#' Create an simulated example data set for FRASER
#' Simulates a data set based on random counts following a
#' beta binomial (or Dirichlet-Multinomial) distribution.
#' @param j Number of simulated junctions
#' @param m Number of simulated samples
#' @param q number of simulated latent variables.
#' @param distribution Either "BB" for a beta-binomial simulation or "DM" for a
#' dirichlet-multinomial simulation.
#' @param ... Further arguments used to construct the FraserDataSet.
#' @return An FraserDataSet containing an example dataset based on
#' simulated data
#' @examples
#' # A generic dataset
#' fds1 <- makeSimulatedFraserDataSet()
#' fds1
#' # A generic dataset with specificed sample size and injection method
#' fds2 <- makeSimulatedFraserDataSet(m=10, j=100, q=3)
#' fds2
#' @rdname makeSimulatedFraserDataSet
#' @aliases makeSimulatedFraserDataSet
#' @export
makeSimulatedFraserDataSet <- function(m=100, j=500, q=10,
distribution=c("BB", "DM"), ...){
distribution <- match.arg(distribution)
fds <- switch (distribution,
BB = makeSimulatedFraserDataSet_BetaBinomial(m=m, j=j, q=q, ...),
DM = makeSimulatedFraserDataSet_Multinomial(m=m, j=j, q=q, ...))
dontWriteHDF5(fds) <- TRUE
makeSimulatedFraserDataSet_BetaBinomial <- function(m=200, j=10000, q=10,
nbMeanLog=8, nbSize=0.55, rhoMeanlog=-5, rhoSdlog=1,
Hmean=0, Hsd=100, Dmean=0, Dsd=0.007, ...){
# Simulate total coverage N = nonSplit + n at each junction using lognormal
junction_n <- rlnorm(j, meanlog=nbMeanLog, sdlog=nbSize)
N <- t(vapply(junction_n, function(x){
# draw counts for every sample from negative binomial
n <- rnbinom(m, mu=x, size=nbSize)},
# N <- matrix(rnbinom(j*m, mu=nbMean, size=nbSize), nrow=j, ncol=m)
mode(N) <- 'integer'
# Simulate covariates for SE
H_true <- matrix(rnorm(m*q, mean=Hmean, sd=Hsd), nrow=m, ncol=q)
D_true <- matrix(rnorm(j*q, mean=Dmean, sd=Dsd), nrow=j, ncol=q)
b_true <- sample(c(rnorm(round(j*(1/6)), mean=3.5, sd=1.5),
rnorm(j - round(j*(1/6)), mean=-2.5, sd=2.5)))
y_se <- t(predictYCpp(H_true, D_true, b_true))
mu_se <- predictMuCpp(y_se)
# betaBin dispersion
rho_se <- rlnorm(j, meanlog=rhoMeanlog, sdlog=rhoSdlog)
# Draw nonSplit reads from BB
nonSplit <-matrix(rbetabinom(j*m, size=N, prob=mu_se, rho=rho_se),
nrow=j, ncol=m)
mode(nonSplit) <- 'integer'
# Set n = N - nonSplit
n <- N - nonSplit
# Simulate covariates for PSI3=PSI5
H_true <- matrix(rnorm(m*q, mean=Hmean, sd=Hsd), nrow=m, ncol=q)
D_true <- matrix(rnorm(j*q, mean=Dmean, sd=Dsd), nrow=j, ncol=q)
b_true <- sample(c(rnorm(round(j*(1/6)), mean=-2.5, sd=2.5),
rnorm(j-round(j*(1/6)), mean=3.5, sd=1.5)))
y_psi <- t(predictYCpp(H_true, D_true, b_true))
mu_psi <- predictMuCpp(y_psi)
# betaBin dispersion
rho_psi <- rlnorm(j, meanlog=rhoMeanlog, sdlog=rhoSdlog)
# Draw nonSplit reads from BB
k <- matrix(rbetabinom(j*m, size=n, prob=mu_psi, rho=rho_psi),
nrow=j, ncol=m)
mode(k) <- 'integer'
# Create FRASER data set
sampleIDs <- paste0("sample", seq_len(m))
anno <- data.table(sampleID = sampleIDs, bamFile=rep(NA, m))
fds <- FraserDataSet(colData=anno, ...)
