# author: Ludwig Geistlinger
# date: 2017-08-12 22:31:59
# descr: Functionality for summarizing individual calls
# across the population under study
# e.g. defining CNV regions from CNV calls
#' Summarizing CNV ranges across a population
#' In CNV analysis, it is often of interest to summarize individual calls across
#' the population, (i.e. to define CNV regions), for subsequent association
#' analysis with e.g. phenotype data.
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item CNVRuler procedure that trims region margins based on regional density
#' Trims low-density areas (usually <10\% of the total contributing individual
#' calls within a summarized region).
#' An illustration of the concept can be found here:
#' (Figure 1)
#' \item Reciprocal overlap (RO) approach (e.g. Conrad et al., Nature, 2010)
#' Reciprocal overlap of 0.51 between two genomic regions A and B:
#' requires that B overlaps at least 51\% of A,
#' *and* that A also overlaps at least 51\% of B
#' Approach:
#' At the top level of the hierarchy, all contiguous bases overlapping at least
#' 1bp of individual calls are merged into one region.
#' Within each region, we further define reciprocally overlapping regions with
#' the following algorithm:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Calculate reciprocal overlap (RO) between all remaining calls.
#' \item Identify pair of calls with greatest RO. If RO > threshold, merge and
#' create a new CNV. If not, exit.
#' \item Continue adding unclustered calls to the region, in order of best overlap.
#' In order to add a call, the new call must have > threshold to all calls
#' within the region to be added. When no additional calls may be added,
#' move to next step.
#' \item If calls remain, return to 1. Otherwise exit.
#' }
#' \item GISTIC procedure (Beroukhim et al., PNAS, 2007) to identify recurrent
#' CNV regions
#' GISTIC scores each CNV region with a G-score that is proportional to the total
#' magnitude of CNV calls in each CNV region.
#' In addition, by permuting the locations in each sample, GISTIC determines
#' the frequency with which a given score would be attained if the events were
#' due to chance and therefore randomly distributed.
#' A significance threshold can then be used to determine scores / regions that
#' are unlikely to occur by chance alone.
#' }
#' @param grl A \code{\linkS4class{GRangesList}}.
#' @param mode Character. Should population ranges be computed based on regional
#' density ("density") or reciprocal overlap ("RO"). See Details.
#' @param density Numeric. Defaults to 0.1.
#' @param ro.thresh Numeric. Threshold for reciprocal overlap required for merging
#' two overlapping regions. Defaults to 0.5.
#' @param multi.assign Logical. Allow regions to be assigned to several region clusters?
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param verbose Logical. Report progress messages? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param min.size Numeric. Minimum size of a summarized region to be included.
#' Defaults to 2 bp.
#' @param classify.ranges Logical. Should CNV frequency (number of samples
#' overlapping the region) and CNV type (gain, loss, or both) be annotated?
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param type.thresh Numeric. Required minimum relative frequency of each CNV
#' type (gain / loss) to be taken into account when assigning CNV type to a region.
#' Defaults to 0.1. That means for a region overlapped by individual gain and
#' loss calls that both types must be present in >10% of the corresponding samples
#' in order to be typed as 'both'. If gain or loss calls are present below the
#' threshold they are ignored.
#' @param est.recur Logical. Should recurrence of regions be assessed via a
#' permutation test? Defaults to \code{FALSE}. See Details.
#' @return A \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}} object containing the summarized
#' CNV ranges.
#' @references
#' Kim et al. (2012) CNVRuler: a copy number variation-based case-control
#' association analysis tool. Bioinformatics, 28(13):1790-2.
#' Conrad et al. (2010) Origins and functional impact of copy number variation
#' in the human genome. Nature, 464(7289):704-12.
#' Beroukhim et al. (2007) Assessing the significance of chromosomal aberrations
#' in cancer: methodology and application to glioma. PNAS, 104(50):20007-12.
