
#setClass("extSmlSet", representation=representation(
#   packname="character", chrnames="character"))
#setMethod("show", "extSmlSet", function(object) {
#  cat("externalized smlSet: package", object@packname, "\n", sep=" ")
#  cat("chromosomes:", selectSome(object@chrnames), "\n", sep=" ")
#  cat("use getSS('", object@packname, "', [chrnamevec]) to retrieve.\n", sep="")

#lit = getSS( "ceuhm2", "chr22" )
#fn =featureNames(lit)
#litmap = lapply(c("1", "2", "3"), function(x) get(x, revmap(illuminaHumanv1CHR)))
#litmap = lapply(litmap, function(x) intersect(x, fn)[1:200])
#names(litmap) = paste("chr", c("1", "2", "3"), sep="")
##system("rm -rf foo")
##unix.time(md <- makeDiagDirector( "ceuhm2", litmap ))
#system("rm -rf foo2")
#unix.time(md2 <- makeDiagDirector( "ceuhm2", litmap , geneApply=mclapply, targdir="foo2"))

externalize = function(smlSet, packname, author="Replace Me <>",
  maintainer="Replace Me <>") {
# creates folder structure for package
# saves expression data as ex in data folder 
 dir.create(paste(packname, "/inst", sep=""))
 dir.create(paste(packname, "/R", sep=""))
 dir.create(paste(packname, "/inst/parts", sep=""))
 cn = names(smList(smlSet))
 partfol = paste(packname, "inst/parts/", sep="/")
 datfol = paste(packname, "data/", sep="/")
 for (i in cn) { assign(i, smList(smlSet)[[i]]); save(list=i, file=paste(partfol, i, ".rda", sep="")) }
 dir.create(paste(packname, "/data", sep=""))
 ex = as(smlSet, "ExpressionSet")
 save(ex, file=paste(datfol, "eset.rda", sep=""))
 dd = readLines(system.file("extpacksupp/DESCRIPTION.proto", package="GGtools"))
 zz = readLines(system.file("extpacksupp/zzz.R", package="GGtools"))
 dd = gsub("@MAINTAINER@", maintainer, dd)
 dd = gsub("@AUTHOR@", author, dd)
 dd = gsub("@PKGNAME@", packname, dd)
 writeLines(dd, paste(packname, "/DESCRIPTION", sep=""))
 writeLines(zz, paste(packname, "/R/zzz.R", sep=""))
 writeLines("", paste(packname, "/NAMESPACE", sep=""))
 cat(paste("now install", packname, "\n"))

#getSS = function( packname, chrs, renameChrs=NULL, probesToKeep=NULL,
#   wrapperEndo=NULL ) {
# if (!is.null(renameChrs) && (length(chrs) != length(renameChrs)))
#   stop("renameChrs must have same length as chrs in call to getSS")
# require(packname, character.only=TRUE)
# ex = get(load(system.file(package=packname, "data/eset.rda")))
# if (!is.null(probesToKeep)) ex = ex[probesToKeep,]
# partsfol = system.file("parts", package=packname)
# chk = sapply(chrs, function(x) file.exists(paste(partsfol, "/", x, ".rda", sep="")))
# if (!all(chk)) {
#     cat("requesting ", paste(chrs, ".rda", sep=""))
#     cat(" but finding\n")
#     print(dir(partsfol))
#     stop("cannot retrieve requested SNP file.")
#     }
# sml = lapply(chrs, function(x) get(load(paste(partsfol, "/", x, ".rda", sep=""))))
# if (is.null(renameChrs)) names(sml) = chrs
# else names(sml) = renameChrs
# ans = make_smlSet( ex, sml, harmonizeSamples=TRUE )
# if (is.null(wrapperEndo)) return(ans) else {
#   ans = wrapperEndo(ans)
#   if (isTRUE(tst <- validObject(ans))) return(ans)
#   stop(tst)
# }

#hmceuB36 = new("extSmlSet", packname="ceuhm2", chrnames=
#  paste("chr", c(1:22,"X", "Y"), sep=""))

