Defines functions plotDiscriminantFuzzyPattern calculateDiscriminantFuzzyPattern showFuzzyPatterns calculateFuzzyPatterns .fuzzyPatterns showDiscreteValues discretizeExpressionValues .fuzzyDiscretization plotMembershipFunctions .plotGeneMF calculateMembershipFunctions .skipOddValues discriminantFuzzyPattern readCSV .computeMembershipHigh .setValuesHigh .computeMembershipMedium .setValuesMedium .computeMembershipLow .setValuesLow

Documented in calculateDiscriminantFuzzyPattern calculateFuzzyPatterns calculateMembershipFunctions .computeMembershipHigh .computeMembershipLow .computeMembershipMedium discretizeExpressionValues discriminantFuzzyPattern .fuzzyDiscretization .fuzzyPatterns plotDiscriminantFuzzyPattern .plotGeneMF plotMembershipFunctions readCSV .setValuesHigh .setValuesLow .setValuesMedium showDiscreteValues showFuzzyPatterns .skipOddValues

###############  EXPRESSIONLEVEL  ##################

# LowExpressionLevel.setValues(object, double vector)
.setValuesLow <- function(object, values) {
	#maxim <- max(values, na.rm=T); maxim
	#minim <- min(values, na.rm=T); minim
	rval <- mean(values, na.rm=TRUE); rval # Skipping NA
	Cm <- rval
	Cl <- mean(values[values<Cm], na.rm=TRUE); Cl
	object@center <- Cl
	#Ch <- mean(values[values>Cm], na.rm=T); Ch
	#Lm <- (Ch-Cl)/2; Lm
	Ll <- Cm-Cl; Ll
	#Lh <- Ch-Cm; Lh
	object@width <- Ll
	#object@part1 = 1 / (object@width * sqrt(2*pi)) #; part1
	#object@part2 = 2 * object@width^2 #; part2
	#object@part3 = object@width / 2 #; part3

# LowExpressionLevel.computeMembership(double)
.computeMembershipLow <- function(object, x) {
  y <- NULL
	centerDist = x - object@center
  for(i in 1:length(x)) {
  	if (centerDist[i] <= 0) {
      val <- 1
    } else if ((0 < centerDist[i]) & (centerDist[i] <= (object@width / 2))) {
  	        temp1 = centerDist[i] / object@width
  	        val <- (1 - (2 * (temp1 * temp1)))
  	} else if (((object@width / 2) <= centerDist[i]) & (centerDist[i] <= object@width)) {
  	        temp1 = 1 - ((x[i] - object@center) / object@width)
  	        val <- (2 * (temp1 * temp1))
  	} else {
  	 val <- 0
    y <- c(y,val)
	return (y)

# MediumExpressionLevel.setValues(object, double vector)
.setValuesMedium <- function(object, values) {
	#maxim <- max(values, na.rm=T); maxim
	#minim <- min(values, na.rm=T); minim
	rval <- mean(values, na.rm=TRUE); rval # Skipping NA
	Cm <- rval
	object@center <- Cm
	Cl <- mean(values[values<Cm], na.rm=TRUE); Cl
	Ch <- mean(values[values>Cm], na.rm=TRUE); Ch
	Lm <- (Ch-Cl)/2; Lm
	#Ll <- Cm-Cl; Ll
	#Lh <- Ch-Cm; Lh
	object@width <- Lm
	#object@part1 = 1 / (object@width * sqrt(2*pi)) #; part1
	#object@part2 = 2 * (object@width^2) #; part2
	#object@part3 = object@width / 2 #; part3

# MediumExpressionLevel.computeMembership(object, double)
.computeMembershipMedium <- function(object, x) {
  y <- NULL
	centerDist = abs(x - object@center)
  for(i in 1:length(x)) {
  	if ( (0 <= centerDist[i]) & (centerDist[i] <= (object@width/2)) ) { # TODO: (0<=centerDist) always TRUE?
  	        temp1 = centerDist[i] / object@width
  	        val <- (1 - (2 * (temp1 * temp1)))
  	} else if (((object@width/2) <= centerDist[i]) & (centerDist[i] <= object@width)) {
  	        temp1 = 1 - (centerDist[i] / object@width)
  	        val <- (2 * (temp1 * temp1))
  	} else {
  		val <- 0
    y <- c(y,val)
	return (y)

