
Defines functions loglmean logl vec2matrix fixLabelSwitch dskewtuniv check.skewtpars dskewt dmixskewt rskewt rmixskewt tpellipse priornuJS priornuVW rinvwishart skewtprior mixskewtGibbs rmuSkewtGibbs rSigmaSkewtGibbsMarg rSigmaSkewtGibbs loglSigma rwSkewtGibbs ralphaSkewtGibbs falpha falphaProp ralphaPropT ralphaPropNorm rnuSkewtGibbs

Documented in dmixskewt dskewt mixskewtGibbs priornuJS priornuVW rmixskewt rskewt skewtprior


setMethod("show", signature(object="skewtFit"), function(object) {
  cat("skew-t mixture with ",object$G," components\n")
  cat("Use coef() to obtain posterior means. clusterprobs() for cluster probabilities\n")

setMethod("coef", signature(object="skewtFit"), function(object, ...) {
  mu <- lapply(object$mu,colMeans)
  p <- length(mu[[1]])
  diag <- 1:p; nondiag <- (p+1):ncol(object$Sigma[[1]])
  Sigma <- lapply(object$Sigma, function(z) { vec2matrix(colMeans(z),diag=diag,nondiag=nondiag) })
  alpha <- lapply(object$alpha,colMeans)
  nu <- colMeans(object$nu)
  probs <- colMeans(object$probs)

#Compute cluster probabilities under skew-t mixture, averaging over posterior draws contained in x
# - fit: object of type skewtFit
# - x: data points at which to evaluate the probabilities
# - iter: iterations of posterior draws over which to average. Defaults to using 1,000 equally spaced iterations.
setMethod("clusterprobs", signature(fit='skewtFit'), function(fit, x, iter) {
    if (missing(iter)) {
        if (nrow(fit$probs)>1000) {
            iter <- as.integer(seq(1,nrow(fit$probs),length=min(nrow(fit$probs),1000)))
        } else {
            iter <- 1:nrow(fit$probs)
    if (!is.integer(iter)) stop("iter must contain integer iteration numbers")
    if ((min(iter)<1) | max(iter)>nrow(fit$mu[[1]])) stop("Specified iter values are out of valid range")
    if (missing(x)) stop("x values must be provided")
    G <- fit$G; p <- ncol(fit$mu[[1]])
    diag <- 1:p; nondiag <- (p+1):ncol(fit$Sigma[[1]])
    S <- lapply(1:G, function(i) { ans <- apply(fit$Sigma[[i]][iter,], 1, vec2matrix, diag=diag, nondiag=nondiag); array(as.vector(ans),dim=c(p,p,ncol(ans))) } )
    proboneiter <- function(i) {
        dx <- sapply(1:G,function(g) dskewt(x,mu=fit$mu[[g]][iter[i],],Sigma=S[[g]][,,i],alpha=fit$alpha[[g]][iter[i],],nu=fit$nu[iter[i],g],param='eps',logscale=TRUE,ttype=fit$ttype))
        dx <- t(t(dx)+log(fit$probs[i,]))
        dx <- exp(dx - apply(dx,1,max))
    ans <- lapply(1:length(iter),function(i) proboneiter(i))
    ans <- Reduce('+',ans)/length(ans)

loglmean <- function(fit,x) {
    #log-likelihood evaluated at posterior mean
    parest <- coef(fit)

logl <- function(fit,x) {
    #log-likelihood at each MCMC iteration
    if (class(fit) != 'skewtFit') stop("fit must be of class skewtFit")
    G <- fit$G; p <- ncol(fit$mu[[1]])
    diag <- 1:p; nondiag <- (p+1):ncol(fit$Sigma[[1]])
    S <- lapply(1:G, function(i) { ans <- apply(fit$Sigma[[i]], 1, vec2matrix, diag=diag, nondiag=nondiag); array(as.vector(ans),dim=c(p,p,ncol(ans))) } )
    lhoodoneiter <- function(i) {
        dx <- sapply(1:G,function(g) dskewt(x,mu=fit$mu[[g]][i,],Sigma=S[[g]][,,i],alpha=fit$alpha[[g]][i,],nu=fit$nu[i,g],param='eps',logscale=TRUE,ttype=fit$ttype))
        dx <- t(t(dx)+log(fit$probs[i,]))
    ans <- sapply(1:nrow(fit$mu[[1]]),function(i) lhoodoneiter(i))

vec2matrix <- function(vec,diag,nondiag) {
    #Format input vector as symmetric matrix. Indices of diagonal elements are in diag, those on the upper triangle in nondiag
    S <- diag(vec[diag],ncol=length(diag))
    if (length(nondiag)>0) {
        S[upper.tri(S)] <- vec[nondiag]
        S <- S + t(S) - diag(diag(S))

fixLabelSwitch <- function(fit,x,z,method='ECR') {
    #Permute component labels to avoid label switching issues. Components relabelled to have increasing projection on first PC
    # Input
    # - fit: object of type skewtFit
    # - x: observed data used to obtain fit
    # - z: latent cluster allocations at each MCMC iteration
    # - method: 'ECR' for Papastamoulis-Iliopoulos 2010 to make simulated z similar to pivot z (taken from last iteration); 'RW' for Rodriguez-Walker (2014) relabelling (loss function aimed at preserving cluster means), 'PC' for identifiability constraint based on projection of location parameters on first principal component
    # Output: object of type skewtFit with relabelled components
    if (class(fit) != 'skewtFit') stop("fit must be of class skewtFit")
    if (method=='ECR') {
        r <- ecr(z[nrow(z),],z=z,K=fit$G)[[1]]
    } else if (method=='RW') {
        r <- dataBased(x,K=fit$G,z)[[1]]
    } else if (method=='PC') {
        e <- eigen(cov(x))$vectors[,1,drop=FALSE]
        proj <- do.call(cbind,lapply(fit$mu, "%*%", e))
        r <- t(apply(proj,1,rank,ties.method='first'))
    } else { stop("Invalid value for 'method' in fixLabelSwitch") }
    fitnew <- fit
    for (g in 1:fit$G) {
        glabel <- apply(r==g, 1, function(z) match(TRUE,z)) #component in fit corresponding to g^th reordered component in fitnew
        for (gg in 1:fit$G) {
            sel <- glabel==gg
            fitnew$mu[[g]][sel,] <- fit$mu[[gg]][sel,]
            fitnew$Sigma[[g]][sel,] <- fit$Sigma[[gg]][sel,]
            fitnew$alpha[[g]][sel,] <- fit$alpha[[gg]][sel,]
            fitnew$nu[sel,g] <- fit$nu[sel,gg]
            fitnew$probs[sel,g] <- fit$probs[sel,gg]
            if (!is.null(dim(fit$cluster))) fitnew$cluster[fit$cluster==gg] <- g


#Univariate skew T density
# When param=='eps': dt(x;mu,s/(1-alpha),nu) I(x>=mu) + dt(x;mu,s/(1+alpha),nu) I(x<mu)
# When param=='isf': dt(x;mu,s*alpha,nu) I(x>=mu) + dt(x;mu,s/alpha,nu) I(x<mu)
dskewtuniv <- function(x,mu,s,alpha,nu,param='eps',logscale=FALSE) {
    if (param=='eps') {
        ans <- dtp3(x,mu=mu,par1=s,par2=alpha,FUN=function(z,log) dt(z,df=nu,log=log),param="eps",log=logscale)
    } else if (param=='isf') {
        ans <- dtp3(x,mu=mu,par1=s,par2=1/alpha,FUN=function(z,log) dt(z,df=nu,log=log),param="isf",log=logscale)
    } else stop("Invalid value was specified for 'param'")

check.skewtpars <- function(mu,Sigma,A,D,alpha,nu,param) {
    #Check that input parameters for multivariate t are correct
    p <- length(mu)
    if (missing(A) | missing(D)) {
        if (ncol(Sigma) != p) stop("Dimension of mu and Sigma doesn't match")
    } else {
        if ((ncol(A)!=p) | (ncol(D)!=p)) stop("Dimensions of mu and A,D don't match")
    if (param=='eps') {
        if (any(abs(alpha)>1)) stop("When param=='eps' alpha must have entries in [-1,1]")
    } else if (param=='isf') {
        if (any(alpha<=0)) stop("When param=='isf' alpha must be a vector with entries >0")
    if (length(nu)>1) stop("nu must have length 1")
    if (nu<=0) stop("nu must be >=0")

