
Defines functions cis.FDR.filter.SNPcentric.complete collectFiltered cis.FDR.filter.SNPcentric pullHits collectBest cis.FDR.filter.best.old

Documented in cis.FDR.filter.SNPcentric cis.FDR.filter.SNPcentric.complete collectBest collectFiltered

cis.FDR.filter.best.old = function( fn, 
    hi.dist = 50000, low.dist = -Inf, hi.maf = .51, low.maf = 0.05,
    fdrOnly = FALSE, applier=lapply ) {
# best per gene
# file-oriented to avoid large internal images
# assumes files are serialized cisRun instances
# chromsome-specific (or other partition) inclusive runs are filtered
# and post-filter FDR is computed
# caching
  if (!exists(gsub(".rda", "", fn[1]))) objs = lapply(fn, function(x) get(load(x, .GlobalEnv)))
  else objs = lapply(gsub(".rda", "" , fn), get)
  nperm = length(grep("permScore", names(values(objs[[1]]))))
  cf = function(x) cisFilter(x, hi.dist = hi.dist, low.dist=low.dist,
        hi.maf=hi.maf, low.maf=low.maf )
  chrtags = sapply(objs, function(x) as.character(seqnames(x)[1]))
  bs = lapply(objs, function(x) {cat("."); bestInStratum(cf(x))})
  bss = lapply(bs, "[[", "scores")
  ps = applier(1:nperm, function(x) lapply(objs, function(z) {cat("."); bestInStratum(cf(z), permind=x)}))
  pss = lapply(ps, function(x) lapply(x, function(z) z[["scores"]]))
  rawscores = unlist(bss)
  pp = pifdr(rawscores, unlist(pss))
  ng = sapply(bs,function(x)length(x[[1]]))
  allg = unlist(lapply(bs, function(x) names(x[[1]])))
  if (fdrOnly) {
     names(pp) = allg
  alls = unlist(lapply(bs, "[[", "scorerids"))  # snpids
  allchr = rep(chrtags, ng)
  ans = data.frame(genes=allg, bestsnp=alls, chr=allchr, fdr=pp, scores=rawscores)

collectBest = function( fns, targetname="harvest", 
   mafs = c(.01, .02, .025, .03333, .05, .075, .1),
   hidists = c(10000, 25000, 50000, 75000, 100000, 250000),
   interimSaves=FALSE) {
# best per gene
nmaf = length(mafs)
ndist = length(hidists)
outli = vector("list", nmaf*ndist) 
opts = as.character(outer(mafs, hidists, paste))
tags = strsplit(opts, " ")
tmp = vector("list", nmaf)
names(tmp) = as.character(mafs)
for (i in 1:nmaf) {
  tmp[[i]] = vector("list", ndist)
  names(tmp[[i]]) = as.character(hidists)
  for (j in 1:ndist) {
     tmp[[i]][[j]] = cis.FDR.filter.best( fns, hi.dist=hidists[j], low.maf=mafs[i] )
     if (interimSaves) {
       assign(targetname, tmp)
       save(list=targetname, file=paste0(targetname, ".rda"))  # interim

  pullHits = function(fns, atts) {
# keep at the level of filenames for cisRun instances, and atts
# is the collectBest data frame with optimal selections, filtered to
# desired FDR
    tmp = lapply(fns, function(x) get(load(x)))
    kl = lapply(tmp, function(x) paste(names(x), x$snp, sep=":"))
    attk = paste(atts$genes, atts$bestsnp, sep=":")
    tmp = lapply(1:length(tmp), function(x) tmp[[x]][ match( attk, kl[[x]], nomatch=0 ) ])
    curans = do.call(c, lapply(tmp, as, "GRanges"))
#    neword = match( attk, paste(names(curans), curans$snp, sep=":"), nomatch=0)
#   while above seems to work, it appears to be wrong in general
    neword = match( paste(names(curans), curans$snp, sep=":"), attk, nomatch=0) # obtain reordering for atts
    newfdr = atts$fdr[neword]
    curans$fdr = newfdr
    curans$genestart = start(curans)
    curans$geneend = end(curans)
    ranges(curans) = IRanges(curans$snplocs,width=1)

