
#' @name locoh.lxy
#' @aliases LoCoH-xy locoh.lxy-class
#' @title Class for location data
#' @description Data class for locations with associated dates, nearest neighbor info, parameters for a random walk null model, and assorted meta-data
#' @details
#' An object of class \code{locoh.lxy} is a list containing a series of point locations and ancillary
#' variables that go with those locations (e.g., time stamps, point IDs, animal IDs). These items
#' are bundled together and 'ready to go' as inputs into T-LoCoH functions. The benefits of bundling all 
#' of the objects related to a set of point locations in a single list object includes:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item cleaning and error checking only has to be done once when the lxy object is created (e.g., with \code{\link{xyt.lxy}})
#'     \item having all of the ancillary variables together simplifies the task of passing parameters to other functions as well as saving/retrieving your work to disk
#'     \item the nearest neighbor lookup-table (which can take a long time to compute) can be reused
#'     \item locations for multiple individuals can be saved in one object
#'     }
#' In code examples, objects of class \code{locoh.lxy} are often indicated by a 'lxy' suffix, and functions that are designed to work on LoCoH-xy
#' objects typically start with 'lxy'.
#' For a complete description of the data structure, see the  
#' vignette \href{../doc/tlocoh_data_classes.pdf}{\emph{T-LoCoH Data Classes}}.  
#' @seealso \code{\link{xyt.lxy}}, \code{\link{lxy.proj.add}}, \code{\link{lxy.repair}}, \code{\link{lxy.subset}}, 
#' \code{\link{lxy.merge}}, \code{\link{lxy.exp.csv}}, \code{\link{lxy.exp.kml}}, \code{\link{lxy.exp.shp}}, \code{\link{move.lxy}}


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tlocoh documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:27 p.m.