#Multivariate skew T density (p dimensions)
# Input
# - x: vector of length(p), alternatively matrix or data.frame with arbitrary number of rows and ncol(x)==p
# - mu: mean vector of length(p)
# - Sigma: p*p positive-definite matrix
# - A: optional parameter containing pre-computed A=t(eigen(Sigma)). For identifiability all elements in A[,1] must be positive, if any entry is negative then the corresponding row is changed sign
# - D: optional parameter containing pre-computed A=diag(eigen(Sigma)$values)
# - alpha: asymmetry parameters. Either a vector of length p or length 1, in the latter case all asymmetry parameters are assumed equal
# - nu: scalar indicating degrees of freedom
# - param: set to 'eps' for the epsilon-skew parametization, 'isf' for the inverse scale factor parameterization
# - logscale: set to TRUE to obtain log-pdf
# - ttype: set to 'independent' for independent skew-t, to 'dependent' for dependent skew-t
# Output: multivariate skew T pdf evaluated at x. It has length 1 if x was a vector, length equal to nrow(x) if x was a matrix or data.frame
dskewt <- function(x,mu,Sigma,A,D,alpha,nu,param='eps',logscale=FALSE,ttype='independent') {
    p <- length(mu)
    if (length(alpha) != p) { if (length(alpha)==1) alpha <- rep(alpha,p) else stop("length(alpha) must be either 1 or length(mu)") }
    if (missing(A) | missing(D)) {
        e <- eigen(Sigma,symmetric=TRUE); A <- t(e$vectors); D <- diag(p); diag(D) <- e$values; A <- A * ifelse(sign(A[,1])== -1, -1, 1)
    if (any(diag(D)<=0)) stop("Sigma is not positive definite")
    if (is.vector(x)) {
        x <- as.numeric(x)
        if (length(x) != p) stop("Dimensions of x and mu don't match")
        sqDinv <- diag(p); diag(sqDinv) <- 1/sqrt(diag(D))
        z <- sqDinv %*% A %*% matrix(x - as.vector(as.numeric(mu)),ncol=1)
    } else if (is.matrix(x) | is.data.frame(x)) {
        if (ncol(x) != p) stop("Dimensions of x and mu don't match")
        sqDinv <- diag(p); diag(sqDinv) <- 1/sqrt(diag(D))
        z <- sqDinv %*% A %*% (t(as.matrix(x)) - as.vector(as.numeric(mu)))
    } else stop("x must be a vector, matrix or data.frame")
    if (ttype=='independent') {
        ans <-  -0.5*sum(log(diag(D)))
        for (i in 1:p) { ans <- ans + dskewtuniv(z[i,],mu=0,s=1,alpha=alpha[i],nu=nu,param=param,logscale=TRUE) }
    } else if (ttype=='dependent') {
        ans <-  -0.5*sum(log(diag(D))) + lgamma((p+nu)/2) - lgamma(nu/2) - 0.5*p*log(pi*nu)
        xi <- (z>=0) / (1-alpha)^2 + (z<0) / (1+alpha)^2
        ans <- ans - 0.5*(p+nu)*log(1 + rowSums(xi * z^2)/nu)
    } else { stop("Invalid ttype") }
    if (!logscale) ans <- exp(ans)

#Density for mixture of multivariate skew t's (arguments as in dskewt)
dmixskewt <- function(x,mu,Sigma,alpha,nu,probs,param='eps',logscale=FALSE,ttype='independent') {
    K <- length(probs)
    if (length(mu) != K) stop("mu must be a list with length = length(probs)")
    if (length(Sigma) != K) stop("Sigma must be a list with length = length(probs)")
    if (length(alpha) != K) stop("alpha must be a list with length = length(probs)")
    if (is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x,nrow=1)
    logd <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=K)
    for (i in 1:K) { logd[,i] <- dskewt(x,mu=mu[[i]],Sigma=Sigma[[i]],alpha=alpha[[i]],nu=nu[[i]],param=param,logscale=TRUE,ttype=ttype) + log(probs[i]) }
    ct <- apply(logd,1,max)
    ans <- exp(ct) * rowSums(exp(logd-ct))
    if (logscale) ans <- log(ans)

#Draws from multivariate skew-t. Set ttype='independent' for independent skew-t, ttype='dependent for dependent skew-t
rskewt <- function(n,mu,Sigma,alpha,nu,param='eps',ttype='independent') {
    p <- length(mu)
    if (length(alpha) != p) { if (length(alpha)==1) alpha <- rep(alpha,p) else stop("length(alpha) must be either 1 or length(mu)") }
    e <- eigen(Sigma,symmetric=TRUE); A <- t(e$vectors); D <- diag(p); diag(D) <- e$values; A <- A * ifelse(sign(A[,1])== -1, -1, 1)
    if (any(e$values<=0)) stop("Sigma is not positive definite")
    #Draw from underlying uncorrelated variables
    ans <- matrix(NA,nrow=n,ncol=p)
    if (ttype=='independent') {
        if (param=='eps') {
            for (i in 1:p) ans[,i] <- rtp3(n,mu=0,par1=1,par2=alpha[i],FUN=function(n) rt(n=n,df=nu), param="eps")
        } else if (param=='isf') {
            for (i in 1:p) ans[,i] <- rtp3(n,mu=0,par1=1,par2=1/alpha[i],FUN=function(n) rt(n=n,df=nu), param="isf")
        } else stop("Invalid value was specified for 'param'")
    } else if (ttype=='dependent') {
        if (param=='eps') {
            omega <- 1/rgamma(n,nu/2,nu/2)
            for (i in 1:p) ans[,i] <- sqrt(omega) * rtp3(n,mu=0,par1=1,par2=alpha[i],FUN=function(n) rnorm(n=n), param="eps")
        } else if (param=='isf') {
            for (i in 1:p) ans[,i] <- sqrt(omega) * rtp3(n,mu=0,par1=1,par2=1/alpha[i],FUN=function(n) rnorm(n=n), param="isf")
        } else stop("Invalid value was specified for 'param'")
    } else {
        stop("Invalid ttype")
    #Perform linear transform
    ans <- t(t(A) %*% (sqrt(e$values) * t(ans)) + mu)