# HighExpressionLevel.setValues(object, double vector)
.setValuesHigh <- function(object, values) {
	#maxim <- max(values, na.rm=T); maxim
	#minim <- min(values, na.rm=T); minim
	rval <- mean(values, na.rm=TRUE); rval # Skipping NA
	Cm <- rval
	#Cl <- mean(values[values<Cm], na.rm=T); Cl
	Ch <- mean(values[values>Cm], na.rm=TRUE); Ch
	object@center <- Ch
	#Lm <- (Ch-Cl)/2; Lm
	#Ll <- Cm-Cl; Ll
	Lh <- Ch-Cm; Lh
	object@width <- Lh
	#object@part1 = 1 / (object@width * sqrt(2*pi)) #; part1
	#object@part2 = 2 * (object@width^2) #; part2
	#object@part3 = object@width / 2 #; part3

# HighExpressionLevel.computeMembership(object, double)
.computeMembershipHigh <- function(object, x) {
  y <- NULL
	centerDist = x - object@center
  for(i in 1:length(x)) {
  	if (centerDist[i] >= 0) {
      val <- 1
    } else if ( (((-1)*(object@width / 2)) <= centerDist[i]) & (centerDist[i] <= 0) ) {
  		temp1 = centerDist[i] / object@width
  		val <- (1 - (2 * (temp1 * temp1)))
  	} else if ( (((-1)*(object@width)) <= centerDist[i]) & (centerDist[i] <= (-1)*(object@width / 2)) ) { # (object@width/2) = part3
  		temp1 = 1 + ((x[i] - object@center) / object@width)
  		val <- (2*(temp1*temp1))
  	} else {
      val <- 0
    y <- c(y,val)
	return (y)

# Virtual Class ExpressionLevel
#setGeneric("setValues", function(object, values) standardGeneric("setValues"))
#setGeneric("computeMembership", function(object,x) standardGeneric("computeMembership"))

#setClass("ExpressionLevel", representation(center="numeric",width="numeric", "VIRTUAL"))#, where=where

# Class LowExpressionLevel
#setClass("LowExpressionLevel", contains="ExpressionLevel")

# Class MediumExpressionLevel
#setClass("MediumExpressionLevel", contains="ExpressionLevel")

# Class HighExpressionLevel
#setClass("HighExpressionLevel", contains="ExpressionLevel")

#	cat("Class Type:", class(object), "\n")
#	cat("Center:", object@center, "\n")
#	cat("Width:", object@width, "\n")

###############  EXPRESSIONLEVEL  ##################

# Read a comma separated CSV file into an ExpressionSet object
readCSV <- function(fileExprs, filePhenodata) {

  exprsFile <- NULL
  if(file.exists(fileExprs)) {
  	exprsFile <- fileExprs
  } else {
  	if(file.exists(file.path(system.file("extdata", package="DFP"), fileExprs))) {
  		exprsFile <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="DFP"), fileExprs)
  pDataFile <- NULL
  if(file.exists(filePhenodata)) {
  	pDataFile <- filePhenodata
  } else {
  	if(file.exists(file.path(system.file("extdata", package="DFP"), filePhenodata))) {
  		pDataFile <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="DFP"), filePhenodata)

  if(is.null(exprsFile) | is.null(pDataFile)) {
  		paste("ERROR: Expression file '",fileExprs,"' not found.", sep="")
  		paste("ERROR: Phenotypic file '",filePhenodata,"' not found.", sep="")
  } else {
  	#exprsFile <- "c:/path/to/exprsData.txt"
  	exprs <- as.matrix(read.table(exprsFile, header=TRUE, sep=",", 
  		comment.char="#", row.names=2, as.is=TRUE)[,(-1)]); head(exprs)
  	pData <- read.table(pDataFile, row.names = 1, header = TRUE,
  		sep = ","); pData
  	if( !all(rownames(pData) == colnames(exprs)) )
  		colnames(exprs) <- rownames(pData)
  	metadata <- data.frame(labelDescription = c("Disease type",
  		"Patient age", "Patient gender"),
  		row.names = c("class", "age", "sex")); metadata
  	phenoData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = pData, 
  		varMetadata = metadata); phenoData
  	exampleSet <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs = exprs, phenoData = phenoData); exampleSet

