
Defines functions .doCirclize subpathwayToGraph .visMatrix.dotplot .visMatrix.barplot .visMatrix.heatmap .matrixVisualization

Documented in subpathwayToGraph

# Gene level visualizations
.matrixVisualization <- function( dataVis, type, title='', colors, width, 
                                height, outfile, export )
    export <- tolower(export)
    # Create user specified directory structure 
    if ( (outfile != '') && ('pdf' %in% export) ) 
        { .dir.create.rec(outfile) }
    # Create the default directory if it does not exist
    if ( (outfile == '') && ('pdf' %in% export) )
        { dir.create(cache[['outDir']], showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE) }

    # Create the visualization
    outfile <- visMatrix( dataVis=new(type, mat=dataVis), 
            title=title, colors=colors, width=width, height=height, 
            outfile=outfile, export=export )  
    # If both options are enabled, copy from one device to the other
    if ( 'plot' %in% export && 'pdf' %in% export )
        { dev.copy2pdf(file=outfile, width=width, height=height) }

    # Close the pdf device if it is open
    if ( 'pdf' %in% export && (!'plot' %in% export ) )
        { dev.off() }

# Heatmap visualization
.visMatrix.heatmap <- function( dataVis, title, 
                    colors=colorRampPalette(c("white", "red"))(100), 
                    width, height, outfile, export )
    # If no user-specified outfile is availiable 
    if ( outfile == '' ) 
        # Use base dir for default storage
        outfile <- paste0(cache[['outDir']], '//heatmap_', title, '.pdf') 

    # Create a pdf device if no plot is displayed. 
    # If it is, the output will be ultimately copied to a pdf file directly. 
    if ( 'pdf' %in% export && (!'plot' %in% export ) )
        { pdf(outfile, width=width, height=height, onefile=FALSE) }

    hmap <- pheatmap(dataVis@mat, 

# Barplot visualization
.visMatrix.barplot <- function( dataVis, title, colors='#C7EDFCFF', 
                    width, height,outfile, export )
    if ( 'plot' %in% tolower(export) )
        { par(mar=c(5, 4, 0, 4)) }
    if ( outfile == '' ) 
        # Use base dir for default storage
        outfile <- paste0(cache[['outDir']] , '//barplot', title, '.pdf')

    # Create a pdf device if no plot is displayed
    if ( 'pdf' %in% export && (!'plot' %in% export ) )
        { pdf(outfile, width=width, height=height, onefile=FALSE) }

    midpoints <- barplot(dataVis@mat, 
                    col = colors[1], 
                    axes = TRUE, axisnames = FALSE, 
    text(x=0, y=midpoints-0.1, pos=4, cex=0.75, 

# Dotplot visualization
.visMatrix.dotplot <- function( dataVis, title, 
                        colors=colorRampPalette(c("white", "red"))(100), 
                        width, height, outfile, export )
    if ( outfile == '' ) 
        # Use base dir for default storage
        outfile <- paste0(cache[['outDir']], '//dotplot_', title[2], '.pdf')

    # Create a pdf device if no plot is displayed. If it is, the 
    # output will be ultimately copied to a pdf file directly. 
    if ( 'pdf' %in% export && (!'plot' %in% export ) )
        { pdf(outfile, width=width, height=height, onefile=FALSE) }

    dataVis <- dataVis@mat
    print(qplot(dataVis[, 1], dataVis[, 2], data = dataVis, 
                colour = dataVis[, 3], size=I(3))
                + theme_classic() + geom_point()
                + scale_colour_gradientn(colours=colors)
                + labs(x=title[1], y=title[2], colour=title[3])
                + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, 
                    vjust = 0.5, hjust=1)))