#Multivariate draws from mixture of skew-t's
rmixskewt <- function(n,mu,Sigma,alpha,nu,probs,param='eps',ttype='independent') {
    K <- length(probs)
    if (!is.list(mu)) { mu <- lapply(1:K,function(z) mu); warning("Formatted mu as list") } else { if (length(mu) != K) stop("mu has the wrong length") }
    if (!is.list(Sigma)) { Sigma <- lapply(1:K,function(z) Sigma); warning("Formatted Sigma as list") } else { if (length(Sigma) != K) stop("Sigma has the wrong length") }
    if (!is.list(alpha)) { alpha <- lapply(1:K,function(z) alpha); warning("Formatted alpha as list") } else { if (length(alpha) != K) stop("alpha has the wrong length") }
    p <- length(mu[[1]])
    for (i in 1:K) {
        if (length(alpha[[i]]) != p) { if (length(alpha[[i]])==1) alpha[[i]] <- rep(alpha[[i]],p) else stop("length(alpha[[i]]) must be either 1 or length(mu[[i]])") }
    #Obtain draws
    ngroup <- as.vector(rmultinom(1, size=n, prob=probs))
    groupidx <- c(0,cumsum(ngroup))
    x <- matrix(NA,nrow=n,ncol=p)
    for (i in 1:K) { x[(groupidx[i]+1):groupidx[i+1],] <- rskewt(ngroup[i],mu=mu[[i]],Sigma=Sigma[[i]],alpha=alpha[[i]],nu=nu[[i]],param=param,ttype=ttype) }
    idx <- sample(1:nrow(x), size=nrow(x), replace=FALSE)
    x <- x[idx,]
    cluster <- rep(1:K,ngroup)[idx]

#Two-dimensional ellipse for skew-t distribution. level is the confidence level for the main axes along which asymmetry is defined
tpellipse <- function(mu=c(0,0),Sigma=diag(2),alpha=c(0,0),nu=Inf,level=0.95) {
    if (length(alpha) != 2) stop("tpellipse only available for two-dimensional data")
    p <- length(mu)
    if (length(alpha) != p) { if (length(alpha)==1) alpha <- rep(alpha,p) else stop("length(alpha) must be either 1 or length(mu)") }
    e <- eigen(Sigma,symmetric=TRUE); A <- t(e$vectors); sqD <- diag(sqrt(e$values),p); A <- A * ifelse(sign(A[,1])== -1, -1, 1)
    if (any(e$values<=0)) stop("Sigma is not positive definite")
    e1 <- ellipse(diag(c(1/(1+alpha[1])^2,1/(1+alpha[2])^2)),npoints=1000,level=level)
    e1 <- e1[e1[,1]>0 & e1[,2]>0,]
    e1 <- e1[order(e1[,1]),]
    e2 <- ellipse(diag(c(1/(1+alpha[1])^2,1/(1-alpha[2])^2)),npoints=1000,level=level)
    e2 <- e2[e2[,1]>0 & e2[,2]<0,]
    e2 <- e2[order(e2[,1],decreasing=TRUE),]
    e3 <- ellipse(diag(c(1/(1-alpha[1])^2,1/(1-alpha[2])^2)),npoints=1000,level=level)
    e3 <- e3[e3[,1]<0 & e3[,2]<0,]
    e3 <- e3[order(e3[,1],decreasing=TRUE),]
    e4 <- ellipse(diag(c(1/(1-alpha[1])^2,1/(1+alpha[2])^2)),npoints=1000,level=level)
    e4 <- e4[e4[,1]<0 & e4[,2]>0,]
    e4 <- e4[order(e4[,1]),]
    e <- rbind(e1,e2,e3,e4,e1[1,]) * qt((1-level)/2,df=nu) / qnorm((1-level)/2)
    ans <- t(t(A) %*% (sqD %*% t(e)) + mu)


#Discretized Juarez-Steel gamma-gamma prior on degrees of freedom truncated to [1,numax]
priornuJS <- function(nu,k=2.78,numax=30) {
    if (any(nu>numax)) stop("All elements in nu must be <=numax")
    if (any((nu %% 1) != 0)) stop("nu cannot have non-integer values")
    if (any(nu<=0)) stop("All elements in nu must be strictly positive")
    ans <- k*(1:numax)/((1:numax)+k)^3
    ans <- ans/sum(ans)

#Villa-Walker objective prior on degrees of freedom truncated to [1,numax]
priornuVW <- function(nu,numax=30) {
    if (any(nu>numax)) stop("All elements in nu must be <=numax")
    if (any((nu %% 1) != 0)) stop("nu cannot have non-integer values")
    if (any(nu<=0)) stop("All elements in nu must be strictly positive")
    f1 <- function(x,nufix) { log(1+x^2/nufix) * dt(x,df=nufix) }
    f2 <- function(x,nufix) { log(1+x^2/(nufix+1)) * dt(x,df=nufix) }
    #f3 <- function(x,nufix) { log(1+x^2/(nufix-1)) * dt(x,df=nufix) }
    #f4 <- function(x,nufix) { log(1+x^2/nufix) * dnorm(x) }
    nuseq <- 1:numax
    ans <- 0.5*(log(nuseq+1)-log(nuseq)) + lbeta(0.5,0.5*(nuseq+1)) - lbeta(0.5,0.5*nuseq)
    for (i in 1:numax) {
        int1 <- integrate(f1,-Inf,Inf,nufix=i)$value
        int2 <- integrate(f2,-Inf,Inf,nufix=i)$value
        ans[i] <- ans[i] - 0.5*(i+1)*int1 + 0.5*(i+2)*int2
    #int1 <- integrate(f1,-Inf,Inf,nufix=numax-1)$value
    #int2 <- integrate(f3,-Inf,Inf,nufix=numax-1)$value
    #ans[numax-1] <- ans[numax-1] - 0.5*numax*int1 + 0.5*(numax-1)*int2
    #int2 <- integrate(f4,-Inf,Inf,nufix=numax-1)$value
    #ans[numax] <- ans[numax] - 0.5 + 0.5*(numax-1)*int2
    ans <- exp(ans-max(ans))
    ans <- ans/sum(ans)


rdirichlet <- function (n, alpha) {
    #Obtain n draws from Dirichlet(alpha)
    l <- length(alpha)
    x <- matrix(rgamma(l * n, alpha), ncol = l, byrow = TRUE)
    sm <- x %*% rep(1, l)

diwishfast <- function (eigenvecW, eigenvalW, v, S, logscale=TRUE) {
    #Density of inverse Wishart ignoring constant terms depending on degrees of freedom (v), i.e. gives same output proportional to dinvwishart (below)
    k <- nrow(S)
    logdetS <- as.numeric(determinant(S,logarithm=TRUE)$modulus)
    logdetW <- sum(log(eigenvalW))
    diagWinv <- diag(length(eigenvalW)); diag(diagWinv) <- 1/eigenvalW
    hold <- S %*% t(eigenvecW) %*% diagWinv %*% eigenvecW    #S %*% solve(W)
    ans <- 0.5*v*logdetS - 0.5*(v+k+1)*logdetW  - 0.5*sum(diag(hold))
    if (!logscale) ans <- exp(ans)

dinvwishart <- function (Sigma, nu, S, log = FALSE) {
    k <- nrow(Sigma)
    gamsum <- 0
    for (i in 1:k) gamsum <- gamsum + lgamma((nu + 1 - i)/2)
    dens <- -(nu * k/2) * log(2) - ((k * (k - 1))/4) * log(pi) - gamsum + (nu/2) * log(det(S)) - ((nu + k + 1)/2) * log(det(Sigma)) - 0.5 * sum(diag(S %*% solve(Sigma)))
    if (log == FALSE) dens <- exp(dens)

rinvwishart <- function(nu, S, Sinv) {
    if (missing(Sinv)) Sinv <- solve(S)
    solve(rWishart(1, df=nu, Sigma=Sinv)[,,1])