#################      DFP      ####################

discriminantFuzzyPattern <- function(rmadataset, skipFactor=3, zeta=0.5, overlapping=2, piVal=0.9) {
	# Extract data from ExpressionSet
	rmam <- exprs(rmadataset); rmam[c(1:8),c(1:4)]
	rmav <- as.vector(pData(phenoData(rmadataset))$class); rmav
	names(rmav) <- sampleNames(rmadataset); rmav
	rmaf <- factor(rmav, levels=unique(rmav)); rmaf
	gene.names <- rownames(rmam); gene.names

	if(overlapping == 1) {
		disc.alphab <- c("Low", "Medium", "High")
	} else if(overlapping == 2) {
		disc.alphab <- c("Low", "Low-Medium", "Medium", "Medium-High", "High")
	} else {
		disc.alphab <- c("Low", "Low-Medium", "Low-Medium-High", "Medium", "Medium-High", "High")
	params <- list("skipFactor"=skipFactor, "zeta"=zeta, "piVal"=piVal,
		"overlapping"=overlapping, "disc.alphab"=disc.alphab); params

	lel <- new("LowExpressionLevel"); lel
	mel <- new("MediumExpressionLevel"); mel
	hel <- new("HighExpressionLevel"); hel

	discriminants <- NULL
	mfs <- list()
	fps <- NULL
	ifs <- NULL
	dvs <- NULL
	# Progress bar
	#p <- 0; i <- 0;	l <- length(gene.names)/100
	# Progress bar
	for (ig in gene.names) {
		# Progress bar
		#i <- i+1; if(i>=l) {i <- 0; p <- p+1;cat(p, "% completado\n")}
		# Progress bar
		values <- rmam[ig,]; values
		# Skip odd values
		outliers <- .skipOddValues(values, skipFactor); outliers
		notoutliers <- values[!outliers]; notoutliers
		lel <- .setValuesLow(lel, notoutliers); lel
		mel <- .setValuesMedium(mel, notoutliers); mel
		hel <- .setValuesHigh(hel, notoutliers); hel
		# List of Membership Functions (list of 3 objects for each gene)	
		mfs[[ig]] <- list(lel=lel, mel=mel, hel=hel); mfs

		# Creates a matrix with the discrete labels
		disc.values <- .fuzzyDiscretization(lel, mel, hel, values, zeta, overlapping); disc.values
		dvs <- rbind(dvs, disc.values); dvs

		# Assign a label (from 'disc.alphab') for each 'type' depending on de 'piVal'
		attr(disc.values, "types") <- rmav; disc.values
		fuzzypat <- .fuzzyPatterns(disc.values, disc.alphab, piVal); fuzzypat
		# Matrices: Fuzzy Patterns for each disease type and gene (impact factors and fuzzy patterns)
		fps <- rbind(fps, fuzzypat); fps
		ifs <- rbind(ifs, attr(fuzzypat, "ifs")); ifs
		#fps[[ig]] <- fuzzypat; fps
		# Test if there is a Discriminant Fuzzy Pattern in the current gene	
		table.facFP <- table(factor(fuzzypat, levels=disc.alphab)); table.facFP
		max.facFP <- max(table.facFP); max.facFP
		#if( max(table(facFP)) > 0 & max(table(facFP)) < sum(table(facFP)) )
		if( max.facFP > 0 & max.facFP < sum(table.facFP) ) {
			discriminants <- c(discriminants, ig)

	} # End for

	rownames(dvs) <- gene.names; head(dvs)
	attr(dvs, "types") <- rmav; dvs

	rownames(fps) <- gene.names; head(fps)
	rownames(ifs) <- gene.names; head(ifs)
	attr(fps, "ifs") <- ifs; head(fps)
	dfp <- fps[discriminants,]; dfp
	attr(dfp,"ifs") <- ifs[discriminants,]; dfp

	res <- list(membership.functions=mfs, discrete.values=dvs, fuzzy.patterns=fps,
		discriminant.fuzzy.pattern=dfp, params=params)

# Skip odd values
.skipOddValues <- function(values, skipFactor=3) {
	# If skipFactor==0 do NOT skip
	if(skipFactor>0) {
  	orderv <- order(values); orderv
  	vals <- values[orderv]; vals # Sort vector
  	first <- trunc(length(vals)/4); first
  	#medium <- trunc(length(vals)/2); medium
  	third <- trunc(length(vals)/4)*3; third
  	firstValue <- vals[first+1]; firstValue
  	thirdValue <- vals[third+1]; thirdValue
  	RIC <- thirdValue-firstValue; RIC
  	lowBarrier <- firstValue-(skipFactor*RIC); lowBarrier
  	highBarrier <- thirdValue+(skipFactor*RIC); highBarrier
  	isOutlier <- values<lowBarrier | values>highBarrier; isOutlier # Condition to be skipped
  	#values <- values[!isOutlier]; values

