ciseqByCluster = function( pack = "yri1kgv",
outprefix = "yrirun",
chromsToRun = 1:22, # if length is C will use 2C nodes
targetfolder = "/freshdata/YRI_3",
radius = 100000L,
nperm = 3L,
numNodes = 8,
nodeNames = rep("localhost", numNodes),
ncoresPerNode = 8,
numPCtoFilter = 10,
lowerMAF = .02,
geneannopk = "lumiHumanAll.db",
snpannopk = "SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20120608",
smchrpref = "chr") {
# this program will split all chromsomes in roughly equal halves (by probe) and
# compute All.cis for all probes ... snps may recur in the different halves
if (!file.exists(targetfolder)) try(system(paste0("mkdir ", targetfolder)))
if (!file.exists(targetfolder)) stop(paste0("cannot create ", targetfolder))
# nodeNames = paste0("node00", 1:numNodes) # arranged by starcluster
cl <<- makePSOCKcluster(nodeNames)
firstHalf <<- function(x) x[1:floor(length(x))/2]
secondHalf <<- function(x) x[-(1:floor(length(x))/2)]
setupSplit = function(nodeset=1:numNodes) {
clusterApply(cl, nodeset, function(w) {
library(parallel) # get resources
library(pack, character.only=TRUE)
library(geneannopk, character.only=TRUE)
library(snpannopk, character.only=TRUE)
cc = new("CisConfig") # configure search, except for choice of chromosome
smpack(cc) = pack
nperm(cc) = nperm
geneannopk(cc) = geneannopk
radius(cc) = radius
smchrpref(cc) = smchrpref
geneApply(cc) = mclapply # so genes are dispatched to cores
cc <<- cc
} )
setupSplit(1:numNodes) # causes library attachment on all nodes and generation of CisConfig instances there
runOneSplit <<- function(chrtag, suffix="A", splitter=firstHalf, gffOnly=TRUE) { # assumes cc is defined locally as the config
if (!exists("cc")) stop("did not find cc for local CisConfig manipulation")
chrnames(cc) = as.character(chrtag)
folderStem(cc) = paste0(folderStem(cc), "_", chrtag, suffix)
smFilter(cc) = function(x) { # late filtering
fn = featureNames(x);
if (numPCtoFilter > 0) tmp = MAFfilter( clipPCs(x, 1:numPCtoFilter), lower=lowerMAF )
else tmp = MAFfilter( x, lower=lowerMAF )
obn = paste0(outprefix, "_", chrnames(cc), suffix)
fn = paste0(obn, ".rda")
res <- try(All.cis(cc))
if (inherits(res, "try-error")) return(res)
getmindist = function(snplocs, probes, geneannopk="lumiHumanAll.db") {
require(geneannopk, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE)
stub = gsub(".db$", "", geneannopk)
locenv = get(paste0(stub, "CHRLOC"))
locendenv = get(paste0(stub, "CHRLOCEND"))
gloc = abs(sapply(mget(probes, locenv), "[", 1))
gend = abs(sapply(mget(probes, locendenv), "[", 1))
snplocs <= gend & snplocs >= gloc, 0,
ifelse( snplocs > gend, snplocs-gend, gloc-snplocs ) )
res$mindist = getmindist(res$snplocs, res$probeid, geneannopk=geneannopk)
assign(obn, res)
if(!gffOnly) {
save(list=obn, file=fn) # save to local disk
system(paste0("cp ", fn, " ", targetfolder )) # copy to target folder
# define transformer
cr2gff = function(cr, obn, targetfolder=".") {
res = as(cr, "GRanges")
sl = IRanges(res$snplocs, width=1)
ranges(res) = sl
names(res) = NULL
sn = seqnames(res)
sn = gsub("chr", "", sn)
o = order( as.numeric(sn), start(res) )
res = res[o]
gffFile = paste0(targetfolder, "/", obn, ".gff3")
# seqlevels(res) = gsub("chr", "", seqlevels(res))
export.gff3( res, gffFile )
# owd = getwd()
# setwd(targetfolder)
# bgzip( gffFile , overwrite=TRUE)
# indexTabix( paste0(gffFile, ".gz") , format="gff")
# setwd( owd )
# continue processing to tabix-indexed gff3 based on SNP address
cr2gff( as(res, "GRanges"), obn, targetfolder )
clusterExport(cl, "runOneSplit")
clusterExport(cl, "firstHalf")
clusterExport(cl, "secondHalf")
njobs = 2*length(chromsToRun)
chrtags = as.character(rep(chromsToRun, each=2))
reqlist = vector("list", njobs)
j <- 1
for (i in 1:length(chrtags)) {
reqlist[[j]] = list( chr=chrtags[j], tag="A", splitter=firstHalf ) # need to distinguish splitter elements
reqlist[[j+1]] = list( chr=chrtags[j+1], tag="B", splitter=secondHalf ) # therefore loop is complex
j <- j+2
reqlist <<- reqlist
clusterApplyLB(cl, reqlist, function(x) runOneSplit(x[["chr"]], x[["tag"]], x[["splitter"]]))
#ciseqByCluster( chromsToRun=20:22, numNodes=3, ncoresPerNode=4, targetfolder="./yrex1" )
ciseqByCluster( chromsToRun=10:12, numNodes=3, ncoresPerNode=4, targetfolder="./yrex1" )
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