#Create list containing prior parameters for mixture of multivariate skew-t's. The following prior functional form is used:
#  (mu,Sigma) ~ N(mu; m,g*Sigma) * IWishart(Sigma; Q, q)
#  0.5*(alpha+1) ~ Beta(a,b)
#  nu is discrete with P(nu=j)=nuprobs[j] (or proportional to nuprobs[j])
#  probs ~ Symmetric Dirichlet(r), where r is a scalar
# Input
# - p: dimension of the observed data
# - G: number of components
# - m, g: parameters for prior on mu given Sigma
# - Q, q: parameters for prior on Sigma
# - a, b: parameter for prior on asymetry parameter
# - r: parameter for symmetric Dirichlet prior on mixing probabilities
# - nuprobs: vector where P(nu=j)=nuprobs[j]. Names can be provided, else it is assumed that support of nu ranges from 1 to length(nuprobs)
skewtprior <- function(p,G,m=rep(0,p),g=1,Q=diag(p),q=p+1,a=2,b=2,r=1/G,nuprobs=priornuJS(1:30,k=2.78,numax=30)) {
    if (length(m) != p) stop("m has the wrong length")
    if (length(g)>1) stop("g must have length 1")
    if (!is.matrix(Q)) stop("Q must be a matrix")
    if ((nrow(Q) != ncol(Q)) | (nrow(Q) != p)) stop("Q must be a square matrix with p rows")
    #if (any(Q[upper.tri(Q)] != Q[lower.tri(Q)])) stop("Q must be symmetric")
    if (any(eigen(Q,symmetric=TRUE)$values <= 0)) stop("Q is not positive-definite!")
    if (q < p) stop("q must be >= p")
    if (length(r)>1) stop("r must have length 1")
    ans <- vector("list",5)
    names(ans) <- c('mu','Sigma','alpha','nu','probs')
    ans[['mu']] <- list(m=m,g=g)
    ans[['Sigma']] <- list(Q=Q,q=q)
    ans[['alpha']] <- list(a=a,b=b)
    ans[['nu']] <- nuprobs; if (is.null(names(nuprobs))) names(ans[['nu']]) <- 1:length(nuprobs)
    ans[['probs']] <- c(r=r)