# put in n as rawcountsJ first so it doesn't complain later
# when assinging k to it
junctionData <- SummarizedExperiment(
rowRanges=GRanges(seqnames=rep("chr1", j),
ranges=IRanges(start=seq_len(j), width=1 )))
nonSplitData <- SummarizedExperiment(
rowRanges=GRanges(seqnames=rep("chr1", j),
ranges=IRanges(start=seq_len(j), width=1 )))
fds <- new("FraserDataSet",
name = name(fds),
bamParam = scanBamParam(fds),
strandSpecific = strandSpecific(fds),
workingDir = workingDir(fds),
nonSplicedReads = nonSplitData)
dontWriteHDF5(fds) <- TRUE
metadata(fds)[['optimalEncDim']] <- q
metadata(fds)[['encDimTable']] <- data.table(
encodingDimension=q, evaluationLoss=1, evalMethod='simulation')
# Store "other" counts
counts(fds, type="psi3", side="other", withDimnames=FALSE) <- n - k
counts(fds, type="psi5", side="other", withDimnames=FALSE) <- n - k
counts(fds, type="theta", side="other", withDimnames=FALSE) <- n
# store information about the simulation in the fds
# (same values for psi3 and psi5)
for(type in c("psi3", "psi5")){
setAssayMatrix(fds=fds, name="truePSI", type=type,
withDimnames=FALSE) <- mu_psi
setAssayMatrix(fds=fds, name="trueLogitPSI", type=type,
withDimnames=FALSE) <- y_psi
mcols(fds, type=type)[,"trueRho"] <- rho_psi
# needed so that subsetting the fds works later
mcols(fds, type=type)[["startID"]] <-
seq_len(nrow(mcols(fds, type=type)))
mcols(fds, type=type)[["endID"]] <-
seq_len(nrow(mcols(fds, type=type)))
# store info for SE
setAssayMatrix(fds=fds, name="truePSI", type="theta",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- mu_se
setAssayMatrix(fds=fds, name="trueLogitPSI", type="theta",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- y_se
mcols(fds, type="theta")[,"trueRho"] <- rho_se
# needed so that subsetting the fds works later
siteIDs <- seq_row(mcols(fds, type="theta"))
mcols(fds, type="theta")[["startID"]] <- siteIDs
mcols(fds, type="theta")[["endID"]] <- siteIDs
mcols(fds, type="theta")[["spliceSiteID"]] <- siteIDs
# Generate a simulated fds using a Dirichlet-Mulitnomial distribution
makeSimulatedFraserDataSet_Multinomial <- function(m=200, j=1000, q=10,
groups=round(j*0.65), nbMeanLog=8, nbSize=0.55,
rhoMeanlog=-5, rhoSdlog=1, Hmean=0, Hsd=100, Dmean=0,
Dsd=0.007, ...){
# Simulate groups of junctions having the same donor/acceptor site
d <- groups # nr of donors/acceptors
donorGroups <- seq_len(d) # ids of the groups (1,2,...,d)
# assign junction to donor/acceptor groups
junctionGroups <- sort(sample(x = donorGroups, size=j, replace = TRUE))
# Set d to the actual number of groups (some might not have been assigned
# any junction at all)
donorGroups <- donorGroups[donorGroups %in% unique(junctionGroups)]
d <- length(donorGroups)
# SE simulated as additional junction for every group
nrJunctions <- j # store for later
psiJunctionGroups <- junctionGroups # store for later
j <- j + d # add one junction for every group
junctionGroups <- sort(c(junctionGroups, donorGroups))
# Simulate n for each junction using lognormal and negative binomial
junction_n <- rlnorm(j, meanlog=nbMeanLog, sdlog=nbSize)
n <- t(vapply(junction_n, function(x){
# draw counts for every sample from negative binomial
n <- rnbinom(m, mu=x, size=nbSize)},
# n <- matrix(rnbinom(j*m, mu=nMean, size=theta), nrow=j, ncol=m)
# Sum up the values of n within one donor/acceptor group to get the n value
# of the group
dt_n <-
sum_n <- cbind(dt_n, junctionGroups)
res <- lapply(colnames(dt_n),function(x){
sum_n[,c(paste0(x, "_sum")):=sum(get(x)),by=junctionGroups]
# Extract final n matrix (all junctions within a group have the same n
# value)
sum_cols <- paste0(colnames(dt_n), "_sum")
n <- as.matrix(sum_n[,..sum_cols])
colnames(n) <- NULL
mode(n) <- 'integer'
# Simulate betaBin dispersion for every donor/acceptor group, same
# dispersion for all junctions within a group
group_rho <- rlnorm(d, meanlog=rhoMeanlog, sdlog=rhoSdlog)# group dispersion
# group_rho <- abs(rnorm(d, mean=0.0001, sd=0.05)) # group dispersion
dt1 <- data.table(group=donorGroups, rho=group_rho)
dt2 <- data.table(group=junctionGroups)
rhoFull <- merge(dt1, dt2, by="group")
