#setGeneric("filterSnpTests", function(x, n) standardGeneric(
# "filterSnpTests"))
# "multiGwSnpScreenResult", function(x, n) {
# tmp = lapply( x@.Data, filterGWS, n )
# gc()
# names(tmp) = GSEABase::geneIds(x@geneset)
# new("filteredMultiGwSnpScreenResult", geneset=x@geneset,
# call=x@call, tmp)
# "gwSnpScreenResult", function(x, n) {
# filterGWS(x, n)
#setMethod("plot", "filteredGwSnpScreenResult", function(x, y, ...) {
# pp = lapply(x@.Data, p.value)
# boxplot(lapply(pp, function(x)-log10(x)), main=x@gene, xlab="chromosome",
# ylab="-log10 p [GLM]")
# xx = try(require(, quietly=TRUE))
# if (!inherits(xx, "try-error")) {
# if (is(x@gene, "genesym")) rmap = revmap(org.Hs.egSYMBOL)
# else if (is(x@gene, "probeId")) {
# require(x@annotation, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE)
# rmap = get(paste(gsub(".db", "", x@annotation), "ENTREZID", sep=""))
# }
# else {
# warning("x@gene is neither symbol nor probeID, we do not plot the location.")
# return(invisible(NULL))
# }
# egid = get(x@gene, rmap)
# ch = try(get(egid, org.Hs.egCHR))
# if (!inherits(ch, "try-error")) {
# if (ch == "X") ch = 23
# else if (ch == "Y") ch = 24
# axis(3, at=as.numeric(ch), col="red", labels=" ")
# }
# }
#setMethod("plot", "filteredMultiGwSnpScreenResult", function(x, y, ...) {
# stop("please select the desired gene-specific result via [[ and plot directly\n")
geneRanges = function(ids, annopkg, extend=0) {
require(annopkg, character.only=TRUE)
anbase = gsub(".db", "", annopkg)
chrmap = get(paste(anbase, "CHR", sep=""))
stmap = get(paste(anbase, "CHRLOC", sep=""))
endmap = get(paste(anbase, "CHRLOCEND", sep=""))
chrs = mget(ids, chrmap)
chrs = unlist(sapply(chrs, "[", 1))
chrs = paste("chr", chrs, sep="")
sts = mget(ids, stmap)
sts = unlist(sapply(sts, "[", 1))
ens = mget(ids, endmap)
ens = unlist(sapply(ens, "[", 1))
negsts = which(sts < 0)
sts[negsts] = -sts[negsts]
ens[negsts] = -ens[negsts]
st = pmax(1,sts-extend)
en = ens+extend
st[] = 1
en[] = 2
RangedData(IRanges(st,en), space=chrs, name=ids)
setGeneric("gwSnpTests", function( sym, sms, cnum, cs, ...) standardGeneric("gwSnpTests"))
setMethod("gwSnpTests", c("formula", "smlSet", "cnumOrMissing", "missing"),
function( sym, sms, cnum, cs, ...) {
if (!missing(cnum)) {
if (length(cnum) != 1) stop("only supports scalar chrnum cnum at present")
sms = sms[cnum,]
theCall =
infmla = sym
# decode formula -- note that for a gene set we are essentially recursing
# so it is hard to factor this part out
respObj = eval(sym[[2]]) # we know sym is a formula, sym[[2]] is dep var
if (is(respObj, "phenoVar")) { pid = as.character(respObj@.Data) }
else if (is(respObj, "genesym")) {
annpack = sms@annotation
require(annpack, character.only=TRUE)
rmap = revmap( get(paste(gsub(".db", "", annpack), "SYMBOL", sep="")) )
pid = AnnotationDbi::get( as(respObj, "character"), rmap )
if (length(pid) == 0) stop(paste("cannot map", respObj, "in", annpack, sep=""))
pid = intersect(pid, featureNames(sms))
if (length(pid) > 1) {
warning(paste("several probes/sets map to", respObj, "; using", pid[1], sep=""))
pid = pid[1]
