
Defines functions seqRange capitalize evalCommandArgs twWhichColsEqual whichColsEqualSumHeuristics twStripFileExt fileExt twLastN1 twLastN21 twLastN22 twLogSumExp twLogMeanExp twCloseDevs loadAssign reorderFactor formatSig ex dfcol catNamedVector catHeadNamedVector asCharacterWithLeading

Documented in asCharacterWithLeading capitalize catHeadNamedVector catNamedVector dfcol evalCommandArgs fileExt formatSig loadAssign reorderFactor seqRange twCloseDevs twLastN1 twLastN21 twLastN22 twLogMeanExp twLogSumExp twStripFileExt twWhichColsEqual whichColsEqualSumHeuristics

# misc.R
# miscelancelous functions and plotting style lists
# Author: twutz

#plotting styles by different time series of experiments

seqRange <- function(
        ### Create a sequence based on a range c(min,max)
        range   ##<< the range for the sequence
        ,...    ##<< further arguments to seq, defaults to length.out=50
    if( 0==length(list(...)))
        seq( range[1],range[2], length.out=50 )
        seq( range[1],range[2], ...)

capitalize <- function(
        ### "Mixed Case" Capitalizing
### The string to capitalize
    ## toupper( every first letter of a word )
    ## useful for generating graph texts
    #lcase, ucase
    if( length(x) > 1)
        sapply(x, capitalize)
        s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
        paste(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2), sep="", collapse=" ")

#within function does not exist at the cluster, so specifiy it
if( !exists("within")){
    within <- function (data, expr, ...) UseMethod("within")
    within.list <- function (data, expr, ...){
        parent <- parent.frame()
        e <- evalq(environment(), data, parent)
        eval(substitute(expr), e)
        l <- as.list(e)
        l <- l[!sapply(l, is.null)]
        nD <- length(del <- setdiff(names(data), (nl <- names(l))))
        data[nl] <- l
        if (nD) 
            data[del] <- if (nD == 1) 
                    else vector("list", nD)

evalCommandArgs <- function(
        ### evaluate args passed to a batch script 
        args = commandArgs(TRUE)            ##<< the commands to be evaluated 
        ,envir = new.env(parent=baseenv())  ##<< the environment where args should be evaluated
    ##<<details R CMD BATCH --vanilla '--args i=1 n=8' testCommandArgs.R testCommandArgs.Rout
    for(i in seq( along.with=args)){
        eval( parse(text=args[[i]]), envir=envir)
    ### The environment where the arguments have been evaluated (may use $ or as.list)
attr(evalCommandArgs,"ex") <- function(){
    system('Rscript -e "str(commandArgs(TRUE))" i=1 n=8')
    if( FALSE ){
        # do not run automatically, as it depends on twMisc installed
        system('Rscript -e "library(twMisc); str(as.list(evalCommandArgs())); ls()" i=1 n=8')

# code that needs to be moved to other packages
# keep it temporarily, so that not need to build other packages

twWhichColsEqual <- function(
        ### compares each column of X to column of Z and returns indices of equal columns   
        X,  ##<< matrix
        ### Matrix with same numer of rows. 
### alternatively, specify only one vector, which each row of X is compared against
    # column indices of all single components
    ## If both vectors contain NA's at the same position the vectors are regarded equal.
    ## This is different from which with ==, where any NA leeds to a FALSE 
    iComp <- which(X == Z | (is.na(X) & is.na(Z)), arr.ind=TRUE )[,2]
    # when all components in a row are the same, they will occure nrow(X) times in iComp
    nrX1 <- nrow(X)-1
    if( length(iComp) > nrX1){
        if( nrX1 != 0){
            # compare each index ii of iComp with index ii+nrX1
            # vectorized version by comparing vector with last and first part removed
            ii <- which( iComp[1:(length(iComp)-nrX1)] == iComp[-(1:nrX1)] )
        }else iComp # if there is just one row iComp is already the index