rho <- rhoFull[,rho] # set dispersion for every junction
# Simulate covariates.
H_true <- matrix(rnorm(m*q, mean=Hmean, sd=Hsd), nrow=m, ncol=q)
D_true <- matrix(rnorm(j*q, mean=Dmean, sd=Dsd), nrow=j, ncol=q)
b_true <- double(j)
y_true <- t(predictYCpp(H_true, D_true, b_true))
ae_mu <- predictMuCpp(y_true)
# Use softmax on mu to get mu within one group to sum up to 1
softmax <- function(x){
sum <- sum(exp(x))
return( exp(x) / sum)
softmax_mu <- lapply(donorGroups, function(groupID){
group_mu <- ae_mu[which(junctionGroups == groupID),]
return( apply(group_mu, 2, softmax) )
mu <-, softmax_mu)
# Calcluate alpha values
alpha <- mu * (1-rho)/rho
# Simulate psi3=psi5 and SE jointly with Dirchilet-Multinomial
res <- vapply(donorGroups, function(groupID){
# Get the indices of the junctions in this group
pos <- which(junctionGroups == groupID)
# get alpha and n values for this group
group_alpha <- alpha[pos,]
group_n <- n[pos,]
# draw counts from a dirichlet multinomial distribution
# (jointly for PSi and SE)
counts <- t(rdirmnom(m, group_n[1,], t(group_alpha)))
# First row of resulting counts represents non split reads for SE,
# the other rows are the counts for the "real" junctions
nonSplit <- counts[1,]
k <- counts[-1,]
# Substract nonSplit reads from total N to get n for PSI (=other for SE)
group_n <- group_n - matrix(nonSplit, nrow=nrow(group_n),
ncol=ncol(group_n), byrow = TRUE)
# Also get mu and rho for this group (to split it into PSI and SE part
# for storing later)
group_mu <- mu[pos,]
group_rho <- rho[pos]
# First row/value is the one for SE
se_n <- group_n[1,]
se_mu <- group_mu[1,]
se_alpha <- group_alpha[1,]
se_rho <- group_rho[1]
# The other rows/values are the ones relevant for PSI
psi_n <- group_n[-1,]
psi_alpha <- group_alpha[-1,]
psi_rho <- group_rho[-1]
psi_mu <- group_mu[-1,]
if(is.null(nrow(psi_mu))){ # only one junction in the group, convert
# to matrix with one row so that colSums
# works
psi_mu <- matrix(psi_mu, nrow=1)
# scale mu's so that they sum up to 1 again (after mu for SE is removed)
psi_mu <- psi_mu / matrix(colSums(psi_mu), nrow=nrow(psi_mu),
ncol=ncol(psi_mu), byrow = TRUE)
# return everyting relevant for storing counts, n, alpha, mu,
# rho split into the parts for PSI and SE
return(list(k=k, nonSplit=nonSplit, n=psi_n, group_n=se_n,
psi_mu=psi_mu, se_mu=se_mu, psi_alpha=psi_alpha,
se_alpha=se_alpha, psi_rho=psi_rho, se_rho=se_rho))
}, FUN.VALUE=list(k=numeric(m), nonSplit=numeric(m), n=numeric(m),
group_n=numeric(m), psi_mu=numeric(m),
se_mu=numeric(m), psi_alpha=numeric(m),
se_alpha=numeric(m), psi_rho=numeric(1),
# Extract k and nonSplit reads
k <-, res[1,])
nonSplit <-, res[2,])
mode(k) <- 'integer'
mode(nonSplit) <- 'integer'
# Extract n value for each junction and group n value for SE
psi_n <-, res[3,])
se_n <-, res[4,])
# Extract mu values for PSI and SE
psi_mu <-, res[5,])
se_mu <-, res[6,])
# Extract alpha values for PSI and SE
psi_alpha <-, res[7,])
se_alpha <-, res[8,])
# Extract rho values for PSI and SE
psi_rho <- unlist(res[9,])
se_rho <- unlist(res[10,])
# Create FRASER data set
sampleIDs <- paste0("sample", seq_len(m))
anno <- data.table(sampleID = sampleIDs, bamFile=rep(NA, m))
fds <- FraserDataSet(colData=anno, ...)