#MH-within-Gibbs sampling for mixture of multivariate skew t's
# Input
# - x: observed data (observations in rows, variables in columns)
# - G: number of components
# - clusini: either vector with initial cluster allocation, 'kmedians' for K-medians (as in cclust from package flexclust) 'kmeans' for K-means, 'em' for EM algorithm based on mixture of normals (as in Mclust package, initialized by hierarchical clustering so it can be slow)
# - priorParam: list with named elements 'mu', 'Sigma', 'alpha', 'nu', 'probs' containing prior parameters. See help(skewtprior).
# - niter: number of Gibbs iterations
# - ttype: set to 'independent' for independent skew-t, to 'dependent' for dependent skew-t
# - returnCluster: if set to TRUE the allocated cluster at each MCMC iteration is returned. This can be memory-consuming if nrow(x) is large.
# - relabel: 'none' to do no relabelling. 'ECR' for Papastamoulis-Iliopoulos 2010 to make simulated z similar to pivot z (taken from last iteration); 'RW' for Rodriguez-Walker (2014) relabelling (loss function aimed at preserving cluster means), 'PC' for identifiability constraint based on projection of location parameters on first principal component
# - verbose: set to TRUE to output iteration progress
# Output:
# - mu: list of length G, where mu[[i]] is a matrix with posterior draws (niter-burnin rows)
# - Sigma: list of length G, where Sigma[[i]] is a matrix with posterior draws (niter-burnin rows). Each row contains diag(S),S[upper.tri(S)]
# - alpha: list of length G, where alpha[[i]] is a matrix with posterior draws (niter-burnin rows)
# - nu: matrix with niter-burnin rows and G columns with posterior draws for the degrees of freedom
# - probs: matrix with niter-burnin rows and G columns with posterior draws for the mixing probabilities
# - probcluster: matrix with nrow(x) rows and G columns with posterior probabilities that each observation belongs to each cluster (Rao-Blackwellized)
# - cluster: if returnCluster==TRUE, a matrix with niter-burnin rows and nrow(x) columns with latent cluster allocations at each MCMC iteration. If returnCluster==FALSE, NA is returned.
mixskewtGibbs <- function(x, G, clusini='kmedians', priorParam=skewtprior(ncol(x),G), niter, burnin=round(niter/10), ttype='independent', returnCluster=FALSE, relabel='ECR', verbose=TRUE) {
    if (!(ttype %in% c('independent','dependent'))) stop("ttype must be equal to 'independent' or 'dependent'")
    p <- ncol(x); n <- nrow(x)
    m <- priorParam[['mu']]$m; gprior <- priorParam[['mu']]$g
    Q <- priorParam[['Sigma']]$Q; q <- priorParam[['Sigma']]$q
    a <- priorParam[['alpha']]$a; b <- priorParam[['alpha']]$b
    nuprobs <- priorParam[['nu']]
    if (is.null(names(nuprobs))) { nuvals <- 1:length(nuprobs) } else { nuvals <- as.integer(names(nuprobs)) }
    r <- priorParam[['probs']]['r']
    ## Initial cluster allocations ##
    if (G>1) {
        if (is.character(clusini)) {
            if (clusini=='kmedians') {
                z <- predict(cclust(x, k=G, dist='manhattan', method='kmeans'))
            } else if (clusini=='kmeans') {
                z <- kmeans(x, centers=G)$cluster
            } else if (clusini=='em') {
                z <- Mclust(x, G=G, modelNames='VVV')$classification
            } else stop("Invalid value for 'clusini'")
        } else {
            if (length(clusini) != nrow(x)) stop("length(clusini) must be equal to nrow(x)")
            z <- as.integer(factor(clusini))
    } else {
        z <- rep(1,nrow(x))
    zcount <- rep(0,G); names(zcount) <- (1:G)
    tab <- table(z); zcount[names(tab)] <- tab
    ## Initialize parameters ##
    probscur <- as.vector(rdirichlet(1,r+zcount))
    txstd <- matrix(NA,nrow=ncol(x),ncol=nrow(x))
    tx <- t(x); xstd <- t(txstd)
    xi <- matrix(1,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=ncol(x))
    mucur <- alphacur <- lapply(1:G, function(i) double(p))
    Scur <- Acur <- Dcur <- lapply(1:G, function(i) matrix(NA,nrow=p,ncol=p)); nucur <- rep(30,G)
    if (ttype=='independent') wcur <- matrix(1,nrow=n,ncol=p) else wcur <- matrix(1,nrow=n,ncol=1)
    for (i in 1:G) {
        sel <- which(z==i)
        #Initialize alpha
        alphacur[[i]] <- rep(0,p)
        #Initialize mu, Sigma
        if (length(sel)>0) {
            mucur[[i]] <- apply(x[sel,],2,median); Scur[[i]] <- ((tx[,sel] - mucur[[i]]) %*% t(tx[,sel] - mucur[[i]]))/length(sel)
            #mucur[[i]] <- colMeans(x[sel,]); Scur[[i]] <- var(x[sel,]) * (nucur[[i]]-2) / nucur[[i]]
        } else {
            mucur[[i]] <- m; Scur[[i]] <- Q / (q+p+1)
        #Initialize w
        e <- eigen(Scur[[i]],symmetric=TRUE); Acur[[i]] <- t(e$vectors); Dcur[[i]] <- diag(e$values,ncol=p); Acur[[i]] <- Acur[[i]] * ifelse(sign(Acur[[i]][,1])== -1, -1, 1)
        if (length(sel)>0) {
            sqDcurinv <- diag(1/sqrt(diag(Dcur[[i]])),ncol=p)
            txstd[,sel] <- sqDcurinv %*% Acur[[i]] %*% (tx[,sel] - mucur[[i]])
            #txstd[,sel] <- sqrt(Dcur[[i]]) %*% Acur[[i]] %*% (tx[,sel] - mucur[[i]])
            xstd[sel,] <- t(txstd[,sel])
            xi[sel,] <- t((txstd[,sel]>=0) / (1-alphacur[[i]])^2 + (txstd[,sel]<0) / (1+alphacur[[i]])^2)
            #wcur[sel,] <- rwSkewtGibbs(xstd=xstd[sel,],xi=xi[sel,],nu=nucur[[i]],ttype=ttype)
    ##Gibbs sampling
    mu <- lapply(1:G,function(i) matrix(NA,nrow=niter-burnin,ncol=p))
    Sigma <- lapply(1:G,function(i) matrix(NA,nrow=niter-burnin,ncol=p*(p+1)/2))
    alpha <- lapply(1:G,function(i) matrix(NA,nrow=niter-burnin,ncol=p))
    nu <- probs <- matrix(NA,nrow=niter-burnin,ncol=G)
    cluster <- matrix(NA,nrow=niter-burnin,ncol=nrow(x)); colnames(cluster) <- paste('indiv',1:n,sep='')
    if (verbose) { niter10 <- round(niter/10); cat("Running MCMC") }
    for (l in 1:niter) {
        #Sample latent cluster indicators z
        dx <- sapply(1:G,function(g) dskewt(x,mu=mucur[[g]],A=Acur[[g]],D=Dcur[[g]],alpha=alphacur[[g]],nu=nucur[[g]],param='eps',logscale=TRUE,ttype=ttype))
        dx <- t(t(dx)+log(probscur))
        dx <- exp(dx - apply(dx,1,max))
        dx <- dx/rowSums(dx)
        z <- apply(dx,1,function(pp) match(TRUE,runif(1)<cumsum(pp)))
        tab <- table(z); zcount[1:G] <- 0; zcount[names(tab)] <- tab
        #Sample component weights
        probscur <- as.vector(rdirichlet(1,alpha=r+zcount))
        for (g in 1:G) {
            sel <- which(z==g)
            if (length(sel)>0) {
                sqDcurinv <- diag(1/sqrt(diag(Dcur[[g]])),ncol=p)
                #Update precomputed stuff
                txstd[,sel] <- sqDcurinv %*% Acur[[g]] %*% (tx[,sel] - mucur[[g]])
                #txstd[,sel] <- sqrt(Dcur[[g]]) %*% Acur[[g]] %*% (tx[,sel] - mucur[[g]])
                xstd[sel,] <- t(txstd[,sel])
                xi[sel,] <- t((txstd[,sel]>=0) / (1-alphacur[[g]])^2 + (txstd[,sel]<0) / (1+alphacur[[g]])^2)
                #Sample w
                wcur[sel,] <- rwSkewtGibbs(xstd=xstd[sel,,drop=FALSE],xi=xi[sel,,drop=FALSE],nu=nucur[[g]],ttype=ttype)
                #Sample mu, Sigma
                munew <- rmuSkewtGibbs(tx[,sel,drop=FALSE],mucur=mucur[[g]],Sigma=Scur[[g]],A=Acur[[g]],D=Dcur[[g]],w=wcur[sel,,drop=FALSE],alpha=alphacur[[g]],xi=xi[sel,,drop=FALSE],nu=nucur[[g]],ttype=ttype,m=m,g=gprior)
                if (munew$accept) {
                    mucur[[g]] <- munew$mu
                    txstd[,sel] <- sqDcurinv %*% Acur[[g]] %*% (tx[,sel] - mucur[[g]])
                    xi[sel,] <- t((txstd[,sel]>=0) / (1-alphacur[[g]])^2 + (txstd[,sel]<0) / (1+alphacur[[g]])^2)
                newS <- rSigmaSkewtGibbs(tx[,sel,drop=FALSE],mu=mucur[[g]],Sigmacur=Scur[[g]],Acur=Acur[[g]],Dcur=Dcur[[g]],w=wcur[sel,,drop=FALSE],alpha=alphacur[[g]],nu=nucur[[g]],xi=xi[sel,,drop=FALSE],ttype=ttype,Q=Q,q=q)
                if (newS$accept) {
                    Scur[[g]] <- newS$Sigmanew; Acur[[g]] <- newS$Anew; Dcur[[g]] <- newS$Dnew
                    txstd[,sel] <- sqDcurinv %*% Acur[[g]] %*% (tx[,sel] - mucur[[g]])
                    #xi[sel,] <- t((txstd[,sel]>=0) / (1-alphacur[[g]])^2 + (txstd[,sel]<0) / (1+alphacur[[g]])^2)  #xi not needed for alpha or nu
                if (munew$accept | newS$accept) xstd[sel,] <- t(txstd[,sel,drop=FALSE])
                #Sample alpha
                alphanew <- ralphaSkewtGibbs(alphacur=alphacur[[g]],xstd=xstd[sel,,drop=FALSE],w=wcur[sel,,drop=FALSE],a=a,b=b,ttype=ttype)
                alphacur[[g]] <- alphanew$alphanew
                #xi[sel,] <- t((txstd[,sel]>=0) / (1-alphacur[[g]])^2 + (txstd[,sel]<0) / (1+alphacur[[g]])^2) #xi not needed for nu
                #Sample nu
                nucur[[g]] <- rnuSkewtGibbs(x=x[sel,,drop=FALSE],mu=mucur[[g]],A=Acur[[g]],D=Dcur[[g]],alpha=alphacur[[g]],nuprobs=nuprobs,ttype=ttype)
            } else {
                #If no observations in cluster, sample from the prior
                Scur[[g]] <- rinvwishart(q,Q)
                e <- eigen(Scur[[g]],symmetric=TRUE); Acur[[g]] <- t(e$vectors); Dcur[[g]] <- diag(p); diag(Dcur[[g]]) <- e$values; Acur[[g]] <- Acur[[g]] * ifelse(sign(Acur[[g]][,1])== -1, -1, 1)
                mucur[[g]] <- as.vector(rmvnorm(1,m,gprior * Scur[[g]]))
                alphacur[[g]] <- 1 - 2*rbeta(p,a,b)
                nucur[[g]] <- as.numeric(names(nuprobs)[rmultinom(n=1,size=1,prob=nuprobs)])
        #Save output
        if (l>burnin) {
            idx <- l-burnin
            for (g in 1:G) {
                mu[[g]][idx,] <- mucur[[g]]
                if (p>1) {
                    Sigma[[g]][idx,] <- c(diag(Scur[[g]]),Scur[[g]][upper.tri(Scur[[g]])])
                } else {
                    Sigma[[g]][idx,] <- Scur[[g]]
                alpha[[g]][idx,] <- alphacur[[g]]
            nu[idx,] <- nucur
            probs[idx,] <- probscur
            cluster[idx,] <- z
        if (verbose & ((l %% niter10)==0)) cat('.')
    names(mu) <- names(Sigma) <- names(alpha) <- colnames(nu) <- colnames(probs) <- paste('cluster',1:ncol(nu),sep='')
    ans <- list(mu=mu,Sigma=Sigma,alpha=alpha,nu=nu,probs=probs,probcluster=NA,cluster=NA,G=G,ttype=ttype)
    if (returnCluster) ans$cluster <- cluster
    fit <- new("skewtFit",ans)
    #Fix potential label switching issues
    if ((G>1) & (relabel!='none')) {
        if (verbose) { cat('\n'); cat('Post-processing label-switching...') }
        fit <- fixLabelSwitch(fit,x=x,z=cluster,method=relabel)
    #Compute cluster probabilities
    fit$probcluster <- clusterprobs(fit, x=x)
    rownames(fit$probcluster) <- paste('indiv',1:n,sep='')
    colnames(fit$probcluster) <- paste('cluster',1:ncol(nu),sep='')
    if (verbose) cat('\n')

