
Defines functions scatterplotEnrichGO_HC barplotEnrichGO_HC barplotGroupGO_HC univ_AnnotDbPkg enrich_GO group_GO

Documented in barplotEnrichGO_HC barplotGroupGO_HC enrich_GO group_GO scatterplotEnrichGO_HC univ_AnnotDbPkg

#' This function is a wrappper to the function groupGO from the
#' package \code{\link{clusterProfiler}}. Given a vector of genes/proteins, 
#' it returns the GO profile at a specific level. It returns a groupGOResult 
#' instance. 
#' @title Calculates the GO profile of a vector of genes/proteins at a given 
#' level of the Gene Ontology
#' @param data A vector of ID (among ENSEMBL, ENTREZID, GENENAME, REFSEQ, 
#' UNIGENE, UNIPROT -can be different according to organisms)
#' @param idFrom character indicating the input ID format (among ENSEMBL, 
#' @param orgdb annotation Bioconductor package to use (character format)
#' @param ont on which ontology to perform the analysis (MF, BP or CC)
#' @param level level of the ontolofy to perform the analysis 
#' @param readable TRUE or FALSE (default FALSE)
#' @return GO profile at a specific level 
#' @author Florence Combes
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_prot, package='DAPARdata')
#' ggo<-group_GO(data=Biobase::fData(Exp1_R25_prot)$Protein.IDs, idFrom="UNIPROT", 
#' orgdb="org.Sc.sgd.db", ont="MF", level=2)
#' }
#' @export
group_GO <- function(data, idFrom,  orgdb, ont, level, readable=FALSE){
    require(as.character(orgdb),character.only = TRUE)
    if (idFrom == "UNIPROT"){
        gene <- bitr(data, fromType=idFrom, toType="ENTREZID", OrgDb=orgdb)
        if (is.null(gene)){return (NULL)}
        gene.id = gene$ENTREZID
    }else {
        gene.id = data
    ggo <- groupGO(gene = gene.id, 
                   OrgDb = orgdb, 
                   ont = ont, 
                   level = level, 
                   readable= readable)

#' This function is a wrappper to the function enrichGO from the
#' package \code{\link{clusterProfiler}}. Given a vector of genes/proteins, 
#' it returns an enrichResult instance.  
#' @title Calculates GO enrichment classes for a given list of 
#' proteins/genes ID. It results an enrichResult instance. 
#' @param data A vector of ID (among ENSEMBL, ENTREZID, GENENAME, REFSEQ, 
#' UNIGENE, UNIPROT -can be different according to organisms)
#' @param idFrom character indicating the input ID format (among ENSEMBL, 
#' @param orgdb annotation Bioconductor package to use (character format)
#' @param ont One of "MF", "BP", and "CC" subontologies
#' @param readable TRUE or FALSE (default FALSE)
#' @param pval The qvalue cutoff (same parameter as in the function 
#' \code{enrichGO} of the package \code{\link{clusterProfiler}})
#' @param universe a list of ID to be considered as the background for 
#' enrichment calculation 
#' @return A groupGOResult instance.
#' @author Florence Combes
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' utils::data(Exp1_R25_prot, package='DAPARdata')
#' univ<-univ_AnnotDbPkg("org.Sc.sgd.db") #univ is the background
#' ego<-enrich_GO(data=Biobase::fData(Exp1_R25_prot)$Protein.IDs, idFrom="UNIPROT", 
#' orgdb="org.Sc.sgd.db",ont="MF", pval=0.05, universe = univ)
#' }
#' @export
enrich_GO <- function(data, idFrom, orgdb, ont, readable=FALSE, pval, universe)
    tmp <- which(is.na(data))
    if (length(tmp) > 0){
        data <- data[-which(is.na(data))]
    if (idFrom == "UNIPROT"){
        gene <- bitr(data, fromType=idFrom, toType="ENTREZID", OrgDb=orgdb)
        if (is.null(gene)){return (NULL)}
        gene.id = gene$ENTREZID
    }else {
        gene.id = data
    ego <- enrichGO(gene = gene.id, OrgDb = orgdb, ont = ont, 
                    universe = NULL)   

#' Function to compute the "universe" argument for the \code{enrich_GO} 
#' function, in case this latter should be the entire organism. 
#' Returns all the ID of the OrgDb annotation package for the corresponding 
#' organism. 
#' @title Returns the totality of ENTREZ ID (gene id) of an OrgDb annotation 
#' package. Careful : org.Pf.plasmo.db : no ENTREZID but ORF
#' @param orgdb a Bioconductor OrgDb annotation package 
#' @return A vector of ENTREZ ID  
#' @author Florence Combes
#' @export
univ_AnnotDbPkg <- function(orgdb){
    require(as.character(orgdb),character.only = TRUE)
    univ <- AnnotationDbi::keys(get(orgdb), keytype="ENTREZID")
    #different syntax for 'org.Pf.plasmo.db' package
    #univ<-keys(get(orgdb), keytype="ORF")