else if (is(respObj, "probeId")) pid = respObj
# else if (is(respObj, "GeneSet")) {
# fms = gsetFmla2FmlaList(sym)
# theCall =
# if (!missing(cnum)) ans = lapply(fms, function(z) {
# if (options()$verbose) cat(".")
# gwSnpTests(z, sms, cnum, ...)
# })
# else ans = lapply(fms, function(z) {
# if (options()$verbose) cat(".")
# gwSnpTests(z, sms, ...)
# })
# if (options()$verbose) cat("\n")
# names(ans) = GSEABase::geneIds(respObj)
# SI = new("SessionInfo", sessionInfo())
# if (!missing(cnum)) ans = lapply(ans, function(x) { x@chrnum = cnum; x })
# return(new("multiGwSnpScreenResult", geneset=respObj, call=theCall,
# sessionInfo = SI, ans))
# }
else stop("response in formula must be of class phenoVar, genesym, probeId, or GeneSet")
# at this point we have the featureName that we need
pname = as.character(respObj)
sym[[2]] = # replace the dependent variable spec in fmla
if (!is(respObj, "phenoVar")) {
assign(pname, exprs(sms)[pid,]) # expression phenotype genename
alld = data.frame(get(pname), pData(sms))
names(alld)[1] = pname
else alld = pData(sms)
allsst = lapply( smList(sms), function(x) snp.rhs.tests(sym, family="gaussian",, data=alld, uncertain=TRUE))
testType = "Gaussian"
## as of 8 july, we have data frames instead of snp.tests.single objects
## need to coerce
# mksts = function(x) {
# new("snp.tests.single", chisq=cbind(`1 df`=x$Chi.squared, `2 df`=NA),
# snp.names=rownames(x), N=x$Df.residual+x$Df, N.r2=numeric(0))
# }
# allsst = lapply(allsst, mksts)
# return cwSnpScreenResult if chromosome specific, otherwise gwSnpScreenResult
SI = new("SessionInfo", sessionInfo())
if (!missing(cnum)) return(new("cwSnpScreenResult", gene=respObj, psid=pid,
annotation=sms@annotation, chrnum=cnum,
call=theCall, sessionInfo=SI, testType= testType, allsst)) # modFmla=infmla, allsst))
new("gwSnpScreenResult", gene=respObj, psid=pid,
annotation=sms@annotation, sessionInfo=SI,
call=theCall, testType= testType, allsst)
setMethod("gwSnpTests", c("formula", "smlSet", "snpdepth", "missing"),
function( sym, sms, cnum, cs, ...) {
if (cnum < 250) stop("with snpdepth numeric third argument you are defining the number of best snps to save per chromosome; it must exceed 250\n")
theCall =
respObj = eval(sym[[2]]) # we know sym is a formula, sym[[2]] is dep var
if (is(respObj, "phenoVar")) { pid = as.character(respObj@.Data) }
else if (is(respObj, "genesym")) {
annpack = sms@annotation
require(annpack, character.only=TRUE)
rmap = revmap( get(paste(gsub(".db", "", annpack), "SYMBOL", sep="")) )
pid = get( as(respObj, "character"), rmap )
if (length(pid) == 0) stop(paste("cannot map", respObj, "in", annpack, sep=""))
pid = intersect(pid, featureNames(sms))
if (length(pid) > 1) {
warning(paste("several probes/sets map to", respObj, "; using", pid[1], sep=""))
pid = pid[1]