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger, Martin Morgan
#' @seealso \code{\link{findOverlaps}}
#' @examples
#' grl <- GRangesList(
#' sample1 = GRanges( c("chr1:1-10", "chr2:15-18", "chr2:25-34") ),
#' sample2 = GRanges( c("chr1:1-10", "chr2:11-18" , "chr2:25-36") ),
#' sample3 = GRanges( c("chr1:2-11", "chr2:14-18", "chr2:26-36") ),
#' sample4 = GRanges( c("chr1:1-12", "chr2:18-35" ) ),
#' sample5 = GRanges( c("chr1:1-12", "chr2:11-17" , "chr2:26-34") ) ,
#' sample6 = GRanges( c("chr1:1-12", "chr2:12-18" , "chr2:25-35") )
#' )
#' # default as chosen in the original CNVRuler procedure
#' populationRanges(grl, density=0.1, classify.ranges=FALSE)
#' # density = 0 merges all overlapping regions,
#' # equivalent to: reduce(unlist(grl))
#' populationRanges(grl, density=0, classify.ranges=FALSE)
#' # density = 1 disjoins all overlapping regions,
#' # equivalent to: disjoin(unlist(grl))
#' populationRanges(grl, density=1, classify.ranges=FALSE)
#' # RO procedure
#' populationRanges(grl, mode="RO", ro.thresh=0.5, classify.ranges=FALSE)
#' @export
populationRanges <- function(grl, mode=c("density", "RO"),
density=0.1, ro.thresh=0.5, multi.assign=FALSE, verbose=FALSE,
min.size=2, classify.ranges=TRUE, type.thresh=0.1, est.recur=FALSE)
mode <- match.arg(mode)
if(classify.ranges) grl <- .excludeNeutralRanges(grl)
if(mode == "density") pranges <- .densityPopRanges(grl, density)
else pranges <- .roPopRanges(grl, ro.thresh, multi.assign, verbose)
pranges <- pranges[BiocGenerics::width(pranges) >= min.size]
if(classify.ranges) pranges <- .classifyRegs(pranges, unlist(grl), type.thresh)
if(est.recur) pranges <- .estimateRecurrence(pranges, grl)
.excludeNeutralRanges <- function(grl)
# exclude neutral regions (CN = 2, diploid)
calls <- IRanges::stack(grl, index.var = "sample")
if(!("state" %in% colnames(mcols(calls))))
stop("Required column \'state\' storing integer copy number state not found")
is.neutral <- calls$state == "2"
sum.neutral <- sum(is.neutral)
message(paste("Excluding", sum.neutral, "copy-number neutral regions",
"(CN state = 2, diploid)"))
calls <- calls[!is.neutral]
sample <- calls$sample
ind <- colnames(mcols(calls)) != "sample"
mcols(calls) <- mcols(calls)[,ind, drop = FALSE]
grl <- split(calls, sample)
#' Plot recurrent CNV regions
#' Illustrates summarized CNV regions along a chromosome.
#' @param regs A \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}}. Typically the result of
#' \code{\link{populationRanges}} with \code{est.recur=TRUE}.
#' @param genome Character. A valid UCSC genome assembly ID such as 'hg19' or 'bosTau6'.
#' @param chr Character. A UCSC-style chromosome name such as 'chr1'.
#' @param pthresh Numeric. Significance threshold for recurrence. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @return None. Plots to a graphics device.
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger
#' @seealso \code{Gviz::plotTracks}
#' @examples
#' # read in example CNV calls
#' data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="CNVRanger")
#' call.file <- file.path(data.dir, "Silva16_PONE_CNV_calls.csv")
#' calls <- read.csv(call.file,
#' # store in a GRangesList
#' grl <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(calls,
#' split.field="NE_id", keep.extra.columns=TRUE)
#' # summarize CNV regions
#' cnvrs <- populationRanges(grl, density=0.1, est.recur=TRUE)
#' # plot
#' plotRecurrentRegions(cnvrs, genome="bosTau6", chr="chr1")
#' @export
plotRecurrentRegions <- function(regs, genome, chr, pthresh=0.05)
if (!requireNamespace("Gviz", quietly = TRUE))
stop(paste("Required package \'Gviz\' not found.",
"Use \'BiocManager::install(\"Gviz\") to install it."))