# put in k as rawcountsJ (= nr reads spanning each junction)
junctionData <- SummarizedExperiment(
rowRanges=GRanges(seqnames=rep("chr1", nrJunctions),
ranges=IRanges(start=psiJunctionGroups, width=1)))
nonSplitData <- SummarizedExperiment(
rowRanges=GRanges(seqnames=rep("chr1", d),
ranges=IRanges(start=donorGroups, width=1)))
fds <- new("FraserDataSet",
name = name(fds),
bamParam = scanBamParam(fds),
strandSpecific = strandSpecific(fds),
workingDir = workingDir(fds),
nonSplicedReads = nonSplitData)
dontWriteHDF5(fds) <- TRUE
metadata(fds)[['optimalEncDim']] <- q
# store other counts (n-k) for psi3=psi5 and SE (other=n)
counts(fds, type="psi3", side="other", withDimnames=FALSE) <- psi_n - k
counts(fds, type="psi5", side="other", withDimnames=FALSE) <- psi_n - k
counts(fds, type="theta", side="other", withDimnames=FALSE) <- se_n
for(type in c("psi3", "psi5")){
# store information about the simulation in the fds
# (same values for psi3 and psi5)
setAssayMatrix(fds=fds, name="truePSI", type=type,
withDimnames=FALSE) <- psi_mu
setAssayMatrix(fds=fds, name="trueLogitPSI", type=type,
withDimnames=FALSE) <- qlogis(psi_mu)
setAssayMatrix(fds=fds, name="trueAlpha", type=type,
withDimnames=FALSE) <- psi_alpha
mcols(fds, type=type)[,"trueRho"] <- psi_rho
# needed so that subsetting the fds works later
mcols(fds, type=type)[["startID"]] <- psiJunctionGroups
mcols(fds, type=type)[["endID"]] <- psiJunctionGroups
# store info for SE
setAssayMatrix(fds=fds, name="truePSI", type="theta",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- se_mu
setAssayMatrix(fds=fds, name="trueLogitPSI", type="theta",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- qlogis(se_mu)
setAssayMatrix(fds=fds, name="trueAlpha", type="theta",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- se_alpha
mcols(fds, type="theta")[,"trueRho"] <- se_rho
# needed so that subsetting the fds works later
mcols(fds, type="theta")[["startID"]] <- donorGroups
mcols(fds, type="theta")[["endID"]] <- donorGroups
mcols(fds, type="theta")[["spliceSiteID"]] <- donorGroups
#' Inject artificial outliers in an existing fds
#' @param fds FraserDataSet
#' @param type The psi type
#' @param freq The injection frequency.
#' @param minDpsi The minimal delta psi with which outliers will be injected.
#' @param minCoverage The minimal total coverage (i.e. N) required for a
#' junction to be considered for injection of an outlier.
#' @param deltaDistr The distribution from which the delta psi value of
#' the injections is drawn (default: uniform distribution).
#' @param verbose Should additional information be printed during computation?
#' @param method Defines by which method the new psi of injections is computed,
#' i.e. to which value the delta psi of the injection is added: "meanPSI" for
#' adding to the mean psi of the junction over all samples or "samplePSI" to
#' add to the psi value of the junction in the specific sample. "simulatedPSI"
#' is only possible if a simulated dataset is used.