# S4 classes and methods for visualizations
setClass('heatmap', representation ( mat= "matrix" ) )
setClass('barplot', representation ( mat= "numeric" ) )
setClass('dotplot', representation ( mat= "data.frame" ) )
setGeneric('visMatrix', function(dataVis, ...) standardGeneric('visMatrix'))
setMethod('visMatrix', signature(dataVis='heatmap') , .visMatrix.heatmap)
setMethod('visMatrix', signature(dataVis='barplot'), .visMatrix.barplot)
setMethod('visMatrix', signature(dataVis='dotplot'), .visMatrix.dotplot)

# Subpathway to graph visualization
subpathwayToGraph <- function(DEsubs.out, submethod, subname, colors, 
                                size=c(4,4), export='pdf', width, height, 
                                outfile, verbose=TRUE)
    if ( verbose )
        { message('Visualizing the subpathway as a graph...', 
            appendLF = FALSE) }

    doPlot <- ( length(export) == 1 ) && ( 'plot' %in% tolower(export) )
    if ( !missing(outfile) && !doPlot ) 
        if ( gsub('\\*', '', outfile) != outfile ) 
            { outfile <- gsub('\\*', 'pdf', outfile) }

    if ( missing(outfile) && !doPlot )
        { dir.create(cache[['outDir']], showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE) }

    # Assign node colors according to pValue of node
    if (missing(colors))
        # Assign node colors according to pValue of node
        colors <- c( '#FFFFFFFF', '#FFF0F0FF', '#FF0000FF', '#FF0000FF', 
                '#FF5C5CFF', '#FF5C5CFF', '#FFC9C9FF', '#FFC9C9FF',
                '#FF8585FF', '#FF8585FF')
        # colors <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "red"))(100) 

    exportTypes <- c('pdf', 'plot',  'edgelist', 'json', 'gml', 
                        'ncol', 'lgl', 'graphml','dot')
    idx <- which(!export %in% exportTypes)
    if ( length(idx) > 0)
        message('Types ', paste(export[idx], collapse=', '), ' not supported.')
        message('Availiable types are ', 
                                    paste(exportTypes, collapse=', '), '.')

    edgeList <- DEsubs.out[['edgeList']]
    supportedMethods <- subpathwayTypes()

    unsupportedOptions <- submethod[!submethod %in% supportedMethods]
    if ( length(unsupportedOptions) > 0 )
        message('Option(s) ', unsupportedOptions, ' not supported.')
    if ( length(submethod) > 1 )
        message('Please select a single subpathway type for visualization.')

    submethodName <- paste0('subAnalysis.', submethod)
    subpathway.nodelist <- DEsubs.out[[submethodName]][[subname]]

    if ( is.null(subpathway.nodelist) )
        message('Subpathway ', subname, ' does not exist.')

    # Subpathway (nodelist) to edgelist
    idx1 <- which(edgeList[, 1] %in% subpathway.nodelist)
    idx2 <- which(edgeList[, 2] %in% subpathway.nodelist)
    idx <- intersect(idx1, idx2)
    subpathway.edgelist <- edgeList[idx, ]

    DEgenes<- DEsubs.out[['DEgenes']]
    subpathway.nodelist <- DEgenes[names(DEgenes) %in% subpathway.nodelist]
    subpathway.nodelist <- data.frame(  'genes'=names(subpathway.nodelist),
                                        stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
    idx <- order(as.numeric(subpathway.nodelist[, 1]))
    subpathway.nodelist <- subpathway.nodelist[idx, ]
    org <- DEsubs.out[['org']]

    if (org == 'hsa')
        # Change to gene names
        subpathway.edgelist[, 1] <- .changeAnnotation(   
                                    annData=subpathway.edgelist[, 1], 
                                    org=org, choice='entrezToHGNC' )
        subpathway.edgelist[, 2] <- .changeAnnotation(   
                                    annData=subpathway.edgelist[, 2], 
                                    org=org, choice='entrezToHGNC' )

