
twDEMCBlockInt <- function(
	### Parallelized differential Evolution Markov Chain with blocked parameter update
	pops =  list( list( ##<< list of population infos for each population, each info is a list with components
			parms=list()		##<< list of matrices (nState x nParm  x nChain) initial states for each population see details and \code{\link{initZtwDEMCNormal}}.
			, nGen = 12	##<< number of generations, i.e. steps to proceed
			, TProp=NULL	##<< numeric vector (nResComp) temperature proportions of result components.
			    ## It can also be given as character vector with names of result components, however, be aware that htis fails if several logDen may return components of the same name
			, X=NULL		##<< numeric matrix (nParm x nChainPop) initial state
			, logDenCompX=NULL 		##<< numeric matrix (nComp x nChain): logDen components of initial state X, see details
			, spaceInd = 1	##<< the space replicate that this population belongs to
			, upperParBounds = numeric(0)   ##<< named numeric vectors: giving upper parameter bounds: lowerBound < par <= upperBound.
			    ## For exploring subspaces of the limiting distribution, see details
			, lowerParBounds = numeric(0)  ##<< similar to upperParBounds: sample > bound
			, splits=numeric(0)		##<< named numeric vector of splitting points, used to remerge divided subspaces 
	    ,dInfos = list( list(  ##<< named list of used density functions. Each entry is a list with components
			fLogDen=NULL                    ##<< \code{function(theta, ...)} calculates a vector of logDensities 
			    ## corresponding to different data streams of parameter vector theta 
			    ## , or \code{function(theta, logDenCompX, metropolisStepTemp, ...)}
			, argsFLogDen=list()	                ##<< further arguments passed to fLogDen
            , compPosDen #=dInfos[[1]]$compPosDen	##<< names or index of the parameters used in with this density, defaults to all parameters
            , intResComp=vector("integer",0)        ##<< integer or character vector: indices or names of results components of fLogDen 
			    ## that are used for internal Metropolis decisions
			#, TFix = vector("numeric",0) ##<< named numeric vector with Temperature for result components that have fixed temperature
            , maxLogDen=c()               ##<< integer vector (nRespComp): maximum logDensity (=usually -1/2* number of observations) for each result component, used in control of overfitting
            , fDiscrProp=NULL			  ##<< function applied to proposal, e.g. to round proposals to to discrete possible values function(theta,...)
            , argsFDiscrProp=list()		  ##<< further arguments to fDiscrProp
	    , blocks = list( list( ##<< list of parameter blocks, each block is a list with entries
            compPos = dInfos[[1]]$compPosDen	##<< names or index of the parameter components to be updated
			, fUpdateBlock = NULL               ##<< function to update the parameters.
			    ## It must return a list with first named components \code{accepted}, \code{xC}, and optionally \code{intermediate} 
			    ## as described in \code{\link{updateBlockTwDEMC}}. If not specified (default), then \code{\link{updateBlockTwDEMC}} is used and \code{dInfoPos} must be specified 
			, argsFUpdate=list()	    ##<< further arguments passed to fUpdate
            , intermediateId=character(0)	  ##<< string: identifier in list of intermediate results that are shared between block udpate functions. See details.
            , dInfoPos=1		        ##<< name or position to \code{fLogDenInfo} if using Metropolis update. 
                ## Several blocks may share the same density but update different parameters
        , stateCurrent = list(
                ,xC=c()						    ##<< numeric vector: current accepted state
                ,logDenCompC=c()	            ##<< numeric vector: result components of all fLogDens for current position
                ,parUpdateDenC=c()          	##<< integer vector: logDensity that recently updated parameter at given index			
        ## to handle first steps in Multi-step Metropolis decision internally. 
        ## See details.
        , TSpec = matrix(1, ncol=2, nrow=1, dimnames=list(NULL, c("T0","TEnd")) )
		### numeric matrix (nResComp x 2): specifying Initial and End Temperature of each fLogDen result component.
		### If only one row is specified, the Temperature is taken for all result components
	, m0 = numeric(0)			##<< scalar integer: number of samples in initial population, if length==0 will be calculated from number of chains and number of parameters
	, nGen = integer(0)			##<< scalar integer: number of generations, if given overwrites \code{pops[[i]]$nGen}
	, spacePop = 1:nPop			##<< the space replicate that each population belongs to. By default assume only one population per space, overridden by entry in pops 
	, controlTwDEMC = list()	##<< control parameters influencing the update and the convergens of the chains (see details)	
	, debugSequential=FALSE 		##<< if TRUE apply is used instead of sfApply, for easier debugging
	, remoteDumpfileBasename=NULL	##<< the basename of a dumpfile that is created on error on remote process (see example section) 
	, doRecordProposals=FALSE		##<< if TRUE then an array of each proposal together with the results of fLogDen are recorded and returned in component Y
	, progressOutput="."			##<< output after each thinning interval
	## This is the central method for applying a Differential Evolution Markov Chain given a function of 
	## an unnormalized probability density.
	## It is invoked usually by (\code{\link{twDEMCBlock.array}} or \code{\link{twDEMCBlock.twDEMCPops}})
	## \code{\link{calcDEMCTemp}}
	## \code{\link{logDenGaussian}}
	# # \code{\link{.generateXPropThin}}
	# # \code{\link{.doDEMCSteps}}
	# # \code{\link{.doDEMCStep}}
	## #details<<
	## # further elements in pop that are calculated are \itemize{
	## #  \item resCompPos: position of the result components in the concatenation across all density functions  
    ## # }
	##details<< \describe{ \item{recognized control parameters in \code{controlTwDEMC}: }{
	ctrl = list( 
		thin = 4 	   	##<< thinning interval, Default: 4	 
		,F = 2.38 		##<< related to multiplicative error (F2=F/sqrt(2*Npar), see eps.mult, Default: 2.38 
		,pSnooker= 0.1	##<< probability of a snooker update (others parallel updates), Default 0.1
		,pGamma1 = 0.1	##<< probability of jumping to state of another chain (different modes), Default 0.1
		,epsMult =0.2	##<< >0 gives d-dimensional variation around gamma. 
            ## It adds scaled uncorrelated noise to the proposal. Default: 0.2 , 
            ## Its advantage over eps.add is 
            ## that its effect scales with the differences of vectors in the population whereas eps.add does not. 
            ## if the variance of a dimensions is close to 0, eps.mult gives smaller changes. , 
            ## A uniformly distributed error, i.e. F2*runif(1+-epsMult*prop) multiplied to difference vector 
            ## from parallel update 
		,epsAdd = 0	   	##<< >0 is needed to ensure that all positions in the space can be reached. 
            ## For targets without gaps, it can set small or even to 0. Default 0 , 
            ## sd of normally distributed error added to proposal by parallel or snooker update. 
		,pAcceptWindowWidth = 8 ##<< number of thinning intervals back over which the acceptance rate is calculated Default 8
		,probUpDir=0.5 	##<< probability of direction between two states of increasing Density, Default 0.5 
            ## , Increasing this during burin may accelerate convergence
		,initialAcceptanceRate=0.25	##<< numeric matrix (nBlock x nChains) initially assumed acceptance rate. Default 0.25 
            ## , Used to calculate the number of generations backwards to sample from
		,DRgamma=0		##<< factor for reducing step length [0..1) in delayed rejection step, 0 means no DR step, Default 0
		,minPCompAcceptTempDecr=0.15  ##<< if acceptance rate drops below minPCompAcceptTempDecr+0.02 times this level, employ delayed rejection (DR), Default 0.15
		,pIndStep = 1.5 ##<< assume state to be independent, after on average about those number of accepted steps, Default 1.5
		,nPastGen = 10  ##<< factor for determining the number of recent past states to sample during burnin. Default 10 
            ## It is multiplied by the number of parameters. Past generations are calculated 
            ## by deviding by the number of chains per population
        #,useLoadBalancing=FALSE	##<< if set to TRUE, submits each step separaetely to a free node, else each node gets an entire chain process 
        #,freeMasterNode=FALSE	##<< if set to TRUE, no job is submitted to first node, so that this node can dispatch jobs without waiting,, see \code{\link[twSnowfall]{sfFArgsApplyDep}}
        ,returnIntermediates=TRUE  ##<< set to FALSE if intermediate result is large and transferring it between slaves slows down calculation
        #,useMultiT = FALSE	##<< whether to downscale Temperature of result components during burnin
		#moved to block,TFix = vector("numeric",0)		##<< named numeric vector: result components for which temperature shoudl not change
        ,useConditionalProposal = FALSE ##<< if set to TRUE, poposal steps are generated conditional on the state of the other blocks (experimental)
        #,controlOverfittingMinNObs = Inf   ##<< scalar positive integer: minimum number of observations where bias is controlled. Need at least about 20 observations to work. Default Inf says no bias correction.  
	##details<< }}
	ctrl[names(controlTwDEMC)] <- controlTwDEMC
	#--  dimensions of pops
	nPop <- length(pops)
	iPops <- 1:nPop
	pops <- if( 0 == length(nGen) ){
			lapply( iPops, function(iPop){ .completePopDescription( pops[[iPop]], spaceInd=spacePop[iPop] )}) # fill in default values for missing entries 
			if( length(nGen)==1) nGen=rep(nGen[1],nPop)
			if( length(nGen) != nPop ) stop("twDEMCBlockInt: lenght of nGen must equal the number of populations.")
			lapply( iPops, function(iPop){ .completePopDescription( pops[[iPop]], nGen=nGen[iPop], spaceInd=spacePop[iPop])}) # fill in default values for missing entries 
	ZinitPops <- lapply(pops,"[[","parms")
	parNames <- colnames(ZinitPops[[1]])
	nParm <- ncol(ZinitPops[[1]])
	nChainPop <- dim(ZinitPops[[1]])[3]
    if( nChainPop < 2) stop(paste("Initialized with only ",nChainPop," per population, but must have at least two chains per population (recommened is at least 4)"))
	nChain <- nChainPop*nPop 
	popChain <- rep(1:nPop,each=nChainPop)	# population for chain at given index
	chainsPop <- lapply( iPops, function(iPop){ (iPop-1)*nChainPop+(1:nChainPop)}) # chains for given population
    # check that have enough values for initial populations of each population
	if( 0 == length(m0) ) m0 = calcM0twDEMC(nParm,nChainPop)    # number of samples in initial population
	M0Pops <- sapply( ZinitPops, nrow )
	if( any(M0Pops < 0.8*m0) ) warning(paste("twDEMCBlockInt: too few initial cases for populations",paste(which(M0Pops < m0),collapse=",")) )
    # determine number of thinning intervals and create result arrays
	nGenPops <- sapply( pops, "[[", "nGen")
	nThinnedGenPops = sapply( nGenPops %/% ctrl$thin, max, 0 )	#number of thinning intervals 
	nGenPops = nThinnedGenPops * ctrl$thin  #number of generations in this batch (do not need to move behind last thinning interval)
	Nz <- M0Pops +(nThinnedGenPops)			   #number of rows in Z after batch
	XPops <- lapply( pops, "[[", "X" )
	XChains <- do.call(cbind,XPops)
	logDenCompXPops <- lapply( pops, "[[", "logDenCompX" ) # see initial states for initializing missing entries
	upperParBoundsPop <- lapply( pops, "[[", "upperParBounds" )
	lowerParBoundsPop <- lapply( pops, "[[", "lowerParBounds" )
    #-- dimensions of dInfo
    nDen <- length(dInfos)
    iDens <- 1:nDen
    if( is.null(names(dInfos))) names(dInfos) <- paste("dInfo",iDens,sep="")    # make up names if not given
    posInfosEmptyString <- which(names(dInfos) == "")
    names(dInfos)[posInfosEmptyString] <- paste("dInfo",posInfosEmptyString,sep="")
    #compPosDens <- lapply(dInfos, "[[", "compPosDen") 
    #calculate each logDen once to obtain result component names required for proper dInfos initialization
    #dInfo <- dInfos[[1]]
    resCompNamesList <- lapply(iDens, function(iInfo){
                dInfo <- dInfos[[iInfo]]
                .resFLogDen <- .calcFLogDen(dInfo$fLogDen, xP=XChains[,1], compInt=c(), TiInt=c()
                    , argsFLogDen=dInfo$argsFLogDen, maxLogDen=c()  )
                resCompNames <- .getResFLogDenNames( .resFLogDen, logDenName=names(dInfos)[iInfo] )
    for( i in seq_along(dInfos)){
        dInfos[[i]] <- .completeDInfo( dInfos[[i]], parNames=parNames, resCompNames = resCompNamesList[[i]] )
    #-- calculate positions in resCompNames of results of different blocks
    resCompNamesU <- lapply( dInfos, "[[", "resCompNames" )
    resCompNamesUFlat <- as.vector(do.call(c, resCompNamesU))	# concatenate result names
    nResComp <- length(resCompNamesUFlat)
    resCompPosPops <- { # list: for each dInfo: position of resCompNames in resCompNamesUFlat
        tmp.length <- sapply(resCompNamesU, length)
        tmp.end <- cumsum(tmp.length)
        tmp.i <- vector("list",nDen)
        for( iDen in iDens ){ 
            tmp.i[[iDen]] <- dInfos[[iDen]]$resCompPos <- tmp.end[iDen]+1-(tmp.length[iDen]:1) 
	#-- dimensions of blocks
	blocks <- lapply( blocks, .completeBlockInfo, dInfos=dInfos, parNames=parNames)
	nBlock <- length(blocks)
	iBlocks <- 1:length(blocks)
	#block <- blocks[[1]]
	dInfoPosBlock <- sapply(blocks, "[[", "dInfoPos") 
	# following refers to position in parNames
	compPosBlock <- lapply( blocks, "[[", "compPos" ) # already transformed to positions in .checkBlock
	# following refers to position in dInfo$compPosDen
	compPosInDenBlock <- lapply( blocks, "[[", "compPosInDen" )
	# make sure that all parameters are updated at least once
	if( 0==length(compPosBlock) || (length(sBlock <- sort(unique(do.call(c, compPosBlock)))) != nParm) || !all.equal( sBlock, 1:nParm, check.attributes = FALSE) ) 
		stop(paste("each parameter (columns of parms) must be updated in at least one block. nParm=",nParm,"updatedVars=",paste(sBlock,collapse=",")) )
	#-- initialize further parameters to parallel and snooker steps
	# that depend on pops (nParm, nChainPop)
	ctrl$Npar12  =(nParm - 1)/2  # factor for Metropolis ratio DE Snooker update
	ctrl$F2 = ctrl$F/sqrt(2*nParm)
	ctrl$F1 = 1
    # terBraak report that may not sample the distribution, if not using the full past
    # but together with decreasing temperature acceptance rate drops very low if using the full past
    # hence constrain to recent past during burnin
    ctrl$gInd <- ctrl$nPastGen*nParm/nChainPop	#number of independent generations to sample from, similarly to M0 (usually ctrl$nPastGen=10)
	#-- evaluate logDen of initial states and get names of the result components (dInfo$resCompNames)
	##details<< \describe{ \item{Initial state: \code{X}}{
	## If initial state X is not specified, the last column (generation) of Z is utilized.
	## If in addition to X, logDenX is specified as a numeric vector, the fLogDen will not be avaluated for the initial state of the chains.
	## All the results of fLogDen for the initial state must be finite.
	## }}
	# find those chains where no logDenCompX is given, or not all components are finite
	popsMissingResX <- ( 0 == sapply( logDenCompXPops, length) )
	iMissingPops <- which(popsMissingResX)
	iNonMissingPops <- which(!popsMissingResX)
	missingPopInfo <- do.call( rbind, lapply( iMissingPops, function(iPop){
			} ))
	missingPopInfo <- rbind( missingPopInfo, do.call( rbind, lapply( iNonMissingPops, function(iPop){
					#all( is.finite(logDenCompXPops[[iPop]][,1]))
					#chainIsAllFinite <- apply( logDenCompXPops[[iPop]], 2, all, is.finite )
					chainIsAllFinite <- apply( logDenCompXPops[[iPop]], 2, function(cChain){ all(is.finite(cChain))} )
					if( 0 != length(iChainInPop) )
						cbind(iPop=iPop, iChainInPop=NA_integer_ )[FALSE,]
	if( 0 < nrow(missingPopInfo) ){
		# evaluate logDen for those
		missingPopInfo <- cbind(missingPopInfo, iChain=(missingPopInfo[,"iPop"]-1)*nChainPop + missingPopInfo[,"iChainInPop"])
		XChainsMissing <- XChains[,missingPopInfo[,"iChain"] ,drop=FALSE]	# initial states of the missings
		logDenCompDen <- vector("list", nDen )	
        #XXTODO calculate using intermediate
        #XXTODO on restart provide existing resLogDen
        logDenRes <- twCalcLogDensPar(
            ### Invokes all fLogDens with proposal in a parallel way, taking care of intermediates between densities
            dInfos				##<< list describing the logDensities, see \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
            , debugSequential=debugSequential
            , remoteDumpfileBasename=remoteDumpfileBasename 
        if( any(!is.finite(logDenRes$logDen)) )
            stop(paste("twDEMCBlockInt: non-finite logDensity of starting value ",sep=""))
        #iDen <- 1
        for( iDen in seq_along(dInfos) ){
            #calculated further down, for all dInfos, not just the missing ones: dInfos[[iDen]]$resCompPos <- 
            .resCompPosI <- which(logDenRes$logDenCompPos==iDen)
            logDenCompDen[[iDen]] <- .logDenCompI <- logDenRes$logDenComp[,.resCompPosI]
        logDenCompXMiss <- logDenRes$logDenComp
        # replace statesin initial history for proposal generation  with infinite logDen by
        # ones with finite states from other chains/populations
        #jPop <- 1
        for( jPop in seq_along(iMissingPops) ){
			iiPop <- iMissingPops[jPop]
			iInfo <- which(  missingPopInfo[,"iPop"] == iiPop )
			logDenCompXPops[[ iMissingPops[jPop] ]] <- 
		for( jPop in seq_along(iNonMissingPops) ){
			iiPop <- iNonMissingPops[jPop]
			iInfo <- which(  missingPopInfo[,"iPop"] == iiPop )
			logDenCompXPops[[iiPop]][,missingPopInfo$iChainInPop[iInfo] ] <-
    #-- do overfitting control on the intial logDenComp
    maxLogDen <- structure( numeric(length(resCompNamesUFlat)), names=resCompNamesUFlat)
    #dInfo <- dInfos[[1]]
    for( dInfo in dInfos){
        maxLogDen[dInfo$resCompNames] <- dInfo$maxLogDen
    #logDenCompXPop <- logDenCompXPops[[2]]
    tmp <- logDenCompXPops
    logDenCompXPops <- lapply(logDenCompXPops, function(logDenCompXPop){
        logDenCompXPop[] <- apply( logDenCompXPop, 2, function(logDenComp){ pmin( maxLogDen, logDenComp) })
        logDenCompXPop      # keep structure
	logDenCompXChains <- do.call( cbind, logDenCompXPops )
    # update the names in intial conditons to hold unique names
    rownames(logDenCompXChains) <- resCompNamesUFlat
	#-- get indices of internal components and TFix (dInfo$ intResCompPosWithin, intResCompPos, posTFix) 
	# depends on proper resCompNames (inferred from invoking fLogDen with initial states)
	intResCompDen <- vector("list",nDen)
	#.TFixL <- vector("list", nDen )
	#.posTFixL <- vector("list", nDen )
	for( iDen in iDens ){
		dInfo = dInfos[[iDen]]
		#.TFixL[[iDen]] <- dInfo$TFix
		#.posTFixL[[iDen]] <- dInfos[[iDen]]$posTFix <- dInfo$resCompPos[ match( names(dInfo$TFix), dInfo$resCompNames ) ] # positions in concatenated result components
		intResCompI <- dInfo$intResComp
		iPosW <- if( is.character(intResCompI) ){
				iPosW <- match(intResCompI, dInfo$resCompNames )				
				if( any(is.na(iPosW)))
					stop(paste("not all names of intResCompNames (",paste(intResCompI,collapse=","),") in return of fLogDen: ",paste(dInfo$resCompNames,collapse=",")))
			} else intResCompI
		dInfos[[iDen]]$intResCompPosWithin <- iPosW
		intResCompDen[[iDen]] <- dInfos[[iDen]]$intResCompPos <- dInfo$resCompPos[iPosW] # position in concatenation of all result components
	} #iDen
	#TFixAll <- do.call(c, .TFixL )
	#posTFixAll <- do.call(c, .posTFixL )	# position in concatenation of all resComp
	#-- Temperature of result components, i.e. data streams
	if( nrow(TSpec) == 1 ){
		TSpec <- do.call( rbind, lapply(1:nResComp,function(i){TSpec[1,]}) )
		rownames(TSpec) <- resCompNamesUFlat
    if( nrow(TSpec) != nResComp ){
        .missingResCompNames <- unique(resCompNamesUFlat[ !(resCompNamesUFlat %in% rownames(TSpec)) ])
        if( length(.missingResCompNames) ){
            stop(paste("twDEMCBlockInt: TSpec missing for result components",paste(.missingResCompNames,collapse=",")))
        TSpec <- TSpec[ resCompNamesUFlat, ]
	tempResCompPops <- vector("list", nPop )
	for( iPop in iPops){
		.tempResL <- lapply( 1:nResComp, function(iResComp){
			.tempG <- pmax(1,c( TSpec[iResComp,"T0"], 
				calcDEMCTemp( TSpec[iResComp,"T0"], TSpec[iResComp,"TEnd"], nGenPops[iPop] )))
		tempResCompPops[[iPop]] <- do.call( cbind, .tempResL)
		colnames(tempResCompPops[[iPop]]) <- resCompNamesUFlat
	#-- setup acceptance rate recording
	# number of requried independent generations to choose from (10*d independent states: TerBraak06 TerBraak08) devided by number of chains
	if( length(ctrl$initialAcceptanceRate) == 1)
		ctrl$initialAcceptanceRate <- matrix(ctrl$initialAcceptanceRate, nrow=nBlock, ncol=nChain, dimnames=list(blocks=NULL, chains=NULL) )
	if( !is.matrix(ctrl$initialAcceptanceRate) || dim(ctrl$initialAcceptanceRate) != c(nBlock,nChain))
		stop("ctrl$initialAcceptanceRate must be matrix of dim nBlock x nChain")
	pAcceptPops <- popMeansTwDEMC(ctrl$initialAcceptanceRate, nPop) # current acceptance rate of population (block x pop)
	pAcceptPops[] <- pmax(1/ctrl$thin,pAcceptPops ) # lower bound
	#nGenBack <- pmin(mZ,ceiling(ctrl$rIndToAcc * ctrl$gInd * pmax(1,ctrl$pIndStep/(ar * ctrl$thin))))	#number of genrations to select states from for each population, ctrl$gInd is multiplied by number of rows for one step depending on acceptance rate and thinning but at least one
	pAcceptMinPops <- apply(pAcceptPops,2,min)	# minimum of acceptance rate across blocks for each population
	nGenBackPops <- pmin(M0Pops,ceiling(ctrl$gInd * pmax(1,ctrl$pIndStep/(pAcceptMinPops * ctrl$thin))))	#number of genrations to select states from for each population, ctrl$gInd is multiplied by number of rows for one step depending on acceptance rate and thinning but at least one  
	##details<< \describe{ \item{Acceptance rate}{