else if (is(respObj, "probeId")) pid = respObj
# else if (is(respObj, "GeneSet")) {
# fms = gsetFmla2FmlaList(sym)
# theCall =
# ans = lapply(fms, function(z) gwSnpTests(z, sms, ...))
# names(ans) = GSEABase::geneIds(respObj)
# SI = new("SessionInfo", sessionInfo())
# tmp <- new("multiGwSnpScreenResult", geneset=respObj, call=theCall,
# sessionInfo=SI, ans)
# names(tmp@.Data) = GSEABase::geneIds(respObj)
# return( filterSnpTests( tmp, cnum ) )
# }
else if (is(respObj, "chrnum")) {
# in this segment we transform chrnum spec to gene set
# and then reinvoke
require( sms@annotation, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE )
if (is(respObj, "phenoVar")) { pid = as.character(respObj@.Data) }
#require( GSEABase, quietly=TRUE )
rmap = revmap(get(paste(gsub(".db", "", sms@annotation), "CHR", sep="")))
allpid = get(as(respObj,"character"), rmap)
allsym = unlist(mget(allpid, get(paste(gsub(".db", "", sms@annotation), "SYMBOL", sep=""))))
gs = GeneSet(unique(allsym), geneIdType=SymbolIdentifier())
tmp = as.list(sym)
tmp[[2]] = gs
sym = as.formula(tmp)
return( gwSnpTests( sym, sms, cnum, ...) )
else stop("response in formula must be of class phenoVar, genesym, probeId, or GeneSet")
pname = as.character(respObj)
sym[[2]] = # replace the dependent variable spec in fmla
if (!is(respObj, "phenoVar")) {
assign(pname, exprs(sms)[pid,]) # expression phenotype genename
alld = data.frame(get(pname), pData(sms))
names(alld)[1] = pname
else alld = pData(sms)
allsst = lapply( smList(sms), function(x) snp.rhs.tests(sym, family="gaussian", uncertain=TRUE,, data=alld))
# as of 8 july, we have data frames instead of snp.tests.single objects
# need to coerce
# mksts = function(x) {
# new("snp.tests.single", chisq=cbind(`1 df`=x$Chi.squared, `2 df`=NA),
# snp.names=rownames(x), N=x$Df.residual+x$Df, N.r2=numeric(0))
# }
# allsst = lapply(allsst, mksts)
SI = new("SessionInfo", sessionInfo())
tmp = new("gwSnpScreenResult", gene=respObj, psid=pid,
annotation=sms@annotation, call=theCall, sessionInfo=SI,
return( filterSnpTests( tmp, cnum ) )
setGeneric("residTests", function(fit, sms, litfmla, rsnum)
setMethod("residTests", c("cwSnpScreenResult", "smlSet", "formula", "missing"), function(fit, sms, litfmla, rsnum) {
theCall =
top = rownames(topSnps(fit))[1]
smm = smList(sms)[[fit@chrnum]][, top, drop=FALSE]
baseRAC = as( smm, "numeric" )
ex = exprs(sms)[ fit@psid, ]
ok = 1:length(ex)
bad = NULL
if (any(lkna <- bad = which(lkna)
if (any(lkna <- bad = union(bad, which(lkna))
if (length(bad)>0) ok = ok[-bad]
res = resid(lm(ex ~ baseRAC, subset=ok))
#fmla = fit@formula
litfmla[[2]] ="res")
alld = data.frame(res, pData(sms)[ok,])
allsst = lapply( smList(sms), function(x) snp.rhs.tests(litfmla, family="gaussian",, data=alld, uncertain=TRUE))
# mksts = function(x) {
# new("snp.tests.single", chisq=cbind(`1 df`=x$Chi.squared, `2 df`=NA),
# snp.names=rownames(x), N=x$Df.residual+x$Df, N.r2=numeric(0))
# }
# allsst = lapply(allsst, mksts)
# return cwSnpScreenResult if chromosome specific, otherwise gwSnpScreenResult
SI = new("SessionInfo", sessionInfo())
return(new("cwSnpScreenResult", gene=fit@gene, psid=fit@psid,
annotation=sms@annotation, chrnum=fit@chrnum, sessionInfo=SI,
call=theCall, testType= "Gaussian resid", allsst)) # modFmla=fit@formula, allsst))
setClass("chunksize", contains="numeric")