#' @param BPPARAM A BiocParallel object to run the computation in parallel
#' @return FraserDataSet
#' @examples
#' # A generic dataset
#' fds <- makeSimulatedFraserDataSet()
#' fds <- injectOutliers(fds, minDpsi=0.2, freq=1E-3)
#' @export
injectOutliers <- function(fds, type=c("psi5", "psi3", "theta"),
freq=1E-3, minDpsi=0.2, minCoverage=2,
deltaDistr="uniformDistr", verbose=FALSE,
method=c('samplePSI', 'meanPSI', 'simulatedPSI'),
type <- match.arg(type, several.ok=TRUE)
method <- match.arg(method)
if(length(type) > 1){
for(t in type){
fds <- injectOutliers(fds, type=t, freq=freq, minDpsi=minDpsi,
minCoverage=minCoverage, deltaDistr=deltaDistr,
verbose=verbose, method=method, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
# copy original k and o
if(type == "theta"){
setAssayMatrix(fds, type="theta", "originalCounts",
withDimnames=FALSE) <-
counts(fds, type="theta", side="ofInterest")
setAssayMatrix(fds, type="theta", "originalOtherCounts",
withDimnames=FALSE) <-
counts(fds, type="theta", side="other")
setAssayMatrix(fds, type=type, "originalCounts",
withDimnames=FALSE) <-
counts(fds, type=type, side="ofInterest")
setAssayMatrix(fds, type="psi5", "originalOtherCounts",
withDimnames=FALSE) <-
counts(fds, type="psi5", side="other")
setAssayMatrix(fds, type="psi3", "originalOtherCounts",
withDimnames=FALSE) <-
counts(fds, type="psi3", side="other")
# get infos from the fds
m <- ncol(fds)
j <- nrow(mcols(fds, type=type))
k <- as.matrix(K(fds, type=type))
n <- as.matrix(N(fds, type=type))
o <- as.matrix(counts(fds, type=type, side="other"))
psi <- switch(match.arg(method),
samplePSI = (k + pseudocount())/(n + 2*pseudocount()),
meanPSI = matrix(nrow=j, ncol=m,
rowMeans( (k + pseudocount()) / (n + 2*pseudocount()))),
simulatedPSI = getAssayMatrix(fds, "truePSI", type=type) )
# nedded to have comparably many outliers when type is SE
if(type == "theta"){
freq <- freq/10
# data table with information about chr, start, end,
# ... for calculating groups
dt <- if(type == "theta"){
junctionID = seq_len(j),
chr = as.factor(seqnames(nonSplicedReads(fds))),
start = start(nonSplicedReads(fds)),
end = end(nonSplicedReads(fds)),
strand = as.factor(strand(nonSplicedReads(fds))) )
junctionID = seq_len(j),
chr = as.factor(seqnames(fds)),
start = start(fds),
end = end(fds),
strand = as.factor(strand(fds)) )
dt[, donorGroupSize:=length(junctionID), by=c("chr", "start", "strand")]
dt[, acceptorGroupSize:=length(junctionID), by=c("chr", "end", "strand")]
dt[, donorGroupID := .GRP, by=c("chr", "start", "strand")]
dt[, acceptorGroupID:=.GRP, by=c("chr", "end", "strand")]
# Get groups where outlier can be injected
available_groups <- switch(type,
psi3 = dt[acceptorGroupSize > 1, acceptorGroupID,
psi5 = dt[donorGroupSize > 1, donorGroupID,
theta = seq_len(j))
# e.g. for psi3/5: no donor/acceptor
# groups with at least 2 junctions (e.g in simulationBB)
if(length(available_groups) == 0){
available_groups <- seq_len(j)
freq <- freq/10
list_index <- data.frame(row=integer(0), col=integer(0))
count <- 0
while(nrow(list_index) < 1){
if(count == 20){
stop("Could not inject at least 2 outliers.",
" Please make sure you have enough junctions and samples",
" in you dataset.")
count <- count + 1
indexOut_groups <- matrix(sample(c(0,1,-1), length(available_groups)*m,
replace=TRUE, prob=c(1-freq, freq/2, freq/2)), ncol=m)
# positions where outliers will be injected
list_index <- which(indexOut_groups != 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
# apply injection function to each outlier
message(date(), ": Injecting ", nrow(list_index), " outliers ...")