	## The acceptance rate is tracked for each chain across ctrl$pAcceptWindowWidth thinning intervals. ,
	## If acceptance rates drops to low values, this might be because of bad localization
	## ,i.e the requirement to use states from more distant past.
	## In order to improve localization, less parameters or more chains per population are required.
	## }}
	# acceptWindow holds the number of accepted steps for each thinning interval for each chain
	# if its boundaries are filled up, the last nGenBack states are copied to the first interval
	aThinWinW <- ctrl$pAcceptWindowWidth #%/% ctrl$thin	# number of thinning intervals over which to calculate average acceptance rate
	#ctrl$pAcceptWindowWidth <- aThinWinW * ctrl$thin
	# acceptWindow records number of accepted steps in thinnging interval
	# (stepslots x blocks x chains)
	#acceptWindow <- matrix( rep(ctrl$thin*ar, each=2*aThinWinW*nChainPop), nrow=2*aThinWinW, ncol=d$chains )	#record number of accepted steps in thinning interval
	# (width x block x chain )
	acceptWindow <- array( rep(ctrl$thin*ctrl$initialAcceptanceRate, each=2*aThinWinW)
		, dim=c(2*aThinWinW, dim(ctrl$initialAcceptanceRate) ) 
		, dimnames=c(list(steps=NULL),dimnames(ctrl$initialAcceptanceRate)) )	#record number of accepted steps in thinning interval
	#-- preallocate output of parameters, calculated LogDen, indices of accepted steps, and next proposal
	# need lists for populations because Nz (number of samples including intial population ) and nGen (samlples without initial) and nThinnedGen is differ across populations in general	
	ZPops <- lapply( iPops, function(iPop){
			dNames <- if( !is.null(dimnames(ZinitPops[[iPop]])) ) dimnames(ZinitPops[[iPop]]) else list( samples=NULL, parms=paste("p",1:nParm,sep="_"), chains=NULL )
			Z <- array(NA_real_, dim=c(Nz[iPop],nParm,nChainPop), dimnames=dNames)
			Z[1:M0Pops[iPop],,] <- ZinitPops[[iPop]]
	# several resLogDen per chain (dInfos are concatenated)
	resLogDen <- lapply(iPops,function(iPop){ res <- array( NA_real_
				, dim=c(1+nThinnedGenPops[iPop], nResComp, nChainPop)
				, dimnames=list(steps=NULL, resComp=resCompNamesUFlat, chains=NULL))
			res[1,,] <- logDenCompXPops[[iPop]]
	# one rLogDen per chain and per dInfo
	logDen <- lapply(iPops, function(iPop){	res <- array(NA_real_
				, dim=c(1+nThinnedGenPops[iPop], nDen, nChainPop) 
				, dimnames=list(steps=NULL, den=names(dInfos), chains=NULL) )
			for( iChainPop in 1:nChainPop)
				for( iDen in iDens )
					res[ 1,iDen,iChainPop] <- sum(logDenCompXPops[[iPop]][resCompPosPops[[iDen]],iChainPop ])
	# one pAcceptance indication per chain and per block
	pAccept <- lapply(iPops, function(iPop){	res <- array(NA_real_
				, dim=c(1+nThinnedGenPops[iPop], nBlock, nChainPop) 
				, dimnames=list(steps=NULL, block=names(blocks), chains=NULL) )
	for( iPop in iPops ){
		pAccept[[iPop]][1,,] <- ctrl$initialAcceptanceRate[,chainsPop[[iPop]] ]
	# record of proposals and fLogDen results, rows c(accepted, parNames, resCompNames, rLogDen)
	# if doRecordProposals is FALSE record only the thinning intervals for the last 128 generations
	# +1 for the initial state
	nThinLastPops <- if(doRecordProposals) nThinnedGenPops else pmin(nThinnedGenPops, ceiling(128/ctrl$thin)) #number of thinning steps to record
	nThinOmitRecordPops = nThinnedGenPops-nThinLastPops	#the Thinning intervals with no recording of outputs
	nGenOmitRecordPops = nThinOmitRecordPops*ctrl$thin
	nGenYPops <- nThinLastPops*ctrl$thin #+1?
	YPops <- lapply(iPops, function(iPop){ res <- array( NA_real_ 
				, dim=c( nGenYPops[iPop], nParm+nBlock+nResComp, nChainPop)
				, dimnames=list(steps=NULL, vars=c(rownames(XPops[[iPop]]),paste("accepted",iBlocks,sep=""),colnames(resLogDen[[iPop]])), chains=NULL ) )
			# already initialized first row in nGen cycle
			#if( nGenYPops[iPop] == nGenPops[iPop] ) # record first state as accepted
			#	res[1,,] <- rbind( XPops[[iPop]], matrix(TRUE, nrow=nBlock, ncol=nChainPop), logDenCompXPops[[iPop]] )
		})	# records proposals, indication of acceptance per Block for each Chain
	# here accepted is 0: not accepted, 1: full step accepted, between DR step accepted at DRGamma
    ##details<< \describe{ \item{Overfitting control}{
    ## Cost, i.e. -2*logDensity, below the number of observations indicates an overfitting to the data stream.
    ## By supplying a maximum logDensity for one result component with \code{dInfo$maxLogDen = -1/2*nObs} one can 
    ## activate the control for this overfitting. This works only, however, if there are enough observations.
    ## When a result component is based on less than about 30 observartions, one should give a maximum Densitiy of 0.
    ## With overfitting control, there is an upper bound bound for the logDensity of one result compoent- 
    ## Calculated higher logDensities indicate overfitting and are decreases to the maxLogDen value. 
	#-- arguments to fUpdate argument argsFUpdate that do not change within thinning interval
	argsFUpdateDefault = list(
    # construct an list for each block that includes compPos, and intResCompPos
    #block <- blocks[[1]]
	argsFUpdateBlocks <- lapply( blocks, function(block){ 
			dInfo <- if( block$useMetropolisUpdate) dInfos[[block$dInfoPos]] else NULL
			c( argsFUpdateDefault, dInfo=list(dInfo), block
            #, list(maxLogDen=maxLogDenL[[block$dInfoPos]]) # defined in dInfo on .checkDInfoResCompNames
			#, list(TPropPops=TPropPops[dInfo$compPosDen,]) 
    remoteArgsFUpdateBlocksTwDEMC <- list( 
        remoteFun = .updateIntervalTwDEMCChain # this function is called remotely and invokes the blockupdate for all steps of a chain within a thinning interval.
        ,remoteDumpfileBasename = remoteDumpfileBasename	#if null delete
			argsFUpdateBlocks = argsFUpdateBlocks
			,nBlock=nBlock #, iBlocks=iBlocks
            ,returnIntermediate=TRUE    # here stays on slave, so no overhead of returning it between block updates   
	if( !debugSequential && sfParallel() ){
        sfExport("remoteArgsFUpdateBlocksTwDEMC")	#evaluated in remote process, only passed one time
        sfExport(".updateIntervalTwDEMCChain",".updateBlocksTwDEMC",".calcFLogDen", namespace="twDEMC")  # used in remote process      
	#else( assign("remoteArgsFUpdateBlocksTwDEMC", remoteArgsFUpdateBlocksTwDEMC, pos=1))	#export to current
    # pass remoteArgsFUpdateBlocksTwDEMC as a name instead of each time complete object in a call
    # by using sfRemoteWrapper it is obtained from exported object on the remote node
	nameRemoteArgs <- if( !debugSequential && sfParallel() ) as.name("remoteArgsFUpdateBlocksTwDEMC") else remoteArgsFUpdateBlocksTwDEMC 	# eval.parent fails for remoteArgsFUpdateBlocksTwDEMC within sequential function
	# arguments to demc that change between thinning intervals
	# substract logDen components of logDenCompX from logDenXExt
	chainState <- list(
		X = XChains
		,logDenCompX = logDenCompXChains
        ,intermediatesChains=lapply( 1:nChain, function(iChain){list()} )  # initially empty
		,parUpdateDen = array(TRUE, dim=c(nDen,nParm,nChain), dimnames=list(dens=NULL,parms=parNames,chains=NULL))  ##<< for each parameter/density combination: is the density up to date
	#,logDenX = logDenX
	parUpdateDenLast = chainState$parUpdateDen # to store the last parUpdateDen
	maxNThinned <- max(nThinnedGenPops)
	isSamePopLength = all( nThinnedGenPops == maxNThinned)
	isPops <- 1:nPop	# populations that take part in this step (some may need less steps)
	isChains <- 1:nChain  # chains that take part in this step
	#iThin0 <- maxNThinned-1
	#--- main cycle of updates (each ctrl$thin generations) 
	for( iThin0 in (0:(maxNThinned-1)) ){
		if( length(progressOutput)!=0 && nchar(progressOutput)!=0 ){ cat(progressOutput) }
		iGen = iThin0*ctrl$thin+(1:ctrl$thin)	# the generations within this thinning step
		mZPops <- M0Pops + iThin0
		iPopsOut <- which(nThinnedGenPops == iThin0)	# those pops drop out
        #if( length(iPopsOut)) recover()                
        if( 0 != length(iPopsOut) ){
			iChainsOut <- do.call( c, lapply( iPopsOut, function(iPop){ chainsPop[[iPop]] }) )
			iiPopsOut <- which(isPops %in% iPopsOut ) # index in set of current populations
			iiChainsOut <- rep((iiPopsOut-1)*nChainPop, each=nChainPop) + (1:nChainPop)
			isPops <- isPops[-iiPopsOut]
			isChains <- isChains[-iiChainsOut]
			# recored the last parUpdateDen for dropouts
			parUpdateDenLast[,,iChainsOut] <- chainState$parUpdateDen[,,iiChainsOut]
			# adapt chainState that refer to current populations only
			chainState <- within(chainState,{
					X <- X[,-iiChainsOut ,drop=FALSE]
                    intermediatesChains <- intermediatesChains[-iiChainsOut]
					logDenCompX <- logDenCompX[,-iiChainsOut ,drop=FALSE]
					parUpdateDen <- parUpdateDen[,,-iiChainsOut ,drop=FALSE]
			#acceptance rates and nGenBack refer to all chains
		# sample random vectors (note here parameters in rows) 
		# calculate proposed steps (differences not destinations) within next thinning interval
        zxl <- if( (length(blocks)!=1) && ctrl$useConditionalProposal ){
            lapply( iPops[isPops], function(iPop){
                .sampleStatesConditional(Z=ZPops[[iPop]],mZ=mZPops[iPop],nGenBack=nGenBackPops[[iPop]], nSample=ctrl$thin, blocks=blocks )				
        } else {
		    lapply( iPops[isPops], function(iPop){
				.sampleStates(Z=ZPops[[iPop]],mZ=mZPops[iPop],nGenBack=nGenBackPops[[iPop]], nSample=ctrl$thin )				
		zx <- abind( zxl, along= 2 )	# combine chains (and steps within each chain) of all populations
        # second dim: nSample x nChainPop x nPop 
		genPropRes <- .generateXPropThin(zx,ctrl=ctrl, nChain=length(isPops)*nChainPop)
		# check if proposals should be recorded
		# for the first time
		iPopsRecord <- which( (1:nPop %in% isPops) & (iThin0 == nThinOmitRecordPops))
		for( iiPop in iPopsRecord ){
			# record the initial state of the proposals record
			iisPop <- match(iiPop,isPops)	# index in iPop 
			YPops[[iiPop]][1,seq_along(parNames),] <- chainState$X[ ,chainsPop[[ iisPop ]] ]
			YPops[[iiPop]][1,nParm+iBlocks,] <- 1	#TRUE
			YPops[[iiPop]][1,nParm+nBlock+seq_along(resCompNamesUFlat),] <- chainState$logDenCompX[ ,chainsPop[[ iisPop ]] ]
		# after the proposal has been made
		isRecordProposalsPop = ((iThin0 >= nThinOmitRecordPops))[isPops]	# only record the last proposals after nThinOmitRecord
		# numeric matrix (nGenThin x nPop)
		#tempGlobalThinStepsL <- lapply( iPops[isPops], function(iPop){ tempGlobalPops[[iPop]][ 1+iGen ] })
		#tempGlobalThinSteps <- structure( do.call( cbind,tempGlobalThinStepsL ), dimnames=list(steps=NULL,pops=NULL) )	
		# numeric array (nGenThin x nResComp x nPop)		
		tempDenCompThinStepsL <- lapply( iPops[isPops], function(iPop){ tempResCompPops[[iPop]][1+iGen, ,drop=FALSE] })
		tempDenCompThinSteps <- structure( abind( tempDenCompThinStepsL, along=3 ), dimnames=list(steps=NULL,resComp=resCompNamesUFlat, pops=NULL) )	
		# here may use code in .tmp.f.testStep
        #-- do the steps of next thinning interval 
        resUpdate <- .updateIntervalTwDEMCParChains( X=chainState$X, logDenCompX=chainState$logDenCompX
            , intermediatesChains=chainState$intermediatesChains
            , parUpdateDen=chainState$parUpdateDen
			, xStep=genPropRes$xStep
            , rExtra=genPropRes$rExtra
			#, tempGlobalSteps=tempGlobalThinSteps
			, tempDenCompSteps=tempDenCompThinSteps		
			, nsPop=length(isPops)
            , pAcceptPar=pAcceptPops[,isPops ,drop=FALSE]
#        if( any(!is.finite(resUpdate$logDenCompX)) ){
#            if( length(remoteDumpfileBasename) ) dump.frames(remoteDumpfileBasename, TRUE)
#            stop("twDEMCBlocks (10): encountered non-finite resLogDen of accepted states")  
#        } 
        chainState <- resUpdate[ names(chainState) ]
		#-- calculate accepteance rate
		#row in acceptance Window to record acceptance, if exceeds window, copy second part to first (rewind)
		acceptPos0 <- aThinWinW + (iThin0 %% aThinWinW)
		if( acceptPos0 == aThinWinW ){	#interval exeeded or new, copy second half to first half
			acceptWindow[ 1:aThinWinW,, ] <- acceptWindow[ aThinWinW+(1:aThinWinW),, ]
			acceptWindow[ aThinWinW+(1:aThinWinW),, ] <- NA			
		acceptWindow[ acceptPos0+1,, isChains] <- resUpdate$accepted
		curAcceptRows <- (acceptPos0+1)-(min(aThinWinW-1,max(iThin0,8)):0)	# at the start average over at least 4 slots,  
		pAcceptChains <- apply(acceptWindow[curAcceptRows,, ,drop=FALSE],c(2,3),sum) / (length(curAcceptRows)*ctrl$thin)
		#if( !all(is.finite(pAcceptChains[,isChains ,drop=FALSE])))
		#	stop("twDEMCBlocks: encountered non-finite pAcceptChains")
		pAcceptPops <- popMeansTwDEMC(pAcceptChains, nPop) # current acceptance rate of population (block x pop)
		pAcceptPops[] <- pmax(1/ctrl$thin,pAcceptPops ) # lower bound
		pAcceptMinPops <- apply(pAcceptPops,2,min)	# minimum of acceptance rate across blocks for each population 
		nGenBackPops <- pmin(M0Pops,ceiling(ctrl$gInd * pmax(1,ctrl$pIndStep/(pAcceptMinPops * ctrl$thin))))	#number of genrations to select states from for each population, ctrl$gInd is multiplied by number of rows for one step depending on acceptance rate and thinning but at least one  
		#-- record current thinning step for each population
		for( iiPop in seq_along(isPops) ){
			iPop <- isPops[iiPop]		# translate index in current populations to all populations 
			mZ <- mZPops[ iPop ]
			ipChains <- chainsPop[[iiPop]]	# chains within current chains
			igChains <- chainsPop[[iPop]]	# chains within all chains
			ZPops[[iPop]][mZ+1,,] <- chainState$X[,ipChains]
			resLogDen[[iPop]][iThin0+2,,] <- chainState$logDenCompX[,ipChains] # first state is initial state
			pAccept[[iPop]][iThin0+2,,] <- pAcceptChains[,igChains]
#if( iPop==13 && any(chainState$X["a",ipChains] < -0.6) ) recover()	
		#-- record poprosals
		iYSteps0 <- (iThin0 - nThinOmitRecordPops)*ctrl$thin 
		for( iiPop in which(isRecordProposalsPop) ){
			# recordProposals refers to current populations (some may have dropped out already)
			iPop <- isPops[iiPop]
			iiChains = chainsPop[[iiPop]]
			YPops[[iPop]][iYSteps0[iPop]+(1:ctrl$thin),,] <- resUpdate$Y[,,iiChains]
	}# for iThin0
	if( length(progressOutput)!=0 && nchar(progressOutput)!=0 ){ cat("\n") }
	# recored the last parUpdateDen for dropouts
	iChainsOut <- do.call( c, lapply( isPops, function(iPop){ chainsPop[[iPop]] }) )
	parUpdateDenLast[,,iChainsOut] <- chainState$parUpdateDen
	#-- calculate the log-Density of last states that are not up to date, because they might be used for reinitialization
	for( iDen in iDens ){
		dInfo <- dInfos[[iDen]]
		cd <- dInfo$compPosDen # components used by the current density function
		udi <- adrop(parUpdateDenLast[iDen,, ,drop=FALSE],1)   # (iDen= x par x chain
		iChains <- which( apply(udi,2,function(ud){ !all(ud) }) )  
		# TODO parallelize those calculations
		for( iChain in iChains ){
			iPop <- popChain[iChain]
			iChainInPop <- ((iChain-1) %% nChainPop) +1
			Xc <- ZPops[[iPop]][(M0Pops+nThinnedGenPops)[iPop],cd,iChainInPop ]
			#resCompDenC <- do.call( dInfo$fLogDen, c(list(Xc), dInfo$argsFLogDen) )	# evaluate logDen  
            resCompDenC <- .calcFLogDen( dInfo$fLogDen, xP=Xc, argsFLogDen=dInfo$argsFLogDen, compInt=c(), TiInt=c(), maxLogDen = dInfo$maxLogDen )	# evaluate logDen  
            resLogDen[[iPop]][ 1+nThinnedGenPops[iPop],dInfo$resCompPos,iChainInPop] <- resCompDenC
		} # end need update
	} # for iDen
	#-- sum over resLogDen components to yield logDens for each given density 
	# (might be slightly off because not up to date, but work for inspecting the trend)
	for( iDen in iDens ){
		dInfo <- dInfos[[iDen]]
		rcp <- dInfo$resCompPos # components used by the current density function
		if( length(rcp) == 1){
			for( iPop in iPops ){
				logDen[[iPop]][,iDen,] <- resLogDen[[iPop]][,rcp,]
			for( iPop in iPops ){
				resLogDenI <- resLogDen[[iPop]][,rcp, ,drop=FALSE]
				logDen[[iPop]][,iDen,] <- apply(resLogDenI,c(1,3),sum)
		} # length(resComp) == 1 
	} # iDen
    ##details<< \describe{ \item{subspace localized sampling}{
    ## The covariance matix for new proposals might look very different in different locations of the parameter space.
    ## For example, overall CO2 efflux might be composed of two parts microbial respiration and inorganic CO2 production.
    ## that are relevant in different parts of the parameter space (governed by another parameter). The mirobial growth
    ## rate will be very sensitive in the respiration part and is allowed to to only small jumps, while it might vary large
    ## in the inorganic part. Hence, it might be beneficial to use different jumping proposal and different population
    ## samples in different subspaces.
    ## In order to support such supspace-localized sampling XX
    ## When using parallel execution on multiple cores, the transfer of very big intermediates can cause
    ## performance issues. Use argument \code{controlTwDEMC$returnIntermediate=FALSE} to ensure that 
    ## intemediates are stored only within process boundaries. When executing the next interval or the next round of
    ## updates of all blocks, the intermediate will then be the empty list initially.
    ##details<< \describe{ \item{intermediate results}{
    ## Different density functions can share intermediate results, so that these do not need to be recomputed.
    ## For example two densities can be based on the same model predictions for given parameters, but compare different
    ## subsets of the predictions against different observations. If for a given parameter vector, the model output has been
    ## computed in one density, it does not need to be recomputed in the second density function.
    ## This is an advanced option. Care must be taken that the intermediate is really the same between
    ## densities. And care must be taken that intermediate is recalculated if the parameters change on 
    ## which the intermediate is based on.
    ## Description of both block update in argument \code{blocks} (or argument \code{dInfos} if default Metropolis is used)
    ## should specify the same identifier string in argument \code{dInfo$intermediateId}. 
    ## The densities or block update functions should return the model output in attribute "intermediate" 
    ## with the result vector of logDensity
    ## components. \code{twDEMC} ensures that this result is provided with argument \code{intermediate}
    ## in another call to the density or block update function. 
    ## With a new parameter proposal in Metropolis update, an empty list will be given with this argument.
    ## For an example see test case \code{ofMultiIntermediate} in file unitTests/runittwDEMC.R.
    ## Using densities \code{\link{denSparsePrior}} and \code{\link{denRichPrior}}. 
    ## When using parallel execution on multiple cores, the transfer of very big intermediates can cause
    ## performance issues. Use argument \code{controlTwDEMC$returnIntermediate=FALSE} to ensure that 
    ## intemediates are stored only within process boundaries. When executing the next interval or the next round of
    ## updates of all blocks, the intermediate will then be the empty list initially.
	#-- return
    for( iPop in iPops ){
        if( any(!is.finite(resLogDen[[iPop]])) ){
            if( length(remoteDumpfileBasename) ) dump.frames(remoteDumpfileBasename, TRUE)
            stop("twDEMCBlocks (20): encountered non-finite resLogDen of accepted states")
	spacesPop <- sapply(pops,"[[","spaceInd")
	##value<< a list with entries of populations, each entry is a list
	res <- list(
		thin=ctrl$thin		##<< thinning interval that has been used
		,dInfos=dInfos		##<< list of information on densities (argument \code{dInfos})
		,blocks=blocks		##<< list of information on blocks (argument \code{blocks})
		,YPos = list(		##<< list of column positions in pops[i]$Y, a list with entries \describe{
			accepted = nParm+iBlocks	##<< integer vector of positions of acceptance indication of block at given index
			,resLogDen0 = nParm+nBlock 	##<< integer scalar: postion before first column of results of fLogDen
		,pops = lapply( iPops, function(iPop){ list(  ##<< info on each population. A list with entries: \describe{   
					upperParBounds = upperParBoundsPop[[iPop]]	##<< upper parameter bounds for sampling
					,lowerParBounds = lowerParBoundsPop[[iPop]] ##<< lower parameter bounds for sampling
					,splits=pops[[iPop]]$splits		##<< named numeric vector: splitting history
					,spaceInd = spacesPop[iPop]		##<< the space replicate that the population belongs to
					,parms = ZPops[[iPop]][ M0Pops[iPop]:nrow(ZPops[[iPop]]),, ,drop=FALSE]	##<< numeric array (steps x parms x chains): collected states, including the initial states
					,temp = tempResCompPops[[iPop]][seq(1,nGenPops[iPop]+1,by=ctrl$thin), ,drop=FALSE] ##<< numeric array (nSample+1, nResComp): temperature, i.e. cost reduction factor in each step for each datastream
					,pAccept= pAccept[[iPop]]	    ##<< acceptance rate of chains (nStep x nChainPop)
					,resLogDen = resLogDen[[iPop]]	##<< numeric array (steps x resComps x chains): results components of fLogDen of blocks  
					,logDen = logDen[[iPop]]	    ##<< numberic array (steps x iDen x chains): results summed over blocks
					,Y = YPops[[iPop]]              ##<< numeric matrix (steps x nParam+nBlock+nResComp x chains): parms, isAccepted for each block, and all fLogDen result components for each proposal
	#names(res$pops) <- names(pops)
	class(res) <- c( class(res), "twDEMCPops" )	#monte carlo proposal list
attr(twDEMCBlockInt,"ex") <- function(){
    # see unit test 
    # twUtestF("twDEMCPops","distinctLogDen")
	data(twLinreg1); attach( twLinreg1 ) 
	# tracing error in remote session:
	# Provide argument \code{remoteDumpfileBasename="dumpFile"}
	# Then a dumpfile is created on remote error by \code{\link{sfRemoteWrapper}}.
	# In order to trace the density function, the following can be done
	if( FALSE ){
		.remoteDumpfile <- paste(.remoteDumpfileBasename,".rda",sep="")
		# choose last step (18)
		fDen <- remoteFunArgs$argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC$argsFUpdateBlocks[[1]]$fLogDen
		mtrace(fDen); remoteFunArgs$argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC$argsFUpdateBlocks[[1]]$fLogDen <- fDen
		do.call(remoteFun, c(remoteFunArgs, list(...)))	
		# go()
		# qqq()