#.makeDiagDirector = function(packname, genemap, rhs=~1, ...) {
## NB -- this worked a few times on rex but then died mysteriously repeatedly
## with camp data -- now trying to refrain from writing to a single ff from two cores...
## packname is a package of components of an smlSet made by externalize() and by hand
## genemap is a list with elements corresponding to chromosomes, each element is a vector of probe ids
## we construct a multiCisDirector with all same-chromosome tests
## ... is passed to eqtlTests
# require(packname, character.only=TRUE)
# cnames = gsub(".rda", "", dir(system.file("parts", package=packname)))
# gmnames = names(genemap)
# mgrs = list()
# if (!all(gmnames %in% cnames)) stop("some chr in gene map is not represented in chroms of package")
# for (i in 1:length(genemap)) {
#    tmp = getSS( packname, gmnames[i] )
#    tmp = tmp[ probeId( genemap[[i]] ), ]
#    mgrs[[ gmnames[i] ]] = eqtlTests( tmp, rhs, ... )
# }
# new("multiCisDirector", mgrs = mgrs )

makeDiagDirector = function(packname, genemap, rhs=~1, geneApply=lapply,
    mapApply=lapply, sleeplen=60, targdir="dfoo", runname="dfoo", ...) {
# packname is a package of components of an smlSet made by externalize() and by hand
# genemap is a list with elements corresponding to chromosomes, each element is a vector of probe ids
# we construct a multiCisDirector with all same-chromosome tests
# ... is passed to eqtlTests
 require(packname, character.only=TRUE)
 cnames = gsub(".rda", "", dir(system.file("parts", package=packname)))
 gmnames = names(genemap)
# mgrs = list()
 if (!all(gmnames %in% cnames)) stop("some chr in gene map is not represented in chroms of package")
# for (i in 1:length(genemap)) {
 mgrs = mapApply( 1:length(genemap), function(i) {
    tmp = getSS( packname, gmnames[i] )
    tmp = tmp[ probeId( genemap[[i]] ), ]
    ans = eqtlTests( tmp, rhs, geneApply=geneApply, targdir=targdir, runname=runname, ... )
    tobn = paste(runname, "_mgr_", gmnames[i], sep="")
    assign(tobn, ans)
    save(list=tobn, file=(ffn <- paste(targdir, "/", tobn, ".rda", sep="")))
 names(mgrs) = names(genemap)
 allmgrs = lapply(mgrs, function(x) get(load(x)))
 names(allmgrs) = names(genemap)  # maybe needless
 new("multiCisDirector", mgrs = allmgrs )

#makeMultiDiagDirector = function(packnames, genemap, rhslist=list(~1), mapapply=lapply, geneApply=lapply, ...) {
## it is assumed that all smlSets externalized in packnames are conformant -- same featureNames,
##    same snp sets.  failure of this assumption could lead to disaster
## packnames is a vector of names of
##     packages of components of smlSets made by externalize() and by hand
## genemap is a list with elements corresponding to chromosomes, 
##     each element is a vector of probe ids
## mapapply tells how to iterate over the map, each step computes tests
##     for all probes in each map element (chromosome), using geneApply
##     mclapply should work here
## geneApply tells how to iterate over genes to add information to the ff
##     constructed for each map element.  probably lapply is safest here
## we construct a multiCisDirector with all same-chromosome tests
## ... is passed to eqtlTests
# lapply(packnames, function(z) require(z, character.only=TRUE))
# cnames = gsub(".rda", "", dir(system.file("parts", package=packnames[1])))
# gmnames = names(genemap)
## mgrs = list()
# if (!all(gmnames %in% cnames)) stop("some chr in gene map is not represented in chroms of package")
# mgrs = mapapply( 1:length(genemap), function(i) {
#    tmp = getSS( packnames[1], gmnames[i] )
#    tmp = tmp[ probeId( genemap[[i]] ), ]
#    thismgr = eqtlTests( tmp, rhslist[[1]], ... )
#    rm(tmp)
#    gc()
#    for (j in 2:length(packnames)) {
#      tmp = getSS( packnames[j], gmnames[i] )
#      tmp = tmp[ probeId( genemap[[i]] ), ]
## following will assume ffind=1 ... default
#      increment1( thismgr@fflist[[1]], 
#              eqtlTestsNofile( tmp, rhslist[[j]], ... )@fflist[[1]] )
#      rm(tmp)
#      gc()
#      }
#  })
# new("multiCisDirector", mgrs = mgrs )

increment1 = function( ff1, ff2, nchunk=20 ) {
 nc = ncol(ff1)
 if (nc != ncol(ff2)) stop("incompatible args")
 nr = nrow(ff1)
 if (nr != nrow(ff2)) stop("incompatible args")
 inds = chunk( 1, nc, length.out=nchunk )
 for (i in 1:length(inds) )
   ff1[, inds[[i]], add=TRUE] = ff2[, inds[[i]] ]

dropMonomorphies = function(sms) {
 sl = smList(sms)
 summs = lapply(sl, col.summary)
 todrop = lapply(summs, function(x) which(x[,"RAF"]==1 | x[,"RAF"]==0))
 for (i in 1:length(todrop))
   if (length(todrop[[i]])>0) sl[[i]] = sl[[i]][,-todrop[[i]]]
 sms@smlEnv$smList = sl

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