwi <- mat2listw(Wi, row.names =, style = style) # re-normalize
Wi <- as(listwi, "CsparseMatrix")
Xi <- rbind(Xs, Xo[i,])
# compute TC1 for S and o units
TC1i <- rep(NA, length( <- 1:length(ys)
is.newdata <- length(
if (power) {
TC1i <- c(as(powerWeights(Wi, rho=object$rho, X=Xi, order=order, tol=tol), "matrix") %*% B)
} else {
trendi <- c(trends, trendo[i])
TC1i <- (invIrW(Wi, object$rho) %*% trendi)
TC1si <- TC1i[]
TC1oi <- TC1i[is.newdata]
# compute J = set of all sites in S which are neighbors of at least one site in O
o <- which(attr(listwi,"") %in% row.names(newdata)[i])
S <- which(attr(listwi,"") %in% attr(ys, "names"))
J.ref <- NULL
for (k in o) {
J.ref <- c(J.ref, listwi$neighbours[[k]][listwi$neighbours[[k]] %in% S])
J <- attr(listwi,"")[unique(J.ref)]
J <- attr(listwi,"")[attr(listwi,"") %in% J] # keep the order of listw
if (length(J)<1) {
warning("out-of-sample units have no neighbours")
BPN1o[i] <- TC1oi
} else { <- c(J, row.names(newdata)[i])
W_jo <- Wi[,, drop=F]
Q_jo <- 1/object$s2 * (Diagonal(length( - object$rho * (W_jo + t(W_jo)) + object$rho^2 * (t(W_jo) %*% W_jo))
is.j <- 1:length(J)
is.o <- (length(J)+1):length(
Qoo <- Q_jo[is.o, is.o, drop=F]
Qoj <- Q_jo[is.o, is.j, drop=F]
yj <- ys[J]
TC1j <- TC1si[attr(ys, "names") %in% J]
BPN1o[i] <- as.vector(TC1oi - solve(Qoo) %*% Qoj %*% (yj - TC1j))
res <- as.vector(BPN1o)
} else if (pred.type == "KP2") {
if (nrow(newdata) > 1)
warning("newdata have more than 1 row and the predictor type is leave-one-out") <- attr(ys, "names") <- row.names(newdata)
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
KP2 <- rep(NA, nrow(newdata))
for (i in 1:nrow(newdata)) { <- c(,[i])
Wi <- W[,]
Xi <- rbind(Xs, Xo[i,])
wi <- Wi[length(, ]
yi <- c(ys, 0)
if (object$type %in% c("sac", "sacmixed")) { # compute GL, GR, sum.u, sum.y
if (power){
GL <- powerWeights(Wi, rho= object$lambda, order= order, tol= tol, X= Diagonal(length(ys)+1))
GR <- powerWeights(Wi, rho= object$rho, order= order, tol= tol, X= Diagonal(length(ys)+1))
} else {
GL <- invIrW(Wi, object$lambda)
GR <- invIrW(Wi, object$rho)
sum.u <- GL %*% t(GL)
sum.y <- GR %*% sum.u %*% t(GR)
} else if (object$type %in% c("lag", "mixed")) {
GL <- Diagonal(length(ys)+1)
if (power){
GR <- powerWeights(Wi, rho= object$rho, order= order, tol= tol, X= Diagonal(length(ys)+1))
} else {
GR <- invIrW(Wi, object$rho)
sum.u <- Diagonal(length(ys)+1)
sum.y <- GR %*% t(GR)
} else if (object$type == "error") {
GR <- Diagonal(length(ys)+1)
if (power){
GL <- powerWeights(Wi, rho= object$lambda, order= order, tol= tol, X= Diagonal(length(ys)+1))
} else {
GL <- invIrW(Wi, object$lambda)
sum.u <- GL %*% t(GL)
sum.y <- sum.u
} else stop("unknown model type")
covar <- as.vector(sum.u[length(, ] %*% t(GR) %*% wi / (wi %*% sum.y %*% wi))
Ewiy <- as.vector(wi %*% GR %*% Xi %*% B)
KP2[i] <- TS1[i] + covar %*% (wi %*% yi - Ewiy)
res <- as.vector(KP2)
} else if (pred.type == "KP3") {
if (nrow(newdata) > 1)
warning("newdata have more than 1 row and the predictor type is leave-one-out") <- attr(ys, "names") <- row.names(newdata)
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
KP3 <- rep(NA, nrow(newdata))
for (i in 1:nrow(newdata)) { <- c(,[i])