colM <- "gray24"
colB <- "gray94"
tlevels <- c("gain", "loss", "both")
chr.regs <- subset(regs, seqnames == chr)
if(!length(chr.regs)) "No CNV regions to plot on the specified chromosome"
itrack <- Gviz::IdeogramTrack(genome=genome, chr=chr, fontsize=15)
gtrack <- Gviz::GenomeAxisTrack(littleTicks=TRUE, fontsize=15)
gain.regs <- subset(chr.regs, type=="gain")
tlist <- list()
gain.track <- Gviz::DataTrack(gain.regs, data=gain.regs$freq,
type="h", groups=factor("gain", levels=tlevels),
name="#samples", cex.title=1, cex.axis=1,
font.axis=2, col.title=colM, col.axis=colM,
background.title=colB, legend=TRUE)
tlist <- c(tlist, gain.track)
loss.regs <- subset(chr.regs, type=="loss")
loss.track <- Gviz::DataTrack(loss.regs, data=loss.regs$freq,
type="h", groups=factor("loss", levels=tlevels),
name="#samples", cex.title=1, cex.axis=1,
font.axis=2, col.title=colM, col.axis=colM,
background.title=colB, legend=TRUE)
tlist <- c(tlist, loss.track)
both.regs <- subset(chr.regs, type=="both")
both.track <- Gviz::DataTrack(both.regs, data=both.regs$freq,
type="h", groups=factor("both", levels=tlevels),
name="#samples", cex.title=1, cex.axis=1,
font.axis=2, col.title=colM, col.axis=colM,
background.title=colB, legend=TRUE)
tlist <- c(tlist, both.track)
otrack <- Gviz::OverlayTrack(trackList = tlist, background.title=colB)
ylim <- vapply(tlist, function(tr) range(S4Vectors::values(tr)), numeric(2))
ylim <- extendrange(range(as.vector(ylim)))
tracklist <- list(itrack, gtrack, otrack)
# significant regions
sig.regs <- subset(chr.regs, pvalue < pthresh)
atrack <- Gviz::AnnotationTrack(sig.regs, name="recur", cex.title=1,
cex.axis=1, font.axis=2, col.title=colM,
col.axis=colM, background.title=colB)
tracklist <- c(tracklist, atrack)
Gviz::plotTracks(tracklist, ylim=ylim)
#' OncoPrint plot for CNV regions
#' Illustrates overlaps between CNV calls and genomic features across a
#' sample population.
#' @param calls Either a \code{\linkS4class{GRangesList}} or
#' \code{\linkS4class{RaggedExperiment}} storing the individual CNV calls for
#' each sample.
#' @param features A \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}} object containing
#' the genomic features of interest, typically genes. Feature names
#' are either expected as a meta-column \code{symbol} or as the \code{names}
#' of the object.
#' @param multi.calls A function. Determines how to summarize the
#' CN state in a CNV region when there are multiple (potentially conflicting)
#' calls for one sample in that region. Defaults to \code{.largest}, which
#' assigns the CN state of the call that covers the largest part of the CNV
#' region tested. A user-defined function that is passed on to
#' \code{\link{qreduceAssay}} can also be provided for customized behavior.
#' @param top.features integer. Restricts the number of features for plotting to
#' features experiencing highest alteration frequency. Defaults to 25.
#' Use \code{-1} to display all features.
#' @param top.samples integer. Restricts the number of samples for plotting to
#' samples experiencing highest alteration frequency. Defaults to 100.
#' Use \code{-1} to display all samples.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to \code{ComplexHeatmap::oncoPrint}
#' @return None. Plots to a graphics device.
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger
#' @seealso \code{ComplexHeatmap::oncoPrint}
#' @examples
#' # read in example CNV calls
#' data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="CNVRanger")
#' call.file <- file.path(data.dir, "Silva16_PONE_CNV_calls.csv")
#' calls <- read.csv(call.file,
#' # store in a GRangesList
#' calls <- makeGRangesListFromDataFrame(calls,
#' split.field="NE_id", keep.extra.columns=TRUE)
#' # three example genes
#' genes <- c( "chr1:140368053-140522639:-",
#' "chr2:97843887-97988140:+",
#' "chr2:135418586-135422028:-")
#' names(genes) <- c("ATP2C1", "MAP2", "ACTL8")
#' genes <- GRanges(genes)
#' # plot
#' cnvOncoPrint(calls, genes, top.samples = 25)
#' @export
cnvOncoPrint <- function(calls, features, multi.calls=.largest,
top.features = 25, top.samples = 100, ...)
if (!requireNamespace("ComplexHeatmap", quietly = TRUE))
stop(paste("Required package \'ComplexHeatmap\' not found.",
"Use \'BiocManager::install(\"ComplexHeatmap\") to install it."))