.tmp.f <- function(){   # testStep
	# test one step for one chain
	iStep <- 1
	iChain <- 1
	# those are arguments, generated updateBlocksTwDEMCPar
	iPop <- popChain[iChain]
	step <- genPropRes$xStep[,iChain,iStep]
	rExtra <- genPropRes$rExtra[iChain,iStep]
	Xc <- chainState$X[,iChain]
	logDenCompC <- chainState$logDenCompX[,iChain]
	parUpdateDenC <- chainState$parUpdateDen[,,iChain]
	tempC <- tempThinSteps[iChain,iStep]
	.updateBlocksTwDEMC(iPop = iPop,step=step,rExtra=rExtra,Xc=Xc,logDenCompC=logDenCompC
        ,parUpdateDenC=parUpdateDenC,pAccept=pAccept, temp=tempC
        , argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC=remoteArgsFUpdateBlocksTwDEMC$argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC )			

.tmp.f <- function(){
	# before (code here) calculated temperature for each chain, but actually need it only by population
	tempThinStepsL <- lapply( iPops, function(iPop){
			matrix( temp[[iPop]][ 1+iGen ], nrow=length(iGen), ncol=nChainPop )
	tempThinSteps <- t(do.call( cbind, tempThinStepsL))	# steps need to be in last dimension (so chains in first)