calculateMembershipFunctions <- function(rmadataset, skipFactor=3) {
	rmam <- exprs(rmadataset); rmam[c(1:8),c(1:4)]
	rmav <- as.vector(pData(phenoData(rmadataset))$class); rmav
	names(rmav) <- sampleNames(rmadataset); rmav
	gene.names <- rownames(rmam); gene.names
	lel <- new("LowExpressionLevel"); lel
	mel <- new("MediumExpressionLevel"); mel
	hel <- new("HighExpressionLevel"); hel
	mfs <- list()
	for (ig in gene.names) {
		values <- rmam[ig,]; values
		outliers <- .skipOddValues(values, skipFactor); outliers
		notoutliers <- values[!outliers]; notoutliers
		lel <- .setValuesLow(lel, notoutliers); lel
		mel <- .setValuesMedium(mel, notoutliers); mel
		hel <- .setValuesHigh(hel, notoutliers); hel
		mfs[[ig]] <- list(lel=lel, mel=mel, hel=hel); mfs

# Plot Membership Functions of a gene in graphical mode
# values: vector of expression values; attribute with the classes the samples belong in
# gene.mfs: list the 3 membership functions (low, medium, high)
# legends: boolean to show a legend in the plot or not
# samples: boolean to show vertical coloured lines, representing the samples
.plotGeneMF <- function(values, gene.mfs, legends=FALSE, samples=FALSE) {
	# Unlist the nested list of 1 element
	gene <- names(gene.mfs); gene
	gene.mfs <- gene.mfs[[gene]]; gene.mfs

	# Plots the 3 Membership Functions (low, medium, high)
	fromto <- c(range(values)[1] - .02, range(values)[2] + .02); fromto	
	curve(.computeMembershipLow(gene.mfs$lel,x), xlab="", ylab="", main=gene, xlim=fromto, n=2000, col="green", lwd=3, lab=c(10,5,5))
	curve(.computeMembershipMedium(gene.mfs$mel,x), add=TRUE, xlim=fromto, n=2000, col="black", lwd=3)
	curve(.computeMembershipHigh(gene.mfs$hel,x), add=TRUE, xlim=fromto, n=2000, col="red", lwd=3)
	# Plots vertical and horizontal lines
	abline(h = c(0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8), col = "lightgray", lty=3) #v = seq(fromto[1],fromto[2],length.out=10),
	#abline(v=gene.mfs$lel@center, col="green", lwd=1)
	#abline(v=gene.mfs$mel@center, col="black", lwd=1)
	#abline(v=gene.mfs$hel@center, col="red", lwd=1)

	# Plots vertical lines representing each sample
	if(samples) {
		lev <- levels(attr(values,"classes")); lev
		n <- length(lev); n
		# The first time doesn't get the right colours
		pal <- palette(rainbow(n, start=.5, end=.85))#; print(pal)
		pal <- palette(rainbow(n, start=.5, end=.85))#; print(pal)
		for(i in 1:n) {
			abline(v=values[attr(values,"classes")==lev[i]], col=pal[i], lwd=1)
	# Shows the legend
	if(legends) {
		xlab1 <- paste("Low(C:",round(gene.mfs$lel@center,2),", W:",round(gene.mfs$lel@width,2),")", sep=""); xlab1
		xlab2 <- paste("Medium(C:",round(gene.mfs$mel@center,2),", W:",round(gene.mfs$mel@width,2),")", sep=""); xlab2
		xlab3 <- paste("High(C:",round(gene.mfs$hel@center,2),", W:",round(gene.mfs$hel@width,2),")", sep=""); xlab3
		legend("bottomleft", c(xlab1,xlab2,xlab3), 
			col = c("green","black","red"), bg="gray90",
			lty=1, lwd=4, cex=0.75, inset=.02)