#' This method returns an \code{MSnSet} object with the results
#' of the Gene Ontology analysis.
#' @title Returns an \code{MSnSet} object with the results of
#' the GO analysis performed with the functions \code{enrichGO} and/or 
#' \code{groupGO} of the \code{\link{clusterProfiler}} package. 
#' @param obj An object of the class \code{MSnSet}
#' @param ggo_res The object returned by the function \code{group_GO} of the 
#' package \code{DAPAR} or the function \code{groupGO} of the package \code{\link{clusterProfiler}}
#' @param ego_res The object returned by the function \code{enrich_GO} of the package \code{DAPAR}
#' or the function \code{enrichGO} of the package \code{\link{clusterProfiler}}
#' @param organism The parameter OrgDb of the functions \code{\link{bitr}}, \code{\link{groupGO}} and \code{\link{enrichGO}}
#' @param ontology One of "MF", "BP", and "CC" subontologies
#' @param levels A vector of the different GO grouping levels to save
#' @param pvalueCutoff The qvalue cutoff (same parameter as in the function \code{enrichGO} of the package \code{\link{clusterProfiler}})
#' @param typeUniverse  The type of background to be used. Values are 'Entire Organism', 'Entire dataset' or 'Custom'. In the latter
#' case, a file should be uploaded by the user
#' @return An object of the class \code{MSnSet}
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @export
GOAnalysisSave <- function (obj, ggo_res=NULL, ego_res=NULL, organism, ontology, levels, pvalueCutoff, typeUniverse){
    if (is.null(ggo_res) && is.null(ego_res)){
        warning("Neither ggo or ego analysis has  been completed.")
    if (!is.null(ggo_res)){
        text <- paste("Group analysis on ", organism)
        #obj@processingData@processing <- c(obj@processingData@processing, text)
        obj@experimentData@other$GGO_analysis <- list(ggo_res = ggo_res,
                                                      organism = organism,
                                                      ontology = ontology,
                                                      levels = levels)
    if (!is.null(ego_res)){
        text <- paste("Enrichment analysis on", organism)
        #obj@processingData@processing <- c(obj@processingData@processing, text)
        obj@experimentData@other$EGO_analysis <- list(ego_res = ego_res,
                                                      organism = organism,
                                                      ontology = ontology,
                                                      PAdjustMethod = "BH",
                                                      pvalueCutoff = pvalueCutoff,
                                                      typeUniverse = typeUniverse)

#' A barplot of GO classification analysis
#' @title A barplot which shows the result of a GO classification, using the package \code{highcharter}
#' @param ggo The result of the GO classification, provides either by the function
#' \code{group_GO} in the package \code{DAPAR} or the function \code{groupGO} 
#' in the package \code{\link{clusterProfiler}}
#' @param maxRes An integer which is the maximum number of classes to display in the plot 
#' @param title The title of the plot
#' @return A barplot 
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @export
barplotGroupGO_HC <- function(ggo, maxRes=5, title=""){
    dat <- ggo@result
    nRes <- min(maxRes, nrow(dat))
    n <- which(dat[,"Count"]==0)
    if (length(n) > 0){dat <- dat[-which(dat[,"Count"]==0),]}
    dat <- dat[order(dat[,"Count"], decreasing=TRUE),]
    dat <- dat[seq(1:nRes),]
    h1 <-  highchart() %>%
        my_hc_chart(chartType = "bar") %>%
        hc_title(text =title) %>%
        hc_add_series(dat[,"Count"]) %>%
        hc_legend(enabled = FALSE) %>%
        #hc_colors(myColors) %>%
        hc_tooltip(enabled = FALSE) %>%
        hc_xAxis(categories = dat[,"Description"], title = list(text = "")) %>%
        my_hc_ExportMenu(filename = "GOGroup_barplot")