.getRescompNameBlock <- function(
	### appending iBlock to the resCompNames to make the names unique among blocks

.completePopDescription <- function(
	### filling default values in pop description
	,nGen=numeric(0)		##<< number of generations to take: overwrites settings given in pop
	,spaceInd=numeric(0)	##<< the space replicate that this population belongs to, overwritten by setting in pop 
	## If several entries are null, they are set to default values
	if( 0==length(pop$parms) || !is.numeric(pop$parms) || length(dim(pop$parms)) != 3 )
		stop(".checkPop: entry parms must be a numeric 3D array")
	if( 0 != length(nGen) )	pop$nGen <- nGen 
	if( (1 != length(pop$nGen)) )	
		stop(".checkPop: scalar integer nGen must be given as entry nGen in population or in invocation of twDEMCBlockInt.")
	if( 0 == length(pop$spaceInd) ) pop$spaceInd = spaceInd
	if( (1 != length(pop$spaceInd)) )	
		stop(".checkPop: scalar integer spaceInd must be given as entry nGen in population or in invocation of twDEMCBlockInt.")
	# if( 0==length(pop$T0) ) pop$T0 <- 1
	# if( 0==length(pop$TEnd) ) pop$TEnd <- 1
	if( 0==length(pop$X) ){
		pop$X <- adrop( pop$parms[nrow(pop$parms),, ,drop=FALSE],1)
		if( !all.equal( rownames(pop$X), colnames(pop$parms), check.attributes = FALSE) )
			stop(".checkPop: rownames of X and colnames of parms must match")
	if( 0 != length(pop$upperParBounds) && any(is.na(pop$upperParBounds)))
		stop(".checkPop: encountered NA in upperParBounds")
	if( 0 != length(pop$lowerParBounds) && any(is.na(pop$lowerParBounds)))
		stop(".checkPop: encountered NA in lowerParBounds")
	### pop with entries nGen, and X defined 

.completeDInfo <- function(
	### filling default values in information on logDensities (dInfo)
	dInfo	    ##<< list of information on logDensities to be checked for entries
	,parNames	##<< string vector: names of all parameters. A subset (compPosDen) of these is required by the logDensity
    ,resCompNames   ##<< string vector: list of names of result vector of logDensity function.
    ## \code{dInfo} stores ample information on a log-Density function in order to 
    ## help fast execution of calling the log-Density function and the metropolis update. However, the user 
    ## is required to specify only minimal detail (see \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}) and most of the information is 
    ## filled in this function.
    ## Some of the information can only be completed after the names of logDensity results are 
    ## know after calling the function. Therefore there is a second function \code{\link{.completeDInfoResCompNames}}.
	if( 0 == length(dInfo$fLogDen) || !is.function(dInfo$fLogDen)) 
        stop(".checkLogDenInfo: entry fLogDen (function of log of unnomalized density) must be specified")
    ## \code{compPosDen} specifies the parameters provided to the given logDensity.
    ## If entry compPosDen is not given, then assume all parameter dimensions are required.	
    ## If compPosDen is given as a string vector, then it is translated to positions within 
    ## vector of all parameter names.
    if( 0 == length(dInfo$compPosDen) ) dInfo$compPosDen <- seq_along(parNames)
	compPosDenOrig <- dInfo$compPosDen
	if( is.character(compPosDenOrig) ) dInfo$compPosDen <- match(compPosDenOrig,parNames)
	if( any(is.na(dInfo$compPosDen)) ){
		stop(".completeDInfo: some of compPosDen specified in dInfo are among parameter names (of initial values).")
	if( 0==length(dInfo$intResComp) ) dInfo$intResComp <- vector("character",0)
	#if( 0==length(dInfo$TFix) ) dInfo$TFix <- vector("numeric",0)
	if( 0!=length(dInfo$TFix) ) warning("Usage of TFix is deprecated. Use arguemt TSpec of twDEMCBlockInt with T0 and TEnd of one for given components.")
    if( 0!=length(dInfo$intermediate) || 0!=length(dInfo$intermediateId) ) warning("intermediateId now must be specified with blocks.")
    if( length(i <- which(!(names( dInfo) %in% c("fLogDen","xC","logDenCompC","parUpdateDenC","compPosDen","intResComp","argsFLogDen"
                                                ,"resCompNames","resCompPos","intResCompPos","intResCompPosWithin","nObs","maxLogDen")))) )
        stop(paste(".completeDInfo: unknown entries in dInfo:",paste(names(dInfo)[i],collapse=",") ))
    if( 0 != length(dInfo$nObs))
        warning(".checkDInfoResCompNames: usage of nObs in dInfos is deprecated and not considered. Instead use: maxLogDen=-1/2*nObs")
    dInfo$resCompNames <- resCompNames
    if( 0 == length(dInfo$maxLogDen) ) dInfo$maxLogDen <- rep( 0, length(resCompNames) )
    if( length(names(dInfo$maxLogDen)) ){
        # check that all names matches the resCompNames, and sort along resCompNames
        iM <- match( resCompNames, names(dInfo$maxLogDen) )
        if( any(is.na(iM)) )
            stop(paste(".checkLogDenInfo: maximum logDensitiy, maxLogDen, of observations missing for result components ",paste(resCompNames[which(is.na(iM))], collapse=","),sep="") )
        dInfo$maxLogDen <- dInfo$maxLogDen[iM]        
    if( length(dInfo$maxLogDen) != length(resCompNames) )
        stop(paste("dInfo maxLogDen (length=",length(dInfo$maxLogDen),") must have same lenght as number of result components=",length(resCompNames),sep=""))
	### argument \code{dfo} with entries fLogDen, compPosDen, intResComp, resCompNames, and maxLogDen properly specified


.completeBlockInfo <- function(
	### filling default values in block description
	block				##<< list to be checked for entries
	,dInfos				##<< checked list of dInfo. See the argument in \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}.
	,parNames			##<< parameter dimension names
    ## Similar to dInfos (see \code{\link{.completeDInfo}}), there is a list with ample information on each block.
    ## As the user is required to specify only the minimal information or information in more convenient format
    ## The block list is checked and information is completed.
    if( 0 == length(block$compPos) ) stop(".completeBlockInfo: entry compPos must be specified, either as indices or as variable names")
    ## If the user specified \code{compPos} as a character string, 
    ## then convert it to positions within vector of all parameter
    compPosOrig <- block$compPos
    if( is.character(compPosOrig) ){
        block$compPos <- match( compPosOrig, parNames)
    if( any(is.na(block$compPos)) ){
        i <- which(!(names(compPosOrig) %in%  parNames))
            stop(paste(".completeBlockInfo: unknown variable names in entry compPos in block:",paste(parNames[i],collapse=",") ))
    ## If no other block update function is given, assume Metropolis update
    if( 0 == length(block$useMetropolisUpdate) )
        block$useMetropolisUpdate = (0==length(block$fUpdateBlock))
    if( block$useMetropolisUpdate ){
        block$fUpdateBlock <- updateBlockTwDEMC
        dInfoPosOrig <- block$dInfoPos
        if( 1 != length(block$dInfoPos) ) stop(".checkBlock: dInfoPos must be of length 1.")
        if( is.character(dInfoPosOrig) ) block$dInfoPos <- match(dInfoPosOrig,names(dInfos))
        if( is.na(block$dInfoPos) ){
            stop(paste0(".checkBlock: specified density '",dInfoPosOrig,
                 "' not found in names of list of density information (argument dInfos)."))
        dInfo <- dInfos[[block$dInfoPos]]
        # positions of parameters to update in list of parameters to logDensity function
        block$compPosInDen <- match(block$compPos,dInfo$compPosDen ) 
        if( any(is.na(block$compPosInDen)) ){
            stop(".checkBlock: some of compPos specified in block are not in compPosDen of fLogDenInfo.")
    } # useMetropolisUpdate
    if( 1!=length(block$fUpdateBlock) || !is.function(block$fUpdateBlock) ) stop(".checkBlock: fUpdateBlock must be a single function.")
    if( 0 == length(block$nStates) ){
        # number of states to choose from for proposal generations on conditional sampling
        block$nStates <- calcM0twDEMC( length(block$compPos), 1)
	##value<< argument block with entries compPos, dInfoPos, fUpdateBlock, and useMetropolisUpdate definded
    if( length(i <- which(!(names( block) %in% c("compPos","dInfoPos","fUpdateBlock","useMetropolisUpdate","argsFUpdate"
                 ,"nStates","compPosInDen","intermediateId")))) )
        stop(paste(".checkBlock: unknown entries in block:",paste(names(block)[i],collapse=",") ))

.getResFLogDenNames <- function(
	### Extracting/Creating names for result components of logDenComp
	logDenComp		##<< vector or array (vars in rows) of results of logDensity function
    ,logDenName     ##<< name of the density 
	## Names of the result components of fLogDen are used to distinguish internal components.
	## If the density function does not provide names, they are created.
	## If the density function has only one result component, the name is lost during parallel execution.
	## Hence, a single name is also re-created, to avoid errors on checking.
    ## The created names are of the form <logDenName>_<iComp>
	if( is.array(logDenComp)){
		res <- rownames(logDenComp)
		return( if( !is.null(res) ) res else paste(logDenName,1:nrow(logDenComp),sep="_") )
		res <- names(logDenComp)
		#return( if( !is.null(res) && length(res) > 1) res else paste(logDenName,1:length(logDenComp),sep="") )
        return( if( !is.null(res) ) res else paste(logDenName,1:length(logDenComp),sep="_") )

