
Defines functions `summary.predict.mex` `print.summary.predict.mex`

`summary.predict.mex` <-
function( object, mth, probs=c( .05, .5, .95 ), ... ){

	if ( is.R() ) stdev <- function( x ) sqrt( var( x ) )
	if ( missing( mth ) ) mth <- object$mth

    if (!is.null(object$replicates)){
    	res <- t( sapply( object$replicates , function ( x ) apply( x, 2, mean ) ) )
    else {
        res <- object$data$simulated

    # Create summary function
	sumfun <- if (!is.null(object$replicates)){
                function( x , probs){
            		c( mean=mean( x ), se=stdev( x ) , quantile( x, probs=probs ) )
              else {
                function(x, probs){
                    c(mean=mean(x), quantile(x, probs=probs))

	ans <- apply( res, 2, sumfun, probs ) # Summary of expected values
	dn <- paste( dimnames( object$data$simulated)[[ 2 ]] ,"|", names( object$data$simulated )[[ 1 ]] , ">Q",100*object$pqu, sep="" )
	dimnames( ans )[[ 2 ]] <- dn

    # Get the threshold exceedence probabilities
    if (!is.null(object$replicates)){
    	thres <- t( sapply( 1:( dim( object$replicates[[ 1 ]] )[[ 2 ]] ) ,
						function( i, x, mth ){
							x <- sapply( x , function( x, i ) x[,i], i=i )
							mth <- mth[ i ]
							apply( x , 2, function( x, mth )
											mean( x > mth ),
										mth = mth )
						}, x=object$replicates, mth = mth ) )
	    thres <- apply( thres, 1, mean )
    	thres <- matrix( thres, nrow=1 )
    else {
        thres <- sapply(1:dim(object$data$simulated)[[2]], function(i, x, mth){ mean(x[,i] > mth[i]) },
                            x = object$data$simulated, mth=mth)
        thres <- matrix(thres, nrow=1)

	wn <- dimnames( object$data$simulated )[[ 2 ]][ 1 ]
	wth <- paste( "Q", 100*object$pqu, sep = "" )

	dn <- paste( "P(", dimnames( object$data$simulated )[[ 2 ]] , ">", signif(mth, ...),"|", wn, ">", wth, ")", sep = "" )

	dimnames( thres ) <- list( "", dn )
	ans <- list( ans=ans, thres=thres, call=object$call, pqu=object$pqu ,
				 B = length( object$replicates ),
				 which = names( object$data$simulated )[[ 1 ]],
				 statistic=deparse( substitute( statistic ) )

	oldClass(ans) <- "summary.predict.mex"

`print.summary.predict.mex` <-
function( x, ... ){
	print( x$call, ... )

    if (x$B > 0){
        cat( "\nResults from", x$B, "bootstrap runs.\n" )
	cat( paste( "\nConditioned on ", x$which, " being above its ", 100*x$pqu, "th percentile.\n\n", sep = "" ) )
	cat( "\nConditional Mean and Quantiles:\n\n" )
	print( signif(x$ans,3), ... )

	cat( "\nConditional probability of threshold exceedance:\n\n" )

	print( signif(x$thres,3), ... )
show.summary.predict.mex <- print.summary.predict.mex

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