chunksize = function(x) new("chunksize", as.numeric(x))
#setMethod("gwSnpTests", c("formula", "smlSet", "snpdepth", "chunksize"),
# function(sym, sms, cnum, cs) {
## assumes a gene set is response of formula
# theCall =
# gn = GSEABase::geneIds(gs <- eval(sym[[2]]))
# ng = length(gn)
# chunklabs = function (n, chunksize)
# {
# bas = 1:n
# tool = ceiling(n/chunksize)
# as.numeric(cut(bas, tool))
# }
# gspl = split(gn, chunklabs(ng, cs))
# csets = lapply( gspl, function(x) gs[x] )
# savesym = sym
# out = list()
# for (i in 1:length(gspl)) {
# nsym = savesym
# nsym[[2]] = csets[[i]]
# out[[i]] = gwSnpTests(nsym, sms, cnum)
# gc()
# }
## this list has all the tests filtered already, so filterSnpTests is not
## needed
# flattened = unlist(out, recursive=FALSE)
# names(flattened) = gn
# ans = new("filteredMultiGwSnpScreenResult", geneset=gs,
# call=theCall, flattened)
# names(ans@.Data) = gn
# ans
# })
#setClass("maxchisq", contains="list")
#setMethod("show", "maxchisq", function(object) {
# cat("GGtools maxchisq structure.\n")
# cat("The call was:\n")
# print(object$theCall)
# cat("The original call in multffManager was:\n")
# print(object$mgrcall)
# cat("Excerpt:\n")
# print(lapply(object[c("maxchisq", "bestFeats")], function(x) head(x[[1]])))
#setGeneric("min_p_vals", function(mcs, mtcorr, type, sidedness) standardGeneric("min_p_vals"))
#setMethod("min_p_vals", c("maxchisq", "character", "character", "numeric"), function(mcs, mtcorr, type, sidedness) {
# sidedness = as.integer(sidedness)
# if (sidedness != 1 & sidedness != 2) stop("sidedness must be 1 or 2")
# pv = lapply(mcs$maxchisq, function(x) pmin(1, sidedness*(1-pchisq(x, mcs$df))))
# npv = lapply(mcs$maxchisq, names)
# mtcorrp = function(x, mtcorr) {
# tmp = mt.rawp2adjp(x, mtcorr)
# tmp$adjp[ order(tmp$index), mtcorr ]
# }
# if (mtcorr == "none") adjpv = pv
# else {
# stop("owing to a namespace complication, please use mtcorr = 'none' and compute corrections on your own.")
# #require(multtest)
# if (type == "chr_specific")
# adjpv = lapply( pv, function(x) mtcorrp(x, mtcorr))
# else if (type=="global") {
# ulp = unlist(pv)
# uln = unlist(npv)
# names(ulp) = uln
# adjpv = mtcorrp(ulp, mtcorr)
# names(adjpv) = uln
# anslist = list()
# for (i in 1:length(npv)) {
# anslist[[i]] = adjpv[ npv[[i]] ] # restore chromosomal list structure
# names(anslist[[i]]) = npv[[i]]
# }
# names(anslist) = names(npv)
# return(anslist)
# }
# }
# for (i in 1:length(adjpv)) names(adjpv[[i]]) = npv[[i]]
# adjpv
# an eqtlTestsManager can cover a collection of SNP on different
# chromosomes with a single set of genes
# fflist slot holds a list of ff matrices where rows are SNP and columns are
# genes
# call, sess, exdate geneanno slots are metadata
# shortfac is the scaling factor used to inflate chisq stats so short integer
# representation has some precision on division by shortfac
# df is d.f. of chisq stat
# if em is an eqtlTestsManager instance then em[rsid, probeId] returns
# a list of chisq statistics properly rescaled
chkeman = function(object){
# eqtlTestsManager validity test
allgn = lapply(fflist(object), colnames)
n1 = allgn[[1]]
chk = sapply(allgn[-1], function(x)all.equal(x,n1))
if (!all(chk)) return("fflist colnames not common to all elements")
if (is.null(names(fflist(object)))) return("fflist elements lack names")
chkeeman = chkeman # eventually enlarge for estimates object