rmuSkewtGibbs <- function(tx,mucur,Sigma,A,D,w,alpha,xi,nu,ttype,m,g) {
    #Metropolis-Hastings sampler from the conditional posterior of the skew-t location parameter mu given all other parameters
    # - tx: t(x), where x are original observations
    # - mucur: current value of mu
    # - Sigma: scale matrix
    # - A: pre-computed t(eigen(Sigma)$vectors). For identifiability all elements in A[,1] must be positive, if any entry is negative then the corresponding row is changed sign
    # - D: pre-computed diag(eigen(Sigma)$values)
    # - w: skew-t latent scale parameter (it can either be a vector for dependent t or a matrix for dependent t)
    # - alpha: vector of length ncol(x) with asymmetry parameters
    # - xi: (x>=0)/(1-alpha)^2 + (x<0)/(1+alpha)^2
    # - nu: degrees of freedom
    # - ttype: independent or dependent skew-t
    # - m,g: prior on mu is N(m,g*Sigma)
    #Output: list with 2 components
    # - munew: sampled value of mu (it may be equal to mucur)
    # - accept: indicates if munew==mucur
    #Pre-compute useful quantities
    sqDinv <- diag(nrow(D)); diag(sqDinv) <- 1/sqrt(diag(D))
    sqDA <- sqDinv %*% A
    Sigmainv <- solve(Sigma)
    tphi <- t(xi/w)
    xiwinv <- diag(nrow(tphi)); diag(xiwinv) <- rowSums(tphi)
    #Parameters of proposal
    Vinv <- Sigmainv/g + t(sqDA) %*% xiwinv %*% sqDA
    term1 <- t(sqDA) %*% (tphi * (sqDA %*% tx)) %*% matrix(1,nrow=ncol(tx))
    term2 <- g * Sigma %*% m
    V <- solve(Vinv)
    muprop <- V %*% (term1 + term2)
    munew <- as.vector(rmvnorm(1,muprop,sigma=V))
    #Parameters of reverse proposal
    txstdnew <- sqDA %*% (tx - munew)
    xinew <- t((txstdnew>=0) / (1-alpha)^2 + (txstdnew<0) / (1+alpha)^2)
    tphinew <- t(xinew/w)
    xiwinvnew <- diag(nrow(tphinew)); diag(xiwinvnew) <- rowSums(tphinew)
    Vinvnew <- Sigmainv/g + t(sqDA) %*% xiwinvnew %*% sqDA
    term1 <- t(sqDA) %*% (tphinew * (sqDA %*% tx)) %*% matrix(1,nrow=ncol(tx))
    Vnew <- solve(Vinvnew)
    mupropnew <- Vnew %*% (term1 + term2)
    #Acceptance probability (likelihood marginalized wrt w)
    u <- dmvnorm(mucur,mupropnew,solve(Vinvnew),log=TRUE) - dmvnorm(munew,muprop,V,log=TRUE)
    #num <- sum(dskewt(t(tx),mu=munew,Sigma=Sigma,A=A,D=D,alpha=alpha,nu=nu,param='eps',logscale=TRUE,ttype=ttype)) + dmvnorm(munew,m,g*Sigma,log=TRUE)
    #den <- sum(dskewt(t(tx),mu=mucur,Sigma=Sigma,A=A,D=D,alpha=alpha,nu=nu,param='eps',logscale=TRUE,ttype=ttype)) + dmvnorm(mucur,m,g*Sigma,log=TRUE)
    #Acceptance probability (conditional on w)
    num <- sqrt(tphinew) * (sqDA %*% (tx-munew))
    num <- -0.5 * sum(num^2) - 0.5 * (t(munew-m) %*% Sigmainv %*% (munew-m)) / g
    den <- sqrt(tphi) * (sqDA %*% (tx-mucur))
    den <- -0.5 * sum(den^2) - 0.5 * (t(mucur-m) %*% Sigmainv %*% (mucur-m)) / g
    u <- exp(u + num - den)
    if (runif(1)<u) { accept <- TRUE } else { accept <- FALSE; munew <- mucur }

rSigmaSkewtGibbsMarg <- function(tx,mu,Sigmacur,Acur,Dcur,alpha,nu,xi,ttype,Q=Q,q=q) {
    #MH draws from posterior of Sigma= t(A) %*% D %*% A given all other parameters, but marginalized with respect to w
    # Input
    # - mu: mean vector
    # - Sigmacur: current value of Sigma
    # - Acur, Dcur: current value of A,D, i.e. Sigmacur= t(Acur) %*% Dcur %*% Acur
    # - alpha: current value of asymmetry parameters
    # - xi: (x>=0)/(1-alpha)^2 + (x<0)/(1+alpha)^2
    # - ttype: independent or dependent skew-t
    # - Q, q: prior on Sigma is InvWishart(Q,q), where q are the degrees of freedom
    # Output: list with 2 components
    # - Sigmanew: sampled value of Sigma (it may be equal to Sigmacur)
    # - Anew: sampled value of A (it may be equal to Acur)
    # - Dnew: sampled value of D (it may be equal to Dcur)
    # - accept: indicates if Sigmanew==Sigmacur
    n <- ncol(tx); p <- nrow(tx)
    txmu <- tx-mu
    #Proposal parameters
    if (n>1) {
        e <- eigen(cov(t(tx)))
        Aprop <- t(e$vectors); Aprop <- Aprop * ifelse(sign(Aprop[, 1]) == -1, -1, 1)
        txortho <- Aprop %*% txmu
        xiprop <- t((txortho>=0) / (1-alpha)^2 + (txortho<0) / (1+alpha)^2)
        xstd <- t(txortho) * sqrt(xiprop)
        Dest <- diag(colSums(xstd^2),ncol=p)
        Sprop <- Q + matrix(mu,ncol=1) %*% matrix(mu,nrow=1) + t(Aprop) %*% Dest %*% Aprop
    } else {
        Sprop <- Q + matrix(mu,ncol=1) %*% matrix(mu,nrow=1) + tx %*% t(tx)
    #Propose new value
    Sigmanew <- rinvwishart(n+q+p, Sprop)
    e <- eigen(Sigmanew,symmetric=TRUE)
    Anew <- t(e$vectors); Dnew <- diag(e$values,ncol=p); Dnewinv <- diag(1/e$values,ncol=p); Anew <- Anew * ifelse(sign(Anew[,1])== -1, -1, 1)
    #Ratio of proposal densities
    logpropcur <- diwishfast(Acur,diag(Dcur),n+q+p,Sprop,logscale=TRUE)
    logpropnew <- diwishfast(Anew,diag(Dnew),n+q+p,Sprop,logscale=TRUE)
    #Ratio of log-posterior densities
    loglnew <- sum(dskewt(t(tx),mu=mu,A=Anew,D=Dnew,alpha=alpha,nu=nu,logscale=TRUE)) #unconditional on w
    loglcur <- sum(dskewt(t(tx),mu=mu,A=Acur,D=Dcur,alpha=alpha,nu=nu,logscale=TRUE)) #unconditional on w
    Dcurinv <- diag(1/diag(Dcur),ncol=p)
    smunew <- matrix(mu,nrow=1) %*% t(Anew) %*% Dnewinv %*% Anew %*% matrix(mu,ncol=1)
    smucur <- matrix(mu,nrow=1) %*% t(Acur) %*% Dcurinv %*% Acur %*% matrix(mu,ncol=1)
    logpnew <- - 0.5*smunew + diwishfast(Anew,diag(Dnew),v=q+p,S=Q,logscale=TRUE)
    logpcur <- - 0.5*smucur + diwishfast(Acur,diag(Dcur),v=q+p,S=Q,logscale=TRUE)
    logposnew <- loglnew+logpnew
    logposcur <- loglcur+logpcur
    #Accept/reject move
    u <- logposnew - logposcur + logpropcur - logpropnew
    if (runif(1)<exp(u)) {
        ans <- list(Sigmanew=Sigmanew,Anew=Anew,Dnew=Dnew,logposdif=logposnew-logposcur,logpropdif=logpropnew-logpropcur,accept=TRUE)
    } else {
        ans <- list(Sigmanew=Sigmacur,Anew=Acur,Dnew=Dcur,logposdif=logposnew-logposcur,logpropdif=logpropnew-logpropcur,accept=FALSE)

