
`procrustes` <-
    function (X, Y, scale = TRUE, symmetric = FALSE,  scores = "sites", ...) 
    X <- scores(X, display = scores, ...)
    Y <- scores(Y, display = scores, ...)
    if (nrow(X) != nrow(Y))
        stop("Matrices have different number of rows: ",
             nrow(X), " and ", nrow(Y))
    if (ncol(X) < ncol(Y)) {
        warning("X has fewer axes than Y: X adjusted to comform Y\n")
        addcols <- ncol(Y) - ncol(X)
        for (i in 1:addcols) X <- cbind(X, 0)
    ctrace <- function(MAT) sum(MAT^2)
    c <- 1
    if (symmetric) {
        X <- scale(X, scale = FALSE)
        Y <- scale(Y, scale = FALSE)
        X <- X/sqrt(ctrace(X))
        Y <- Y/sqrt(ctrace(Y))
    xmean <- apply(X, 2, mean)
    ymean <- apply(Y, 2, mean)
    if (!symmetric) {
        X <- scale(X, scale = FALSE)
        Y <- scale(Y, scale = FALSE)
    XY <- crossprod(X, Y)
    sol <- svd(XY)
    A <- sol$v %*% t(sol$u)
    if (scale) {
        c <- sum(sol$d)/ctrace(Y)
    Yrot <- c * Y %*% A
    ## Translation (b) needs scale (c) although Mardia et al. do not
    ## have this. Reported by Christian Dudel.
    b <- xmean - c * ymean %*% A
    R2 <- ctrace(X) + c * c * ctrace(Y) - 2 * c * sum(sol$d)
    reslt <- list(Yrot = Yrot, X = X, ss = R2, rotation = A, 
                  translation = b, scale = c, xmean = xmean, 
                  symmetric = symmetric, call = match.call())
    reslt$svd <- sol
    class(reslt) <- "procrustes"

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vegan documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:51 p.m.