# elements of a multffManager list
#> names(dem)
# [1] "fflist" "call" "runname" "targdir" "generangetag"
# [6] "filenames" "df" "vmode" "shortfac" "sessionInfo"
#[11] "wd" "expdataList"
representation(fflist="list", call="call", sess="ANY",
exdate="ANY", shortfac="numeric", geneanno="character", df="numeric",
summaryList="list", geneExtents="GRanges", snpRanges="GRanges"),
setClass("eqtlEstimatesManager", contains="eqtlTestsManager",
# representation(fflist="list", call="call", sess="ANY",
# exdate="ANY", shortfac="numeric", geneanno="character", df="numeric",
# summaryList="list"),
#setAs("multffManager", "eqtlTestsManager", function(from) {
# new("eqtlTestsManager", fflist=from$fflist, call=from$call,
# sess=from$sessionInfo, shortfac=from$shortfac, df=from$df,
# exdate=paste("converted:", date()), geneanno="please supply")
setGeneric("probeNames", function(x) standardGeneric("probeNames"))
setMethod("probeNames", "eqtlTestsManager", function(x) {
colnames(fflist(x)[[1]]) # assumes common gene set for fflist
setGeneric("shortfac", function(x)standardGeneric("shortfac"))
setMethod("shortfac", "eqtlTestsManager", function(x)
setGeneric("fflist", function(x)standardGeneric("fflist"))
setMethod("fflist", "eqtlTestsManager", function(x)
setGeneric("exdate", function(x)standardGeneric("exdate"))
setMethod("exdate", "eqtlTestsManager", function(x)
setMethod("show", "eqtlTestsManager", function(object) {
cat(class(object), " computed", exdate(object), "\n")
cat("gene annotation:", object@geneanno, "\n")
cat("There are", length(fflist(object)), "chromosomes analyzed.\n")
cat("some genes (out of ", length(colnames(fflist(object)[[1]])),"): ", paste(selectSome(colnames(fflist(object)[[1]])),collapse=" "), "\n", sep="")
cat("some snps (out of ", sum(sapply(fflist(object),nrow)), "): ", paste(selectSome(rownames(fflist(object)[[1]])),collapse=" "), "\n", sep="")
if (length(object@geneExtents)>0) cat("geneExtents are available.\n")
if (length(object@snpRanges)>0) cat("snpRanges are available.\n")
setMethod("[", c("eqtlTestsManager"), # , "rsid", "probeId"),
function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
# ultimately this may not be exposed, serving only for deep
# testing, because a director database may be required for every
# manager
# note aug 2011 -- that in Biobase, we do not explicity have signatures
# for "[", "eSet" ... the arguments are checked in the method --
# you should not rebind i below...
if ((!missing(i) && length(i) == 0) | (!missing(j) && length(j) == 0)) return(NULL)
if (!missing(i) & missing(j)) {
if (!is(i, "rsid")) stop("subscript 1 must be rsid instance")
m1 = snpIdMap( as(i, "character"), x )
ans = lapply(1:length(m1), function(i) {
on.exit(close(fflist(x)[[ names(m1)[i] ]]))
open(fflist(x)[[ names(m1)[i] ]])
fflist(x)[[names(m1)[i]]][ m1[[i]],
, drop=FALSE]/shortfac(x) })
names(ans) = names(m1)
} else if (missing(i) & !missing(j)) {
if (!is(j, "probeId")) stop("subscript 2 must be probeId instance")
ans = lapply(1:length(fflist(x)), function(mind) {
fflist(x)[[mind]][ , as.character(j)
, drop=FALSE]/shortfac(x)
names(ans) = names(fflist)
} else if (!missing(i) & !missing(j)) {
if (!is(i, "rsid")) stop("subscript 1 must be rsid instance")
if (!is(j, "probeId")) stop("subscript 2 must be probeId instance")
m1 = snpIdMap( as(i, "character"), x )