# summarize CNV calls in feature regions
calls <- as(calls, "RaggedExperiment")
qassay <- RaggedExperiment::qreduceAssay(calls, features,
simplifyReduce=multi.calls, background=2)
if("symbol" %in% colnames(mcols(features))) rownames(qassay) <- features$symbol
else rownames(qassay) <- names(features)
qassay <- qassay[rownames(qassay) != "",]
qassay <- qassay[!duplicated(rownames(qassay)),]
# select most frequently altered features
indr <- order(rowSums(qassay != 2), decreasing=TRUE) <- top.features > 0 && top.features < nrow(qassay)
if( indr <- indr[seq_len(top.features)]
qassay <- qassay[indr,]
# select most frequently altered samples
indc <- order(colSums(qassay != 2), decreasing=TRUE) <- top.samples > 0 && top.samples < ncol(qassay)
if( indc <- indc[seq_len(top.samples)]
qassay <- qassay[,indc]
# recode genotypes
qassay[qassay == 2] <- " "
qassay[qassay == "0"] <- "HOMDEL"
qassay[qassay == "1"] <- "HETDEL"
qassay[qassay == "3"] <- "GAIN1"
qassay[qassay == "4"] <- "GAIN2+"
# assign colors to genotypes <- "#D55E00" <- "#0072B2"
cb.lightblue <- "#56B4E9" <- "#E69F00"
colors = c( "HOMDEL" =,
"HETDEL" = cb.lightblue,
"GAIN1" =,
"GAIN2+" =
# map functions to CNV types
.mf <- function(couleur)
args <- alist(x =, y =, w =, h =)
args <- as.pairlist(args)
body <- substitute({
grid::grid.rect(x, y,
w - grid::unit(0.5, "mm"),
h - grid::unit(0.5, "mm"),
gp = grid::gpar(fill = z, col = NA))
}, list(z = couleur))
eval(call("function", args, body))
mutfuns <- lapply(colors, .mf)
background <- function(x, y, w, h)
grid::grid.rect(x, y,
w - grid::unit(0.5, "mm"),
h - grid::unit(0.5, "mm"),
gp = grid::gpar(fill = "#FFFFFF", col = "#FFFFFF"))
mutfuns2 <- c(background = background, mutfuns)
# plot
heatmap_legend_param <- list(title = "CNV type",
at = c("HOMDEL", "HETDEL", "GAIN1", "GAIN2"),
labels = c("2-copy loss",
"1-copy loss",
"1-copy gain",
">= 2-copy gain"))
qassay, alter_fun = mutfuns2, col = colors, show_pct = FALSE,
heatmap_legend_param = heatmap_legend_param, ...)
## (1) Density approach
.densityPopRanges <- function(grl, density)
gr <- unlist(grl)
cover <- GenomicRanges::reduce(gr)
disjoint <- GenomicRanges::disjoin(gr)
olaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(disjoint, cover)
covered.hits <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(olaps) <- GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(cover, gr)[covered.hits]
ppn <- GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(disjoint, gr) /
pranges <- GenomicRanges::reduce(disjoint[ppn >= density])
.classifyRegs <- function(regs, calls, type.thresh=0.1)
olaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(regs, calls)
qh <- S4Vectors::queryHits(olaps)
sh <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(olaps)
# number of samples
sampL <- split(names(calls)[sh], qh)
.nrSamples <- function(x) length(unique(x))
samples <- vapply(sampL, .nrSamples, numeric(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
regs$freq <- samples
# type: gain, loss, both
stateL <- split(calls$state[sh], qh)
types <- vapply(stateL, .getType, character(1),
type.thresh=type.thresh, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
regs$type <- types
# @param states integer vector
# @param state.thresh numeric
# @return character
.getType <- function(states, type.thresh=0.1)
fract.amp <- mean(states > 2)
fract.del <- mean(states < 2)
type <- c(fract.amp, fract.del) > type.thresh
type <- c("gain", "loss")[type]
if(length(type) > 1) type <- "both"
## (2) RO approach
# @param grl GenomicRanges::GRangesList
# @param ro.tresh numeric
# @param multi.assign logical
# @param verbose logical
# @return GenomicRanges::GRanges
.roPopRanges <- function(grl,
ro.thresh=0.5, multi.assign=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
gr <- unlist(grl)
S4Vectors::mcols(gr) <- NULL
# build initial clusters
init.clusters <- GenomicRanges::reduce(gr)
if(verbose) message(paste("TODO:", length(init.clusters)))
# cluster within each initial cluster
olaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(init.clusters, gr)
qh <- S4Vectors::queryHits(olaps)
sh <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(olaps)
cl.per.iclust <- lapply(seq_along(init.clusters),
if(verbose) message(i)
# get calls of cluster
ind <- sh[qh==i]
ccalls <- gr[ind]
if(length(ccalls) < 2) return(ccalls)
clusters <- .clusterCalls(ccalls, ro.thresh, multi.assign)
clusters <- IRanges::extractList(ccalls, clusters)
clusters <- range(clusters)
if(is(clusters, "GRangesList")) clusters <- sort(unlist(clusters))
ro.ranges <- unname(unlist(GenomicRanges::GRangesList(cl.per.iclust)))
# the clustering itself then goes sequentially through the identified RO hits,
# touching each hit once, and checks whether this hit could be merged to
# already existing clusters
# @param calls GenomicRanges::GRanges
# @param ro.thresh numeric
# @param multi.assign logical
# @return list of integer vectors
.clusterCalls <- function(calls, ro.thresh=0.5, multi.assign=FALSE)
hits <- .getROHits(calls, ro.thresh)
# exit here if not 2 or more hits
if(length(hits) < 2) return(calls)
# worst case: there are as many clusters as hits
cid <- seq_along(hits)
qh <- S4Vectors::queryHits(hits)
sh <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(hits)