#' A barplot of GO enrichment analysis
#' @title A barplot that shows the result of a GO enrichment, using the package \code{highcharter}
#' @param ego The result of the GO enrichment, provides either by the function
#' \code{enrichGO} in the package \code{DAPAR} or the function \code{enrichGO} 
#' of the package \code{\link{clusterProfiler}}
#' @param maxRes The maximum number of categories to display in the plot 
#' @param title The title of the plot
#' @return A barplot 
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @export
barplotEnrichGO_HC <- function(ego, maxRes = 5, title=NULL){
    if (is.null(ego)){return(NULL)}
    dat <- ego@result
    nRes <- min(maxRes, nrow(dat))
    n <- which(dat[,"Count"]==0)
    if (length(n) > 0){dat <- dat[-which(dat[,"Count"]==0),]}
    dat <- dat[order(dat[,"pvalue"], decreasing=FALSE),]
    dat <- dat[seq(1:nRes),]
    colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("red","royalblue"))
    nbBreaks <- 20*nRes
    pal <- colfunc(nbBreaks)
    t <- log(dat[,"pvalue"])
    d <- (max(t) - min(t))/nbBreaks
    base <- seq(from=min(t), to=max(t), by = d)
    myColorsIndex <- unlist(lapply(t, function(x){last(which(x > base))}))
    myColorsIndex[which(is.na(myColorsIndex))] <- 1
    myColors <- pal[myColorsIndex]
    dat[,"pvalue"] <- format(dat[,"pvalue"], digits=2)
    df <- data.frame(y=dat[,"Count"],
                     pvalue = format(dat$pvalue, digits=2),
                     name = dat[,"Description"])
    txt_tooltip <- paste("<b> pvalue </b>: {point.pvalue} <br> ", 
                         "<b> Count </b>: {point.y} <br> ",
    h1 <- highchart() %>%  
        hc_title(title = title) %>%
        hc_yAxis(title = list(text = "Count")) %>% 
        hc_xAxis(categories = dat[,"Description"]) %>% 
        hc_add_series(data = df, type = "bar", 
                      dataLabels = list(enabled = FALSE),
                      colorByPoint = TRUE) %>%
        hc_colors(myColors) %>%
        hc_tooltip(headerFormat= '', 
                   pointFormat = txt_tooltip) %>%
        my_hc_ExportMenu(filename = "GOEnrich_barplot") %>%
        hc_legend(enabled = FALSE) %>%
        hc_plotOptions(bar = list(
            dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE)))

#' A scatter plot of GO enrichment analysis
#' @title A dotplot that shows the result of a GO enrichment, using the package \code{highcharter}
#' @param ego The result of the GO enrichment, provides either by the function
#' enrichGO in \code{DAPAR} or the function \code{enrichGO} of the packaage \code{\link{clusterProfiler}}
#' @param maxRes The maximum number of categories to display in the plot
#' @param title The title of the plot
#' @return A dotplot 
#' @author Samuel Wieczorek
#' @export
scatterplotEnrichGO_HC <- function(ego, maxRes = 10, title=NULL){
    dat <- ego@result
    nRes <- min(maxRes, nrow(dat))
    dat$GeneRatio <- unlist(lapply(dat$GeneRatio, function(x){
        as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x,'/'))[1]) / as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x,'/'))[2])
    n <- which(dat$GeneRatio==0)
    if (length(n) > 0){dat <- dat[-which(dat$GeneRatio==0),]}
    dat <- dat[order(dat$GeneRatio, decreasing=TRUE),]
    dat <- dat[seq(1:nRes),]
    colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("red","royalblue"))
    nbColors <- 5
    pal <- colfunc(nbColors)
    t <- log(dat$p.adjust)
    d <- (max(t) - min(t))/nbColors
    base <- seq(from=min(t), to=max(t), by = d)
    tmpList <- lapply(t, function(x){
        if (x == min(t)){ ind <- 1}
        else {ind <- which(x > base)[length(which(x > base))]}
    myColorsIndex <- unlist(tmpList)
    df <- data.frame(x=c(0:(nRes-1)),
                     pAdjust = format(dat$p.adjust, digits=2),
                     name = dat[,"Description"])
    txt_tooltip <- paste("<b> p.adjust </b>: {point.pAdjust} <br> ", 
                         "<b> Count </b>: {point.z} <br> ",
    h1 <-  highchart() %>%
        hc_title(title = title) %>%
        my_hc_chart(chartType = "bubble") %>%
        hc_add_series(df) %>%
        hc_legend(enabled = FALSE) %>%
        hc_xAxis(type = "category", categories = df$name)  %>%
        hc_yAxis(title = list(text = "Gene Ratio"))  %>%
        hc_tooltip(headerFormat= '',
                   pointFormat = txt_tooltip) %>%
        my_hc_ExportMenu(filename = "GOEnrich_dotplot")

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DAPAR documentation built on April 11, 2021, 6 p.m.