cis.FDR.filter.SNPcentric = function( fn, 
    hi.dist = 50000, low.dist = -Inf, hi.maf = .51, low.maf = 0.05,
    fdrOnly = FALSE, applier=lapply ) {
# file-oriented to avoid large internal images
# assumes files are serialized cisRun instances
# chromsome-specific (or other partition) inclusive runs are filtered
# and post-filter FDR is computed
# note -- many SNPs are cis to multiple genes.  we will
# use the strongest association score to score the SNP
# caching
  if (!exists(gsub(".rda", "", fn[1]))) objs = lapply(fn, function(x) get(load(x, .GlobalEnv)))
  else objs = lapply(gsub(".rda", "" , fn), get)
  nperm = length(grep("permScore", names(values(objs[[1]]))))
  cf = function(x) cisFilter(x, hi.dist = hi.dist, low.dist=low.dist,
        hi.maf=hi.maf, low.maf=low.maf )
  chrtags = sapply(objs, function(x) as.character(seqnames(x)[1]))
  bs = lapply(objs, function(x) {
     x = cf(x)
     scores = x$score
     names(scores) = x$probeid
     snpids = x$snp
     reo = order(x$snp, x$score, decreasing=TRUE) # added decreasing 7/29/13
     probes = x$probeid[reo]
     snpids = snpids[reo]
     scores = sapply(split(scores, snpids), "[", 1)
     probepersnp = sapply(split(probes, snpids), "[", 1)
     snpids = sapply(split(snpids, snpids), "[", 1)
     names(scores) = probepersnp
# july 9 2013 -- need to eliminate many gene to snp scores
# optimize over genes for each snp
     list(scores=scores, scorerids=snpids)
  bss = lapply(bs, "[[", "scores")
#  pss = applier(1:nperm, function(x) lapply(objs, function(z) {
#         values(cf(z))[[paste0("permScore_", x)]]}))
# here we need to optimize the multiple scores per snp as above
  pss = applier(1:nperm, function(x) 
     lapply(objs, function(z) {
         curcf = cf(z)
         curperm = values(curcf)[[paste0("permScore_", x)]]
         cursnp = values(curcf)[["snp"]]
         sapply(split(curperm,cursnp), max)
  rawscores = unlist(bss)
  pp = pifdr(rawscores, unlist(pss))
  ng = sapply(bs,function(x)length(x[["scores"]]))
  allg = unlist(lapply(bs, function(x) names(x[["scores"]])))
  if (fdrOnly) {
     names(pp) = allg
  alls = unlist(lapply(bs, "[[", "scorerids"))  # snpids
  allchr = rep(chrtags, ng)
  ans = data.frame(genes=allg, snps=alls, chr=allchr, fdr=pp, scores=rawscores)

collectFiltered = function( fns, targetname="harvest", 
   mafs = c(.01, .02, .025, .03333, .05, .075, .1),
   hidists = c(10000, 25000, 50000, 75000, 100000, 250000),
   filterFun = cis.FDR.filter.best, filtApplier=lapply,
   interimSaves=FALSE) {
nmaf = length(mafs)
ndist = length(hidists)
outli = vector("list", nmaf*ndist) 
opts = as.character(outer(mafs, hidists, paste))
tags = strsplit(opts, " ")
tmp = vector("list", nmaf)
names(tmp) = as.character(mafs)
for (i in 1:nmaf) {
  tmp[[i]] = vector("list", ndist)
  names(tmp[[i]]) = as.character(hidists)
  for (j in 1:ndist) {
     tmp[[i]][[j]] = filterFun( fns, hi.dist=hidists[j], low.maf=mafs[i],
         applier=filtApplier )
     if (interimSaves) {
       assign(targetname, tmp)
       save(list=targetname, file=paste0(targetname, ".rda"))  # interim