.sampleStatesConditional <- function(
        ### Sample records and initial state from past records.
        Z					##<< population (steps x parms x chains)
        ,mZ					##<< number of steps in Z that have been already sampled (Z is bigger)
        ,nGenBack			##<< number of samples in recent past, used to generate the proposals
        ,nSample			##<< number of proposals to generate
        ,blocks             ##<< information on blocks with item \code{compPos} specifiy the parameter positions
            ##<< and item \code{nStates} specifying the number of closest states to choose from, usually calculated by CalcM0 with one chain 
    ## \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
    ## \code{\link{.generateXPropThin}}
    nChainPop = dim(Z)[3] 
    nParm = dim(Z)[2]
    # blocks <- lapply(blocks, function(block){ within(block, nStates <- 8) })
    # calculate the number of states 
    # blocks <- lapply(blocks, function(block){ within(block, nStates <- m0b*nChainPop) })
    Zt <- t(apply(Z[1:(mZ),,],2,function(Zs){Zs}))     # matrix (nParm x nState): all states except the last (current) one 
    #iChain <- 1
    zxbL <- lapply( 1:nChainPop, function(iChain){
         Xc <-  Z[mZ,,iChain]	# current state
         d <- abs(Xc - Zt)      # absolute deviation from current state (as parameters are the first dimension, we can apply array diff)
         #block <- blocks[[1]]
         ZtsubL <- lapply( blocks, function(block){
               db <- d[-block$compPos, ,drop=FALSE]     # subset of parameters not in block                     
               rbp <- apply( db, 1, rank)               # rank of difference for each parameter
               rb <- apply( rbp,1, max)                  # maximum over parameters
               iStates <- order(rb)[1:block$nStates]          # the index of the states to choose from
               iS <- matrix( iStates[sample.int(block$nStates, 3*nSample, replace=TRUE)], ncol=3 )  #TODO save invocations to sample.int by sampling before
               Ztsub <- Zt[block$compPos, iS,drop=FALSE]
               Xcb <- Xc[block$compPos]
               zx <- array(c(Ztsub, rep(Xcb,nSample)), dim=c(parms=nrow(Ztsub), step=nSample, iz=4), dimnames=list(parms=rownames(Ztsub),step=NULL,iz=NULL) )
               # check that z1 and z2 are different
               # check that z3 is different from x
                ## States z2 is  attempted to be distinct.
                ## And z3 is attempted to be distinct from x (assuming steps in z are stacked chains collectives of X)  
                iSame <- twWhichColsEqual( adrop(zx[,,2 ,drop=FALSE],3), adrop(zx[,,1 ,drop=FALSE],3) )
                i <- 0
                while( 0 < length(iSame) && i<5){
                    zx[,iSame,2] <- zx[,sample.int(dim(zx)[2],length(iSame)),2]     # sample from z2 of other steps
                    iSame <- twWhichColsEqual( adrop(zx[,,2 ,drop=FALSE],3), adrop(zx[,,1 ,drop=FALSE],3) )
                #(tmp <- which( zx[,,2] == zx[,,1], arr.ind=TRUE))
                #when z3 is the same as x, i.e. zx[,,4]
                iSame <- twWhichColsEqual( adrop(zx[,,3 ,drop=FALSE],3), adrop(zx[,,4 ,drop=FALSE],3) )
                #iSame <- unique(which( (zx[-nrow(zx),,3]==Xs), arr.ind=TRUE )[,2])
                i <- 0
                while( 0 < length(iSame) && i<5){
                    zx[,iSame,3] <- zx[,sample.int(dim(zx)[2],length(iSame)),3]     # sample from z3 of other steps
                    iSame <- twWhichColsEqual( adrop(zx[,,3 ,drop=FALSE],3), adrop(zx[,,4 ,drop=FALSE],3) )
        })  # updates for each block
        zxb <- abind(ZtsubL, along=1) 
    }) # updates for each chain
    zxbc <- abind(zxbL, along=2)        # stack chains across samples
    ### numeric array: (nParm x (nSample*nChainPop) x 4) of randomly choosen states
    ### states of different blocks are choosen independently of each other, i.e. are combinations from different states
    ### 4th state is the currently accepted state of the chain (for Snooker update)
    zxc <- zxbc[ colnames(Z),, ]            # order parameters

.sampleStates <- function(
	### Sample records and initial state from past records.
	Z					##<< population (steps x parms x chains)
	,mZ					##<< number of steps in Z that have been sampled
	,nGenBack			##<< number of samples in recent past, used to generate the proposals
	,nSample			##<< number of proposals to generate
	## \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
	## \code{\link{.generateXPropThin}}
	nChainPop = dim(Z)[3] 
	nParm = dim(Z)[2]
	## Random states for chains for difference vector generation are within subsets of populations.
	## This allows simulating independent population of chains.
	## The acceptance rate may differ among populations. Hence, the set of previous generations to 
	## randomly select from also differs between poplations.
	# integer array (thinSteps*nChain*4) sample of chains, within populations
	X <- adrop(Z[mZ,,,drop=FALSE],1)		# assume current state X as beginning of the interval
	nStates <- nSample*nChainPop*3			# need to sample three states for snooker update
	sChains <- 1:nChainPop 
	sGens <- (mZ-nGenBack+1):mZ 
	rrGenPop <-  sample(sGens, nStates, replace = TRUE)
	rrChainsPop <-  sample(sChains, nStates, replace = TRUE)
	# in order to constrain two dimensions at the same time use the [] subset with an array see ?"["
	rr <- cbind(rrGenPop,rrChainsPop)
	#zLogDen <- array(rLogDen[rr], dim=c(1,nSample*nChainPop,3), dimnames=list(parms="logDen", steps=NULL, zi=NULL) )
	rrParms <- cbind( rep(rrGenPop,each=nParm), rep(1:nParm, nStates), rep(rrChainsPop,each=nParm) )
	zParms <- array(Z[rrParms], dim=c(nParm,nSample*nChainPop,3), dimnames=list( parms=rownames(Z), steps=NULL, zi=NULL) )
	# note that parameters are the first dimension		
	#rrParms <- cbind( rep(rrGenPop,nParm), rep(1:nParm, each=nStates), rep(rrChainsPop,nParm) )
	#zParms <- matrix( Z[rrParms], ncol=nParm)
	#z0 <- abind( zParms, zLogDen, along=1)
	# append as forth initial state x vector to z
	# assume that chains is the last dimension, for each step assume the same initial state x 
	chainsZ <- rep(sChains,each=nSample)
	Xs <- array(X[,chainsZ], dim=c(nParm,nSample*nChainPop,1), dimnames=list(parms=rownames(Z), steps=NULL, zi=NULL) )
	#XsLogDen <- array( rLogDen[mZ,chainsZ],dim=c(1,nSample*nChainPop,1), dimnames=list(parms="logDen", steps=NULL, zi=NULL)  ) 
	#Xs <- abind( Xs, XsLogDen, along=1)	#logDen row never used for X
	zx <- abind( zParms, Xs, along=3)
	## States z2 is  attempted to be distinct.
	## And z3 is attempted to be distinct from x (assuming steps in z are stacked chains collectives of X)  
	iSame <- twWhichColsEqual( adrop(zx[,,2 ,drop=FALSE],3), adrop(zx[,,1 ,drop=FALSE],3) )
	i <- 0
	while( 0 < length(iSame) && i<5){
		zx[,iSame,2] <- zx[,sample.int(dim(zx)[2],length(iSame)),2]
		iSame <- twWhichColsEqual( adrop(zx[,,2 ,drop=FALSE],3), adrop(zx[,,1 ,drop=FALSE],3) )
	#(tmp <- which( zx[,,2] == zx[,,1], arr.ind=TRUE))
	#when z3 is the same as x, i.e. zx[,,4]
	iSame <- twWhichColsEqual( adrop(zx[,,3 ,drop=FALSE],3), adrop(zx[,,4 ,drop=FALSE],3) )
	#iSame <- unique(which( (zx[-nrow(zx),,3]==Xs), arr.ind=TRUE )[,2])
	i <- 0
	while( 0 < length(iSame) && i<5){
		zx[,iSame,3] <- zx[,sample.int(dim(zx)[2],length(iSame)),3]
		iSame <- twWhichColsEqual( adrop(zx[,,3 ,drop=FALSE],3), adrop(zx[,,4 ,drop=FALSE],3) )
	#(tmp <- which( zx[,,3] == zx[,,4], arr.ind=TRUE))
	### random states (Nparms+1,(steps*nChainPop), 4)
	### first dimension is the state vector
	### random states for each step and chains (chains stacked to be vectorized)
	### chain is last dimensionion in stack (consequtive steps for one chain) in  order to abind across populations
	### zx dim: three random vectors, forth dimension is the initial state x of the chain
	rownames(zx) <- colnames(Z)	# preserve parameter names

.generateXPropThin <- function(
	### Generate Proposals from given random states.
	zx		##<< output of \code{\link{.sampleStates}} (maybe stackes states)
	,ctrl	##<< list with tuning parameters, see \code{twDEMCBlockInt}
	,nChain	##<< number of chains
	## \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
	## \code{\link{.sampleStates}}
	## \code{\link{.xStepSnooker}}
	## \code{\link{.xStepParallel}}
	nParm <- nrow(zx)
	nState <- ncol(zx)
	nSample <- nState/nChain
	#zxl <- lapply( 1:nPop, fzPop ) 
	#zxAndLogDen <- structure( abind(zxl, along=2) , dimnames=list(parms=c(rownames(Z),"logDen"),steps=NULL,zi=NULL))
	#zx <- zxAndLogDen[1:nParm,,,drop=FALSE]
	z <- zx[,,1:3,drop=FALSE]	#three random state vectors per step
	X <- adrop(zx[,,4,drop=FALSE],3)	#initial state vector for step
	#zLogDen <- adrop(zxAndLogDen[,,1:3,drop=FALSE][nParm+1,,,drop=FALSE],1)
	dz <- as.list( structure(dim(z), names=c("parms","steps","zi")) )
	res <- matrix( NA_real_, nrow=dz$parms+1, ncol=dz$steps, dimnames=c(list(c(rownames(z),"rExtra")),list(NULL)) )
	boSnooker <- runif(dz$steps)< ctrl$pSnooker
	if( 0 < sum(boSnooker) ){
		res[,boSnooker] <- .xStepSnooker(z[,boSnooker,,drop=FALSE],X[,boSnooker,drop=FALSE],ctrl=ctrl)
	if( 0 < sum(!boSnooker) )
		#res[,!boSnooker] <- .xStepParallel(z[,!boSnooker,,drop=FALSE],zLogDen=zLogDen[!boSnooker,,drop=FALSE],ctrl=ctrl)	
		res[,!boSnooker] <- .xStepParallel(z[,!boSnooker,,drop=FALSE],ctrl=ctrl)	
	#second dimension is Nsteps*nChain (we can set nChains as last dimension 
	xStepAndExtra <- resArraySteps <- array(res, dim=c(nParm+1,nSample,nChain), dimnames=list(parms=rownames(res),steps=NULL,chains=NULL) )
	#deprecated expected steps as last dimension
	#xStepAndExtra <- aperm(resArraySteps,c(1,3,2))
	# numeric array (Npar+1,Nchains,Nsteps): difference vectors in parameter space for steps and chains
	# last row is the extra LogDen associated with snooker update
	xStep <- xStepAndExtra[-nrow(xStepAndExtra),,,drop=FALSE]			#dito
	rExtra <- adrop(xStepAndExtra[nrow(xStepAndExtra),,,drop=FALSE],1)			#second dim (columns step within Thinning interval)
	list(xStep=xStep, rExtra=rExtra)
	### List with components \describe{
	### \item{xStep}{numeric array (Npar x NSteps x Nchain): difference vectors in parameter space}
	### \item{rExtra}{numeric matrix (Nsteps x NChain): some extra LogDensity from snooker update}}
	### Nsteps=ctrl$thin

.xStepSnooker <- function(
	### Generates Snooker updates based on given random numbers.
	z, ##<< numeric array (Nparms,(nsteps), 3) of random states, dimnames parms,steps,zi
	X, ##<< current state (Nparms,(nsteps)) corresponding to chain of second dimension in z 
	# DE-Snooker update
	## \code{\link{.generateXPropThin}}
	nParm <- nrow(z)
	nState <- ncol(z)
	gamma_snooker = runif(nState, min=1.2,max=2.2)
	res <- matrix( as.numeric(NA), nrow=nParm+1, ncol=nState, dimnames=c(list(c(rownames(z),"rExtra")),list(NULL)) )
	#need loop because of inner products
	for( i in 1:nState){
		x_z = X[,i] - z[,i,3]
		D2 = max(1.0e-300, x_z %*% x_z)
		#gamma_snooker =1.7
		projdiff = ((z[,i,1] -z[,i,2]) %*% x_z)/D2  # inner_product of difference with x_z / squared norm x_z
		res[-(nParm+1),i] <- xStepChain <-  (gamma_snooker[i] * projdiff) * x_z
		xPropChain = X[,i] + xStepChain
		x_z = xPropChain - z[,i,3]
		D2prop = max((x_z%*%x_z), 1.0e-30)
		res[(nParm+1),i] <- rExtra <- ctrl$Npar12 * (log(D2prop) - log(D2))   # Npar12  =(nParm - 1)/2  # extra term in logr for accept - reject ratio
} # DE-Snooker update

.xStepParallel <- function(
	### DE-parallel direction update based on given random numbers.
	z, ##<< numeric array (Nparms,(nsteps), 3) of random states, dimnames parms,steps,zi
	#zLogDen,	##<< numeric matrix (nsteps,3): logDen corresponding to the random states z   
	## \code{\link{.generateXPropThin}}
	nParm <- nrow(z)
	nState <- ncol(z)
	dz <- adrop((z[,,1,drop=FALSE]-z[,,2,drop=FALSE]),3)	#jump vector as the difference between two random states (from z2 towards z1)
	boGammasF1 <- (runif(nState) < ctrl$pGamma1)
	gamma_par <- matrix( ctrl$F1, nrow=nParm, ncol=nState) # to be able to jump between modes
	gamma_par[,!boGammasF1] <- ctrl$F2 * runif( nParm*sum(!boGammasF1), min=1-ctrl$epsMult, max=1+ctrl$epsMult)    # multiplicative error to be applied to the difference 	
	xStepChain <- if (ctrl$epsAdd ==0) {  # avoid generating normal random variates if possible
			gamma_par * dz 
		} else {
			gamma_par * dz  + rnorm(length(dz),0,ctrl$epsAdd)
	xStepChainAndRExtra <- rbind(xStepChain,rExtra=0)
	### Numeric matrix (Nparms, nsteps): difference vectors in parameter space.