ans = lapply(1:length(m1), function(mind) {
fflist(x)[[names(m1)[mind]]][ m1[[mind]],
as(j, "character"), drop=FALSE]/shortfac(x)})
names(ans) = names(m1)
} else stop("at least one of i and j must be supplied")
#setMethod("[", c("eqtlTestsManager", "missing", "probeId"),
# function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
# ll = length(fflist(x))
## you should not rebind i below. set up tests and relabel
# ans = lapply(1:ll, function(i) fflist(x)[[i]][ ,
# as(j, "character"), drop=FALSE]/shortfac(x))
# names(ans) = names(fflist(x))
# ans
#setMethod("[", c("eqtlTestsManager", "rsid", "missing"),
# function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
# m1 = snpIdMap( as(i, "character"), x )
## you should not rebind i below. set up tests and relabel
# ans = lapply(1:length(m1), function(i) fflist(x)[[names(m1)[i]]][ m1[[i]],
# , drop=FALSE]/shortfac(x))
# names(ans) = names(m1)
# ans
#setMethod("[", c("eqtlTestsManager", "ANY", "ANY"),
# function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
# stop("[ for eqtlTestsManager only defined for signature ('rsid', 'probeId') [one may be omitted]")
# })
# director for group of managers
chkmgrs = function(object) {
mcl = sapply(mgrs(object), class)
chkc = sapply(mgrs(object), function(x) is(x, "eqtlTestsManager"))
if (!all(chkc)) return("mgrs slot must only contain list of entities inheriting from eqtlTestsManager")
annos = sapply(mgrs(object), function(x)x@geneanno)
if (!all(annos==annos[1])) return("managers do not have identical gene annotation source")
sids = lapply(mgrs(object), snpIdList)
slchk = sapply(sids, function(x) all.equal(x, sids[[1]]))
if (!all(sapply(slchk,isTRUE))) return("managers do not have identical SNP lists")
representation(mgrs="list", indexdbname="character",
shortfac="numeric", snptabname="character", probetabname="character", probeanno="character", snptabref="ANY", probetabref="ANY"),
setGeneric("mgrs", function(x) standardGeneric("mgrs"))
setMethod("mgrs", "cisTransDirector", function(x) x@mgrs)
setGeneric("nsnps", function(x) standardGeneric("nsnps"))
setMethod("nsnps", "cisTransDirector", function(x) sum(sapply(fflist(mgrs(x)[[1]]), nrow)))
setGeneric("ngenes", function(x) standardGeneric("ngenes"))
setMethod("ngenes", "cisTransDirector", function(x) sum(sapply(mgrs(x), function(y) ncol(fflist(y)[[1]]))))
nsnp = function(cd) sum(sapply(cd@mgrs[[1]]@fflist, nrow))# function(x) sum(sapply(x@fflist, nrow)))
#ngenes = function(cd) sum(sapply(cd@mgrs, function(x)ncol(x@fflist[[1]])) )
setMethod("show", "cisTransDirector", function(object) {
cat("eqtlTools cisTransDirector instance.\n")
cat("there are", length(mgrs(object)), "managers.\n")
cat("Total number of SNP: ", nsnp(object), "; total number of genes: ", ngenes(object), "\n")
cat("use [ (rsnumvec), (geneidvec) ] to obtain chisq stats; topFeats(), etc.\n")
#setMethod("[", c("cisTransDirector", "character", "character"),
# function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
## if (length(j)>1) stop("currently only handle single probe reference")
# snpListChr = unique(as.character(x@snptabref[i,]))
# if (length(snpListChr)>1) stop("currently only collecting scores for SNP on a single chromosome")
# probeListEl = sort(unique(as.integer(x@probetabref[j,])))
## following assumes common SNP over managers
# mgrlist = lapply(probeListEl, function(z) mgrs(x)[[ z ]])
## names(mgrlist) = j
# ans = lapply(1:length(mgrlist),
# function(z) fflist(mgrlist[[z]])[[snpListChr]][ i, j[z] ]/shortfac(mgrlist[[z]]))
## names(ans) = j
# ans
setMethod("[", c("cisTransDirector", "character", "character"),