cis.FDR.filter.SNPcentric.complete = function( fn, 
    hi.dist = 50000, low.dist = -Inf, hi.maf = .51, low.maf = 0.05,
    fdrOnly = FALSE, applier=lapply ) {
# file-oriented to avoid large internal images
# assumes files are serialized cisRun instances
# chromsome-specific (or other partition) inclusive runs are filtered
# and post-filter FDR is computed
# note -- many SNPs are cis to multiple genes.  we will
# keep all scores
# caching
  if (!exists(gsub(".rda", "", fn[1]))) objs = lapply(fn, function(x) get(load(x, .GlobalEnv)))
  else objs = lapply(gsub(".rda", "" , fn), get)
  nperm = length(grep("permScore", names(values(objs[[1]]))))
  cf = function(x) cisFilter(x, hi.dist = hi.dist, low.dist=low.dist,
        hi.maf=hi.maf, low.maf=low.maf )
  chrtags = sapply(objs, function(x) as.character(seqnames(x)[1]))
  bs = lapply(objs, function(x) {
     x = cf(x)
     scores = x$score
     names(scores) = x$probeid
     snpids = x$snp
     list(scores=scores, scorerids=snpids, probeids=x$probeid)
  pss = applier(1:nperm, function(x) 
     lapply(objs, function(z) {
         curcf = cf(z)
         curperm = values(curcf)[[paste0("permScore_", x)]]
  bss = lapply(bs, "[[", "scores")
  ngs = lapply(bs, "[[", "probeids")
  alls = unlist(lapply(bs, "[[", "scorerids"))  # snpids
  rawscores = unlist(bss)
  pp = pifdr(rawscores, unlist(pss))
  ng = sapply(bs,function(x)length(x[["scores"]]))
  allchr = rep(chrtags, ng)
#  allg = unlist(lapply(bs, function(x) names(x[["scores"]])))
  if (fdrOnly) {
     names(pp) = unlist(ngs)
  data.frame(genes=unlist(ngs), snps=alls, chr=allchr, fdr=pp,

cis.FDR.filter.best = function (fn, hi.dist = 50000, low.dist = -Inf, hi.maf = 0.51, 
    low.maf = 0.05, fdrOnly = FALSE, applier = lapply) 
# see above for comments
    if (!exists(gsub(".rda", "", fn[1]))) 
        objs = lapply(fn, function(x) get(load(x, .GlobalEnv)))
    else objs = lapply(gsub(".rda", "", fn), get)
    nperm = length(grep("permScore", names(values(objs[[1]]))))
    cf = function(x) cisFilter(x, hi.dist = hi.dist, low.dist = low.dist, 
        hi.maf = hi.maf, low.maf = low.maf)
    chrtags = sapply(objs, function(x) as.character(seqnames(x)[1]))
    bs = lapply(objs, function(x) {
    bss = lapply(bs, "[[", "scores")
    realmafs = lapply(objs, function(x) data.frame(snp=x$snp, probeid=x$probeid, MAF=x$MAF, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
    ps = applier(1:nperm, function(x) lapply(objs, function(z) {
        bestInStratum(cf(z), permind = x)
    pss = lapply(ps, function(x) lapply(x, function(z) z[["scores"]]))
    rawscores = unlist(bss)
    pp = pifdr(rawscores, unlist(pss))
    ng = sapply(bs, function(x) length(x[[1]]))
    allg = unlist(lapply(bs, function(x) names(x[[1]])))
    if (fdrOnly) {
        names(pp) = allg
    alls = unlist(lapply(bs, "[[", "scorerids"))
    allchr = rep(chrtags, ng)

# fix 9/3/13 to handle multiple files in fn
    tmp = lapply(ps, function(x) lapply(x, 
        "[[", 1))
    tmp = lapply(tmp, unlist)
    allpbest = do.call(cbind,tmp)

    colnames(allpbest) = paste0("permScore_", 1:ncol(allpbest))
    bestmafs = vector("list", length(bs))
    for (i in 1:length(bs)) {
      tagi.best = paste( names(bs[[i]][[1]]), bs[[i]][["scorerids"]], sep=":" )
      tagi.maf = paste(realmafs[[i]]$probeid, realmafs[[i]]$snp, sep=":" )
      kp = match( tagi.best, tagi.maf )
      bestmafs[[i]] = realmafs[[i]][kp, "MAF"]
    ans = data.frame(genes = allg, bestsnp = alls, chr = allchr, 
        fdr = pp, scores = rawscores, MAF.observed=unlist(bestmafs))
    cbind(ans, allpbest)
#    ans

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