result <- bplapply(seq_len(nrow(list_index)), list_index=list_index,
indexOut_groups=indexOut_groups, type=type, psi=psi, n=n, dt=dt,
minDpsi=minDpsi, verbose=verbose, BPPARAM=SerialParam(),
FUN=function(j, list_index, indexOut_groups, type,
psi, n, dt=dt, minDpsi, verbose){
# extract group, sample and injecetion
# direction (i.e +1/up or -1/down)
row <- list_index[j,'row']
group <- available_groups[row]
sample <- list_index[j,'col']
injDirection <- indexOut_groups[row, sample]
# sample one junction from all junction within this group
group_junctions <- if(type == "psi3"){
dt[acceptorGroupID == group, junctionID] }
else {
dt[donorGroupID == group, junctionID] }
junction <- if(length(group_junctions)==1){
group }
else {
sample(group_junctions, 1) }
# get current psi of this junction and calculate
# maximla possible value of delta psi for the injection
junction_psi <- psi[junction, sample]
maxDpsi <- if(injDirection > 0){
1 - junction_psi }
junction_psi }
# if not possible to inject here with at least minDpsi,
# change injection direction
if(maxDpsi < minDpsi){
injDirection <- -injDirection
indexOut_groups[row, sample] <- injDirection
maxDpsi <- if(injDirection > 0){
1 - junction_psi }
junction_psi }
# sample delta psi for injection from uniform
# distribution between min and max dpsi
minDpsi <- ifelse(minDpsi < maxDpsi, minDpsi, maxDpsi)
injDpsi <- injDirection * switch(as.character(deltaDistr),
uniformDistr = runif(1, minDpsi, maxDpsi),
ifelse(as.double(deltaDistr) > maxDpsi,
maxDpsi, as.double(deltaDistr)) )
# get N of this junction
n_ji <- n[junction,sample]
# new counts after injection
newKs <- integer(length(group_junctions))
indexDpsi <- double(length(group_junctions))
indOut <- integer(length(group_junctions))
# for all other junctions in this group
for(i in seq_len(length(group_junctions))){
junction_k <- group_junctions[i]
# get new_psi and change k based on n and new_psi
# (and take pseudocounts into account):
# (k+1)/(n+2)=psi -> k = psi*(n+2) - 1
if(junction_k == junction){
new_psi <- junction_psi + injDpsi
new_k <- round( new_psi *
(n_ji + 2*pseudocount()) - pseudocount() )
# store position of outlier
indOut[i] <- injDirection
indexDpsi[i] <- injDpsi
deltaPSI_k <- - (psi[junction_k,sample] /
(1-junction_psi)) * injDpsi
new_psi <- psi[junction_k,sample] + deltaPSI_k
new_k <- round( new_psi*(n_ji + 2*pseudocount()) -
pseudocount() )
# also store position of other junction used in swap
indOut[i] <- -injDirection * 2
indexDpsi[i] <- deltaPSI_k
# for SE: ensure new_k <= n_ij
# (so that o=n-k is always >= 0)
# (not needed for psi3/5 because o
# will recalculated from k's there)
if(length(group_junctions)==1){ # if(type == "theta"){
new_k <- min(new_k, n_ji)
# ensure new_k >= 0 and assign k_ij <- new_k
newKs[i] <- max(0, new_k)
print(paste("injected outlier", j, "with delta PSI of",
injDpsi, "at junction", junction, "and sample",
return(list(newKs = newKs, newOs=sum(newKs)-newKs,
junctions = group_junctions, injDeltaPSI = indexDpsi,
injDirections = indOut,
sample = rep(sample, length(group_junctions))))
# get all junctions, samples, ... where outlier injection changed the counts
junctions <- unlist(lapply(result, "[[", 'junctions'))
samples <- unlist(lapply(result, "[[", 'sample'))
newKs <- unlist(lapply(result, "[[", 'newKs'))
newOs <- unlist(lapply(result, "[[", 'newOs'))
injDirection <- unlist(lapply(result, "[[", 'injDirections'))
injDeltaPSI <- unlist(lapply(result, "[[", 'injDeltaPSI'))
# matrices to store indices of outliers and their delta psi
indexOut <- matrix(0, nrow = j, ncol = m)
indexDeltaPSI <- matrix(0, nrow = j, ncol = m)
# set counts to changed counts after the injection
replaceIndices <- matrix(c(junctions,samples), ncol=2)
k[replaceIndices] <- newKs
if(length(available_groups) == j){
o <- n - k
} else{
o[replaceIndices] <- newOs
indexOut[replaceIndices] <- injDirection