rSigmaSkewtGibbs <- function(tx,mu,Sigmacur,Acur,Dcur,w,alpha,nu,xi,ttype,Q=Q,q=q) {
    #MH draws from posterior of Sigma= t(A) %*% D %*% A given all other parameters, also conditional on w
    # Input
    # - mu: mean vector
    # - Sigmacur: current value of Sigma
    # - Acur, Dcur: current value of A,D, i.e. Sigmacur= t(Acur) %*% Dcur %*% Acur
    # - w: current value of latent scale parameters
    # - alpha: current value of asymmetry parameters
    # - xi: (x>=0)/(1-alpha)^2 + (x<0)/(1+alpha)^2
    # - ttype: independent or dependent skew-t
    # - Q, q: prior on Sigma is InvWishart(Q,q), where q are the degrees of freedom
    # Output: list with 2 components
    # - Sigmanew: sampled value of Sigma (it may be equal to Sigmacur)
    # - Anew: sampled value of A (it may be equal to Acur)
    # - Dnew: sampled value of D (it may be equal to Dcur)
    # - accept: indicates if Sigmanew==Sigmacur
    n <- ncol(tx); p <- nrow(tx)
    txmu <- tx-mu
    #Proposal parameters
    if (n>1) {
        e <- eigen(cov(t(tx)))
        Aprop <- t(e$vectors); Aprop <- Aprop * ifelse(sign(Aprop[, 1]) == -1, -1, 1); Dprop <- diag(e$values,ncol=p)
        txortho <- Aprop %*% txmu
        xiprop <- t((txortho>=0) / (1-alpha)^2 + (txortho<0) / (1+alpha)^2)
        xstd <- t(txortho) * sqrt(xiprop/w)
        Dest <- diag(colSums(xstd^2),ncol=p)
        Sprop <- Q + matrix(mu,ncol=1) %*% matrix(mu,nrow=1) + t(Aprop) %*% Dest %*% Aprop
    } else {
        Sprop <- Q + matrix(mu,ncol=1) %*% matrix(mu,nrow=1) + tx %*% t(tx)
    #Propose new value
    Sigmanew <- rinvwishart(n+q+p, Sprop)
    e <- eigen(Sigmanew,symmetric=TRUE)
    Anew <- t(e$vectors); Dnew <- diag(e$values,ncol=p); Dnewinv <- diag(1/e$values,ncol=p); Anew <- Anew * ifelse(sign(Anew[,1])== -1, -1, 1)
    #Ratio of proposal densities
    logpropcur <- diwishfast(Acur,diag(Dcur),n+q+p,Sprop,logscale=TRUE)
    logpropnew <- diwishfast(Anew,diag(Dnew),n+q+p,Sprop,logscale=TRUE)
    #Ratio of log-posterior densities
    #loglnew <- sum(dskewt(t(tx),mu=mu,A=Anew,D=Dnew,alpha=alpha,nu=nu,logscale=TRUE)) #unconditional on w
    loglnew <- loglSigma(txmu,Anew,Dnew,alpha,w)  #conditional on w
    #loglnew <- sum(dmvnorm(t(txmu),sigma=t(Anew) %*% Dnew %*% Anew,log=TRUE)) #check: same result when alpha=0,w=1
    #loglcur <- sum(dskewt(t(tx),mu=mu,A=Acur,D=Dcur,alpha=alpha,nu=nu,logscale=TRUE)) #unconditional on w
    loglcur <- loglSigma(txmu,Acur,Dcur,alpha,w) #conditional on w
    #loglcur <- sum(dmvnorm(t(txmu),sigma=t(Acur) %*% Dcur %*% Acur,log=TRUE)) #check: same result when alpha=0,w=1
    Dcurinv <- diag(1/diag(Dcur),ncol=p)
    smunew <- matrix(mu,nrow=1) %*% t(Anew) %*% Dnewinv %*% Anew %*% matrix(mu,ncol=1)
    smucur <- matrix(mu,nrow=1) %*% t(Acur) %*% Dcurinv %*% Acur %*% matrix(mu,ncol=1)
    logpnew <- - 0.5*smunew + diwishfast(Anew,diag(Dnew),v=q+p,S=Q,logscale=TRUE)
    logpcur <- - 0.5*smucur + diwishfast(Acur,diag(Dcur),v=q+p,S=Q,logscale=TRUE)
    logposnew <- loglnew+logpnew
    logposcur <- loglcur+logpcur
    #Accept/reject move
    u <- logposnew - logposcur + logpropcur - logpropnew
    if (runif(1)<exp(u)) {
        ans <- list(Sigmanew=Sigmanew,Anew=Anew,Dnew=Dnew,logposdif=logposnew-logposcur,logpropdif=logpropnew-logpropcur,accept=TRUE)
    } else {
        ans <- list(Sigmanew=Sigmacur,Anew=Acur,Dnew=Dcur,logposdif=logposnew-logposcur,logpropdif=logpropnew-logpropcur,accept=FALSE)

loglSigma <- function(txmu,A,D,alpha,w) {
    #log-likelihood of (x-mu) evaluated at Sigma=t(A) D A, alpha, w
    txortho <- diag(sqrt(1/diag(D)),ncol=ncol(D)) %*% A %*% txmu
    xi <- t((txortho>=0) / (1-alpha)^2 + (txortho<0) / (1+alpha)^2)
    #Option 1 (slower)
    #xstd <- t(txortho) / w
    #ans <- 0
    #for (i in 1:ncol(xstd)) { ans <- ans + sum(dtp3(xstd[,i],mu=0,par1=1,par2=alpha[i],FUN=function(z,log) dnorm(z,log=log),param="eps",log=TRUE)) }
    #for (i in 1:ncol(xstd)) { ans <- ans + sum(dtp3(xstd[,i],mu=0,par1=1,par2=alpha[i],FUN=function(z,log) dt(z,log=log,df=10^6),param="eps",log=TRUE)) }
    #Option 2 (faster)
    xstd <- t(txortho) * sqrt(xi/w)
    ans <- -0.5 * sum(xstd^2) -0.5*nrow(xstd)*sum(log(diag(D))) - 0.5*nrow(xstd)*ncol(xstd)*log(2*pi)
    #-0.5 * sum(xstd^2) -0.5*sum(log(diag(D)))