.tmp.f <- function(){
    if( !is.null(ctrl$probUpDir) && (ctrl$probUpDir != 1/2) ){
        iFinites <- which(is.finite(zLogDen[,1]) & is.finite(zLogDen[,2]))

.updateIntervalTwDEMCParChains <- function(
        ### Perform update steps within next thinning interval parellelizing by chains.
        # first three arguments relate to current state (stored in chainState in twDEMCBlockInt)
        X				##<< numeric matrix: current location of chains rows: parameters, columns: chains
        ,logDenCompX	##<< numeric matrix: result of calls to density functions from previous step
        ,intermediatesChains = lapply(1:nsChain, function(iChain){ list()}  )  ##<< list(nChain) intermediate states 
        ,parUpdateDen	##<< for each parameter/density combination: is the density up to date from previous step
        ,xStep 			##<< array rows: difference vectors in parameter space, cols: steps, zdim: chains
        ,rExtra			##<< numeric matrix: row: step within thinning interval, col: chain
        ,tempDenCompSteps	##<< numeric array:  (nGenThin x nResComp x nsPop)
        ,nsPop			##<< the number of populations that take part in this step
        ,pAcceptPar		##<< numeric matrix: current acceptance rate for each (block x population)
        #argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC, ##<< list of arguments to updateBlocksTwDEMC
        #argsDEMCStep,	##<< see \code{\link{.doDEMCStep}}
        ,remoteFunArgs	##<< arguments that do not change across calls
        ## may be specified as a name instead of complete object (see code{\link[twSnowfall]{sfRemoteWrapper}})
        ## Must include entries \itemize{
        ## \item{remoteFun=.updateBlocksTwDEMCChains}
        ## \item{argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC 
        ## \item{remoteDumpfileBasename} 
        ## }
        ## Can be a name of a previously exported variable.
        ,debugSequential=FALSE	##<< see \code{\link[twSnowfall]{sfFArgsApplyDep}}
        ,isRecordProposalsPop=rep(FALSE,nsPop)	##<< logical vector: for each population: if TRUE then proposals and results of rLogDen are recorded in result$Y.
        , chainsPop=matrix(1:ncol(X),ncol=nsPop, dimnames=list(iChainInPop=NULL, iPop=NULL))		##<< list of integer vectors:
        , isPops			##<< integer vector of populations that have not yet dropped out
    # .updateIntervalTwDEMCParChains
    dimXStep <- dim(xStep)
    nStep <- dimXStep[2]
    nsChain <- dimXStep[3]
    nChainPop = nsChain / nsPop
    # if( length(intermediatesChains[[1]]) ) recover()
    #iChain <- 1
    argsListsChain <- lapply( 1:nsChain, function(iChain){
        iiPop <- ((iChain-1) %/% nChainPop) +1
        iPop <- isPops[ iiPop ] # refer to population in non-dropped array
        list( X = X[,iChain]
                ,logDenCompX = logDenCompX[,iChain]
                , intermediates = intermediatesChains[[iiPop]]
                , parUpdateDen = adrop(parUpdateDen[,,iChain,drop=FALSE],3)
                , xStep = adrop(xStep[,,iChain,drop=FALSE],3)
                , rExtra = rExtra[,iChain]
                , tempDenCompSteps = adrop(tempDenCompSteps[,,iiPop,drop=FALSE],3)
                , pAcceptPar = pAcceptPar[,iiPop]
                , isRecordProposalsPop = isRecordProposalsPop[iiPop]
                , iPop = iPop
    #remoteFunArgs$remoteFun <- .updateIntervalTwDEMCChain   # on changed function
    res <- if( isTRUE(debugSequential) ){
        lapply( argsListsChain, remoteFunArgs$remoteFun, argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC=remoteFunArgs$argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC )
#        if( sfParallel() ) ( list=c("nChainPop",  "X", "logDenCompX", "parUpdateDen", "xStep"
#                                    , "rExtra", "tempDenCompSteps", "pAcceptPar"
#                                    , "remoteFunArgsChain", "isRecordProposalsPop","returnIntermediateChains"))
        sfLapply( argsListsChain, sfRemoteWrapper, remoteFunArgs = remoteFunArgs )
    ##value<< list with components
    res1 <- res[[1]]
    X <- array( NA_real_,  c(length(res1$X), nsChain), dimnames=list(parms=names(res1$X), iChain=NULL))
    logDenCompX <- array( NA_real_,  c(length(res1$logDenCompX), nsChain), dimnames=list(parms=names(res1$logDenCompX), iChain=NULL))
    parUpdateDen <- array( NA,  c(dim(res1$parUpdateDen), nsChain), dimnames=c(dimnames(res1$parUpdateDen), iChain=NULL))
    accepted <- array( NA_real_,  c(length(res1$accepted), nsChain), dimnames=list(iBlock=names(res1$accepted), iChain=NULL))
    Y <-  array( NA_real_,  c(dim(res1$Y), nsChain), dimnames=c(dimnames(res1$Y), iChain=NULL))
    for( iChain in 1:nsChain ){
        resi <- res[[iChain]]
        X[,iChain] <- resi$X
        logDenCompX[,iChain] <- resi$logDenCompX
        parUpdateDen[,,iChain] <- resi$parUpdateDen
        accepted[,iChain] <- resi$accepted
        Y[,,iChain] <- resi$Y
    resDo <- list(	##describe<< 
            X=X							##<< matrix current position, column for each chain
            , logDenCompX=logDenCompX	##<< matrix: result components of fLogDen current position, column for each chain 
            #, logDenX=logDenX			##<< vector current logDen of chains
            , parUpdateDen=parUpdateDen	##<< numeric matrix (par x den x chain): for each parameter/density combination: is the density up to date
            , accepted=accepted			##<< numeric matrix (blocks x chains): number of accepted steps for each chain
            , Y=if( !is.null(res1$Y) ) Y else NULL	##<< numeric matrix (steps x 2+params+result x chains): accepted, rLogDen, parms, and all fLogDen result components for each proposal
            , intermediatesChains = lapply(res,"[[","intermediatesX")
    ) ##end<< 

.updateIntervalTwDEMCChain <- function(
        ### Perform update steps within next thinning interval for a single chain (called remotely from .updateIntervalTwDEMCParChains) 
        # first three arguments relate to current state (stored in chainState in twDEMCBlockInt)
        argsUpdateIntervalTwDEMCChain = list( ##<< argument that change across invocations of .updateIntervalTwDEMCChain
                ## supplied as list, so that sfLapply can be used
        X=c()		    ##<< numeric vector: current location
        ,logDenCompX=c()##<< numeric vector: result of calls to density functions for current location
        ,intermediates=list()  ##<< list: intermediate results for current location 
        ,parUpdateDen=c()	##<< for each parameter/density combination: is the density up to date from previous step
        ,xStep=c() 			##<< matrix rows: difference vectors in parameter space, cols: steps
        ,rExtra=c()			##<< numeric vector: row: step within thinning interval
        ,tempDenCompSteps=c()	##<< numeric matrix:  (nGenThin x nResComp)
        #,nsPop			##<< the number of populations that take part in this step
        ,pAcceptPar=c()		##<< numeric vector: current acceptance rate for each (block)
        ,isRecordProposalsPop=FALSE 	##<< logical
        , iPop=1          ##<< the population that the current chain is in
        ,argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC	##<< list: further arguments to \code{\link{.updateBlocksTwDEMC}}
    a <- argsUpdateIntervalTwDEMCChain  # shortcut
    # .updateIntervalTwDEMCPar
    ## \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
    ## \code{\link{.doDEMCStep}}
    dimXStep <- dim(a$xStep)
    nStep <- dimXStep[2]
    #d <- as.list(structure(dimXStep,names=c("parms","chains","steps"))) 
    iGenT <- (1:nStep)
    nCases = nStep
    if( !(nCases == length(a$rExtra)) )
        stop("number of cases in steps must correspond to length of rExtra")
    res0 <- list(
    # record the proposals, their density results and their acceptance for each generation in thinning interval
    parNames <- names(a$X)
    resCompNames <- names(a$logDenCompX)
    if( is.null(resCompNames) ) resCompNames <- paste("lDen",seq_along(a$logDenCompX),sep="") 
    tmp <- c(parNames,paste("accepted",seq_along(a$pAcceptPar),sep=""),resCompNames)
    Y <- array( NA_real_, dim=c(nStep=nStep,comp=length(tmp)), dimnames=list(steps=NULL,comp=tmp) )			
    # recored acceptance state
    acceptedSteps <- array( NA_real_, dim=c(nStep=nStep,block=length(a$pAcceptPar)) )
    #i <- 1
    prevRes <- res0
    for( iStep in  1:nStep){
        args <-c( prevRes[1:4] 
                ,list( step=a$xStep[,iStep] 
                        , rExtra=a$rExtra[iStep ,drop=TRUE]
                        #, tempGlobalC=tempGlobalSteps[iStep0+1,isPop ,drop=TRUE]
                        , tempDenCompC=a$tempDenCompSteps[iStep,, drop=TRUE]
                        , pAccept=a$pAcceptPar
                        #, isPop=isPop
                        , iPop=a$iPop
                        , argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC=argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC
         prevRes <- do.call( .updateBlocksTwDEMC, args )
         Y[iStep,] <- c( prevRes$xP, prevRes$accepted, prevRes$logDenCompP )
         acceptedSteps[iStep,] <- prevRes$accepted
#if( (iPop==2) &&  (X["a"] < 10.8) ) recover()
    ##value<< list with components
    ctrl <- argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC$argsFUpdateBlocks[[1]]$ctrl
    resDo <- list(	##describe<< 
            X=prevRes$xC			    ##<< vector (nParm) current position
            , logDenCompX=prevRes$logDenCompC	##<< vector (nResComp): result components of fLogDen current position 
            , intermediatesX=if( ctrl$returnIntermediate ) ##<< list: intermediate results for current position 
                    prevRes$intermediatesC else list()	 
            #, logDenX=logDenX			##<< vector current logDen of chains
            , parUpdateDen=prevRes$parUpdateDenC	##<< numeric matrix (par x den): for each parameter/density combination: is the density up to date
            , accepted=colSums(acceptedSteps)			##<< numeric vector (blocks): number of accepted steps for each chain
            , Y=Y 						##<< numeric matrix (steps x 2+params+result): accepted, rLogDen, parms, and all fLogDen result components for each proposal
    ) ##end<< 

.updateBlocksTwDEMC <- function(
	### One step of updating all blocks for one chain 
	xC				##<< current state
	,logDenCompC	##<< result of calls to density functions of current state
    ,intermediatesC=list()  ##<< intermediate results of current state
	,parUpdateDenC	##<< matrix (nPar x nDen): FALSE: logDenCompC is not uptodate and needs recalculation
        ## (because depends on parameters that was updated against other density)
	,step			##<< proposed step
	,rExtra			##<< adjustment of Metropolis state
	,tempDenCompC	##<< numeric vector of length(logDenCompC): current temperature for each result component
	,pAcceptC		##<< numeric vector (nBlock) current acceptance rates of the blocks
	,iPop			##<< population in total array of populations
	,argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC	= list( ##<< further arguments that do not change between calls. 
            ## These can be transferred by sfExport once and are handled by sfRemoteWrapper.
            argsFUpdateBlocks=list()    ##<< list(nBlock) arguments for each block: dInfo, block 
            ,nBlock=1                   ##<< scalar integer: the number of blocks
            ,upperParBoundsPop=c()      ##<< upper parameter bounds
            ,lowerParBoundsPop=c()      ##<< lower parameter bounds          
	#if( !all(is.finite(pAcceptC)))
	#	stop(".updateBlocksTwDEMC: encountered non-finited pAcceptC")
	a <- argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC
	#with( argsUpdateBlocksTwDEMC,{
	acceptedBlock <- numeric(a$nBlock) 
	xP <- xC		# place for recording proposal
	logDenCompP <- logDenCompC # place for recording density results for proposal
	#dInfo1 <- a$argsFUpdateBlocks[[1]]
	for( iBlock in seq_along(a$argsFUpdateBlocks)){
		#block <- blocks[[iBlock]]
		blockArgs <- a$argsFUpdateBlocks[[iBlock]] #merged the information in argsFUpdateBlocks
        usesIntermediate <- length(blockArgs$intermediateId) != 0
        argsFUpdateBlock <- c( blockArgs, list(
                , upperParBounds=a$upperParBoundsPop[[iPop]]
                , lowerParBounds=a$lowerParBoundsPop[[iPop]]
        ))  # will be extendend if Metropolis is used and by intermediate further down
		##details<< \describe{}{\item{Recalculating logDensity of accepted state.}{
		## If one of the components used by the current density function has been
		## updated against another density function, then the current density of  
		## the accepted state is out of date, and needs to be recalculated.
        if( blockArgs$useMetropolisUpdate ){
            dInfo <- blockArgs$dInfo
            cd <- dInfo$compPosDen # components used by the current density function
    		if( !all( parUpdateDenC[blockArgs$dInfoPos,cd] ) ){
                # intermediate state may have been calculated, no need of recalculation
                argsFLogDen <- dInfo$argsFLogDen
                argsFLogDen$intermediate <- if( usesIntermediate ) intermediatesC[[blockArgs$intermediateId]] else NULL
                # here do not allow for internal rejection
                logDenCompC[dInfo$resCompPos] <- tmp <- .calcFLogDen( dInfo$fLogDen, xP, compInt=dInfo$logDenCompC[dInfo$intResCompPos], TiInt =  dInfo$tempDenCompC[dInfo$intResCompPos]
                        ,argsFLogDen = argsFLogDen
                        ,maxLogDen = dInfo$maxLogDen
                        #do.call( dInfo$fLogDen, c(list(xC[cd]), dInfo$argsFLogDen) )	# evaluate logDen
                #tmp2 <- do.call(ofDalecPhen, c(list(xC[cd]), dInfo$argsFLogDen) )	# evaluate logDen
                if( any(!is.finite(tmp)) ){
                    stop(".updateBlocksTwDEMC (25): encountered non-finite resLogDen of in chainState. Dump.frames to file updateBlocksTwDEMC.rda. Implement better consistency checks across all fLogDen.")  
    			parUpdateDenC[blockArgs$dInfoPos,cd] <- TRUE
                if( usesIntermediate ){
                    intermediatesC[[ blockArgs$intermediateId ]] <- attr(tmp,"intermediate") 
    		} # end if intermediate state changed
            argsFUpdateBlock$metInfoStep <-  list(
                    , rExtra=rExtra
                    , logDenCompC=logDenCompC[ dInfo$resCompPos  ]
                    #, tempC=tempGlobalC
                    , tempDenCompC=tempDenCompC[ dInfo$resCompPos ]	
                    , pAccept=pAcceptC
        } # end if( blockArgs$useMetropolisUpdate )
        # intermediate may have changed in Metropolis-Block
        argsFUpdateBlock$intermediate <- if( usesIntermediate )  intermediatesC[[blockArgs$intermediateId]] else NULL
        argsFUpdateBlock$intermediateId <- NULL     # else this will be uses for intermediate: R bug
		# make sure to use names different from already existing in argsFUpdateBlocks[[iBlock]]
		# in c latter entries overwrite previous entries, so use argsFUpdateBlocks first
        # updateBlockTwDEMC will set it to NULL for new parameter proposal
		#resUpdate <- updateBlockTwDEMC( xC[cd], argsFUpdateBlock=argsFUpdateBlock )
        # call the update
        resUpdateB <- do.call( blockArgs$fUpdateBlock, c(list(xC[cd], argsFUpdateBlock=argsFUpdateBlock), argsFUpdateBlock$argsFUpdate) )
		#resUpdate <- blockArgs$fUpdateBlock( xC[cd], argsFUpdateBlock=argsFUpdateBlock )       
		acceptedBlock[iBlock] <- resUpdateB$accepted # record acceptance
		if( !all(is.finite(resUpdateB$accepted)))
			stop(".updateBlocksTwDEMC: encountered non-finited acceptance rate")
        if( any(!is.finite(resUpdateB$logDenCompC)) ){
            stop(".updateBlocksTwDEMC (35): encountered non-finite resLogDen in accepted state")  
        cu <- blockArgs$compPos	   # components to be updated in this block
        if( resUpdateB$accepted != 0){
			#if( resUpdate$xC["a"] > 10.8) recover()
			xC[cu] <- xP[cu] <- resUpdateB$xC		# update the components of current state
            if( usesIntermediate ) 
                intermediatesC[[ blockArgs$intermediateId]] <- resUpdateB$intermediate  # update the intermediate
			parUpdateDenC[,cu] <- FALSE	# indicate all density results out of date for the updated parameters
			if( 0 != length(resUpdateB$logDenCompC) ){				
                #if( iBlock==1 && resUpdate$logDenCompC[2] > -5) recover()
                logDenCompC[ dInfo$resCompPos  ] <- logDenCompP[ dInfo$resCompPos  ] <- resUpdateB$logDenCompC # update the result of the used density function
				parUpdateDenC[blockArgs$dInfoPos,cu] <- TRUE	# if density has been calculated, indicate that it is up to date 
		}else{ # not accepted
			if( 0 != length(resUpdateB$xP) ) xP[ cu  ] <- resUpdateB$xP 				# proposal 		
			if( 0 != length(resUpdateB$logDenCompP) ) logDenCompP[ dInfo$resCompPos  ] <- resUpdateB$logDenCompP # density results for proposal
            # keep with previous intermediate                
	} #iBlock