whichColsEqualSumHeuristics <- function(
        ### compares each column of X to column of Z and returns indices of equal columns (determined by same sum column sum)    
        X,  ##<< matrix
        Z   ##<< Matrix with same numer of rows, or a vector representing a single column that is compared to each column of X 
    sumsX <- colSums(X, na.rm=TRUE)
    sumsZ <- if( is.array(Z) ) colSums(Z, na.rm=TRUE) else sum(Z, na.rm=TRUE)
    which( sumsX == sumsZ )

twStripFileExt <- function(
        ### Remove the all the file extension, i.e. the last dot and suceeding characters.
    ##seealso<< code{\link{fileExt}}, \link{twMisc}
    sub("[.][^.]*$", "", filenames, perl=TRUE)

fileExt <- function(
        ### Return the file extension
    ifelse( regexpr("\\.",filenames) != -1,
            sub("(^.*[.])([^.]*)$", "\\2", filenames, perl=TRUE)
attr(fileExt,"ex") <- function(){
    ##seealso<< code{\link{fileExt}}, \link{twMisc}

twLastN1 <- function(
        ### last n components of vector x
        x       ##<< vector
        ,n=1    ##<< number of components from the end
    if( !is.finite(n) || (n<=0) ) return( x[FALSE] )
    if( n>=length(x)) return(x)
    x[ length(x)+1-(n:1) ]

twLastN21 <- function(
        ### last n rows of matrix x
        x       ##<< matrix
        ,n=1    ##<< number of components from the end
    if( !is.finite(n) || (n<=0) ) return( x[FALSE,,drop=FALSE] )
    if( n>=nrow(x)) return(x)
    x[ nrow(x)+1-(n:1), ]

twLastN22 <- function(
        ### last n columns of matrix x
        x       ##<< matrix
        ,n=1    ##<< number of components from the end
    if( !is.finite(n) || (n<=0) ) return( x[,FALSE,drop=FALSE] )
    if( n>=ncol(x)) return(x)
    x[ ,ncol(x)+1-(n:1) ]

twLogSumExp <- function(
        ### calculates the log(sum(exp(x))) in numerically safer way
        x   ##<< vector to be summed
        ,shiftUpperBound=FALSE ##<< use this if x has a clear upper bound
        ,shiftLowerBound=FALSE ##<< use this if x has a clear lower bound
    #sum(e^xi) = sum(e^(xi+a-a)) = sum(e^(xi-a) e^a) ) = e^a sum(e^(xi-a))
    ## Before taking the exponent, all x are shifted towards zero.
    ## By default the median of x is subtracted. 
    ## If shiftUpperBound then max(x) is subtracted.
    ## This is useful if the distribution of x has a strong left tail but a defined upper bound.
    ## If shiftLowerBound then min(x) is subtracted.
    ## This is useful if the distribution of x has a strong right tail but a defined lower bound.
    x <- na.omit(x)
    xShift <- if( shiftUpperBound ) max(x) else     if( shiftLowerBound ) min(x) else median(x)
    xexp <- exp(x-xShift)
    xShift + log(sum(xexp))

twLogMeanExp <- function(
        ### calculates the log(mean(exp(x))) in numerically safer way
        x   ##<< vector for whose mean is to be caluclated
        ,...    ##<< futher arguments to twLogSumExp 
    #log(sum / n)
    twLogSumExp(x,...) - log(length(x))