rwSkewtGibbs <- function(xstd,xi,nu,ttype) {
    #Sample from the conditional posterior of the skew-t latent weights w given all other parameters
    # - xstd: matrix with standardized & uncorrelated observations, i.e. xstd= Sigma^(-1/2) (y-mu)
    # - xi: matrix with (xstd>=0)/(1-alpha)^2 + (xstd<0)/(1+alpha)^2, where alpha is the vector with asymmetry parameters
    # - nu: degrees of freedom
    # - ttype: independent skew-t or dependent skew-t
    #Output: if ttype=='independent' a matrix with dim(xstd), else a matrix with nrow(xstd) rows and 1 column
    if (ttype=='independent') {
        par1 <- (nu+1) / 2; par2 <- (nu + xi * xstd^2) / 2; #par2 <- (nu + xstd^2) / 2
        ans <- matrix(1/rgamma(nrow(xstd)*ncol(xstd),shape=par1,rate=par2), nrow=nrow(xstd), ncol=ncol(xstd))
    } else {
        par1 <- (nu+ncol(xstd)) / 2; par2 <- (nu + rowSums(xi * xstd^2)) / 2 #par2 <- (nu + rowSums(xstd^2)) / 2
        ans <- matrix(1/rgamma(nrow(xstd),shape=par1,rate=par2),ncol=1)

ralphaSkewtGibbs <- function(alphacur,xstd,w,a,b,ttype) {
    #Metropolis-Hastings sampler for vector of asymmetry parameters
    # Input
    # - xstd: standardized & orthogonalized x values, i.e. sqrt(D) A (x-mu)
    # - w: latent scale parameters
    # - a, b: prior on .5 * (alpha+1) ~ Beta(a,b)
    # - ttype: independent or dependent skew-t
    if (ttype=='independent') {
        s1 <- colSums((xstd>=0) * xstd^2 / w)
        s2 <- colSums((xstd< 0) * xstd^2 / w)
    } else {
        s1 <- colSums((xstd>=0) * xstd^2 / w)
        s2 <- colSums((xstd< 0) * xstd^2 / w)
    s1[s1==0] <- .0001; s2[s2==0] <- .0001
    alphaprop <- ralphaPropT(s1=s1,s2=s2,n=max(3,nrow(xstd)),a=a,b=b)
    u <- dt((alphacur-alphaprop$alpha.mode)/alphaprop$sd.mode,df=max(3,nrow(xstd)),log=TRUE) - alphaprop$logpdfProp
    #u <- dnorm(alphacur,alphaprop$alpha.mode,sd=alphaprop$sd.mode,log=TRUE) - alphaprop$logpdfProp
    u <- u + falpha(alphaprop$alpha,s1=s1,s2=s2,a=a,b=b,logscale=TRUE) - falpha(alphacur,s1=s1,s2=s2,a=a,b=b,logscale=TRUE)
    accept <- (runif(length(u)) < exp(u))
    alphanew <- alphaprop$alpha
    alphanew[!accept] <- alphacur[!accept]

#Full conditional posterior density of alpha
falpha <- function(alpha,s1,s2,a=1,b=1,logscale=FALSE) {
    ans <- -0.5*(s1/(1-alpha)^2 + s2/(1+alpha)^2) + (a-1)*log(1+alpha) + (b-1)*log(1-alpha)
    if (!logscale) ans <- exp(ans)

#Density of Normal approximation to full posterior
falphaProp <- function(alpha,s1,s2,a=1,b=1,alpha.mode,alpha.sd,logscale=FALSE) {
    m <- polyroot(c(s2-s1,-3*(s1+s2),3*(s2-s1),-(s1+s2)))
    alpha.mode <- Re(m[which.min(abs(m))])
    vinv <- 3*s2/(1+alpha.mode)^4 + 3*s1/(1-alpha.mode)^4 + (a-1)/(1+alpha.mode)^2 + (b-1)/(1-alpha.mode)^2
    sd.mode <- sqrt(1/vinv)

ralphaPropT <- function(s1,s2,n,a,b) {
    #Draw from truncated T approximation to full posterior of alpha (s1,s2 can be vectors)
    # - s1,s2: parameters from the likelihood term
    # - n: sample size
    # - a,b: prior parameters 0.5(alpha+1) ~ Beta(a,b)
    # Output: list with following elements
    # - alpha: proposed values for alpha ~ N(alpha.mode,sd.mode)
    # - alpha.mode, sd.mode: vector mean and standard deviation of approximating Normal
    # - logpdfProp: log proposal density evaluated at the returned alpha
    alpha.mode <- double(length(s1))
    for (i in 1:length(s1)) {
        m <- polyroot(c(s2[i]-s1[i],-3*(s1[i]+s2[i]),3*(s2[i]-s1[i]),-(s1[i]+s2[i])))
        alpha.mode[i] <- Re(m[which.min(abs(m))])
    vinv <- 3*s2/(1+alpha.mode)^4 + 3*s1/(1-alpha.mode)^4 + (a-1)/(1+alpha.mode)^2 + (b-1)/(1-alpha.mode)^2
    sd.mode <- sqrt(1/vinv)
    u <- runif(length(s1),pt((-1-alpha.mode)/sd.mode,df=n),pt((1-alpha.mode)/sd.mode,df=n))
    alpha <- qt(u,df=n)*sd.mode + alpha.mode
    logpdfProp <- dt((alpha-alpha.mode)/sd.mode,df=n,log=TRUE)
    #plot(dt((aseq-alpha.mode[1])/sd.mode[1],df=n,log=TRUE), (-(n+1)/2) * log(1+(1/n)*((aseq-alpha.mode[1])/sd.mode[1])^2))

ralphaPropNorm <- function(s1,s2,a,b) {
    #Draw from truncated Normal approximation to full posterior of alpha (s1,s2 can be vectors)
    # - s1,s2: parameters from the likelihood term
    # - a,b: prior parameters 0.5(alpha+1) ~ Beta(a,b)
    # Output: list with following elements
    # - alpha: proposed values for alpha ~ N(alpha.mode,sd.mode)
    # - alpha.mode, sd.mode: vector mean and standard deviation of approximating Normal
    # - logpdfProp: log proposal density evaluated at the returned alpha
    alpha.mode <- double(length(s1))
    for (i in 1:length(s1)) {
        m <- polyroot(c(s2[i]-s1[i],-3*(s1[i]+s2[i]),3*(s2[i]-s1[i]),-(s1[i]+s2[i])))
        alpha.mode[i] <- Re(m[which.min(abs(m))])
    vinv <- 3*s2/(1+alpha.mode)^4 + 3*s1/(1-alpha.mode)^4 + (a-1)/(1+alpha.mode)^2 + (b-1)/(1-alpha.mode)^2
    sd.mode <- sqrt(1/vinv)
    u <- runif(length(s1),pnorm(-1,alpha.mode,sd=sd.mode),pnorm(1,alpha.mode,sd.mode))
    alpha <- qnorm(u,alpha.mode,sd=sd.mode)
    logpdfProp <- dnorm(alpha,mean=alpha.mode,sd=sd.mode,log=TRUE)

rnuSkewtGibbs <- function(x, mu, Sigma, A, D, alpha, nuprobs, ttype) {
#Sample from the conditional posterior of the skew-t degrees of freedom parameter nu (assumed to take values in names(nuprobs)) given mu, Sigma, alpha
# Input
# - x: matrix with observed data. Observations in rows, variables in columns
# - mu: location parameter
# - Sigma: scale matrix parameter
# - A: optional parameter containing pre-computed A=t(eigen(Sigma)). For identifiability all elements in A[,1] must be positive, if any entry is negative then the corresponding row is changed sign
# - D: optional parameter containing pre-computed A=diag(eigen(Sigma)$values)
# - alpha: vector with asymmetry coefficients
# Return: value of nu
    nuvals <- as.numeric(names(nuprobs))
    pp <- sapply(nuvals, function(v) sum(dskewt(x=x,mu=mu,A=A,D=D,alpha=alpha,nu=v,param='eps',logscale=TRUE,ttype=ttype))) + log(nuprobs)
    pp <- exp(pp - max(pp))
    pp <- pp/sum(pp)

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