
Defines functions qTune qPlot

Documented in qPlot qTune

#' Tuning the choice of q (number of clusters) before running spatialCluster
#' Before running \code{spatialCluster()}, we recommend tuning the choice of
#' \code{q} by choosing the \code{q} that maximizes the model's negative log
#' likelihood over early iterations. \code{qTune()} computes the average
#' negative log likelihood for a range of q values over iterations 100:1000, and
#' \code{qPlot()} displays the results.
#' @param sce A SingleCellExperiment object containing the spatial data.
#' @param qs The values of q to evaluate.
#' @param burn.in,nrep Integers specifying the range of repetitions to
#'   compute.
#' @param force.retune If specified, existing tuning values in \code{sce} will
#'   be overwritten.
#' @param ... Other parameters are passed to \code{spatialCluster()}.
#' @return \code{qTune()} returns a modified \code{sce} with tuning log 
#'   likelihoods stored as an attribute named \code{"q.logliks"}.
#'   \code{qPlot()} returns a ggplot object.
#' @details 
#' \code{qTune()} takes the same parameters as \code{spatialCluster()} and will
#'   run the MCMC clustering algorithm up to \code{nrep} iterations for each
#'   value of \code{q}. The first \code{burn.in} iterations are discarded as
#'   burn-in and the log likelihood is averaged over the remaining iterations.
#' \code{qPlot()} plots the computed negative log likelihoods as a function of
#'   q. If \code{qTune()} was run previously, i.e. there exists an attribute of
#'   \code{sce} named \code{"q.logliks"}, the pre-computed results are
#'   displayed. Otherwise, or if \code{force.retune} is specified,
#'   \code{qplot()} will automatically run \code{qTune()} before plotting (and
#'   can take the same parameters as \code{spatialCluster()}.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(149)
#' sce <- exampleSCE()
#' sce <- qTune(sce, seq(3, 7), burn.in=10, nrep=100)
#' qPlot(sce)
#' @name qTune

#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes_ geom_line geom_point xlab ylab labs theme_bw
#' @export
#' @rdname qTune
qPlot <- function(sce, qs=seq(3, 7), force.retune=FALSE, ...) {
    if (!("q.logliks" %in% names(attributes(sce))) || force.retune) {
        sce <- qTune(sce, qs, ...)        
    logliks <- attr(sce, "q.logliks")
    qplot <- ggplot(data=logliks, aes_(x=~q, y=~(-loglik))) +
        geom_line() +
        geom_point() +
        xlab("Number of clusters (q)") +
        ylab("Negative log likelihood") +
        labs(title="spatialCluster likelihood as a function of q") +

#' @importFrom purrr compact discard
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
#' @rdname qTune
qTune <- function(sce, qs=seq(3, 7), burn.in=100, nrep=1000, ...) {
    args <- list(...)
    assert_that(nrep >= 1)
    assert_that(burn.in >= 0)
    assert_that(nrep > burn.in)

    ## Get PCs
    use.dimred <- ifelse(is.null(args$use.dimred), "PCA", args$use.dimred)
    d <- ifelse(is.null(args$d), 15, as.integer(args$d))
    Y <- reducedDim(sce, use.dimred)
    d <- min(ncol(Y), d)
    Y <- Y[, seq_len(d)]
    ## Get neighbors
    platform <- ifelse(is.null(args$platform), "Visium", args$platform)
    df_j <- .find_neighbors(sce, platform)
    ## Parse args from ... for cluster initialization
    init.args <- c("init", "init.method")
    init.args <- compact(args[init.args])
    ## Parse args from ... for BayesSpace clustering
    cluster.args <- discard(names(args), function(x) {x %in% c(c("use.dimred", "d", "platform"), names(init.args))})
    cluster.args <- compact(args[cluster.args])
    cluster.args$nrep <- nrep
    logliks <- list()
    for (q in qs) {
        init <- do.call(.init_cluster, c(list(Y=Y, q=q), init.args))
        input.args <- list(Y=Y, q=q, df_j=df_j, init=init)
        results <- do.call(cluster, c(input.args, cluster.args))
        logliks[[q]] <- data.frame(q=q, loglik=mean(results$plogLik[(burn.in + 1):nrep]))
    logliks <- do.call(rbind, logliks)
    attr(sce, "q.logliks") <- logliks

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BayesSpace documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:03 p.m.