    # Create the network
    net <- graph.data.frame(subpathway.edgelist, directed=TRUE)
    net <- simplify(net, remove.multiple = FALSE, remove.loops = TRUE)  
    scores <- order(subpathway.nodelist[['degree']])
    scores <- floor(scores/max(scores)*10)/10
    subpathway.nodelist.norm <- cbind(subpathway.nodelist, 'score'=scores)
    idx <- order(as.vector(subpathway.nodelist.norm[, 3]))
    subpathway.nodelist.norm <- subpathway.nodelist.norm[idx, ]
    idx <- as.numeric( cut(subpathway.nodelist.norm[, 3], 6))

    finalColors <- colors[idx]
    V(net)$'color' <- finalColors

    # Assign weight according to correlation
    edgeWeights <- vector(mode='numeric', length=nrow(subpathway.edgelist))
    edgeWeights <- rep(1, length(edgeWeights))
    shuffleIdx <- order(as.vector(abs(subpathway.edgelist[, 5])))
    subpathway.edgelist <- subpathway.edgelist[shuffleIdx, ]
    reverseMapper <- shuffleIdx
    names(reverseMapper) <- seq_len(length(shuffleIdx))
    reverseMapper <- as.numeric(names(sort(reverseMapper)))
    idx <- as.numeric( cut(abs(subpathway.edgelist[, 5]), 6))
    edgeWeights <- edgeWeights + idx*1.5
    subpathway.edgelist.scored <- cbind(subpathway.edgelist, 

    idx_pos <- which(subpathway.edgelist[, 5] >= 0.7)
    idx_neg <- which(subpathway.edgelist[, 5] <= -0.7)
    idx <- unique(c(idx_neg, idx_pos))
    subpathway.edgelist.scored[idx, 5] <- edgeWeights[idx]

    # Assign edge color according to correlation type (positive or negative)
    edgeColors <- vector(mode='numeric', length=nrow(subpathway.edgelist))
    edgeColors <- rep('black', length(edgeColors))
    edgeColors[idx_pos] <- 'darkgreen'
    edgeColors[idx_neg] <- 'red'

    # Restore to the order corresponding to the graph
    subpathway.edgelist.scored <- subpathway.edgelist.scored[reverseMapper, ]
    edgeColors <- edgeColors[reverseMapper]

    E(net)$'arrow.size' <- .5
    E(net)$'color' <- edgeColors
    E(net)$'width' <- subpathway.edgelist.scored[, 6]

    if ( 'plot' %in% tolower(export) )
        par(mar=c(0, 0, 0, 1))

    if ( 'pdf' %in% tolower(export) )
        dir <- cache[['outDir']]

        if ( missing(outfile) )
            { out <- paste0(dir, '//subplot_', subname, '.pdf') }
        if ( !missing(outfile) )
            { out <- outfile } 

        pdf(out, width=width, height=height, onefile=TRUE)



    rownames(subpathway.edgelist) <- seq_len(nrow(subpathway.edgelist))

    # Other exports
    dir <- cache[['outDir']]
    subpathway.edgelist[, 5] <- floor((subpathway.edgelist[, 5]*100))/100
    subpathway.edgelist <- subpathway.edgelist[, c('E1', 'E2', 'corr')]
    g <- graph.data.frame(subpathway.edgelist, directed=TRUE)

    if ( 'json' %in% tolower(export) )
        if ( missing(outfile) )
            { out <- paste0(dir, '//subpath_', subname, '.json') }
        if ( !missing(outfile) )
            { out <- outfile }

        if ( file_ext(out) != 'json' )
            out <- gsub(file_ext(out), 'json', out)
        subjson <- toJSON( subpathway.edgelist)
        write(file=out, subjson)
    if ( 'edgelist' %in% tolower(export) )
        if ( missing(outfile) )
            { out <- paste0(dir, '//subpath_', subname, '.tsv') }
        if ( !missing(outfile) )
            { out <- outfile }

        if ( file_ext(out) != 'tsv' )
            out <- gsub(file_ext(out), 'tsv', out)