twCloseDevs <- function(
        ### Closes all windows with a device number unless those specified with parameter omit.
        omit=c()    ### list of Devices not to close.
    for( dev in dev.list()[ !(dev.list() %in% omit)] ) 
cutQuantiles <- function (
        ### Cut a Numeric Variable into Intervals of about same number of observations.
        x           ##<< numeric vector to classify into intervals 
        , cuts      ##<< cut points 
        , m = 150   ##<< desired minimum number of observations in a group 
        , g         ##<< number of quantile groups 
        , levels.mean = FALSE   ##<< set to TRUE to make the new categorical vector have levels attribute that is the group means of x instead of interval endpoint labels 
        , digits    ##<< number of significant digits to use in constructing levels. Default is 3 (5 if levels.mean=TRUE) 
        , minmax = TRUE ##<< if cuts is specified but min(x)<min(cuts) or max(x)>max(cuts), augments cuts to include min and max x
        , oneval = TRUE ##<< if an interval contains only one unique value, the interval will be labeled with the formatted version of that value instead of the interval endpoints, unless oneval=FALSE
        , onlycuts = FALSE  ##<< set to TRUE to only return the vector of computed cuts. This consists of the interior values plus outer ranges. 
        , onlymeans = FALSE ##<< set to TRUE to only return the means of x within each group 
    ## copied from Hmisc:cutQuantiles to reduce package dependencies.
    ##seealso<< \code{\link{cut}},\code{\link{quantile}}
    ##seealso<< \code{\link{seqRange}}, \link{twMisc}
    method <- 1
    x.unique <- sort(unique(c(x[!is.na(x)], if (!missing(cuts)) cuts)))
    min.dif <- min(diff(x.unique))/2
    min.dif.factor <- 1
    if (missing(digits)) 
        digits <- if (levels.mean) 
                else 3
    oldopt <- options(digits = digits)
    xlab <- attr(x, "label")
    if (missing(cuts)) {
        nnm <- sum(!is.na(x))
        if (missing(g)) 
            g <- max(1, floor(nnm/m))
        if (g < 1) 
            stop("g must be >=1, m must be positive")
        options(digits = 15)
        n <- table(x)
        xx <- as.double(names(n))
        options(digits = digits)
        cum <- cumsum(n)
        m <- length(xx)
        y <- as.integer(ifelse(is.na(x), NA, 1))
        labs <- character(g)
        cuts <- approx(cum, xx, xout = (1:g) * nnm/g, method = "constant", 
                rule = 2, f = 1)$y
        cuts[length(cuts)] <- max(xx)
        lower <- xx[1]
        upper <- 1e+45
        up <- low <- double(g)
        i <- 0
        for (j in 1:g) {
            cj <- if (method == 1 || j == 1) 
                    else {
                        if (i == 0) 
                            stop("program logic error")
                        s <- if (is.na(lower)) 
                                else xx >= lower
                        cum.used <- if (all(s)) 
                                else max(cum[!s])
                        if (j == m) 
                        else if (sum(s) < 2) 
                        else approx(cum[s] - cum.used, xx[s], xout = (nnm - 
                                                cum.used)/(g - j + 1), method = "constant", 
                                    rule = 2, f = 1)$y
            if (cj == upper) 
            i <- i + 1
            upper <- cj
            y[x >= (lower - min.dif.factor * min.dif)] <- i
            low[i] <- lower
            lower <- if (j == g) 
                    else min(xx[xx > upper])
            if (is.na(lower)) 
                lower <- upper
            up[i] <- lower
        low <- low[1:i]
        up <- up[1:i]
        variation <- logical(i)
        for (ii in 1:i) {
            r <- range(x[y == ii], na.rm = TRUE)
            variation[ii] <- diff(r) > 0
        if (onlycuts) 
            return(unique(c(low, max(xx))))
        if( onlymeans){
            return( as.vector(tapply(x, y, function(w) mean(w, na.rm = TRUE))) )
        flow <- format(low)
        fup <- format(up)
        bb <- c(rep(")", i - 1), "]")
        labs <- ifelse(low == up | (oneval & !variation), flow, 
                paste("[", flow, ",", fup, bb, sep = ""))
        ss <- y == 0 & !is.na(y)
        if (any(ss)) 
            stop(paste("categorization error in cutQuantiles.  Values of x not appearing in any interval:\n", 
                            paste(format(x[ss], digits = 12), collapse = " "), 
                            "\nLower endpoints:", paste(format(low, digits = 12), 
                                    collapse = " "), "\nUpper endpoints:", paste(format(up, 
                                            digits = 12), collapse = " ")))
        y <- structure(y, class = "factor", levels = labs)
    else {
        if (minmax) {
            r <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
            if (r[1] < cuts[1]) 
                cuts <- c(r[1], cuts)
            if (r[2] > max(cuts)) 
                cuts <- c(cuts, r[2])
        l <- length(cuts)
        k2 <- cuts - min.dif
        k2[l] <- cuts[l]
        y <- cut(x, k2)
        if (!levels.mean) {
            brack <- rep(")", l - 1)
            brack[l - 1] <- "]"
            fmt <- format(cuts)
            labs <- paste("[", fmt[1:(l - 1)], ",", fmt[2:l], 
                    brack, sep = "")
            if (oneval) {
                nu <- table(cut(x.unique, k2))
                if (length(nu) != length(levels(y))) 
                    stop("program logic error")
                levels(y) <- ifelse(nu == 1, c(fmt[1:(l - 2)], 
                                fmt[l]), labs)
            else levels(y) <- labs
    if (levels.mean) {
        means <- tapply(x, y, function(w) mean(w, na.rm = TRUE))
        levels(y) <- format(means)
    attr(y, "class") <- "factor"
    if (length(xlab)) 
        attr(y, "label") <- xlab #label(y) <- xlab
    ### a factor variable with levels of the form [a,b) or formatted means (character strings) unless onlycuts is TRUE in which case a numeric vector is returned
attr(cutQuantiles,"ex") <- function(){
    x <- runif(1000, 0, 100)
    z <- cutQuantiles(x, c(10,20,30))
    table(cutQuantiles(x, g=10))      # quantile groups
    cutQuantiles(x, g=10, onlymeans=TRUE)     # get only the means of each group
    table(cutQuantiles(x, m=50))      # group x into intevals with at least 50 obs.