function (x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE)
# following will be an index, so numeric
snpListChr = unique(x@snptabref[i, ])
if (length(snpListChr) > 1)
stop("currently only collecting scores for SNP on a single chromosome")
prinds = as.integer(x@probetabref[j, ])
spids = split(j, prinds)
probeListEl = sort(unique(as.integer(x@probetabref[j, ])))
if (!all.equal(as.integer(names(spids)), probeListEl))
stop("split of gene names by director element indices has unexpected result")
mgrlist = lapply(probeListEl, function(z) mgrs(x)[[z]])
applier = lapply
if ("multicore" %in% search()) applier = mclapply
ans = applier(1:length(mgrlist), function(z) fflist(mgrlist[[z]])[[snpListChr]][i,
if (length(ans) == 1) return(ans[[1]])
bans = ans[[1]]
for (i in 2:length(ans)) bans = cbind(bans, ans[[i]])
#setMethod("[", c("cisTransDirector", "character", "missing"),
# function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
# snpListChr = unique(as.character(x@snptabref[i,]))
# if (length(snpListChr)>1) stop("currently only collecting scores for SNP on a single chromosome")
## following assumes common SNP over managers
# mgrlist = mgrs(x)
# ans = lapply(1:length(mgrlist),
# function(z) fflist(mgrlist[[z]])[[snpListChr]][ i, ]/shortfac(mgrlist[[z]]))
# allsn = rownames(ans[[1]])
# allgn = unlist(lapply(ans, colnames))
# nans = t(sapply(ans, function(x)x))
# rownames(nans) = allsn
# colnames(nans) = allgn
# nans
setMethod("[", c("cisTransDirector", "character", "missing"),
function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
j = unlist(probeNames(x))
callGeneric(x, i, j, drop=drop)
setMethod("probeNames", "cisTransDirector", function(x) {
lapply(mgrs(x), probeNames)
setMethod("[", c("cisTransDirector", "missing", "character"),
function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
probeListEl = sort(unique(as.integer(x@probetabref[j,])))
# following assumes common SNP over managers
mgrlist = lapply(probeListEl, function(z) mgrs(x)[[ z ]])
nsnps = length(fflist(mgrlist[[1]])) # nchr??
# names(mgrlist) = j
applier = lapply
if ("multicore" %in% search()) applier = mclapply
ans = applier(1:length(mgrlist),
function(z) lapply(1:nsnps, function(w) fflist(mgrlist[[z]])[[w]][ , j[z] ]/shortfac(mgrlist[[z]])))
# names(ans) = j
setGeneric("topSnps", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("topSnps"))
setMethod("topSnps", "cwSnpScreenResult", function(x, n=10) {
pp = p.value(x@.Data[[1]])
sn = x@.Data[[1]]@snp.names # no accessor...
opp = order(pp, decreasing=FALSE)
spp = pp[ opp ]
df = data.frame(p.val=spp)
rownames(df) = sn[ opp ]
setMethod("topSnps", "gwSnpScreenResult", function(x, n=10) {
ts.df = function (w, n = 10) {
pp = p.value(w)
sn = w@snp.names # no accessor... # don't need list access here
opp = order(pp, decreasing=FALSE)
spp = pp[ opp ]
df = data.frame(p.val=spp)
rownames(df) = sn[ opp ]
lapply(x, ts.df, n=n)
setAs("cwSnpScreenResult", "RangedData", function(from) {
.Deprecated("use makeGRanges")
stop("this function is too dependent on changing approaches to SNP location management; use makeGRanges.")