        write.table(file=out, subpathway.edgelist, quote=FALSE, 
                row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE)

    otherExportTypes <- c( 'ncol', 'lgl', 'graphml', 'gml', 'dot')
    fileTypes <- c('.ncol', '.lgl', '.xml', '.gml', '.dot')
    names(fileTypes) <- otherExportTypes    

    for (type in export)
        if ( !tolower(type) %in% otherExportTypes ) { next() }
        if ( missing(outfile) )
            { out <- paste0(dir, '//subpath_', subname, fileTypes[type]) }
        if ( !missing(outfile) )
            { out <- outfile }

        if ( file_ext(out) != fileTypes[type] )
        { out <- gsub(file_ext(out), gsub('\\.', '', fileTypes[type]) , out) }

        subgml <- write.graph( g, format=type, file=out)

    if ( verbose )
        { message('done', appendLF = TRUE) }

    return ( invisible() )

# Circular visualization
.doCirclize <- function(mat, colors, outfile, agap=20, bgap=20, cgap=50, 
                        degree=230, a, b, export)
    if ( 'plot' %in% export )
        par(mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0))
    if ( 'pdf' %in% export && (!'plot' %in% export ) )

    order <- c(rownames(mat), rev(colnames(mat)))

    if ( agap == 0 )
        gd <- c(rep(2, nrow(mat)-1), cgap,
                rep(2, ncol(mat)-1), cgap)
    if ( agap > 0 && bgap == 0 )
        k1 <- floor((nrow(mat)-1)/2) 
        k2 <- ceiling((nrow(mat)-1)/2)

        if (k1 == 0 || k2 == 0)
            gd <- c(rep(2, nrow(mat)-1), cgap,
                    rep(2, ncol(mat)-1), cgap)
        if (k1 > 0 && k2 > 0)
            gd <- c(rep(2, k1), agap, 
                    rep(2, k2-1), cgap, 
                    rep(2, ncol(mat)-1), cgap)
    if ( agap > 0 && bgap > 0 )
        k1 <- floor((nrow(mat)-1)/3) 
        k2 <- ceiling((nrow(mat)-1)/3)
        k3 <- floor((nrow(mat)-1)/3) 
        gd <- c(rep(2, k1-1), agap, 
                rep(2, k2), bgap, 
                rep(2, k3-1), cgap, 
                rep(2, ncol(mat)-1), cgap)

    if ( missing(colors) )
        colors <- rainbow(nrow(mat))

    gcol <- NULL
    gcol[rownames(mat)] <- colors
    gcol[colnames(mat)] <- 'lightgray'
    par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0))
        circos.par(start.degree = degree, gap.degree = gd,
                canvas.xlim=c(-a, b), canvas.ylim=c(-a, b))
        circos.par(start.degree = degree, 
            gap.degree = c(rep(2, nrow(mat)-1), cgap, 
                            rep(2, ncol(mat)-1), cgap),
            canvas.xlim=c(-a, b), canvas.ylim=c(-a, b))
    chordDiagram(mat,order=order, grid.col = gcol, transparency = 0.5, 
    annotationTrack="grid", annotationTrackHeight=0.01, preAllocateTracks=1)

    # Since default text facing in `chordDiagram` is fixed, 
    # we need to manually add text in track 1
    for(si in get.all.sector.index()) 
        xlim = get.cell.meta.data("xlim", sector.index = si, track.index = 1)
        ylim = get.cell.meta.data("ylim", sector.index = si, track.index = 1)

            mean(xlim), ylim[1], si, 
            facing = "clockwise", 
            adj = c(0, 0),
            niceFacing = TRUE, 
            cex = 0.7, 
            col = "black", 
            sector.index = si, 
            track.index = 1


    if ( 'plot' %in% tolower(export) && 'pdf' %in% tolower(export) )

    if ( 'pdf' %in% tolower(export) && (!'plot' %in% tolower(export) ) )

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DEsubs documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:31 p.m.