	##value<< list with components
	resUpdateStep <- list( ##describe <<
		xC=xC						##<< numeric vecotr: current accepted state
		,logDenCompC=logDenCompC	##<< numeric vector: result components of fLogDen for current position
        ,intermediatesC= intermediatesC    ##<< the list of intermediate results of current state
        ,parUpdateDenC=parUpdateDenC	   ##<< integer vector: logDensity that recently updated parameter at given index
		,accepted=acceptedBlock		##<< numeric vector: acceptance of each block (0: not, 1: did, (0..1): DRstep)
		,xP=xP						##<< numeric vector: result components of fLogDen for proposal
	) ##enf<<
	#})	# with

### \item{tempC}{global temperature}
### \item{TFix}{named numeric vector (comp): components with fixed Temperature}
### \item{posTFix}{integer vector (comp): =match(TFix, compNames): positions of TFix within comp provided for performance reasons}
### \item{ctrl$useMultiT}{boolean wheter to scale temperature for different data streams}
### \item{TProp}{numeric vector of length(resCompPos): proportions of temperature for different data streams}

.calcFLogDen <- function(
    ## calculating the logDensity and adjusting results
    fLogDen         ##<< logDensity function
    , xP            ##<< parameter vector (first argument to fLogDen)
    , compInt       ##<< internal components
    , TiInt         ##<< numeric vector (nCompInt): Temperature for internal components
    , argsFLogDen   ##<< further named arguments to fLogDen
    , maxLogDen     ##<< integer vector (nResComp): maximum logDensity (overfitting control, usually -1/2 nObs)
    , fLogDenScale=1    ##<< multiplicator to convert logDen result (maybe a cost) to true logDensity
    l <- try( argsFLogDen ); if( inherits(l,"try-error")) recover()
    LpOverfit <- fLogDenScale * if(length(compInt)){
                do.call( fLogDen, c(list(xP, compInt/fLogDenScale, TiInt), argsFLogDen) )	# evaluate logDen
                do.call( fLogDen, c(list(xP), argsFLogDen) )	# evaluate logDen
                #a$fLogDen( xProp, blockIndices=a$argsFLogDen$blockIndices, fModel=a$argsFLogDen$fModel, obs=a$argsFLogDen$obs, invCovar=a$argsFLogDen$invCovar, xval=a$argsFLogDen$xval )
    Lp <- if( length(maxLogDen) ) pmin( LpOverfit, maxLogDen ) else LpOverfit
    ##value<< numeric vector of logDensity, corrected for logDenScale and maximum LogDensity, i.e. overfitting control

updateBlockTwDEMC <- function( 
	### Block update function by a Metropolis decision
	xC				##<< numeric vector: current state that is used in density function of the block
### further argument provided for generating the update  \describe{
### \item{upperParBounds}{ named numeric vector, upper limits of the parameters to generate, see \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}  }
### \item{lowerParBounds}{ named numeric vector, lower limits of the parameters to generate, see \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}  }
### \item{iPop}{ the population for which the sample is generated (just for debugging) }
### \item{intermediate}{ intermediate result for current state xC, see end of vignette on using two Densities }
### }
# # # \item{fCalcComponentTemp}{ functiont to calculate temperature of result components, (way of transporting calcComponentTemp to remote process) }
    ## Function arguments above are provided to all block update functions. 
    ## If Metropolis update is used, argument \code{argsFUpdateBlock} constains the following additional entries \describe{
    ## \item{compPosInDen}{ positions of the dimensions in x that are updated in this block}
    ## \item{ctrl$DRgamma}{ if given and >0 delayed Rejection (DR) (Haario06) is applied: 
    ##      If proposal is rejected, then a second proposal is tried jumping only DRgamma distance along the proposal }
    ## \item{dInfo}{ list on used logDensity function static troughout inversion with items \describe{
    ##       \item{argsFLogDen}{additional arguments to fLogDen and scalar factor applied to result of fLogDen}
    ##       \item{posLogDenInt}{the matching positions of intResCompNames within the the results components that are handled internally}
    ##       \item{maxLogDen}{ integer vector (nResComp): maximum logDensity (overfitting control, usually -1/2 nObs) }
    ##       \item{fDiscrProp,argsFDiscrProp}{function and additional arguments applied to xProp, e.g. to round it to discrete values}
    ## }} 
    ## \item{metInfoStep}{ list on current Metropolis update variable troughout inversion with items \describe{
    ##       \item{step}{proposed jump}
    ##       \item{rExtra}{extra portion in Metropolis decision because of selecting the jump}
    ##       \item{logDenCompC}{numeric vector: former result of call to same fLogDen}
    ##       \item{tempDenCompC}{numeric vector of length(logDenCompC): temperature for each density result component}
    ## }}
    ## }
	## \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
	## \code{.updateBlocksTwDEMC}
	# # \code{\link{.updateBlocksTwDEMC}}
	#attach( argsDEMCStep )
	#stop(".doDEMCStep: stop to trace error in remote R invocation.")
    # collect information into a single big shorthand list for shorter code
	a <- c(argsFUpdateBlock, argsFUpdateBlock$dInfo, argsFUpdateBlock$metInfoStep ) 
    a$argsFLogDen$intermediate <- NULL      # intermediate refers to current state, not to new proposal 
    #with( argsFUpdateBlock, {		# with produces significant performance loss
	boResFLogDenX <- (length(a$intResCompPos) > 0)
	# LogDensity of accepted state
	#La <- logDenCompC	#logDensity	components of accepted state
	if( 0 == length(a$logDenCompC)) stop("updateBlockTwDEMC: encountered empty logDenCompC")			
	#assume that all is.finite(logDenCompC), make sure in twDEMCBlockInt
	LaExt <- La <- a$logDenCompC
	#logDenC <- sum(La)
	#a$tempDenCompC <- a$fCalcComponentTemp( temp=a$tempC, TFix=a$TFix, TProp=a$TProp, useMultiT=a$ctrl$useMultiT,posTFix=a$posTFix)
	xP <- xC
	xP[a$compPosInDen] <- xP[a$compPosInDen] + a$step[a$compPosInDen]  
#if( a$iPop==2 && (a$lowerParBounds != 10.8) ) recover()
	boOutside <- 
		any( sapply( names(a$upperParBounds), function(pname){ xP[pname] >= a$upperParBounds[pname] })) ||
		any( sapply( names(a$lowerParBounds), function(pname){ xP[pname] < a$lowerParBounds[pname] }))
	#if(xProp[1] < 10.8)	recover()
	#sapply( names(a$lowerParBounds), function(pname){ pname })
	#sapply( names(a$lowerParBounds), function(pname){ xP[pname] })
	#sapply( names(a$lowerParBounds), function(pname){ a$lowerParBounds[pname] })
	if( boOutside ){
		# bp(11)
		# if it is still outside (maybe opposite border) reject step and give -Inf as logDenResult
		logAlpha10=-Inf		#logAlpha10 is log of the initial acceptance ratio for DR step (-Inf no chance of acceptance)
		Lp <- a$logDenCompC	#results for the proposal
		Lp[] <- -Inf
		# discrtize proposal
		if( is.function(a$fDiscrProp)) xP = do.call(a$fDiscrProp,xP,a$argsFDiscrProp, quote=TRUE)
        Lp <- .calcFLogDen( a$fLogDen, xP, compInt=a$logDenCompC[a$intResCompPos], TiInt =  a$tempDenCompC[a$intResCompPos]
                    ,argsFLogDen = a$argsFLogDen
                    ,maxLogDen = a$maxLogDen
		#take care that the result has always the same sames, even when if fails
		#if( 0==length(names(res)))
		#	stop("encountered result of fLogDen without names")
		#if( !identical(names(logDenCompC),names(res)))
		#	stop("encountered result with different names")
		#strip attributes other than names, else twDynamicClusterApplyDep fails with big data chunks
		#attributes(Lp) <- list(names=names(Lp))
		#make sure Lp, La have the same order and legnth
		#if( !identical( names(Lp), names(La)) ) stop(".doDEMCStep: logDenCompC must contain the same components and the order of result of fLogDen." )
		if( all(is.finite(Lp))){
			#logDenP <- sum(Lp)
			##details<< \describe{\item{internal Metropolis step}{
			## if posLogDenInt is given, then these components of result of fLogDen are handled
			## internally. Hence, for Metropolis step here operates only on other remaining components.
			## }}
			posTExt <- setdiff( seq_along(a$resCompPos), a$intResCompPos )		#externally handled components
			nExt <- length(posTExt)
			#posTFixExt <- setdiff(posTFix,posLogDenInt)		#externally handled components with fixed temperature
			#posTVarExt <- setdiff(seq_along(Lp), c(posTFix,posLogDenInt))	#externally handled componetns with variable temperature
			#nFixExt <- length(posTFixExt)
			#nVarExt <- length(posTVarExt)
			#nExt <- nFixExt + nVarExt
			#Metropolis step
			#logr = (logDenPropExt+rExtra - logDenXExt) / tempC
			logrDS10 <- (Lp[posTExt]-La[posTExt])/a$tempDenCompC[posTExt]
			logAlpha10 <- a$rExtra + sum(logrDS10) 
			accepted <-  if( is.finite(logAlpha10) && (logAlpha10  > log(runif(1)) ) ) 1 else 0
			if(accepted != 0){
				xC <- xP
				#logDenC <- logDenP
				a$logDenCompC <- Lp
		}else logAlpha10 <- -Inf
	} # end check outside parBounds
    # DR-step
	if(!accepted && !is.null(a$ctrl$DRgamma) && (a$ctrl$DRgamma > 0) && 
		( boOutside ||	(!is.null(a$ctrl$minPCompAcceptTempDecr) && (a$pAccept < 1.2*a$ctrl$minPCompAcceptTempDecr)))
		) {
		#----- delayed rejection (DR) step
		# only if across parBoundEdge or acceptance rate drops below 1.2*minAcceptrate
		# repeat all above with delayed rejection (DR) step, only adjust DRfac after calculating Lp
		Lp1 <- Lp
		xProp1 <- xP	# former proposal
		xP <- xC
		xP[a$compPosInDen] <- xP[a$compPosInDen] + a$ctrl$DRgamma*a$step[a$compPosInDen]				
		boOutside <- 
			any( sapply( names(a$upperParBounds), function(pname){ xP[pname] > a$upperParBounds[pname] })) ||
			any( sapply( names(a$lowerParBounds), function(pname){ xP[pname] < a$lowerParBounds[pname] }))
		if( !boOutside ){
			if( is.function(a$fDiscrProp)) xP = do.call(a$fDiscrProp,xP,a$argsFDiscrProp, quote=TRUE)
            Lp <- .calcFLogDen( a$fLogDen, xP, compInt=a$logDenCompC[a$intResCompPos], TiInt =  a$tempDenCompC[a$intResCompPos]
                    ,argsFLogDen = a$argsFLogDen
                    ,maxLogDen = a$maxLogDen
			#take care that the result has always the same sames, even when if fails
			#if( 0==length(names(res)))
			#	stop("encountered result of fLogDen without names")
			#if( !identical(names(logDenCompC),names(res)))
			#	stop("encountered result with different names")
			#strip attributes other than names, else twDynamicClusterApplyDep fails with big data chunks
			attributes(Lp) <- list(names=names(Lp))
			#make sure Lp, La have the same order and legnth
			#if( !identical( names(Lp), names(La)) ) stop(".doDEMCStep: logDenCompC must contain the same components and the order of result of fLogDen." )
			if( all(is.finite(Lp))){
                #logDenP <- sum(Lp)
				posTExt <- setdiff( seq_along(a$tempDenCompC), a$intResCompPos )		#externally handled components
				nExt <- length(posTExt)
				#posTFixExt <- setdiff(posTFix,posLogDenInt)		#externally handled components with fixed temperature
				#posTVarExt <- setdiff(seq_along(Lp), c(posTFix,posLogDenInt))	#externally handled componetns with variable temperature
				#nFixExt <- length(posTFixExt)
				#nVarExt <- length(posTVarExt)
				#nExt <- nFixExt + nVarExt
				#Metropolis step 
				#logr = (logDenPropExt+rExtra - logDenXExt) / tempC
				logrDS20 <- (Lp[posTExt]-La[posTExt])/a$tempDenCompC[posTExt]
				logAlpha20 <- a$rExtra + sum(logrDS20)
				#---  here correct with first stage DR factor (1-alpha21)/(1-alpha10) with meaning 0:accepted 1:first proposal 2:second proposal
				logrDS21 <- (Lp1[posTExt]-Lp[posTExt])/a$tempDenCompC[posTExt]
				logAlpha21 <- sum(logrDS21)
				logAlpha2 <- suppressWarnings( logAlpha20  +log(1-exp(logAlpha21)) -log(1-exp(logAlpha10)) )	# log and exp may produce NaNs 
				accepted <-  if( is.finite(logAlpha2) && ( logAlpha2 > log(runif(1)) ) ) a$ctrl$DRgamma else 0  
				if(accepted != 0){
					xC <- xP
					#logDenC <- logDenP
					a$logDenCompC <- Lp         # also transferres the "intermediate" attribute
		} # end !boOutside in DR step 
	}	# end DR step
	#will invoke prevRes[c("x", "logDenCompC", "logDenAcc")]
	if(!is.numeric(xC) | !is.numeric(a$logDenCompC) ) #| !is.numeric(logDenC) )
		stop(".twDEMCBlocks: x, logDenAcc and logDenCompC must be numeric")
	##value<< list with components
	list(	##describe<<
		accepted=accepted			##<< boolean scalar: if step was accepted
		, xC=xC[a$compPosInDen]		##<< numeric vector: components of position in parameter space that are being updated (if accepted then the same as xP)
		, logDenCompC=a$logDenCompC	##<< numeric vector: result components of fLogDen for current position (if accepted then the same as logDenCompP)
        , intermediate=attr(a$logDenCompC,"intermediate") ##<< intermediate result of current state (if provided by logDensity) 
        #, logDenC =logDenC			##<< numeric vector: summed fLogDen for current accepted position
		, xP=xP[a$compPosInDen]		##<< numeric vector: components of proposal that are being 
		, logDenCompP=Lp			##<< numeric vector: result components of fLogDen for proposal, may inlcude attr "intermediate"
	#, logDenP=logDenP			##<< numeric vector: summed fLogDen for proposal
	)	##end<<