allp = p.value(from@.Data[[1]])
rs = from@.Data[[1]]@snp.names
locstr = snpLocs.Hs(chrnum(from@chrnum), rsid(rs))
loc = locstr["loc",]
locrs = paste("rs", locstr["rsid",], sep="")
allp = allp[locrs]
require(, quietly=TRUE)
rmap = revmap(org.Hs.egSYMBOL)
ch = paste("chr", from@chrnum, sep="")
rd = RangedData(IRanges(loc, loc), type = "snpeff", group = "gws",
score = as.numeric(-log10(allp)), space = ch, universe = "hg18")
allp = rd$score # order probably has changed
bad = | !is.finite(allp)
if (any(bad))
rd = rd[!bad,]
makeGRanges = function( cwssr, SNPGRanges, use.names=FALSE, maxsco=20, ... ) {
allp = p.value(cwssr@.Data[[1]])
rs = cwssr@.Data[[1]]@snp.names
names(allp) = rs
if (!use.names) { # must make names
if (!("RefSNP_id" %in% colnames(elementMetadata(SNPGRanges))))
stop("'RefSNP_id' not present in elementMetadata(SNPGRanges)")
rssub = elementMetadata(SNPGRanges)$RefSNP_id
rssub = paste("rs", rssub, sep="")
names(SNPGRanges) = rssub
okids = intersect(rs, names(SNPGRanges))
allp = allp[okids]
bad = which( | !is.finite(allp))
SNPGRanges = SNPGRanges[okids]
elementMetadata(SNPGRanges)$score = pmin(maxsco, -log10(allp))
if (length(bad)>0) SNPGRanges[-bad] else SNPGRanges
setAs("cwSnpScreenResult", "GRanges", function(from) {
.Deprecated("use makeGRanges")
stop("this function is too dependent on changing approaches to SNP location management; use makeGRanges.")
allp = p.value(from@.Data[[1]]) # , 1) # assume 1df -- must improve
rs = from@.Data[[1]]@snp.names
locstr = snpLocs.Hs(chrnum(from@chrnum), rsid(rs))
loc = locstr["loc",]
locrs = paste("rs", locstr["rsid",], sep="")
allp = allp[locrs]
require(, quietly=TRUE)
rmap = revmap(org.Hs.egSYMBOL)
ch = paste("chr", from@chrnum, sep="")
rd = GRanges(IRanges(loc, loc), type = "snpeff", group = "gws",
score = as.numeric(-log10(allp)), seqnames = ch, universe = "hg18")
names(rd) = names(allp)
allp = elementMetadata(rd)$score # order probably has changed
bad = | !is.finite(allp)
if (any(bad))
rd = rd[!bad,]
#setMethod("annotation", "eqtlTestsManager", function(x, ...) {
# x@geneanno
setClass("transManager", representation(base="list"))
setMethod("show", "transManager", function(object){
basel = object@base
cat("transManager instance, created", basel$date, "\n", sep=" ")
cat("dimension of scores component:\n")
cat(" number of loci checked: ", nrow(basel$scores),
"; genes retained: ", ncol(basel$scores), "\n", sep="")
cat("the call was:\n")
.probesManaged = function(mgr,ffind=1) {
.snpsManaged = function(mgr,ffind=1) {
setGeneric("probesManaged", function(mgr, ffind)
setGeneric("snpsManaged", function(mgr, ffind)
setMethod("probesManaged", c("eqtlTestsManager",
"numeric"), function(mgr, ffind=1)
.probesManaged(mgr, ffind)
setMethod("snpsManaged", c("eqtlTestsManager",
"numeric"), function(mgr, ffind=1)
.snpsManaged(mgr, ffind)
#setMethod("nsFilter", "smlSet",
#function (eset, require.entrez = TRUE, require.GOBP = FALSE,
# require.GOCC = FALSE, require.GOMF = FALSE, require.CytoBand = FALSE,
# remove.dupEntrez = TRUE, var.func = IQR, var.cutoff = 0.5,
# var.filter = TRUE, filterByQuantile = TRUE, feature.exclude = "^AFFX",
# ...) {
# ex = as(eset, "ExpressionSet")
# ex = nsFilter(ex, require.entrez, require.GOBP,
# require.GOCC, require.GOMF, require.CytoBand,
# remove.dupEntrez, var.func, var.cutoff, var.filter, filterByQuantile,
# feature.exclude, ...)$eset
# make_smlSet(ex, smList(eset))
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