.inside <- function (x, interval){  x >= interval[1] & x <= interval[2] }

twRescale <- function (
        ### Rescale numeric vector to have specified minimum and maximum. 
        x               ##<< data to rescale
        ,to = c(0, 1)   ##<< range to scale to
        ,from =         ##<< range to scale from, defaults to range of data
                range(x[is.finite(x)], na.rm = TRUE)    
        ,clip = TRUE    ##<< should values be clipped to specified range?
    ## adapted from package ggplot2 to avoid package redundancies
    ##author<< Hadley Wickham <h.wickham@gmail.com>, Thomas Wutzler
    ## If from[1] == from[2] then the mean of interval to is returned.
    if( length(from) != 2 || length(to) != 2)
        stop("twRescale: arguments to and from must be ranges.")
    if ( from[1] == from[2] ) 
        return( rep( mean(to), length(x) ) )
    if (is.factor(x)) {
        warning("twRescale: Categorical variable automatically converted to continuous", 
                call. = FALSE)
        x <- as.numeric(x)
    scaled <- (x - from[1])/diff(from) * diff(to) + to[1]
    if (clip) {
        ifelse(!is.finite(scaled) | .inside(scaled,to), scaled, 
    else {

loadAssign <- function(
        ### Load a RData file and return the value of the first entry
        ... ##<< arguments to \code{\link{load}}
##seealso<< \code{\link{seqRange}}, \link{twMisc}
    ## The load function is evaluated in a local environment.
    ## Then the value of the first entry of ls in that environment is returned.
    local({load(...); get(ls()[1])})
    ### Value of the first variable the loaded file
attr(loadAssign,"ex") <- function(){
    # save the filename character into a temporary file 
    fout <- fout2 <- file.path(tempdir(),"tmp.RData")
    fout <- "changed"
    (x <- loadAssign(file=fout2))   
    fout                # note that is has not been overwritten with load

reorderFactor <- function(
        ### reorder the factor levels in a factor
        x           ##<< factor to reorder
        , newLevels ##<< character vector: levels in new order
##seealso<< \code{\link{seqRange}}, \link{twMisc}
    levelMap <- match(levels(x), as.factor(newLevels))
    factor( newLevels[levelMap[x]], levels=newLevels)   
    ### factor with levels corresponding to newLevels
attr(reorderFactor,"ex") <- function(){
    x <- as.factor(sample(c("low","medium","high"),10,replace=TRUE) )
    y <- reorderFactor(x,c("low","medium","high"))
    all(x == y)