# Plot Membership Functions of several genes in graphical and/or text mode
plotMembershipFunctions <- function(rmadataset, mfs, genes) {
	# Graphical representation
	l <- length(genes); l
	if(l<37) {
		# Row-columns distribution
		cols <- floor(sqrt(l)); cols
		rows <- floor(l/cols); rows
		if(rows*cols < l) {
			if(rows==cols) {
				rows <- rows + 1; rows
			} else {
				cols <- cols + 1; cols
		op <- par(mfrow=c(rows,cols))
		ifelse(l<5, legends<-TRUE, legends<-FALSE)
		ifelse(l<4, samples<-TRUE, samples<-FALSE)

		for(gene in genes) {
			# Creates a vector with the expression values and classes for a gene
			values <- exprs(rmadataset)[gene,]; values
			classes <- phenoData(rmadataset)$class; classes
			names(classes) <- sampleNames(rmadataset); classes
			attr(values, "classes") <- classes; values
			# Plots an individual gene
			.plotGeneMF(values, mfs[gene], legends, samples)
	} else {
		cat("\n######################################\nToo many genes for graphical plotting.\n######################################\n\n")

	# Text representation
	cw <- NULL
	for(gen in genes) {
		gen.mfs <- unlist(mfs[gen]); gen.mfs
		names(gen.mfs) <- c("lel","mel","hel"); gen.mfs
		cw <- c(cw,
	}; cw
	cw <- matrix(cw, ncol=6, byrow=TRUE); cw
	cw <- data.frame(cw, row.names=genes); cw
	colnames(cw) <- c("Center(Low)","Width(Low)","Center(Medium)","Width(Medium)","Center(High)","Width(High)"); cw

# Returns a vector with the discrete labels corresponding to the expression values
# Uses de Membership Functions
.fuzzyDiscretization <- function(lel, mel, hel, values, zeta, overlapping) {
	disc.alphab <- c("Low", "Medium", "High"); disc.alphab
	disc.values <- vector(); disc.value <- NULL

	for (i in values) {
		lmh = c(.computeMembershipLow(lel, i),.computeMembershipMedium(mel, i), .computeMembershipHigh(hel, i))
		names(lmh) <- disc.alphab; lmh

	    # Discrete values upon the threshold
	    disc.value.vec <- names(lmh)[lmh>0 & lmh>zeta]; disc.value.vec
	    if(length(disc.value.vec) == 0) { # Avoids the vector becoming shorter
	    	disc.value <- NA
	    } else {
		    if(overlapping == 1) {
		  		# First value label upon the threshold
		  		disc.value <- disc.value.vec[1]
		    } else {
		  		# Concatenate discrete values in 1
	    		disc.value <- paste(disc.value.vec, collapse='-'); disc.value
		disc.values = c(disc.values, disc.value)
	names(disc.values) <- names(values)

	return (disc.values)

# Returns a matrix with the discrete labels corresponding to the expression values
# Uses de Membership Functions
discretizeExpressionValues <- function(rmadataset, mfs, zeta=0.5, overlapping=2) {
	# Extract data from ExpressionSet
	rmam <- exprs(rmadataset); rmam[c(1:8),c(1:4)]
	rmav <- as.vector(pData(phenoData(rmadataset))$class); rmav
	names(rmav) <- sampleNames(rmadataset); rmav
	gene.names <- rownames(rmam); gene.names

	# Creates a matrix with the discrete labels
	dvs <- NULL	
	for (ig in gene.names) {
		values <- rmam[ig,]; values
		disc.values <- .fuzzyDiscretization(mfs[[ig]]$lel, mfs[[ig]]$mel, mfs[[ig]]$hel, values, zeta, overlapping); disc.values
		dvs <- rbind(dvs, disc.values); dvs
	rownames(dvs) <- gene.names; head(dvs)
	attr(dvs, "types") <- rmav; dvs


showDiscreteValues <- function(dvs, genes, classes) {
	cond1 <- TRUE
	cond2 <- TRUE
	if(!missing(genes)) {
		cond1 <- genes
	if(!missing(classes)) {
		cond2 <- attr(dvs, "types") %in% classes

# CaseBaseFuzzyPatterns.calculateFuzzyPatterns
.fuzzyPatterns <- function(disc.values, disc.alphab, piVal) {

  fuzzypat <- NULL # Fuzzy patterns vector
  vifs <- NULL # Impact factors vector
  types <- attr(disc.values,"types"); types
  utypes <- unique(types); utypes

  for(i in utypes) { #i<-"healthy"

  	# First category with the greatest number of occurrences
  	samp <- disc.values[types == i]; samp
  	fac <- factor(samp, levels=disc.alphab); fac
  	table.fac <- table(fac); table.fac # Optimizing time
  	max.factor <- max(table.fac); max.factor # Optimizing time
  	categ <- names(table.fac[table.fac==max.factor])[1]; categ