indexDeltaPSI[replaceIndices] <- injDeltaPSI
# store positions of true outliers and their true delta PSI value
setAssayMatrix(fds=fds, name="trueOutliers", type=type,
withDimnames=FALSE) <- indexOut
setAssayMatrix(fds=fds, name="trueDeltaPSI", type=type,
withDimnames=FALSE) <- indexDeltaPSI
# store new k counts which include the outlier counts
counts(fds, type=type, side="ofInterest", withDimnames=FALSE) <- k
# store modified other counts
counts(fds, type=type, side="other", withDimnames=FALSE) <- o
removeInjectedOutliers <- function(fds, type){
# copy injected k and o counts
if(type == "theta"){
setAssayMatrix(fds, type="theta", "outlierCounts",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- counts(fds, type="theta", side="ofInteres")
setAssayMatrix(fds, type="theta", "outlierOtherCounts",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- counts(fds, type="theta", side="other")
setAssayMatrix(fds, type="psi5", "outlierCounts",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- counts(fds, type="psi5", side="ofInterest")
setAssayMatrix(fds, type="psi5", "outlierOtherCounts",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- counts(fds, type="psi5", side="other")
setAssayMatrix(fds, type="psi3", "outlierOtherCounts",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- counts(fds, type="psi3", side="other")
# assign original k and o to rawCountsJ and rawOtherCounts
if(type == "theta"){
counts(fds, type="theta", side="ofInterest", withDimnames=FALSE) <-
getAssayMatrix(fds, type="theta", "originalCounts")
counts(fds, type="theta", side="other", withDimnames=FALSE) <-
getAssayMatrix(fds, type="theta", "originalOtherCounts")
assays(fds)[['originalCounts_theta']] <- NULL
assays(fds)[['originalOtherCounts_theta']] <- NULL
counts(fds, type="psi5", side="ofInterest", withDimnames=FALSE) <-
getAssayMatrix(fds, type="psi5", "originalCounts")
counts(fds, type="psi5", side="other", withDimnames=FALSE) <-
getAssayMatrix(fds, type="psi5", "originalOtherCounts")
counts(fds, type="psi3", side="other", withDimnames=FALSE) <-
getAssayMatrix(fds, type="psi3", "originalOtherCounts")
assays(fds)[['originalCounts_psi5']] <- NULL
assays(fds)[['originalOtherCounts_psi5']] <- NULL
assays(fds)[['originalOtherCounts_psi3']] <- NULL
restoreInjectedOutliers <- function(fds, type){
# copy original k and o counts
if(type == "theta"){
setAssayMatrix(fds, type="theta", "originalCounts") <-
counts(fds, type="theta", side="ofInterest")
setAssayMatrix(fds, type="theta", "originalOtherCounts") <-
counts(fds, type="theta", side="other")
setAssayMatrix(fds, type="psi5", "originalCounts") <-
counts(fds, type="psi5", side="ofInterest")
setAssayMatrix(fds, type="psi5", "originalOtherCounts") <-
counts(fds, type="psi5", side="other")
setAssayMatrix(fds, type="psi3", "originalOtherCounts") <-
counts(fds, type="psi3", side="other")
# assign injected k and o to rawCountsJ and rawOtherCounts
if(type == "theta"){
counts(fds, type="theta", side="ofInterest") <-
getAssayMatrix(fds, type="theta", "outlierCounts")
counts(fds, type="theta", side="other") <-
getAssayMatrix(fds, type="theta", "outlierOtherCounts")
assays(fds)[['outlierCounts_theta']] <- NULL
assays(fds)[['outlierOtherCounts_theta']] <- NULL
counts(fds, type="psi5", side="ofInterest") <-
getAssayMatrix(fds, type="psi5", "outlierCounts")
counts(fds, type="psi5", side="other") <-
getAssayMatrix(fds, type="psi5", "outlierOtherCounts")
counts(fds, type="psi3", side="other") <-
getAssayMatrix(fds, type="psi3", "outlierOtherCounts")
assays(fds)[['outlierCounts_psi5']] <- NULL
assays(fds)[['outlierOtherCounts_psi5']] <- NULL
assays(fds)[['outlierOtherCounts_psi3']] <- NULL
# log2 fold change of measured psi vs AE predicted psi
log2fc <- function(realPsi, predictedPsi){
return( log2(realPsi) - log2(predictedPsi) )
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