formatSig <- function(
        ### format real values to significant number of digits
        x, digits=3
##seealso<< \code{\link{seqRange}}, \link{twMisc}
    #l10x <- log10(x)
    ifelse( x < 10^(digits-1) #l10x < digits-1
            , formatC(x,digits=digits,format="fg",flag="#")
            , as.character( signif(x,digits) ) 
    ### character vector with number rounded to significant digits and output including trailing zeros
attr(formatSig,"ex") <- function(){
    x <- c(0.0654,0.06,6,65,99.1,100,100.8,125,1024,2000)

"vectorElements<-" <- function(
        ### adds or replaces value in vector
        vec         ##<< a named vector
        ,value      ##<< a named vector of same mode as vec
    ##seealso<< \code{\link{seqRange}}, \link{twMisc}
    if( 0 == length(value) ) return( vec )
    if( is.null(vec) ) vec <- structure(vector(mode(value),0), names=character(0))
    if( !is.vector(vec) )
        stop("setVectorElements<-: called with argument vec being not a vector")
    vecNames <- names(vec)
    if( is.null(vecNames) )
        if( 0 == length(vec) )
            vecNames <- names(vec) <- character(0)
            stop("setVectorElements<-: vec must be a named vector")
    newNames <- names(value)
    if( 0==length(newNames) || !all(nzchar(newNames)) )
        stop("setVectorElements<-: all components of newValues must have a name")
    for( newName in  newNames){
        if( newName %in% vecNames) 
            vec[newName] <- value[newName]
            vec <- c(vec, value[newName])
.tmp <- get("vectorElements<-")
attributes(.tmp )$ex <- function(){
    vec <- c(a=1)
    vectorElements(vec) <- c(a=2)
    vectorElements(vec) <- c(b=2)
    vec=numeric(0)  # special case: names are created
    vectorElements(vec) <- c(b=2)
    l1 <- list()
    vectorElements(l1$a) <- c(b=2)  # creating list entry a

dfcol <- function(
        ### extract column from a data.frame and reassing names
        x           ##<< the dataFrame
        ,colName    ##<< the column name
##seealso<< \code{\link{seqRange}}, \link{twMisc}
    structure( x[,colName], names=rownames(x) )
    ### \code{structure( x[,colName], names=rownames(x) )}
attr(dfcol,"ex") <- function(){
    data <- data.frame( a=1:4, b=2*(1:4) )
    rownames(data) <- LETTERS[1:4]

catNamedVector <- function(
        ### print numeric vector in form name=value,name2=value2 
        x           ##<< numeric vector
        , digits=3  ##<< number of digits passed to \code{\link{signif}}
attr(catNamedVector,"ex") <- function(){
    x <- c(a=5, b=pi)

catHeadNamedVector <- function(
        ### print first numeric vector in form name=value,name2=value2 
        , digits=3
        , nmax=4
    paste0("(",length(x),") ",catNamedVector(head(x,nmax)))
attr(catNamedVector,"ex") <- function(){
    x <- c(a=5, b=pi)

asCharacterWithLeading <- function(
        ### convert integer to string with fixed width by leading zeros (or spaces)
        x                   ##<< integer vector: number to convert to string
        , template="00"	    ##<< scalar string of intended output length with specifying the leading characters.
    result <- as.character(x)
    zeros <- rep(template, length(x) )
    nZero <- nchar(template)-nchar(result)
    if( any(nZero < 0) ) stop("asCharacterWithLeading: input has too many digits. Maybe extend the template argument to more characters.")
    result[ nZero != 0] <- paste( substr(zeros, 1, nZero), result, sep="")[nZero != 0]
attr(asCharacterWithLeading,"ex") <- function(){
    x <- c(1,11,111)
    try( asCharacterWithLeading(x) )

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