  	# Fuzzy pattern
  	impact.factor <- max.factor / length(fac); impact.factor
  	ifelse( impact.factor > piVal, fuzzypat <- c(fuzzypat, categ), fuzzypat <- c(fuzzypat, NA) )# Count NA values
  	vifs <- c(vifs, impact.factor); vifs
  names(fuzzypat) <- utypes; fuzzypat
  names(vifs) <- utypes; vifs
  attr(fuzzypat, "ifs") <- vifs; fuzzypat


calculateFuzzyPatterns <- function(rmadataset, dvs, piVal=0.9, overlapping=2) {

	if(overlapping == 1) {
		disc.alphab <- c("Low", "Medium", "High")
	} else if(overlapping == 2) {
		disc.alphab <- c("Low", "Low-Medium", "Medium", "Medium-High", "High")
	} else {
		disc.alphab <- c("Low", "Low-Medium", "Low-Medium-High", "Medium", "Medium-High", "High")

	fps <- NULL
	ifs <- NULL	

	for (ig in featureNames(rmadataset)) {
		disc.values <- dvs[ig,]; disc.values
		attr(disc.values,"types") <- attr(dvs,"types"); disc.values
		fuzzypat <- .fuzzyPatterns(disc.values, disc.alphab, piVal); fuzzypat

		# Matrices: Fuzzy Patterns for each disease type and gene (impact factors too)
		fps <- rbind(fps, fuzzypat); fps
		ifs <- rbind(ifs, attr(fuzzypat, "ifs")); ifs
	rownames(fps) <- featureNames(rmadataset); head(fps)
	rownames(ifs) <- featureNames(rmadataset); head(ifs)
	attr(fps, "ifs") <- ifs; head(fps)


showFuzzyPatterns <- function(fps, class) {
	return (fps[,class][!is.na(fps[,class])])

calculateDiscriminantFuzzyPattern <- function(rmadataset, fps) {
	# Works out the discriminant genes
	discriminants <- NULL
	for (ig in featureNames(rmadataset)) {
		table.facFP <- table(factor(fps[ig,]))
		max.facFP <- ifelse(sum(table.facFP)==0,0,max(table.facFP)); max.facFP
		if( max.facFP > 0 & max.facFP < sum(table.facFP) )
			discriminants <- c(discriminants, ig)
	dfp <- fps[discriminants,]; dfp
	# Adheres the impact factors corresponding to the discriminant fuzzy pattern
	attr(dfp,"ifs") <- attr(fps,"ifs")[discriminants,]; dfp

plotDiscriminantFuzzyPattern <- function(dfp, overlapping=2) {

	if(overlapping == 1) {
		disc.alphab <- c("Low", "Medium", "High")
	} else if(overlapping == 2) {
		disc.alphab <- c("Low", "Low-Medium", "Medium", "Medium-High", "High")
	} else {
		disc.alphab <- c("Low", "Low-Medium", "Low-Medium-High", "Medium", "Medium-High", "High")

	discriminants <- rev(rownames(dfp)); discriminants

	lfps <- NULL
	for(i in discriminants) {
		fp <- factor(dfp[i,], levels=disc.alphab); fp
		lfps <- c(lfps, as.numeric(fp)); lfps
	ncol <- length(lfps)/length(discriminants); ncol
	lfps <- matrix(lfps, nrow=length(discriminants), ncol=ncol, byrow=TRUE); lfps
	lfps[is.na(lfps)] <- 0; lfps
	colnames(lfps) <- colnames(dfp); lfps
	rownames(lfps) <- rownames(dfp); lfps

	image(t(lfps), axes=FALSE, main="Discriminant Fuzzy Pattern",
	lx <- length(colnames(dfp)); lx
	ly <- length(rownames(dfp)); ly
	x <- seq(0,1,length=lx); x
	y <- seq(0,1,length=ly); y
	mx <- matrix(x ,nr=ly, nc=lx, byrow=TRUE); mx
	my <- matrix(y, nr=ly, nc=lx); my

	axis(1, at=x, labels=colnames(dfp))
	if(length(discriminants) <= 50) {
		axis(2, at=y, labels=discriminants, las=2)
		dat <- round(attr(dfp,"ifs"),2); dat
		text(mx, my, dat[discriminants,])
	#print(dfp); cat("\n")
	#heatmap(lfps, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, scale="none", main="Fuzzy Patterns",
	#	col=c("gray","green","#00BB00","black","#00BB00","red"))

Try the DFP package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

DFP documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:46 p.m.