Wi <- W[,]
Xi <- rbind(Xs, Xo[i,])
wi <- Wi[length(, ]
yi <- c(ys, 0)
if (object$type %in% c("sac", "sacmixed")) { # compute GL, GR, sum.u, sum.y
if (power){
GL <- powerWeights(Wi, rho= object$lambda, order= order, tol= tol, X= Diagonal(length(ys)+1))
GR <- powerWeights(Wi, rho= object$rho, order= order, tol= tol, X= Diagonal(length(ys)+1))
} else {
GL <- invIrW(Wi, object$lambda)
GR <- invIrW(Wi, object$rho)
sum.u <- GL %*% t(GL)
sum.y <- GR %*% sum.u %*% t(GR)
} else if (object$type %in% c("lag", "mixed")) {
GL <- Diagonal(length(ys)+1)
if (power){
GR <- powerWeights(Wi, rho= object$rho, order= order, tol= tol, X= Diagonal(length(ys)+1))
} else {
GR <- invIrW(Wi, object$rho)
sum.u <- Diagonal(length(ys)+1)
sum.y <- GR %*% t(GR)
} else if (object$type == "error") {
GR <- Diagonal(length(ys)+1)
if (power){
GL <- powerWeights(Wi, rho= object$lambda, order= order, tol= tol, X= Diagonal(length(ys)+1))
} else {
GL <- invIrW(Wi, object$lambda)
sum.u <- GL %*% t(GL)
sum.y <- sum.u
} else stop("unknown model type")
cov <- sum.u[length(, ] %*% t(GR)[, -length(]
KP3[i] <- as.vector(TS1[i] + cov %*% solve(sum.y[-length(, -length(]) %*% (ys - GR[-length(,] %*% Xi %*% B))
res <- as.vector(KP3)
} else if (pred.type == "KP5") {
if (nrow(newdata) > 1)
warning("newdata have more than 1 row and the predictor type is leave-one-out")
Wos <- .listw.decompose(listw, = attr(ys, "names"), = row.names(newdata), type = "Wos")$Wos
res <- as.vector(trendo + object$lambda * Wos %*% (ys - trends))
} else {
stop("unknow predictor type")
# add attribute
if (length(res) == nrow(newdata)) {
attr(res, "") <- as.vector(row.names(newdata))
} else if (length(res) == length(ys)+nrow(newdata)) {
attr(res, "") <- c(attr(ys, "names"), row.names(newdata))
} else stop("incorrect final output")
attr(res, "pred.type") <- pred.type
attr(res, "call") <-
class(res) <- "sarlm.pred"
# decompose a listw object into Wss Wso Wos and Woo sparse matrices
.listw.decompose <- function(listw,,, type = c("Wss", "Wos", "Wso", "Woo")) { # TODO: hidden? in this file? zero.policy?
if (is.null(listw) || !inherits(listw, "listw"))
stop ("spatial weights list required") <- attr(listw, "")
if (!all( %in%
stop("at least one in data is not in listw object")
if (!all( %in%
stop("at least one in newdata is not in listw object")
if (!all(type %in% c("Wss", "Wos", "Wso", "Woo")))
stop("type is incorrect")
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
s <- list(Wss = NULL, Wos = NULL, Wso = NULL, Woo = NULL)
if ("Wss" %in% type)
s$Wss <- W[,, drop=F]
if ("Wos" %in% type)
s$Wos <- W[,, drop=F]
if ("Wso" %in% type)
s$Wso <- W[,, drop=F]
if ("Woo" %in% type)
s$Woo <- W[,, drop=F]
print.sarlm.pred <- function(x, ...) {
res <-
print(res, ...)
} <- function(x, ...) {
# res <- data.frame(fit=as.vector(x), trend=attr(x, "trend"),
# signal=attr(x, "signal"))
#fix bug when no signal or trend attributes
res <- data.frame(fit=as.vector(x))
if(!is.null(attr(x, ""))) row.names(res) <- attr(x, "")
if(!is.null(attr(x, "trend"))) res$trend <- attr(x, "trend")
if(!is.null(attr(x, "signal"))) res$signal <- attr(x, "signal")
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