# touch each hit once and check whether ...
# ... it could be merged to a previous cluster
for(i in 2:length(hits))
# has this hit already been merged?
if(cid[i] != i) next
curr.hit <- hits[i]
# check each previous cluster
for(j in seq_len(i-1))
# has this hit already been merged?
if(cid[j] != j) next
# if not, check it
prev.cluster <- hits[cid == j]
mergeIndex <- .getMergeIndex(curr.hit, prev.cluster, hits)
if(length(mergeIndex) == 1) cid[i] <- j
else cid[mergeIndex] <- j
# compile hit clusters
hit.clusters <- unname(S4Vectors::splitAsList(hits, cid))
# extract call clusters
call.clusters <- lapply(hit.clusters,
function(h) union(S4Vectors::queryHits(h), S4Vectors::subjectHits(h)))
# can calls be assigned to more than one cluster?
if(!multi.assign) call.clusters <- .pruneMultiAssign(call.clusters)
# given a set individual calls, returns overlaps (hits) between them
# that satisfy the RO threshold
# @param calls GenomicRanges::GRanges
# @param ro.thresh numeric
# @return S4Vectors::Hits
.getROHits <- function(calls, ro.thresh=0.5)
# calculate pairwise ro
hits <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(calls, drop.self=TRUE, drop.redundant=TRUE)
x <- calls[S4Vectors::queryHits(hits)]
y <- calls[S4Vectors::subjectHits(hits)]
pint <- GenomicRanges::pintersect(x, y)
rovlp1 <- BiocGenerics::width(pint) / BiocGenerics::width(x)
rovlp2 <- BiocGenerics::width(pint) / BiocGenerics::width(y)
# keep only hits with ro > threshold
ind <- rovlp1 > ro.thresh & rovlp2 > ro.thresh
hits <- hits[ind]
# exit here if not 2 or more hits
if(length(hits) < 2) return(hits)
rovlp1 <- rovlp1[ind]
rovlp2 <- rovlp2[ind]
# order hits by RO
pmins <- pmin(rovlp1, rovlp2)
ind <- order(pmins, decreasing=TRUE)
qh <- S4Vectors::queryHits(hits)
sh <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(hits)
hits <- S4Vectors::Hits(qh[ind], sh[ind],
S4Vectors::queryLength(hits), S4Vectors::subjectLength(hits))
S4Vectors::mcols(hits)$RO1 <- rovlp1[ind]
S4Vectors::mcols(hits)$RO2 <- rovlp2[ind]
# decides whether a given hit can be merged to an already existing cluster
# mergeability requires that all cluster members satisfy the pairwise RO
# threshold
# @param hit S4Vectors::Hits
# @param cluster S4Vectors::Hits
# @param hits S4Vectors::Hits
# @return integer vector
.getMergeIndex <- function(hit, cluster, hits)
# (1) check whether query / S4Vectors::subject of hit is part of cluster
curr.qh <- S4Vectors::queryHits(hit) <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(hit)
prev.qh <- S4Vectors::queryHits(cluster) <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(cluster)