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("twDEMCBlock","array", function( 
		### Initialize \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}} by array of initial population and remove those generations from results afterwards
		x ##<< initial population: a numeric array (M0 x d x nChain) see details in \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}  
		,...	##<< further arguments to \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		,nPop = 1	##<< number of populations in x
		#,TProp = NULL	##<< numeric vector (nResComp): proportions of temperature for result components: equal for all populations
		, X=NULL		##<< initial state (nParm x nChain)
		, logDenCompX = NULL ##<< numeric matrix (nResComp x nChains) initial state
		, upperParBounds = vector("list",nPop)
		### list of named numeric vectors: giving upper parameter bounds for each population 
		### for exploring subspaces of the limiting distribution, see details
		### , Alternatively a single numeric vector can be supplied, which is replicated for each population.
		, lowerParBounds = vector("list",nPop)
	### similar to upperParBounds
		#if( 1 == length(T0) ) T0 <- rep(T0,nPop)
		#if( 1 == length(TEnd) ) TEnd <- rep(TEnd,nPop)
		if( is.numeric(upperParBounds) ) upperParBounds <- lapply(1:nPop, function(iPop) upperParBounds )
		if( is.numeric(lowerParBounds) ) lowerParBounds <- lapply(1:nPop, function(iPop) lowerParBounds )
		nChains <- dim(x)[3]
		nChainPop <- nChains %/% nPop
		isX <- (0 != length(X))
		isLogDenCompX <- (0 != length(logDenCompX))
		#isTProp <- (0 != length(TProp))
		#if( isTProp && !is.matrix(TProp) ) TProp <- matrix( TProp, nrow=length(TProp), ncol=nPop, dimnames=list(resComp=names(TProp),pop=NULL) )
		pops <- lapply( 1:nPop, function(iPop){
				chainsPopI <- (iPop-1)*nChainPop + 1:nChainPop
				pop <- list( 
					parms=x[,,chainsPopI, drop=FALSE]
				if( isX ) pop$X <- X[,chainsPopI , drop=FALSE]
				if( isLogDenCompX ) pop$logDenCompX <- logDenCompX[,chainsPopI ,drop=FALSE]
				#if( isTProp ) pop$TProp <- TProp[,iPop ,drop=TRUE]
				#pop$spaceInd <- spacePop[iPop]
		#res <- twDEMCBlockInt(pops)
		res <- twDEMCBlockInt(pops=pops,...)
		#.dots <- list(...)
		#do.call( twDEMCBlockInt, c(list(pops=pops),.dots))
		#resc <- concatPops.twDEMCPops(res)	# all have the same length, so allow concatenate population results
attr(twDEMCBlock.array,"ex") <- function(){
	attach( twLinreg1 )
	argsFLogDen <- list(
		fModel=dummyTwDEMCModel,		### the model function, which predicts the output based on theta 
		obs=obs,			### vector of data to compare with
		invCovar=invCovar,		### the inverse of the Covariance of obs (its uncertainty)
		thetaPrior = thetaTrue,	### the prior estimate of the parameters
		invCovarTheta = invCovarTheta,	### the inverse of the Covariance of the prior parameter estimates
	do.call( logDenGaussian, c(list(theta=theta0),argsFLogDen))
	.nPop = 2
	Zinit <- initZtwDEMCNormal( theta0, diag(sdTheta^2), nChainPop=4, nPop=.nPop)
	tmp1 <- tmp <-  twDEMCBlock( Zinit, nPop=.nPop
		,dInfos=list(list(fLogDen=logDenGaussian, argsFLogDen=argsFLogDen))
	plot( as.mcmc.list(tmp), smooth=FALSE )
	tmp2 <- tmp <- twDEMCBlock( tmp1, nGen=200 )

.concatTwDEMCRuns <- function(
	x		##<< initial run (of class twDEMCPops)
	,res	##<< extended run
	, doRecordProposals=FALSE		##<< if TRUE then an array of each proposal together with the results of fLogDen are recorded and returned in component Y
	## initial populations are appended by results
	# iPop = length(x$pops)
	for( iPop in 1:length(x$pops) ){
		xPop <- x$pops[[iPop]]
		resPop <- res$pops[[iPop]]
		if( nrow(resPop$parms) < 2){
			# no samples to append
			res$pops[[iPop]] <- xPop	
			res$pops[[iPop]]$parms <- abind(xPop$parms, resPop$parms[-1,, ,drop=FALSE], along=1)
			res$pops[[iPop]]$temp <- abind(xPop$temp, resPop$temp[-1, ,drop=FALSE], along=1 )
			res$pops[[iPop]]$pAccept <- abind(xPop$pAccept, resPop$pAccept[-1,, ,drop=FALSE], along=1)
			res$pops[[iPop]]$resLogDen <- abind( xPop$resLogDen, resPop$resLogDen[-1,, ,drop=FALSE], along=1)
			res$pops[[iPop]]$logDen <- abind( xPop$logDen, resPop$logDen[-1,, ,drop=FALSE], along=1)
			nrY <- nrow(resPop$Y)
			if( doRecordProposals || (nrY < 128) ){
				# if new Y has less than 128 rows append previous Y
				res$pops[[iPop]]$Y <- abind( xPop$Y, resPop$Y, along=1)
				nrY <- nrow(res$pops[[iPop]]$Y)	# rows did change
				if( !doRecordProposals && (nrY > 1) )
					res$pops[[iPop]]$Y <- res$pops[[iPop]]$Y[ 1:min(128,nrY),, ,drop=FALSE] 	# cut to 128 cases
		} # if res has samples 
    # copy other items present in x to result
    namesAdd <- names(x)[ !(names(x) %in% names(res)) ] 
    res[ namesAdd ] <- x[ namesAdd ]

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("twDEMCBlock","twDEMCPops", function(
		### initialize \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}} by former run and append results to former run
		x           ##<< list of class twDEMCPops, result of \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		,...        ##<< further arguments to \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		, TEnd=numeric(0)		        ##<< numeric vector (nResComp) of end temperatures for each result component, if not given stays at current temperature, if in addition TSpec is specified, it has no effect
        , TEnd0                         ##<< numeric scalar: alternative way of specifying end tempertaure: by baseTemperature for all data streams
        , TStart=numeric(0)             ##<< numeric vector (nResComp): specifing starting temperature, if neigher TSpec, TStart, or TStart0 are given stays at the current temperature
        , TStart0                       ##<< numeric scalar: specifing starting temperature by baseTemperature for all data streams
        , TFix                          ##<< see \code{\link{twDEMCSACont}}, argument \code{ctrlT$TFix}. Must be given if specifying TEnd0 or TStart0
        , nObs                          ##<< see \code{\link{twDEMCSACont}}, argument must be given if specifying TEnd0 or TStart0
        , doRecordProposals=FALSE		##<< if TRUE then an array of each proposal together with the results of fLogDen are recorded and returned in component Y
		, extendRun=TRUE				##<< if set to FALSE then only the new samples are returned
		## pops, dInfos, and blocks are reused from x or overwritten by arguments
		nSamplePop <- getNSamples(x)	# used in several cases
		.dots <- argsList <- list(...)
		argsList$pops <- x$pops
		argsList$doRecordProposals <- doRecordProposals
		if( 0 == length(.dots$dInfos) )		 
			argsList$dInfos <- x$dInfos
		if( 0 == length(.dots$blocks) )		 
			argsList$blocks <- x$blocks
		#for( iPop in seq_along(x$pops) ){
		#	if( 0 == length(argsList$pops[[iPop]]$T0) )
		#		argsList$pops[[iPop]]$T0 <- 
		#			x$pops[[iPop]]$temp[ nSamplePop[iPop] ]
		if( 0 == length(argsList$TSpec) ){
            ##details<< \describe{\item{TSpec}{ 
            ## If TSpec is not explicitly given as an array for \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}} it is constructed as follows:
            ## , If TEnd is given use it to explicitely define end Temperature for all data streams.
            ## , If TEnd0 is given calculate TEnd for all data streams by scaling for number of observations (see \code{\link{calcStreamTemp}}).
            ## , If TStart0 is given calcualte TCurr for all data streams 
            ## , else use current Temperature of streams in x as starting temperature
            ## }}
            if( (!missing(TStart0)) || (!missing(TEnd0)) ){
                if( missing(nObs) || missing(TFix) ) stop("twDEMCBlock.twDEMCPops: if TStart0 or TENd0 are specified, one needs to specify nObs and TFix too.")
                resCompNames <- colnames(x$pops[[1]]$resLogDen)
                nObsA <- nObs[ resCompNames ]
                TFix <- completeResCompVec( TFix, resCompNames )
                iFixTemp <- which( is.finite(TFix) )
            TCurr <- if( (!missing(TStart))){
            }else if( (!missing(TStart0))){
			    calcStreamTemp(TStart0, nObsA , TFix, iFixTemp  )
                x$pops[[1]]$temp[ nrow(x$pops[[1]]$temp), ]
			if( 0 == length(TEnd) ) 
                TEnd <- if( !missing(TEnd0)){
                    calcStreamTemp(TEnd0, nObsA , TFix, iFixTemp  )
                } else TCurr
			if( 1 == length(TEnd) ) TEnd <- rep(TEnd, length(TCurr) )
			argsList$TSpec <- cbind( T0=TCurr, TEnd=TEnd )
		if( 0 == length(.dots$controlTwDEMC) )		 
			argsList$controlTwDEMC <- list()
		if( 0 == length(argsList$controlTwDEMC$initialAcceptanceRate) ){
			ar <- abind( lapply( seq_along(x$pops), function(iPop){ 
						adrop( x$pops[[iPop]]$pAccept[ nSamplePop[iPop],, ,drop=FALSE ],1)
			argsList$controlTwDEMC$initialAcceptanceRate <- ar
		res <- res0 <- do.call( twDEMCBlockInt, argsList )
		if( extendRun ) res <- .concatTwDEMCRuns(x,res0,doRecordProposals=doRecordProposals)
attr(twDEMCBlock.twDEMCPops,"ex") <- function(){
	data(twdemcEx1) 		# previous run of twDEMCBlock
	twdemcEx1$thin			# thinning interval
	(nGen0 <- getNGen(twdemcEx1))		# number of generations
	# extend by 16 generations
	nGen <- 16
	res <- twDEMCBlock( twdemcEx1, nGen=nGen )
	identical( nGen0+nGen, getNGen(res) )
	plot( as.mcmc.list(res), smooth=FALSE )

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("twDEMCBlock","twDEMC", function(
		### initialize \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}} by former run and append results to former run
		x, ##<< list of class twDEMC, result of \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		... ##<< further arguments to \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}}
		.dots <- list(...)
		argsList <- list(x=x$parms)	
		M0 <- nrow(x$rLogDen)
		#extract X, logDenX, and logDenCompX from parms, but only if not given with \dots
		if( is.null(.dots$X) )		#use is.null, because if provided zero length vector, we want to use it 
			argsList$X <- adrop(x$parms[M0,,,drop=FALSE],2)
		if( is.null(.dots$logDenX) ) 
			argsList$logDenX <- x$rLogDen[M0,,drop=TRUE]
		if( is.null(.dots$logDenCompX) ) 
			argsList$logDenCompX <- adrop(x$logDenComp[M0,,,drop=FALSE],2)
		if( is.null(.dots$nPop) ) 
			argsList$nPop <- getNPops.twDEMC(x)
		res <- do.call( twDEMCBlock.array, c(argsList,.dots))
		res$rLogDen[1:M0,] <- x$rLogDen
		res$logDenComp[,1:M0,] <- x$logDenComp
		res$pAccept[1:M0,] <- x$pAccept
		res$temp[1:M0,] <- x$temp
		### parms appended with the further generations of \code{\link{twDEMCBlockInt}} 

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twDEMC documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:38 p.m.