prev.members <- union(prev.qh,
is.part <- c(curr.qh, %in% prev.members
# (2) can it be merged?
mergeIndex <- NULL
# (2a) query *and* subject of hit are part of cluster
if(all(is.part)) mergeIndex <- 1
# (2b) query *or* subject of hit are part of cluster
else if(any(is.part))
# check whether the call which is not part of the cluster
# has sufficient RO with all others in the cluster
npart <- c(curr.qh,[!is.part]
len <- length(prev.members)
req.hits <- S4Vectors::Hits(, len),
S4Vectors::subjectLength(hits)) <- S4Vectors::queryHits(req.hits) > S4Vectors::subjectHits(req.hits)
req.hits[] <- t(req.hits[])
mergeIndex <- match(req.hits, hits)
if(any( mergeIndex <- NULL
# as the outlined procedure can assign a call to multiple clusters
# (in the most basic case a call A that has sufficient RO with a call B and
# a call C, but B and C do not have sufficient RO), this allows to optionally
# strip away such multi-assignments
# @param clusters list of integer vectors
# @return list of integer vectors
.pruneMultiAssign <- function(clusters)
cid <- seq_along(clusters)
times <- lengths(clusters)
cid <-, times)
ind <- unlist(clusters)
ndup <- !duplicated(ind)
ind <- ind[ndup]
cid <- cid[ndup]
pruned.clusters <- split(ind, cid)
.estimateRecurrence <- function(regs, calls, mode=c("approx", "perm"),
perm=1000, genome="hg19")
mode <- match.arg(mode)
calls <- unlist(calls)
obs.scores <- lapply(seq_along(regs),
function(i) .scoreRegion(regs[i], calls))
if(mode == "approx") pvals <- .approxP(obs.scores, regs$type)
else pvals <- .permP(obs.scores, regs, calls, perm, genome)
regs$pvalue <- pvals
.approxP <- function(obs.scores, types)
both.scores <- obs.scores[types == "both"]
both.scores <- unlist(both.scores)
gain.ind <- seq(1, length(both.scores) - 1, by=2)
loss.ind <- seq(2, length(both.scores), by=2)
gain.scores <- obs.scores[types == "gain"]
gain.scores <- c(unlist(gain.scores), both.scores[gain.ind])
loss.scores <- obs.scores[types == "loss"]
loss.scores <- c(unlist(loss.scores), both.scores[loss.ind])
gain.ecdf <- ecdf(gain.scores)
loss.ecdf <- ecdf(loss.scores)
.getP <- function(i)
s <- obs.scores[[i]]
ty <- types[i]
if(ty == "both")
m <- which.max(s)
p <- ifelse(m == 1, gain.ecdf(s), loss.ecdf(s))
else p <- ifelse(ty == "gain", gain.ecdf(s), loss.ecdf(s))
return(1 - p)
pvals <- vapply(seq_along(obs.scores), .getP, numeric(1))
.permP <- function(obs.scores, regs, calls, perm, genome)
# genome specified?
g <- GenomeInfoDb::genome(regs)
ind <- !
if(any(ind)) genome <- g[ind]
rregs <- regioneR::randomizeRegions(calls, genome=genome, mask=NA,
allow.overlaps=TRUE, per.chromosome=TRUE)
pvals <- vapply(seq_along(regs), function(i) i, numeric(1))
# @param r GenomicRanges::GRanges
# @param calls GenomicRanges::GRanges
# @param fract.thresh numeric
# @return numeric
.scoreRegion <- function(r, calls, fract.thresh=0.1)
chr <- GenomicRanges::seqnames(r)
chr <- as.character(chr)
ind <- GenomicRanges::seqnames(calls) == chr
rcalls <- GenomicRanges::restrict(calls[ind],
type <- .getType(rcalls$state, fract.thresh)
if(type != "both") score <- .getFreq(rcalls, type)
else score <- vapply(c("gain", "loss"),
function(type) .getFreq(rcalls, type), numeric(1))
# @param calls GenomicRanges::GRanges
# @param type character
# @return numeric
.getFreq <- function(calls, type=c("gain", "loss"))
type <- match.arg(type)
is.amp <- type == "gain"
chr <- GenomicRanges::seqnames(calls)[1]
chr <- as.character(chr)
ind <- if(is.amp) calls$state > 2 else calls$state < 2
scalls <- calls[ind]
w <- if(is.amp) scalls$state - 2 else 2 - scalls$state
x <- GenomicRanges::coverage(scalls, weight=w)[[chr]]
cs <- cumsum(S4Vectors::runLength(x))
len <- length(cs)
if(len == 1) return(0)
grid <- seq_len(len - 1)
starts <- cs[grid] + 1
ends <- cs[grid + 1]
cov <- S4Vectors::runValue(x)[grid + 1]
max.score <- max(cov)
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